OS X 10.8 auto launches some applications on startup?

Upon startup some of my applications launch automatically? How can I change this?

Open System Preferences, go to Users & Groups.  Select your user name, and in the upper center is a "Login Items" button.  Tap that and you'll see a list of things set to launch on startup.  Select the ones you don't want and hit the minus key at bottom.

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    What worked for me:
    Connect iPhone
    Open iTunes
    Click to select iPhone on left side
    Uncheck Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected
    Click Apply in the lower right corner
    Click Sync in the lower right corner
    Click to check Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected
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    Thanks for your answer too!
    1) Run Disk Utility and Repair Permissions on your hard drive.
    Did that, some permissions were corrected (as always...)
    2) Boot from your Tiger install disc and run Disk Utility and use the Repair Disk option on your hard drive.
    After checking the disk, the Utility said that everything is fine.
    1) You mentioned that this problem has been going on
    for some time now. Can you think of any software
    that you installed or software that you updated at
    the time that you first noticed this behavior?
    Unfotunately, I can't. This started about 3-4 weeks ago but I absolutely can't remember installing or doing something special that falls into the same region of time.
    2) Do you run any kind of system hacks/optimizing software?
    No, not as far as I know. I don't think that I ever installed some piece of software that really alters something in terms of the system itself (except for TinkerTool System, but I didn't start that in months)
    3) What programs do you typically have open all of the time?
    Mail and Safari are running all the times; other applications I'm using frequently are TextWrangler, X11, XCode, Terminal and World of Warcraft, among others.
    (Almost) Sure Fire Solution to this problem: [...]
    I knew that this was coming up
    Of course, a complete reinstall is a solution I don't really like. I got my iBook last October, so this installation is running for 9 months now. But as everything else is fine, I really don't want to format my HD and do it the hard way.
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    Sure is.
    That cookbook for inter-app communications shows how to have an extension launch on host app start up.
    You need to edit the manifest file. That part is near the top of the cookbook.
    http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Inter_Application_Communication_with_the_Creative-18456.ht ml
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    Entrepreneur, Strategic Technical Advisor, and Sr. Consulting Engineer - Strategic Services and Solutions Check out my book - Powershell 3.0 - WMI: http://amzn.to/1BnjOmo | Mastering PowerShell Coming in April 2015!

    Here you go-
    I did this exact same thing with Snagit also actually.  Snagit was really a great software to App-V, wish more companies would write software installs like that!  Separated print driver install, etc.
    I'll check that link out. I'll mark as answer if I can get it working. Thank you!
    Entrepreneur, Strategic Technical Advisor, and Sr. Consulting Engineer - Strategic Services and Solutions Check out my book - Powershell 3.0 - WMI: http://amzn.to/1BnjOmo | Mastering PowerShell Coming in April 2015!

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    Not much of a relief to you, but I too have the same problem and believe it has to do with iTunesHelper in the login items and an upgrade from Tiger to Leopard. I did some searches and found that iTunesHelper is not in the default login items of new Leopard accounts, but is for Tiger. Since I've upgraded to Leopard, I removed it from my login items and that is when I believe the auto-launch capability stopped. Unfortunately, iTunesHelper isn't a standard application anymore and is buried inside iTunes.
    There must be some difference between a new account on Leopard and an upgraded account from Tiger. I just want to remove the login item while keeping the auto-launch of iTunes.
    Message was edited by: cehoffman

  • I have update my blackberry 8830, after updation some applications are deleted.

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    The simplest way is to, on a PC (you cannot do this on MAC):
    1) Make sure you have a current and complete backup of your BB...you can find complete instructions via the link in my auto-sig below.
    2) Uninstall, from your PC, any BB OS packages
    3) Make sure you have the BB Desktop Software already installed
    4) Download and install, to your PC, the BB OS package you desire:
    It is sorted first by carrier -- so if all you want are the OS levels your carrier supports, your search will be quick. However, some carriers are much slower than others to release updates. To truly seek out the most up-to-date OS package for your BB, you must dig through and find all carriers that support your specific model BB, and then compare the OS levels that they support.
    5) Delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\(your Windows UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    6a) For changing your installed BB OS level (upgrade or downgrade), you can launch the Desktop Software and connect your BB...the software should offer you the OS package you installed to your PC.
    6b) Or, for reloading your currently installed BB OS level as well as for changing it, bypass the Desktop Software and use LOADER.EXE directly, by proceeding to step 2 in this process:
    Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC.
    If, during the processes of 6a or 6b, your BB presents a "507" error, simply unplug the USB cord from the BB and re-insert it...don't do anything else...this should allow the install to continue.
    If you are on MAC, you are limited to only your carriers sanctioned OS packages...but can still use any levels that they currently sanction. See this procedure:
    KB19915How to perform a clean reload of BlackBerry smartphone application software using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • "Application error:unable to launch the application"

    Hi Friends,
    Now i want to open ENDEAVOUR(bio conductor
    package) tool.that is runned by java web start .so that purpose i want to run the java(net beans).
    i can access the net beans and endeavour in my home,but my office i can´t
    In office,The last week i tried to run the net beans.it couldn't run.i faced the following error
    "the proxy configuration cannot connect to the internet"
    i thought the the problem of proxy.but i checked some of the forums ,they said "the problem because of the firewall"
    3 days after i got it.but,now i want to run the ENDEAVOUR.The Endeavour ,it opened,but i can access partially,whenever i opened the application, i faced the following error.
    "Application error:unable to launch the application"
    i click the error detail ,the following details will be displayed
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- JNLP File for ENDEAVOUR -->
    <title>ENDEAVOUR 2.44</title>
    <vendor>University of Leuven - Developed by Bert Coessens, Stein Aerts, Peter Van Loo and Leo Tranchevent</vendor>
    <homepage href="http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/endeavour/"/>
    <description>Endeavour for computational prioritization of candidate disease genes</description>
    <description kind="short">
    <description kind="tooltip">ENDEAVOUR 2.44</description>
    <description kind="one-line">ENDEAVOUR - Prioritizing candidate disease genes</description>
    <icon href="http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/~bioiuser/endeavour/images/endeavour2.jpg"/>
    <j2se version="1.4+" max-heap-size="400m" />
    <jar href="endeavour.jar" main="true"/>
    <jar href="distributions.jar"/>
    <jar href="jai_codec.jar"/>
    <jar href="mysql.jar"/>
    <jar href="rmiservices.jar"/>
    <jar href="axis.jar"/>
    <jar href="jaxrpc.jar"/>
    <jar href="jaxrpc-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="jaxrpc-ri.jar"/>
    <jar href="commons-logging.jar"/>
    <jar href="commons-discovery.jar"/>
    <jar href="saaj.jar"/>
    <jar href="wsdl4j.jar"/>
    <jar href="xerces.jar"/>
    <application-desc main-class="biovec.gui.MainFrame"/>
    I try to close the error,the application also closed.
    i want to access the full application.i don´t know how to clear the error. please help me,

    Application Error:unable to launch the application
    i installed java network launch analyser(janela).then,i load the JNLP file to (janela).the analyser (jaNeLa) displayed the following issues.
    Content type application/XML does not equal expected type of X-java -jnlp-file.
    XML encoding not known,but declared as utf-8
    *code base +href 'http://www.esat.kuleuvan.be/~biouser/endeavour.jnlp'is not equal to a actual location of "file :c:/documents....so on*
    *''tooltip´ description is longer than ´short´ description.*
    porblem fetching resource endeavour .jar  .connection timed out.:connect
    *porblem fetching resource jai codec.jar.connection timed out,like the same for rmiservice.jar,mysql.jar,axis.jar,jaxr.pc jar,,jaxrpc-api. jar,commenslogging-jar,common discovering- jar,saaj.jar,xerces.jar*
    *problem fetching resource 'http://www.esat.kuleuvan.be/~biouser/endeavour/.connection timed out:connect
    can you have any idea about these issues ,please reply me.
    thank you very much.

  • Creative cloud applications keep asking me to login every time I launch an application

    Creative cloud applications keep asking me to login every time I launch an application on a same machine.
    How to solve this problem?
    Windows 7 Professional.

    Or it could be patially related to typical pains when a company makes an enormous transition like this. Ironcially, just as i said in my post, my issue resolved the next day.
    Listen, I undertstand the concern and certainly the frustration. I spend nothing short of 14 hours per day with Adobe apps open. primarily After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator. I know the hassle and I know the frustration of constantly having to sign back in, which i did for a bit too. But it's just a little melodramatic when people make idle threats they aren't going to follow through with anyway, about using a product that does what this does, and is such an enormous productivity tool that people say silly things. that's what I'm referring to. If you're going to choose an entire platform different than Adobe becuase theyr'e having issues on a brand new method of service and delivery you're an idiot anyway. Wouldn't you agree that the statements of ' i don't have time to test something' are a litle ridiculous? name any product, or purchase in any part of your life that has never failed at anything? and then saying thigns like it's suddenly an unstable environment, when the problem they're complaining about (and the complaint of course it legitimate) has absolutely nothing to do with the stability of the product?
    it's the overblown, silly statements that make people look foolish, do nothing to help the issue, and offer nothing that crack me up. When I read someone saying things like that i pretty much ignore anything else they say because reason isn't something they are using at that point anyway.
    See what you said? that has nothing to do with anyone I'm talking about. You made a valid point, didn't make silly comments like what I'm referring to. you said something I don't agree with, but you dind't go overboard and get all dramatic about it. I don't agree that it's an ongoing degredation of their rep. there is nobody even remotely close a valid competitor out there for this in the first place (depending on what software yoiu're referring to, but since we're in the CC forum i assume that's what you mean). The fact is, their reputation is so strong, no other software company can even compete. But even so I still see progress and innovation. Intel had a cushion with no competitor at one point, then AMD came in, and if you notice, within a couple years of AMD getting very popular, Intel started releasing their upgraded technology in less than a third of the time. But I don't think I see that laziness from Adobe. I don't honestly know that the reason is they moved to a subscription based environment but I know that almost all big software companies are at leasdt considering it. heck Microsoft was talking about changing their licensing and doing it the same way. And it's not for greed I'd guess, it's to comabt theft. At least that's my guess, i have no idea, but i don't believethat it's done and they would change their entire business model for a reason lefss important.
    While we're on that topic I'd like to point out i bet this new process makes an enormous dent in the piracy, at least short term, so for me I applaud it. because when so many people steal the software, it means people like me, and i assume you, pay much higher prices for our legit licenses. So anything that can be done to thwart that has my full approval. But it also just happens to have some nice benefits, in that the pricing is pretty ridiculously low IMO for the entire suite of apps for 50 bucks per month. let' be honest, anyone using them for business which is primarily what this softwre is geared to, understands that while it might seem high, it's tiny compared to the montly cost of doing business, to keep an up to date, suite full of apps that would cost thousands were it not for the subscription. I'll admit, I bought the full suite on the montly just because it made sense. And it actually paid off. Recently I had a client that desperately needed ihs forms migrated to interactive. they were word docs, excel and plain pdfs, but because I happen to have a license for Acrobat, i was able to import those into pdf files and convert them to interactive forms. Then recommend he use the online service to manage them, and frankly it paid for 6 months of licensing for 10 hours work. were it not for the subscription based licensing i'd not have even been able to offer the service because I wouldn't have paid for acrobat.
    Complaining about a piece of software you buy that doesn't work in an area, regardless of where it is, makes perfect sense. But the statements I'm referring to equate to someone buying a house, finding out the key doesn't work, or the doorknob is broke, throwing their hands up and saying 'i'm finding anohter house'. it's silly, and everyone knows there's no merit to it. But i get frustrated seeing it over and over, frewquently by people that hven't even paid for the software. Sometimes I post thing I shouldn't but hey, don't we all?
    I like to browse these forums becuse I'd say i've learned as much of my knowledge by reading tricks, tips and resolutions posted in forums as I did through my classes and education. That's possibly an overstatement but not by much. I do get just as frustrated at the people constantly trying to belitte the company as they do with their issues.

  • Help, iTunes refuses to not auto launch when iPhone connected to computer

    Hi, anyone else have this obnoxious problem? I unchecked "auto syncing" and all of the possible disabling options in iTunes>Preferences. Another forum I visted mentioned disabling iTunes Helper. I am having a problem launching iTunes Helper because I did a search from the main Windows Start area (lower left of computer screen), and iTunes Helper does show up with a .exe extension showing it's an application. However, when I click on it, it just disappears. It's also not listed in "My Programs" or when I run "msconfig". Is finding iTunes Helper so I can disable it what I need here to keep iTunes from auto launching when the iPhone is connected, or is my solution in doing something else? I'm using iTunes 9.0.25 Any solid help here is much appreciated!

    I don't have an iPhone but I imagine it is probably similar to using an iPod. When I connect the iPod to the computer and it shows up in iTunes under devices, click on the device (iPhone), in the device screen that appears there is an options section that has a check-box "Open iTunes when this iPod is connected." Un-check it.

  • TS1717 iTunes will not auto-launch like it used to on Win7. Also cannot start in SAFE mode

    I've had this computer & this installation of iTunes for a very long time. It has always worked perfectly, and will auto-start every time I connect the iPhone. (my iPhone would light up and display the "Sync in Progress" message on its screen)
    The last few times I've connected it (same phone, same cord, same USB port, same comp., same install of Win7, no Library changes, no new components, no AntiVirus changes - nothing different) iTunes will NOT launch, and the Sync wil not take place.
    If -- after connecting the iPhone -- I manually launch iTunes, it proceeds normally thru the various steps except that the iPhone does NOT display any messages on its screen.  I've tried several times, and re-booted the comp several times.  I've also followed the Apple T/S steps and deleted the two config files & re-booted.  No difference.
    Yes - the preferences are set to allow the Sync when I plug in the iPhone.
    Yes - I am the only user.
    Yes - I am using a working cable...into a working USB port.
    No - I have no third party add-ons or extensions.
    One odd thing:
    On the many, many previous occasions that I've opened the list of Running Applications...iTunesHelper.exe has been opne of the various apps running on the computer.  Lately that app has vanished from the list, and...
    No - I have not un-checked it in the STARTUP list.

    Well...I was partially-blind.
    I had a second look at my MSCONFIG list...and 'waay down at the bottom was iTunesHelper...with its checkbox clear.  oops.
    I ticked it of course, and then manually launched iTunesHelper.exe and re-connected the iPhone.  iTunes auto-launched, and (as usual) it stepped thru the various stages like it's supposed to, but still no pop-up message on the iPhone screen.
    Now I'm wondering if that came to an end when I made the jump to the iPhone5 from iPhone4(?) because it certainly seems to be syncing alright...just no pop-up on the iPhone's screen.

  • Problem in launching webstart application when using version atribute

    Hello Experts,
    I am trying out my first example of JNLP. This is my JNLP file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://localhost:8092/webApplForWebStart" href="launch.jnlp">
            <description kind="short">ForWebStart2</description>
            <homepage href=""/>
            <shortcut online="true">
              <!-- create desktop shortcut -->
              <menu submenu="WebStart Trial"/>
            <j2se version="1.5+"/>
            <jar href="JNLPTime.jar" version="1.0" main="true" download="eager"/>
        <application-desc main-class="TheTime">
    </jnlp>My Problem is if I remove version="1.0" from <jar > tag application is launching properly. But if I am using version attribute , it is giving me this error while launching the application.
    "Unable to load resource :( http://localhost:8092/webApplForWebStart/JNLPTime.jar , 1.0)
    java.io.IOException : missing version response from server."
    I can't afford to remove the version attribute as it is required for auto-update. Has anyone ever tried faced such problem.? Please help me. Any help is highly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

    It's just as told.
    If you're using explicit versions, the server response MUST provide an header to tell which version is returned (you could be using 'wildcards' like 1+).
    How are you serving requests? Are you using JnlpDownloadServlet? If so, check docs: extra work is required in order to use version features.
    If using your own service google for header (and parameter) name, use exact versions and copy to the response the value you're retrieving from the request.

  • How to launch an application from a website?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell me how to launch an application (packaged in a jar) from
    a website?
    I would like to open my application (and pass some arguments) by clicking a special banner or logo
    on a website.

    Google for WebStart and JNLP

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