Other versions of Photoshop than CC?

I had heard from someone that Adobe offered an older, or maybe just a bare bones edition, of PS for free, but I was unable to find anything other than sign up for the new CC on the website.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Thank you for getting back to me.
Are there any other versions of PS available at all? I don't need all the bells and whistles, if there were anything out there at a... more affordable to me.. price, I would be thrilled with anything.

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    Have you installed the TWAIN driver?
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    LR info.
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    This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall
    -read reply #3 about the ORDER of uninstalling & installing https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1242671

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    You need to call support by phone.

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    Shaun E. wrote:
    Noel, I've copied a link to an image I made https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6333610/33k_ccittfax4.tif
    Just for reference, a set of test results:
    Photoshop 6.0 does not open the image, emits this error:
    Photoshop CS2 opens the image at an odd ratio after a warning:
    Photoshop CS3 behaves the same as CS2:
    Photoshop CS4 x64 does not open the file, with this error:
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    You write this is not compatible with this version. Did you install all updates and did you update the camera raw too?

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    You cannot have three activations. It's simply not technically possible. If and when the time comes, you simply deactivate/ sign out on one of the old systems and install on the new one. If the system goes belly up, you contact support to reset your account. No need to make it more complicated than that and overthink it.

  • Photoshop CS5. Saved printer information is not compatible with this version of Photoshop

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    office which has a large Konica Printer. When I first started using Photoshop at this office I
    could print directly from PS to thier printers. Then a printer driver change or something I cannot pinpoint changed and I began getting the Error Message: The saved printer information is not compatible with this version of Photoshop, or the saved printer is no longer available. You will need to check your printer settings before printing. I click OK and the second Error Message appears: There was an error opening your printer. Printing functions will not be available until you have selected a priner and reopened any documents. The radio button has the single response word "Cancel". After clicking that button the printing is grayed out and until I go into Color Settings and change the setting drop down box to something else, close PS and reopen the, or any file and the same thing occurs. Ihad the IT department down here and after an hour he clicked on settings and tinkered around until all of a sudden the printing was enabled. It worked until the printer driver was updated. Once again the IT guy was down here and didn't remember what he did, tinkered around and after changing the color settings to: Monitor Color, it printed. Here we go again, printer settings were randomly changed so we reinstalled the printer driver and again PS is not printing.
    Is there anyone who has experienced this issue who can help me make sense of this insanity. Is there a sequence of setting changes, opening of the program and file that is allowing the color management to stop interferring with my printing other than Gremlins in this machine? I have not found anything Googling on this issue. Please help me . . . Annette

    I don't think I have an answer for you about exactly what went wrong, but one thing that can help with understanding the messages (and maybe can help you and your IT people figure it out) is this:
    Photoshop saves the information about the last printer the document was printed to as metadata in the document file.  So if you make a print then save the PSD, the printer info is in the PSD.
    If recently you opened an image that had previously been printed at another place (and which didn't have an exact match to the printer available in your current location), then you can start to imagine these error messages making a bit more sense.  Things like "The saved printer information" begin to have meaning.
    Hope this helps.

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