OSX 10.9 maps are blank

Maps come up with just a blank gray area and no map

This fix worked for me as well. All I did was click on the language and maps popped up straight away. I did beforehand go into time and date and switch on wifi and then get the mac to find my location then switched it off.
Gonna have a play with maps now to see it the wait was worth while.

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    # 2: run firefox in safe mode. the popup windows then DO work.
    # 3: i have gone to the firefox options and created exceptions to pop-up blocking for both sites. no joy.
    # 4: i have gone into the add-on manager and disabled both adblock plus and noscript (but not other add-ons). no joy.
    # 5: i have, one at a time, disabled every other add-on i have. no joy.
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