Pacget: Super fast pacman downloads

I spent all day (yes I'm a slow horrible programmer) writing this scrip. It takes the download url from pacman, then looks up the mirror list in /etc/pacman.d/<repo> and adds them all as mirrors to aria2.
What ends up happening is aria2c connects to 10-20 servers downloading from all of them at the same time, which should give anyone on broadband a huge boost in download speed. This boosted my download speeds from 100-300KB/s to 2,000KB/s (my connections limit). … ror_Script
Hope you guys like it.
ps: would making a package out of this be overkill?, like one that auto installs everything?

noriko, I liked your idea with changing the testing repo. I made it so the script now tests if the /etc/pacman.d/repo file exists, if it does it'll just use it, otherwise it'll just do one mirror. So if you have an /etc/pacman.d/testing, it should now use it.
I mad a few revisions that I want to post up on here first to get some feedback on it before I change the wiki.
Whats changed is the repo check, and I made it so:
less then 5mb = 3 mirrors
less then 10mb = 7 mirrors
greater then 10mb = 30 mirrors
Also to clearify:
Any repo database file will only use one mirror (they are usually very small and not worth being split up).
Sorry for the messy script, I'll clean it up soon and add comments/allow easy modifications to it.
#pacget script
rm -f *.aria2
file=$(awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }' <<<$1)
echo Downloading: $file|sed 's,/,,'
#exit 0
repo=$(awk -F '/' '{x=NF-3 } { print $x }' <<<$1)
echo repo: $repo
#exit 0
function numir {
size=$(sed -n '/^%CSIZE%$/{n;p}' /var/lib/pacman/$repo/$(sed 's/.pkg.tar.gz//'<<< $file)/desc)
if [[ $size -lt 5000000 ]]; then
elif [[ $size -lt 10000000 ]]; then
if [[ $2 = *.db.tar.gz.part || ! -f /etc/pacman.d/$repo ]]; then
echo "(using one mirror)"
if [ -f /etc/pacman.d/$repo ]; then
mirrors=$(sed -n 's/^Server = //; s,$,/'"$file"', ; /^ftp/p; /^http/p' /etc/pacman.d/$repo|head -$m)
aria2c -t20 -m2 -l /root/log $mirrors -o $file.pacget
if [ -f $cachedir/$file.pacget.aria2 ]; then
rm $cachedir/$file.pacget $cachedir/$file.pacget.aria2
exit 0
mv $file.pacget $2
exit 0
PS: Tell me if I should post this version up on the wiki.
noriko wrote:
2000kb/s?? r u sure?
i used it, works perfectly btw Wink but it's not enhancing anything lol.. my download is still still stuck at 240-5 kb/s ..
hmm.. might me an isp limit of some sorts....
:: Retrieving packages from extra...
Downloading: openoffice-base-2.0.4-1.pkg.tar.gz
repo: extra
6,816,112/127,700,347 Bytes 5% 02m04s 2001.86 KB/s 24 connections

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  • Even more faster pacman searches ??

    UPDATED: version 0.2.1
           rewritten synchronize function. it is more robust now.
    UPDATED: version 0.2
          fixes a SERIOUS bug:
          directories of the db were not deleted when the db is synchronize back in case some packages had been removed. (i am a newbie with the use of rsync) hopefully that bug will not hit many people because the number of user of the script might be very low. 
         If you're the user hit by the bug: for upgraded package simply delete the duplicate directory in /var/lib/pacman/local
         for removed package, you have to track which one have been removed, and remove the directory in /var/lib/pacman/local.
        I will update my python script to check for that (see below in the thread)
    UPDATED: version 0.1.2
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    i was looking at those pacman-cache and pacman-drive and i was wondering why do they use ext2 fs in a loopback ? and i already have ext3 for my / so if i use one of them will it give me any speed improvement ?
    So it thought why not use tmpfs. all in ram it must be super fast !   :shock:
    so i made pacman-tmpfs (i have not thought very long to find a name  )
    it is a daemon script to be placed in /etc/rc.d and to be activated in DAEMONS of /etc/rc.conf (or manually run first may be)
    it copies the pacman db in a tmpfs filesystem and move it over the pacman db. DO NOT PANIC. it is not overwritten. and then when you stop the daemon it sync back the change to the original pacman db
    $ time pacman -Ss pacman
    real    0m1.229s
    user    0m0.596s
    sys     0m0.568s
    you could still use pacman-optimize but pacman-tmpfs must be stopped so that it does something usefull. Using pacman-optimize will give you  better start-up time for pacman-tmpfs.
    do not use pacman-tmpfs while running pacman-drive or pacman-cache.
    I run pacman-tmpfs for only 1 day. so it lacks some big testing . be carefull !
    it need testers. BACKUP your pacman db PLEASE !
    i have not tested the catching error code i have written in it.
    what do you think of it ? please tell me ! :-)
    # /etc/rc.d/pacman-tmpfs Version 0.2.1 2006-12-16
    # under the WTFPL. see
    # Version 2, December 2004
    # Copyright (C) 2006 solsTiCe d'Hiver
    # <solstice>
    # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
    # copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
    # as the name is changed.
    # 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.
    umask 022
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    # look for a command to synchronize directory
    if which dirsync >/dev/null 2>&1 ;then
    sync_cmd="dirsync -q"
    # elif which mirdir >/dev/null 2>&1 ;then
    # sync_cmd="mirdir -e none"
    elif which rsync >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    sync_cmd="rsync -a --delete"
    if [ -z "$sync_cmd" ] ; then
    echo "Cannot be run without rsync or dirsync or mirdir"
    exit 1
    if [ -f /tmp/pacman.lck ] ;then
    echo "Cannot be run while pacman is running"
    exit 1
    mount_move() {
    local ret
    # fix a bug in mount ???
    mount --move "$1" "$2"
    umount "$1" 2>/dev/null || true
    return $ret
    _backup() {
    # copy db in /root as backup and give up
    backup_dir=/root/pacman-tmpfs-backup-`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"`
    mkdir -p "$backup_dir"
    cp -a $1/* "$backup_dir"
    umount $1
    logger -s -t '[pacman-tmpfs]' -p local0.crit "Cannot synchronize back the database"
    logger -s -t '[pacman-tmpfs]' -p local0.crit "You need to manually restore the content of $backup_dir into $pacman_db"
    logger -s -t '[pacman-tmpfs]' -p local0.crit "You need to delete /var/run/daemon/pacman-tmpfs once that is done."
    start() {
    # lock pacman db
    touch /tmp/pacman.lck
    tmp_db=`mktemp -d -t tmp_db.XXXXXX`
    # create the tmp fs
    mount -t tmpfs -o size=$db_size,mode=0755 none $tmp_db
    # copy the db into the tmpfs
    cp -a $pacman_db/* $tmp_db
    # replace the pacman db with tmpfs one
    mount_move $tmp_db $pacman_db
    rmdir $tmp_db
    # unlock pacman db
    rm -f /tmp/pacman.lck
    stop() {
    #lock pacman db
    touch /tmp/pacman.lck
    tmp_db=`mktemp -d -t tmp_db.XXXXXX`
    # move the tmpfs db so that we can copy the changes back to home
    mount_move $pacman_db $tmp_db
    $sync_cmd $tmp_db/ $pacman_db
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    _backup $tmp_db
    return 1
    umount $tmp_db
    rmdir $tmp_db
    # unlock pacman db
    rm -f /tmp/pacman.lck
    synchronize() {
    # we create another tmpfs, copy into it the db (tmpfs -> tmpfs)
    #lock pacman db
    touch /tmp/pacman.lck
    tmp_db=`mktemp -d -t tmp_db.XXXXXX`
    # create a new tmp fs
    mount -t tmpfs -o size=$db_size,mode=0755 none $tmp_db
    # copy the db(old tmpfs) into the new tmpfs
    cp -a $pacman_db/* $tmp_db
    # get rid off the old tmpfs
    umount $pacman_db
    # we can copy the changes back to home
    $sync_cmd $tmp_db/ $pacman_db
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    _backup $tmp_db
    return 1
    # now move back inplace the new tmpfs db
    mount_move $tmp_db $pacman_db
    rmdir $tmp_db
    rm -f /tmp/pacman.lck
    case "$1" in
    if ck_daemon pacman-tmpfs ;then
    stat_busy "Starting pacman-tmpfs ..."
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    add_daemon pacman-tmpfs
    if ! ck_daemon pacman-tmpfs ;then
    stat_busy "Stopping pacman-tmpfs. Please wait ..."
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    rm_daemon pacman-tmpfs
    if ! ck_daemon pacman-tmpfs ;then
    stat_busy "Stopping pacman-tmpfs. Please wait ..."
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    rm_daemon pacman-tmpfs
    sleep 1
    stat_busy "Starting pacman-tmpfs ..."
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    add_daemon pacman-tmpfs
    if ! ck_daemon pacman-tmpfs ;then
    stat_busy "Synchronizing ..."
    if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|synchronize}"
    exit 0
    # vim:ts=4:sw=4

    that script checks for any differences between pacman.log and /var/lib/pacman/local
    it prints package that must be installed according to pacman.log but not found in pacman's local db
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # Version 0.2 2006-12-16
    # under the WTFPL. see
    # Version 2, December 2004
    # Copyright (C) 2006 solsTiCe d'Hiver
    # <solstice>
    # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
    # copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
    # as the name is changed.
    # 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.
    import os
    import os.path
    from sys import exit,argv
    import re
    import urllib
    class Pkg:
    def __init__(self,n,v,r): = n
    self.ver = v
    self.rel = r
    def __str__(self):
    return '%s %s-%s' % (,self.ver,self.rel)
    def __cmp__(self,other):
    return cmp(,
    def create_pkg(s):
    words = s.split('-')
    name = words[0:-2]
    words[0:-2] = ['-'.join(name)]
    return Pkg(words[0],words[1],words[2])
    def init_db():
    global db
    db = {}
    repositories = os.listdir(dbdir)
    for r in repositories:
    repodir = os.sep.join([dbdir,r])
    if not os.path.isdir(repodir):
    tmp = os.listdir(repodir)
    except ValueError:
    db[r] = tmp
    def from_repo(s):
    # find pkg from repo s that are installed locally
    tmp = []
    for p in db['local']:
    if p in db[s]:
    except KeyError:
    return tmp
    def localpkg():
    # find pkg installed ( i.e. in local) but not found in any repo
    keys = db.keys()
    tmp = []
    for p in db['local']:
    found = False
    for r in keys:
    if p in db[r]:
    found = True
    if not found:
    return tmp
    def parselog(initlog = None,verbose=True):
    installed = re.compile(r'.*installed (.*) ((.*))')
    removed = re.compile(r'.*removed (.*) ((.*))')
    upgraded = re.compile(r'.*upgraded (.*) ((.*) -> (.*))')
    result = []
    if initlog is not None:
    for line in initlog:
    if not line.startswith('base/'):
    line = line.replace('base/','')
    line = line.replace('.pkg.tar.gz','')
    log = open('/var/log/pacman.log','r')
    for line in log:
    m = installed.match(line)
    if m:
    ll = m.groups()
    m = removed.match(line)
    if m:
    ll = m.groups()
    pkg = create_pkg('-'.join([ll[0],ll[1]]))
    except ValueError:
    if verbose:
    print 'Warning: %s not installed but removed' % pkg
    m = upgraded.match(line)
    if m:
    ll = m.groups()
    pkg = create_pkg('-'.join([ll[0],ll[1]]))
    except ValueError:
    if verbose:
    print 'Warning: %s not installed but upgraded' % pkg
    return result
    except IOError,e:
    print '%s: %s' % (e.filename,e.strerror)
    def difference(u,v):
    diff = []
    for i in u:
    if i not in v:
    return diff
    def duplicate(l):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i <len> 1 and argv[1] == '-v':
    print ':: Packages that are installed according to pacman.log'
    print 'n'.join('%s' % i for i in pll)
    dblocal = [create_pkg(i) for i in db['local']]
    diff = difference(pll,dblocal)
    if diff:
    print ''':: Installed according to pacman.log but not found in /var/lib/pacman/local'''
    print 'n'.join('%s' % i for i in diff)
    diff = difference(dblocal,pll)
    if diff:
    print ''':: Found in /var/lib/pacman/local but not installed according to pacman.log'''
    print 'n'.join('%s' % i for i in diff)
    dup = duplicate(dblocal)
    if dup:
    print ":: Duplicates found in pacman's db"
    print 'n'.join('%s' % i for i in dup)

  • Export quicktime video to play super fast.

    I have a 8 hour video of me driving from Ohio to Kansas. Isn't there a way to export it so it plays super fast; kinda like they do on some music videos?

    Tilting at windmills if I ever saw it.
    You could download the iTunes version (a little over one gigabyte) to have a file to work with and use QuickTime Pro to export.
    You would then switch to the MPEG-4 Video codec rather than use the H.264 version that is nearly impossible play without issues on a G3.
    Cut the frame rate in half (30 down to 15) and do the same with the data rate (not sure of those values).
    Size the file at 640X480 (not sure of the actual dimensions so check the aspect) and leave the audio track the same. Wait (probably a very long time) for the export to complete.
    You could test a few one minute "cuts" from the source to check your settings so you really don't waste a lot of time.

  • BT infinity 'super fast' fibre optic, what a joke!...

    ridiculous, just ran BT's own test your speeds, I'm getting 15.45 download, 2.90 upload and 41.50 ping (whatever that is), I knew internet was slow but what a joke, that's when it's working, it flashes orange more than is blue, this is the second modem to do this (and they're sending a third!)
    not quite the at least 51 download speed was promised by BT when signed up to the super duper mega fast Infinity2 fibre optic package, I'm connected to the DSL not the WAN, will this affect it, trying to talk to their CS is a joke, they're obviously reading from a booklet and have no idea when ask about that, in fact they ignore it completely!!
    anyone else getting this?  it's the home hub 5, my socket wasn't changed like was told it would have to be neither? :s
    am seriously tempted to cancel the DD and send the hubs back to BT with a note saying as haven't provided what said would you can shove it, seriously, telling folks will get super fast and signing up to the most expensive package got...then delivering a sloppy second service, I'm not prepared to pay over £40 a month for, it won't even connect to my son's laptop neither, says is 'too far' we live in a bog standard house, not a 30 bedroom mansion, his bedroom is right above the modem, he can't get much closer unless moves on top of the thing!
    Go to Solution.

    Posts merged to avoid duplication.
    Can you run this checker and post back a screen shot of the results
    and use this speed tester then carry out the further diagnostics and post back a screen shot of all the results including your IP profile for up and down. This test must be done with a wired connection.
    If you have a Homehub 5 can you also post the stats from 1-12 by logging onto the homehub management pages then troubleshooting > helpdesk. http://bthomehub.home/

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    ever since i downloaded itunes 8 every song i play in itunes seems to be playing in super fast mode.... kinda sounds like alin and the chipmunks
    i tried reinstalling and other versions but still the same
    can anyone help me out with this???

    I'm having a similar problem. It started with iTunes 7, so I hoped version 8 would fix it. It's not my sound driver, because the files play fine in Media Player, and it's not all of the songs. About 20% of my songs just sound like garbage and play really fast. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, and that didn't help either. I've noticed a couple of the tracks on my iPod sound the same, so I am apprehensive about updating my iPod, fearing that it will screw up the rest of my music.

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    It may be. It can sometimes take a few days for all the systems to talk to each other.
    If you want to check if it can be done now, manually, then you could jump on Live Chat and ask them to see if it will go through for them.

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    Go to Solution.

    Options (swipe down from the top bezel) > Accessibility, did you enable the magnify option?
    Options > Langauage and Input > On-Screen Keyboard, did you enable the Keypress Pop-up?
    For what you call "super fast delete", do you mean the pop-up delete confirm no longer shows?
    Open your Hub and touch the [...] link at bottom right > Settings > Display and Actions > Delete Message Confirmation: is this enabled or disabled?
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    D. Shawn-
    I agree that it shouldn't make any difference. But that isn't the problem I often have.  Many of the short movies I download are not in a format the iPad can view.  In that case, it would be necessary to download them to the computer, convert them to MPEG4, and transfer them via iTunes.
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    Well, the problems you are having might be that you have new applications(higher requirements) that your iMac can't handle. Try upgrading your memory. you can get the OS in itunes or apple store through purchase history.

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    Premiere Pro is eating up all my RAM and Crashing on a Super-Fast Mac System?
    Mac 12 Core (2012 Version)
    24 GB RAM
    Nvida quatro 4000
    Blackmagic Decklink
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    Premiere Pro is eating up all my RAM and Crashing on a Super-Fast Mac System?
    Mac 12 Core (2012 Version)
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    Can not get the new faster system to work??

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    Oh thats brilliant.

  • Super Fast Broadband Coming Close By

    I've just moved house, which doesn't have Super fast broadband yet. But, I noticed that an area close to me (about 2-2.5 miles away) will be getting SFB soon (scheduled for December 2014).
    My question is will this be able to spread out this far to me (2-3 mile) for me to receive fast broadband or not?

    you will be to far at 2/3 mls 
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