Outgoing email to Yahoo not working

I just received my palm pixi plus and have set up my email account with yahoo. I am receiving emails OK, but cannot send emails.  The error message is "Cannot authenticate logon.  Please re-enter password." I have not changed the default settings for the yahoo setup.  Any ideas?

Check your port settings. I have provided what the correct settings should be below. Hope this helps!
Incoming server should be pop.mail.yahoo.com
You should also check your Email Sync Settings:
Outgoing server should be smtp.mail.yahoo.com
From the Homescreen, touch the email icon.
Touch Email > Preferences & Accounts.
Emailis located at the upper-left corner of the screen.
Touch the desired account.
Touch Get email(in the Sync section).
Touch the desired interval.
As items arrive
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
12 hours
24 hours
If selecting this option, refer to Manual Email Sync - Palm Pixi.
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    you can't use trace in php you have to use print or echo in php
    try this :-

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    That helped thanks-
    I was able to solve this by deleting all "Envelop Index*"- and "ExternalUpdates*"-files in ~/Library/Mail/v2/MailData. After that I restarted Mail and let it reindex all mailboxes.

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    Sorry for the delay...
    I did what you've told me, new account and manually copied my files from Time Machine. I had lots of permissions problems, but at the end, almost everything is in order... It seems it had to be with some of the Apple Preferences, but I can't be sure, as most of them were dumped to the trash can.
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    Thanks for the help, anyway!!

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  • Multiple recipient email addresses is not working  for xsl & PDF Attachment

    multiple recipient email addresses is not working properly when
    to list has some external email address and sending xls and PDF file as an attachment.
    Test Scenario:
    (A) Create mail target activity
    1)To email : use the multiple email id with some external domain (ex.
    [email protected] ,[email protected], [email protected])
    2)File attachment with .xls file and this file is sending to mail target as an inputstream(at runtime)
    3)Use all other valid parameter in activity.
    (B) Create a process flow File source to mail target
    Execute the process flow.
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    displaying message
    �abc.xls� can not be accessed. The file may be read-only, Or you may be
    trying to access a read only location. Or, the server the document is stored on
    may not be responding.�
    When i trying to open xls and PDF file
    Expected Result:
    All type of file attachments should be supported with all valid email address
    Pls help me about this senario:
    What is problem in this case:
    I am sending code
    Session session =getSession(host,port,secure);
                   Transport trans = connect(host,port,session,userID,password);
                   Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
                   InternetAddress[] iAddr = null;
                   message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(fromName));
                   iAddr = InternetAddress.parse(toUserName, true);
                   message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, iAddr);
                   //BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                   Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
                   MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart=null;
    if(dataLocation!=null && dataLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("ATTACHMENT")){
                        String tmpName=fileName;
                        if( inputstream != null)
                                  tmpName = makeAttachment(fileName,inputstream);
                        messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                        DataSource source = new FileDataSource(tmpName);
                        messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
                        fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/');
                        fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,

    First, when sending your message, the filename should be a simple
    filename, not containing any directory names.
    It sounds like your mail server might be doing some special
    processing of attachments, perhaps to prevent viruses.

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    Reply from Keygames.
    Hi David,
    It is a problem with the website. We are working on a solution.
    Best is to go to http://spele.nl for the time being.
    Best regards,
    Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:43:55 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Unable to play flash games. All I get is a white box. Does anyone have a solution?
        Re: Unable to play flash games. All I get is a white box. Does anyone have a solution?
        created by Pat Willener in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion

  • Yahoo email sync does not work

    Hi All,
    before posting this I searched the forums and tried all the solutions and they did not work. All solution were basically configurations adjustment.
    I am using Bold 9700 on BIS. Yahoo email does not synchronize the messages when read or deleted from the desktop online account. But it works the other way around. (when I delelte or read a message from the web email it stays unread on the device and I have to go and delete it or mark it as read manually). it is very annoying that I have to do everything twice, specially that I am reveiving like 50+ emails every day in yahoo account only.
    the email reconcilation configurations are
    Delete on: Mailbox & Handheld
    Wireless reconcile: On
    On conflict: Mailbox wins
    I called RIM and they said it should work 2-way, yahoo also it should work. I called Rogers, the tech support told me her device does like that. and all what she did was telling me change the configuration, save, change them back, and save again. and surely nothing of that worked.
    I tried my yahoo mail, and other accounts, on iphone and HTC and they worked well both ways.
    I really am not sure why people claim that blackberry are the best email handler! a lot of people suffer from sync problems, and there is no IMAP folders support on BIS!!
    any help would be appreciated

    Same issue here.
    I have BB 9700 and Yahoo! BIS account.  Worked like a charm until about a week ago.
    It was even synchronizing my calendar and mail between BB and Outlook 2010 - never really understood how it managed to do that, but I was very pleased.
    As of lately our telecom administrator spent hours on the phone with AT&T, Yahoo and RIM trying to resolve this problem.  I was told by RIM tech. support that I've got too many messages in the inbox (measly 5000 e-mails) and that BB stops synchronizing after about 800 messages in the inbox, because it is timing out with so many messages to go through.  Sounded like a total BS to me, but I still went ahead and cleaned up my Yahoo inbox and no luck, as I suspected.  I was also told by tech. support that it is due to my using Outlook 2010 Beta2, which is not supported, hence the issue - another ferry tale, IMHO.
    Hopefully, RIM will be able to get us back on track - manually deleting 60 emails every day is extremely annoying.

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    Please advise how can I get eh Nokia email works again.  thanks

    Very upset with Nokia's tech support service, taking so long not calling back after contacting them.  Finally I found a work around.  After reinstall the email software, setup a new email account never used with Nokia email before.  Then the software will setup correctly instead using the messaging folder.  This is a bug with the Nokia email software and the new firmware.    OR the Nokia email software is intended to do it that way because it's a trial version.  It just let you try it for the first time of installation. 

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    ''Your Java is Working! Latest Java Installed!
    Version: Java SE 6 Update 27
    Operating System: Windows 7 6.1
    Architecture: x86
    That did not work either. I have searched the forums but am out of ideas.
    When I try to send an email the window freezes and then this window pops up:
    ''A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
    Script: https://cms.psu.edu/jscript/yahoo/utilities/utilities.js:9''
    If I stop the script the window closes if I continue it just repeats the above issue.
    I found a help article that explains java is different that javascript but it didn't really explain how to troubleshoot the latter.
    Thanks for your help guys! I am sure my school will appreciate it :)

    Hi, I was having the same problem. I called a tech guy and he said it might be an issue with your version of firefox.
    To check your version hit Help at the top and click About Mozilla Firefox.
    Right under the firefox logo it should say it's version number. I had version 7.0.something.
    He told me to download version 3.6
    Which you can download here:
    Then log in using that and it should resolve your issue. It solved mine.
    Best of luck!

  • Reply to address on yahoo not working

    I have some of my work email forwarded to a yahoo account that are pushed to my iphone. I set up the "repliy to" email option to be my work email so when i reply from my iphone it will seem that I am replying from the work email. But it is not working, it is still attaching the yahoo email address. Is this because the reply is coming from the iphone and not the actual yahoo email account itself?

    but do I lose "push" capabilities if I do this?
    Yes, you do. Sorry.
    The Yahoo push email ONLY works if you use the Yahoo shortcut in creating the account. And the Yahoo shortcut ONLY lets you use a @yahoo.com address.

  • Verizon email; Thunderbird client; Not working since 3/25/2013;server name change

    Yesterday, 3/25/2013, I noticed that email wasn't working from my thunderbird client. After a day of assuming that the problem existed elsewhere, I found on this site where it says to use POP.VERIZON.NET, port 995, and SMTP.VERIZON.NET, port 465.  After grumbling why didn't I hear about this name change?, I changed them. At that time I noticed that the PORTS were wrong, too.  They'd been right, and now, not.  Most confusing.  I changed them.  Each account has CONNECTION SECURITY SSL/TLS and NORMAL PASSWORD.
    But: when I try to connect, I get:  An error occurred during a connection to pop.verizon.net:995.  You have received an invalid certificate.....Your certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued by the certificate authority.  Please get a new certificate...."
    I am at a loss.  What's wrong, other than that email seems to be choking on security?
    Go to Solution.

    Found in another post where a person said the INCOMING.VERIZON.NET and OUTGOING.VERIZON.NET did still work, so I tried it, but still got that Certificate error.  Found someone else who said they had to say 'no connection security' before it would work, and so I tried that -- and it did.
    Not thrilled about this, but the client is working again.  

  • Email password does not work

    My yahoo email pop for safari's email service does not recognize the password. Yet I can go to yahoo mail and log in?
    How can I enable the same password to work with the same yahoo pop email address through safari's email system? Just so I can send emails to websites I visit.

    Try deleting this file.
    ~/Library/Preferences ~ meaning your Home Folder
    Move that .plist file to the Trash and restart your Mac, then try again.
    Also, the 10.6.2 combo update is available here and includes fixes that might help.
    If you do this, make sure and repair disk permissions after the installation.
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

  • My email account will not work after the jellybean update

    I had a yahoo mail account linked to the e-mail service that comes with the galaxy s3. It worked fine. Now all it does is repeatedly notify me that sign in has failed. I have retyped in the account name and password numerous times.
    Also if i download the yahoo mail application it works.
    Why does it not work on the default e-mail application.
    I have also tried to remove the account from the phone, it does nothing when i click remove account.

    There is a problem with Yahoo Mail and the JellyBean update (4.1.1). I updated my Galaxy S3 yesterday from Ice Cream Sandwich to JellyBean and Yahoo Mail no longer automatically notifies me when new Yahoo mail arrives (Gmail still works fine though). I have Yahoo Mail configured in the phone's email client - the shortest auto-sync period available is 1 week!
    I spent the whole day trying to get the phone's built-in email client to work with Yahoo Mail like it did before the upgrade with no luck.
    The only way I get my Yahoo mail is to use the separate "Y! Mail" app, from Google's App Store, and check it periodically... that's a workaround, but I miss the auto-notification I had with ICS.
    Message was edited by: blaisdf

  • Email push notification not working

    I have z-push  working as an activesync tool for Zarafa (ZCP) in my LAN. The account is set to an "Exchange Account", with push notification working for email. The Zarafa-server has local IP-Adress (like 192.168.0.x). Email push  notification from z-push using WIFI is not working while "Mobile Data over GSM" is activated on my Iphone 4. (with IOS 5.1.1 running).The only way to get email is to open the mail client software.
    Any ideas why i have to switch off data over GSM/3G to be able to get push notifiactions ?
    Thx for your help !

    Yahoo email "push" stopped working for me on my iPad (3.2) and, later, on my iPhone 3G (ios4). The fixes turned out to be different on both, but both are now working...
    On my iPad, I needed to Reset Network Settings (under General, Reset). It did it's thing, rebooted, and I needed to re-enter the password for my home network. Poof... Push notices came in.
    On my iPhone 3G, I deleted my yahoo account and re-entered it. Push started working right away.
    Hope one of these is helpful for you.

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