Package mapping logs

When package mapping is used, are they any logs showing the ARP found and the match?

I would say ZTIGather.log. The whole process is documented here:
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    Can you please me in this situation as it si bit important.
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    Hello Suja,
    you have to change the settings in the log configurator. Set the locations and
    to severity "Fatal". After this these errors should not be inserted into the default trace anymore.
    Best Regards,

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    if you send many messages from this process you will see
    the message in SXI_MONITOR - all of them
    but processes lasts for 3 hours is pretty long...
    maybe you can check the desing once more
    and so something better ?
    Michal Krawczyk

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    I had a similar problem about a year ago and Barbara Boehmer provided me with this excellent method. If only I'd known about it 3 months earlier, I could have saved myself a lot of time...although in my case, most of the procedures were not packaged. Hopefully it will be a start though:
    Oracle has a nice utility that does the opposite of what you are asking for, such that if you provide the lowest level table or procedure, it will provide every procedure that calls or uses it and so on up the chain. With a little modification, this utility can be modified to do what you want, such that if you provide the upper level procedure name, it will provide all procedures that it calls and tables that it uses and so on down the line.
    To install the utility, you need to find the utldtree.sql file on your system and start it from SQL*Plus. It should be in the rdbms\admin sub-directory of your Oracle home directory. After you have installed the utility, then you can create the reverse_deptree_fill procedure that I have provided below, which is a modification of the deptree_fill procedure of the utility. Then you can execute that procedure and dispaly the results from the deptree view or in hierarchical format from the ideptree view.
    Please see the example below, in which I have first created two procedures for testing and demonstration, then created the reverse_deptree_fill procedure, then executed it, then displayed the results in two different formats by selecting from the deptree and ideptree views.
    scott@ORA92> -- sample procedures for testing and demonstration:
    scott@ORA92> create or replace procedure test_proc1
      2    (p_deptno in emp.deptno%type)
      3  as
      4    v_count number;
      5  begin
      6    select count(*) into v_count from emp where deptno = p_deptno;
      7  end test_proc1;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    scott@ORA92> create or replace procedure test_proc2
      2    (p_dname in dept.dname%type)
      3  as
      4    v_deptno number;
      5  begin
      6    select deptno into v_deptno from dept where dname = upper (p_dname);
      7    test_proc1 (v_deptno);
      8  end test_proc2;
      9  /
    Procedure created.
    scott@ORA92> -- install the utility,
    scott@ORA92> -- substituting your oraclehome for d:\oracle\ora92:
    scott@ORA92> --start d:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin\utldtree.sql
    scott@ORA92> -- create reverse_deptree_fill procedure:
    create or replace procedure reverse_deptree_fill (type char, schema char, name char) is
         obj_id number;
         delete from deptree_temptab;
         select object_id into obj_id from all_objects
         where owner         = upper(reverse_deptree_fill.schema)
         and   object_name  = upper(
         and   object_type  = upper(reverse_deptree_fill.type);
         insert into deptree_temptab
         values(obj_id, 0, 0, 0);
         insert into deptree_temptab
         select referenced_object_id, object_id,
         level, deptree_seq.nextval
         from public_dependency
         connect by prior referenced_object_id = object_id
         start with object_id = reverse_deptree_fill.obj_id;
         when no_data_found then
              raise_application_error(-20000, 'ORU-10013: ' ||
                   type || ' ' || schema || '.' || name || ' was not found.');
    Procedure created.
    scott@ORA92> -- collect the information,
    scott@ORA92> -- substituting your schema for scott and your procedure name for test_proc2:
    scott@ORA92> execute reverse_deptree_fill ('procedure', 'scott', 'test_proc2')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    scott@ORA92> -- display the information:
    scott@ORA92> set linesize 120
    scott@ORA92> select * from deptree where schema <> 'SYS' order by seq#
      2  /
    NESTED_LEVEL TYPE               SCHEMA                         NAME                                 SEQ#
               0 PROCEDURE          SCOTT                          TEST_PROC2                              0
               1 TABLE              SCOTT                          DEPT                                   43
               1 PROCEDURE          SCOTT                          TEST_PROC1                             45
               2 TABLE              SCOTT                          EMP                                    46
    4 rows selected.
    scott@ORA92> -- display the information in a hierarchical tree:
    scott@ORA92> select * from ideptree where  dependencies not like '% SYS.%'
      2  /
    4 rows selected.

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  • Package detail log is Empty

    Hi Experts,
    during a data upload with datamanager the upload ends with an error but the detail log is completely empty, why this?
    maybe some log table full?
    tks all

    Do you mean upload of a file from a source into BPC webfolder or do you mean import data from a file into BPC?
    Upload doesn't have a log because it is a pure transfer of a file from a location to other.
    It can succeed or not.
    If we are speaking about import of data into BPC the log is empty in case if it was a fatal error and OsoftDMServer component crash.
    What version of SAP BPC do you have?
    I remember that OsoftDMServer COM+ component has a problem with memory leak unti SAP BPC 7.0 SP6.
    Sorin Radulescu

  • Problems running owb 10gr2 package (mapping) from sqlplus

    not sure what i'm doing wrong.
    here is how i am trying to do it:
    1 declare
    2 out1 varchar2(100);
    3 begin
    4 entity_map.main( p_status => out1
    5 , P_MAX_NO_OF_ERRORS => '50'
    6 , P_COMMIT_FREQUENCY => '1000'
    8 , P_BULK_SIZE => '50'
    10 , P_PURGE_GROUP => 'WB'
    11 );
    12 dbms_output.put_line('Result = '||out1);
    13* end;
    SQL> /
    entity_map.main( p_status => out1
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'MAIN'
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    here is the procedure spec:
    p_max_no_of_errors IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_commit_frequency IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_operating_mode IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_bulk_size IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_audit_level IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_purge_group IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
    any ideas?

    nevermind..i needed to pass in another variable for "AW_EXECUTE_RESULT"

  • Logging start & end time of map execution

    I want to log start & end time of execution of my map (OWB 11g), so I've created a table for this purpose and I used it in every map that I want to log time, twice; First for logging start time, and second for end time.
    I pass a constant with SYSTIMESTAMP value through my log table and also name of my map. but the problem is, both of my records' time (start & end) are very near to each other (difference is in milliseconds!) however my map takes time for more than 2 minutes! So, I've changed my map Target Load Order to: [log table for start time] + [Main tables of my map] + [log table for end time]. I've set my map Use Target Load Ordering option True, too.
    Why it doesn't work? Is there any better solution for logging every map execution time in a table, or not?
    Please help me ...

    To do that, I have created a view that lists all processes that are running or finished. The view contains fields:
    process_type (plsqlmap, plsqlprocedure, processflow, etc)
    run_status (success, error, etc)
    You could insert into your log table using select x from this view after every map, or, how I do it, is to insert into log table after every process flow. That is, after my process flow is complete I then select all of the details for the maps of the process flow and insert those details into my log table.
    Here is the SQL for my view. This is for For
    ELSE 'NA'

  • RME 4.3.1 device update failing 'WARNING : Cat3560(7.3):Consistency check failed for base package SharedNetshowIOS'

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having some issues updating the device packages for my RME 4.3.1 install.
    I've downloaded and tried to update the '' package via the GUI, but the job fails with the above error.
    I pulled up the PSU.log and found the following:
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURCMVER=5.2.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : CMF Package Map Available.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : CMVERSION=5.2.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : VERSION=4.3
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : PATCHVER=1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURRMEVER=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : Mdf=1.41:MDF Package
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : RMEVERSION=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURCMVER=5.2.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : CMF Package Map Available.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : CMVERSION=5.2.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [CMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : initAdapters]  : Adapter for CM already loaded.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : initAdapters]  : Adapter for CVW already loaded.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DFMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DFMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURDFMVER=3.2.0
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DFMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : CMF Package Map Available.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DFMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : DFMVERSION=3.2.0
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DFMPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : VERSION=4.3
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : PATCHVER=1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURRMEVER=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : Mdf=1.41:MDF Package
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : RMEVERSION=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : initAdapters]  : Adapter for RME already loaded.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : initAdapters]  : Adapter for CVW already loaded.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : isExistsVersionFile=true
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : VERSION=4.3
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : PATCHVER=1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : _CURRMEVER=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : getProperty]  : Mdf=1.41:MDF Package
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : RMEVERSION=4.3.1
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [RMEPSUAdapter : <clinit>]  : MDFVERSION=1.41
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:49 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : initAdapters]  : Adapter for RME already loaded.
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : installPackages]  : Locking package repository..
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageInstaller : installStep_resolve]  : Checking Dependencies...
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : pickUnselectedBasePackages]  : SharedSwim2900XL has 17 dependent packages
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[ImageParserAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Lower version of dependent package[SharedDcmaIOS] installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] ERROR  [PsuPkgResolver : pickUnselectedBasePackages]  : Consistency check failed for base package SharedDcmaIOS
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[DistributionAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Lower version of dependent package[LibSwim] installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] ERROR  [PsuPkgResolver : pickUnselectedBasePackages]  : Consistency check failed for base package LibSwim
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[SwimJobOptionsAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[ImageAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[SoftwareAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[ConfigAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Lower version of dependent package[LibCommon] installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] ERROR  [PsuPkgResolver : pickUnselectedBasePackages]  : Consistency check failed for base package LibCommon
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[SystemAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[ImageListAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[ContainmentAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[FlashAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[MemoryAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[RemoteStageAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Dependent package[SwimCCOAG] already installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PsuPkgResolver : isConsistentBaseAbsent]  : Lower version of dependent package[SharedSwimIOS] installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] ERROR  [PsuPkgResolver : pickUnselectedBasePackages]  : Consistency check failed for base package SharedSwimIOS
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [PsuPkgResolver : pickLatest]  : No packages to pick ..Empty package set passed .
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] ERROR  [PsuPkgResolver : populateResolverResult]  : All selected packages failed consistency check..
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [SimpleProgress : progressInfo]  : Progress: WARNING: SharedSwim2900XL(2.2.3): Consistency check failed for base package SharedDcmaIOS
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageInstaller : installStep_resolve]  : Packages selected for install (satisfies consistency check) : []
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [SimpleProgress : progressInfo]  : Progress: No packages to be installed
    [ Thu May 27 10:11:50 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : installPackages]  : Creating maps in D:\CSCOpx\www\classpath\com\cisco\nm\xms\psu\pkgs\rme
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:17 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : * not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:12:31 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:42 PDT 2010 ] WARN   [CreateMaps : createPackageMaps]  : oid : not found in D:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\cwcs\mdf\mdfdata.xml . Hence it will not be added to the device map.
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:44 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [PackageManager : installPackages]  : Releasing lock...
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:44 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DeviceSupportHistory : init]  : Loading history db fromD:\CSCOpx\lib\classpath\com\cisco\nm\xms\psu\conf\historyDB
    [ Thu May 27 10:13:44 PDT 2010 ] INFO   [DeviceSupportHistory : init]  : Number of Events Loaded in init()6
    Before i started to bug TAC, I figured I'd post this here.
    Let me know your thoughts

    Looks like your package repository has been corrupted.  TAC can provide a procedure  to recover from this corruption.  The following DOC indicates  why this can happen and has suggestions on how to avoid these problems  from re-occuring.

  • Error in the phase IMPORT_PROPER while applying support packages

    Dear All,
    I am on ECC 6.0(ABAP+JAVA) SR2, SUSE Linux 10 SP1, DB2.
    I have successfully applied the kernel patch and started applying the support packages,  i have successfully completed applying the ABAP, Basis, BW, HR and other related patches, but i am not sure why i am stuck at the import_proper phase when applying the SAP_APPL patches (SAPKH60008 and SAPKH60009 both in the same queue) and my tp log is as follows
    START imp all              SCD        20081229080538              DDIC         sealcpro 20081229080537
    INFO: event SAP_IMPORT_START triggered successfully
    INFO  TBATG CONVERSION OF  SCD N      not needed                  DDIC         sealcpro 20081229080537
    START tp_getprots          SCD P      20081229080539              DDIC         sealcpro 20081229080537
    2EETP000 sap_dext called with msgnr "1":
    2EETP000      db call info
    2EETP000 function:   db_setget
    2EETP000 fcode:      RT_SETB (65535)
    2EETP000 tabname:    TRBAT
    2EETP000 len (char): 0
    2EETP000 key:
    2EETP000 retcode:    1
    1AETP000 exit in function texitnow
    ERROR: EXIT(16) -> process ID is: 5319
    STOP  imp all              SCD   0016 20081229080602              DDIC         sealcpro 20081229080537
    And also when i look at the Support package import logs they show that
    Import ABAP Dictionary Objects and
    ABAP Dictionary Activation phases ended with return code 4
    But i dont think this can give any problem.
    I have tried to import from the phase where it stopped, but all of a sudden i get disconnected from SAP and get an error message saying that NO CONNECTION TO THE DATABASE, then when i check for the processes for dw and db2 there are process already running.
    I had to start SAP and only then i was able to connect to the SERVER again.
    Can you please help me on this..
    For any more information plz let me know
    Thanks and regards

    Dear Balaji,
    Thank you very much for the reply...
    I deleted the import request in the STMS and wi ran the RDDIMPDP and RDDMNTAB reports and restart the SPAM, but this time the SPAM immediately stopped, but i am still connected to the system and the error which i got earlier (database connection error ) is now not occuring.
    But otherwise also i noticed that i get the following ABAP Dump while this error is triggering
    Internal error when accessing program "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB=============CP ".
    An unspecified internal error occurred in the SAP-internal
    database interface.
    For further analysis the SAP system log should be examined
    (transaction SM21).
    Check the entries in the developer trace of the relevant work process
    (transaction ST11).
    Attempted to access component "LOAD" of program
    "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB=============CP ".
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    "SAPLSTPA" or " "
    Based on this error i searched few notes and got the below results 309583 and 132383 but these are not for my release.
    So i request you to kindly help me on this as i am running out of time in delivering my server.
    Waiting for all the valuble replies
    Thank you in advance

  • Error about Source Level only if 5.0?  I'm using Java 1.6?  Maps

    Hello everyone. I was just trying to run some simple Source Code from my book here:
    package mapa;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class MapTest
         Map<String, String> phonebook = new HashMap<String, String>();
        // constructor
        public example2(String n[], String nums[]) {
           for(int i=0; i< n.length; i++)
               phonebook.put( n, nums[i] );
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // data
    String [] names = { "Lefty", "Guarav", "Wong", "Rupamay" };
    String [] extns = { "4873", "4810", "3769", "0" };
    // get an instance of this class
    example2 ex = new example2( names, extns );
    // dump out the map
    System.out.println("map: " + ex.phonebook);
    // get the mappings
    Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> s = ex.phonebook.entrySet();
    // iterate over the mappings
    // for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    for (Map.Entry me : s) {
    Object ok = me.getKey();
    Object ov = me.getValue();
    System.out.print("key=" + ok );
    System.out.println(", value=" + ov );
    and i'm getting the following errors when I run it in Eclipse:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
         example2 cannot be resolved to a type
         example2 cannot be resolved to a type
         Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0
         The type Map.Entry is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <String, String>
         Syntax error, 'for each' statements are only available if source level is 5.0
         at mapa.MapTest.main( 24 is:
      example2 ex = new example2( names, extns );I've compiled things with Eclipse before such as Networking programs and they worked fine, not sure whats wrong with this example.

    Oops it looks like on that line they are using the Class itself, and they had it renamed to Example2 not MapTest. I changed the code to the following but still getting errros:
    package mapa;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class MapTest
         Map<String, String> phonebook = new HashMap<String, String>();
        // constructor
        public example2(String n[], String nums[]) {
           for(int i=0; i< n.length; i++)
               phonebook.put( n, nums[i] );
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // data
    String [] names = { "Lefty", "Guarav", "Wong", "Rupamay" };
    String [] extns = { "4873", "4810", "3769", "0" };
    // get an instance of this class
    MapTest ex = new MapTest( names, extns );
    // dump out the map
    System.out.println("map: " + ex.phonebook);
    // get the mappings
    Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> s = ex.phonebook.entrySet();
    // iterate over the mappings
    // for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    for (Map.Entry me : s) {
    Object ok = me.getKey();
    Object ov = me.getValue();
    System.out.print("key=" + ok );
    System.out.println(", value=" + ov );
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
         The constructor MapTest(String[], String[]) is undefined
         ex.phonebook cannot be resolved or is not a field
         Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0
         The type Map.Entry is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <String, String>
         ex.phonebook cannot be resolved or is not a field
         Syntax error, 'for each' statements are only available if source level is 5.0
         at mapa.MapTest.main(

  • Is it possible to make the log pop up of errors/warnings appear for longer?

    Dear all
    The answer to this question may have already been posted but I could not locate it when searching.
    I am running SQL Developer 1.5.1 and I have set up the display so that the log is minimised. When I debug or compile any packages the log of error messages/warnings pops up. However this does not stay on screen long enough for me to be able to read it and only 1 in 4 times do I get to the log window quick enough, in order to click on it to keep it open. Is there away of making the log pop up until I minimise it or at least stay on screen for longer, so that I can reach it in time? I estimate it is currently staying on screen for less than 1 second.
    I don't want the log to be displayed all the time because it takes up valuable space, which I find useful when writing my code. It gets in the way even more when I am using the SQL statement window/script output window.
    Kind regards

    Thank you K. for your reply.
    After all these months of using SQL developer. it never registered with me that hovering over the tab brings it up. I must have brought it up before now but I don't remember doing so if I did.
    Problem resolved.
    Kind regards

  • Javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Cannot unmarshal jaxrpc-mapping-file:

    I am using jboss for deploying the webservice. when i am deploying the webservice i am getting following error.
    20:26:30,696 INFO [WSDLFilePublisher] WSDL published to: file:/C:/jboss4.0/jboss-4.0.0/server/default/data/wsdl/acWebSe
    20:26:30,696 ERROR [ServiceDeployer] Cannot startup webservice for: acWebServices.war
    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Cannot deploy webservice; - nested throwable: (RuntimeMBeanException: null Cau
    se: javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Cannot unmarshal jaxrpc-mapping-file: WEB-INF/AddressWrapper-mapping.xml)
    at org.jboss.webservice.ServiceDeployer.deployWebservices(
    at org.jboss.webservice.ServiceDeployer.startWebservice(
    at org.jboss.webservice.ServiceDeployer.handleNotification(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor5.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy25.handleNotification(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployerSupport.start(
    at org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer.start(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.start(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.start(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor16.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy8.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner.scan(
    at org.jboss.deployment.scanner.AbstractDeploymentScanner$ScannerThread.doScan(
    at org.jboss.deployment.scanner.AbstractDeploymentScanner$ScannerThread.loop(
    at org.jboss.deployment.scanner.AbstractDeploymentScanner$
    Here is my mapping.xml file :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <java-wsdl-mapping version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <root-type-qname xmlns:typeNS="">typeNS:test</root-type-qname>
    <root-type-qname xmlns:typeNS="">typeNS:testResponse</root-type-qname>
    <wsdl-service-name xmlns:serviceNS="">serviceNS:AddressWrapper</wsdl-service-name>
    <wsdl-port-type xmlns:portTypeNS="">portTypeNS:AddressWrapperIntf</wsdl-port-type>
    <wsdl-binding xmlns:bindingNS="">bindingNS:AddressWrapperIntfBinding</wsdl-binding>
    my wsdl :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="AddressWrapper" targetNamespace="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap11-enc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="">
    <complexType name="test">
    <complexType name="testResponse">
    <element name="test" type="tns:test"/>
    <element name="testResponse" type="tns:testResponse"/></schema></types>
    <message name="AddressWrapperIntf_test">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:test"/></message>
    <message name="AddressWrapperIntf_testResponse">
    <part name="result" element="tns:testResponse"/></message>
    <portType name="AddressWrapperIntf">
    <operation name="test">
    <input message="tns:AddressWrapperIntf_test"/>
    <output message="tns:AddressWrapperIntf_testResponse"/></operation></portType>
    <binding name="AddressWrapperIntfBinding" type="tns:AddressWrapperIntf">
    <soap:binding transport="" style="document"/>
    <operation name="test">
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/></input>
    <soap:body use="literal"/></output></operation></binding>
    <service name="AddressWrapper">
    <port name="AddressWrapperIntfPort" binding="tns:AddressWrapperIntfBinding">
    <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/></port></service></definitions>
    my webservice.xml

    Problem was name of xml file in webservice.xml is diff from the actually created .xml file
    Problem solved

  • Unable to upload Transport Package in portal

    Previously i have transported .epa file(Trnasport Package) from dev to acc, it worked fine when iam trying to upload the same in qas portal its getting error like "could not upload file" .can any one assist me with the solution

    Please check the transport_logger trace (logs/transport.log) to troubleshoot transport problems.
    Set the loglevels to analyze the transport problems debug in the file for the categories pcd.tracelevel.basictransport and pcd.tracelevel.GI.Transport
    Please check Note 679516: Central Note for the Transport Package Editor
    Please check Note 743857: Upload issues in cluster scenarios
    Please examine this file for pure UI problems like the editor does not load or an object cannot be added to a transport package. pcd_admin_tools_logger (logs/pcdadmintools.log)
    Hope it helps.

  • Could not find the policy in WMI for package

    I am trying to deploy a language pack to a windows 8.1 machine and it is not installing. According to the execmgr.log it cannot find the policy in WMI? I have tried running the machine policy update within CFG MGR but no change. Is there something else
    I can check?
    <![LOG[Policy is updated for Program: InstallEN, Package: LIA002A0, Advert: LIA2011A]LOG]!><time="09:47:18.345+300" date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="980"
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="LIA002A0",ProgramID="InstallEN", actionType 45l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="09:47:18.347+300"
    date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="980" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Mandatory execution requested for program InstallEN and advertisement LIA2011A]LOG]!><time="09:47:19.220+300" date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="3684"
    <![LOG[Creating mandatory request for advert LIA2011A, program InstallEN, package LIA002A0]LOG]!><time="09:47:19.220+300" date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="3684"
    <![LOG[Could not find the policy in WMI for package LIA002A0 program InstallEN]LOG]!><time="09:47:19.242+300" date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="2" thread="3684" file="softdistpolicy.cpp:2851">
    <![LOG[CreateMandatoryRequestRecursively failed at FindUserOrSystemPolicy InstallEN]LOG]!><time="09:47:19.243+300" date="01-28-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="2" thread="3684"

    Did you check this
    It turned out the root cause of the problem was one of the packages that the TS called.  Even though SCCM had been set to use the selected distribution points and said the package was installed on those DPs, it hadn't actually copied the files over.
     Updating to a new source version and ensuring the files copied correctly resolved the issue.  Hopefully SCCM 2012 will do a better job of communicating a dependency problem, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
    You can also check this
    it appears the majority of these messages occur when you have a system that has an expired advertisement still being applied to it. 
    Nick Pilon | Blog : System Center Dudes

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