OSX Server Fileshareing was fine

Hello, I am really new to the OS X Server environment, Today one of my servers stopped shareing files. I used to have a drive shared over the network with people able to connect to it. The permissions are all correct. The server no longer lets anyone connect to it in finder. I can Ping it, and see it in finder just cannot connect. Can somone please help me out.

Did you check that the file sharing services are still running and haven't stopped (either deliberately or unexpectedly?
Server Admin will tell you the status of your services, along with the associated logs which might provide further clues.

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    u can give try to using external enclosre and backup ur files. I hope u will get files back. or using external enclosre with ur hdd boot into Linux and try to mount ur harddisk.
    there are multiple no of tutorial to mount apple partion in Linux.

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    If this is a compatibility issue because you are using an older operating system then there isn't much you can do aside from updating your OS. Do you need DNG converter 6.7? You said that DNG converter 5.6 was working fine. You could reinstall it if it supports your camera.
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Adobe DNG Converter 5.6 update

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    I know what your'e going through, Gary.   OSX 10.6.7 is an absolute disaster.   Since I upgraded, I've had problems in FCP, Logic, Garageband, even issue dealing with peripheral hardware like external monitors.
    Before 10.6.7 my system was running fine.
    I've brought this up with Apple repeatedly.   They smile and shrug.   They've been helpful resolving the issues, but none of them has been easy to solve.  I have spent days, dealing back and forth with tech support, sending logs, etc., before solutions have been found.  
    I wish I could give you an answer to your question.   My only guess is that Apple has totally dropped the ball on this one.   In the future they should provide a disclaimer when they offer an upgrade.  Something like:   "Caution: all of your software may not function after this upgrade. But go ahead, you'll feel cool that your OS is the latest thing."
    As someone who has been with Apple for close to 25 years, I'm disturbed by what appears to be an increasing sloppiness in their work.   This is especially disturbing when you depend upon their system to make your living.
    Good luck.

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    This is the boilerplate text often used in connection to saving to a network (please NOTE the part where it explains that normally, it does work, but that it is impossible to troubleshoot someone else's network remotely, and that's why it's not supported by Adobe):
    If you are opening files over a network or saving them to a network server, please cease and desist immediately in the event you are currently experiencing problems with one or more files. Working across a network is not supported.
      Copy the CLOSED file from your server to your local hard disk, work on it, save it again to your local hard disk, close it, and copy the closed file back to the server.
         Of course, the fact that Adobe does not support working across a network does not necessarily mean it won't work.   It should.
        Adobe's position is that there are too many variables in a network environment for them to guarantee that everything will work correctly in every network, especially given the fact that if something does not work properly, it's probably the network's fault, and Adobe has no way of troubleshooting your network.
      If you can't work locally, you are on your own, and if something happens, you're on your own. If you must work from a server, make sure your network administrator is a competent professional.
    When problems arise, a lot of valuable work can be lost.

  • 10.9 Server Filesharing - Duplicate connected user

    Fresh install of 10.9 Server - Did not migrate settings from previous server install *just because*.  User environment < 10 people.  We use file sharing, server time machine, and CardDAV.  No need for anything else.
    From the beginning, had major problem with filesharing borking saved files for all osx users connected over samba.  Lovely.  Had no idea how to fix or why osx clients weren't connecting over AFP, so I partitioned a section for the occasional bootcamp user and turned off samba for the rest of the network drives.
    Now I've got Kerbos authentication failures for the network scanner that sends files to a SMB dropbox share point setup on the server.  A server restart fixes this, but restarting file sharing does not.  On top of that, I've got persisting permissions that seem to manifest in screwed up Numbers files (09', the version that doesn't suck) I can open and edit files, but copy/paste doesn't work nor does it allow you to add a new table unless you copy the file to the desktop.  Then no problem with the file.... otherwise no other finder permissions problems - messed up huh?
    When I go to try to figure this out this morning - now I see this.
    So - Seriously?  I've got one user with over 300 duplicate filesharing connections.  This stuff just used to work despite my lack of experience.  So Apple Community looking for advice - My choices are:
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    2. Rebuild the server from the beginning. (what went wrong the last time? Since the last time I setup OSX server, the only thing different this time was that I didn't use workgroup manage to create user profiles because it seemed like it was built into the Server app.  So if I rebuild should I go to yosemite or downgrade to Lion, which seemed to work fine?)
    3. Fix or live with the problems (Any ideas on how to fix, Apple Community?)
    4. Quit. (anyone have a job opening in my field that pays 2x what I make now and doesn't involve relocating or screwing around with this stuff? didn't think so)
    Message was edited by: sgladfelter

    I do use 3.2.2.
    I turned off SMB to my main share point, and left it on for the share point the scanner (which uses an unknown version of the SMB protocol) is setup to drop files on.  The scanner worked for a couple of weeks and then randomly quit - in Console I see Kerbos authentication failures when attempting to connect.  A server restart seemed to fix this problem a couple of times, but it has since quit and I've sort of let this problem go.
    A restart also fixed the duplicate connections, and so far hasn't cropped up again.  I'm still getting Kerbos authentication failures for my CardDAV accounts and my SMB connections, as stated above.
    I haven't gone to yosemite yet since my current setup is working.  The $20 upgrade doesn't phase me.  I'd gladly throw $200 down if it worked as well as it did in snow leopard.  As it is, I feel like I may as well be running linux for the amount of time I've had to spend in a shell the last couple of months.
    Still debating on going back to Lion.  The thing that ***** about this is that when I was considering the downgrade, I realized that since I installed Mavericks on the same machine, albeit a separate drive, the apple recovery utility will now boot into Mavericks instead of Lion as it did before.  So now I've got no way to re-install Lion since disks weren't included.  I can still use the old installation, but that is plagued by problems of an entirely different nature (prompting the update in the first place).
    I sure this whole environment we have now is intentional, but I don't see how its beneficial to the user.  Its analogous to the iDevice marketplace - when you update an app and it gets worse or doesn't work at all, you have no way of going backwards to a previous version.  This wouldn't bother me if you're talking about a free app.  But when I pay for an app and the developer adds in advertisement down the road or breaks it for my iOS version (I don't update my phone either) - well lets just say that in the ideal "user bill of rights" we should have the right to decide whether to use a newer version or go back to the old one. 

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    HI All,
    I was going to purchase the mac mini that was geared up to work best with OSX server however that option is now no longer available and the mac mini's have downgraded slightly in terms of quadcore processors and 2tb harddrives.
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    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Just get the latest mac mini, add some external storage with a Thunderbolt 2 connection and that setup will work great for filesharing.
    You will get gigabit network speeds and since it's Thunderbolt 2 the mac mini will have no problem to serve those files across the network.
    Make sure you get external storage with a decent RAID setup like a Promise Pegasus for instance, and invest in a good back-up solution.
    Then clone your mac mini OSX Server setup daily towards the RAID and you're good to go!
    Get a Mac Mini with an SSD or Fusion Drive and 16GB of RAM. That'll keep you going for the next couple of years easy!

  • Trouble connecting to OSX server from XP domain members

    Can someone help me out with a problem connecting to our OS X server from Windows XP? Basically, I only have trouble connecting from XP machines that are members of the domain.
    Here are some details:
    OS X Server 10.3.9, bound to domain through Active Directory.
    Windows Services role = Domain Member.
    Computer name (under Windows Services) = macserver
    Connects fine from Macs via Network>Domain>macserver
    macserver IP address:
    Sharing 1 folder to all members of the domain.
    I can connect fine from OS X computers and XP computers that are NOT members of the domain
    I can connect from XP domain members via the IP address \\
    I cannot connect from XP domain members via Network Neighborhood>Domain>macserver, or by entering the computer name. Error message recieved: "The account is not authorized to log on from this location."
    I can ping macserver from any xp machine and it resolves the IP address.
    I can browse the webserver on OSX Server via http://macserver.
    Any thoughts?
    PowerMac G4, MDD   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    PowerMac G4, MDD   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

    I can't remember how I resolved this. I think I had a number of problems, for instance, spaces in fileshare names. I might also have set up the domain incorrectly. Who knows.

  • Time Machine Backup Not Performed (OSX Server)

    On a newly installed 10.6.4 OSX Server (MiniServer hardware), I am trying to do a Time Machine backup to a freshly formatted external FW drive (GUID Partition map). Whenever I attempt a first backup I get a dialog:
    "The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the hard disk. The problem may be temporary, try again later."
    Disk Utility can find no problem on the drive. Repaired permissions, and verified both disks (Boot and Data) to be backed up.
    Yes, the server is running and AFP is on.
    I excluded the boot volume from Time Machine, and the Data drive seems to be backing up fine- so it's only the boot volume that is having a problem.
    Can the Boot drive of a server be backed up with Time Machine?
    (Both drives get cloned every night, as well as Time Machine and offsite Retrospect backups.)

    Gary Hobish wrote:
    "The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the hard disk. The problem may be temporary, try again later."
    See #C3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum). It will show you how to locate the message(s) that describe the problem, then help you fix it.
    If that doesn't help, post back with details, including all the messages, your setup (especially the destination for the backups), what you've done, and the results.
    Can the Boot drive of a server be backed up with Time Machine?

  • Installing Imagemagick on OSX Server

    I'm trying to install Imagemagick onto the server. If I follow these instructions
    http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php?ImageMagick=1l0pnkv7t9gp1m a6p2vi3epu13#macosx
    I get an error of:
    dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022 osx server imagemagick
    I've looked around and can't seem to find anywhere that tells me how to install it
    I'm wondering whether to use macports but will this change my localhost directories, etc... and mess up the other things I have running on the server

    I've installed Imagemagick on 10.5 and 10.6 client. Haven't had the need on server yet but it shouldn't be much different. Other installs to /usr/local on server have worked fine for me.
    XCODE 3 and X11 must be installed prior to continuing with the following installation on Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5
    Go to http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080818051248464
    which has you run a series of bash scripts: at http://pastie.org/254887
    This loads the modern image formats (jpeg and png), then ghostscript fonts needed for rmagick.
    Then ImageMagick itself is loaded and all links point to it within the location it was compiled.
    I selected /usr/local
    Test the installation by
    start up an X11 terminal window by starting Applications -> Utilities -> X11
    $ cd ImageMagick-6.5.2-5/images
    $ convert logo: logo.gif
    $ identify logo.gif
    $ display logo.gif
    which should produce the sorcerer image on the X11 terminal window.
    There is a single shell script for doing all this on 10.6 with the options for architecture setup.

  • Latest wordpress not working on OSX server 10.4

    I have had wordpress running a theme called semiologic without problems for quite some time. However, I have been trying to update with the latest version of that theme which includes the latest version of wordpress and it will not work. I continually get errrors when trying to use it such as:
    [Mon Dec 31 00:50:39 2007] [notice] child pid 19223 exit signal Bus error (10)
    httpd(19236) malloc: * Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x36b0af8; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
    [Mon Dec 31 00:50:49 2007] [notice] child pid 19222 exit signal Bus error (10)
    [Mon Dec 31 00:50:51 2007] [notice] child pid 19236 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    httpd(19237) malloc: * Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x36b3f38; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
    httpd(19237) malloc: * error for object 0x36b3e50: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed, break at szone_error to debug
    httpd(19237) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    httpd(19237) malloc: * error for object 0x36b3e50: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed, break at szone_error to debug
    httpd(19237) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    [Mon Dec 31 00:51:08 2007] [notice] child pid 19237 exit signal Bus error (10)
    I cannot find the source of this problem. I am wondering if anyone has the current version of wordpress running on OSX server 10.4 and any suggestions what might cause this problem. Thanks in advance!!

    Only 10.3.9 server here, sorry. But the WordPress v2.3.2 is running fine.
    Have you attempted to switch to the default theme and see if it works? There may be an issue between that theme, the new WP, and possibly there were a couple of remnant files left behind when you upgraded that could be causing your problem.

  • MAC OSX Server 10.5

    I have an xserver dual G4 1.2 GHZ I just loaded Leopard Server 10.5 on the server which seemed to work just fine.
    I then proceed to the updates and it downloaded them and install. Once I rebooted I get the fallowing.
    The machine dose not boot to the GUI anymore.
    Matching service count 0
    Matching service count 3
    Matching service count 3
    then nothing happens. sits there with a blinking cursor

    Ok here is where I am at.
    I target booted it and ran the disk utility and a disk repair. I then rebooted the xserver same issue.
    So I was going to boot of the Leopard DVD and try and repair the permissions but for the life of me I can't get it to boot of the external DVD Drive connected Via fire wire. Internal the xserver has a cd-rom drive and 2 hard drives.
    I have tried holding down the "C" key while booting and nothing
    I held in the ID key on the xserver until it started flashing while booting and all that happens is the internal drive ejects the screen gose blank and nothing with the fire wire drive.
    Also when I'm booting the xserve off the internal HD. I get a bunch of messages before the blinking cursor that say can't find dependency and then an erorr loading driver.
    I could always pull out the drive and slave it to my macbook pro and load OSX server again. But wouldn't that cause other problems since its not the same hardware? I know I would have the partition issue but that can be solved fairly easily with CCC.
    Originally I loaded leopard by Target booting the server off my macbook pro and using that DVD. The install went fine but after the updates is when all these issues started happening. Any suggestions?

  • Migrating mail from Communigate Pro to OSX Server

    Does anyone by any chance have any experience of this and can advise if there's a way to achieve it other than the obvious (create new mail accounts, get users to drag everything over folder by folder) approach?
    I have a client with Communigate Pro who recently upgraded his OSX server to 10.6 and fancies dumping Communigate and going back to Postfix.

    The power in your computer is fine.  I was just trying to warn you that if any network requests come in the server configuration immediately priorises that higher than interacting with the user sitting that the keyboard.  Apps you are using may stutter until the network request has been answered.  Of course, if you don't have many network users and with a computer that powerful, it probably won't take the server long enough to answer the network request that you notice any problem.
    No webmail portal for mail, and no easy way to add one.  Just mail apps using POP, SMTP, etc..
    Here's the manual for OS X Server if you're interested:

  • Migrating from office 365 to OSX Server 2.2.1 Mail server.

    hi folks,
    I am considering setting up an OSX Server v 2.21 and using it as my main mail server at home, and migrating away from office 365, and using the OSX mail server as my main server. I have my own domain name, and i would be the only user of the mail server.
    I would be running this on a mac mini i7 with 16 GB ram.
    what anti virus / spam applications are there available for the mac mail server?

    The power in your computer is fine.  I was just trying to warn you that if any network requests come in the server configuration immediately priorises that higher than interacting with the user sitting that the keyboard.  Apps you are using may stutter until the network request has been answered.  Of course, if you don't have many network users and with a computer that powerful, it probably won't take the server long enough to answer the network request that you notice any problem.
    No webmail portal for mail, and no easy way to add one.  Just mail apps using POP, SMTP, etc..
    Here's the manual for OS X Server if you're interested:

  • Installing CF on OSX Server - Web Server/Website issue...

    I am trying to install Cold Fusion onto a OSX Snow Leopard Server, and when I get to the Configure Web Servers/Websites portion, my site that is set up on the Snow Leopard server is not showing up in the Web Servers/Websites selection box, and because of that I cannot move past this part of the configuration of CF.
    Does anyone have any idea of why the site is not showing up in the box and/or how to fix this issue?
    Many thanks,

    I've installed Imagemagick on 10.5 and 10.6 client. Haven't had the need on server yet but it shouldn't be much different. Other installs to /usr/local on server have worked fine for me.
    XCODE 3 and X11 must be installed prior to continuing with the following installation on Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5
    Go to http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080818051248464
    which has you run a series of bash scripts: at http://pastie.org/254887
    This loads the modern image formats (jpeg and png), then ghostscript fonts needed for rmagick.
    Then ImageMagick itself is loaded and all links point to it within the location it was compiled.
    I selected /usr/local
    Test the installation by
    start up an X11 terminal window by starting Applications -> Utilities -> X11
    $ cd ImageMagick-6.5.2-5/images
    $ convert logo: logo.gif
    $ identify logo.gif
    $ display logo.gif
    which should produce the sorcerer image on the X11 terminal window.
    There is a single shell script for doing all this on 10.6 with the options for architecture setup.

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