OTA HDTV Recorded, Converted, and Streamed to ATV ... Results!!!

Well, I just tried HD streaming and it worked flawlessly ... although it takes a bit of effort. Here is how I did it ...
1. I recorded an OTA 720p HDTV broadcast using my El Gato Hybrid;
2. I exported the program from EyeTV 2 as a Quicktime 1280x720 HD file;
3. I then opened the exported QT file in Quicktime Pro and exported again again using "Movie to ATV" (I had to do this because the original QT file would not stream);
4. I dropped the converted file in to iTunes, and streamed it to the Apple TV playing on my 44" 720P HDTV.
Final Streamable File Specs: 960 x 540 ... I am not sure why QT Pro converted the original 1280x720 file to the lower res, but it did and the file streamed and looked GREAT.
Results: I must say ... IT LOOKED SPECTACULAR. I am a bit surprised given the low-end specs of the ATV. No dropped frames, no glitches, no hiccups. If they offer HD movies on iTunes, they are going to look GREAT!
The Downside: It took FOREVER to convert the 4 minute HD QT file using QTPro.

Just an FYI ... the quality fell somewhere between OTA HDTV quality and DVD quality. I would say just about the same as cable or sat HDTV quality.

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    MPEG Streamclip.
    Apple do not have their "own" format. You need to convert your DVDs to H.264 though.

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    AppleTV is fed all it's media by iTunes whether this is synced or streamed to it.
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    Depends on what you mean by unchecked.
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    Message was edited by: Nic C.

    you can sync multiple macs to one ATV, one at a time. use the Finder and set up your first itunes library. make a folder and give it a name. then drag that itunes library file into that folder. launch itunes and make another library synced to the same ATV. Make a folder give it a name. The only issue is remembering to drag out the proper library, don't change the library name because it is not a one to one relationship.
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    There is a workaroud available but you can try using Flash Media Live Encoder, which is a free tool for better results. Surf to - C:\FMSHOME\samples\applications\livepkgr directory and you will find a main.asc file in there. This is the server side scripting file that is attached to the livepkgr application.
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    Now create a separate copy of your livepkgr application inside C:\FMSHOME\applications\ like livepkgr_mbr and replace the main.far file with the main.asc you just edited. Now while publishing, connect to this application livepkgr_mbr and just specify the stream name - livestream%i. Check your permissions before starting the recording.
    This should work for you. But please remember that doing this will cause all your streams to be associated with the same event - liveevent as you are hard coding that inside the main.asc file. So its best to keep a separate application just for this purpose.

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    Double-click on the still image in the project timeline to open the Inspector. In the Inspector, adjust the duration by typing in a new duration to match the length of your music. I think the limit for a still image is 10 minutes. If you need more than this, simply drag the image into the timeline again then adjust its duration. The two images will play seamlessly (no gap will be visible).
    See this iMovie Help topic:
    You can achieve more precision when entering durations by changing a preference in the menu item iMovie Preferences. Check (tick) the preference for Show Time As HH:MM:SS:frames. This will enable you to enter the duration of stills down to the frame level, rather than full seconds (NTSC is 30 frames per second; PAL is 25 fps). When entering times, type a colon between each time segment, such as 2:50:15, which represents 2 minutes 50 seconds and 15 frames. For 5 seconds 20 frames you would enter 5:20 and so forth.
    Note that the music will only run to the length of the video in the timeline (in your case, the still images). So, after increasing the stills duration you will need to drag the end of the music track as far as required. The stills can be dragged inwards to reduce the duration if necessary.
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell - added Note

  • "xml:lang" is getting replaced by "lang" in XML Record converter class

    Hi All,
    The issue i am having is in the Record converter class which converts XML Record to JCA record, the string "xml:lang" is replaced by only "lang" due to which the transaction i am running fails as the application to which this xml is posted rejects it.
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    The code snippet of the XMLRecordConverter implementation is below
    import javax.resource.ResourceException;
    import javax.resource.cci.Record;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.api.record.RecordElement;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.api.record.XMLRecord;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.api.record.XMLRecordConverter;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.fw.record.RecordElementImpl;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.fw.record.XMLRecordImpl;
    import oracle.tip.adapter.fw.util.JCADOMWriter;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    public Record convertFromXMLRecord (XMLRecord xmlRecord) throws ResourceException
    String xmlString;
    RecordElement payloadRecordElement = xmlRecord.getPayloadRecordElement();
    if (payloadRecordElement != null) {
    xmlString = serialize(payloadRecordElement);
    else {
    throw new ResourceException("No data in record from EIS!");
    RecordImpl rec = new RecordImpl();
    return rec;
    private String serialize (RecordElement recordElement)
    if (recordElement != null) {
    org.w3c.dom.Element wsifEnvelopeRootElement =
    if (wsifEnvelopeRootElement != null) {
    JCADOMWriter domSerializer = new JCADOMWriter();
    String xmlString = domSerializer.print(wsifEnvelopeRootElement);
    return xmlString;
    return "<empty>";
    the resulting xml has all the occurrence of "xml:lang" replaced with "lang"
    If i add namespace ( like xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") at the root element of XML coming from BPEL process then the replacement is not happening.
    Has any of the Oracle api's used in the above code uses namespace aware parser or the BPEL engine is replacing "xml:lang" to "lang" when it passes the xml to XMLRecord Converter class?
    The above code works perfectly fine in Oracle Fusion 10g (Oracle AS 10 and SOA Suite 10g)
    Any information will be really helpful specially in the oracle api's

    Hi wilson,
    Do you know how to move or delete this thread? i didnt find any options to move or delete this thread

  • Recording converter for microsoft office live meeting: the sound is lost after a minute

    I have a recording of a WebEx Live Meeting (ReplayMeeting.htm and all directories below) that I want to convert using the Recording Converter.
    I have a problem with the sound: after a minute or so the sound is lost from the converted .wmv file. 
    When I play back the original, the sound is present all of the time. 
    When I look at the original files in the directory of the recording I see that the original video file is in one part, the original sound files are split into smaller files.
    What can I do about that?

    Can you try recording the meeting on another computer with Windows integrated codecs installed and see if the issue persists.

  • Trying to view the recorded or live stream while recording the live stream doesnt work

    The workflow:
    I push a live feed to the rtmp url rtmp://localhost/my-app/tester where my-app is a copy of the live app in AMS but with the following addition of code in main.asc:
    application.onPublish = function( p_client, p_stream) {
       s = Stream.get("my_hello5");
       trace( s.name + " = name, " + s.publishQueryString + " = pqs");
       if(s) {
    application.onUnpublish = function( p_client, p_stream) {
       s = Stream.get("my_hello5");
       trace("getting stream my_hello5...");
       if(s) {
         trace("stopping recording...");
    And Iam facing multiple issues:
    * The file my_hello5.flv gets generated in applications/my-app/streams/_definst_/ . And Once the recording is complete, If I open it using the url below in media player (Mine is Totem movie player on ubuntu) that I have on linux, it plays. But if I open the same url in  the OSMF flash media playback setup page (http://www.osmf.org/configurator/fmp/# ) , it is always showing "buffering".
    The flv url I used is: rtmp://localhost/my-app/my_hello5
    * If I try to open either the flv url or the live feed url inside the osmf page while the recording is still going on, then Iam not able to view either. It just shows "buffering" all the time.
    Your help is valuable and much appreciated.

    As a good practice if should not play a file while it is being recorded...on other hand you can programatically create chunks of recordking at preodic intervals and use those chunks for laying or copy those chunks to a different folder where a different application and make those availabel to subscribers for rtmp streaming..

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