Output is always -10V

the input signal is between -5V to +5V, but DAQ card output is always -10V.

Answer the questions I posted to your other question and we can help.
If English is problem, use your native language and someone will translate.
Ben Rayner
I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    Usually input parameters listed first followed by output parameters. This is just a custom, not a requirement.
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    By default you get PKCS5Padding so you will get 16 bytes of encrypted padding. Specify
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    Hi, this problem has been resolved.
    Apparently, the PAGE SETUP > SCALING defaults to "fit to 1 page", which is why my reports always run on 1 page regardless of the data.
    The easy solution is just clicking on the Adjust to 100% size radio box.

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    First type this to enable the output.

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    Anyone have this problem?
    Here is the basic code:
    //     External call of the class below
    DBNonCursorParameterTest Tester = new DBNonCursorParameterTest();
    //     The class and constructor that calls the procedure and prints the results.
    public class DBNonCursorParameterTest
         public DBNonCursorParameterTest()
              //     The test procedure I used is a procedure that takes a recordID (Int32) and then returns a
              //     general Name (Varchar2) and a Legal Name (Varchar2) from one table with those three fields.
              string strProcName                    = "MyTestProc;
              OracleConnection conn               = new OracleConnection(DBConnection.ConnectionString);
              OracleCommand cmd                    = new OracleCommand(strProcName,conn);
              cmd.CommandType                         = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                   //     Create the input parameter and the output cursor parameter to retrieve data; assign a value to the input parameter;
              //     then create the parameter collection and add the parameters.
              OracleParameter pBPID               = new OracleParameter("p_bpid",               OracleDbType.Int32,          ParameterDirection.Input);
              OracleParameter pBPName               = new OracleParameter("p_Name",               OracleDbType.Varchar2,     ParameterDirection.Output);
              OracleParameter pBPLegalName     = new OracleParameter("p_LegalName",     OracleDbType.Varchar2,     ParameterDirection.Output);
              pBPID.Value = 1;
              //     Open connection and run stored procedure.
                   Console.Write("\n" + cmd.CommandText + "\n\n");
                   //for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters.ParameterName + " Direction = "     + cmd.Parameters[i].Direction.ToString());
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName + " Status = "          + cmd.Parameters[i].Status.ToString());
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName + " Value = "          + cmd.Parameters[i].Value.ToString() + "\n");
                   foreach (OracleParameter orap in cmd.Parameters)
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Direction = "     + orap.Direction.ToString() + " Value = " + orap.Value.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Status = "          + orap.Status.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Value = "          + orap.Value.ToString() + "\n");
                   //     End Test code.
              catch (Exception ex)
                   throw new Exception("ExecuteQuery() failed: " + ex.Message);
         public void Close()
              if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
    Other things to note:
    I have no problems with returning RefCursors; they work fine. I just don't want to use RefCursors when they are not efficient, and I want to have the ability to return output parameters when I only want to return single values and/or a value from an insert/update/delete.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Here's a short test using multiple out parameters and a stored procedure. Does this work as expected in your environment?
    /* simple procedure to return multiple out parameters */
    create or replace procedure out_test (p_text in varchar2,
                                          p_upper out varchar2,
                                          p_initcap out varchar2)
      select upper(p_text) into p_upper from dual;
      select initcap(p_text) into p_initcap from dual;
    /C# source:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace Miscellaneous
      class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
          // change connection string as appropriate
          const string constr = "User Id=orademo; " +
                                "Password=oracle; " +
                                "Data Source=orademo; " +
                                "Enlist=false; " +
          // the stored procedure to execute
          const string sql = "out_test";
          // simple input parameter for the stored procedure
          string text = "hello!";
          // create and open connection
          OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
          // create and setup connection object
          OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
          cmd.CommandText = sql;
          cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
          // the input paramater
          OracleParameter p_text = new OracleParameter("p_text",
          // first output parameter
          OracleParameter p_upper = new OracleParameter("p_upper",
          // second output parameter
          OracleParameter p_initcap = new OracleParameter("p_initcap",
          // add parameters to collection
          // execute the stored procedure
          // write results to console
          Console.WriteLine("   p_text = {0}", text);
          Console.WriteLine("  p_upper = {0}", p_upper.Value.ToString());
          Console.WriteLine("p_initcap = {0}", p_initcap.Value.ToString());
          // keep console from closing when run in debug mode from IDE
          Console.WriteLine("ENTER to continue...");
       p_text = hello!
      p_upper = HELLO!
    p_initcap = Hello!
    ENTER to continue...- Mark

  • RFC output node always empty

    Hi Experts,
    I created a web dynpro program and i've verified that the data i'm passing as input to the RFC is correct. however, no matter what input to the RFC though, the output node is always empty. What could I be missing that would cause the output node to be empty?

      have you checked  in the backend by passing same input to the RFC  and is the RFC
      giving you the data in the output node. , check the mandatory parameters in the RFC
      and you can even ask your ABAPer to give the TEST data to pass to the RFC from the
      webdynpro .
    try to hard code the data with data taken from abaper and check whether RFC is giving you the
    data ,  even try to debug the application , provide a external debugging in the RFC and
    and perform external debugging and check the data getting passed to all the mandatory parameter
    and the output node .

  • CSV output is always blank

    Im having trouble with one of the reports im working on. Im allowing the user to select from 3 output formats (PDF, CSV, and Data). If i select the PDF it works perfectly (using an RTF template), and if i select DATA it also works fine and returns XML output. But if i select CSV then it comes back empty. No errors... No messages... Nothing...
    I have another report that seems to work fine, including the CSV output. This is why it seems baffling to me. The difference between those 2 reports is that the working one uses a SQL query for its data while the one that doesnt work is using a template. Since the template only contains a single query, i did take it out and tried it as a SQL Query but had the same results (blank page).
    Im at a loss for things to try. Without any feedback from Publisher, i have no idea where to go. I know that there is data available because several rows are returned with the PDF and Data outputs.
    Any suggestions and/or ideas are definitely welcome.
    PS: in case anyone is interested, here's my data template:
    <dataTemplate name="CurrCompany" description="Current Company List" dataSourceRef="iub_datasource">
    <!-- CVS Version $Revision: 1.4 $ -->
         <parameter name="P_CODE" dataType="character"/>
         <parameter name="P_IND_TYPE" dataType="character"/>
         <parameter name="P_STATUS" dataType="character"/>
         <parameter name="P_ORDER_BY" dataType="character"/>
    <sqlStatement name="Q_COMPANY">
    select distinct TRIM(cinfo.fname || ' ' || cinfo.lname) contact_name,
    co.companyname company_name,
    co2.companyname dba_name,
    sc.name state_full_name,
    sc.code state_abbreviated,
    ty.name company_type
    from company co,
    company co2,
    company_relationshiptype crt,
    relationshiptype rst,
    company_IndustryType cit,
    industryType it,
    companyStatus cs,
    companyInfo ci,
    Company_Companycodetype cct,
    Companycodetype ty,
    company_contact cc,
    Contacttype ct,
    Contact con,
    contactInfo cinfo,
    statecode sc
    where co.companystatusid = cs.companystatusid
    and cs.name = NVL(:P_STATUS, cs.name)
    and co.companyid = ci.companyid
    and ci.statecodeid = sc.statecodeid (+)
    and co.companyid = cit.companyid (+)
    and cit.industrytypeid = it.industrytypeid (+)
    and instr( NVL(:P_IND_TYPE, it.description ), it.description ) > 0
    and co.companyid = cct.companyid
    and cct.companycodetypeid = ty.companycodetypeid
    and instr( NVL(:P_CODE,ty.name), ty.name ) > 0
    and co.Companyid = cc.companyid
    and cc.contacttypeid = ct.contacttypeid
    and UPPER(ct.name) = 'REGULATORY'
    and cc.contactid = con.contactid
    and con.contactid = cinfo.contactid
    and co.companyid = crt.companyid (+)
    and crt.relationshiptypeid = rst.relationshiptypeid (+)
    and rst.name (+)= 'Doing Business As'
    and crt.relatedcompanyid = co2.companyid (+)
    order by UPPER(DECODE( :P_ORDER_BY, 'Name', company_name || zipcode, 'Type', company_type || company_name, 'Zipcode', zipcode || City || company_name ))
              <group name="G_COMPANY" source="Q_COMPANY">
              <element name="contact_name" value="contact_name"/>
              <element name="company_name" value="company_name"/>
              <element name="dba_name" value="dba_name"/>
              <element name="address1" value="address1"/>
              <element name="address2" value="address2"/>
              <element name="address3" value="address3"/>
              <element name="city" value="city"/>
              <element name="state_full_name" value="state_full_name"/>
              <element name="state_abbreviated" value="state_abbreviated"/>
              <element name="zipcode" value="zipcode"/>
              <element name="company_type" value="company_type"/>

    Yes, you wont get the csv,
    CSV is supported only if the xml is having rowset/row tags.
    Since you have your own tags G_COMPANY, as the groupings, you wont get the csv from BIP.
    So, use the query directly in BIP , it will automatically add the rowset/row tag, and csv generated is supported for that.
    even in data template it is supported if you put rowset and row tags as the group names.
    you have to write the e-text template with each field separated by the comma , or desired separator.

  • Automationdirect P3000 Modbus Communication Lookout 6.5 for +/- 10V Output Module

    Here is an iquiry I sent to Automationdirect tech support last week.
    I have not had a response from them yet so I thought I would throw it up here.
    I am starting a new project with the P3K and I am using Lookout 6.5.
    This is my fourth installation with this combination and I have learned a bit more about the Modbus communication each time.
    I use the Modbus serial object in Lookout to communicate via RS-232.
    With my first project, I learned to set the "Modbus Server Settings" in the P3000 software to map to a single 16 bit Modbus register to get the communications working with Lookout and making sense with the analog registers.
    For a 10V input I would linear scale in the PAC 0 to 65535 = 0 to 10000 then in Lookout I simply divide by 1000 to get the decimal in the right place.
    On the most recent project, I discovered I could map/scale my analog inputs to 32 bit foats, select the "map to two consecutive integers" in the P300 software properties and then in Lookout, I could read the register properly with an "F"
    like "modbus1.F400001".
    Now I have a P3-16DA-2, ±10V output module.
    I can't get the float to work and it crashes the communication repetitively.
    It will communicate properly if I stick to 16 bit Modbus register for the "Analog Output, Integer, 32 bit" on the Modbus server settings.
    However, I have the register swap issue reminiscent of the DL205 bi-polar input. It outputs 0 to 10V from 0 to 32767 and -10 to 0 from 32768 to 65535.
    I remember having to add logic in the DL260 PLC and then in Lookout I would use the numerical IF;
    What a pain that was.
    Is there an easy solution?
    Thanks in advance.
    John B

    Bipolar setups are a pain, it seems your if() is similar to what we did as well.  Added a rung and set a coil...
    Only have a few and have not used the P3000 myself, 
    Forshock - Consult.Develop.Solve.

  • Logic For Subtracting A Given Output In ALV Report

    I am working on a report in which i am using ALV Concept and there a problem arise i.e. in ALV Report output which always subtotals having values in addition only and i want to know is there any way through which subtraction can also be performed within the output of a ALV Report.
    Please provide some guidelines for it.
    Rickky NV

    Thanks to both of you for your value able response. Actually, i am working on customer aging analysis report in which there are 2 columns i.e. debit and credit in which these both values are stored in 2 separate lines  and i have to display the difference of them in the 3rd column and facing the problem.
    Is it possible to display the required data of it in 3rd column  of it? 

  • Initial-page-number not working in RTF format output

    A report has a parameter for the page number to start with. In rtf template below code is present
    The report page number starts with the value which we pass in p_first_page_num in PDF format but in rtf format output it always starts with 1.
    Is initial-page-number not supported in RTF format output ? If not then what is the alternative?

    the method u followed is fine as need a page number staring from a specify value which u input.
    @section is only for resetting page number to 1 for every group and for that pdf and ppt will be fine but only for rtf u need to use that ( pressing F9).
    u can use @section and initial page number combined but they give u same output as get now. rtf output wont support it will only reset 1 every time
    What ever u do rtf output wont support initial page number code ..........
    i mentioned that F9 work around to mention that it is the only work around u have upto now to control rtf output with regards to page number.
    Guru's correct me if i am wrong. wait for a day or two if some one from guru's confirm it .
    If u need real confirmation raise an SR oracle will let u know .

  • Acrobat 9 + Output Preview

    In Acrobat 9 I noticed something confusing. I had a pdf file which had black text on a background. I opened this up in Acrobat 9 and went to check to see if the black text was set to overprint. Going to Output Preview I turned off the Process Black separation and it showed me that the black appeared to be overprinting. I then turned off the Simulate Overprint check box and the background showed the text to be knocking out. Under the Color Warnings preview I used it to show me all the overprinting elements and it verified that the Black Text was overprinting. I assumed that Simulate Overprinting would show me what the picture would look like if the black text was not set to overprint. Instead it's deceiving me making me think that the black text is knocking out when I turn this off.
    In Acrobat 8 the previews appeared correctly or what I assumed in my mind as correct. Is this feature working correctly in Acrobat 9 and if it is can you explain the thought process behind what is happening?

    In Acrobat 9, you might have noticed that overprint preview has been removed from the menu items under Advanced > Print Production. The "Simulate Overprinting" checkbox was added to output preview so that we can still temporarily "turn on/off" the simulation of overprinting appearance (rather than have to change preferences), largely for troubleshooting or further examination of a document. Turning this off is like turning off overprint preview (which simulates overprinting appearance). It's not actually turning off the overprint flag itself, so color warning is still highlighting the black text.
    Output Preview always enables overprint preview regardless of what your preferences are (in earlier versions, this includes your menu selection). You were unable to turn off overprint preview whenever output preview was open. In 9, the checkbox allows you to turn off that simulation.
    Overprint Preview can still be controlled in display preferences.
    I hope this helped. If not, please give more info about what you are expecting to see.

  • Powershell / Scientific Notation Woes / Formatting Output to Live Excel Sheet

    I have a WMI query in a script that dumps machine information to a live excel sheet.
    I find when I query the model # of the machine using (this line of code from the script):
    $Sheet.Cells.Item($count,4) = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem -ComputerName $computer).Model
    The output almost always changes into Scientific Notation, because this is a typical model number :   "3500-E52"
    Is there a way to modify the formatting of the:
    so that Excel uses "text" formatting for that cell?  I know you can change the fonts etc... but have not been lucky in finding a powershell > excel reference
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    I have seen recommendations to others to dump the results queries to a CSV first, and then import into Excel (which would allow a manual change of that column's format).  I'm just
    hoping to bypass the extra "hands on" and format more directly to a sheet in Excel.
    If .csv is the best way to go, I'll muddle through it and change the code.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    = "@"

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    This question was solved.
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