OSX Server & Streaming

Hi all,
Sorry if this post is a little long but I have some questions I hope you can help me with. I am a student with a massive interest in this area and want to learn/test as much as I can with out spending a fortune.
I currently have a 2.16 imac Intel Core Duo 2. I wish to purchase a copy of Mac OSX Server. The basic idea it to learn how to produce/test streaming media over the web and mobile phones. I also have an emac on my network (wireless) So her comes the stupid questions part (sorry)
1. Can I install OSX Server over my current OSX or will I have to delete/backup it and start again from scratch?
2. If I figure out how to stream some QT Video will the emac on my network be able to see it and more importantly will computers outside of my network be able to view the content with my current setup. I guess I would need a server???
3. Is it possible to stream to a mobile phone (for testing) or would I need to be working with a telco for this to happen? ie could I send a link to the phone that would access the internet and play it from that link?
4. What preperation can I start now before my copy of OSX Server arrives. Do I need certain codecs, open ports etc
and finally
5. Is it possible to purchase training videos/ audio books on this subject and OSX Server management? I can learn very quickly when I see the process in front of me but Im not so hot with books.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome any suggestions or help.

Dave is right about trying out Darwin Streaming Server. It's a very easy (and free) to install package. It's good for getting an idea of what the server can do.
1. Can I install OSX Server over my current OSX or
will I have to delete/backup it and start again from
You'd need a fresh install. Although OS X Server has a lot in common with regular OS X, there are enough differences to make it a bad idea to install one over the top of the other. The installer will force you to archive and install or erase.
2. If I figure out how to stream some QT Video will
the emac on my network be able to see it and more
importantly will computers outside of my network be
able to view the content with my current setup. I
guess I would need a server???
The streaming server is pretty easy to set-up. I run one from my iMac G5 to stream movies around my house. If you want it to be reachable from outside your network, you'll need to look at your router config and perhaps contact your ISP. I allow outside access to my streaming server by setting up port forwarding on my router.
3. Is it possible to stream to a mobile phone (for
testing) or would I need to be working with a telco
for this to happen? ie could I send a link to the
phone that would access the internet and play it from
that link?
No idea on this to be honest. I assume that if the phone supports rtsp and can play QuickTime Movies then it'd work.
4. What preperation can I start now before my copy of
OSX Server arrives. Do I need certain codecs, open
ports etc
All of the server documentation is available on the Apple site. Best thing would be to go there and download the streaming server manual.
and finally
5. Is it possible to purchase training videos/ audio
books on this subject and OSX Server management? I
can learn very quickly when I see the process in
front of me but Im not so hot with books.
Sorry, don't know about this one.
Good luck with the streaming server. It's a pretty nice system to set-up, I really would recommend you taking a look at the Darwin Streaming Server. It's free and has almost the same functionality as the OS X Server version. QT Broadcaster is the only thing that's missing I think and the admin tools aren't quite as advanced.
You might want to look at QuickTime Pro as well. It's pretty cheap and has some nice tools for preparing files for streaming.

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    I doubt it. As long as the limited number of connections and lack of GUIs for the configuration aren't a problem, there isn't really much difference between client and server.
    Is it possible to put two seperate gigabit ethernet cards in everyone's computer for faster network transfers to and from the central storage?
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    Hi. Because both Mavericks and Windows 8 are still new, they may not be free of error. Apple needs more time to perform more tests to ensure that these two different OS's will work properly without getting in conflicts. If it's posdible, I highly recommand you to downgrade back to Lion or Mountain Lion and install Windows 7 (if you have a copy of it). In my experience, all advises from Genius Bar members and computer articles confirm that  Windows 7 will work on Macs with Lion OS. It should also work on Mountain Lion. Besides Boot Camp, you could try to virtualize Windows OS and its applications by using VirtualBox, CrossOver and other VMs. I already have an Oracle VirtualBox but I would like to try Boot Camp since it allows me to enjoy almost all Windows features that may be limited in VMs.

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    So what you need are recursive permissions.
    I suggest you create a group and add user1 and user2 to that group. You can name that group whatever you want, but for now i will call it FSUsers
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    sudo chmod -R +a "FSUsers allow list,add_file,search,add_subdirectory,delete_child,readattr,writeattr,readextat tr,writeextattr,readsecurity,file_inherit,directory_inherit" /Users/Shared/*
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    Maybe not easy but should work:
    man fetchmail

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    Yep you can use any connected drive for server storage, its under the settings tab called Service Data
    No you wouldn't lose anything on the drive (assuming its Mac formatted) but clean partition would be a good idea

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    So feel free to ask me questions or informations if you need.
    In the same time i'm reading posts on the foum about this kindof installations.
    Thank u so much

    Dear Marcassin
    i am happy to help to your problem .
    first i would say you must read the Documentation. and you should familier with Mac Os installation System.
    in your Mac Server DVD you will find the schedule sheet . print that and plan your server first. it will really help full. then come and list down the all the requirements.
    may be you will need more services after that.
    But again again again . read that sheet and fill all the requirements. and come back or read specific captors in the Documentation.
    if you want more details about the installing sachira.herath at gmail
     certified Pro 10.6/10.5

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    Hi tommy-ch,
    Apa kabar,
    Do visit and post your thread in boot camp discussion:
    There are more experience user on bootcamp that might gladly help you out.
    Good Luck.

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    Aside from running an OSX server, I am in charge of maintaining an external, SUN unix server from my Mac, and I hate using line commands, esp. with how jaded I've become using the nice tools for managing the Mac server. For now I use terminal in order to change passwords, set permissions and so on as the sudo user on the unix box, and use rbrowser to edit cron jobs.
    So, my question is, is there a way to get the OSX server admin tool to think the unix box is an OSX server? And if not, is there a graphical interface to maintain the server (it's running Apache too)? Rbrowser is cool and all, but doesn't let me use sudo for making chnages.
    Thanks for any help.

    Bummer about not having the Mac feel on SUN. Life can't always be perfect.
    As far as the Webmin, no, haven't heard of it, but it sounds cool. The trick would be getting a huge client like SD County to let us buy it, then go through all the hoops and red tape to get it installed. Most likely their answer would be "Well, what have you been using this whole time and why isn't that good enough now all of a sudden?".
    So for the time being, I'l have to be happy using RBrowser for file transfers between the test and production servers (beats the pants off of typing scp -p -i over and over again) and editing cron scripts. Too bad it doesn't provide sudo for changing passwords, groups, and so forth.
    I'm this close to having the perfect work environment (the office I work in was all Windows with Dell laptops...until now).
    Dual G5 tower   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • TV don't work with OSX Server software?

    Everything worked great BEFORE I updated our MacMini Intel to OSX Server software, now iTunes can't find the recent found Apple TV. And therefore the connection is gone and the syncing don't work anymore.
    Any work-around or suggestions on how to solve this?
    Or do I have to revert to previus userversion of OSX to make it work again?
    Is there a limitation built into OSX Server software or is there maybe some kind of firewall / preferences etc that needs to be adjusted? (The built in firewall has been disconnected.)
    All apps are up to date. The Mac Mini + Apple TV is on my local network at home and I'm trying to make it my family's digital hub for all family-related media.
    MacBook Pro CD2 & X-servers Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    MacBook Pro CD2 & X-servers   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    1) I've not tried to reset ATV from scratch. But it works fine on other Mac's on the network (sharing).
    2) Security options, yes I belive so to. I've followed all instructions and opened all ports I've seen mentioned i apples Knowledge database / support. Still don't work. Maybe I've missed some ports...
    3) YES! It works fine sharing the MacMinis lib over the network.
    4) Today I also tried to reinstall iTunes. But no luck.
    Any mor suggestions anyone? Thx
    I really wanny solve this, otherwhise my ATV is pretty useless for me...

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