Other platforms

Does Oracle plan to release Oracle for linux on other hardware
platforms Alpha,MIPS,POWER PC, 68000?

Colin Klapka (guest) wrote:
: Does Oracle plan to release Oracle for linux on other hardware
: platforms Alpha,MIPS,POWER PC, 68000?
I would be very interested in an answer to this.
Our company build Alpha-based computers running Linux and with
the shipping of the 264 processor, we have a lot of inquiries
about powerful Alpha-based servers with Oracle.
Will there soon be an alpha version of Oracle under Linux and can
we expect help to run it properly from Oracle?

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     Before few days I came to know about BBM being available on Android and Windows phones, my question is why this injustice with your own customers, you provide the app which they will use with their normal data plan and we people who are your real customers, who trusted in you have to spend not less than Rs.129 for just BBM!I must say RIM is the most back-stabbing company I have had ever dealt with! People are laughing at us as they are using the same service for almost free and we have to spend a huge sum for availing the same service, my question is are these non blackberry people your customers or we people who contributed in your success with hopes of trust?
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    Thanks with the signature but I already removed it from my profile too.
    I was never under a rock when it comes to technology I know that in India before few months yoru Blackberry Z10 was Rs.44,000 and now it is Rs.21,000. I understand the ploy of making BBM cross platform to generate revenue, first in a technical sense and another by creating it advrtisement in the marker.
    Do you think that taking an undue advantage of our loyaty and enduring the mockery of your own customer would take you anywhere? Don't you think that abusing your own customer's prestige would even affect you negatively? While your customer is paying Rs.129 for just BBM the Android person sitting next to him is lauging at him for he paid you and call him fool! Profits doesn't starts only by making huge business decisions but from the loyal and satisfied customers. You may always find customers all around always complaining but deep down if you have touched their needs they will bless you with good words at your back, maybe in such a way that you will never come to kow but it will grow you more. I am not here to deliver you a marketing lecture as i am in corporate law field but let me tell you what I read during my graduation, it said something like one disatisfied customer can discourage ten potential customers from buying your product and I have started feeling the same in case of online shopping but I do not know when the company giant blackberry would come to know! 
    When you said about expanding customer base, think about a company who is expanding its base of customers by disatisfing their current customers who always took pride in you by providing them services at harsh terms and in front of their eyes others are getting benefits at a very low cost.
    Our family business is textile manufacturing, not as big as blackberry but we always knew that if we will start selling our goods by describing them as really premium goods and start charging out of lips and bounds, of course my product could be premium worth the price but one thing I could be missing would be a point of finance, there could be cheaper alternatives in market which could be selling at lower price which same usage. My concern is just to keep our eyes open.
    Now consider a phone on which I can use Whatsapp which satisfies my messaging needs, gtalk and yahoo messengers for my im needs, push mails for emails, browsing and downloading for just Rs.99 and on the other hand Blackberry services for Rs.389, it is indeed clear the reason of downfall, though it is labelled as premium service and indeed it could be, permium service as I said earlier.
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    My question is that why can't you provide BBM to be used on the normal data paln for your own old and loyal customers who paid you such a handsome amount from many years for your services as how you provide on other platform, just for BBM not email and rest of your services?

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    This is not completely correct. Key tool does not allow export of
    private keys. It is a real drag for developers.You no need to export anything. BTW, PKCS#12 keystore could be created by using keytool with appropriate JCE provider with PKCS#12 support. Then you can open it on other platform, that supports PKCS#12 (i.e. mozilla or msie web browsers can do it). For more detail on PKCS#12 refer to OpenSSL PKCS#12 FAQ. http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/pkcs12faq.html

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    Rogers iMedia Developer And the users may use,
    Core Development Team But the fixers must fix,
    416-642-4892 With but minimal clues"

    Please see below.
    Michael Girdley
    Product Manager, WebLogic Server & Express
    BEA Systems Inc
    Colin Peart <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:8gmcc3$epg$[email protected]..
    With release 5.1 of Weblogic Server, a DSO file was provided
    for solaris/Apache to perform strong integration.
    I was wondering if:
    a)It was possible to get that DSO built for other platforms -- in our case
    AIXWe do not plan to make the source code available. However, we do plan to
    make ports of the Apache plug-in to other platforms. Please contact your
    sales representative for more information.
    b)If licensed users of Weblogic Server could get the source code for that
    so that they can build it in as required.
    The reasoning for a is simple enough -- not everyone who uses Apache also
    uses Solaris.
    As for b, Apache's rapid release schedule means that security concerns are
    dealt with very quickly,
    and new releases may need to be installed. If the source code was
    available, security concious web
    masters would be able to rebuild their server quickly and not have to beg
    and plead for an updated
    build from Bea.
    Integration with Apache and AIX is going to be a strong decision factor,as
    we would prefer to keep the application server or server cluster only
    indirectly connected to the outside world.
    Failing that, does anyone have other solutions for connecting Apache to
    Weblogic seemlessly?
    --Colin Peart
    Colin Peart <[email protected]> "The makers may make,
    Rogers iMedia Developer And the users may use,
    Core Development Team But the fixers must fix,
    416-642-4892 With but minimal clues"

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    Funnily enough Tom Kyte was asked this very question when he launched XE at the UKOUG Annual Conference. His response was that there were plans to extend XE to other platforms but he didn't know the time scales. He did vouchsafe that he had a shiny new G5 waiting for him when he got back, so I can guess he's +1 on your vote.
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    Cheers, APC

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    I have no such issues on my systems, we burn lots of DVDs. Description suggests something wrong with your DVD drive not the software or OS since neither Eric nor I can duplicate your problem.

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    I think in the post you are referring to, he is saying that he is running IE7 in windows for clarity sake to indicated that it is, in fact, on windows.
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    Benchmark for Linux available at :
    You can drill up/down to other benchmarks from this site.
    Check this presentation for more info : http://www.oracle.com/pls/oow/oow_user.download?p_event_id=16&p_file=P45305.ppt

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    I am also using a lenovo laptop on windows 8.1.
    Thanks for your time.   

    Hi linksysgt, the WVC210 is now being handled by the Cisco Small Business Support Community.
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    Dear Venkatesh,
    You have asked your question on a Server forum whereas Xcode is really a developer tool and the conversation is more suited to the developer forum.  However,
    1) Xcode is only useful for developing for Mac OS and iOS.  Technically it can compile code for other platforms like Android using the standard compiiler but it's not really designed for that and I wouldn't recommend starting a project that way.
    2) Xcode is an IDE but it comes with (free) developer tools like the ones you mentioned, for unit testing, diagnosis of processor and memory usage, corruption testing, instrument testing and other purposes.  Also included is a simulator for iOS devices so you can debug your iOS code for all the different devices without needing examples of them all.
    3) For Mac OS and iOS, the combination of Xcode and Xcode Server has more and better tools than Jenkins, but, as answered in (1) it's useless for other platforms.

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    This can already be implemented with patients who have a iOS devices, or trying to get them to download app that other devices can use....but it is not as seamless as FaceTime. When will this promis be fulfilled?

    There are no other options for using FaceTime. GG was referring to other services with a similar functionality such as Skype. Again, none of us here knows what Apple has planned for FaceTime nor when, or indeed if, they will ever open up FaceTime to other developers.

  • WVC210 V1.1.1 - worked fine but now 'Video for other Platform/OS'

    I've had this camera for 2-3 years and no problem - now when I connect i get a black screen with the error 'Video for other Platform/OS' instead of a picture.  Could this be an IE 11 problem?  I've been running win7 - dont know when it upgraded from IE10 to IE11
    Is version 1.1.1 the latest for this camera?

    I have had the auto update box cleared and still when I opened IE today, 5-29-2014, instead of seeing my normal blank page I get some kind of one time welcome screen that I instantly navigated away from (control issues maybe).
    To the point - Even after trying to slacken the IE active x settings and add the camera addresses to the compatibility view list (why is that not static ?!?) I get the video for other platform/os text on a grey screen. During my many attempts adding cameras to different internet zones and stuff, I did get a snap shot of the video to appear but no streaming video and some of the controls are missing.
    The link to the solution has been edited and reflects that the user needed to revert back to IE 10.
    So I'm looking for help so that I can continue to use my great WVC 210 cameras.
    I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate by the way.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Will Skype ever be brought to other platforms?

    Hi. I just wanted to ask if it is possible if Skype were to ever release on other platforms that could very possibly handle it; Such as: Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Xbox 360, Ps3, and any others not mentioned.

    my phone is samsung gt-b7722.who to traiy a video call

  • Can I use iChat to chat with people on other platforms, e.g. yahoo etc?

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    Can I use iChat to chat to people on other platforms e.g. yahoo, aol, gmail, jabber etc? For example, I have just managed to sign into iChat with Gmail (had to resort to this because iChat won't let me log-on with my Mobile Me name), but now it seems iChat will only let me add other Gmail users?  Surely there is a way to log in with Gmail but chat with people on other platforms?
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Since iChat 4 you have been able to log in to as many AIM or Jabber IDs as you have set up.
    In Lion (iChat 6) they become a combined Buddy list.
    10:29 PM      Tuesday; July 26, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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