Output file naming

Hi - I want to batch convert dozens of files at one time that each have a unique name. In compressor preferences I can select my setting and destination and then drag my files for conversion into compressor. The output file name however contains my setting name and info. I know that I can click on each file output name to delete the name info I don't want - but I don't want to have to do that for dozens of files.
Question - how can I get compressor not to include the setting name and info in the output file name without having to delete the unwanted naming info manually.

Compressor may not be the tool for this job. I think you want to do this at the Finder level. Automator and AppleScript come with several folder-file routines that can change names with a fairly simple click.
Hopefully someone who knows the finer controls in Compressor will drop by over the next few days with better suggestions.

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    The situation:
    I need to convert a folder of PDF's to PNG format.
    My process:
    I create an action by recording my "actions" based on one of the said PDF's.
    When batching and/or processing via a droplet (created from action I created from above), the output file name is ALWAYS the EXACT name of the file I used when I created my action!!! Why? I have tried everything... Why is it so hard for Photoshop to batch a file and use the file name of the current file being batched (and not the name of the original file that the action was created from)???
    Please help!
    I feel like such a dunce... I am sure the answer is staring me right in the face.
    Many thanks in advance!!!

    Hi Conrad!
    Thanks for the help, I greatly appreciate your time. :)
    Sorry for my delayed reply.
    I never touched the file name for the save as dialog box.
    I have use PS for many years, and I have never been able to get the file name to stay the same as the file being processed. :(
    My boss even, he is a beta tester of future versions of Adobe products, and he could not get it to work...
    It only worked for me/us when appending a digit to the end of the file name. Not an optimal solution, but it works. ;)
    @Foot, I am glad this thread was helpful! :D
    Have a great day all!

  • Output File Naming Convention

    Hi PI Experts,
    I have a requirement to do the following :
    ---Pick a pdf file from a location and deposit to another location.
    Some roadblocks :
    1) The target filename should be the same as the source file name.
    2) The source file will always have .pdf extension in uppercase or lowercase. The outfile file should have .pdf extension in lowercase. Eg. the source file is <attach.PDF> or <attach.pdf>, the target file should always be <attach.pdf>
    3) A timestamp should be attached between the filename and the extension with an underscore separating them. Eg. the source file is <attach.PDF>, the target file should be <attach_timestamp.pdf>
    Summary : A file is deposited as <invoice.PDF>, the output file should be <invoice_timestamp.pdf>, a file is deposited as <invoice.pdf, the output file should be <invoice_timestamp.pdf>
    Note : I am not using any mapping objects as this is a direct file pick and deposit scenario i.e nonexistent_interface.
    Please advise on what is the suggested solution and how to perform this functions. As I am a beginner to PI, it would be great if you could provide a clear and easy to understand solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Freddy Ng,
    I understand you want to name target file dynamically. Dynamic file name is possible using
    1) Varaible substitution (but you don't have structure of payload, it is PDF)
    2) Dynamic configuration, you have to use objects in ESR ,
    _a)to use this one you need UDF, but there is no source structure, it is PDF.
    _b)you have to write a Java Mapping. Follow below steps.
    As input is not XML, we cannot use Graphical or XSLT mapping, so we have to use Java mapping.
    Step 1:- In Sender file channel, Advanced tab, select u201CSet Adapter-Specific Message Attributesu201D and u201CFile Nameu201D.
    Step 2:- Create a Dummy Data type: <Root><Child1></Child1><Child2></Child2></Root> and then create a Message type. Create Inbound and Outbound Message Interfaces using above Message Type and then create a Operational mapping.
    Step 3: Now, Implement Java Mapping (below).
    Step 4:- In Receiver file channel, Advanced tab, select u201CSet Adapter-Specific Message Attributesu201D and u201CFile Nameu201D.
    package com.image.file;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class RenameTargetFile extends AbstractTransformation {
        public void transform(TransformationInput transformationInput, TransformationOutput transformationOutput) throws StreamTransformationException {
            OutputStream outputstream = null;
            try {
                //Read input payload and write the same to output payload.
                InputStream inputstream = transformationInput.getInputPayload().getInputStream();
                outputstream = transformationOutput.getOutputPayload().getOutputStream();
                byte[] b = new byte[inputstream.available()];
                String inputFileContent = new String(b);
                //Get all details from SOAP Header
                Map para = transformationInput.getInputHeader().getAll();
                //Get File name http://help.sap.com/javadocs/pi/SP3/xpi/com/sap/aii/mapping/api/DynamicConfiguration.html
                DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) para.get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
                DynamicConfigurationKey keyFileName = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File", "FileName");
                String inputFileName = conf.get(keyFileName);
                SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/DD hh:mm:ss");
                String outputFileName = inputFileName.substring(0, inputFileName.indexOf(".")) + simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".pdf";
                conf.put(keyFileName, outputFileName);
            } catch (Exception exception) {

  • Concurrent Output File Name

    Hi ,
    I need to change the concurrent output file name based on the parameters assigned.Please guide as to how this can be achieved??

    I need to change the concurrent output file name based on the parameters assigned.
    I am not sure whether output name based on parameter value is achievable, anyhow please refer the follow doc which might be helpful.
    What to Set $APPCPNAM for the Report Output File Naming Convention Format (Doc ID 1050938.6)
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

  • Output CSV File Naming Convention - Receiver File Adapter

    Dear SAP experts,
    I need help regarding my scenario.
    My scenario is this, Customer will send EDI message to XI. XI will then translate the message and convert it into XML.. After, a Receiver File Adapter will receive the XML then convert it into .csv file.
    I've already configured the Receiver File Adapter to convert the XML into .csv file.
    But, my problem now is how will I configure to have my output .csv file has a File Naming Convention.
    The output .csv file must be "CustomerName_YearMonthDate".
    From the EDI message, there is indicated Sender GLN in which, each customer has its own Sender GLN.
    E.g., Globus --> 200, Karstadt --> 300,  Metro --> 400.
    How will I configure so that I can have an output .csv file of,
    If Globus sends the EDI message, the output .csv file is Globus_20080304.csv.
    If Karstadt, Karstadt_20080304.csv.
    If Metro, Metro_20080304.csv.
    Kindly advise for a clear and complete solution.
    Thank you very much for your usual support.

    Hi Nisar,
    My target message (XML) in the mapping is this,
    - <ns0:CSV>
        -  <SLI>
               <PERIO> </PERIO>
               <ILN> </ILN?
               <EAN> </EAN>
    perio, iln, and ean was rooted on SLI field. and the CSV is the rootnode of the target message.
    I have created a UDF on the message mapping to accomodate the output customer name, here is the codes:
    String fname="";
    fname ="Globus" +dat;
    else if(GLN.equals("5678"))
    fname ="Karstadt"+dat;
    else if(GLN.equals("6789"))
    fname ="Metro"+dat;
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create(
        conf.put(key,fname );
    Globus --> 23456 (Sender GLN)
    Karstadt --> 5678 (Sender GLN)
    Metro --> 6789 (Sender GLN)
    This UDF i've made in the Message Mapping was mapped in the root node CSV.
    Is this UDF correct?
    Then on the File Receiver Configurations, here are the configs,
    Transport Protocol: File System (NFS)
    Message Protocol: File Content Conversion
    Adapter Engine: Integration Server
    File Access Parameters
    Target Directory: /var/opt/gsss/sample/csv
    File Name Scheme: .csv
    Processing Parameters
    File Construction Mode: Create
    - Overwrite Existing File
    Write Mode: Directly
    File Type: Text
    Variable Substitution --> ???
    Adapter Specific Message Attributes
    - Use Adapter-Specific Message Attributes
    - Fail if Adapter-Specific Message Attributes Missing
    - File Name
    Run Operating System Command After Message Processing
    Command Line: chmod 664%F
    Content Conversion Parameters
    Recordset Structure: SLI
    SLI.addHeaderLine: 3
    SLI.headerLine: PERIO;ILN;EAN
    SLI.fieldSeparator: ;
    SLI.endSeparator: 'nl'
    Adapter Status:
    Status: Active
    Kindly advise if my configs are correct.
    Thank you very much!

  • Flatfile conversion with output file has a NAMING CONVENTION

    Dear SAP experts,
    I need some advise regarding my scenario.
    I am converting a message into flatfile. (customized .csv)
    But, the output .csv flatfile must have a naming convention.
    E.g.    Globus_20071020   (Customer name_YearMonthDate)
    Can somebody give me ideas/inputs on what will I configure in File Receiver (FCC) in order to have an output file having a naming convention indicated above.
    Or do i need additional configurations?
    Please advise.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You could pass this kind of File name from mapping at runtime or
    You could use the variable substitutions to create the fiel neame as per naming convention as adding date .
    With reference to Variables youcould set file name as Globus_%payload.<Date>%
    Pass the value in date field of payload 
    Variable Substitution
    How to use Variable substituion
    how to use attributes in variable substitution???:(
    Dynamic file name
    /people/jayakrishnan.nair/blog/2005/06/20/dynamic-file-name-using-xi-30-sp12-part--i --> Dynamic File Name using XI 3.0 SP12 Part – I
    /people/jayakrishnan.nair/blog/2005/06/28/dynamic-file-namexslt-mapping-with-java-enhancement-using-xi-30-sp12-part-ii --> Dynamic file name(XSLT Mapping with Java Enhancement) using XI 3.0 SP12 Part -II
    Dynamic File name in File adapter
    1. In the sender file adapter , select Adapter Specific Attributes --> FileName.
    2. Use the code in this link to read the filename inside a UDF in your mapping.
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create(
    String filename = conf.get(key);

  • Naming output files in Windows Batch Scripts

    <p>Looking for Windows batch script syntax to autonumber,automatically name, and/or randomly name output files to avoidoverwriting output files.</p>

    I use this type of functionalithy frequently to save output logs.<BR>Here is a snippet of code that should work. It assumes that you already have the Esscmd script that performs the DBStats call and outputs the log to D:\logs\dbstats.log.<BR><BR>Let me know if you have any questions.<BR><BR>@ECHO OFF<BR>:: ==========================================================<BR>::Filename:     GetDBSTATS.bat<BR>:<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">escription:     Runs DBSTATS and rename outputfile with current date<BR>:: ==========================================================<BR>::<BR>:: Run Esscmd to get dbstats output log d:\logs\dbstats.log<BR>ESSCMD D:\script\getdbstats.ess<BR>::<BR>:: Get Current Date and Time<BR> FOR /F "TOKENS=2" %%i IN ('DATE/T') DO SET FullDate=%%i<BR> SET Month=%fulldate:~0,2%<BR> SET Day=%fulldate:~3,2%<BR> SET Year=%fulldate:~6,4%<BR><BR> FOR /F "TOKENS=1" %%i IN ('TIME/T') DO SET FullTime=%%i<BR> FOR /F "DELIMS=: TOKENS=1" %%i in ('ECHO %fulltime%') DO SET Hour=%%i<BR> FOR /F "DELIMS=: TOKENS=2" %%j in ('ECHO %fulltime%') DO SET Minute=%%j<BR><BR>::<BR>::<BR>RENAME d:\logs\dbstats.log dbstats_%month%_%day%_%year%.log<BR>EXIT<BR>

  • Read multiple files and save all into one output file(AGAIN)

    Hi, guys
    I need your help for reading data from multiple files and save the results into one output file. When files are selected from file chooser, my program read the data line by line , do some calculations and save the result into the output. I made an array to store input files and it seems to be working fine, but when it comes to SaveFile() function, issues NullPointException message.
    public class FileReduction1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
       // GUI definition and layout
        /* ACTION PERFORMED */
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
            if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Open File")) getFileName();
        /* OPEN THE FILE */
        private void getFileName() {
            // Display file dialog so user can select file to open
         JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
         int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);
         // If cancel button selected return
         if (result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) return;
            if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
             files = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles();
                    System.out.println("files length"+files.length);
                    for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++)
    filelist+=files[i].getName()+" ,";
    if (checkFileName(files[i]) )
    textArea.append("file "+files[i].getName()+"is a proper file"+"\n");
    else{JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Please select file(s)",
                    "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }
         // Obtain selected file
    /* READ FILE */
    private void readFile(File fileName_in) {
    // Disable read button
    // Dimension data structure
         data = new String[numLines][4];
         // Read file
         // Rnable open button
    /* Get number of lines in file and prepare data structure. */
    private void getNumberOfLines(File fileName_in) {
    int counter = 0;
         // Open the file
         // Loop through file incrementing counter
         try {
         String line = fileInput.readLine();
         while (line != null) {
              System.out.println("(" + counter + ") " + line);
    line = fileInput.readLine();
         numLines = counter;
         catch(IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error reading File",
                   "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    /* READ FILE */
    private void readTheFile(File fileName_in)
    // Open the file
    //int row=0;
    int col=0;
    System.out.println("Read the file");
    // Loop through file incrementing counter
    String line = fileInput.readLine();
    while (line != null)
    boolean containsDoubles = false;
    double temp;
    String[] lineParts = line.split("\t");
    for (col=0;col<lineParts.length;col++)
    data[row][col] = lineParts[col];
    containsDoubles = true;
    System.out.print("data["+row+"]["+col+"]="+lineParts[col]+" ");
    } catch (Exception e) {row=0; col=0; temp=0.0;}
    if (containsDoubles){ row++;}
    line = fileInput.readLine();
    catch(IOException ioException)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error reading File", "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    /* Return flase if selected file is a directory, access is denied or is
    not a file name. */
    private boolean checkFileName(File fileName_in) {
         if (fileName_in.exists()) {
         if (fileName_in.canRead()) {
              if (fileName_in.isFile()) return(true);
              else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 3: File is a directory");
         else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 2: Access denied");
         else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 1: No such file!");
         // Return
    /* OPEN FILE */
    private void openFile(File fileName_in) {
         try {
         // Open file
         FileReader file = new FileReader(fileName_in);
         fileInput = new BufferedReader(file);
         catch(IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Opening File",
                   "Error 4: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
         textArea.append("OPEN FILE\n---------\n");
         //System.out.println("File opened successfully");
    /* CLOSE FILE */
    private void closeFile(File fileName_in) {
    if (fileInput != null) {
         try {
         catch (IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Opening File",
                   "Error 4: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    System.out.println("File closed");
    private void process(File fileName_in) {
         //data = new String[numLines][3];
         // Read file
    double temp,temp1;
    //int number=data.length;
    for (int i=0; i<row; i++)
    double tempup=(row*multixy)-(sumx*sumy);
    double tempdown=(row*square_x_sum)-(sumx*sumx);
    double tempbup=sumy-(slope*sumx);
    double tempside=(row*square_y_sum)-(sumy*sumy);
    double cordown=Math.sqrt(tempdown*tempside);
         textArea.append("Data for file"+ fileName_in.getName()+" have been processed successfully.");
         textArea.append("Please enter output file name including extension.");
    System.out.println("intecept b="+intb);
    private void saveFile()
    textArea.append("SAVE FILE\n---------\n");
    if (openFile1())
         try {
    catch (IOException ioException) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Writing to File",
    private boolean openFile1 ()
         // search for the file path
    StringBuffer stringpath;
    int temp=fileName_in.getName().length();
    int temp_path=fileName_in.getPath().length();
    int startd=(temp_path-temp);
    stringpath=new StringBuffer(fileName_in.getPath());
    stringpath.delete(startd, temp_path+1);
    fileName_out = new File(path, title);
    if (fileName_out==null || fileName_out.getName().equals(""))
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Invalid File name",
                   "Invalid File name",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    boolean created = fileName_out.createNewFile();
    fileOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName_out));
    fileOutput.println("File Name"+"\t"+"Slope(m)"+"\t"+"y-intercept(b)"+"\t"+"Coefficient(r)"+"\t"+"Correlation(R-Squared)");
    fileOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName_out,true));
    catch (IOException exc)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Please enter the file name","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    private void outputToFile() throws IOException
    // Initial output
         textArea.append("File name = " + fileName_out + "\n");
         // Test if data exists
         if (data != null)
         fileOutput.println(fileName_in.getName() +"\t"+ slope+"\t"+intb+"\t"+corr+"\t"+r_sqrt);
    textArea.append("File output complete\n\n");
    textArea.append("No data\n\n");
         // End by closing file
    private void initialcomp()
    sumx=0.0; sumy=0.0; multixy=0.0; square_x_sum=0.0; square_y_sum=0.0;
    for(int i=0;i<data.length;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<data[i].length;j++)
    /* MAIN METHOD */
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
         // Create instance of class FileChooser
         FileReduction1 newFile = new FileReduction1("File Reduction Program");
         // Make window vissible
    Sorry about the long lines.
    As you can see, all input files saved in array called files, however when OpenFile1() function is called, it take input (fileName_in) as a single file not an array. I'm assuming this causes the exception.
    When there's muptiple inputs, program should take each file from getFileName() to outputToFile() sequentially.
    Does anybody have an idea to solve this?
    Thanks a lot!!

    you naming convention is confussing. you should follows Java naming convention..you have a getXXX but decalred the return type as "void"...get usully means to return something...
    your code is doing too much..and hard to follows..
    1. get the selected files
    for each selected file
    process the file and return the result
    write out the result.
    /** close the precious resource */
    public void closeResource(Reader in){
        if (in != null){
            try{ in.close(); }
            catch (Exception e){}
    /** get the total number of line in a file */
    public int getLineCount(File file) throws IOException{
        BufferedReader in = null;
        int lineCount = 0;
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
            while ((in.readLine() != null)
            return lineCount;
        finally{ closeResource (in);  }
    /** read the file */
    public void processFile(File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException{
        BufferedReader in = null;
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));
            String line = null;
            while ((in.readLine() != null){
                .. do something with the line
            writeToFile(outFile, result.toString());
        finally{ closeResource (in);  }
    public void writeToFile(File outFile, String result) throws IOException{
        PrintWriter out = null;
            out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile, true));  // true for appending to the end of the file
        finally{  if (out != null){ try{ out.close(); } catch (Exception e){} }  }

  • UTL_FILE  File Naming Problem

    I am using the UTL_FILE package to write into a file.
    I want to name the output file as "file1yyyymmddhh.psc".
    In the syntax of UTL_FILE.FOPEN if I try to append the file name with sysdate then error comes.
    Also if i use the following:
    select 'react_acct' || sysdate || '.' || 'psc'
    into V_filename
    from dual;
    and then UTL_FILE.FOPEN('DIR',v_filename,w)
    Still i get error.
    Can I rename my file in some other manner??
    Please help...

    I tried the same example & it worked perfectly fine with me.
    select DIRECTORY_NAME,rpad(DIRECTORY_PATH,40,' ') directory_path from
    MY_DIR1 c:\ora_test
    15:10:36 SQL> Declare
    15:10:56 2 file1 utl_file.file_type;
    15:10:56 3 V_filename varchar2(1000);
    15:10:56 4 Begin
    15:10:56 5 select 'react_acct' || sysdate || '.' || 'psc'
    15:10:56 6 into V_filename
    15:10:57 7 from dual;
    15:10:57 8 file1 := utl_file.fopen('MY_DIR1',v_filename,'w');
    15:10:57 9 utl_file.put_line(file1,'Hello');
    15:10:57 10 utl_file.fclose(file1);
    15:10:58 11 end;
    15:10:59 12 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    It create a file named react_acct13-MAR-06.psc with the content as hello.

  • Add Data Channel Headings to Output File

    I have seen several threads discussing how to get names on the column headers when outputting dynamic data to a file and thought I would give a simple example of how to do this.
    The example generates a Y=2X as 2 data flows and sends them to an X-Y graph and a text output file.
    It is necessary to convert the dynamic data to a waveform and use the waveform attribute VI to add the attribute named NI_ChannelName.
    The waveform is then converted back to dynamic data.
    This is the solution I worked out and would appreciate confirmation from more expert users if this is the best way.
    Go to Solution.
    File Output Test 1.vi ‏136 KB

    Hi Colin
    I've been taking a look at your VI today and just wondered if you could define what you mean by the 'best way'? Do you mean in terms of the speed of running the VI, memory allocation or another factor?
    If you could let me know, then I'll look into how best to optimise the VI. Looking forward to hearing back from you,
    Best Regards
    Jeremy T
    Technical Marketing Engineer
    National Instruments UK & Ireland

  • Using Timestamp [TS] in the output file name

    Hello Everyone,
    i am trying to get the timestamp into the output file generated by the store file atom. Since my Outbound channel is void i thought i could use:
    My File Specification is: C:\Temp\Out\blabla[TS].xml and unfortunatelythe outputfile are named: blabla[TS].xml
    What am I doing wrong? Can i not use those placeholders in an atom?
    Help is greatly appreciated
    Best regards

    Hi Simon,
    Now I see, you're trying to maintain the timestamp in the SLD FILO section and not in a store file atom of an integration scenario.
    In this case, please check the following help document:
    To define the outbound file pattern, define the directory and the file specification. Enter the full path. The integration framework supports Microsoft Windows UNC (Universal Naming Convention) names. The directory you enter must exist in the file system. The user for directory access must have the necessary rights in the file system.
    You can use the following special characters and variables:
    To introduce  numbering in the file directory use ?.
    If you enter  for example data????.xml, the integration framework creates an outbound file called data0000.xml, if the directory is empty. If a file, following this naming  convention, already exists in the outbound directory, the next generated file  name is data<last  number>+1.xml. If data0000.xml already exists in the directory, the next file in the directory  is data0001.xml.
    This is a placeholder for a value you can  define in scenario package processing. If you use the value, add the b1im_filename attribute directly in the outbound payload.
    <xsl:template  name="transform">
          <xsl:attribute  name="b1im_filename">myName</xsl:attribute>
    To add a  timestamp to the file name, use the variable. This gives you another  possibility to define unique file names.
    Adds the  current year in four digits to the file name
    Adds the  current year in two digits to the file name
    Adds the  current month to the file name
    Adds the  current day to the file name
    Adds the  current hour to the file name
    Adds the  current minute to the file name
    Adds the  current second to the file name
    You can also combine the variables. For example file[TS]??.[hour][min].txt
    Here is a screenshot of my SLD FILO definition and from the result:
    Best regards
    P.S.: just in case you need to define a filename in the integration step for the store file atom, here is a screenshot:

  • Wrong file naming on latest installation ISO

    Hi all.
    I whose trying to install Arch from latest installation ISO without any success. I whose thinking that whose problem with UEFI and USB combination, similar to this
    Boot USB installation as EFI
    I've whose getting same output as on this screenshot
    But after studying error messages, I've noticed some wrong file naming:
    Setup expects to find
    After changing file names, setup boots up normally and start shell. This is problem with file names or in ARCHISO.IMG?
    Hope it helps for others to run installation media.
    Hope it helps for others to run installation media.

    thanks alot for the clarification, I tried to search Google on this trouble and I finally found this post!
    I also had to rename, although I extracted with 7-zip I renamed both the ROOT_IMAGE.FS.SFS files to whatever was tried at the prompt ...
    We really should put some pre-built alternative images up for this on the download-page

  • File naming in RoboHELP 8

    Hi all,
    In my most recent thread I was advised about naming of output files in a merged project and how they should not contain underscores or non alphanumeric characters. Please can people advise whether this should extend to any or all of the following:
    xpj project name
    topic filenames (these show underscores if you insert a space in the fielname or if a duplicate of the topics title is used which always includes spaces.
    graphics file names i.e screenshots included in the project

    You only have to avoid underscores in the CHM name.
    It is best to avoid spaces in filenames but not mandatory. Underscores are OK in topic filenames and the XPJ. In a new project the CHM default to the same as the XPJ but you can change it in the wizard.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Dynamic file naming for two or more files in same mappin

    I am working with Dynamic file naming on receiver files...
    Here two files are coming as output files...
    I am using JAva UDF to handle the two file name....
    But  one one file is formed and another is missing as its 505 file aleady existing error is coming in Receivr Communication channel monitoring...
    How to name different dynamic names for the two differenet files

    Hi Sunil,
    Go thru this blog:
    The specified item was not found.
    Use this Variable Substitution method as an alternative option:
    SAP NetWeaver XI: Variable Substitution with Adapter-Specific Message Attributes via DynamicConfigurationBean
    The specified item was not found.

  • Published Output Files-Flash

    Hi, would anyone know if a paper exists that would explain
    how the output files generated [Flash] display with the correct
    page in the web application or do I have to add map id's and work
    with the developer to create this feature. In other words do I add
    map id's in order for the user to view help for the page he is on
    and if I don't - will the user get the browser help and navigate to
    the help he needs. I haven't worked with this tool alot as you can
    Thank you.

    Yes, map IDs are necessary for context-sensitive help to
    work. If you are looking for instructions for implementing the map
    IDs correctly, I found that having someone (a developer) who is
    familiar with JavaScript look at the explanation in RoboHelp's help
    system went a long way. (See the topic in RoboHelp's help entitled
    "Calling functions from Web pages.")
    All that is really needed for the context sensitivity to work
    in Web applications is two main things:
    1. In RoboHelp, assign a map ID to each of your help topics
    that corresponds to a Web page. (Use the Context-Sensitive Help
    folder in RoboHelp's left pane.)
    2. Have your developer(s) put the link to RoboHelp_CSH.js in
    the <head> of each Web page's HTML. The help link must also
    be coded with a little JavaScript, including the correct map ID for
    that page. "Calling functions from Web pages" gives an example.
    RoboHelp_CSH.js, which you can find in the directory where you
    installed RoboHelp (...RoboHelp 6.0\CSH API), must be copied to the
    appropriate place where this link can find it.
    The map ID part takes a little coordination between you and
    the developers, but that is really the only thing that should be
    different from Web page to Web page. The rest of the JavaScript
    should be the same on each page.
    If you decide not to work with context sensitivity and map
    IDs, the Help link can link to the ***.htm file that is named after
    your project, and the help will open to the file that you set as
    the default topic in the FlashHelp output dialog.
    Feel free to post again if you have questions about the
    details. I believe some of the experts in the forum have tutorials
    online if you don't find RoboHelp's help or this forum adequate in
    answering your questions. Good luck,

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