OWA 2010 - MAILTO LInks

I made this work years ago in Windows XP creating a program in the registry that opened a internet explorer window pointing to the OWA URL parameters top create a new message.
In Windows 7/8 I haven't found a way to configure a entry in "Default Programs". Tried copying the registry keys created for Google Chrome MAILTO but no matter how much of it I pillaged and pointed to IEXPLORE.EXE, I couldn't get it to show up
in Default Programs.  So now I'm trying to chase down another way.
A typical mailto link looks like this:
mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Hello%20again
Outlook Web Access expects a link such as this:
https://mail.server.com/owa/?ae=Item&a=New&t=IPM.Note&to=[email protected]&subject=Hello%20again&body=Body%20Text
I'm trying to find a script or utility that I can register as a program in "Default Programs" for the MAILTO protocol.  If I can do this, maybe I can have it parse the MAILTO link and produce a OWA link call to IEXPLORE.EXE
There's no place like

Thanks, unfortunately that is the same solution I was using in Windows XP, and was one of the first things I tried.
The only thing I've had any luck with is this VBS script.  And only if there has never been any other MAILTO registered with the machine.  Even installing installing then uninstalling Outlook or Chrome isn't enough prevent it from ever working
strURL = "https://name.exchange.com/owa"
If strURL <> "" Then
Set objWSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
With objWSHShell
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\", _
"Outlook Web Access", "REG_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\Protocols\mailto\", _
"URL:MailTo Protocol", "REG_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\Protocols\mailto\URL Protocol", _
"", "REG_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\Protocols\mailto\EditFlags", _
&H00000002, "REG_BINARY"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\Protocols\mailto\DefaultIcon\", _
"%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\msimn.exe,-2", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\shell\open\command\", _
"""%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"" ", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\OWA\Protocols\mailto\shell\open\command\", _
"""%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe""" & _
" " & strURL & "/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&a=New&email=%1", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command\", _
"""%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe""" & _
" " & strURL & "/?ae=Item&a=New&t=IPM.Note&email=%1", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
End With
Set objWSHShell = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Registry entries successfully created. OWA Configured as Default Mail Client"
WScript.Echo "No OWA URL set to the variable strURL"
End If
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    Our company recently upgraded from Outlook 2007 to Outlook 2010. The mailto links on an intranet work fine on local computers running Outlook 2010 but on the terminal servers, users are getting the following error:
    "Another version of Outlook is currently running. Close it and try again."
    I have made sure that Outlook is the default mail client.
    Home & Business Click2Run has never been installed on the terminal server.
    The error happens in standard as well as safe mode.

    What program is set as default for mailto?
    Have you installed Home & Business Click 2 Run before? There is a limitation in click 2 run version that the mailto is trying to use your older version of Outlook.
    If this is not the situation, try to test this issue in the safe mode.
    Start, point to All Programs, and then point to
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    CTRL key, and then click Microsoft Outlook.
    If the problem does not occur in the safe mode, this issue might be related to some third-party add-ins in the Office program, we can try to disable them.
    Please also set Outlook as the default email client on the computer.
    For Windows Vista/Windows 7:
    Click Start.
    Type "default programs" in the Start Search box.
    Click Default Programs under Programs in the search results.
    Now click Set your default programs.
    Highlight Microsoft Office Outlook or Microsoft Outlook on the left.
    Click Set this program as default.
    Click OK.
    Best Regards,
    Sally Tang

  • Error: Not able send mail from OWA 2010. When I send mail, the mails go to Drafts Folder.

    Error: Not able to send mail from OWA 2010. When I send mail, the mails go to Drafts Folder. I have installed everything correctly but when I tried to open the OWA and trying to send mail from OWA. The mails do not deliver and mails become saved in Drafts folder. I tried to re-send messaged from Draft also but not able to send. 
    Screen Shot: http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Error%20-%20Not%20Able%20to%20Send%20Mail%20from%20OWA%202010.docx
    Scenario: I have below configuration of exchange 2010 server Setup:
    1. Windows Domain Controller with Global Catalog on Windows Server 2008 which only for Windows 2008 Server Native.
    Server Name: WDC2010
    Domain: Blazex.Com
    2. Hub/Client Access Server: It is installed on Windows Server 2008. As per Microsoft recommendation, I have just installed Windows Server 2008 and then join this computer to Blazex.com.
    After that installed the Hub/Client Access Exchange role servers.
    Server Name: HC2010.blazex.com (This is not a Addition Member server or ADC)
    Role: Hub and Client Access Server.
    3. Mailbox Server: It is installed on Windows Server 2008. As per Microsoft recommendation, I have just installed Windows Server 2008 and then join this computer to Blazex.com.
    After that installed the Mailbox Exchange role servers.
    Server Name: MBX2010.blazex.com (This is not a Addition Member server or ADC)
    Role: Mailbox Server.
    4. 2nd  Mailbox Server: It is installed on Windows Server 2008. As per Microsoft recommendation, I have just installed Windows Server 2008 and then join this computer to Blazex.com.
    After that installed the Mailbox Exchange role servers.
    Server Name: 2MBX2010.blazex.com (This is not a Addition Member server or ADC)
    Role: Mailbox Server.
    5. Client Windows 7: It is installed on Windows 7 Ultimate Workstation. As per Microsoft recommendation, I have just installed Windows 7 and then join this computer to Blazex.com.
    Workstation Name: WIN7.blazex.com
    Role: Workstation
    Error Description: I have installed everything correctly but when I tried to open the OWA and trying to send mail from OWA. The mails do not deliver and mails become saved in Drafts folder. I tried to re-send messaged from Draft also but not able to send. 
    Screen Shot (Same As Above): http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Error%20-%20Not%20Able%20to%20Send%20Mail%20from%20OWA%202010.docx
    I don't know what I am missing but I think there is some configuration I need to do on Hub/Client Access Server (HC2010).  I tried to access the mailbox on XP Client system through OWA. I get the same problem as Win7.
    Can someone please help me on this?
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Subhash,
    I have done the troubleshooting but I didn't find any problem at server side. I will send you mail also with all EXBPA report and as well DC, HC and Mailbox servers' Application Log and System Log.
    Below are the questions's answers which was asked by you:
    1.     Please check whether you can send email via Outlook.
    I am not able to open the MS Outlook. Please check all details in this thread : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchange2010/thread/c491c5c7-7d6f-48ff-97fa-6bf83d94e53c
    2.     Please run EXBPA to have a health scan.
    I have run the EXBPA and didn't see any critical Problem. I have took the screen shot and report. Please have a look in below screen shot link:
    a. http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/EXBPA.docx                                                                            - Final Report
    b. http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/ExBPA.BaseLine.200906270226501077.data.xml                        - Baseline Health Check
    c. http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/ExBPA.Connectivity%20Test.200906270223318201.data.xml      - Connectivity Check
    d. http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/ExBPA.Health%20Check.200906270125477730.data.xml            - Health Check with 2 Hr. Baseline option
    e. http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/ExBPA.Permission%20Check.200906270224343377.data.xml      - Permission Report
    The error which I received in EXBPA, that allready ignored by you and told that it is bug in EXBPA. Have a look here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchange2010/thread/d4bb03bb-db84-4a8b-83ba-19937d7dcacf
    3.     Please check application log, whether any error event logged there. They could come from ADAccess related error or etc.
    I didn't see any ADAccess event on the server. For this I have left my lab PC open and I will check again.
    4.     We find that if mail .que gets corrupt, then this issue will occur, please try to move the affected user to another store and then test the issue.
    I am facing this problem with all users (7 users). Anyway I moved one user from one server Mailbox Database (2mbx2010) to Other Server Mailbox Database (mbx2010). After that
    a) Rebooted the Workstation
    b) Login successfully with same user.
    c) Delete the Old MS Outlook Profile
    d) Create New profile for same user without any problem.
    e) Tried to login in MS Outlook and got the same error. : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchange2010/thread/c491c5c7-7d6f-48ff-97fa-6bf83d94e53c
    f) Open the OWA successfully for Same user.
    g) Tried to send mail but again mail went to Drafts Folder.
    5.     I noticed that you test the issue after you close outlook. I recommend you to reboot your pc and then access
    mailbox via OWA to test the issue.
    I tried you suggested option, but sorry it also couldn't help.
    6.  You also check your disk space.
         All Servers have Enough Disk Space. Check the EXBPA Report.
    7. You may run EXTRA to get log information for further troubleshooting.
      Need more time for this.
    8. Please save application log, system log as *.evt file, then send them with EXTRA,EXBPA report to [email protected] .
       I have sent it as your mentioned mail address OR, you can get the mentioned log from below link also:
       a) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/WDC2010%7C_APPLICATION.evtx           - DC/GC Application Log
       b) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/WDC2010%7C_SYSTEMEVENT.evtx          - DC/GC System Log
       c) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/HC2010%7C_APPLICATION.evtx              - Hub/Client Application Log
       d) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/HC2010%7C_SYSTEM.evtx                      - Hub/Client System Log
       e) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/MBX2010%7C_Application.evtx                - Mailbox Application Log
       f) http://cid-31ba948d0da4d57e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/MBX2010%7C_System.evtx                      - Mailbox System Log
    There will be some error log you will be that the system is not able to communicate with DC/DC, MBX or HC at everyday around 3 AM or some time 6 PM Evening also. These error came because I have installed VM on Windows 7 Workstation and after 45 min or one hrs. if I don't work on PC, then pc goes to sleep. so you may ignore these alerts.
    I hope my answer will give you some clue and I expect more help from your side.
    With Best Regards
    Shambhu Sharma

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    This is a picture of my configuration. You do know how to fix it help me okay. Thanks.

    Hi Xuan,
    It depends on your selected authentication method.
    I recommend you refer to the following article, it will give you some hints:
    Please note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without
    notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. And the
    changes made in the above blog is not supported officially by Microsoft.
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Running Firefox 3.6.13 on Winows 7 and I cant change the mailto link to Outlook

    Hi all,
    I am running Windows 7, and have Firefox 3.6.13 I am trying to get Firefox to use Outlook 2010 for mailto links.
    When I go to tools/options/applicaitons/mailto Firefox does not have Outlook as an option to choose from in the drop down menu.
    For the life of me I can not find an outlook.exe to point it to.
    The path of the start menu shortcut is not help, it reads: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Virtualization Handler\CVH.EXE" "Microsoft Outlook 2010 9014006204090000"
    Pointing Firefox to the CVH.EXE does nothing.
    Any ideas?

    Your are of course right, I am running 3.6.13 not 5.0 (when I checked it had Mozilla/5.0 on the "about" tab and I obviously mixed the two up.
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    Anyone know how to point 3.6.13 running on windows 7 to outlook 2010?

  • OWA 2010 + Chrome 37 Modal Pop Ups

    Hi all,
    Chrome 37 came out last last month with deprecated support for the JavaScript cmd showModalDialog.
    OWA 2010 seems to use this widely (address book, file attachment pop ups etc) so it's now largely unuseable for composing in Chrome 37.  Some useful links on the problem are:
    The MS Dynamics team has acknowledged the problem and suggested a registry hack here:
    Can anyone from Microsoft comment on if the Exchange team are going to be working on a fix?
    Thanks, Ryan.

    I believe that the development team are very well aware of the problem and will fix the issues in Exchange 2010 and 2013. Unfortunately you'll just have to wait for the work to be done in OWA and EAC. In the interim, you can either use the registry hack
    to put off the day of doom until May 2015 (the fixes should definitely be available by then) or move to another browser. It seems like Opera and Mozilla are going to deprecate the showModalDialog method too.
    See http://windowsitpro.com/blog/chrome-problem-exchange-due-google-haste-and-microsoft-inattention for the complete story.

  • OWA 2010- How to add picture on signature

    Hello guys!
    We´re using OWA 2010, and we need now to set a e-mail signature with a embed logo of my company.
    Unfortunately the image after some hours it comes with a RED X, and this condition persists.
    Is there a way to set the image as copying it, but be there without this error?

    Hyperlinked Graphic in an OWA Signature?  Well Yes, As a Matter of Fact!
    Roll up your sleeves, pour a cup of coffee or tea and let's zap OWA into submission.  This little ditty not only allows you to insert a graphic into your OWA signature, it also hyperlinks that graphic to your web site -- and you won't have to rely on Outlook's
    or OWA's "caveman-walking-around-in-animal-skins-primitive" signature editors to do this.  Oh, this also includes your clickable email address as well.
    To be sure, you are about to achieve a couple of things OWA was not designed to do; and trust me, if you are successful, you may very well become an IT Rock Star, even if your boss(es) don't realize it.  Suddenly, you will also realize that you have pushed
    Office Outlook beyond it's Microsoft design specification as well.
    This has been tested and works great with OWA running through IE7 & IE8 for Windows XP, IE9 for Windows 7, IE10 for Windows 8 and is cross-browser compatible with Chrome24 and Firefox18 (both of which are the latest versions at this writing.  It runs
    on all 32-bit and 64-bit AMD and Intel PC desktops and laptops.  This signature will be properly displayed in email sent to iPhones 3, 4, 4s & 5) and iPads (1, 2 & 3).  The signature you create for OWA is also compatible with Outlook 2010
    and backward-compatible with Outlook 2007 and 2003.
    You may not need to know this, but here it is anyway: Key OWA client environment variables for reference are: Exchange Server 2010; Outlook Web App experience: Premium; Client Access server version:; Client Access server platform: 64bit; Mailbox
    server Microsoft Exchange version:; Required version of Silverlight: 2.0.31005.0.
    If you are VERY careful, this will work for you the FIRST time:
    1.) Put your graphic file (.jpg, .gif, .png, or whatever) onto your web site (this will become externally referenced in the below HTML).  If you have server-side control of your Exchange server, place your graphic there; otherwise, a safe, out-of-the-way
    place on your web site will do -- and write down the path to this graphic.
    2.) Open Notepad on a Windows XP/7/8 PC with access to the internet.  
    3.) Copy and paste the below HTML code into Notepad:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <HTML xmlns:o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
    <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>
    <META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.19394">
    <BODY><DIV><DIV style="WIDOWS: 2; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; FONT: 12px Arial; WHITE-SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; LETTER-SPACING: normal; COLOR: rgb(0,128,128); WORD-SPACING: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width:
    0px" align=left>
    CITY, CT &nbsp;ZIPCODE<BR>
    Tel.: XXX.XXX.XXXX<BR>
    Fax.: XXX.XXX.XXXX<BR>
    <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A><BR>
    <A href="http://www.YOUR_WEB_SITE.COM/">
    <DIV style="WIDOWS: 2; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; FONT: 10px Arial; WHITE-SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; LETTER-SPACING: normal; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD-SPACING: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px" align=left>
    <SPAN style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Sent via Microsoft Outlook Web Application (OWA)</SPAN>
    4.) Look at the HTML you just pasted into Notepad and REPLACE signature items with your real information (e.g. NAME, etc., and replace X's with real numbers.
    5.) Save your modified HTML to the desktop.
    6.) Open Internet Explorer (not Chrome or Firefox) and run the HTML file you just created.
    7.) Log into OWA and open up the OWA signature editor (click Options-See All Options-Settings-Mail).  Make sure the current signature is blank!
    8.) Copy and paste what you see displayed by Internet Explorer into the OWA signature editor and save it.
    9a.) TEST.
    9b.) Tweak font face, size, color to suit your needs.  The above example is an Arial font face, color is teal.  Repeat step 9a as needed.
    You're done.
    And get this -- you can copy and paste the contents of an OWA email signature editor into any Outlook email signature editor, save it, test it, and thereby create or recreate any Outlook email signature, regardless of version.
    P.S. I recently rolled out this solution for over 200 users working at a bank, so this isn't a hypothetical -- it's a very real, deployed solution.
    Questions, comments or concerns? -- [email protected]

  • A mailto-link does not work anymore in Acrobat Reader XI

    A mailto-link, i.e. mailto:[email address]?subject=[subject] in a PDF does not work anymore as it should be. Het whole mailto string is send to the TO-line in Outlook 2010.

    Hmm... worked on 10.8 doesn't work on 10.9... that would seem to answer your question... you upgraded from something that does work, to something that doesn't
    Go to http://forums.adobe.com/community/premiere and, in the area just under Ask a Question, type in
    You may now read all the previous discussions on this subject... be sure to click the See More Results at the bottom of the initial, short list if the initial list does not answer your question
    I am Windows so did not bookmark the messages, but I have seen SOME message threads with SOME solutions for SOME mavericks problems

  • Launch Lotus Notes on MailTo links

    Hello all,
    On Windows 7 SP1 workstations we have Office 2010 installed.  Some users are still on Lotus Notes and have not yet been migrated to Outlook/Exchange.  We are deploying Lotus Notes on these workstations via App-V however.  For those users who
    have not yet migrated to Outlook when they click on a MailTo link it opens Outlook and asks to begin setting up a profile.  The desired behavior we would like to see for these users is for App-V Lotus Notes to launch.  We've tried implementing two
    registry keys to resolve this, but Outlook is still launching.  Is there any ability to get App-V Lotus Notes to launch when a user clicks a MailTo link?
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"Lotus Notes 8.5\" -defini \"%1\""
    @="URL:Notes Protocol"
    "URL Protocol"=""
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"Lotus Notes 8.5\" -defini \"%1\""

    You need Lotus Notes to be an Application Client (Under "Default Programs".) Like Nicke said, that's not actually supported until App-V 5 for applications outside of Office. Your registry entries would work once Lotus Notes got registered as your default
    MAPI profile. The problem is getting them registered under first launch.
    Steve Thomas, Senior Consultant, Microsoft
    App-V/MED-V/SCVMM/Server App-V/MDOP/AppCompat
    The App-V Team blog: http://blogs.technet.com/appv/
    The MED-V Team Blog: http://blogs.technet.com/medv
    The SCVMM Team blog: http://blogs.technet.com/scvmm/
    “This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. User assumes all risks.”

  • When I click on a mailto: link, Thunderbird says it's already running but there is no Thunderbird process running.

    I opened Firefox on a freshly rebooted PC, went to click on a mailto: link in a webpage and get the error message that Thunderbird is already running. Thunderbird is not running, but will not open for sending email.
    The cause could have something to do with Firefox not opening Thunderbird correctly, or that Thunderbird is not getting the correct permissions to run properly when called by Firefox.
    When I start Thunderbird from it's icon, I get a Windows 7 prompt asking me if I want to allow this program to make changes on my computer. If Thunderbird is started by Firefox asking it to create a mail message, as is the case with a mailto: link, It never gets this permission requester.
    I have tried troubleshooting information regarding Thunderbird already running error messages, however, there are no .lock files associated with Thunderbird nor is it's ability to send/receive mail when run from it's own icon affected by this problem. I therefore think it's a problem with the way in which Firefox calls Thunderbird to create an email message.
    There is the additional problem that Thunderbird has to have administrative privileges to run, but doesn't automatically get them. This might require a separate bug report submission be generated to the Thunderbird developers to fix this problem, but is dependent on what they can do about that.

    The reason firefox is not able to launch thunderbirds is because it cannot start thunderbird as administrator unless firefox is running as administrator, try to start firefox as administrator user then click the link.
    It should work.
    To start a program as '''administrator on windows''', '''RIght Click''' on the iFF con and choose '''Run as Administrator''', then press yes when the user access control box pops.
    Then Let us know what happened

  • Firefox won't open mailto links in a new window like it used to...it just opens gmail in the current tab.

    I recently upgraded firefox and now whenever I click a mailto link it opens gmail in the current tab rather than in a new window. How can I get it to open email links in a new window.

    My MAILTO problem was finally fixed on the June 29, 2012 Firefox version 14 beta 10 release.

  • 'mailto' links no longer open a new message

    Since I upgraded to Lion I no longer get a new message with a pre-filled address when I click a mailto link on a webpage.  Is there a way to get this functionality back?  Also, when I click the Mail icon in the dock I no longer get taken to my inbox.  I have to either remember to open it via the icon on the right side of the dashed line on the dock, or, after clicking the Mail icon, go to the Window item in the menubar.  Weird.

    File a bug report via http://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx.html

  • How do I get "mailto:" links to work with my web based email?

    I use the web based email from godaddy.com called workspace. I can't get the mailto: links to work with firefox. I did find a code that makes the correct compose window to open up but it doesn't input the email address.
    Also, a related problem with my email is that you can't copy an email address and then paste the email address into the email. Pasting is not allowed with firefox but works ok with Internet Explorer

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try adjusting the dolby digital setting.

  • Since upgrading to FF5, "mailto" links no longer work - my "tools/options/applications/mailto" is set to gmail.

    Since upgrading to FF5, "mailto" links no longer work - my "tools/options/applications/mailto" is set to gmail.
    Previously, when I clicked onto an email link, my gmail would open up.
    Now, nothing happens.

    Please do the following.<br><br>
    #Open Microsoft Internet Explorer and then click '''Tools '''and go to '''Internet Options'''.<br><br>
    #Click the ''Programs ''tab and where you see "Email", choose your email client.<br><br>
    #Remove the checkmark from where it says "''Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default browser''" in the same menu.<br><br>
    #Click Apply/OK and close Internet Explorer.<br><br>
    #Next, start Firefox and click the orange Firefox button, go to '''Options '''| '''Options '''| '''Advanced'''.<br><br>
    #In the '''General '''tab, '''System Defaults''' at the bottom, checkmark the option: "'''Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup'''" and then click the "''Check Now''" button.<br><br>
    #Click OK, close Firefox and then restart it again.
    You should now have a mailto: option in the Applications panel.

  • Mailto: link no longer works

    After working tfor the years the code for adding a email link no longer works. What's going on? For example this piece of code worked fine for years <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>. Now when I try to use the link my email programs opens up fine but in the place where the email address goes it includes the the full mailto:[email protected] where the email address goes rather than just the email address.

    Mailto links are inherently unreliable for several reasons:
    The end user must have an mail client like Outlook installed on their device.  Most webmail users don't  need an email client anymore preferring to log-in to their accounts with a browser.   If your end user has no email client, nothing will happen when they click the mailto link.
    Spam.  Email links are a neon sign for robot email harvesters who will bombard your inbox with unwanted spam mail.
    People who use computers in public libraries, schools or community centers won't be able to use your mailto links.
    For best results, use an HTML contact form with a server-side script that processes form data and sends it to your email address.  Preferably a script that is secure and has built in spam prevention.
    Nancy O.

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    I need to completely clean out iTunes and all Album pictures. Some where there is a folder or file, that keeps putting back exactly what I have erased. I need to make my Itunes and all songs new, but the artwork always comes back, even when Ii erased

  • Transferring video from hi8 camcorder

    I have an Sony Hi8 Cancorder that I need to get video off of it.  Is there sofware that will allow me to transfer the video from the hi-8 video to an format that I can then use in final cut pro?

  • IMac G4 start up no picture

    Hi I am looking at a iMac G4 that has some problems I would like to hear what you guys might think is wrong I would like to point out I am pretty good with computerts and loooking for a project here is what the seller says about it. "Computer powers

  • Problem in starting RMI server, help please

    Hi , all: I am learning RMI from SUN's tutorial. I set all of program packages as same as the tutorial, compiled all of programs . and built all of the jar files, the server classes and the client classes.When I run the server, ComputeEngine, it did