Ordering by Month in the DAshboards

Hello to all.
I am creating dashboards in the OBIEE and dealing with dates. I would like to order the dates here by months, instead of alphabetically as by default. Please, any help from you?

Hi user8801078,
An alternate and simple process for Dates Sort Orders is to create calculated columns to influence the sort order of a Date Column (Including Month, Year, Qtr, Week etc...).
To create Calculated Date Sort Columns do the following
1. Make sure you set the Date Dimension in Business Model as Time Dimension and the hierarchy is Year, Quarter, Month, Day.
2. In the Date Logical Table, duplicate the columns Day, Month, Quarter etc.
3. Rename the new columns as Day Sorter, Quarter Sorter, Month Sorter
4. Define the new columns math as follows. Open Properties of the column and Check Use existing logical columns as the source then in the expression builder.
For Day Sorter:
For Month Sorter:
For Quarter Sorter:
5. Final step is to tell BI Server to take these new columns while sorting the Date Columns. To do this, open the properties of Day Column and click the Set... button. Select the Date Sorter Columns. Similarly set Month's sort order = Month Sorter and Quarter's sort order = Quarter Sorter.....
You dont need to include these sort order columns into Presentation Layer. Check the results with a sample report with Date, Month and Quarter.
Good Luck

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  • How to avoid the message in the dashboard report

                       I am developing Dashboard reports(graphs) using WAD. Query and WAD are working fine. I need to put a variable for Calendar Month or Year in the graph .I am populating the Variable with default value initially and I am getting the correct result . But if I change the Variable value second time, I am getting a message (type I(information) ) in the same screen which says that 'You cannot change variable ZCALYEAR_WT01 for charact. 0CALYEAR during query navigation' . And below is the detailed information about the error message.
    The Can be changed in query navigation property has been set for variable ZCALYEAR_WT01, characteristic 0CALYEAR. However, the variable is used in the query in such a way, that the system is unable to apply this change-option.
    This can, for example, occur under the following conditions:
    Characteristic 0CALYEAR is filtered by additional restrictions (the restrictions must be joined using an OR-connection)
    A second characteristic, which is restricted by a variable, is compounded to charcteristic 0CALYEAR.
    Variable ZCALYEAR_WT01 is a hierarchy node variable, but the hierarchy has not been determined uniquely.
    A variable can be changed during query navigation only if it is used exclusively in a drilldown-characteristic, and there are no further restrictions to the characteristic other than this variable. There must be no additional characteristics with variables compounded to the characteristic you are working with. For variables for hierarchy nodes, the hierarchy must be determined uniquely and agree with the set display hierarchy.
    Also, if the characteristic value is moved, for example (ZCALYEAR_WT01 - 1), the variable is no longer able to be changed when navigating queries.
    System Response
    The entry ZCALYEAR_WT01 Can be changed during query navigation is not applied.
         I checked the query definition and it is not having any offset or any other restrictions for Calendar Year
    It is used for finding the total quantity by country for the year  .Hence Quantity keyfigure is added in the Keyfigures and Country is in the Rows and Calendar Year is restricted with Variable in the global filter .There are no other fields and no other restrictions .
      I am still trying to figure out why the warning apprears in the DashBoard. Since this Dashboard report will be used by the Power users and this warning message will be annoying to them .Hence I need to find how to avoid this message.
    Kindly do let me if anyone has faced this and solved earlier.
    Thanks for your time.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Nick,
      Thanks for your suggestion and it  worked for me   I  added the 'System message' web item and set the visibility to 'Hidden'  .Now I am not getting any message. Thank you for both.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    (I have re-written this and removed my 5 or so BT account numbers, the various fault numbers, the dozens of VOL numbers and removed any surnames of people in it in the hope that this will get posted.)
    07 Jan 2012
    Place first order for phone and internet. BT.com reference: <removed for forum post>.
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    19 Mar 2012
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    27th Mar 2012
    I am informed that the new phone line does not work. Order is cancelled? I get no details on what the problem is and why I can't get a line or what to do next. I have no phone at home so I’ve not tried to use the line; yet BT has already cancelled my Order.
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    7th June, 2012:
    Over the internet I place a new order with BT for phone line and internet:
    Your order number is: <removed for forum post>. Phone number: <removed for forum post>
    6th July:
    BT infinity engineer appointment. 8am to 1pm. He is late. After 1pm. He arrives, looks at job and says he can't do anything. He says the phone line does not work.
    I inform him the order I placed with BT is for a phone line and internet. He says there is nothing he can do as he does not ‘do’ phone lines. Another day off work. Lost wages, lost time.
    No phone & no internet.
    Fault is raised:
    Date closed: 6 July 2012
    Fault/VOL number: VOL012-<removed for forum post>
    Open Product affected: Phone fault
    Telephone number: <removed for forum post>
    Lots of calls to BT. But getting nowhere at all. They tell me there is no fault on the line but will send an engineer that I might have to pay for.
    8th July:
    Phone line engineer arrives 8am to 1pm. He is on time. He informs me all the existing work is incorrect. They have connected all the equipment to the wrong exchange. It should be the Putney exchange but they have attempted to hook me into the Wandsworth exchange - which won't ever work. Still no phone & no internet. He raises a fault number: LS6 W80 <removed for forum post>
    10th July:
    9am call from Open Reach engineer. This is not a scheduled appointment. I've had no contact from BT. I am at work. He does not know the problem or the fault number. I give him the fault number and call him back 90 min later. He confirms that I have been connected to the incorrect exchange and cabinet? He can't do anything to fix the problem.
    I want somebody to call me with a solution.
    I don't want to talk with more people in India who can't help me or even understand the problem. How can this be such a failure?
    I use website to email in a letter with the entire listing of existing fault details/number, order numbers etc.
    Thank you for your enquiry. We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible. Please make a note of your enquiry reference number and use it in further correspondence.
    Your enquiry reference number: 120710-<removed for forum post>"
    One of the issues I am finding is that BT does not link previous faults with new ones, or previous Orders with new ones, or previous Customer Numbers with new ones. Every time I speak to somebody they cannot find any details of the history of these problems so far. BT keep on cancelling my Orders and placing new ones; raising new faults etc. But nothing is linked and when I speak to people for help they can’t see any of the history of the line, faults, address, etc.
    19th July, 2012:
    I get an email from BT. They have cancelled their own Order again.
    Order cancelled. Your order number is: BTCAA6<removed for forum post>
    Dear Mr HUNTER, We confirm your broadband order's now cancelled.
    23rd July, 2012:
    Email from BT as they re-raise a new Order:
    Your order number is: VOL012-<removed for forum post>
    Check out your account and more about your service
    Phone line starts(SL-N)
    Phone number: <removed for forum post>
    24 Jul 2012 before midnight        
    Track your order - you'll need order number VOL012-<removed for forum post>.
    24 July, 2012:
    Email from BT as they re-raise a new Order:
    Good news Your order number is: VOL012-<removed for forum post>
    Dear Mr. HUNTER, Your phone service is ready for you.
    Sometime around this date BT Priority Help gets involved and lots more phone calls ensue.
    27th July, 2012:
    After I talk to priority help line and say please don’t waste our time anymore with line engineers that come around and say ‘we can’t do anything’.
    BT Priority Help book another engineer visit & we need more time off work again.
    The next line engineers visits and he says it is the same problem. He says he can’t do anything. He says it is connected to the wrong exchange. And leaves.
    He says his manager will call me. Fault Number: LS6 WPE <removed for forum post>
    28th July, 2012:
    Call from somebody from BT asking about my street address.
    They say the address might not be correct.
    29th July, 2012:
    Next day call from Franz’s, fault line engineer manager.
    He says:
    A new order is going in.
    Equipment might not be installed in correct place. Correct place should be CAB7 PCB 7 Putney.
    Some part of the equipment might still be pointing to Wandsworth.
    A new order to the exchange is being place to do it all again.
    The address BT has for this flat will not be the problem as it is a new line installed by BT.
    I need to wait till Tuesday and see if it works.
    A New Order is booked; again.
    Monday 30th July, 2012:
    I call the priority help line and COMPLAIN again that BT are getting nowhere.
    I explain that whatever you have been doing since MARCH 2012 to get this line working HAS NOT WORKED. I repeated what one line engineer told me that it might need to be connected to another exchange. Not WANDSWORTH & NOT PUTNEY but one called PUTNEY/CHISWICK???
    I explain to somebody from BT Priority Help Care the days and days and days I have lost trying to get a phone line and internet installed into this flat…
    I get a call back 30 min later.
    Lady on the phone tells me that all the previous 5 orders have been placed with Wandsworth phone numbers. She has created a new Order, Order number 6, and it is an Order with a PUTNEY EXCHANGE phone number because all the other orders have been for a mix of the wrong exchange and all have used WANDSWORTH EXCHANGE phone numbers – which would stop this working even if the line and equipment was connected to the correct PUTNEY exchange…
    1st Aug, 2012:
    Text message from BT saying they are having "systems issues trying to correct and update data in the background, and exchange problems".
    Monday 6th Aug, 2012:
    Voice mail from BT priority care team: Informed "Problems with Engineering and Exchange. They will call back on the 08th of Aug."
    14th Aug 201:
    Emails arriving saying that your new line is now working.
    But it is not.
    6pm - ish I am called from BT Sunderland priority help care. Lady does not know the details of the case. She tells me the line should now be working.
    I explain there isn’t a dial tone.
    She tells me there is an address problem. Probably.
    I explain the 8 months of issues I have been having.
    She tells me to not get upset. She doesn’t know anything about this case.
    She tells me “It can actually take up to 12 months to get a phone connected in London”.
    She tells me “that it can be very complex to get a phone connected”.
    She tells me there is a long winded email attached to my case. I tell her that the ‘long winded’ email she is reading was written by me in an attempt to show all the problems in the last 8 months IN ONE  PLACE – something BT seem incapable of doing.
    She tells me I have to wait 10 days until the address team finish their address checking.
    I explain to her that the line engineers have told me it is not an address problem.
    She tells me there is nothing she can do.
    28th Aug
    BT priority Care called me. Told me that they are still waiting for results from the Address Team.
    29th Aug
    BT priority Care called me.
    Told me that it is connected to the incorrect exchange now. Wandsworth… The same thing I was told last March.
    I got ‘annoyed’ and tried, again, to explain the entire story to the lady on the phone.
    She told me she cannot see any records of my orders back to January.
    She told me that she didn’t understand what the problem is, and that the records they have shown the line was working in Aug...
    I asked her to get her manager to call me.
    No manager called me; instead I get a call back from the same lady later in the day. She is trying to help but we are still getting nowhere. BT Priority Care are just trying to do the same things again, that have failed multiple times in the past. They have no solution because they do not know what the problem is?
    30th Aug 2012
    BT priority Care called me; lady might have been called Sharon? Another lady anyway.
    She tells me a new order is going to be placed to get the line connected back to Putney.
    I ask to speak to her manager. She says she will call me back.
    She calls me back and tells me that her manager Kelly W<removed for forum post> a BT Priority Care Manager Sunderland(maybe?) is going to call me before 6pm. This is the 3rd time I’ve asked to speak to a manager at BT Priority Care. Nobody calls me back.
    All I get from BT since March are people trying the same failed thing, again and again.
    Now they want to check with the address team. Again.
    Now 6 months later after getting it connected to the Putney exchange, they want to put it back to the Wandsworth exchange, where it was originally – and never worked? I question this decision? I ask why this is going to fix the problem if it is the opposite advice to what every line engineer (5 of them) has ever said. I get told that nobody can answer that question. 
    Friday 31/08/2012
    Another set of emails and text tell me I have a new line that is working.
    But of course it does not. The phone line is dead. No dial tone.
    Phone number is: <removed for forum post>
    VOL012-<removed for forum post>
    Monday 03/09/2012
    All the BT priority care line numbers with the PIN numbers I was given have stopped working.
    I can’t make a call to get through to the BT Priority Care Team anymore.
    So I phone the normal BT help number…
    An automated system tells my phone number is on exchange that is having a high level of faults for the last 2 hours and then it automatically disconnects my help call.
    I phone back again and I have to NOT give my phone number for about 4 levels of automated systems to get to speak to a person. This time get through to a person. In India.
    I ask for help trying to get put through to the Priority Help Care Centre in the UK. I am informed by somebody in India that all BT Priority Help Centres in the UK have been closed for good – since last Friday. I have to explain, again, the now nine months of trying to get a line connected – to the Indian help desk. I told to wait while she speaks to her supervisor.
    I get put through to a different BT Priority Help Centre in the UK. Not Sunderland.
    I speak to a man. He says he will email the Sunderland Help Centre and Kelly W<removed for forum post> and get somebody to phone me.
    I ask him for advice on what I should do to try to get a phone line connected – after 9 months of trying. He says he will try and escalate it but he does not want to step on other peoples toes?
    I ask him to CC in the CEO of BT to the email he is going to send to Kelly W<removed for forum post>. He thinks I am joking….
    It is Wednesday night of the 04th of September 2012
    Still no call back from Kelly or anybody from the Help care team. This is the 4th time I’ve requested a call back.
    And now my PIN numbers for the priority call number have been disabled so I can’t call them.
    Of course; why would you expect anything less?
    In the last 6 months I’ve got multiple letters from BT telling me I am late in paying for my line service. I get ‘account overdue’ letters even though I prepaid the 12 months line service in advance for a line that has never worked.
    There are phone lines in the flats below me, either side of me, and all down this entire street.
    There are phone lines all over London. There are phone lines all over the UK.
    But sadly not one that works in my flat. I’ve been without a phone or an internet connection since I moved in. 9 months ago.
    The Americans have flown a Mars Rover, which weighs a ton, from the Earth to Mars, landed it, and driven it around a bit – all on another planet - in the same time BT has failed to install a working phone line into a flat in central London? I wish it was this funny..
    So now I give up. My endless frustration at BT’s total lack of anything even close to coordinated fault tracking or anything like co-ordinated customer care service isn’t worth the time or stress any longer. 9 months of stress, lost wages while I’ve waited at home for engineers, and countless hours and hours of my time wasted on hold or speaking to people that can’t help.
    BT you are the total pits.
    I don’t think you could suck more.
    Some of my account numbers have been GB 1084 <removed for forum post>, GB 1099 <removed for forum post>, GB 1038 <removed for forum post>, GB 1105 <removed for forum post>
    Dozens of other reference numbers: <removed for forum post>

    Further onwards (actually downwards or backwards):
    I did respond (last week) to the request to contact the forum moderators directly and was told that that they could not help because this is now being referred to Ombudsman.
    Thanks for the offer of help anyway.
    Two days ago I did receive another letter from BT. Dated after I was told that I would never get another letter from BT asking for payment for something that was never done. "You will never get another bill". I get another bill.
    So more, painful, calls to BT in India. Have to explain the entire 9 month situation again. More wasted timed.
    Asked to wait while supervisor is contacted.
    Told she can't help but I should call this number: 0800 169 4109.
    Which I did. But of course that number requires a number and a pin. And they don't give you a pin number. So they have effectively just cut me off.
    So I have to start the entire 'call for help about this bill' processes again.
    (Don't forget I've been talking to BT now since January 2012. 9 months, coming up to 10 months and I still can't get a working phone line and I still can't stop getting bills for something that has never worked).
    Additioanlly on top of getting sent another late payment letter I’ve see no letter regarding the ‘Deadlock’ process between BT and I – as ‘promised’ by BT. I was told, verbally, the letter would go out last Monday. It is still not here. I want to know if the process has began. So I try to get help with that on BT Help Chat.
    My goal in the chat below was to:
    1. Get help with the Ombudsman process. I wanted to know why I had not received a letter from BT as I was told I was going to on the date I was expecting.
    2. Get a phone number to speak to somebody about the Ombudsman process that BT had started.
    3. Find out why I am still getting late payment changes for a line that has never worked  - in the 9 months since the initial line order was created.
    I was not given a number to call for help. Claire, the Help Chat lady, would not give me the number.
    I was told I was going to be 'called back,' which I was not happy with as I know from 9 months of past experiences with BT that I will not be called back.
    Sadly I was getting very frustrated by the end of the ‘Help Chat’. 9.5 months of tryign to get a phone line working in Central London has left me a little stressed...
    Please note that today is the day after the chat transcript below. While Claire was trying to be helpful:
    I was not called back. I received no help regarding getting details on what stage the Ombudsman process is at and what I have to do next.
    9.5 months now. No phone line. No solution. Lots and lost of endless frustration.
    Days and days and days of stress and my own time and hence money wasted.

  • PM Order settlements - Difference between the amounts settled

    Hi All,
    This is regarding the PM Order settlements.
    Every month end finance team run KO8G and settle the PM Order costs for that period (month). In the process the Orders are settled using a variant, which captures all the orders that has changed/created during the focused period.
    But in the report S_ALR_87013015 - List: Actual Debit/Credit there are balances for previous settlements and thereu2019s a difference between the amount settled and the debit/credit amounts.
    When drilling gown we found that this is due to following reasons,
    1.     Some orders are not settled fully.
    2.     Equipments issued against a Order are returned after the settlement process
    Ex: one Order has settled in Oct 2008 initially and fully in Jan 2009. However one material has been returned to stores in February 2009. Therefore a difference (cost of the material) between total actual cost (Dr Amount) and settled amount has been arisen.
    The Orders of nature 1 will be captured and settled in the subsequent run of KO8G.
    But my question is how can we address the orders of nature 2? Changing the settlement variant is one option.
    Also appreciate if someone can explain the SAP-best practice of PM-Order settlements.

    Hi Thushantha,
    After returning the material to store check the actual cost of maintenance order. Once you fully settle the order means it becomes zero.
    When you will return material to warehouse against maintenance order once again carry out settlement of maintenanc order then check for your nature 2.

  • Book revenue on this month but the cost of goods sold need to get from last month

    Hi experts,
    I have a question about cost and revenue. We have a standing service repair order and a contract to customer. Because the revenue is calculated by flight cycle so maybe when we get the flight cycle information for this month should be the midle of next month. Due to the monthly end close schedule I need to book the revenue on this month but the cost of the revenue we need the get the cost occur last month. For example, current month is May, 2014 and I book the revenue and posting date is May, 31, 2014. But the cost I just want the amount occurred in customer service order(IW31) on Apr, 2014. And the cost occured in May, 2014 should become WIP. Is it possible? Please advise.
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Hi experts,
    I have a question about cost and revenue. We have a standing service repair order and a contract to customer. Because the revenue is calculated by flight cycle so maybe when we get the flight cycle information for this month should be the midle of next month. Due to the monthly end close schedule I need to book the revenue on this month but the cost of the revenue we need the get the cost occur last month. For example, current month is May, 2014 and I book the revenue and posting date is May, 31, 2014. But the cost I just want the amount occurred in customer service order(IW31) on Apr, 2014. And the cost occured in May, 2014 should become WIP. Is it possible? Please advise.
    Thanks and Best Regards,

  • How to convert date in the dashboard prompt

    can anybody tell me how can i conver the date into month year format in the dashboard prompt
    originally i am getting data as a date in the dashboard prompt.i want to change that to MON YYYY format.
    can anybody tell me how can i change the original date format into MMM YYYY format

    Try with evaluate function in prompt Fx use the following syntax
    Re: Date function
    Else, EVALUATE('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' AS CHARACTER ( 30 ), Date."Calendar Date", 'MON-YYYY')
    What you are expecting to be in Prompt was it Mon-2009 right"?

  • Is there a way to get the calculator from the dashboard to appear along with other programs?  Can anyone recommend a calculator which will work as a stand alone app?

    AS it stands now, in order to use the calculator that comes with the Dashboard, you cannot read from a list of numbers in, lets say, word or excel. The dashboard is full screen and nothing can stand along side it. Is there a way to get the calculator from the dashboard to appear along with other programs?  Can anyone recommend a calculator which will work as a stand alone app?

    there is one, just search with spotlight "Calculator".
    It works great!
    Hope this helps.

  • Hello, I have Acrobat XI Pro for which I pay by monthly subscription. Each month, for the past three months or so, at renewal time, I receive a note stating that my trial period has expired and I cannot open my Acrobat Files. I have telephoned three or fo

    Hello, I have Acrobat XI Pro for which I pay by monthly subscription. Each month, for the past three months or so, at renewal time, I receive a note stating that my trial period has expired and I cannot open my Acrobat Files. I have telephoned three or four times each time this happens and have been told that the matter has been resolved - it has not! At one time I had paid inadvertently for three account for Acrobat XI Pro running at the same time - I only need 1. I'm afraid that I may have just opened a second account by mistake in order to open my files. I repeat, I only require one account. Would you please advise and assure me that this matter has finally been resolved and that I will no longer receive these notifications each month..

    I don't work for Adobe but it seems to me you might be signing in to Acrobat with the wrong Adobe ID.
    Check the Adobe ID you use in Acrobat.
    Check this Adobe ID on Adobe's to make sure that it has an active subscription.

  • How to Create New Maintenance Order using IP30 against the deleted one

    Dear Sir,
    We have an equipment having Monthly Maintenance Schedule . Using IP30 , we had generated Maintenance Order for next 3 months (i.e Jan / Feb / March ) .  Due to some change in the Task List , We decided to Delete these earlier generated Maintenance Orders and then generate the fresh Orders usiing IP30 . To set Delete Indicator , we used Tcode IP02 and these Orders were marked with Delete Indicator .
    Subsequently using IP30 , we tried  to generate fresh Maintenance Orders ( for month Jan / Feb / March ) for this Maintenace Plan.  But no fresh Orders are getting generated .  On Analysing it further , we find that for this Maintenance Plan ( Tcode IP02) under the tab <Maintenance plan Schedule Call > , against the Jan / feb / March months  Sceduling Type/Status is appearing as "Schedule Completed" .
    Kindly guide us as how can we generate the fresh Orders .
    With Thanks and Rgds

    I would suggest two option for this query:
    Option1: You can use the existing (deletion flaged) orders, by deleting all the operation  in the created PM order and in order, goto Extras - select the Task list which you have done changes. In this option your exsisting plan is not distrubed.
    Option2: If any way you want new PM orders, then Goto schedule of the plan & restart, system will ask wheather to delet/ skip the existing schedule.
    Hope this options will help you to take decision.
    S Ramanujam
    Edited by: Ramanujam Srinivasan on Dec 29, 2009 8:13 AM
    Edited by: Ramanujam Srinivasan on Dec 29, 2009 8:15 AM

  • AT&T Charging Deposit 5 months after the fact.

    Anyone else experiencing this issue?
    I purchasd a iPhone at Launch at a AT&T Retail Store. I had them run my credit and was told No Deposit was required and got a Pre-Approval Check Number. So bought the iPhone went home and activated it. When hooked into iTunes and went through the Application Process I input the Pre-Approval Check Number and no point did it tell me a Deposit would be required... Now 5 Months after the fact AT&T added $750 my Bill and only 2 days to pay it. And they are refusing to fix the problem...
    Is this even legal?

    Why do you think you would lose the deposit by switching from a post paid plan to a Pay-As-You-Go?
    A deposit is required for those with poor credit and payment history or with no credit which is usually refunded after 12 months of good payment history. If one cancels their contract, the deposit is not lost - it is held until the final bill is paid or the final bill is paid for out of the deposit with the balance refunded.
    Since you received a credit pre-approval before activating your iPhone with no indication a deposit was required - had you failed the credit check during the activation with a deposit required at that time, you would have had the option to go with the Pay-As-You-Go plan instead of paying the deposit - an option many have used that prefer not paying a huge deposit in order to have a post paid plan.
    Since AT&T made a mistake with your credit check and is now requiring a deposit, I was just providing you another option that AT&T would probably allow you to do instead of paying the deposit without charging you the $175 ETF.
    Pay the $700 deposit then.
    Message was edited by: Allan Sampson

  • Reports as links in the Dashboards

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a requirement where I need to arrange the reports that are on the Dashboard as a link. For example I have 3 reports like this.
    Sales Report Invoice Report Purchase Order Report.
    Now I want to arrange these 3 reports on the Dashboard as Links
    Sales Report
    Invoice Report
    Purchase Order Report
    Let’s say when the user click on the Sales Report link it should show the complete report with the prompts. Is there any way to do that in Dashboards. Please Help.
    Thank You

    If you want reports as link in dashboard then drag report to dashboard and go to its peroperties.Select Link in a dashboard option.You can add all the reports in dashboard and choose this option.This will make reports to appear as links.
    If you select any value from prompt and click on go button that prompt values will be applied as filters to these reports.

  • Drill-down and how to change to the correct value in the dashboard title

    Good Morning,
    I have a problem on the presentational side, which some of you might have seen as well.
    My dashboard page looks like this:
    Dummy Prompt 1: YearFrom
    Dummy Prompt 2: YearTo
    Prompt 3: Item
    All three prompts have a presentation variable to show their respective value in the title of the dashboard page.
    Below the prompts is the report, which is filtered by the three prompts and contains a column "year" with the option to drill-down.
    When I drill-down on a "year" value, a column "month" appears and shows the values of the year by month.
    Problem : After the drill-down the title still displays the old "YearFrom" "YearTo" values and not the year I drilled-down on
    Question: How to I change the title to the correct year?
    Optional: In the drilled-down report I would like to hide the column "year".
    Every idea is appreciated

    hi, with JSF 2 you got the ajax tag, just tried it and it works fine :)
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{back.name}">
        <f:ajax execute="@this" event="keyup" render="outtext"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{back.name}"/>or before JSF 2
    <h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="head"/>
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{back.name}" onkeyup="jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {render: 'outtext'}); return false;"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{back.name}"/>The name property is a simple String in the bean.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: hereps on Aug 21, 2010 7:18 AM

  • List of pm orders getting generated on the same day.

    Dear all,
    my problem is large nos of pm orders are generated on the same day for a particular equipment.
    some information regarding this are as follows:
    1) maintainance plant same for all the nos.
    2) order type is ZM11----->Preventive maintainance order
    please guide me how to proceed further in order to resove the issue.

    Now you have given 1-month as the call interval but, when you have scheduled in background, what is the time interval you have given for the batch job to run daily, weekly, monthly?
    Say you have given daily, system will run the job daily, will check for the plans, which are due within next 1 month (because of call interval), refer call horizon and then schedule it. So even if you have given 1-month in call interval, it depends how often you are actually scheduling it i.e. at what frequency are you running the back ground job. So it is daily, check for any plan, which is meeting these parameters i.e. call interval, next call due date and the call horizon, you will be able to see the call created tomorrow.

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