Order with backdate

Hi Experts
Iam not able to create order with basic start date in past.Its always taking the current date.how to do this?

in IMG settings for scheduling parameters (OPU7) for your order type specify the the number of days in past system will accept or select your suitable scheduling type

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    Is there a way on CONVERSION to create a sales order with a scheduled ship date in the past?
    Customer wants to maintain the original scheduled ship date on converted ordered, but the scheduled dates is defaulting to sysdate for past due shipments on converted orders.

    Hi Friend,
    As of now there is no functionality to display SSD,RD,PD backdated, max it can be sys date, not lower then that.
    Please see following Metalink Note ID for all in One solutions
    Oracle E-Business : All In One Metalink Note ID's
    If you are happy with the Document, please mark as Helpful by doing so this will provide assistance for other people looking for answers to their queries.


    Dear All,
    I want to contol on creation of Sales order with reference to earlier SO?  While creation of sales order our enduser are creating sales order with reference to earlier month SO which I want to restrict. Recently I made changes in sales order like payment terms is grayed, system will atomatically pick pay terms from customer master.Now I am getting correct data also but enduser is using old SO no while creating new SO and old payment data is reflecting in fbl5n.
    I want to restrict enduser while creating new SO with ref. to old SO. Only for returns they should be able to use Billing refrence. Pl. suggest how to control the with reference to ealier SO.

    Nikhil Deshpande,
          If you dont want allow create a sales order in referent to other one, just delete the copy control between these sales order type, so when the user tries to create a SO in reference to other one a message is displayed that is not possible.

  • Restrict manual change in sales order with respect to quotation

    Hi All,
    The user use to create sales order with respect to quotation.  The user can able to change pricing as well as some header and item fields.  How can I restrict user for manual change in sales order expect some specific fields.

    Hi Sunil,
    It is possible through configuration better you can post in sd forums.
    For the condition type settings , ensure that the manual entries is 'D'. it wont allow any changes in the order.
    Edited by: madhurao123 on Aug 1, 2011 1:08 PM

  • Goods receipt for purchase order with account assignment 'K'

    Hello All,
    There are couple of purchase orders with acc.*** "K". On doing the GR for these PO's they have been done with mvt type 103 & mvt typ 105.
    I understand that material has been directly consumed to the respective cost center.
    How do track the internal movement for these materials??
    I need to view the stock for these materials at the cost center as in MMBE the stock is seen as ZERO.
    All these materials are with QM proc ACTIVE. So a goods receipt is done 105, then the inspection lot is cleared. However, in this case as the material is directly consumed, it is NOT displayed in QA32.
    Is the above procedure correct??? Is it better to receive stock against mvt type 101 & then do a 201 mvt ??
    Request your inputs.....
    Manoj Reddy

    Account assignment inventories are not maintained. To maintain a report for cost center receiving/issuing you need to make a customized report with help of ABAP.
    Other way is to pull report in MB51, with selection criteria COST CENTER and it will give you result of stocks available on cost center. For stocks received on cost center, you can pull report with cost center and movement 101.
    201 is used for goods issue to cost center from warehouse, the stock you receive from PO against 101 is directly charged to cost center, so no need to issue later to cost center.
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on May 17, 2010 2:17 PM

  • A problem with return order with free goods

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    I am facing a problem with the return order the case is I created an order of 1000 pc with inclusive free goods (w/o item generation) condition record that for every 10 pc over the 100 the customer will take  1 free pc
    1 pc = 10 $
    100 pcs = 900 $
    120 = 1080 $
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    Jacopo Francios

    hi ,
    Such scenerios can be tackled by different pricing procedure in return scenerio.
    See Pricing procedure Depends on sales area + customer pricing procedure + Document pricing procedure .
    So for Return document type please maintain different pricing than the normal scenerio this will solve ur problem.
    This is generally done also for tackling such scenerios.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Creation of service order with address data.

    Hello community,
    I have the following requirement: create maintenance orders with order address data, the creation of these orders will be triggered by an interface with a legacy system.
    For order creation I intend to use BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN but this function does not provide the possibility to enter address information.
    I would not like to have to create a partner and assign it to the order as this address will be used only once.
    Does anyone have suggestions how to do it ?.

    Try this:
    *& Report  ZPJA_ADDR_TX
    report  zpja_addr_tx.
    data: lt_adrc  type  standard table of adrc with header line.
    data: lt_adrc1 type  standard table of addr1_data with header line.
    * get address from first object
    call function 'ADDR_SELECT_ADRC_SINGLE'
        addrnumber        = '0000033071'
        et_adrc           = lt_adrc
        address_not_exist = 1
        parameter_error   = 2
        internal_error    = 3
        others            = 4.
    loop at lt_adrc.
      move-corresponding lt_adrc to lt_adrc1.
      lt_adrc1-name1 = sy-timlo.   " write current time for testing
      append lt_adrc1.
    * update second address
    call function 'ADDR_UPDATE'
        address_data        = lt_adrc1
        address_number      = '0000033205'
        date_from           = '00010101'
        language            = sy-langu
        check_empty_address = ' '
        check_address       = ' '
        address_not_exist   = 1
        parameter_error     = 2
        version_not_exist   = 3
        internal_error      = 4
        others              = 5.
    call function 'ADDR_MEMORY_SAVE'.

  • How to find open orders with amount and open deliveries?

    Hi All,
    I want to find out the open orders with open amount and open deliveries for a particular customer.
    We need this for credit check purpose.
    Kindly guide us for this.

    To find out open order:
    data: c_bef_pgi(1) TYPE c VALUE 'A',
    RANGES: rg_wbstk FOR vbuk-wbstk."range for wbstk
      rg_wbstk-sign = 'I'.
      rg_wbstk-option = 'EQ'.
      rg_wbstk-low = 'C'.
      APPEND rg_wbstk.
      rg_wbstk-low = 'A'.
      APPEND rg_wbstk.
    1.first put query on vbak table
    2.Put query on vbuk table as
          SELECT vbeln bestk lfstk gbstk FROM vbuk
                  INTO TABLE it_vbuk_open
                  FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_vbak
                  WHERE vbeln = it_vbak-vbeln AND
                        bestk IN rg_wbstk AND
                        lfstk = c_bef_pgi.
    so this wil give u open orders.
    3. Then according to vbuk, get the details from vbap.
    To find open delivery
    1. First put query on vbak table
    2. Put query on vbfa as
      SELECT vbelv posnv vbeln posnn vbtyp_n vbtyp_v FROM vbfa
                 INTO TABLE it_vbfa
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_vbak
                 WHERE vbelv = it_vbak-vbeln AND
                       vbtyp_n = 'J' AND
                       vbtyp_v = 'C'.
    3.Then from VBfa,get the details from LIkp
    4.Then put entry on vbuk as
    *entries from vbuk
          SELECT vbeln wbstk fkstk gbstk FROM vbuk
                 INTO TABLE it_vbuk_del
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_likp
                 WHERE vbeln = it_likp-vbeln AND
                       wbstk IN rg_wbstk AND
                       fkstk = c_bef_pgi.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Anagha Deshmukh

  • Report for sales orders with abnormal discounts

    We have a discount condition type say ZDIS with 10% which is not changeable manually in sales order..But incase if the user has changed the condition master to 12% and created the sales order with 12%disc...Hence i need a report, the list of sales orders with the abnormal discounts..(the sales orders with the discount value more or less than 10%)..
    How do i get this report..Kindly provide me the table names&logic ...

    We have a discount condition type say ZDIS with 10% which is not changeable manually in sales order..But incase if the user has changed the condition master to 12% and created the sales order with 12%disc...Hence i need a report, the list of sales orders with the abnormal discounts..(the sales orders with the discount value more or less than 10%)..
    How do i get this report..Kindly provide me the table names&logic ...
    Select KNUMH where KONP-KSCHL EQ ZDIS ( Condition record number)
    Then with the help of ABAPER hard code the condition amount (KBERT>10%)

  • Report for Production orders with name of Customers

    Dear Expert,
    Kindly suggest to view the production orders with customer numbers for which the sales orders is created.
    I tried in MB51 with layout settings but the customer number comes out be blank despite the sales order number is populated for an production order.
    Kindly suggst a way or any report in the system  to get the corresponding information of production order number and corresponding customer name mentioned in the sales order .
    Thanks in advance for your help and inputs..
    Best regards,
    Nitish jain

    MB51 is a Material Document list.  Many production orders exist that have no entries in this report, so it would be an unlikely candidate to be a solution for your requirement..
    The standard production order reporting tool is COOIS.  The output for MTO orders can be configured to display Sales order and Item and Soldto.
    Obviously, displaying even the customer order number in COOIS is impossible in a MTS scenario.
    In addition, a user experienced in using SAP Query  (SQVI or SQ01/SQ02/SQ03) could also create a production order report without having to know ABAP, by properly linking tables AFKO, AUFK, AFPO (production order data) with VBAK (sales order header data) to get customer number, and KNA1 to get customer name..
    If you are not expert in SAP Query, I suggest you discuss this requirement with a local ABAPer.
    If you are feeling like educating yourself in the wonders of SAP query, try this doc.  Although old, SAP query hasn't changed very much since this document was written.
    Edited by: Dogboy49 on Apr 20, 2010 10:47 PM

  • OSSNOTES for releasing process orders with missing parts in background

    Hi All,
    The bapi 'BAPI_PROCORD_RELEASE' is not releasing the process orders
    with missing parts in background.
    Is there any OSSNotes for releasing these process orders in backgound through this bapi.
    Pls help.
    Thanks .

    Hi Suri - Thanks for your response. I tried both with blank(individual and collective) and 2 (collective req. only) but I still get the same result. I found one other setting that can solve this issue and that is checking the activate full confirmation logic at the the MRP group level in OPPR. I will test more and let you know if that works but we dont use MRP groups here at our client and that is why I was little hesistant to set up collective availability check parameters at the MRP group level. But looks like this is the only option that we can use to get this resolved.

  • Report to Purchase Orders with Good Receipt and pending for Invioce Receipt

    I'm looking a report bring me Purchase Orders with Goods Receipt and waiting for Invioce Verificacion (MIRO).
    I appreciate any help.

    ME2N - In selection screen, enter Selection parameters as
    WE102 i.e. Goods receipt exists and in output screen put a filter on "Still to be invoiced (qty)" and "Still to be invoiced (val.)" as not equal to zero OR greater than Zero.
    OR use RECHNUNG i.e. Open invoices and execute the report
    OR Use MB5S - GR/IR Balances

  • Link Sale Order with Delivery  through DTW

    Hi All
    While importing Deliveries through DTW, is it possible to Link a Sale Order with Delivery?
    If it is possible then can any one tell me the procedure.
    Thanks in Advance
    Chakrapani Bandaru

    In the template for the document lines, you will find fields for base entry, base type and base line . Fill these with the object type for sales orders, the line number and the doc entry (not doc num) of the relevant linked document

  • Reg. Open Order with Status

    can anyone let me know about Open Order with Status normally that we have to create Generic Extractors to extract that data.
    thanx in advance
    peter b

    Hi peter,
    Normally for Open Order with Status, you need to create a generic data source
    on the database table 'VBBE', this table contains the Open Orders along with
    the open quantities, then coming to the status, it is the business process to
    determine since how long the sale order is Open, and the status of the Order..
    I would suggest you to create a table level data souce on VBBE and try to
    build the logic in the extractor if at all needed..
    Hope it would give U an idea to begin..if you can achive any this with this do not
    forget to assign point..
    for any further questions revert..

  • Sale order with item category TAN not getting displayed in md04

    We have a sale order with item category TAN, Schedule line category CP, MRP type ND and availability check as 07. This is not getting reflected in md04. But item category TAB gets displayed under the PR number.
    Please let me know what checks to be made or changes to be done for the sale order with item category TAN to get displayed in md04 screen
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi all,
    I changed the MRP type to PD, and from the next sale order, line item onwards, it was getting displayed in md04 screen. The already created one anyway dint get reflected. So I had to delete the line item and create a new one.
    Thanks all for the help

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