Pacman 3.5 aur wrapper

Is there any aur tool similar to yaourt that has support for pacman 3.5?

ngoonee wrote:
SanskritFritz wrote:Github might know, but I still dont.
Github and you are not on speaking terms, I take it?
Eheheh, well, I thought there is some very important information buried somewhere in the log. Hence the frustration

Similar Messages

  • What pacman and or AUR warpper/helper do you use and why?

    What pacman and or AUR warpper/helper do you use and why?
    Last edited by jrussell (2013-04-07 12:40:07)

    tomk wrote:
    None, because I don't need one.
    Just in case you meant to say "AUR wrapper/helper", I use cower.
    I forgot AUR, thanks

  • [SLVD]How do I download a package that's in the AUR but not in pacman?

    I feel like I'm asking the newbiest question in this forum, but I'm a little lost. I found google-chrome in the AUR, but when I try to install it with pacman, it tells me it can't find it. I thought that pacman just pulled from the AUR. I guess I don't really understand what the AUR is or how it works.
    Last edited by imnotfred (2013-02-19 01:09:35)

    ewaller wrote:As a friendly suggestion, do learn how use the AUR by hand.  Helpers are nice, but it is good to understand the basics.
    I'd like to echo this. Building packages from AUR is really not difficult, and using a helper really obscures several of the steps. If you build "by hand" you will learn more about tar, and about pacman. The AUR page in the wiki makes all this very clear.
    (edit) I have never used cower, but for step 1 in headkase's post above mine all you need is this bash function:
    get-aur() {
    echo 'getting package '$1' from AUR'
    wget -q "${1:0:2}/$1/$1.tar.gz"
    tar xf "$1.tar.gz"
    rm "$1.tar.gz"
    cd $1
    Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2013-02-19 01:58:33)

  • Pbfetch - Please not another AUR frontend

    pbfetch is an AUR frontend and optionally a Pacman wrapper.
    Background and Motivation
    I originally intended to keep pbfetch private, as there are already so many AUR frontends but, after using it for a bit I've decided to let others use, change, belittle, mock, praise and/or look at it.
    pbfetch(PKGBUILD fetch) started as merely a script to download a PKGBUILD from the AUR. I usually like to edit and run makepkg myself for AUR packages, however, there are times where I like a simple
    automated approach. With all due respect to the developers, I found yaourt to be slow(especially on my old laptop). After seeing how complicated yaourt has become I decided to extend pbfetch to encompass most if not all
    my Arch package managment needs.
    - Can optionally wrap pacman functionality so one can use pbfetch for most pacman commands(eg. pbfetch -Sy, pbfetch -Qs, pbfetch -Rd)
    - Search AUR
    - Download and extract AUR tar.gz to build directory
    - Option to edit PKGBUILD after download
    - Option to make the package with or without installing
    - Dependecy checking(mostly complete, though removes versioning for dependencies not found in official repos)
    - Check for and install AUR updates
    - Option to choose which AUR updates to install
    - Optional color output
    - By default uses sudo where needed
    - Refactoring for readabilty and speed(already much faster than yaourt)
    - Further ABS support(currently only copies local abs pkg directory to build directory)
    - Better commandline option parsing(possibly getopts)
    - Add edit PKGBUILD option to pacman fallback commands(currently auto-edit only with AUR specific commands)
    - Prettier text output
    - Willing to consider any requests
    I had two types of users in mind as I made/make pbfetch.
    1.) Those who prefer to have 1 tool to manage AUR and official repositories
    2.) Those who prefer to keep their AUR frontend separate from Pacman
    As such there are two sets of command line options: those that are AUR specific, and optionally, commands that call the pacman binary and extend for AUR functions.
    I have chosen to call pacman directly where ever possible rather than reimpliment pacman's functions.
    The following is a copy of pbfetch's usage prompt:
    Usage: pbfetch [opiton] [package1] [package2] ....
    -d Download from aur and extract to build directory
    -de Download from aur, extract and edit PKGBUILD
    -m Download from aur, extract, and make the package(s)
    -me Download from aur, extract, edit PKGBUILD and
    make the package(s)
    -i Download from aur, extract, make and install package(s)
    -ie Download from aur, extract, edit PKGBUILD, make and
    install package(s)
    -s Search aur for any package given
    (Searches name and description)
    -sa Search repo and aur for any package given
    -u Check aur for package updates
    -ue Check aur for package updates and
    edit PKGBUILD before install
    -ua Check aur and official repos for updates
    -abs Copy from local abs folder to build directory
    -v Display version information
    Pacman Fallback(On by default)
    -S Attempt install with Pacman if package not found
    in repo then install from AUR
    -Ss Search Pacman repos and AUR
    -Sy Refresh database then install from repo or
    AUR if not found in repository
    -Syu --aur Refresh database and upgrade from repo and
    Example: pbfetch -S xorg
    pbfetch -d nvidia-beta nvidia-utils-beta
    pbfetch will also pass any pacman related options to the
    pacman binary specifed in the script, eg. pbfetch -Qs
    The config file is stored in /etc/pbfetch.conf
    There you can set whether to enable color output, pacman fallback, various working directories etc.
    The pacman binary can be specified as well.(Tested with pacman and pacman-color)
    Default build directory is ~/build/
    - pbfetch can be called just like pacman and it will pass the command line options untouch if you prefer. Or it can extend pacman's sync to include AUR processing. This is set in the configuration.
    - When checking for AUR updates (eg. pbfetch -u, or pbfetch -Syu --aur) you will be prompted to either accept the updates or you may opt to only choose certain updates. To choose, type the number as seen next
      to the corresponding update. Separate each respective package number by a space.
    [Known or potential caveats]
    - All verbose options such as "--needed" are passed to pacman untouched. However some of the short hand versions have not been implemented when using sync (eg. pbfetch -Sg xorg) in combination with the fallback option set.
    - I've written the script with sudo in mind. The script inserts sudo where needed.
    - Color output assumes dark terminal background. Color can either be turned off or individual colors and be changed in the config file
    - pbfetch was made in my limited free time over the last month so testing of features has been limited to say the least.
    - I have put pbfetch up on github @
    - Please feel free contribute or make requests
    Make no mistake, I have no dreams of pbfetch becoming the next popular AUR frontend like yaourt. I have had fun writing it so far (first bash script) and thought a few like minded individual(s) may enjoy using it as well.
    Package can be found @
    Last edited by dalingrin (2010-09-13 21:58:27)

    I have disabled sudo, still I get the following error:
    pbfetch -me qhandbrake-git
    ==> qhandbrake-git [Downloaded]
    ==> qhandbrake-git [Extracted]
    -> qhandbrake-git [Edit complete]
    Checking package for AUR dependencies...
    ==> ERROR: Cannot find the sudo binary! Is sudo installed?
    Missing dependencies cannot be installed or removed as a normal user
    without sudo; install and configure sudo to auto-resolve dependencies.
    cat /etc/pbfetch.conf
    ################## !WARNING! ####################
    # This file must contain only valid bash syntax #
    #### Pacman sync fallback to AUR ####
    #### Clean up after package building ####
    # if false then package along with source
    # will be left in the build directory
    #### Colorize output ####
    # default colors
    color1="\e[1;37m" # white
    color2="\e[1;34m" # blue
    color3="\e[1;31m" # red
    color4="\e[1;32m" # green
    color5="\e[1;33m" # yellow
    color6="\e[1;35m" # magenta
    #### Pacman binary ####
    #pacmanBin="pacman-color" # Recommend if using color output
    #### Automatically use sudo when needed ####
    #### PKGBUILD editor ####
    #### BUILD DIRECTORY ####
    #### LOCAL abs DIRECTORY ####
    #### aur URL ####

  • [SOLVED]Make Pacman think that I have libgl (NVIDIA driver)

    I've installed my Nvidia driver manualy because my card (NVS 310) do not work with the packages provides by pacman (even in AUR).
    Now I have a problem because pacman think I do not have
    and do not allows me to install any graphical tools like libreoffice even if I ignore libgl:
    pacman -S libreoffice-fresh --ignore libgl
    resolving dependencies...
    :: There are 4 providers available for libgl:
    :: Repository extra
    1) mesa-libgl 2) nvidia-304xx-libgl 3) nvidia-340xx-libgl 4) nvidia-libgl
    Enter a number (default=1):
    I cannot install one of these package because then conflict with my manual install:
    pacman -S libgl
    :: There are 4 providers available for libgl:
    :: Repository extra
    1) mesa-libgl 2) nvidia-304xx-libgl 3) nvidia-340xx-libgl 4) nvidia-libgl
    Enter a number (default=1): 4
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for conflicting packages...
    warning: dependency cycle detected:
    warning: nvidia-utils will be installed before its nvidia-libgl dependency
    Packages (2) nvidia-utils-352.09-1 nvidia-libgl-352.09-1
    Total Installed Size: 125.31 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    (2/2) checking keys in keyring [######################################] 100%
    (2/2) checking package integrity [######################################] 100%
    (2/2) loading package files [######################################] 100%
    (2/2) checking for file conflicts [######################################] 100%
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    nvidia-utils: /usr/bin/ exists in filesystem
    nvidia-utils: /usr/bin/nvidia-cuda-mps-control exists in filesystem
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    So my question is: Is there a way to make pacman understand that I have installed libgl manualy so it do not ask me to install it?
    The possible workaround is to remove my driver manually install any libgl than re-install manualy the driver and ignore libgl in the pacman configuration. But this is REALLY ugly...
    Last edited by mickours (2015-06-13 19:09:41)

    Thanks for your reply, that was fast!
    Make my own package is definitly the right way to do this and I will when I have some time.
    For now I tried the workaround I mentioned before:
    mickours wrote:The possible workaround is to remove my driver manually install any libgl than re-install manualy the driver and ignore libgl in the pacman configuration. But this is REALLY ugly...
    And it works!
    Thanks again

  • [Solved]Upgrade pacman 4.1 - no usable package repositories configured

    Hi, i am another guy who fail with upgrade pacman 4.1
    I has pacman 4.0.3-7 and for some dependancy (like yaourt), i need pacman 4.1
    He wasn't in system update, so i download it from git : git clone git:// pacman
    sh ./
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-doc
    make -j8
    sudo make install
    And now, i got this error
    sudo pacman -Syu
    error: no usable package repositories configured.
    I backup my /etc/pacman.conf and use the new one like this topic : … 7#p1254497
    I check the version :
    Pacman v4.1.0 - libalpm v8.0.0
    I try to upgrade my DB
    sudo /usr/local/bin/pacman-db-upgrade
    ==> ERROR: /usr/local/var/lib/pacman/ is not a pacman database directory.
    The only solution i found right now is reinstalling arch linux o.0
    Thanks for you help.
    Last edited by mathben (2013-04-06 22:56:39)

    mathben wrote:
    I has pacman 4.0.3-7 and for some dependancy (like yaourt), i need pacman 4.1
    He wasn't in system update, so i download it from git : git clone git:// pacman
    sh ./
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-doc
    make -j8
    sudo make install
    Why would you do that? Why would you not use pacman to upgrade/install pacman, or any other package for that matter?
    Honestly, this was such a bad idea that I'm finding it difficult to keep myself from berating you with inappropriate language (some of which I instinctively blurted out when I read your post).
    mathben wrote:
    I try to upgrade my DB
    sudo /usr/local/bin/pacman-db-upgrade
    ==> ERROR: /usr/local/var/lib/pacman/ is not a pacman database directory.
    pacman-db-upgrade is a transition tool to convert pacman 3.x databases to pacman 4.x databases. Is there some guide that told you to use that to update the database?
    I pride myself on trying to be helpful on the forum, but you do not seem to have any idea of how package management works on Arch Linux. This is all covered in the wiki and on the forum. I really do not mean to be rude, but I believe that you would be better off with something else as you seem to just be naively trying random shit.
    If you really want to clean up the mess that you've made, uninstall the manually installed pacman, remove whatever AUR apps you have installed that prevent you from upgrading via pacman, then rebuild and re-install those apps after the upgrade.
    I also suspect that you are using Archbang or some other distro given that you seem to be new to the distro yet already have yaourt installed. If this is the case then you should direct yourself to their forum. This forum is for Arch Linux.

  • Pacman port for minix

    Hello Forums,
    lately I discovered minix3, that cool microkernel OS. Here is an Wikipedia article about it.
    I gave it a shot and ran it in vmware (needs to be workstation 5 compatible or it fails), but the packagemanager ("packman"), honestly,  just sucked compared to arch's pacman. Then I thought about what was if there was a minix distribution with arch's features like pacman, rolling release, aur etc?
    What do you think about this idea?
    Also notice, that both minix and arch follow KISS ideas.
    PS: I already tried to compile pacman, but its not that easy. I couldn't even get libdownload running, a dependency of pacman, because it depends on glibc - which isn't ported yet (if it will ever be ported). Maybe a rewrite would be better - either of libdownload or a full one of pacman, but with its features (not saying that I have the skillz to do this yet, just thoughts).
    regards, thoughtcrime
    EDIT: Porting pacman to minix
    Pacman's dependencies: libarchive, libdownload (i'm planning to use libfetch instead as it does not depend on glibc(?))
    Note: I downloaded all the tar.gz files on my host Archlinux, repacked them to tar files and downloaded them with the VM from my host machine via wget (apache server). Then I could extract them with
    tar x archive.tar
    Before getting started:
    chmem =10000000 /usr/local/bin/bash
    chmem =10000000 /usr/bin/make
    export GREP=/usr/bin/grep
    export PATH=/usr/gnu/i386-pc-minix/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH
    1. libarchive
    depends on: zlib, bzip2
    1.1 zlib (tested with zlib-
    This one works out of the box:
    download the sources
    make install
    1.2 bzip2 (tested with 1.0.5)
    download the source
    apply this hack:
    In bzip2.c, comment these lines out: 1067-1078
    make install
    1.3 libarchive (tested with 2.5.5)
    download the source
    do these hacks:
    add #define S_IFSOCK 0140000
    block_size = 4*1024;
    NOTE: This isn't really how it sould be. 4kb is just the default value for Minix; core-ix on #minix (freenode) suggested finding a relation between st_size (file size) and st_blksize
    add #define EILSEQ      (_SIGN 92)
    safe_fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (%ju / %PRId64 )",
    NOTE: This one isn't great, too. Suggestions?
    then type
    - this is how far i got it working
    2. libfetch
    3. pacman
    i'll try to complete this howto and get it really ported when I have time
    Last edited by thoughtcrime (2009-01-01 16:40:52)

    Ranguvar wrote:Minix is still more of an undergrad playground and proof that ridiculously stable OSen can be made than a desktop or even server/workstation OS. The vast majority of Linux software needs changes to work well with the Minix kernel. And for the people it targets, a distro isn't really necessary or helpful. Don't get me wrong - Minix is fricking awesome. It's beyond stable, (go ahead, try and make it crash - the devs are working on being able to repeatedly kill various drivers during a networked file transfer and STILL have it finish perfect, if that gives you an idea of what a rock it is) and is the kernel Linus used when writing Linux. I really hope ideas and code from it enter more mainsteam kernels, or it itself becomes more mainstream. But a distro won't really enhance that yet, I would say... and would require massive effort.
    I think at least a proper package manager like pacman can be very, very helpful. You know how many software there is in arch's AUR - so what if we had something like that for minix? More users would patch more software and everybody could install them  -> more mainstream, more popularity, more software ported etc
    catwell wrote:
    I still love the idea. I used Minix3 for a while and really enjoyed it. What made me stop is the lack of a real package manager. There are already some important applications that have been ported such as Apache, Python or X, so I think Minix3 is ready to be used, at least on a server. Linux was not really better at the end of the nineties, and still a lot of people already used it.
    EDIT: If somebody wants to port Pacman to Minix, it would be a good idea to either port glibc (which would probably be difficult), or use one of the Python implementations of Pacman around. I think this would be the the best solution for now.
    Thanks for telling me that there are python implementations of pacman. I'll have a look at them.
    wuischke wrote:I believe you can use bsd libfetch instead of libdownload. I compiled pacman with libfetch on OpenBSD using the native C library and without installing glibc (At least not consciously ), therefore I believe it is very well possible.
    This would be awesome, i'll give this a try when I have time
    Ranguvar wrote:Some nfo: … 00026.html
    "When will be glibc under MINIX 3?"
    - "Probably never."
    I've already read that before (not hard to find with google). Please note that this answer was given by the glibc team afaik, so this means that they may not want to do a port to minix at this point (maybe when its more popular). It does not mean, that it is not possible - so the community could do it.
    Thanks for your great feedback everybody. I'll try your ideas out and report if one of them works

  • Pacman.conf NEED tips for totally offline install with DVD repository

    OBJECTIVE: after a base install with ARCHBOOT be able to install from DVD repository which contains repo-add database.
    My DVD contains the folder from /var/cache/pacman/pkg.
    ON the DVD I have the folder 'pkg' at the dvd root level and another folder which has my already built packages fro AUR.
    The database called 'custom.db.tar.gz' created with repo-add exists IN the pkg folder on the DVD.
    The built AUR packages are in a seperate folder called '_built' at the dvd's root level as well and they are not included in the repo-add database.
    I am able to mount the dvd, cd to the pkg folder and use  pacman -Ud to install them though this requires that I type in the full name of the package and I get dependence issues and '*.so' type files not found.
    IF I copy all the files from the DVD to the var/cache/pacman/pkg folder I am able to add my local repository to pacman.conf and MUCH more efficient install. I can use pacman -S xorg for example, and I think it finds dependencies even. Can't recall exactly at the moment.
    SO: do I need to alter pacman.conf  cache location line and the other lines?
    Would I change the 2nd and 3rd lines to get max pacman ability when using DVD repository???
    Pointing them to my DVD folder after mounting the dvd
    #RootDir     = /
    #DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
    #CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    #LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
    I really would like to have as much power and flexibility when using the DVD as the repo.
    Can anyone tell me what I should alter in pacman.conf for this.
    I am fine if I have to alter the cache location line temporarily if it will give me additional pacman ability.
    I have read all the wiki stuff for sure though I'm still a bit in the dark and wanted to ask without typing the many many options.
    One big one for me is I don't yet know how to set the SERVER = in to look at the mounted DVD and the pkg folder specifically.
    I do mount /dev/sr0  /mnt/cdrom
    So what would I put as the SERVER for this in pacman.conf
    SERVER = /dev/sr0   ?????   or   /dev/cdrom  ????    or /mnt/cdrom I think ????
    AND I really probably DO have to temporarily alter the pacman.conf  cache location line to get pacman to do dependency installs and let me type short lines instead of the full package name.
    THANKS! this one is BIG for me!!!!! :---)
    Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-18 20:27:14)

    COMMENT WRITTEN LAST: I was about to delete a lot of stuff here though thought to just say sorry for not taking the brain-time to slim it. The bold and white boxed part is the main related quest-ion.
    you might find a few useful tools on my site (in my sig), e.g. pkgd if you want to save bandwidth on a LAN --- pbget if you want to easily get PKGBUILDs etc from the AUR and official repos, etc.
    WOW Xyne !!!! thanks.  pbget etc. sound very cool.
    I used yaourt until very recently. Then went ....hmmmm... should learn about manual building and local repo. Where I'm at now is trying to do as much manually as possible. I think I kinda know what packages I want and there will only be some changes from that in the future. There's maybe 20 packages from AUR for me. [PLUS their dependencies]
    Of course: I am doing the repo-add local repositories thing for speed, learning, and as part of my whole 'best practices' growth. Plus it will come in very handy when helping other decide quickly if a barbones mainly wm/ncurses lightweight system is for them.
    You certainly spark a question or two!
    [AUR and dependencies via yaourt affecting my plans to now go manually]
    As these have all ALREADY been installed via yaourt my BIG concern is that I've never found much of a yaourt/cache folder. You see, as you'd know many many times upon installing vai yaourt there's some dependency that may, or I guess, may not be in the standard repos.
    After installing these packages via yaourt do the dependencies go into /var/cache/pacman.pkg and is pacman aware of it when I do a repo-add for thecustom database. If so, then all if fairly cool for my plans. I bet there's a few idiosyncrasies about AUR and dependencies maybe.
    -AUR dependency resolution-
    Using a custom repo will not really work for general use because you would need to manually populate the database with the dependencies anyway.
    I'm fine with manually doing dependencies - though need to know if my yaourt usage ALREADY put the latest dependencies in the pacman cache for AUR unsupported packages AND is there a way with the whole repo-add, local repositry, pacman and aur concpt I'm planning to fine tune to have the dependencies update when I go back to the online repositries? I don't think so based on my usage with yaourt, though can't quite recall.
    As I will be enjoying makepkg building the group of packages I nee to get from AUR for the forseeable future (that are not in the main 3 repos of course)
    I'm still wondering about the inter-relationships. So: I already have installed and/or built the packages for everything I expect to need mostly.   I never became beyone mediocre with yaourt.  and that fine, though I now have to consider that in a new install I DO have the latest AUR built packages, though will there be the right dependencies ALREADY in my /var/cache/pacman/pkg ?
    There's a few things that I'd love to really understand about this. Even if it ends up that dependencies for the AUR packages is always a bit trickier.
    QUESTION: right now I am uable to try custom repo from flash stick as it's read only. I'll be googling this one out and am really looking forward to having a flash stick with ARCHBOOT and I gues ONE repo pkg folder and database on it.
    NOTE: I will put the custom repo above the stock ones in pacman.conf. I just commented out the others as I was doing all this offline.
    I've dumped the dvd as a repo and have switched to a flash stick.  I've extracted the archboot out to a 4 gig flash stick.
    dd if=/root/Desktop/archlinux-2009.05-2-archboot.iso of=/dev/sdb  Its read-only at the moment and no matter what I've tried it stays that way. Maybe I need to use the HPutil on it. It definitely isn't writeable so I won't ponder or note observations here save to say that 'm stumped as to how to get files copied to it.
    And now what may be the way I'd like to work:    Keep my folder for building packages from aur which is /root/aur. Then after doing the fun makepkg --asroot   or even makepg -i as root to install. Though I'll probably after the build THEN just copy the built packages from my /root/aur to /var/cache/pacman/pkg   and install from there as I DO plan to use the online repos.
    I will ALSO copy the file to my USB stick or maybe just sync to it and do a the repo-add thing in   /var/cache/pacman/pkg   and keep the stick as both backup and 'in the ready' reinstaller.
    Um, now  could spend an hour editing down the above!!!
    wondrous thanks!
    Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-19 07:38:25)

  • Unable to install from AUR with yaourt

    I am having problems installing packages from AUR.  I can still use yaourt to install any packages from the official repositiories.  As an example, when trying to install zenlib, I get this message:
    ==> Building and installing package
    ==> Making package: libzen 0.4.15-1 (Sun Aug 8 18:30:43 CDT 2010)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
    -> Downloading libzen_0.4.15.tar.bz2...
    --2010-08-08 18:30:43-- [url][/url]
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [url][/url] [following]
    --2010-08-08 18:30:44-- [url][/url]
    Reusing existing connection to
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
    Location: [url][/url] [following]
    --2010-08-08 18:30:44-- [url][/url]
    Resolving, 2001:620:0:1b::21
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 134032 (131K) [application/x-bzip2]
    Saving to: "libzen_0.4.15.tar.bz2.part"
    100%[===================================================================================================================================>] 134,032 87.0K/s in 1.5s
    2010-08-08 18:30:46 (87.0 KB/s) - "libzen_0.4.15.tar.bz2.part" saved [134032/134032]
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    libzen_0.4.15.tar.bz2 ... Passed
    ==> Extracting Sources...
    -> Extracting libzen_0.4.15.tar.bz2 with bsdtar
    ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
    ==> Starting build()...
    /usr/share/aclocal/cinepaint.m4:8: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_CINEPAINT
    /usr/share/aclocal/cinepaint.m4:8: run info '(automake)Extending aclocal'
    /usr/share/aclocal/cinepaint.m4:8: or see [url][/url]
    /usr/bin/m4: cannot remove temporary file /tmp/m4-IpdGHp/m4-1000
    /usr/bin/m4: cannot clean temporary file for diversion
    /usr/bin/m4: cannot remove temporary directory /tmp/m4-IpdGHp: Directory not empty
    autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
    aclocal-1.11: autom4te failed with exit status: 1
    autom4te: cannot rename autom4te.cache/traces.0t as autom4te.cache/traces.0:
    automake-1.11: autoconf failed with exit status: 1
    autom4te: cannot rename autom4te.cache/traces.0t as autom4te.cache/traces.0:
    ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build libzen.
    ==> Restart building libzen ? [y/N]
    ==> -------------------------------
    I should also mention that I currently have a partition of my memory mounted onto /tmp.  This is the corresponding line from my fstab:
    none /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,size=1024M 0 1
    I should have the permissions for my /tmp mount set up correctly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

    Kotel wrote:I tried running just makepkg and I get the same errors that I got when using yaourt.  I didn't try running makepkg with sudo since it isn't the normal usage of makepkg.  Would it give any extra insight if I did try running sudo makepkg?
    No, I dont think so.
    Just for the record, the archstuff repo has the compiled libzen package:
    # AUR's most voted packages

  • Pacman ignores /etc/hosts

    I use csslayer-aur-repo which is placed on server, however sometimes returns IP of server which doesn't seem to have csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz file. As a workaround i've put in /etc/hosts with an IP which works just fine. I've tested it with wget and ping, and both of them seem to use this "new" IP address. However pacman seems to ignore /etc/hosts and picks that random IP which mostly leads to "404 not found" error when doing pacman -Syu/Syy/Sy.
    Here is my /etc/hosts
    # /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
    #<ip-address> <> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost Archie
    # End of file
    and here is the repo entry from pacman.conf:
    Server =

    Yup, wget fetches … .db.tar.gz just fine and it uses the IP specified in /etc/hosts.
    Surely pacman does not deploy its own DNS server, but seems to ignore /etc/hosts. If i remove csslayer line from /etc/hosts then wget also will fail.
    [hash@Archie ~]$ wget
    --2010-07-26 18:54:29--
    Łączenie się z||:80... połączono.
    Żądanie HTTP wysłano, oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... 200 OK
    Długość: 1190 (1,2K) [application/x-gzip]
    Zapis do: `csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz'
    100%[=============================================================================================================================================================================>] 1.190 --.-K/s w 0,02s
    2010-07-26 18:54:30 (72,5 KB/s) - zapisano `csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz' [1190/1190]
    [hash@Archie ~]$ pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    kde-unstable is up to date
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    error: nie udało się pobrać pliku 'csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz' z : Not Found
    error: failed to update csslayer-aur-repo (Not Found)
    Last edited by hash (2010-07-26 16:55:47)

  • (Solved) package-query trying to downgrade pacman

    i want to install yaourt on my system. one of its dependencies package-query (also AUR) depends upon pacman <= 3.6 for installing, while i have pacman 4.0.0rc1-1 on my system. so when i try to install it, it tries to downgrade my pacman to 3.5.4-4.
    is there a way around it? any suggestions would be welcome, even if its very unlikely (i would love to tinker)
    Last edited by testdude281 (2011-08-22 23:18:47)

    just tried that. got the following error
    makepkg -s
    ==> Determining latest git revision...
    -> Version found: 20110817
    ==> Making package: package-query-git 20110817-1 (Wed Aug 17 15:58:00 IST 2011)
    ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
    ==> Installing missing dependencies...
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (1): yajl-2.0.2-1
    Total Download Size: 0.03 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 0.21 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from community...
    --2011-08-17 15:58:05--
    => `/var/cache/pacman/pkg/yajl-2.0.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz.part'
    Connecting to||:21... connected.
    Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
    ==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
    ==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD (1) /archlinux/community/os/i686 ... done.
    ==> SIZE yajl-2.0.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz ... 36664
    ==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR yajl-2.0.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz ... done.
    Length: 36664 (36K) (unauthoritative)
    100%[===============================================================================================================>] 36,664 39.3K/s in 0.9s
    2011-08-17 15:58:14 (39.3 KB/s) - `/var/cache/pacman/pkg/yajl-2.0.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz.part' saved [36664]
    (1/1) checking package integrity [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) installing yajl [------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
    ==> Extracting Sources...
    ==> Starting build()...
    Cloning into package-query...
    remote: Counting objects: 752, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (740/740), done.
    remote: Total 752 (delta 522), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (752/752), 239.00 KiB | 89 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (522/522), done.
    Cloning into package-query-build...
    checking for a BSD-compatible install... /bin/install -c
    checking whether build environment is sane... yes
    checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
    checking for gawk... gawk
    checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
    checking for gcc... gcc
    checking whether the C compiler works... yes
    checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
    checking for suffix of executables...
    checking whether we are cross compiling... no
    checking for suffix of object files... o
    checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
    checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
    checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
    checking for style of include used by make... GNU
    checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
    checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
    checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
    checking how to print strings... printf
    checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
    checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
    checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
    checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F
    checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
    checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
    checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
    checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
    checking whether ln -s works... yes
    checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
    checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
    checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes
    checking how to convert i686-pc-linux-gnu file names to i686-pc-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
    checking how to convert i686-pc-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
    checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
    checking for objdump... objdump
    checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
    checking for dlltool... no
    checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
    checking for ar... ar
    checking for archiver @FILE support... @
    checking for strip... strip
    checking for ranlib... ranlib
    checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
    checking for sysroot... no
    checking for mt... no
    checking if : is a manifest tool... no
    checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
    checking for ANSI C header files... yes
    checking for sys/types.h... yes
    checking for sys/stat.h... yes
    checking for stdlib.h... yes
    checking for string.h... yes
    checking for memory.h... yes
    checking for strings.h... yes
    checking for inttypes.h... yes
    checking for stdint.h... yes
    checking for unistd.h... yes
    checking for dlfcn.h... yes
    checking for objdir... .libs
    checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
    checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
    checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
    checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
    checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
    checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
    checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
    checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
    checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
    checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
    checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
    checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
    checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
    checking whether to build static libraries... yes
    checking ctype.h usability... yes
    checking ctype.h presence... yes
    checking for ctype.h... yes
    checking getopt.h usability... yes
    checking getopt.h presence... yes
    checking for getopt.h... yes
    checking libintl.h usability... yes
    checking libintl.h presence... yes
    checking for libintl.h... yes
    checking limits.h usability... yes
    checking limits.h presence... yes
    checking for limits.h... yes
    checking locale.h usability... yes
    checking locale.h presence... yes
    checking for locale.h... yes
    checking sys/ioctl.h usability... yes
    checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes
    checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes
    checking sys/utsname.h usability... yes
    checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes
    checking for sys/utsname.h... yes
    checking for alpm_version in -lalpm... yes
    checking for yajl_free in -lyajl... yes
    checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
    checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
    checking for LIBCURL... yes
    checking for git... git
    checking for .git/... yes
    configure: creating ./config.status
    config.status: creating src/Makefile
    config.status: creating doc/Makefile
    config.status: creating Makefile
    config.status: creating config.h
    config.status: executing depfiles commands
    config.status: executing libtool commands
    Build information:
    source code location : .
    prefix : /usr
    sysconfdir : /etc
    conf file : /etc/pacman.conf
    localstatedir : /var
    database dir : /var/lib/pacman/
    compiler : gcc
    compiler flags : -march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe
    package-query version : 0.8.1
    using git version : yes
    git ver : 0.8-3-gfc24
    Variable information:
    root working directory : /
    aur base url :
    make all-recursive
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dilip/Downloads/package-query-git/src/package-query-build'
    Making all in src
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dilip/Downloads/package-query-git/src/package-query-build/src'
    gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DGIT_VERSION=\"0.8-3-gfc24\" -I. -I.. -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -MT aur.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/aur.Tpo -c -o aur.o aur.c
    In file included from aur.c:32:0:
    alpm-query.h:55:25: error: unknown type name ‘pmdb_t’
    alpm-query.h:56:25: error: unknown type name ‘pmdb_t’
    alpm-query.h:57:15: error: unknown type name ‘pmdb_t’
    alpm-query.h:58:17: error: unknown type name ‘pmdb_t’
    alpm-query.h:59:14: error: unknown type name ‘pmdb_t’
    alpm-query.h:64:21: error: unknown type name ‘pmpkg_t’
    alpm-query.h:65:1: error: unknown type name ‘pmpkg_t’
    alpm-query.h:66:1: error: unknown type name ‘pmpkg_t’
    alpm-query.h:66:24: error: unknown type name ‘pmpkg_t’
    In file included from aur.c:33:0:
    util.h:124:2: error: unknown type name ‘pmdepmod_t’
    make[2]: *** [aur.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dilip/Downloads/package-query-git/src/package-query-build/src'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dilip/Downloads/package-query-git/src/package-query-build'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
    [dilip@Zeus package-query-git]$
    EDIT : sorry, here is the full output instead of just the error part.
    Last edited by testdude281 (2011-08-17 10:36:13)

  • [SOLVED] yaourt. packages taken from aur that are from core or extra

    Hi! i have a couple of days ago strange yaourt-pacman behaviour, i mean, when i do -Syu --aur, i get strange
    [aleyscha@aleyscha ~]$ yaourt -S screen
    warning: screen-4.0.3-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets: screen-4.0.3-5
    Total Download Size: 0.45 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    :: Retrieving packages from extra...
    error: failed retrieving file 'screen-4.0.3-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz' from : Connection timed out
    warning: failed to retrieve some files from extra
    error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
    and in yaourt -Syu --aur for example, i get a lot of packages newer in local than in aur, and some packages i know not even are in aur... for example unshield alsa-plugins and tuxcmd
    ==> Searching for new version on AUR
    alsa-plugins: (local=1.0.15-1 aur=1.0.11-1)
    amidi-plug: (local=0.7-3 aur=0.5-1)
    amule-cvs: up to date
    any2dvd: (local=0.34-3 aur=0.30-2)
    archlinux-xdg-menu: not found on AUR
    archmage: up to date
    aria: (local=1.0.0-4 aur=1.0.0_1.fc8-1)
    astromenace: up to date
    audio-convert: (local= aur=
    aumix-gtk: (local=2.8-2 aur=2.8-1)
    aurvote: up to date
    avifile: not found on AUR
    bashburn: (local=2.1.2-3 aur=2.1.2-1)
    bfcommander: up to date
    bin2iso: up to date
    bitefusion: up to date
    bkhive2: up to date
    briquolo: up to date
    tuxcmd: not found on AUR
    tuxcube: up to date
    uif2iso: up to date
    unace: (local=2.5-5 aur=2.5-4)
    units: (local=1.87-1 aur=1.85-1)
    unshield: not found on AUR
    uqm: (local=0.6.2-2 aur=0.5.0-1)
    my /etc/pacman.d/core for example:
    # core: Arch Linux core repository
    # United States
    Server =
    Server =
    Server =
    Server =
    Server =$
    Server =
    Server =
    Server =
    # South America
    # - Brazil
    Server =
    Last edited by leo2501 (2008-03-09 11:16:17)

    What are the versions of your pacman and yaourt?
    There are some updates to all the pacman, yaourt and AUR web pages,
    so can you try this:
    1. upgrade pacman itself first
    2. upgrade yaourt itself, then
    3. and last, try full system upgrade.
    These errors seem familiar, but I have no idea how it disappeared.

  • Better ABS/AUR support

    Archlinux is a great  disto & I use it for a long time.
    Now I want to know if there is a standard tool like pacman about ABS/AUR.
    I have tried yaourt and it works well.
    Why archlinux not integrate abs/aur into pacman?
    Or offer a simpler way that I can compile some key packages when install archlinux,for example, kernel26 with more security patches.
    And it's hard to  disguise what I installed from repo or abs.
    And I find archlinux is too slim that I can't find some devel files. For example I have to grab glib-doc from aur, and recompile some packages from src manually to gain devel files.
    Plus, can I restricted what to install,
    I enable testing unable branch, I want to disable it  temporarily when sync particular package

    ora wrote:Archlinux is a great  disto & I use it for a long time.
    Now I want to know if there is a standard tool like pacman about ABS/AUR.
    I have tried yaourt and it works well.
    Why archlinux not integrate abs/aur into pacman?
    Users can share PKGBUILDs using the UNSUPPORTED area in the AUR. UNSUPPORTED does not contain any binary packages but allows users to upload PKGBUILDs that can be downloaded by others. A comments facility allows users to provide suggestions and feedback on improvements to the PKGBUILD contributor. A new flagging system allows TUs to mark pkgs as checked for malicious code. However, these PKGBUILDs are completely unofficial and have not been thoroughly vetted, so they should be used at your own risk.
    Or offer a simpler way that I can compile some key packages when install archlinux,for example, kernel26 with more security patches.
    What is wrong with abs + makepkg ?
    And it's hard to  disguise what I installed from repo or abs.
    Try pacman -Qm. That will work for packages from aur, and packages from abs if you renamed them.
    If you didnt rename them, but they have a different version, pacman -Su will warn you about it.
    And I find archlinux is too slim that I can't find some devel files. For example I have to grab glib-doc from aur, and recompile some packages from src manually to gain devel files.
    no idea what you mean here..
    Plus, can I restricted what to install,
    I enable testing unable branch, I want to disable it  temporarily when sync particular package
    packages in unstable repo have different names.
    About testing repo, it's recommended to either use it totally, or not use it at all.
    But well, you are always free to do what you want, you are on your own then

  • [Solved] pacman see's a tarball that I installed without pacman??

    Okay, before the "you need to use pacman for that" comments begin, I've aparently been doing things the hard way.  I finally read up on the ABS.  Been putting it off because I thought it was only for making new packages to add to the database.  If it isn't in pacman, then I went straight to the AUR.  Couldn't find it there, I haven't installed it yet, until yesterday, when I took a tarball that I had for TeamViewer7, unpacked it, and ran it outside of pacman.
    Well, I've got a better grasp on ABS now, so I've already taken the liberty of clubbing myself on the head.  But, funny thing.  I typed pacman -Qm and to my surprise, there sits TeamViewer7.  So.... pacman saw my install without running pacman??  I suppose it's possible that I tried to install through pacman with an AUR package but it was giving me problems so I scrapped it and installed my tar file.  Just curious why it's showing up on pacman.
    Last edited by spottedgeckgo (2013-02-15 00:10:04)

    Found it, thanks everyone.  I didn't think to use the query tool, still kind of new to pacman.  I dug through the man page real quick to find the info that I needed:
    [geckgo@GeckgoTANK ~]$ pacman -Qei teamviewer
    Name : teamviewer
    Version : 7.0.9377-1
    URL :
    Licenses : nonfree
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : lib32-libsm lib32-libxext lib32-glibc lib32-freetype2
    lib32-gcc-libs lib32-alsa-lib lib32-libx11 lib32-libxtst
    lib32-libxdamage lib32-libxfixes lib32-libxcb lib32-libxi
    lib32-libxau lib32-libxdmcp
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 75184.00 KiB
    Packager : Unknown Packager
    Architecture : x86_64
    Build Date : Tue 05 Feb 2013 01:33:57 PM CST
    Install Date : Tue 05 Feb 2013 01:36:27 PM CST
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : No
    Description : All-in-one solution for accessing PC's using the internet
    So,  I must've installed it when I installed arch, but for some reason it was not on my menus in XFCE.  Then yesterday I installed it again from my tarball and it showed up in the menus... soo, in a few days when I get home maybe I'll kill it and try again from the AUR so I can give the report back to the owners of that package build.  I'm new, lol.
    lol on the pic Xyne

  • Aura Vs Yaourt different number of out-of-date AUR packages

    After seeing the release announcement for Aura 1.2.0 I figured I would try it out and see what I thought of it.  There are a lot of differences between the two usability wise, one of the biggest that will take some getting use to separation of Pacman repos and AUR which makes sense.  One thing that I am worried about is that Yaourt and Aura gives different number of AUR packages that are out of date.
    Yaourt says aur/foomatic-db-foo2zjs is out-of-date, but Aura states "No AUR package upgrades necessary."  Does Aura track AUR packages differently than Yaourt or is this due to something else?

    Such nonsense.... all packages should be installed/removed by pacman, regardless of the helper. Any helper that doesn't use pacman correctly should be ashamed of itself.
    I recommend you bin both of them and use cower.

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