Outgoing message is locked in mail

I wrote an outgoing message in the maul program.  I'm unable to either send it or cancel it as both buttons are greyed out.  How can I reset my mail?

What if the message is already created by the user (clicked button "new message" in GUI)? Is there a list of last-created outgoing messages somewhere?
OK, that wasn't clear from your original post.
It is possible to ask Mail.app for all outgoing messages:
tell application "Mail"
  set newMessages to (get every outgoing message)
end tell
From there you can iterate through the list. The problem I see is that there's no obvious way of differentiating messages created by your script vs. messages created manually by the user. Maybe you have a plan for that.

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    2. I want to do something with it
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    --> But how do I get the id (or object) of the current open/frontmost message?
    Message was edited by: fabiradi

    What if the message is already created by the user (clicked button "new message" in GUI)? Is there a list of last-created outgoing messages somewhere?
    OK, that wasn't clear from your original post.
    It is possible to ask Mail.app for all outgoing messages:
    tell application "Mail"
      set newMessages to (get every outgoing message)
    end tell
    From there you can iterate through the list. The problem I see is that there's no obvious way of differentiating messages created by your script vs. messages created manually by the user. Maybe you have a plan for that.

  • Outgoing messages wont send in OS X Mail

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    "This message could not be delivered and will remain in your Outbox until it can be delivered.
    The sender address [email protected] was rejected by the server"
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    What does “I am eperiencing repeated failures to send email” mean? What’s the problem exactly? What error messages do you get, if any? Are this mail account and the associated outgoing (SMTP) server provided by your ISP or by someone else? More info, please.
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list. Leave checked (enabled) only the port configuration needed to connect to Internet and Built-in Ethernet (in that order if not the same), uncheck (disable) the rest of network port configurations and see whether that helps — if it doesn’t, turn ON again the ones you want enabled.
    Try using a different method to connect to Internet, if possible, or connecting the computer to Internet as directly as possible, i.e. bypassing any routers that might be present, using an ethernet cable instead of wireless, etc and see whether that makes a difference.
    Mail keeps information about outgoing (SMTP) servers in a separate list independently of the mail accounts themselves. The account settings just associate one of the available outgoing servers with each account. Orphaned or dangling outgoing server entries (i.e. not associated with any account) sometimes cause weird sending problems. Go to Preferences > Accounts > Account Information > Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), choose Edit Server List from the popup menu, and delete any servers that shouldn’t be there. The Edit Server List panel shows the account each outgoing server is associated with.
    If the problem persists and you have more than one mail account, try moving the account that has the problem to the top of the list in Preferences > Accounts.

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    Can anyone offer a solution?
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    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I recently upgraded from OS 10.4.4 to 10.5.5
    Mac OS X 10.5.5? Wow! I thought it would be 1 year or so until Mac OS X 10.5 ships and you've already installed its .5 revision! What kind of Developer Program are you a member of?
    Sorry, couldn't resist!
    Now, seriously, you're certainly not alone. I've seen quite a few threads about this very same issue here. Just search for "junk" and "sent" in this forum:

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    Hello Mike.
    You need one of the many Mail plugins available out there if you want this functionality:

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    it's not actually attached to outgoing messages and your e-mail recipients won't see it.

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    I assumed my new MacBook was setup correctly from the Apple Store.
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    Check your outgoing (SMTP) mail in mail preferences, make sure that it is set to your mail server and not none or something else. After upgrades, these things can get messed up.

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    search google for "iphone remove picture from contact"

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    In fact, the only way to see the identity in the outgoing "From" field is to go to Preferences, then click on Accounts, and look there; or send oneself a test email. Both of which are a hassle and should be unnecessary.
    In case you're curious as to why I want to see my outgoing "From" header field:
    I have several different "personas" online, each of which uses a different email address: My work address (with a work-related domain); my family/personal address (with a different email address than my work address); an online avatar I use in various gaming sites (also with its own address, since I don't want to use my personal name/address in the gaming community); and so on. However, I have all incoming emails to all accounts auto-forwarded to the same central email account. Most of the time I'm just replying to business emails, so my outgoing "Full Name" and "Email Address" (in Preferences>Accounts) are generally set to my business name and address; but on occasion when I want to reply to a non-business email and not have the recipient see my business email address, I go in to Preferences>Accounts and change "Full Name" and "Email Address" (i.e. what is displayed to the user) to something different. And when I'm done with that, I change it back to my business address.
    However, sometimes I forget if I've changed it back or not, or forget what I've changed it to. In Eudora, All one needed to one was create a new outgoing email and it would display the "From" field so I could instantly see my outgoing identity. But in Mail, there is no "From" field in outgoing emails, so I'm constantly nervous and wondering which outgoing identity I may have changed to and accidentally forgotten to change back from.
    (Yes, yes, I know that if a recipient wanted to be snoopy, they could look at the "full headers" of any incoming email and see the name of my email server, which may different from my displayed email address; but we're not talking about spy-stuff here, I'm just trying to not confuse people and keep business separate from personal.)
    So: is there any way for me to see the outgoing "From" field in the emails I send? Or am I condemned to constantly (and mostly unnecessarily) checking "Preferences>Accounts" to see what I have enetered there?

    Thanks for replying.
    What is the "compose window" to which you are both referring? I could find no reference to such a thing in the Mail menus or Help.
    Do you mean the "Composing" pane in the Preferences? I don't see what either one of you is referring to there, but I did notice there something that could function as an awkward workaround: If I click on the "Automatically CC myself" box in Preferences>Composing, then when I start a new email, my email address is displayed in the "CC" field -- and luckily, Mail allows me to then delete my email address out of the CC field, so I don't have to spam myself with duplicate copies of all my emails. This way, I can at least briefly see what email address I'm using, before I delete it from the CC field. Pretty awkward and unnecessarily laborious, however -- still not a perfect solution.
    Or, by "composing window," are you referring to an outgoing email? As I said in my original comment, I do see what Ernie called "a small box with lines and an arrow at the bottom left of the header box." This is what I had to say about it:
    +"In the "Customize..." button to the left of the Subject field in outgoing messages, one has the option to add as default outgoing message fields "cc," "bcc," "Reply-To," and "Subject," but none of those are what I want. It allows one to also view the address of the mail server, but that also is not what I'm looking for. What I want is to see my outgoing email address. And nowhere is there an option in the Preferences to turn this on. (At least as far as I could tell.)"+
    In other words, when Ernie says, "click the box beside From," I can't do that -- because there is no such option. That's the whole problem in the first place. If there was a "From" field beside which I could click a box to make it appear, I would have done so! But there is no "From" field in the "Customize" section of the "small box with lines and an arrow at the bottom left of the header box."
    I find it completely mystifying that both of you seem to be able to see a "From" field available to be added to the header of outgoing emails, yet no such option is available to me in Mail. What possibly could be causing this? 10.6.4 is freshly installed on my machine, and Mail seems brand new and uncorrupted. And I'm using Mail 4.3, the latest version.
    Are you saying that everyone else can see an option to have a "From" field in their outgoing messages, but I uniquely don't? Very very very strange.

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    Yes I am having the exact same problem - email just disappears totally whilst being sent - nothing in drafts or sent items - the email has totally disappeared - very very annoying...
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    You can handle the limit of any mail at MTA-level with the blocklimit, noblocklimit, sourceblocklimit directives in the channel definitions (in imta.cnf)
    Give a look at the MTA configuration details at
    I think that you may want to try something like sourceblocklimit directive.

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    Back up all data. Rebuild the mailbox. Try to send the messages again.

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    Do you have it selected here in preferences?

  • Mail crashes and cannot delete outgoing message with large attachment

    Tried to send an email with too large an attachment. Now it is stuck in Outgoing Mail. I cannot delete it. It just causes the spinning ball and then eventually mail crashes. I need a way to delete the outgoing message. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Try this:
    1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/.
    3. Locate Outbox.mbox and move it to the Trash.
    4. Open Mail. A new (empty) Outbox.mbox will be created automatically.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

  • Apple Mail won't send outgoing messages

    I recently had my computer sent in for repairs and when i got it back I had to set-up mail again. Before I sent it out mail was working perfectly but now after setting it up the exact same way it won't sent any outgoing messages. When I send them they go straight to the outbox. I am using Tiger 10.4.10

    Sorry, but you are posting in the Mail for Leopard discussion. You'll probably get better help in the Mail for Tiger discussion.

Maybe you are looking for