Packaging .air file to .dmg via ANT

First off, I hope someone sees this as this Archive thread is the only place the forum is allowing me to post my air related question.
So, I'm having some trouble packaging (via ANT) my air 2.0 app into a .dmg file that can be run as a native installer.
(I am running this on MacOSX 10.6.4 w/ a JRE 1.6.0_20)
I should note that I can package a .dmg fine from the terminal via > adt -package -target native TestApp.dmg TestApp.air
but attempting to do the same thing from an ANT task throws a host of various errors.
For example :
Running the following task throws errors saying that I have to include the signing options I used when I compiled the air app.
    <target name="package to dmg">
        <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="512m">
            <arg value="-package"/>
            <arg value="-target native"/>
            <arg value="TestApp.dmg"/>
            <arg value="TestApp.air"/>           
Throws error :  [java] Signing options required to package from descriptor and fileset etc...
My assumption is that this task should execute idential to the following terminal command :
> adt -package -target native TestApp.dmg TestApp.air
So I add my signing options and the compiler complains that now it can't see or load my app descriptor file.
My understanding is that it shouldn't need the app descriptor since it already used that file when it compiled the swf into the air app?
    <target name="package to dmg"
        <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="512m">
            <arg value="-package"/>
            <arg value="-storetype"/>
            <arg value="${STORETYPE}"/>
            <arg value="-keystore"/>
            <arg value="${KEYSTORE}"/> 
            <arg value="-storepass"/>
            <arg value="${CERT_PASSWORD}"/>           
            <arg value="-target native"/> 
            <arg value="TestApp.dmg" />           
            <arg value="${DESCRIPTOR_FILE}"/>
            <arg value="-C"/>
            <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}"/>
            <arg value="."/>
Throws error : error 301: Application descriptor missing/cannot be opened
I have tried every combination of ADT arguments I can think of but to no avail.
Like I said, I can compile the air app fine and launch it in the ADL as well as install it on my system, it's just the packaging to .dmg from ANT that is giving me pain.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Here is a link to my full build script that may help you see what's going on.
properties files here:
Message was edited by: braitsch

Can you try this :
<target name="package to dmg">
        <java jar="${ADT}"  fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="512m">
             <arg value="-package"/>
             <arg value="-target"/>
             <arg value="native"/>
            <arg value="TestApp.dmg"/>
             <arg value="TestApp.air"/>           

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    Is digitally signing, a must to package an air file?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks Dan.
    I have created own signature and it works fine, but if i distribute this air , say here in SDN, when somebody tries to install would there be any problem?

  • Can .air file be installed via command line?

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    A video application was developed for us - its name is createVideo.air
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    My question is:
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    Any links, directions or suggestions is appreciated
    Thank you for your time and attention

    Hi Benn,
    You can do this using the Adobe AIR Application Installer.  Please check out the command line arguments in our Silent Installation instructions.  This document also covers installation of the Runtime and has links to the redistribution agreement if needed.

  • Use adt to package an air installer success, but install this air file "sorry , an error has occured

    hi everyone, i am using a bat file to package an air file ,
    this application runs on windows 7 32 bit,
    it need to call another windows application , so i google and then find i need to add -target native when package , so i added.
    the bat file is like below:
    @echo off
    :: AIR application packaging
    :: More information:
    :: Path to Flex SDK binaries
    set PATH=%PATH%;C:\AdobeAIRSDK\bin
    :: Signature (see 'CreateCertificate.bat')
    set CERTIFICATE=yeahCert.pfx
    set SIGNING_OPTIONS=-storetype pkcs12 -keystore %CERTIFICATE% -tsa none
    if not exist %CERTIFICATE% goto certificate
    :: Output
    if not exist air md air
    set AIR_FILE=air/jonnson.air
    :: Input
    set APP_XML=application.xml
    set FILE_OR_DIR=-C bin .
    echo Signing AIR setup using certificate %CERTIFICATE%.
    call adt -package      %SIGNING_OPTIONS%  -target native  %AIR_FILE% %APP_XML% %FILE_OR_DIR% 
    if errorlevel 1 goto failed
    echo AIR setup created: %AIR_FILE%
    goto end
    echo Certificate not found: %CERTIFICATE%
    echo Troubleshotting:
    echo A certificate is required, generate one using 'CreateCertificate.bat'
    goto end
    echo AIR setup creation FAILED.
    echo Troubleshotting:
    echo did you configure the Flex SDK path in this Batch file?
    after run this bat , the air file is successfully built , but when i want to install this air , it says "sorry ,an error has occured .....  bla bla installer file is damaged....bla bla "
    but when i remove the red part -target native  in the command above then run it again , the new packaged air file can install successfully, but the application can not call other windows apllication anymore, nativeprocess.issupported always returns false when running
    so seems like the problem is all about -target native , deos anyone know whats wrong ?
    this problem really bothers me long time , any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance!

    Nice! I swear I tried that URL (substituting "mac" for "win" and "MAC" for "WIN" in the one relaxatraja posted), but I guess I missed something.
    Ironically, it doesn't include a binary either, but a simple alias works:
    alias pfi='java -jar /path/to/PFI/lib/pfi.jar'
    And it did indeed produce an ipa without error. I don't have my hardware with me, but I'll be able to test it tonight. Meanwhile, I think I'm in business. Thank you all!

  • Packaging AIR application with ant fails, Packaging AIR application inside IntelliJ works

    I can package AIR application (package type ad-hoc distribution) inside IntelliJ (from Build menu)
    but when I try with my ant build, it encounters an error running the adt command
    Is there a way to have more details on the error? At the moment, it's just a Java returned:2 error.
    I've copied my ant config files below.
    Any ideas anyone on where the problem could lie or how to debug it?
    Note: I have no issue with the package debug target, be it via IntelliJ or my ant build.
    <project name="headr" default="package-application-debug-interpreter" basedir="../">
              <property file="build/" />
              <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${flexsdk.dir}" />
              <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${flexsdk.dir}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
              <target name="clean" description="deletes everything in build folder">
                        <echo message="Removing build directory contents..." />
                        <delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="false">
                                  <fileset dir="${build.dir}" />
              <target name="perform-file-copy">
                        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
                        <echo message="Copy files to output dir: ${build.dir}" />
                        <copy file="src/HeadrApplication-app.xml" todir="${build.dir}" />
                        <replace file="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" token="[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]" value="out/HeadrApplication.swf" />
              <target name="compile" depends="clean,perform-file-copy">
                        <mxmlc file="src/" output="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" locale="en_US" accessible="false" actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8" static-rsls="true" configname="airmobile" debug="${debug}" failonerror="true" maxmemory="1024m" fork="true" swf-version="17">
                                  <load-config filename="${flex_config}" append="true" />
              <target name="pack-application" depends="compile">
                        <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                                  <arg value="-package" />
                                  <arg value="-target" />
                                  <arg value="${target}" />
                                  <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                                  <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                                  <arg value="-storetype" />
                                  <arg value="pkcs12" />
                                  <arg value="-keystore" />
                                  <arg value="${keystore}" />
                                  <arg value="-storepass" />
                                  <arg value="${storepass}" />
      <arg value="-extdir" />
      <arg value="ane/" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="Default.png" />
      <arg value="-C" />
      <arg value="src/" />
      <arg value="[email protected]" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="icons/." />
                                  <arg value="data/." />
              <target name="pack-application-debug" depends="compile">
                        <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                                  <arg value="-package" />
                                  <arg value="-target" />
                                  <arg value="${target}" />
                                  <arg value="-connect" />
                                  <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                                  <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                                  <arg value="-storetype" />
                                  <arg value="pkcs12" />
                                  <arg value="-keystore" />
                                  <arg value="${keystore}" />
                                  <arg value="-storepass" />
                                  <arg value="${storepass}" />
      <arg value="-extdir" />
      <arg value="ane/" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="Default.png" />
      <arg value="-C" />
      <arg value="src/" />
      <arg value="[email protected]" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="icons/." />
                                  <arg value="data/." />
              <target name="package-application-debug-interpreter">
                        <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                                  <param name="debug" value="true" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-debug-interpreter" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-debug">
                        <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                                  <param name="debug" value="true" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-debug" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-adhoc">
                        <antcall target="pack-application">
                                  <param name="debug" value="false" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-ad-hoc" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-appstore">
                        <antcall target="pack-application">
                                  <param name="debug" value="false" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-app-store" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="TODO" />
              <target name="launch-application">
                        <exec executable="${adl.exe}">
                                  <arg value="bin-debug/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="-profile mobileDevice" />
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <flex-config xmlns="">
                        <include-libraries append="true">
                        <source-path append="true">
                        <external-library-path append="true">
                <!-- path-element>../ane/com.headr.HeadrNativeExtensions.ane</path-element -->

    You may want to try using the settings used by Flash Builder to package the application, more details of which can be found at: der-flex.html
    Update your ANT script with these, and try again.

  • Can't package native installer on Linux with Flex SDK 4.5 : Invalid AIR file

    We've moved our application to compile against the 4.5 SDK.
    We're compiling it with Flash Builder (on mac) into an air file and as our application is using NativeProcess API, we're packaging it on each platform into a native installer with the following command (linux example) : adt -package -target native app.deb app.air
    We think we fall into the same issue as but for the 4.5 DSK.
    On Linux it used to work with the following environment (env1):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK + Adobe Air SDK 2.5.0
    It stops to work when we upgrade to the new Flex SDK (env2):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK (with the default embeded Adobe Air SDK 2.6)
    The faut message is "Invalid AIR file" and nothing is logged in the log file (/home/<username>/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Logs/Install.log).
    1) The .air file is installing correctly on env2 (without the support of the NativeProcess as expected)
    2) We also tried to compile the project directly on env2 :
    amxml app.mxml
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 app.air app-app.xml air.swf
    The .air file is installing fine but the packaging into a native process fails in the same way...
    3) We tried to package a native installer of our .air file on env1 and it works!!! (the installed application seems to work fine also on env2!!!)
    Are we missing something or does it seems to be a bug of the Flex SDK 4.5?
    Are there some restrictions to package a native installer with the Flex SDK 4.1 a air app build with the Flex SDK 4.5 ?
    Thanks in advance,

    Finally we figure out how to solve the issue.
    The packaging into native .deb installer fails as explain above because with the hole Flex SDK 4.5 (adt -version told
    The packaging is successfull if only Air SDK 2.6 is install.
    What is strange that both adt seems to be the same "" (found with "adt -version").
    Can someone from the Adobe dev team explain it?
    I suppose as the Flex SDK is not available for the Linux platform, the download only contains the Air SDK for Windows and Mac OS as opposed to the specific download of the Air SDK for te Linux platform...

  • Package into a native installer fails on Linux (Flex SDK 4.5) : "Invalid AIR file"

    We've moved our application to compile against the 4.5 SDK.
    We're compiling it with Flash Builder (on mac) into an air file and as our application is using NativeProcess API, we're packaging it on each platform into a native installer with the following command (linux example) : adt -package -target native app.deb app.air
    We think we fall into the same issue as but for the 4.5 DSK.
    On Linux it used to work with the following environment (env1):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK + Adobe Air SDK 2.5.0
    It stops to work when we upgrade to the new Flex SDK (env2):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK (with the default embeded Adobe Air SDK 2.6)
    The faut message is "Invalid AIR file" and nothing is logged in the log file (/home/<username>/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Logs/Install.log).
    1) The .air file is installing correctly on env2 (without the support of the NativeProcess as expected)
    2) We also tried to compile the project directly on env2 :
    amxml app.mxml
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 app.air app-app.xml air.swf
    The .air file is installing fine but the packaging into a native process fails in the same way...
    3) We tried to package a native installer of our .air file on env1 and it works!!! (the installed application seems to work fine also on env2!!!)
    Are we missing something or does it seems to be a bug of the Flex SDK 4.5?
    Are there some restrictions to package a native installer with the Flex SDK 4.1 a air app build with the Flex SDK 4.5 ?
    Thanks in advance,

    Finally we figure out how to solve the issue.
    The packaging into native .deb installer fails as explain above because with the hole Flex SDK 4.5 (adt -version told
    The packaging is successfull if only Air SDK 2.6 is install.
    What is strange that both adt seems to be the same "" (found with "adt -version").
    Can someone from the Adobe dev team explain it?
    I suppose as the Flex SDK is not available for the Linux platform, the download only contains the Air SDK for Windows and Mac OS as opposed to the specific download of the Air SDK for te Linux platform...

  • Installing .air file on osx Mavericks keeps asking for installation package

    After upgrading to OSX Mavericks and Upgrading to Adobe CC I'm having trouble installing .air files.
    I'm working on OSX Mavericks 10.9.1
    I have built an Air application with the Air4.0 SDK in Flashbuilder 4.7 and packaged a release build as a signed Air Package.
    When I try to install it by double clicking the .air file , the Air Application Manager Starts but asks for an Installation package instead of using the package I just doubleclicked.
    Any ideas how to solve this?
    kind regards

    I never had Air 3.8 installed on my machine (after a clean install of osx mavericks). Only 3.9  4.0beta and now 4.0 release.
    Even now that I reinstalled I'm not able te uninstall. It still give an "already installed message)
    The Package insttaltion problem occurs with any .air file, so for instance even the air SettingsManager.air from the adobe site.
    It's probably some hickup with my machine, but I don't know where to look anymore.
    I'm not sure what you mean by the app.air file.
    I have sent a a simple .air file to your mail address.
    Oddly enough when I double click any .air file (and the "select installation package" window appears) and then doubelclick the .air file again from the finder,
    the air installation window does appear behind!! the "select installation package" window ( but I can't click it ).
    So it seems that, when first opened, the Adobe AIR Application Installer doesn't receive the file path of the .air file that was clicked.
    Best Regards

  • I am trying to transfer files from MacBook Pro to new MacBook air using Migration assistant via WiFi connection - the two computers can't seem to find each other

    I am trying to transfer files from MacBook Pro to new MacBook air using Migration assistant via WiFi connection - the two computers can't seem to find each other.
    Any ideas?

    Try this article -
    If it doesn't help, post back in this thread.
    Best of luck,

  • [svn] 4606: Make policy-file-url optional via the ant task.

    Revision: 4606
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-01-21 09:44:27 -0800 (Wed, 21 Jan 2009)
    Log Message:
    Make policy-file-url optional via the ant task.
    The policy-file-url - takes a empty sting from the command line to separate two urls.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-18401
    tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Remember that Arch Arm is a different distribution, but we try to bend the rules and provide limited support for them.  This may or may not be unique to Arch Arm, so you might try asking on their forums as well.

  • Packaging AIRHelp .air file with AIR Application

    Has anyone had any experience packaging an AIRHelp project (generated by RoboHelp) with an AIR Application?  I want installation for our app to be simple as possible for the end user, and requiring them to install the help separately from the real AIR application seems to be complicated and error prone.  (In addition, ProductManager launch function cannot determine whether or not help has been installed, so there could be problems there.)
    Currently we are using a native installer for the AIR app. 
    Thanks in advance,

    Another thing I learned is that you might have the icon file embeded in the application somewhere and that removes it from the include in AIR package screen.That shows the same 303 error. See more detalis here :

  • Which files to use when packaging Air 3.6 with installer.

    I've been publishing Air files without the installer for some time.
    My publisher wants Adobe 3.6 along with the installer, which is new to me.
    The Windows I believe I can set the output as:  Windows Installer - then just send them the .exe file.
    But I don't have a Mac to test on so can I just set the output as:  Application with runtime embedded  -  and then just send the .exe file?

    mac file extensions are usually .app not .exe

  • "Sorry, an error has occured. The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged

    I have an air application that is distributed via CDROM, the app is signed by a code signing certificate and timestamped. In mid-August when my certicate expired my users started calling stating that they couldn't install our product due to the following error: "Sorry, an error has occured. The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author." From my understanding a timestamped application is taken at a point in time when it's generated so why would it matter if the certificate was still valid? I have since replaced the certificate and will need to redistribute to my (thousands of) users however when I test it out using a future date and time the same error occurs. Any information to help resolve this would be grately appreciated.

    my command:
    C:\Users\HOME USE\Desktop\AIR Development\HelloWorld>adl
    C:\Users\HOME USE\Desktop\AIR Development\HelloWorld>adt
    -certificate -cn HelloW
    orld 1024-RSA certHelloWorld.pfx password
    C:\Users\HOME USE\Desktop\AIR Development\HelloWorld>adt
    -package -storetype pkc
    s12 -keystore certHelloWorld.pfx HelloWorld.air
    application.xml HelloWorld.html
    password: password
    C:\Users\HOME USE\Desktop\AIR Development\HelloWorld>
    And here is another link to download my code
    Thank you.

  • AIR Badge + RewriteRule fails - Downloaded file is not an air file

    Hi everyone!
    I'm not entirely sure my problem comes from RewriteRule but I've searched this forum for topics on corrupted AIR files and the Install Badge and tried almost every possible tip with no luck so I thought maybe my special issue comes from it...
    Here we go:
    I have a server-side script that builds AIR apps which are supposed to be installed (via an Install Badge). Those AIR apps are not stored at a public URL (for security reasons) but read (via PHP) when a specific URL is called. Let me give you an example (with fake paths) :
    The server-side built AIR app is store at /srv/data/air/myApp.air
    A RewriteRule redirects calls to to
    The air.php uses the GET id to read the AIR file :
    header("Pragma: public");
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    header("Cache-Control: private", false);
    header("Content-Type: $mimeType");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name;" );
    header("Content-Length: ".filesize($path));
    With $mimeType="application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip" and $name="999.air"...
    When accessing the rewritten URL directly with a browser, everything is fine: the AIR file can be downloaded and installed as expected.
    But! When using an Install Badge linking to that URL, I get the nasty "The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged" message...
    And here's what's stored in .airappinstall.log:
    Starting app install of http://(...)/9889.air
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    Downloading file to C:\Documents and Settings\Quentin\Local Settings\Temp\fla19D.tmp
    Received HTTP Response Status event
    Response URL is http://(...)/9889.air
    Downloaded file is not an air file.
    starting cleanup of temporary files
    application installer exiting
    Hum... And I'm stuck.
    I have multiple Install Badges in the same page, do you think this can break things?
    I've try adding the AddType instruction in a .htaccess file but it didn't change a thing...
    Thanks in advance!

    OK, I've got news.
    Bad news.
    In fact I realized the appurl set in the Install badge is (obviously) not called directly but by a script located at So your my session is not available in the script that is called and that reads the actual AIR file. So I can't check wether the user requiring the file has the right to. At least, not the way I intended to do it...
    I will keep you updated if I find something!

  • Package class files with bpel suitcase

    Is it possible to package java classes which are invoked through WSIF along with the BPEL Suitcase generated by bpelc?
    I've noticed that when generating and deploying the suitcase using JDeveloper (10.1.3.x) - the class files are compiled to the output directory and packaged in the suitcase, but when I run the same build.xml via Ant (ant deploy-process), the class files are missing in the output directory and thus missing in the suitcase.
    I'm using BPEL 10.1.3.
    So, the question is what causes the difference and how can I achieve packaging the class files using Ant without Jdeveloper.
    Any help is most appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Well, I found the answer myself after decompiling com.collaxa.cube.ant.taskdefs.Bpelc.class..... because documentation or manuals about the ant tasks where not available.
    Apparently, the bpelc tasks can have nested elements of type zipfileset. (See the Ant documentation about this type). In here is the solution.
    Here is a how-to:
    You have to change the jdeveloper generated build.xml.
    @ 1st you have to add a "javac" task (if not already there) like below, and add it to build.xml:
    <target name="java-compile" description="Compile Java source files">
    | Compiling java source files
    <javac destdir="${process.dir}/output"
    encoding="UTF-8" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    <src path="src"/>
    </javac>@ 2 Extend target "process-deploy" to depend it on target "java-compile". It is important that the java gets compiled before the bpelc is executed. Like so:
    <target name="process-deploy"
    depends="validateTask, java-compile, compile, deployProcess, deployTaskForm, deployDecisionServices" />@ 3 Change the bpelc task by including a nested classes element that includes your class files, like so:
    <bpelc input="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml" out="${process.dir}/output"
    rev="${rev}" home="${bpel.home}">
    <classes dir="${process.dir}/output" includes="**/*.class"/>
    </bpelc>When you run target "process-deploy", the class files are added to the bpel suitcase.

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