Oss4 jack proaudio

Hi All,
I'm running oss4 but my 8 year old son is becoming interested in softsynths and sequencers (I'm mostly interested in non-sequencer, qtractor and amsynth). The standard qjackctl doesn't produce any sound on my system. I guess that I would have to rebuild jack with oss enabled although the standard qjackctl has an oss option. Is this the old oss or the new oss4? Is it worth it? I read that oss4 has superior sound but I can't verify that because I can't truly do an AB comparison, by the time I switch from alsa to oss4, my beer may have changed from English to German (cited as one of the major causes of listening bias by a major audiophile magazine).
Question, can I get qjackctl, non-sequencer, qtractor and amsynth to play nicely together with oss4? Is it worth it in 2014 or should I just switch back to alsa? Please chime in, all opinions welcome!
Oh yes, I have some fairly high end equipment, nad, hafler and klipsch.
Last edited by Frabato (2014-08-02 04:26:33)

sekret wrote:That was one of my main reasons as well. But then I found out that the main issue with alsa is dmix, the software mixer for alsa, which is said to have low quality. Pulseaudio for example replaces dmix and provides better sound quality and more features. The same with oss4, which has higher quality software mixing.
Dmix has maximum 24 bit resolution for mixing. So that is one aspect. Or do you also mean the mixing algorithm? Can you pinpoint to the troubling part?
sekret wrote:But if you want high quality audio playback, you can simply not use dmix. For example I use mpv for videos and moc for audio. In mpv you can do it with mpv --ao=alsa:device=[plughw:UA25]
No offence, but using plughw is futile, since it will resample if necessary*, therefore degrading/modifying original signal. Set the appropriate parameters either through custom pcm devices of type hw or create a new hifihw device that will accept runtime parameters (channels, format, frequency etc.) and change them on between playback. This should be feasible through creative scripting, maybe even without much help outside of alsa. Simply because of courtesy and comfort of changing parameters through device addressing or some anomalies, otherwise using type hw should handle changes on its own.
As for the definition, in case of wanted resampling, a resampler may be specified, either for each pcm definition or through 'defaults.pcm.rate_converter' node. See the wiki and the conversation page, there was a change recently involving speexrate resampler.
sekret wrote:
All you lose is, that those applications run like this will block the audio device for other applications. E.g. if I play music in moc and want to play a video with mpv, I get this output
[ao/alsa] Playback open error: Device or resource busy
[ao] Failed to initialize audio driver 'alsa'
Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.
You can avoid those errors by specifying 'nonblock 0' into the type hw pcm definition or 'defaults.pcm.nonblock' node. Depending on the sound source, it might play afterwards.
I would recommend using best possible parameters for the jack server with hw:cardname-reference instead of plughw.
Edit: * Unless it is necessary for your hardware, which could be the case. Again I am not trying to flame. Just make sure you understand what plughw actually does, otherwise you might be unknowingly thinking, you are using the best settings. Check 'less /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf' for more information and our alsa wiki. At some point I will probably add advanced configuration with custom runtime parameters, so it will be explained how they work.
Edit2: Typos, but there are probably more.
The plug pcm in between pcm.default and pcm.jack could be expanded, since it will also resample "willy nilly", unless specified. The best way is of course to have a signal path without conversions and use jack directly.
Last edited by emeres (2014-08-03 15:59:57)

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    litemotiv wrote:
    venky80 wrote:i thought oss4 development is dead ..coz the lead developer quit
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       4. Hacking "just for fun". I will continue working on OSS features I need myself and features I see interesting in other ways.
    OSS is still a long way of being a broadly implemented stable audio subsystem though. More info here:
    Thanks , I am happy to see that. I use ALSa though but  iam glad there is an alternative

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    _kernpatchset=.7    # upstream patch version
    _patchver=-rt21        # rt patch version
    _localver=-rt        # append to linux ver eg. 2.6.25-rt
    _archver=rt        # append to archlinux ver eg. kernel26rt
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    Roger Wilmut1 wrote:
    nategm wrote:
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    Yes, either way round. In System Preferences>Sound you can set the input and output ports separately.
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    Here are the Apple TV outputs.
    What other outputs does your HD cable box have?
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Guide to ports and connectors
     Cheers, Tom

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    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so. There is a little switch in the headphone jack that disconnects the speaker when the headphone jack is inserted.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
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    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    I would test the headset in another device such as a computer
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    Thanks for your reply. I too would not rule out moisture damaging the power button, but ...
    I guess was being too subtle. My points are:
    1. "Stuck" power buttons is a known issue/problem and Apple has been dealing with it since the first iPhone. This is quality problem. The evidence is with other users all around us and all over the web.
    2. The "sweat" issue is a design problem and should've been addressed long before the release of the iPhone5 in a few days.  Yes, they moved iPhone5's  headphone-jack to the bottom/underneath of the iPhone. To say that the "sweat" issue is the users' fault is like saying, Apple iPhones should only be sold to swine or other mammals without sweat glands. We're talking about as little as one drop from someone's temple running down the headphone-jack opening while one is engadged with a phone call.  That's all it takes to change the color of the LCI.
    3. Also I wanted to make my complaint public on this forum and not Facebook,  hoping to both, not only catch the eye of an Apple lurker, but let others know of the danger of speaking on their iPhones while out in the sun, high humidity or driving a car with the top down....... my point being, even the free AT&T Go Phones have protection against the slightest elements.
    4. I paid close to $700 for this iPhone4s 64G less than a year ago.  I don't like being dismissed with a cut and dry, cookie-cutter answer from a 20yr old without reasonable explanation and then be shoo'd out the door. "Next?"
    5. I love Apple products and I'm glad the new release has addressed the jack/perspiration problem although I know there were other factors involved in the decisions to not move/move it.

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    You should also ask this in the MacBook Pro forum. This is the forum for the white and black plastic MacBooks that were discontinued in 2010. You should also post this question there to increase your chances of getting an answer.

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    This adapter and sufficient length VGA cable is all you need.

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