Organization chart (organigramm)

can I create an organization chart (german organigramm) in keynote, as in ms powerpoint (layout)?
Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Give OmniGraffle a try. It is much better than PowerPoint content, and if (once it comes out for Keynote 3) you add in the LinkBack plugin to Keynote you can/will be able to edit the files after you embed them into Keynote.
Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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    This requirement sounds like it has a possible solution with some html coding. My idea is to :
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    3) In the second page, create an iframe of the second dashboard.
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    As our friends said BDC and LSMW and BAPI  or IDOCif it is remote servers those the Best parctices to upload Data.
    Whatever is your legacy system, you still get that info atleast you will get them in ASCII format i.e text format.
    You can very much download that info do the cleaning and clinsing and Modifications do the upload
    Best Regards

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    It is quite versatile.
    Of course it does excellent organisation charts but also any other drawing task or outlining.
    You can map, space plan, diagram, in fact almost all drawing tasks. That includes wireframing websites, user interfaces and gadget modelling. has a wealth of "stencils" which are collections of ready made artwork which are so beautifully implemented in Omnigraffle that I wish Apple and Adobe would steal/licence it to put in their respective programs.
    As a wireframer I think it earns its keep on that alone, everything else is cream. It is also a favored route to get .svg drawings into Keynote/iWork as shapes. Something Apple has totally neglected.
    It should be considered the missing drawing application in the iWork suite.

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    You can just make your own, as it is hard to know what you want would look like, but try looking in:

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    A perfectly reasonable question, phrased in
    a perfectly reasonable way (in my opinion).
    On this, I believe, we'll have to agree to disagree. I point you to the following document,
    particularly the section "Questions Not To Ask":
    I'm not sure why you feel the need to point me at a
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    particularly when I wasn't the one asking the
    question....I pointed you to the section "Questions Not To Ask" in the document entitled "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" not because I believe you need help asking questions, but because the advice given in that document directly contradicts your opinions:
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    A: If what you want is to do Y, you should ask that question without pre-supposing the use of a method that may not be appropriate. Questions of this form often indicate a person who is not merely ignorant about X, but confused about what problem Y they are solving and too fixated on the details of their particular situation. It is generally best to ignore such people until they define their problem better."
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    Edited by: ARUN.NAREIN on Nov 11, 2010 7:09 AM

    I have tried so many times to get hold of that example code!
    All SAP has to do is invest a little more time in code like that and we can get rid of Nakisa!
    JNet is nice - but no match for Flex for a really nice rich environment. Not to mention it is not the simplest component to code for. The amount of trial and error to get your applications looking as you want! I spent most of the time when I built a JNet team calendar just doing tiny tweeks and then retesting.
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    IBM have some great Flex OrgChart components - but they are very expensive to licence.
    Good luck.

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    I use OmniGraphLE. It came with my Mac. You may have the program on your Macbook.

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