OSXUpdateCombo10.8.2.dmg bad checksum

Need to reinstall OSX Update 10.8.2 and downloaded OSXUpdateCombo10.8.2.dmg but get error that there is an invalid checksum?
Have downloaded 3 times with same result.  Any way around?

I have a portable diagnostic disk I have upgraded from Lion to Mountan Lion (i.e. 10.8.1). Ran Software Update and it proceeded to download 10.8.2, however, it gave a message that it could not install.  Now I cannot get the App Store to acknowledge the fact that the installed OS is 10.8.1 and still needs the 10.8.2 update. In situations like this I have always been able to correct via the combo update. However, the Combo will not Checksum as noted.

Similar Messages

  • Netstat not reporting input errors with packets that have bad checksums ?

    Is netstat not reporting any checksum errors ? I have a number of Macs reporting checksum errors when sniffing the local net. I would think that these should be reported by netstat as input errors, or collisions right ?
    But it doesn't currently. See below for sample, its occurring across protocols, tcp, and udp. Usually this error is a bad ethernet port or cabling, and sometimes a sw issue. Working on eliminating the switches, router, and dsl modem by doing more testing.
    But is netstat broke ? I havent seen any errors from netstat since @ 3yrs ago.
    length 64, bad cksum 0 (->f9fe)!)
    One other question, can one monitor firewire 400/800 ports or usb with netstat ? Its not listed with man pages or netstat -h
    Thanks in advance

    Im am using two commands to view the data;
    netstat -I en0 2;
    (no errors in or out)
    and tcpdump with the verbose -v argument
    ( reports the cksum ( these are CRC's right, not IP header checksum ? )
    At the very bottom is the netstat -s output, otherwise a snippet of tcpdump ; replaced the IP's with xxxx's to protect the innocent
    Thanks for your help.....
    18:13:37.101690 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 8134, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 957, *bad cksum 0 (->68d8)!)* xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: P 8689:9594(905) ack 1 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 1438111158 3084046213>
    18:13:37.136653 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26778, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ., cksum 0xd4bc (correct), ack 5793 win 17376 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046248 1438111158>
    18:13:37.172381 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26779, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ., cksum 0xc3a0 (correct), ack 7241 win 20272 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046284 1438111158>
    18:13:37.207358 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26780, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ., cksum 0xb285 (correct), ack 8689 win 23168 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046319 1438111158>
    18:13:37.230968 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26781, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ., cksum 0xa395 (correct), ack 9594 win 26064 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046342 1438111158>
    18:13:37.313545 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26782, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 1500) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . 1:1449(1448) ack 9594 win 26064 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046415 1438111158>
    18:13:37.322422 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26783, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 1500) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . 1449:2897(1448) ack 9594 win 26064 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046415 1438111158>
    18:13:37.322440 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 8135, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52, *bad cksum 0 (->6c60)!)* xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ., *cksum 0xaec3 (incorrect (-> 0xff42)*, ack 2897 win 65160 <nop,nop,timestamp 1438111159 3084046415>
    18:13:37.331285 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26784, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 1500) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . 2897:4345(1448) ack 9594 win 26064 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046415 1438111158>
    18:13:37.334407 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 57, id 26785, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 646) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: P 4345:4939(594) ack 9594 win 26064 <nop,nop,timestamp 3084046415 1438111158>
    18:13:37.334421 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 8136, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52, *bad cksum 0 (->6c5f)!*) xxxxxxxxxx > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ., *cksum 0xaec3 (incorrect (-> 0xf5d1)*, ack 4939 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 1438111159 3084046415>
    netstat -s
    7470 packets sent
    2868 data packets (671900 bytes)
    0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
    0 resends initiated by MTU discovery
    3534 ack-only packets (101 delayed)
    0 URG only packets
    0 window probe packets
    657 window update packets
    411 control packets
    7918 packets received
    3225 acks (for 672008 bytes)
    185 duplicate acks
    0 acks for unsent data
    4489 packets (2652174 bytes) received in-sequence
    7 completely duplicate packets (7347 bytes)
    0 old duplicate packets
    0 packets with some dup. data (0 bytes duped)
    291 out-of-order packets (412273 bytes)
    0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
    0 window probes
    1 window update packet
    1 packet received after close
    0 discarded for bad checksums
    0 discarded for bad header offset fields
    0 discarded because packet too short
    207 connection requests
    12 connection accepts
    0 bad connection attempts
    0 listen queue overflows
    219 connections established (including accepts)
    231 connections closed (including 9 drops)
    2 connections updated cached RTT on close
    2 connections updated cached RTT variance on close
    0 connections updated cached ssthresh on close
    0 embryonic connections dropped
    3222 segments updated rtt (of 3193 attempts)
    2 retransmit timeouts
    0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
    0 persist timeouts
    0 connections dropped by persist timeout
    0 keepalive timeouts
    0 keepalive probes sent
    0 connections dropped by keepalive
    2199 correct ACK header predictions
    4128 correct data packet header predictions
    0 SACK recovery episodes
    0 segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
    0 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
    0 SACK options (SACK blocks) received
    275 SACK options (SACK blocks) sent
    0 SACK scoreboard overflow
    360 datagrams received
    0 with incomplete header
    0 with bad data length field
    0 with bad checksum
    21 dropped due to no socket
    65 broadcast/multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
    0 dropped due to full socket buffers
    0 not for hashed pcb
    274 delivered
    390 datagrams output
    8278 total packets received
    0 bad header checksums
    0 with size smaller than minimum
    0 with data size < data length
    0 with ip length > max ip packet size
    0 with header length < data size
    0 with data length < header length
    0 with bad options
    0 with incorrect version number
    0 fragments received
    0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
    0 fragments dropped after timeout
    0 packets reassembled ok
    8278 packets for this host
    0 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
    0 packets forwarded (0 packets fast forwarded)
    0 packets not forwardable
    0 packets received for unknown multicast group
    0 redirects sent
    7869 packets sent from this host
    0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
    0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
    8 output packets discarded due to no route
    0 output datagrams fragmented
    0 fragments created
    0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
    0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
    0 datagrams with bad address in header

  • RMI over different subnets causing TCP BAD CHECKSUM

    I have a customer that is trying to run my system over different subnets and is getting large performance hits due to a TCP BAD CHECKSUM error that they have been able to monitor when they have the RMI server on one subnet and the RMI client on another.
    We don't see the problem on our systems (because we run on the same subnets) as do all of our other customers.
    We've written a little program that just does some simple RMI calls over the different subnets and are still seeing the TCP BAD CHECKSUM errors.
    Is there some reason that they are seeing these errors when the two are on different subnets? Is there any way to solve this problem (as it is causing a big hit in our performance)?

    It is certainly nothing to do with RMI. The most probable culprit is bad hardware between the two subnets.

  • "Bad checksum in disk label" & "Can't open disk label package"

    I'm brand new to Sun/Solaris.
    I have a Sun Blade 150, with SunOS 5.8.
    I wanted to make a backup to prevent future data loss, so I put the disk in a normal PC with Windows XP to try to make a backup with Norton Ghost, the disk was detected, but not the file volume, so I place the disk on a desktop PC, and used Norton Ghost for DOS, the disk was recognized but once again not the file volume, so I wasn't able to make a disk backup, and I quit.
    Put back the disk on the Sun Blade 150 PC, and then I was unable to startup the PC, showing the message "Bad checksum in disk label" and "Can't open disk label package".
    What's wrong?
    How can I solve this?
    I need the data that's inside the hard-disk, so I cannot make a clean install, and i also don't have any install CD.
    Thanks for any help,

    Thanks for the fast response,
    i did't allow WindowsXP to write anythink to the disk, but somethink is written,and I don't know what. So now, the Spark-System dosn't boot from the HDD and the data on the disk is very important for me! When I format the disk all data are lost, right?
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  • Slow file transfer between Mac & PC Network - bad checksums?

    Howdy all. I've been having a persistent issue with transferring files from my Mac to my Win2003 server. The transfers are always much slower than they should be (compared to the PCs on the network with lesser connections), but even more puzzling, is that it will often go to 95% (or thereabouts) and then take twice as long to finish the remaining percentage as it did to transfer the vast majority of the file.
    It's all gigabit from point to point and I've swapped patch cables, router ports, etc.. with a known good performing WinXP box to see if that would make a difference, but it didn't.
    I've searched the forums and found some mention of mysteriously slow file transfers using SMB, but nothing conclusive.
    I ran a LAN monitoring util on the Mac during a xfer and below is a snippet of the results from the log. No dropped packets, but lots of bad checksums?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Ed T.
    Start: 6/14/06 4:36:26 PM
    16:36:41.676157 localhost.1017 > localhost.1033: P 367145920:367145992(72) ack 93878562 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 2029087960 2029087900> (DF) (ttl 64, id 56412, bad cksum 0!)
    16:36:41.676189 localhost.1033 > localhost.1017: . ack 72 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 2029087960 2029087960> (DF) (ttl 64, id 56413, bad cksum 0!)
    16:36:41.676207 localhost.1033 > localhost.1017: P 1:61(60) ack 72 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 2029087960 2029087960> (DF) (ttl 64, id 56414, bad cksum 0!)
    16:36:41.676224 localhost.1017 > localhost.1033: . ack 61 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 2029087960 2029087960> (DF) (ttl 64, id 56415, bad cksum 0!)
    16:36:49.676576 > udp 152 (ttl 64, id 2189)
    320 Packets Received
    0 Packets dropped.
    • Monitor Completed •

    While I have never tried it, Mac supports Firewire networking (TCP/IP over FW) and I know that some PCs do likewise. Mine does.
    That being said, it's possible to link your Mac to your PC with a FW cable (both ends must be the large type of connector) and if so, you can transfer at 400 MB/s.
    To enable FireWire networking on your Mac, in the Network preferences, at the bottom of the left pane, click the + sign and in the popup window, add Interface: Firewire.
    As I said, I have never used it but in theory it would work. It's not at all like using the Target mode, this is a "hot" FW network link that can directly connect two computers.
    IMO, it's worth a shot.

  • IP-3-TCP_BADCKSUM:TCP bad checksum error

    On my Catalyst 6509 switch with MSFC cards I'm receiving the following error:-
    2005 Aug 24 12:28:12 gmt +02:00 %IP-3-TCP_BADCKSUM:TCP bad checksum
    Any reason why? I have attached the show version of the switch.
    TEXT6500-S-SQP (enable) sh ver
    WS-C6509 Software, Version NmpSW: 6.3(9)
    Copyright (c) 1995-2002 by Cisco Systems
    NMP S/W compiled on Sep 23 2002, 17:51:19
    System Bootstrap Version: 5.3(1)
    Hardware Version: 2.0 Model: WS-C6509 Serial #: SCA0423032D
    PS1 Module: WS-CAC-1300W Serial #: SON04180245
    PS2 Module: WS-CAC-1300W Serial #: SON04172006
    Mod Port Model Serial # Versions
    1 2 WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE SAD04220A77 Hw : 3.1
    Fw : 5.3(1)
    Fw1: 5.1(1)CSX
    Sw : 6.3(9)
    Sw1: 6.3(9)
    WS-F6K-PFC SAD042302ZZ Hw : 1.1
    2 2 WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE SAD04220B2H Hw : 3.1
    Fw : 5.3(1)
    Fw1: 5.1(1)CSX
    Sw : 6.3(9)
    Sw1: 6.3(9)
    WS-F6K-PFC SAD042206UG Hw : 1.1
    3 8 WS-X6408A-GBIC SAD042102X8 Hw : 1.1
    Fw : 5.1(1)CSX
    Sw : 6.3(9)
    4 48 WS-X6348-RJ-45 SAD04190CRC Hw : 1.1
    Fw : 5.3(1)
    Sw : 6.3(9)
    5 8 WS-X6408A-GBIC SAL08486F97 Hw : 3.1
    Fw : 5.4(2)
    Sw : 6.3(9)
    15 1 WS-F6K-MSFC SAD042202F4 Hw : 1.4
    Fw : 12.1(8b)E13
    Sw : 12.1(8b)E13
    16 1 WS-F6K-MSFC SAD042202WH Hw : 1.4
    Fw : 12.1(8b)E13
    Sw : 12.1(8b)E13
    Module Total Used Free Total Used Free Total Used Free
    1 65408K 47468K 17940K 16384K 9514K 6870K 512K 276K 236K

    IP-3-TCP_BADCKSUM:TCP bad checksum
    This message is informative only. The problem is caused by a device in the network that is sending bad packets to the switch.
    IP-3-TCP_BADCKSUM:TCP bad checksum
    Explanation: This message indicates that the system has received a TCP packet with a bad checksum from another device on the administrative VLAN. The packet will be discarded.
    Action: This message is provided for information only.
    Also, if you have Cisco ACS, check out the following bug

  • Satellite Pro U200 - Bad Checksum (ROM (Data Block) ) error

    Hello when i start my Toahiba Satellite Pro U200
    I have a Error
    Bad Checksum (ROM (Data Block) )
    Pleas Help

    The most common cause for "Bad Checksum" errors is the CMOS battery malfunction on the motherboard.
    The battery could be empty or could simply be dead. But its really not easy to say whats wrong exactly!
    Therefore I would recommend firstly to access the BIOS and to set it to default settings. Dont forget to save the changes.
    Furthermore you should connect the AC adaptor and should let it connected for about 24hours to recharge the CMOS battery.
    Maybe it helps to get rid of this error message.
    If it doesnt help, then you should contact a notebook technician!

  • TCP bad checksum

    Could someone inform me how a CSS 11500 handles a packet with TCP invalid checksum. I have two loadbalanced svrs behind a CSS and im seeing the and ACK with a bad checksum hitting the server VLAN interface of the CSS which appears to send RST 200 micro seconds later to the server but not to the client, Is this normal behaviour ?.
    Thanks in advance

    don't look at the interval with just the last packet.
    The CSS will mark a flow idle if the interval between 2 consecutives packet is bigger than the idle timeout.
    At that time, no reset will be sent.
    But during the garbage collection process, the CS may reclaim resources hold by connections that were marked idle.
    Even if the connection was not idle anymore, the CSS will destroy it if it was marked idle anytime in the past.
    Moreover, for http connection, the idle timeout is 8 sec and not 16.
    Finally, you can also check with 'show dos' to see if the css consider the connection as illegal - which would trigger a reset as well.

  • 870A/870U-G55 Bad Checksum

    i know i know, reset the CMOS. i did that. i reset the date/time...still bad checksum. replace with a battery that you know works from an older motherboard, same thing...
    going to buy a new battery and try again... but if it still happens... why am i not able to clear the Bad Checksum error? is the board bad after 30 days brand spanking new?
    EDIT: whoops. sorry bout that... *fires up Speccy*
    Operating System
       MS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
       AMD Phenom II X2 555   
       Callisto 45nm Technology
       4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
       MSI 870U-G55 (MS-7599) (CPU1)
       ASUS VW193T @ 1440x900
       512MB GeForce 9800 GT (PNY)   
    Hard Drives
       313GB Western Digital WDC WD3200AAKS-00L9A0 ATA Device (Unknown)   
    Optical Drives
       DMTWJM 5YBSP2V SCSI CdRom Device
       SONY DVD RW DRU-865S ATA Device
       Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)

    Quote from: Jack on 21-February-11, 03:14:06
    >>Posting Guide<<
    This happend just suddenly out of the blue or did you do something (like performing a BIOS Update via MSI Live Update)?
    out of the blue... i was playing an MMO, and my Windows Explorer reset itself back to default color (my custom color is red, it reset back to light blue)...and it ran the game slow. so i rebooted the computer, and bam, bad checksum. this was yesterday. been getting it ever since.

  • XCode 3.1.1 DMG download bad checksum?

    Hi, tried downloading the new XCode 3.1.1 (Sep 12 08) twice now (with Safari and Firefox) and both times the DMG could not be mounted because the checksum was bad. Anybody got the same problem?

    Hey, in case anyone gives a rat's a$$...as a follow up, I downloaded the .dmg again on a reasonably fast network, and this time around it mounted just fine... Must have just gotten corrupted along the way during the horrible painful and slow download the first time around.
    Lesson to be learned: before sounding alarms, one ought to try downloading things on non-crap networks to minimize transfer problems first.

  • Flash Builder 4.7 Mac DMG Invalid Checksum

    When I download the FB 4.7 for mac from here and try to open it on Mountain Lion I get an "Invalid checksum" error.
    Here's the link I'm using once I login:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?event=custom&loc=EN_US&sku=FS0003374&e= labs_flashbuilder4-7

    Please validate the checksum of your installers against below values
    If the checksum values of the installers you have downloaded are correct, then please run CS cleanup script to clean the earlier installations http://www.adobe.com/support/contact/cscleanertool.html

  • Malformed Packets and Bad Checksums

    ..I have a customer who uses MPLS to connect to all remote locations. The MPLS carrier has recently merged with another carrier, and they are in the middle of making changes to their MPLS network(s). As a result, some (but not all) of my customer's sites that have gone through these changes are having problems with one particular application only. Wireshark packet captures at the remote location and at the affected application server shows the following, among other things:
    - Bad IP Checksum
    - Malformed TDS Packets
    - Malformed SSL Packets
    - Malformed GSM over IP Packets
    - Malformed ASAP Packets
    - TCP Sequence out of order
    - ACKed lost TCP segment
    - Previous TCP segment lost
    - Fast TCP retransmission suspected
    This is only a subset of the problems that Wireshark shows. The strange thing is that only a subset of the remote sites are affected, and it really is only one particular application of a large suite of applications. All other applications work acceptably. In addition, other sites that have been converted work just fine as well. There are about 15 of 80 sites having thus problem. The MPLS provider of have reviewed their equipment and configurations. Unfortunately, after the changes were made, we have no visibility into the MPLS network (it just shows one hop), so I have no way of helping them to troubleshoot.
    We have the ability to test the application using a site that is connected via Fiber, and the application works just fine. Of course, we have moved PCs, etc from site to site. The problem seems to stay with the site, rather than the computers.
    Any advice or ideas on what I can do to test would be appreciated.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

    there is lot of interesting troubleshooting to be done  Yours is the type of case I loved when I was in the TAC as I enjoyed using creative ways to investigate and tackle similar problems.
    there might be so many approaches for this that I have difficulties to list them all.
    I am afraid that a CSC post is not the right place for that as this can be time comsuming and lot of effort is needed.
    I suggest you to open a TAC case where you can find some engineer with the right mind set for this CSI type of troubleshooting.


    I have the same problem. It’s driving me crazy. Here is my specs:
    MSI P6N SLI Platinum LGA 775
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13GHz 4M shared L2 Cache
    Foxconn GeForce 7900GS 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16
    Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD7500AAKS     750GB   7200 RPM
    Kingston  KHX6400D2LLK2/2G   2GB kit   PC2-6400   800MHZ
    LG DVD GSA-H50N  DVD-R 18X
    Matsu"I'm a potty mouth"a Floppy drive
    Windows XP 32-Bit
    CoolerMaster RP-500-PCAR – 500W
    +3.3V       +5V       +12V1      +12V2       -5V      -12V      +5VSB
       20A        20A        16A           16A        0.8A     0.8A        2.0A
    Sometimes the computer boots ok, and everything works great.
    Sometimes it just doesn’t boot, it just gives a blank screen. So, I press reset and the post gives the CMOS CHECKSUM BAD. F1 to setup F2 to default.
    If I go to the setup everything is just like I left, including the time. Even if I setup the bios with default configuration, the problem continues.
    Here is a list of everything I have tried
    1) Replaced the battery 2 times. I checked with a multimeter. It’s 3V allright
    2) Disconnected everything leaving only 1GB memory and the graphics card
    3) Updated the bios version several times, to make sure I did it ok. I cleared the CMOS after allright
    4) I read every post in this forum about bios and P6N SLI Platinum
    5) Already checked the D-BRACKET. It shows 4 green leds when the screen is blank
    6) Already checked fans: CPU and graphics fans works ok
    7) Already tested with memtest86+ V2.01
    8) Already upped the northbridge to 1.325V, CPU  3 notches and the memory another 3 notches.
    So anyone has any ideas, or I’ll just have to go to a computer store and swap the graphics or the PSU and try to see if the problem vanishes??? It’s gonna be tough… they don’t like to let you test the merchandise….
    PS: Thanks for all the help so far that you have been giving to TheGimp, after all, we have the same problem…

    I had the same problem after ~8months of trouble free service; it was intermittent too.  sometimes it would boot fine, others times i'd get the error message. I removed the battery to test it. it was fine. i cleared the cmos with the button while the battery was removed. i noticed that the battery holder seems not to be anchored to the board at all. I haven't confirmed this but it looks like the protruding metal clip holds it all together. i had contacted MSI support about the problem earlier. they told me to clear the cmos. i asked about the battery holder not being secure on the board, and, as in the typical support response to an unusual question, they gave me some vague, undecipherable response. So, anyway when i put the battery back in, i felt the holder kind of click into place. I haven't had any problems since.

  • Bad Checksum with OC Genie on 870U-G55

    When using the OC Genie lite button on my 870U-G55 I get a CMOS Checksum Bad.
    Processor = AMD Phenum II X4 955
    Memory = Corsair XMS CAS9 1333
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Avoid using the OC Genie lite button?? 


        Hi all,
    i've ridden à OSPF network with EIGRP redistribution. in my eirgp area, all work fine, but is not the case in my OSPF area although all configuration are OK. I receive this message:
     Mar  1 01:59:14.015: %OSPF-4-BADLSATYPE: Invalid lsa: Bad LSA chksum Type 2, LSID from,, Ethernet1/0
    sometimes, error concerns TYPE 1, and 5.
    Please help me

    Please can i have any help please ????

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