Pacman mirrorlist

I've a problem with pacman, it failed retrieving file from any mirror... first I had but once it doesn't work anymore, so I tried other mirrors in the mirrorlist sorted with rankmirrors. But with any mirror I've tested I received "error:failed retrieving file ''from core..... error:failed retrieving any db" when I try pacman -Syu or any pacman -S ...
What should I try to do?
Thanks for your help,
p.s here are copy of my pacman.conf and pacman.d/mirrorlist files:
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
#RootDir     = /
#DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
#CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
#LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
SyncFirst   = pacman
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl %u > %o
#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
#IgnorePkg   =
#IgnoreGroup =
#NoUpgrade   =
#NoExtract   =
# Misc options (all disabled by default)
#   - can be defined here or included from another file
#   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
#   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
#   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
#     have identical names, regardless of version number
#   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# Repository entries are of the format:
#       [repo-name]
#       Server = ServerName
#       Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
# Server list generated by rankmirrors on 2009-10-27
# Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
# Generated on 2009-06-16
# Australia
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Austria
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Belgium
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Brazil
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Bulgaria
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Canada
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Chile
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Czech Republic
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Denmark
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Estonia
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Finland
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# France
# Germany
# Great Britain
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Greece
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Hungary
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Indonesia
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Ireland
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Israel
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Italy
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Japan
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Latvia
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Lithuania
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Netherlands
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# New Caledonia
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Norway
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Poland
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Portugal
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Romania
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# Russia
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Sweden
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Switzerland
# Turkey
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Ukraine
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
# United States
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Venezuela
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
# Vietnam
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server =$repo/os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
#Server = … os/@carch@
Server = … os/@carch@
Server =$repo/os/@carch@
Server =$repo/os/@carch@
Server = … os/@carch@
Server =$repo/os/@carch@
Last edited by alphamunin (2009-10-27 16:33:24)

Did you do
pacman -Syy
after you changed mirrors? As explained in the Beginner's Guide, this is necessary after changing mirrors in order for pacman to synch all databases.
Additionally, your mirrorlist looks strange. My mirrors look as follows:
Server =$repo/os/i686
Server =$repo/os/i686
Server = … po/os/i686
Server = … po/os/i686
Server = … po/os/i686
Server =$repo/os/i686
Server =$repo/os/i686
Server = … po/os/i686
Server =$repo/os/i686
The difference is, that you don't have the architecture in your paths (i686).

Similar Messages

  • Pachorizon - Sort your pacman mirrorlist by distance

    I'm behind a stupid firewall, and can't use ping, so can't use tools like rankmirrors.  So I wrote a python script for sorting mirrors with nearest countries.
    Usage: <country> <mirrorlist> list help
    Example: "Great Britain" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Example output:
    $ ./ "Great Britain" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    ## Pacman mirrorlist generated for Great Britain
    ## Great Britain
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Ireland
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Netherlands
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Belgium
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Luxembourg
    # Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import math
    import functools
    import collections
    coords= {'Australia': (-27.0, 133.0),
    'Belarus': (53.0, 28.0),
    'Belgium': (50.5, 4.0),
    'Brazil': (-10.0, -55.0),
    'Canada': (60.0, -95.0),
    'Chile': (-30.0, -71.0),
    'China': (35.0, 105.0),
    'Colombia': (4.0, -72.0),
    'Czech Republic': (49.45, 15.3),
    'Denmark': (56.0, 10.0),
    'Estonia': (59.0, 26.0),
    'Finland': (64.0, 26.0),
    'France': (46.0, 2.0),
    'Germany': (51.0, 9.0),
    'Great Britain': (54.0, -2.0),
    'Greece': (39.0, 22.0),
    'Hungary': (47.0, 20.0),
    'India': (20.0, 77.0),
    'Indonesia': (-5.0, 120.0),
    'Ireland': (53.0, -8.0),
    'Israel': (31.3, 34.45),
    'Italy': (42.5, 12.5),
    'Japan': (36.0, 138.0),
    'Kazakhstan': (48.0, 68.0),
    'Korea': (40.0, 127.0),
    'Latvia': (57.0, 25.0),
    'Luxembourg': (49.45, 6.1),
    'Moldova': (47.0, 29.0),
    'Netherlands': (52.3, 5.45),
    'New Caledonia': (-21.3, 165.3),
    'Norway': (62.0, 10.0),
    'Poland': (52.0, 20.0),
    'Portugal': (39.3, -8.0),
    'Romania': (46.0, 25.0),
    'Russia': (60.0, 100.0),
    'Singapore': (1.22, 103.48),
    'South Korea': (40.0, 127.0),
    'Spain': (40.0, -4.0),
    'Sweden': (62.0, 15.0),
    'Switzerland': (47.0, 8.0),
    'Taiwan': (23.3, 121.0),
    'Turkey': (39.0, 35.0),
    'USA': (38.0, -97.0),
    'Ukraine': (49.0, 32.0),
    'United States': (38.0, -97.0),
    'Uzbekistan': (41.0, 64.0)}
    def distance_between_coords(coord1, coord2):
    """Recipe From:"""
    lat1, long1 = coord1
    lat2, long2 = coord2
    # Convert latitude and longitude to
    # spherical coordinates in radians.
    degrees_to_radians = math.pi/180.0
    # phi = 90 - latitude
    phi1 = (90.0 - lat1)*degrees_to_radians
    phi2 = (90.0 - lat2)*degrees_to_radians
    # theta = longitude
    theta1 = long1*degrees_to_radians
    theta2 = long2*degrees_to_radians
    # Compute spherical distance from spherical coordinates.
    # For two locations in spherical coordinates
    # (1, theta, phi) and (1, theta, phi)
    # cosine( arc length ) =
    # sin phi sin phi' cos(theta-theta') + cos phi cos phi'
    # distance = rho * arc length
    cos = (math.sin(phi1)*math.sin(phi2)*math.cos(theta1 - theta2) +
    arc = math.acos( cos )
    return arc * 6373 #for kilometers
    def distance_between_countries(c1, c2):
    return distance_between_coords(coords[c1], coords[c2])
    my_location = sys.argv[1]
    if my_location == "help":
    print("Usage: <country> <mirrorlist>")
    print(" list")
    print(" help")
    print("Example: \"Great Britain\" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist")
    elif my_location == "list":
    print("Possible countries:" )
    print(", ".join(c for c in coords.keys()))
    mirrorlist = open(sys.argv[2]).readlines()
    urls = [("Any", [])]
    for line in mirrorlist:
    line = line.strip("# \n")
    if line in coords.keys():
    urls.append((line, []))
    elif line.startswith("Server ="):
    urls[-1][-1].append(line.split("Server =", 1)[1].strip())
    locationless, *urls = urls
    get_distance = functools.partial(distance_between_countries, my_location)
    sorted_urls = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(
    key = lambda i: get_distance(i[0]),
    sorted_urls["Any"] = locationless[1]
    sorted_urls.move_to_end("Any", last=False)
    print("## Pacman mirrorlist generated for " + my_location + "\n")
    for country, servers in sorted_urls.items():
    if not servers:
    print("## " + country)
    for server in servers:
    print("# Server = " + server)
    I hope you like it .

    The wiki has … _Generator Maybe you can enhance that script?
    If you're not sure if the outcome is correct, post it on the wiki talk page first.

  • (SOLVED) Pacman mirrorlist & DB Sync issue.

    Hi, I messed with HDD through BSD and my HDD was wiped clean!(grr) anyways I reinstalled Arch with 2009.08 iso image. I've setup connections and enabled repos and updated mirrorlist. I can ping google and browse it through links. System behaves normally. But when I try to install/search ANY package, it says not found in SyncDB.
    I've double checked the package names and also tried pacman -Syy, but still no joy
    It says core,extra & community are up to date, but stilll wont find kde, apache, alsa-utils etc.. I have not modified pacman.conf in any way. Help!
    Last edited by kapz (2009-12-16 20:58:55)

    Most likely, your mirror is out of synch. Look into your mirrorlist and determine the first enabled mirror from top of the file, then check against
    Pacman will pick the first mirror out of your list as long as it is reachable and if the mirror is out of synch, you won't get any updates.

  • [solved] pacman mirrorlist "directive 'x' not recognized"

    I'm bungling through an install and tried using reflector to get speedier mirrors. Somehow I hosed myself, as when I checked mirrorlist it was blank(!), so I recopied the back-up to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. Now when I run pacman -Syy I get:
    error: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrolist, line 1: directive 'x' in repository section 'core' not recognized.
    The a line saying the same holds true for extra and community. Then it tries to sync servers and says: failed to update core (no servers configured for repository), and again for extra and community.  I tried to get openssh so I could go in remotely and copy the screen, but "no servers configured for repository." 
    Can anyone get me out of this can of worms?
    Last edited by pottzie (2011-06-17 23:58:40)

    x#Mirror used during installation
    Server = http:/$repo/os/i686
    (Which now that i look at I recognize as the server i chose for the installation!)
    Then, just the rest of the standard mirror list, and i uncommented the U.S. mirrors.

  • [UNSOLVABLE] pacman-mirrorlist issues

    I am installing Arch on a different box, using the same disk that I used to install this one. When I got to pacman and the mirrorlist, I found that there was no mirrorlist, and pacman.conf was incomplete :? I have copied all of the pertinent information from the /etc/pacman.conf from my present box to the new one, and I have created an /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist by copying all of the information in my present mirrorlist (on this box).
    When I try to synchronize the databases,  I get
    pacman -Syy
    :: Sychronizing package dabases ...
    error: failed retrieving file "core.db.tar.gz' from : Not Found
    error: failed to sychronize core: Not Found
    I get the same exact messages for extra and community. I have tried this with gatech, ibiblio, and several other repos, and it's all the same.I get the exact same messages with "pacman -Syu"
    error: failed to synchronize any databases
    I have tried this:
    rm /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm
    from this thread, because I saw a reference to that on Hardcore Linux website when I googled this error, and it made no difference at all.
    And this (from an Arch Bug Report)
    pacman --root /mnt --config /tmp/pacman.conf -Sy # update the target system
    pacman -Sy # update the live system but bash doesn't recognize the option '--root/mnt'
    I have searched the Arch wiki, and the Arch forums, and I have not found a similar problem of having to manually build a pacman.conf and a mirrorlist. I don't intend to just give up and re-install, there must be a better way . If some brainiac can figure out what else I haven't thought of, I'll try that next .
    I'm still looking and googling, by the way, I figure if I can invest the past two days in this, I can invest a few more.
    Last edited by jackrat (2009-02-15 09:12:11)

    toofishes wrote:wget … pkg.tar.gz
    Been there, done that, didn't help,  I copied and pasted that exact one ...... Thanks .... I'm reinstalling to see if my cd is bad, if it is, I'll have to burn a new one. Thanks for your reply

  • Pacman-mirrorlist-20100131-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz corrupted

    what the title says so I can't upgrade. Is anyone else having this problem as none of my other packages are producing this message.

    toxygen wrote:
    is it me or has the mirrorlist gone to hell the last few days.  the only mirrors that seem both 1. up to date and 2. working without unexpected ftp errors and "cannot find package.tar.gz" (or cannot find server in a few cases) are the 3 french ones:
    Server =$repo/os/x86_64
    Server =$repo/os/x86_64
    Server =$repo/os/x86_64
    even mir2 is not working for me atm (it was earlier).  my paranoid self tells me something is going wrong with the internets, because i was having other issues loading pages at work and here at home.  my less paranoid self says this is a freak occurence and most if not all mirrors will be caught up in a week or so.
    i just fear losing those 3 mirrors, since even seems to be lagging behind with those 3.

  • [solved] Pacman Mirrorlist Generator misbehaving?

    I picked Germany from and got some mirrors from US and the Netherlands too.
    ## Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
    ## Generated on 2011-11-01
    ## Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Netherlands
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## United States
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    Picking other countries works as expected but I haven't tested them all.
    Last edited by karol (2011-11-03 21:47:21)

    bernarcher wrote:Checking the "Use mirror status" did produce Germany only mirrors, however.
    ## Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
    ## Sorted by mirror score from mirror status page
    ## Generated on 2011-11-01
    ## Score: 1.1, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.2, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.2, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.5, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.7, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.1, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.3, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.6, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.7, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 3.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 3.9, United States
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 4.0, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 4.1, United States
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 4.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 4.5, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 4.5, Netherlands
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 5.3, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 5.5, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 5.8, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 6.3, Netherlands
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 13.1, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 13.8, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 14.3, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 15.4, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 28.8, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 30.1, Germany
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch

  • Pacman update and mirrorlist

    With the upgrade to pacman-3.2.1-2, we have split the mirrorlist into the pacman-mirrorlist package. This will allow us to push more frequent updates to the mirrorlist, instead of only updating it with pacman releases.  As part of this upgrade, your current /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file will be saved as mirrorlist.pacorig and the default mirrorlist put in its place.  Remember to merge these files in order to keep using your mirror(s) of choice.

    This is somewhat less generic than what I had in mind because I realized that the order of the mirrors need to be preserved. Anyway, the script does the following:
    read in uncommented mirrors from mirrorlist.pacorig
    check them against the new mirrorlist
    for each one that's not in the new list, ask if the user would like to keep it
    create a new file with the previously selected mirrors appended to the top followed by the complete new mirrorlist with the server lines commented out
    usage: /path/to/output_file
    Check the output file then move it to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist if you're happy with it. The script will not overwrite your mirrorlists (unless you specify them as the output file, but I do not recommend that).
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    sub read_file
    my $file = shift;
    my $text;
    open(my $fh,'<',$file) or die "unable to open $file: $!\n";
    local $/;
    $text = <$fh>;
    close $fh;
    return $text;
    sub save_file
    my ($file,$text) = @_;
    open(my $fh,'>',$file) or die "unable to open $file: $!\n";
    print $fh $text;
    close $fh;
    sub confirm
    my ($question,$default_answer) = @_;
    print "$question ";
    if (defined($default_answer) and $default_answer eq 'y')
    print '[Y/n] ';
    elsif (defined($default_answer) and $default_answer eq 'n')
    print '[y/N] ';
    print '[y/n] ';
    my $answer = lc(<STDIN>);
    chomp $answer;
    $answer = $default_answer if (defined($default_answer) and $answer eq '');
    while ($answer ne 'y' and $answer ne 'n')
    print "Please enter 'y' or 'n': ";
    $answer = lc(<STDIN>);
    chomp $answer;
    return ($answer eq 'y') ? 1 : 0;
    my $output = shift @ARGV;
    die "Please specify an output file.\n" if (not defined($output));
    my $new = &read_file('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist');
    my $orig = &read_file('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacorig');
    my @new_servers = map {/^Server\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/} grep {/^[#\s]*Server/} split "\n",$new;
    my @orig_servers = map {/^Server\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/} grep {/^Server/} split "\n",$orig;
    my %servers = ();
    foreach my $server(@new_servers,@orig_servers)
    my $mirrorlist = '';
    foreach my $server (@orig_servers)
    if ($servers{$server}>1)
    $mirrorlist .= "Server = $server\n";
    print "The following server is no longer in the mirror list:\n\t$server\n";
    if (&confirm("Would you like to remove it?", "y"))
    $mirrorlist .= "Server = $server\n";
    $mirrorlist .= "\n\n";
    $new =~ s/^Server/#Server/gm;
    $mirrorlist .= $new;
    Last edited by Xyne (2008-12-23 21:07:20)

  • [SOLVED] Arch linux won't boot after pacman -Syu

    So yesterday I upgraded the packages on my system along with installing steam.
    There was one conflicting package but I don't remember exactly what it was (something containing usb?). I just hit Y to continue but in retrospect maybe should have investigated more.
    Now when I start my system it gets up to "Started Accounts Service" and then the rest of the output is on a single line as if the newline characters aren't being printed. It stays like this for around 30 seconds before my graphics cards fans max out and then it reboots the system.
    Any help debugging this would be appreciated.
    Edit: More info in consecutive posts
    pacman -Q:
    a52dec 0.7.4-8
    aalib 1.4rc5-10
    accerciser 3.8.2-1
    accountsservice 0.6.35-2
    acl 2.2.52-2
    acpid 2.0.21-1
    aisleriot 3.10.2-1
    alsa-plugins 1.0.27-2
    anjuta 3.10.2-2
    apache 2.2.26-1
    apr 1.5.0-1
    apr-util 1.5.3-2
    archlinux-keyring 20140220-1
    at-spi2-atk 2.10.2-1
    at-spi2-core 2.10.2-1
    atk 2.10.0-1
    atkmm 2.22.7-1
    attr 2.4.47-1
    autoconf 2.69-1
    autogen 5.18.2-1
    automake 1.14.1-1
    avahi 0.6.31-11
    babl 0.1.10-1
    baobab 3.10.1-1
    bash 4.2.045-5
    bijiben 3.10.2-1
    binutils 2.24-2
    bison 3.0.2-1
    bluez 5.14-1
    boost 1.55.0-4
    boost-libs 1.55.0-4
    brasero 3.10.0-1
    brltty 4.5-6
    bzip2 1.0.6-5
    ca-certificates 20130906-1
    ca-certificates-java 20130815-1
    cabextract 1.4-2
    cairo 1.12.16-1
    cairomm 1.10.0-3
    cantarell-fonts 0.0.15-1
    caribou 0.4.13-1
    cdparanoia 10.2-5
    cdrdao 1.2.3-6
    cdrkit 1.1.11-3
    celt 0.11.3-2
    cheese 3.10.2-2
    chromaprint 1.1-1
    chromium 33.0.1750.117-1
    cifs-utils 6.2-1
    cloog 0.18.1-2
    clutter 1.16.4-1
    clutter-gst 2.0.10-1
    clutter-gtk 1.4.4-4
    codeblocks 13.12-2
    cogl 1.16.2-1
    colord 1.0.6-1
    colord-gtk 0.1.25-1
    compositeproto 0.4.2-2
    coreutils 8.22-2
    cracklib 2.9.0-2
    cronie 1.4.11-1
    cryptsetup 1.6.3-2
    cups-pk-helper 0.2.5-1
    curl 7.35.0-1
    cython 0.20.1-1
    damageproto 1.2.1-2
    db 5.3.28-1
    dbus 1.8.0-1
    dbus-glib 0.102-1
    dconf 0.18.0-1
    desktop-file-utils 0.22-1
    devhelp 3.10.0-1
    device-mapper 2.02.105-1
    devil 1.7.8-18
    dhcpcd 6.2.1-1
    dialog 1:1.2_20140219-1
    diffutils 3.3-1
    dirmngr 1.1.1-2
    dnssec-anchors 20130320-1
    dnsutils 9.9.2.P2-1
    dotconf 1.3-4
    dvd+rw-tools 7.1-4
    e2fsprogs 1.42.9-1
    elfutils 0.158-1
    empathy 3.10.3-1
    enca 1.15-1
    enchant 1.6.0-4
    eog 3.10.2-2
    epiphany 3.10.3-1
    evince 3.10.3-1
    evolution 3.10.4-1
    evolution-data-server 3.10.4-1
    exempi 2.2.1-2
    exiv2 0.24-1
    expat 2.1.0-3
    faac 1.28-5
    faad2 2.7-4
    fakeroot 1.20-1
    farstream 0.2.3-1
    ffmpeg 1:2.1.3-1
    fftw 3.3.3-2
    file 5.17-1
    filesystem 2013.05-2
    findutils 4.4.2-5
    firefox 27.0.1-1
    five-or-more 3.10.2-1
    fixesproto 5.0-2
    flac 1.3.0-1
    flex 2.5.38-1
    fluidsynth 1.1.6-2
    folks 0.9.6-1
    fontconfig 2.11.0-1
    fontsproto 2.1.2-1
    four-in-a-row 3.10.1-1
    freeglut 2.8.1-1
    freetype2 2.5.2-1
    fribidi 0.19.6-1
    fuse 2.9.3-2
    gamin 0.1.10-8
    gawk 4.1.0-2
    gc 7.4.0-1
    gcc 4.8.2-8
    gcc-libs 4.8.2-8
    gconf 3.2.6-3
    gcr 3.10.1-2
    gd 2.1.0-2
    gdbm 1.11-1
    gdk-pixbuf2 2.30.5-1
    gdl 3.10.0-1
    gedit 3.10.4-1
    gegl 0.2.0-10
    geoclue 0.12.99-1
    geoclue2 2.0.0-1
    geocode-glib 3.10.0-1
    geoip 1.5.1-2
    geoip-database 20140108-1
    ghostscript 9.10-3
    giflib 5.0.5-1
    git 1.9.0-1
    gjs 1.38.1-1
    glade 3.16.1-1
    glamor-egl 0.6.0-1
    glew 1.10.0-2
    glib-networking 2.38.2-1
    glib2 2.38.2-1
    glibc 2.19-2
    glibmm 2.38.1-1
    glu 9.0.0-2
    gmime 2.6.18-1
    gmp 5.1.3-2
    gnome-backgrounds 3.10.1-1
    gnome-bluetooth 3.10.0-1
    gnome-calculator 3.10.2-1
    gnome-chess 3.10.3-1
    gnome-clocks 3.10.1-1
    gnome-color-manager 3.10.1-2
    gnome-contacts 3.10.1-1
    gnome-control-center 3.10.2-2
    gnome-desktop 1:3.10.2-1
    gnome-devel-docs 3.10.1-1
    gnome-dictionary 3.10.0-1
    gnome-disk-utility 3.10.0-1
    gnome-documents 3.10.1-1
    gnome-font-viewer 3.10.0-1
    gnome-getting-started-docs 3.10.1-1
    gnome-icon-theme 3.10.0-1
    gnome-icon-theme-extras 3.6.2-1
    gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.10.1-1
    gnome-keyring 3.10.1-2
    gnome-klotski 3.10.0-1
    gnome-mahjongg 3.10.2-1
    gnome-maps 3.10.2-1
    gnome-menus 3.10.1-1
    gnome-mines 3.10.1-1
    gnome-music 3.10.1-2
    gnome-nettool 3.8.1-1
    gnome-nibbles 3.10.1-1
    gnome-online-accounts 3.10.2-1
    gnome-online-miners 3.10.3-1
    gnome-photos 3.10.2-1
    gnome-robots 3.10.2-1
    gnome-screenshot 3.10.1-1
    gnome-session 3.10.1-1
    gnome-settings-daemon 3.10.2-3
    gnome-shell 3.10.4-1
    gnome-shell-extensions 3.10.1-1
    gnome-sudoku 3.10.2-1
    gnome-system-log 3.9.90-1
    gnome-system-monitor 3.10.2-1
    gnome-terminal 3.10.2-1
    gnome-tetravex 3.10.1-1
    gnome-themes-standard 3.10.0-1
    gnome-user-docs 3.10.2-1
    gnome-user-share 3.10.1-1
    gnome-video-effects 0.4.0-2
    gnome-weather 3.10.1-1
    gnupg 2.0.22-2
    gnutls 3.2.11-1
    gobject-introspection 1.38.0-1
    gpgme 1.4.3-1
    gpm 1.20.7-4
    graphite 1:1.2.4-1
    graphviz 2.36.0-2
    grep 2.16-1
    grilo 0.2.9-1
    grilo-plugins 0.2.11-1
    groff 1.22.2-5
    gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.10.1-1
    gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-4
    gsm 1.0.13-7
    gssdp 0.14.7-1
    gst-plugins-bad 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-base 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-base-libs 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-good 1.2.3-1
    gstreamer 1.2.3-1
    gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-3
    gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-2
    gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.22-1
    gtk-vnc 0.5.3-3
    gtk2 2.24.22-1
    gtk3 3.10.7-1
    gtkhtml4 4.6.6-1
    gtkmm3 3.10.1-1
    gtksourceview3 3.10.2-1
    gts 0.7.6-3
    gucharmap 3.10.1-1
    guile 2.0.9-1
    gummiboot 43-2
    gupnp 0.20.10-1
    gupnp-av 0.12.5-1
    gupnp-dlna 0.10.2-1
    gvfs 1.18.3-3
    gzip 1.6-1
    harfbuzz 0.9.26-1
    harfbuzz-icu 0.9.26-1
    hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1
    hspell 1.2-1
    hunspell 1.3.2-3
    hwids 20130915.1-1
    iagno 3.10.1-1
    iana-etc 2.30-4
    icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-2
    icu 52.1-1
    idnkit 1.0-3
    ilmbase 2.0.1-2
    imlib2 1.4.6-1
    inetutils 1.9.2-1
    inputproto 2.3-1
    intel-dri 10.0.3-1
    iproute2 3.12.0-1
    iptables 1.4.21-1
    iputils 20121221-3
    isl 0.12.2-1
    iso-codes 3.44-1
    jack 0.124.1-1
    jasper 1.900.1-10
    jfsutils 1.1.15-4
    jre7-openjdk 7.u51_2.4.5-1
    jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u51_2.4.5-1
    js 17.0.0-1
    json-c 0.11-1
    json-glib 0.16.2-1
    kbd 2.0.1-1
    kbproto 1.0.6-1
    keepass 2.25-1
    keyutils 1.5.8-1
    kmod 16-1
    krb5 1.12.1-1
    lame 3.99.5-2
    lcms 1.19-5
    lcms2 2.5-2
    ldb 1.1.16-1
    ldns 1.6.17-1
    less 458-1
    lib32-acl 2.2.52-2
    lib32-attr 2.4.47-1
    lib32-bzip2 1.0.6-1
    lib32-elfutils 0.158-1
    lib32-expat 2.1.0-1
    lib32-fontconfig 2.11.0-1
    lib32-freetype2 2.5.2-1
    lib32-gcc-libs 4.8.2-8
    lib32-glib2 2.38.2-1
    lib32-glibc 2.19-1
    lib32-glu 9.0.0-2
    lib32-libdbus 1.8.0-1
    lib32-libdrm 2.4.52-1
    lib32-libffi 3.0.13-1
    lib32-libgcrypt 1.6.0-1
    lib32-libgpg-error 1.12-1
    lib32-libice 1.0.8-1
    lib32-libpciaccess 0.13.2-1
    lib32-libpng 1.6.8-1
    lib32-libsm 1.2.2-1
    lib32-libx11 1.6.2-1
    lib32-libxau 1.0.8-1
    lib32-libxcb 1.10-1
    lib32-libxcursor 1.1.14-1
    lib32-libxdamage 1.1.4-1
    lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
    lib32-libxext 1.3.2-1
    lib32-libxfixes 5.0.1-1
    lib32-libxi 1.7.2-1
    lib32-libxrandr 1.4.2-1
    lib32-libxrender 0.9.8-1
    lib32-libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
    lib32-llvm-libs 3.4-1
    lib32-mesa 10.0.3-1
    lib32-mesa-libgl 10.0.3-1
    lib32-pcre 8.34-1
    lib32-systemd 208-2
    lib32-util-linux 2.24-1
    lib32-xz 5.0.5-1
    lib32-zlib 1.2.8-1
    libaio 0.3.109-7
    libanjuta 3.10.2-2
    libao 1.2.0-1
    libarchive 3.1.2-4
    libass 0.11.1-1
    libassuan 2.1.1-1
    libasyncns 0.8-5
    libatasmart 0.19-2
    libatomic_ops 7.2.e-1
    libavc1394 0.5.4-2
    libbluray 0.5.0-1
    libbsd 0.6.0-2
    libcaca 0.99.beta18-2
    libcacard 1.7.0-2
    libcanberra 0.30-4
    libcanberra-pulse 0.30-4
    libcap 2.24-1
    libcap-ng 0.7.3-1
    libcddb 1.3.2-4
    libcdio 0.92-1
    libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.90+1-2
    libchamplain 0.12.7-1
    libcl 1.1-3
    libcroco 0.6.8-1
    libcups 1.7.1-3
    libdaemon 0.14-2
    libdatrie 0.2.6-1
    libdbus 1.8.0-1
    libdca 0.0.5-4
    libdmapsharing 2.9.23-1
    libdrm 2.4.52-1
    libdv 1.0.0-5
    libdvbpsi 1:1.1.2-1
    libdvdnav 4.2.1-1
    libdvdread 4.2.1-1
    libebml 1.3.0-2
    libedit 20130601_3.1-1
    libevdev 0.6-1
    libevent 2.0.21-3
    libexif 0.6.21-2
    libffi 3.0.13-4
    libfontenc 1.1.2-1
    libgcrypt 1.6.1-1
    libgcrypt15 1.5.3-1
    libgda 5.2.1-2
    libgdata 0.14.1-1
    libgdiplus 2.10.9-3
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    libgme 0.6.0-2
    libgnome-keyring 3.10.1-2
    libgnomekbd 3.6.0-2
    libgpg-error 1.12-1
    libgsf 1.14.28-1
    libgssglue 0.4-2
    libgtop 2.28.5-1
    libgusb 0.1.6-1
    libgweather 3.10.2-1
    libgxps 0.2.2-3
    libibus 1.5.5-1
    libical 1.0-3
    libice 1.0.8-2
    libid3tag 0.15.1b-8
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    libiscsi 1.7.0-2
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    libkate 0.4.1-4
    libksba 1.3.0-1
    libldap 2.4.39-1
    liblouis 2.5.2-2
    liblqr 0.4.2-1
    libltdl 2.4.2-12
    libmad 0.15.1b-7
    libmariadbclient 5.5.35-1
    libmatroska 1.4.1-1
    libmbim 1.6.0-1
    libmm-glib 1.2.0-2
    libmms 0.6.2-1
    libmng 2.0.2-3
    libmp4v2 2.0.0-3
    libmpc 1.0.2-2
    libmpcdec 1.2.6-3
    libmpeg2 0.5.1-4
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    libnice 0.1.4-1
    libnl 3.2.23-1
    libnotify 0.7.6-1
    liboauth 1.0.1-1
    libofa 0.9.3-5
    libogg 1.3.1-2
    libpaper 1.1.24-7
    libpcap 1.5.3-1
    libpciaccess 0.13.2-2
    libpeas 1.9.0-1
    libpipeline 1.2.6-1
    libplist 1.10-1
    libpng 1.6.9-1
    libproxy 0.4.11-2
    libpst 0.6.63-1
    libpulse 4.0-6
    libpwquality 1.2.3-1
    libqmi 1.8.0-1
    libraw1394 2.1.0-2
    librsvg 1:2.40.1-3
    libsamplerate 0.1.8-3
    libsasl 2.1.26-7
    libsecret 0.16-2
    libshout 1:2.3.1-2
    libsigc++ 2.3.1-1
    libsm 1.2.2-2
    libsndfile 1.0.25-3
    libsoup 2.44.2-1
    libspectre 0.2.7-1
    libspiro 20071029-3
    libsrtp 15.1c9bd90-3
    libssh2 1.4.3-2
    libtar 1.2.20-1
    libtasn1 3.4-1
    libthai 0.1.19-1
    libtheora 1.1.1-3
    libtiff 4.0.3-4
    libtiger 0.3.4-3
    libtirpc 0.2.3-2
    libtool 2.4.2-12
    libtorrent-rasterbar 1:0.16.12-2
    libtracker-sparql 0.16.4-1
    libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-5
    libunistring 0.9.3-6
    libupnp 1.6.19-1
    libusb 1.0.18-1
    libutempter 1.1.6-2
    libva 1.2.1-1
    libvdpau 0.7-1
    libvisual 0.4.0-4
    libvorbis 1.3.4-1
    libvpx 1.3.0-1
    libwacom 0.8-1
    libwbclient 4.1.4-1
    libwebp 0.4.0-1
    libwnck3 3.4.7-1
    libx11 1.6.2-1
    libxau 1.0.8-2
    libxaw 1.0.12-1
    libxcb 1.10-1
    libxcomposite 0.4.4-1
    libxcursor 1.1.14-1
    libxdamage 1.1.4-1
    libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
    libxext 1.3.2-1
    libxfixes 5.0.1-1
    libxfont 1.4.7-1
    libxft 2.3.1-2
    libxi 1.7.2-1
    libxinerama 1.1.3-2
    libxkbcommon 0.4.0-1
    libxkbfile 1.0.8-1
    libxklavier 5.3-1
    libxml2 2.9.1-5
    libxmu 1.1.2-1
    libxpm 3.5.11-1
    libxrandr 1.4.2-2
    libxrender 0.9.8-1
    libxres 1.0.7-1
    libxshmfence 1.1-1
    libxslt 1.1.28-3
    libxss 1.2.2-2
    libxt 1.1.4-1
    libxtst 1.2.2-1
    libxv 1.0.10-1
    libxvmc 1.0.8-1
    libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
    libytnef 1.5-3
    libzapojit 0.0.3-1
    licenses 20130203-1
    lightsoff 3.10.1-1
    linux 3.13.4-1
    linux-api-headers 3.13.2-1
    linux-firmware 20140123.418320b-1
    linux-headers 3.13.4-1
    llvm-libs 3.4-1
    logrotate 3.8.7-1
    lsb-release 1.4-14
    lua 5.2.3-1
    lvm2 2.02.105-1
    lzo2 2.06-3
    m4 1.4.17-1
    make 4.0-2
    man-db 2.6.6-1
    man-pages 3.59-1
    mash 0.2.0-3
    mcpp 2.7.2-4
    mdadm 3.3-2
    memcached 1.4.17-1
    mencoder 36498-5
    mesa 10.0.3-1
    mesa-demos 8.1.0-1
    mime-types 9-1
    minecraft latest-21
    mjpegtools 2.0.0-4
    mkinitcpio 16-2
    mkinitcpio-busybox 1.21.1-2
    mobile-broadband-provider-info 20120614-2
    mod_dnssd 0.6-4
    modemmanager 1.2.0-2
    mono 3.2.3-2
    mousetweaks 3.10.0-1
    mozilla-common 1.4-3
    mpfr 3.1.2.p5-1
    mpg123 1.18.1-1
    mtdev 1.1.4-1
    mutter 3.10.4-1
    mutter-wayland 3.10.4-1
    nano 2.2.6-2
    nautilus 3.10.1-1
    nautilus-sendto 3.8.1-1
    ncurses 5.9-6
    neon 0.30.0-1
    netctl 1.4-2
    nettle 2.7.1-1
    nspr 4.10.3-1
    nss 3.15.4-1
    nvidia 331.38-3
    nvidia-libgl 331.38-1
    nvidia-utils 331.38-1
    nvidiabl 0.81-2
    openal 1.15.1-1
    opencore-amr 0.1.3-1
    openexr 2.0.1-2
    openjpeg 1.5.1-2
    openresolv 3.5.6-1
    openssh 6.5p1-2
    openssl 1.0.1.f-1
    opus 1.1-1
    orc 0.4.18-1
    orca 3.10.2-1
    p11-kit 0.20.2-1
    p7zip 9.20.1-9
    pacman 4.1.2-5
    pacman-mirrorlist 20140107-1
    pam 1.1.8-3
    pambase 20130928-1
    pango 1.36.2-1
    pangomm 2.34.0-1
    patch 2.7.1-2
    pciutils 3.2.1-1
    pcmciautils 018-7
    pcre 8.34-2
    perl 5.18.2-2
    perl-error 0.17022-1
    perl-xml-parser 2.41-4
    perl-xml-simple 2.20-1
    phantomjs 1.9.7-1
    pinentry 0.8.3-1
    pixman 0.32.4-1
    pkg-config 0.28-1
    pm-quirks 0.20100619-3
    pm-utils 1.4.1-6
    polkit 0.112-1
    poppler 0.24.5-1
    poppler-glib 0.24.5-1
    popt 1.16-7
    postgresql 9.3.3-1
    postgresql-libs 9.3.3-1
    ppp 2.4.5-8
    premake 4.3-3
    procps-ng 3.3.9-2
    psmisc 22.20-1
    pth 2.0.7-5
    pulseaudio 4.0-6
    pulseaudio-alsa 2-2
    pygobject-devel 3.10.2-1
    python 3.3.4-1
    python-atspi 2.10.0-1
    python-cairo 1.10.0-3
    python-dbus 1.2.0-2
    python-dbus-common 1.2.0-2
    python-gobject 3.10.2-1
    python-setuptools 2.2-1
    python-xdg 0.25-1
    python2 2.7.6-2
    python2-atspi 2.10.0-1
    python2-beaker 1.6.4-1
    python2-cairo 1.10.0-1
    python2-gobject 3.10.2-1
    python2-mako 0.9.1-1
    python2-markupsafe 0.18-2
    qbittorrent 3.1.8-1
    qt4 4.8.5-7
    qtchooser 39-1
    qtwebkit 2.3.3-1
    quadrapassel 3.10.2-1
    randrproto 1.4.0-1
    rcm-git v1.2.0-1
    readline 6.2.004-2
    recode 3.6-8
    recordproto 1.14.2-1
    redis 2.8.6-1
    reiserfsprogs 3.6.24-1
    renderproto 0.11.1-2
    rest 0.7.90-2
    rtkit 0.11-4
    rtmpdump 20131205-1
    run-parts 4.4-1
    rygel 0.20.3-1
    s-nail 14.5.2-4
    sbc 1.2-1
    schroedinger 1.0.11-2
    scrnsaverproto 1.2.2-1
    sdl 1.2.15-5
    sdl_image 1.2.12-3
    seahorse 3.10.2-1
    sed 4.2.2-3
    serf 1.3.2-1
    shared-color-profiles 0.1.5-1
    shared-color-targets 0.1.2-1
    shared-mime-info 1.2-2
    smbclient 4.1.4-1
    snappy 1.1.1-1
    sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-1
    soundtouch 1.7.1-1
    spandsp 0.0.6pre21-2
    speech-dispatcher 0.8-2
    speex 1.2rc1-4
    spice-gtk3 0.23-1
    startup-notification 0.12-4
    subversion 1.8.5-3
    sudo 1.8.9.p5-1
    sushi 3.10.0-1
    swell-foop 3.10.1-1
    sysfsutils 2.1.0-8
    systemd 208-11
    systemd-sysvcompat 208-11
    t1lib 5.1.2-5
    taglib 1.9.1-1
    tali 3.10.2-1
    talloc 2.0.8-2
    tar 1.27.1-1
    tcl 8.6.1-1
    tdb 1.2.12-1
    telepathy-farstream 0.6.0-1
    telepathy-glib 0.22.0-1
    telepathy-logger 0.8.0-1
    telepathy-mission-control 5.16.0-1
    tevent 0.9.19-1
    texinfo 5.2-2
    tmux 1.9-1
    totem 3.10.1-1
    totem-plparser 3.10.1-1
    totem-plugin 3.10.1-1
    tracker 0.16.4-1
    ttf-dejavu 2.34-1
    tzdata 2013i-1
    udisks2 2.1.2-1
    unixodbc 2.3.2-1
    unzip 6.0-6
    upower 0.9.23-2
    usbmuxd 1.0.8-2
    usbredir 0.6-4
    usbutils 007-1
    util-linux 2.24.1-1
    v4l-utils 1.0.1-1
    vala 0.22.1-1
    vde2 2.3.2-5
    vi 1:050325-3
    videoproto 2.3.2-1
    vim 7.4.135-2
    vim-runtime 7.4.135-2
    vinagre 3.10.2-1
    vino 3.10.1-2
    virtualgl 2.3.3-1
    vlc 2.1.3-1
    vte-common 0.34.9-1
    vte3 0.34.9-1
    wavpack 4.70.0-2
    wayland 1.4.0-1
    webkitgtk 2.2.5-1
    webrtc-audio-processing 0.1-1
    which 2.20-6
    whois 5.1.1-1
    wildmidi 0.3.2-1
    wine 1.7.13-1
    winetricks 20130707-1
    wpa_supplicant 2.0-4
    x264 20131030-2
    xbitmaps 1.1.1-2
    xcb-proto 1.10-1
    xcb-util 0.3.9-1
    xcb-util-keysyms 0.3.9-1
    xdg-user-dirs 0.15-1
    xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10-1
    xdg-utils 1.1.0.git20140207-1
    xextproto 7.3.0-1
    xf86-input-evdev 2.8.2-2
    xf86-input-synaptics 1.7.3-1
    xf86-video-intel 2.99.910-1
    xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1-2
    xfsprogs 3.1.11-2
    xineramaproto 1.2.1-2
    xkeyboard-config 2.11-2
    xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.4-1
    xorg-font-util 1.3.0-1
    xorg-font-utils 7.6-3
    xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-1
    xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-3
    xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-2
    xorg-iceauth 1.0.6-1
    xorg-luit 1.1.1-2
    xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-1
    xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.1-1
    xorg-server 1.15.0-5
    xorg-server-common 1.15.0-5
    xorg-server-utils 7.6-3
    xorg-sessreg 1.0.8-1
    xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.0-1
    xorg-twm 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xauth 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xbacklight 1.2.0-1
    xorg-xclock 1.0.7-1
    xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.4-1
    xorg-xgamma 1.0.5-1
    xorg-xhost 1.0.6-1
    xorg-xinit 1.3.3-3
    xorg-xinput 1.6.1-1
    xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.4-1
    xorg-xmessage 1.0.4-1
    xorg-xmodmap 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xrandr 1.4.1-1
    xorg-xrdb 1.1.0-1
    xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1
    xorg-xset 1.2.3-1
    xorg-xsetroot 1.1.1-1
    xproto 7.0.25-1
    xterm 301-1
    xvidcore 1.3.2-3
    xz 5.0.5-2
    yelp 3.10.1-2
    yelp-xsl 3.10.1-1
    zeitgeist 0.9.14-1
    zenity 3.10.2-1
    zlib 1.2.8-3
    zsh 5.0.5-1
    zvbi 0.2.33-6
    Last edited by andm11 (2014-02-23 06:07:40)

    jasonwryan wrote:Pacman's log and the journal would be the first place to look.
    Thanks for the reply, here is my pacman.log:
    [2014-01-25 05:44] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -r /mnt -Sy --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg --noconfirm base base-devel'
    [2014-01-25 05:44] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux-api-headers (3.12.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed tzdata (2013i-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iana-etc (2.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed filesystem (2013.05-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed glibc (2.18-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed ncurses (5.9-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed readline (6.2.004-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bash (4.2.045-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bzip2 (1.0.6-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gcc-libs (4.8.2-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed db (5.3.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed zlib (1.2.8-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cracklib (2.9.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgssglue (0.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libtirpc (0.2.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pambase (20130928-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pam (1.1.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed attr (2.4.47-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed acl (2.2.52-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gmp (5.1.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libcap (2.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gdbm (1.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed perl (5.18.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed openssl (1.0.1.f-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed coreutils (8.22-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed run-parts (4.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cronie (1.4.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libdbus (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed expat (2.1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dbus (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pcre (8.34-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libffi (3.0.13-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed glib2 (2.38.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed kbd (2.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed kmod (16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed hwids (20130915.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgpg-error (1.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgcrypt (1.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed shadow (
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed util-linux (2.24-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed xz (5.0.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Initializing machine ID from random generator.
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]' '/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] :: Append 'init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd' to your kernel command line in your
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] bootloader to replace sysvinit with systemd, or install systemd-sysvcompat
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed systemd (208-10)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed device-mapper (2.02.105-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed popt (1.16-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cryptsetup (1.6.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dhcpcd (6.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed diffutils (3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed e2fsprogs (1.42.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed file (5.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed findutils (4.4.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mpfr (3.1.2.p5-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gawk (4.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libunistring (0.9.3-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gettext (
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed grep (2.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed less (458-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gzip (1.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed inetutils (1.9.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iptables (1.4.21-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iproute2 (3.12.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sysfsutils (2.1.0-8)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iputils (20121221-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed jfsutils (1.1.15-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed licenses (20130203-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux-firmware (20140123.418320b-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mkinitcpio-busybox (1.21.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed lzo2 (2.06-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libarchive (3.1.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mkinitcpio (16-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.12.8-1-ARCH
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.12.8-1-ARCH
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: smsmdtv
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux (3.12.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed logrotate (3.8.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed lvm2 (2.02.105-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed groff (1.22.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libpipeline (1.2.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] it's recommended to create an initial
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] database running as root:
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] "/usr/bin/mandb --quiet"
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed man-db (2.6.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed man-pages (3.56-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mdadm (3.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed nano (2.2.6-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed openresolv (3.5.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed netctl (1.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sed (4.2.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed ca-certificates (20130906-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libsasl (2.1.26-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libldap (2.4.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed keyutils (1.5.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed krb5 (1.11.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libssh2 (1.4.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed curl (7.34.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pth (2.0.7-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libksba (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libassuan (2.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pinentry (0.8.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dirmngr (1.1.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gnupg (2.0.22-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gpgme (1.4.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pacman-mirrorlist (20140107-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed archlinux-keyring (20140124-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pacman (4.1.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pciutils (3.2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pcmciautils (018-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed procps-ng (3.3.9-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed psmisc (22.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed reiserfsprogs (3.6.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed s-nail (14.5.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed systemd-sysvcompat (208-10)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed tar (1.27.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed texinfo (5.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libusbx (1.0.17-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed usbutils (007-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed vi (1:050325-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed which (2.20-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed xfsprogs (3.1.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed m4 (1.4.17-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed autoconf (2.69-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed automake (1.14.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed binutils (2.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bison (3.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed fakeroot (1.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed flex (2.5.37-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libmpc (1.0.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed isl (0.12.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cloog (0.18.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gcc (4.8.2-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libltdl (2.4.2-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libtool (2.4.2-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gc (7.2.d-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed guile (2.0.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed make (4.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed patch (2.7.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pkg-config (0.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sudo (1.8.9.p4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:54] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S sudo'
    [2014-01-25 05:54] [PACMAN] reinstalled sudo (1.8.9.p4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gummiboot'
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Copied /usr/lib/gummiboot/gummibootx64.efi to /boot/EFI/gummiboot/gummibootx64.efi.
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Created EFI boot entry "Linux Boot Manager".
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] :: Run '/usr/bin/gummiboot install' to make gummiboot your default bootloader
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [PACMAN] installed gummiboot (41-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:14] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils xf86-input-synaptics nvidia acpid'
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xproto (7.0.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxdmcp (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libpng (1.6.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed freetype2 (2.5.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libfontenc (1.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fontsproto (2.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxfont (1.4.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libpciaccess (0.13.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libdrm (2.4.52-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed pixman (0.32.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxau (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xkeyboard-config (2.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xcb-proto (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxcb (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed kbproto (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libx11 (1.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxkbfile (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xkbcomp (1.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-setxkbmap (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-encodings (1.0.4-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-alias (1.0.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-bdftopcf (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-mkfontscale (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-mkfontdir (1.0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-font-util (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-font-utils (7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Fontconfig configuration is done via /etc/fonts/conf.avail and conf.d.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Read /etc/fonts/conf.d/README for more information.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Configuration via /etc/fonts/local.conf is still possible,
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] but is no longer recommended for options available in conf.avail.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Main systemwide configuration should be done by symlinks
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (especially for autohinting, sub-pixel and lcdfilter):
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ln -s ../conf.avail/XX-foo.conf
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Check also
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] and
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fontconfig (2.11.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-misc (1.0.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server-common (1.15.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed mtdev (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86-input-evdev (2.8.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxshmfence (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server (1.15.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xextproto (7.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxext (1.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libice (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libsm (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxt (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxmu (1.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xauth (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xinit (1.3.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-iceauth (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-sessreg (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xcmsdb (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xcb-util (0.3.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xbacklight (1.2.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86vidmodeproto (2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxxf86vm (1.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xgamma (1.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xhost (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed inputproto (2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxi (1.7.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed renderproto (0.11.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxrender (0.9.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed randrproto (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxrandr (1.4.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrandr (1.4.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xineramaproto (1.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxinerama (1.1.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xinput (1.6.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xmodmap (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed mcpp (2.7.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrdb (1.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrefresh (1.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xset (1.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fixesproto (5.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxfixes (5.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxcursor (1.1.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xsetroot (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server-utils (7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed recordproto (1.14.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxtst (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86-input-synaptics (1.7.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-libgl (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed acpid (2.0.21-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S dialog wpa_supplicant'
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed dialog (1:1.2_20140112-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed libnl (3.2.23-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed wpa_supplicant (2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:21] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed dconf (0.18.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed atk (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvdpau (0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wayland (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed damageproto (1.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxdamage (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed elfutils (0.157-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed llvm-libs (3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mesa (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cairo (1.12.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libjpeg-turbo (1.3.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtiff (4.0.3-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed jasper (1.900.1-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gdk-pixbuf2 (2.30.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hicolor-icon-theme (0.12-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gtk-update-icon-cache (2.24.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdaemon (0.14-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed avahi (0.6.31-11)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcups (1.7.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed compositeproto (0.4.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxcomposite (0.4.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdatrie (0.2.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libthai (0.1.19-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxft (2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed graphite (1:1.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed harfbuzz (0.9.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed pango (1.36.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxml2 (2.9.1-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed shared-mime-info (1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed lcms2 (2.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgusb (0.1.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nspr (4.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed js (17.0.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed polkit (0.112-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed shared-color-profiles (0.1.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sqlite (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed colord (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed at-spi2-core (2.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed at-spi2-atk (2.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxkbcommon (0.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gtk3 (3.10.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed desktop-file-utils (0.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cogl (1.16.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed json-glib (0.16.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libevdev (0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter (1.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gstreamer (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed orc (0.4.18-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed videoproto (2.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxv (1.0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-base-libs (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sdl (1.2.15-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdv (1.0.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mjpegtools (2.0.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed alsa-lib (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtasn1 (3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nettle (2.7.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed p11-kit (0.20.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnutls (3.2.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gsm (1.0.13-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed lame (3.99.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fribidi (0.19.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed recode (3.6-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed enca (1.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libass (0.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libbluray (0.5.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmodplug (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libasyncns (0.8-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libogg (1.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed flac (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvorbis (1.3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsndfile (1.0.25-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed json-c (0.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpulse (4.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtheora (1.1.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libva (1.2.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvpx (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed opencore-amr (0.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed openjpeg (1.5.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed opus (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed rtmpdump (20131205-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed schroedinger (1.0.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed speex (1.2rc1-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed v4l-utils (1.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed x264 (20131030-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed xvidcore (1.3.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed ffmpeg (1:2.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed chromaprint (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmms (0.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed faad2 (2.7-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mpg123 (1.17.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmp4v2 (2.0.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed faac (1.28-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed celt (0.11.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdca (0.0.5-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed soundtouch (1.7.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed spandsp (0.0.6pre21-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdvdread (4.2.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdvdnav (4.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgme (0.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed neon (0.30.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fftw (3.3.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libofa (0.9.3-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsamplerate (0.1.8-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed jack (0.121.3-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > To use FluidSynth as a daemon copy the service file from:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /usr/lib/systemd/system/fluidsynth.service
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > to:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /etc/systemd/system/
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > and then edit accordingly.
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > PulseAudio output when running as a daemon is known to be
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > problematic. See the following bulletin board post:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fluidsynth (1.1.6-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed giflib (5.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libwebp (0.3.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsrtp (15.1c9bd90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wildmidi (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-bad (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter-gst (2.0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter-gtk (1.4.4-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed dbus-glib (0.100.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-glib (0.22.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgee (0.12.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxslt (1.1.28-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libproxy (0.4.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed glib-networking (2.38.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsoup (2.44.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> aspell comes with no default dictionary
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed aspell (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hunspell (1.3.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hspell (1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed enchant (1.6.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geoclue (0.12.99-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsecret (0.16-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed icu (52.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed harfbuzz-icu (0.9.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed webkitgtk (2.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libnotify (0.7.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed rest (0.7.90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gcr (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-online-accounts (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nss (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed perl-xml-parser (2.41-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed perl-xml-simple (2.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed icon-naming-utils (0.8.90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcroco (0.6.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed librsvg (1:2.40.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgweather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libical (1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed liboauth (1.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgdata (0.14.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed evolution-data-server (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed zeitgeist (0.9.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtracker-sparql (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed folks (0.9.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed iso-codes (3.44-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed tdb (1.2.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sound-theme-freedesktop (0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcanberra (0.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libnice (0.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed farstream (0.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-farstream (0.6.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-logger (0.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2 (2.7.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libplist (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed usbmuxd (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libimobiledevice (1.1.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed upower (0.9.23-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpcap (1.5.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed ppp (2.4.5-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libqmi (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmbim (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed modemmanager (1.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed networkmanager (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-mission-control (5.16.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geoclue2 (1.99.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geocode-glib (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cdparanoia (10.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvisual (0.4.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-base (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wavpack (4.70.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gpm (1.20.7-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed aalib (1.4rc5-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed taglib (1.9.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libshout (1:2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libid3tag (0.15.1b-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed imlib2 (1.4.5-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcaca (0.99.beta18-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libraw1394 (2.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libavc1394 (0.5.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libiec61883 (1.2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-good (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-video-effects (0.4.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libchamplain (0.12.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To use Empathy you need to install at least one Telepathy connection manager.
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libexif (0.6.21-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed exempi (2.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-markupsafe (0.18-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-beaker (1.6.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-mako (0.9.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gobject-introspection (1.38.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpeas (1.9.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed startup-notification (0.12-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxres (1.0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libwnck3 (3.4.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cantarell-fonts (0.0.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ttf-dejavu (2.34-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgxps (0.2.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libpaper (1.1.24-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ghostscript (9.10-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libspectre (0.2.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gsfonts (1.0.7pre44-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed poppler (0.24.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed poppler-glib (0.24.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed djvulibre (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxpm (3.5.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxaw (1.0.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed t1lib (5.1.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed accountsservice (0.6.35-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-cairo (1.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pygobject-devel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-gobject (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-atspi (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxklavier (5.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed caribou (0.4.13-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gjs (1.38.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed bluez (5.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-bluetooth (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-menus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcanberra-pulse (0.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libwacom (0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed rtkit (0.11-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed webrtc-audio-processing (0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed sbc (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> See the wiki at for details
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] on configuring your system for PulseAudio.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Make sure to install pulseaudio-alsa to configure ALSA for PulseAudio.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pulseaudio (4.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed alsa-plugins (1.0.27-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pulseaudio-alsa (2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libibus (1.5.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed zenity (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mutter-wayland (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mobile-broadband-provider-info (20120614-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed network-manager-applet (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed unzip (6.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cups-pk-helper (0.2.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgtop (2.28.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libpwquality (1.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vte-common (0.34.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vte3 (0.34.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed exiv2 (0.23-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mash (0.2.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed shared-color-targets (0.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed colord-gtk (0.1.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcap-ng (0.7.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed talloc (2.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libbsd (0.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libwbclient (4.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cifs-utils (6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed tevent (0.9.19-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ldb (1.1.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed smbclient (4.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgnomekbd (3.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libatasmart (0.19-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed udisks2 (2.1.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libsigc++ (2.3.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed glibmm (2.38.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cairomm (1.10.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pangomm (2.34.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed atkmm (2.22.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gtkmm3 (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed yelp-xsl (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apr (1.5.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed unixodbc (2.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apr-util (1.5.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apache (2.2.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mod_dnssd (0.6-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed grilo (0.2.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed fuse (2.9.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcddb (1.3.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcdio (0.92-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcdio-paranoia (10.2+0.90+1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gvfs (1.18.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libnautilus-extension (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libmusicbrainz5 (5.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gtksourceview3 (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gmime (2.6.18-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem-plparser (3.10.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python (3.3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-cairo (1.10.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-gobject (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-xdg (0.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgsf (1.14.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs (0.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:28] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed accerciser (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gconf (3.2.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (gconftool-2:5179): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed aisleriot (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gdl (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libanjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed autogen (5.18.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed devhelp (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed glade (3.16.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libaio (0.3.109-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libmariadbclient (5.5.34-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed postgresql-libs (9.3.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gd (2.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gts (0.7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed graphviz (2.34.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libgda (5.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed serf (1.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed subversion (1.8.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed vala (0.22.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed anjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed bijiben (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cdrkit (1.1.11-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libmad (0.15.1b-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libao (1.1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cdrdao (1.2.3-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dvd+rw-tools (7.1-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed brasero (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gtkhtml4 (4.6.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libpst (0.6.58-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libytnef (1.5-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed evolution (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed p7zip (9.20.1-9)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed file-roller (
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed five-or-more (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed four-in-a-row (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gedit (3.10.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed glu (9.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-chess (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-clocks (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-devel-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libzapojit (0.0.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-online-miners (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-documents (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-getting-started-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-klotski (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-mahjongg (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-maps (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-mines (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libdmapsharing (2.9.23-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-dbus-common (1.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-dbus (1.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-music (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed idnkit (1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dnssec-anchors (20130320-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dnsutils (9.9.2.P2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libidn (1.28-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed whois (5.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-nettool (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-nibbles (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed babl (0.1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gtk2 (2.24.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libspiro (20071029-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gegl (0.2.0-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-photos (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-robots (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-sudoku (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-tetravex (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-weather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed iagno (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed lightsoff (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-atspi (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dotconf (1.3-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed speech-dispatcher (0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed liblouis (2.5.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed tcl (8.6.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cython (0.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Please add your user to the brlapi group.
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed brltty (4.5-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed orca (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed quadrapassel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gssdp (0.14.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp (0.20.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp-av (0.12.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp-dlna (0.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed xdg-utils (1.1.0.git20140109-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed rygel (0.20.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed seahorse (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed swell-foop (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed tali (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gtk-vnc (0.5.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed celt0.5.1 (
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed libiscsi (1.7.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] vde config files should be placed in /etc/vde, sample files are provided.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] iptables and dhcpd sample files have been installed to '/usr/share/vde2'.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Merge those examples, if needed to the according config files.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed vde2 (2.3.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed libcacard (1.7.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed usbredir (0.6-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed spice-gtk3 (0.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed vinagre (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:49] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 06:49] [PACMAN] removed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xserver-xorg-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xserver'
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xf86-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-libgl (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed intel-dri (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed libxvmc (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed glamor-egl (0.5.1.r258-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver uses SNA as the default acceleration method. You can
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fall back to UXA if you run into trouble or test experimental
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Glamor acceleration. To do so, save a file with the following
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Section "Device"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Driver "intel"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] EndSection
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R xf86-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] removed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 06:59] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R mesa-libgl'
    [2014-01-25 06:59] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:00] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome-extra gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:00] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Rdd gnome gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed vinagre (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed tali (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed swell-foop (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed seahorse (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed rygel (0.20.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed quadrapassel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed orca (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed lightsoff (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed iagno (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-weather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-tetravex (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-sudoku (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-robots (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-photos (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-nibbles (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-nettool (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-music (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-mines (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-maps (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-mahjongg (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-klotski (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-getting-started-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-documents (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-devel-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-clocks (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-chess (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gedit (3.10.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed four-in-a-row (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed five-or-more (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed file-roller (
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed evolution (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed brasero (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed bijiben (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed anjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed devhelp (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (gconftool-2:798): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed aisleriot (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed accerciser (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Rdd nvidia-utils mesa-libgl'
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] removed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:03] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-304xx-utils (304.117-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-304xx (304.117-4)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To use Empathy you need to install at least one Telepathy connection manager.
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:13] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2014-01-25 07:13] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] upgraded jack (0.121.3-7 -> 0.124.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:16] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:45] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S intel-dri xf86-video-intel bumblebee nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S intel-dri xf86-video-intel bumblebee nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-304xx-utils (304.117-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-304xx (304.117-4)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] reinstalled intel-dri (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver uses SNA as the default acceleration method. You can
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fall back to UXA if you run into trouble or test experimental
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Glamor acceleration. To do so, save a file with the following
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Section "Device"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Driver "intel"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] EndSection
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed virtualgl (2.3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Don't forget to add yourself to the 'bumblebee' group to use Bumblebee
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed bumblebee (3.2.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)

  • Pacman doesn't upgrade and update the system properly

    It's been almost one and half months that my system is not getting upgrade or update, what all I go t is :
    bhaskar@bhaskar-laptop_11:28:06_Mon Sep 06:/etc> sudo pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    there is nothing to do
    Here is my mirrorlist url ,which I am using for long long time:
    Server = … po/os/i686
    Server =$repo/os/i686
    Server =$repo/os/i686
    Now please look at the installed packages..I am paranoid about systemupgrade and update and I do it very frequently....
    bhaskar@bhaskar-laptop_11:32:14_Mon Sep 06:/etc> sudo pacman -Q
    a52dec 0.7.4-4
    aalib 1.4rc5-6
    abiword 2.8.6-1
    acl 2.2.49-1
    alsa-lib 1.0.23-1
    apache 2.2.15-2
    apr 1.4.2-1
    apr-util 1.3.9-4
    archlinux-artwork 1.6-1
    aria2 1.9.5-1
    artwiz-fonts 1.3-5
    aspell 0.60.6-4
    at-spi 1.30.1-1
    atk 1.30.0-1
    attica 0.1.3-1
    attr 2.4.44-1
    audiofile 0.2.7-1
    autoconf 2.66-2
    automake 1.11.1-1
    avahi 0.6.25-3
    babl 0.1.2-1
    bash 4.1.007-1
    bashdb 4.1_0.4-1
    bcm43xx-fwcutter 006-1
    beanshell 2.0b4-1
    bin86 0.16.17-4
    bind 9.7.1-1
    binutils 2.20.1-3
    bison 2.4.2-1
    bluez 4.69-1
    brasero 2.30.2-1
    bridge-utils 1.4-3
    bzip2 1.0.5-5
    c-ares 1.7.3-1
    ca-certificates 20090814-3
    cabextract 1.2-2
    cacti 0.8.7e-1
    cairo 1.8.10-1
    cairomm 1.8.4-1
    capi4k-utils 050718-7
    cdparanoia 10.2-2
    cdrdao 1.2.3-4
    cdrkit 1.1.10-1
    chkrootkit 0.49-1
    chromium 5.0.375.99-1
    clamav 0.96.1-1
    claws-mail 3.7.6-1
    cloog-ppl 0.15.9-1
    clucene 0.9.21b-1
    compositeproto 0.4.1-1
    consolekit 0.4.1-2
    coreutils 8.5-2
    cpio 2.11-2
    cpufrequtils 008-1
    cracklib 2.8.16-1
    cryptsetup 1.1.3-1
    curl 7.21.0-1
    cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.23-2
    damageproto 1.2.0-1
    db 4.8.26-2
    dbus 1.2.24-1
    dbus-core 1.2.24-1
    dbus-glib 0.86-1
    dcron 4.4-2
    ddrescue 1.11-1
    desktop-file-utils 0.16-1
    device-mapper 2.02.70-1
    dhcpcd 5.2.5-1
    dialog 1.1_20100428-1
    diffutils 3.0-1
    dirmngr 1.1.0rc1-1
    dmapi 2.2.10-2
    dmidecode 2.10-1
    dmxproto 2.3-1
    dnsutils 9.6.1-3
    docbook-xml 4.5-4
    dosfstools 3.0.9-1
    dri2proto 2.3-1
    dvd+rw-tools 7.1-2
    e2fsprogs 1.41.12-1
    ed 1.4-2
    eggdbus 0.6-1
    eject 2.1.5-4
    empathy 2.30.2-1
    enca 1.13-1
    enchant 1.6.0-1
    epiphany 2.30.2-1
    esound 0.2.41-1
    ethtool 6-2
    eventlog 0.2.12-1
    evince 2.30.3-1
    exempi 2.1.1-1
    exiv2 0.19-1
    expat 2.0.1-5
    faac 1.28-2
    faad2 2.7-1
    fakeroot 1.14.4-2
    fam 2.7.0-14
    farsight2 0.0.20-1
    ffmpeg 24460-1
    fftw 3.2.2-1
    file 5.04-2
    filesystem 2010.02-4
    findutils 4.4.2-2
    firefox 3.6.8-1
    fixesproto 4.1.1-1
    flac 1.2.1-2
    flex 2.5.35-3
    fluidsynth 1.1.1-2
    fontcacheproto 0.1.3-1
    fontconfig 2.8.0-1
    fontsproto 2.1.0-1
    freeglut 2.6.0-1
    freetype2 2.4.1-1
    fribidi 0.19.2-1
    fuse 2.8.4-2
    gawk 3.1.8-1
    gcc 4.5.0-6
    gcc-libs 4.5.0-6
    gconf 2.28.1-1
    gconf-editor 2.30.0-1
    gd 2.0.36RC1-3
    gdbm 1.8.3-7
    gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-7
    gdm 2.30.4-1
    gegl 0.1.2-1
    gen-init-cpio 2.6.32-1
    ghostscript 8.71-3
    giflib 4.1.6-3
    gimp 2.6.9-1
    glib 1.2.10-8
    glib2 2.24.1-1
    glibc 2.12-4
    glibmm 2.24.2-1
    gmime 2.4.17-1
    gmp 5.0.1-1
    gnome-applets 2.30.0-1
    gnome-backgrounds 2.30.0-1
    gnome-control-center 2.30.1-1
    gnome-desktop 2.30.2-1
    gnome-disk-utility 2.30.1-1
    gnome-doc-utils 0.20.1-1
    gnome-icon-theme 2.30.3-1
    gnome-js-common 0.1.2-1
    gnome-keyring 2.30.3-1
    gnome-media 2.30.0-2
    gnome-menus 2.30.2-1
    gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-4
    gnome-panel 2.30.2-1
    gnome-screensaver 2.30.0-1
    gnome-session 2.30.2-1
    gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.2-1
    gnome-system-tools 2.30.2-1
    gnome-terminal 2.30.2-1
    gnome-themes 2.30.2-1
    gnome-utils 2.30.0-1
    gnome-vfs 2.24.3-2
    gnome2-user-docs 2.30.0-1
    gnupg 1.4.10-2
    gnupg2 2.0.15-1
    gnutls 2.8.6-1
    gobject-introspection 0.6.14-1
    gparted 0.6.1-1
    gpgme 1.3.0-1
    gpm 1.20.6-5
    grep 2.6.3-1
    groff 1.20.1-4
    grub 0.97-17
    gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-2
    gstreamer0.10 0.10.29-1
    gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.29-1
    gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.29-1
    gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.23-1
    gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.23-1
    gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.18-1
    gtk 1.2.10-10
    gtk-engines 2.20.1-1
    gtk2 2.20.1-2
    gtkmm 2.20.3-1
    gucharmap 2.30.2-1
    gvfs 1.6.3-1
    gzip 1.4-1
    hal 0.5.14-4
    hal-info 0.20091130-1
    hdf5 1.8.4_patch1-1
    hdparm 9.28-1
    heimdal 1.3.3-1
    hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-1
    htop 0.8.3-1
    hunspell 1.2.12-1
    hwdetect 2010.07-1
    hyphen 2.5-1
    icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-1
    icu 4.4.1-1
    ifenslave 1.1.0-5
    iftop 0.17-9
    ilmbase 1.0.1-1
    imlib2 1.4.4-1
    inetutils 1.8-1
    initscripts 2010.07-1
    inputproto 2.0-1
    intel-dri 7.8.2-1
    intltool 0.41.1-1
    iotop 0.4.1-1
    ipcalc 0.41-3
    iperf 2.0.4-1
    iproute2 2.6.34-2
    iptables 1.4.8-1
    iptraf 3.0.0-2
    iputils 20100214-2
    ipw2100-fw 1.3-4
    ipw2200-fw 3.1-2
    ipw3945 1.2.2-1
    ipw3945-ucode 1.14.2-1
    ipw3945d 1.7.22-3
    isdn4k-utils 3.2p1-5
    iso-codes 3.14-1
    jack 0.118.0-3
    jasper 1.900.1-5
    jdk 6u20-1
    jfsutils 1.1.14-1
    jre 6u20-1
    k3b 2.0.0-2
    kbd 1.15.2-1
    kbproto 1.0.4-1
    kdebase-runtime 4.4.5-1
    kdelibs 4.4.5-1
    kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.4.5-1
    ladspa 1.13-2
    lame 3.98.4-1
    lcms 1.18-3
    less 436-1
    libao 1.0.0-2
    libarchive 2.8.4-1
    libart-lgpl 2.3.21-1
    libass 0.9.9-1
    libassuan 2.0.0-1
    libatasmart 0.17-1
    libavc1394 0.5.3-3
    libbeagle 0.3.9-1
    libbonobo 2.24.3-1
    libbonoboui 2.24.3-1
    libcaca 0.99.beta17-1
    libcanberra 0.23-1
    libcap 2.19-1
    libcddb 1.3.2-2
    libcdio 0.82-1
    libcroco 0.6.2-1
    libcups 1.4.4-1
    libdaemon 0.14-1
    libdatrie 0.2.3-1
    libdca 0.0.5-2
    libdjvu 3.5.22-3
    libdmx 1.1.0-1
    libdownload 1.1-3
    libdrm 2.4.21-1
    libdv 1.0.0-3
    libdvbpsi 0.1.7-1
    libdvdnav 4.1.3-2
    libdvdread 4.1.3-2
    libebml 1.0.0-1
    libelf 0.8.13-1
    libetpan 1.0-1
    libevent 1.4.14b-1
    libexif 0.6.19-1
    libfetch 2.32-1
    libffi 3.0.9-1
    libfm 0.1.12-1
    libfontenc 1.0.5-1
    libftdi 0.18-1
    libgail-gnome 1.20.3-1
    libgcrypt 1.4.6-1
    libgl 7.8.2-1
    libglade 2.6.4-1
    libgnome 2.30.0-1
    libgnome-keyring 2.30.1-1
    libgnomecanvas 2.30.1-1
    libgnomekbd 2.30.2-1
    libgnomeui 2.24.3-1
    libgpg-error 1.7-3
    libgphoto2 2.4.9-1
    libgraphite 2.3.1-1
    libgsf 1.14.18-1
    libgsf-gnome 1.14.18-1
    libgssglue 0.1-2
    libgtop 2.28.1-1
    libgweather 2.30.2-1
    libical 0.44-1
    libice 1.0.6-1
    libid3tag 0.15.1b-5
    libidl2 0.8.14-1
    libidn 1.16-1
    libiec61883 1.2.0-1
    libiodbc 3.52.7-4
    libjpeg 8.0.2-1
    libksba 1.0.7-1
    libldap 2.4.22-1
    libmad 0.15.1b-4
    libmatroska 1.0.0-1
    libmng 1.0.10-3
    libmp4v2 1.9.1-1
    libmpc 0.8.2-2
    libmpcdec 1.2.6-2
    libmpeg2 0.5.1-1
    libmspack 0.0.20060920alpha-2
    libmtp 1.0.2-1
    libmysqlclient 5.1.47-1
    libnewt 0.52.8-2
    libnice 0.0.12-1
    libnl 1.1-2
    libnotify 0.4.5-1.1
    libogg 1.2.0-1
    liboil 0.3.17-1
    liboobs 2.30.1-1
    libpcap 1.1.1-1
    libpciaccess 0.11.0-1
    libpng 1.4.3-1
    libproxy 0.3.1-1
    libpurple 2.7.2-1
    libraw1394 2.0.5-1
    librpcsecgss 0.19-3
    librsvg 2.26.3-1
    libsamplerate 0.1.7-1
    libsasl 2.1.23-4
    libsexy 0.1.11-2
    libshout 2.2.2-3
    libsigc++ 2.2.8-1
    libsm 1.1.1-1
    libsndfile 1.0.21-1
    libsoup 2.30.2-1
    libsoup-gnome 2.30.2-1
    libspectre 0.2.6-1
    libssh 0.4.5-1
    libstroke 0.5.1-3
    libsynaptics 0.14.6c-4
    libtasn1 2.6-1
    libthai 0.1.14-1
    libtheora 1.1.1-1
    libtiff 3.9.4-1
    libtirpc 0.2.1-1
    libtool 2.2.10-1
    libtracker 0.6.95-1
    libunique 1.1.6-2
    libusb 0.1.12-4
    libv4l 0.6.4-1
    libva 0.31.0_p13-2
    libvdpau 0.4-1
    libvisual 0.4.0-3
    libvorbis 1.3.1-1
    libvpx 0.9.1-1
    libwebkit 1.2.3-1
    libwnck 2.30.2-1
    libwpd 0.8.14-1
    libx11 1.3.4-1
    libx86 1.1-2
    libxau 1.0.5-1
    libxaw 1.0.7-1
    libxcb 1.6-1
    libxcomposite 0.4.2-1
    libxcursor 1.1.10-1
    libxdamage 1.1.3-1
    libxdmcp 1.0.3-1
    libxext 1.1.2-1
    libxfixes 4.0.5-1
    libxfont 1.4.2-1
    libxfontcache 1.0.5-1
    libxft 2.1.14-1
    libxi 1.3-2
    libxinerama 1.1-1
    libxkbfile 1.0.6-1
    libxklavier 5.0-1
    libxml2 2.7.7-1
    libxmu 1.0.5-1
    libxp 1.0.0-3
    libxpm 3.5.8-1
    libxrandr 1.3.0-1
    libxrender 0.9.6-1
    libxres 1.0.4-1
    libxslt 1.1.26-1
    libxss 1.2.0-1
    libxt 1.0.8-1
    libxtst 1.1.0-1
    libxv 1.0.5-1
    libxvmc 1.0.5-1
    libxxf86dga 1.1.1-1
    libxxf86misc 1.0.2-1
    libxxf86vm 1.1.0-1
    licenses 2.6-1
    lilo 22.8-4
    linux-api-headers 2.6.34-1
    linux-atm 2.5.1-1
    linux-firmware 20100623-2
    lirc-utils 0.8.6-3
    logrotate 3.7.8-1
    logwatch 7.3.6-3
    loudmouth 1.4.3-2
    lsof 4.83-1
    lua 5.1.4-5
    lucene 2.9.3-1
    lvm2 2.02.70-1
    lynx 2.8.7-2
    lzo 1.08-5
    lzo2 2.03-1
    m4 1.4.14-2
    mailx 8.1.1-7
    make 3.81-5
    man-db 2.5.7-1
    man-pages 3.25-1
    mcpp 2.7.2-2
    mdadm 3.1.2-2
    menu-cache 0.3.2-1
    mesa 7.8.2-1
    metacity 2.30.1-1
    mime-types 1.0-3
    mkinitcpio 0.6.7-1
    mkinitcpio-busybox 1.16.2-1
    mlocate 0.22.4-1
    module-init-tools 3.11.1-2
    monit 5.0.3-2
    most 5.0.0a-2
    mozilla-common 1.4-1
    mpfr 3.0.0-1
    mrtg 2.16.3-1
    munin 1.4.5-1
    munin-node 1.4.5-1
    musicbrainz 2.1.5-3
    mysql 5.1.47-1
    mysql-clients 5.1.47-1
    nagios 3.2.0-1
    nagios-nrpe-plugin 2.12-1
    nagios-nsca 2.7.2-2
    nagios-plugins 1.4.14-1
    nano 2.2.4-1
    nautilus 2.30.1-1
    ncurses 5.7-3
    ndiswrapper 1.56-3
    ndiswrapper-utils 1.56-2
    neon 0.29.3-2
    net-snmp 5.5-5
    net-tools 1.60-14
    nfs-utils 1.2.2-3
    nfsidmap 0.23-3
    nmap 5.21-2
    notification-daemon 0.4.0-4
    nspr 4.8.4-1
    nss 3.12.6-3
    ntfs-3g 2010.5.22-1
    ntfsprogs 2.0.0-4
    opencore-amr 0.1.2-1
    openexr 1.6.1-1
    openjpeg 1.3-3
    openntpd 3.9p1-12
    openoffice-base 3.2.1-1
    openssh 5.5p1-1
    openssl 1.0.0.a-2
    openswan 2.4.14-1
    openvpn 2.1.1-2
    orbit2 2.14.18-1
    orc 0.4.6-1
    oxygen-icons 4.4.5-1
    package-query 0.3-2
    pacman 3.4.0-2
    pacman-color 3.4.0-1
    pacman-mirrorlist 20100621-1
    pam 1.1.1-1
    pango 1.28.1-1
    pangomm 2.26.2-1
    parted 2.3-1
    partimage 0.6.8-2
    patch 2.6.1-1
    pciutils 3.1.7-1
    pcmanfm 0.9.7-1
    pcre 8.10-1
    perl 5.10.1-5
    perl-date-manip 6.07-3
    perl-dbd-mysql 4.013-1
    perl-dbi 1.609-1
    perl-html-parser 3.64-1
    perl-html-tagset 3.20-1
    perl-html-template 2.9-4
    perl-libwww 5.836-1
    perl-log-log4perl 1.28-1
    perl-net-server 0.97-3
    perl-term-readkey 2.30.01-1
    perl-text-iconv 1.7-3
    perl-uri 1.54-1
    perl-xml-parser 2.36-6
    perl-xml-simple 2.18-2
    perl-xml-twig 3.34-1
    perl-xyne-arch 2010.07.17.1-1
    perl-xyne-common 2010.04.01.2-3
    perl-yaml-syck 1.07-1
    phonon 4.4.2-1
    phonon-gstreamer 4.4.2-1
    php 5.3.2-6
    php-apache 5.3.2-6
    pilot-link 0.12.5-1
    pinentry 0.8.0-1
    pixman 0.18.2-1
    pkg-config 0.25-2
    pm-quirks 0.20100619-1
    pm-utils 1.4.0-1
    polkit 0.96-2
    polkit-gnome 0.96-3
    polkit-qt 0.95.1-1
    poppler 0.14.0-1
    poppler-data 0.4.2-1
    poppler-glib 0.14.0-1
    popt 1.16-2
    postfix 2.7.1-1
    postgresql-libs 8.4.4-1
    powerpill 2010.06.20.1-1
    powertop 1.11-2
    ppl 0.10.2-3
    ppp 2.4.5-1
    pptpclient 1.7.2-2
    printproto 1.0.4-2
    procinfo-ng 2.0.304-1
    procps 3.2.8-1
    psmisc 22.11-1
    pth 2.0.7-3
    pycairo 1.8.8-1
    pygobject 2.21.3-1
    pygtk 2.17.0-1
    python 2.6.5-3
    qca 2.0.2-2
    qemu-kvm 0.12.4-2
    qt 4.6.3-1
    randrproto 1.3.1-1
    raptor 1.4.21-1
    rarian 0.8.1-1
    rasqal 0.9.19-2
    readline 6.1.002-1
    recode 3.6-5
    recordproto 1.14-1
    redland 1.0.10-2
    reiserfsprogs 3.6.21-2
    renderproto 0.11-1
    rp-pppoe 3.10-5
    rpcbind 0.2.0-1
    rrdtool 1.4.3-2
    run-parts 3.2.3-1
    schroedinger 1.0.9-1
    screen 4.0.3-8
    scrnsaverproto 1.2.0-1
    sdl 1.2.14-5
    sdl_image 1.2.10-2
    sdparm 1.05-1
    seahorse 2.30.1-1
    sed 4.2.1-2
    seed 2.30.0-2
    sg3_utils 1.29-1
    shared-desktop-ontologies 0.5-1
    shared-mime-info 0.71-1
    silc-toolkit 1.1.10-1
    slang 2.2.1-1
    smbclient 3.5.4-1
    soprano 2.4.4-1
    sound-theme-freedesktop 0.7-1
    speex 1.2rc1-1.1
    squid 2.7.STABLE9-1
    startup-notification 0.10-1
    strace 4.5.20-1
    strigi 0.7.2-2
    sudo 1.7.3-1
    sysfsutils 2.1.0-5
    syslog-ng 3.1.1-1
    system-tools-backends 2.10.0-1
    sysvinit 2.86-5
    t1lib 5.1.2-2
    taglib 1.6.3-1
    talloc 2.0.1-1
    tar 1.23-3
    tcp_wrappers 7.6-11
    tcpdump 4.1.1-1
    tdb 1.2.1-1
    telepathy-farsight 0.0.14-1
    telepathy-gabble 0.8.14-1
    telepathy-glib 0.10.7-1
    telepathy-haze 0.3.6-1
    telepathy-mission-control 5.4.3-1
    telepathy-salut 0.3.12-1
    texinfo 4.13a-4
    thunderbird 3.1.1-1
    tomcat 5.5.29-1
    totem-plparser 2.30.1-1
    ttf-dejavu 2.30-2
    ttf-freefont 20090104-2
    ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-3
    tzdata 2010j-1
    udev 160-1
    udisks 1.0.1-4
    unixodbc 2.3.0-1
    upower 0.9.4-1
    usbutils 0.87-1
    util-linux-ng 2.18-2
    vbetool 1.1-1
    vde2 2.3-1
    vi 050325-3
    videoproto 2.3.0-1
    vigra 1.7.0-3
    vim 7.2-1
    vim-runtime 7.2-1
    virtualbox-ose 3.2.6-1
    virtualbox-ose-additions 3.2.6-1
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.2.6-1
    virtuoso 6.1.1-1
    vlc 1.1.1-3
    vnstat 1.10-5
    vpnc 0.5.3-2
    vte 0.24.3-1
    wavpack 4.60.1-1
    wget 1.12-2
    which 2.20-3
    wireless_tools 29-3
    wireshark 1.2.9-1
    wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1
    wpa_supplicant 0.6.10-2
    wv 1.2.7-1
    wvdial 1.61-2
    wvstreams 4.6.1-2
    x264 20100722-1
    xbitmaps 1.1.0-1
    xcb-proto 1.6-1
    xcb-util 0.3.6-1
    xchat 2.8.8-1
    xcursor-themes 1.0.2-1
    xextproto 7.1.1-1
    xf86-input-evdev 2.4.0-1
    xf86-input-synaptics 1.2.2-2
    xf86-video-intel 2.12.0-1
    xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0-2
    xf86dgaproto 2.1-1
    xf86miscproto 0.9.3-1
    xf86vidmodeproto 2.3-1
    xfsdump 3.0.4-1
    xfsprogs 3.1.2-1
    xineramaproto 1.2-1
    xinetd 2.3.14-5
    xkeyboard-config 1.8-1
    xorg-apps 7.5-3
    xorg-docs 1.5-1
    xorg-font-utils 7.5-2
    xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-3
    xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-3
    xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.2-1
    xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.3-1
    xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-1
    xorg-res-utils 1.0.3-3
    xorg-server-utils 7.5-4
    xorg-twm 1.0.4-3
    xorg-utils 7.6-2
    xorg-xauth 1.0.4-1
    xorg-xinit 1.2.1-1
    xorg-xkb-utils 7.5-2
    xplc 0.3.13-2
    xproto 7.0.17-1
    xterm 259-1
    xvidcore 1.2.2-1
    xz 4.999.9beta-5
    yajl 1.0.9-3
    yelp 2.30.1-1
    zd1211-firmware 1.4-3
    zenity 2.30.0-1
    zip 3.0-1.1
    zlib 1.2.5-2
    zvbi 0.2.33-2
    I am not able to figure out why is not getting updated or upgraded for last month or so????
    Please throw some light on it.
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2010-09-06 06:44:07)

    Still nothing. Even with that server this is what I get
    # pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: akonadi: local (1.4.0-1) is newer than extra (1.3.1-4)
    warning: cabextract: local (1.3-1) is newer than extra (1.2-2)
    warning: consolekit: local (0.4.1-3) is newer than extra (0.4.1-2)
    warning: cups: local (1.4.4-2) is newer than extra (1.4.4-1)
    warning: dhcpcd: local (5.2.7-1) is newer than core (5.2.5-1)
    warning: farsight2: local (0.0.21-1) is newer than extra (0.0.20-1)
    warning: filesystem: local (2010.07-1) is newer than core (2010.02-4)
    warning: gimp: local (2.6.10-1) is newer than extra (2.6.9-1)
    warning: gnupg2: local (2.0.16-1) is newer than extra (2.0.15-1)
    warning: hplip: local (3.10.6-1) is newer than extra (3.10.5-1)
    warning: jre: local (6u21-1) is newer than community (6u20-1)
    warning: kdeadmin-kcron: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeadmin-ksystemlog: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeadmin-kuser: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-ark: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kcalc: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kcharselect: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kdelirc: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kdf: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kfloppy: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kgpg: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-ktimer: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-kwallet: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-okteta: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-printer-applet: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-superkaramba: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kdeutils-sweeper: local (4.4.5-2) is newer than extra (4.4.5-1)
    warning: kernel26: local ( is newer than core (
    warning: ktorrent: local (4.0.2-1) is newer than extra (4.0.1-1)
    warning: libcups: local (1.4.4-2) is newer than extra (1.4.4-1)
    warning: libdrm: local (2.4.21-2) is newer than extra (2.4.21-1)
    warning: libktorrent: local (1.0.2-1) is newer than extra (1.0.1-1)
    warning: libnice: local (0.0.13-1) is newer than extra (0.0.12-1)
    warning: module-init-tools: local (3.12-1) is newer than core (3.11.1-2)
    warning: nvidia: local (256.44-1) is newer than extra (256.35-1)
    warning: nvidia-utils: local (256.44-1) is newer than extra (256.35-4)
    warning: perl: local (5.12.1-2) is newer than core (5.10.1-5)
    warning: psmisc: local (22.12-1) is newer than core (22.11-1)
    warning: pycups: local (1.9.51-1) is newer than extra (1.9.50-1)
    warning: sqlite3: local ( is newer than core (
    warning: system-config-printer-common: local (1.2.3-1) is newer than extra (1.2.2-1)
    warning: thunderbird: local (3.1.2-1) is newer than extra (3.1.1-1)
    warning: tzdata: local (2010k-1) is newer than core (2010j-1)
    warning: util-linux-ng: local (2.18-3) is newer than core (2.18-2)
    warning: virtuoso: local (6.1.2-1) is newer than extra (6.1.1-1)
    warning: xine-lib: local (1.1.19-1) is newer than extra (
    there is nothing to do

  • Pacman: impossible to determine root mount point /

    Hi all.
    Last week I tried to do a full system upgrade but didn't notice I was out of space. Pacman told me and didn't update anything, so everything was fine.
    I freed up some GB in the root directory but now I get this error (freely translated from Italian):
    error: impossible to determine root mount point /
    error: free space on disk not sufficient
    error: impossible to archieve requested operation (unespected error)
    It does so whatever I try to install or upgrade. I'm really lost and I don't know where and how to fix this since I don't understand what causes it. In the last weeks I haven't fiddled with the system much so there's nothing I may have broken.
    Please help!
    I am more than ready to give whatever informatio about the system you may require.
    For the last 4 or so months at the end of the shutdown phase I get something like:
    setting root filesystem read-only FAIL
    But it has never given any problem.
    I use squashfs for /usr and quick-init (yes I know it's dated, I need to try systemd) and some tweaks here and there, nothing major.

    Thanks all.
    This is the output of the required command:
    [adriano@myhost ~] sudo LC_ALL=C sudo pacman -S --debug p7zip
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.conf
    debug: config: new section 'options'
    debug: config: HoldPkg: pacman
    debug: config: HoldPkg: glibc
    debug: config: SyncFirst: pacman
    debug: config: Architecture: x86_64
    debug: config: IgnorePkg:
    debug: config: IgnoreGroup:
    debug: config: showsize
    debug: config: usedelta
    debug: config: totaldownload
    debug: config: new section 'core'
    debug: registering sync database 'core'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 49: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'core':
    debug: setlibpaths() called
    debug: option 'cachedir' = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'extra'
    debug: registering sync database 'extra'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 53: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra':
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'community'
    debug: registering sync database 'community'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 61: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'community':
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'multilib'
    debug: registering sync database 'multilib'
    debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 64: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib':
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'multilib':
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    debug: config: new section 'kde4-eyecandy-64'
    debug: registering sync database 'kde4-eyecandy-64'
    debug: adding new server URL to database 'kde4-eyecandy-64':
    debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.conf
    debug: loading package cache for repository 'local'
    debug: database path for tree local set to /var/lib/pacman/local/
    debug: adding 'gksu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-plasma' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-containments' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtextcat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-poxml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pango-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntrack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vorbis-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ca-certificates-java' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vala' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-sql' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ulatencyd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libnl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'make' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lm_sensors' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxdamage' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libglade' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libproxy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpufreqd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lucene' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cairo-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfontenc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tree' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mlocate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qscintilla' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libstdc++5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontconfig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libogg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gpgme' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'psmisc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'diffstat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcanberra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbattleship' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-playwolf-elements' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kalgebra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cdparanoia' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xdg-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-archlinux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mkinitcpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-diagram' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'syslinux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-latexextra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zenity' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-util-linux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdk-pixbuf2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-ct2n' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flashplugin-beta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'randrproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rpmextract' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pstoedit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kompare' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-social-news' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bookmarks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libjpeg-turbo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kolf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-akonadiconsole' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdetoys-kweather' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pmtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-events' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qgit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kmahjongg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpcap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmousetool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'downgrade' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'automake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pkgstats' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libidl2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdocker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zlib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk-engines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gcc-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-readline' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-expat' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kcalc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kommander' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-luit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpulse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vlc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unixodbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-xcb-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxkbfile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dhclient' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxml2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'preload' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lcms' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libavc1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-ksnapshot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2+extra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kruler' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'oxygen-transparent-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-input-synaptics' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bespin-kdm-svn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-numbertext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-workspace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpuburn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgpod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-themes-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_ttf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gawk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib-networking' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mplayer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pixman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kdiamond' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libiodbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xcmsdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsigsegv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'keyutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky-email' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libcups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcomposite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'scrnsaverproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xdriinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'htop' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-bomber' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdc1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libwpd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdenetwork-kppp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dmxproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hunspell-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'docbook-xsl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ppl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'subtitleeditor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'desktop-file-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xwd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cairomm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-writer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'togglecompositing-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-killbots' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kmozillahelper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xinput' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-gtk2-sexy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'antlr2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qimageblitz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdbm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xwininfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kremotecontrol' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'links' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cloog-ppl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'run-parts' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-video-vesa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fuseiso' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'most' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kfilereplace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmusicbrainz3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enblend-enfuse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libx11' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'binutils-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smpeg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxtst' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'alsa-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'procps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkbcomp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'prison' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-dbus-core' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-lcms' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wicd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-media-player' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-75dpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'neon-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kjumpingcube' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtmpdump' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netcfg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ftgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-freetype2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdelibs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-libkdepim' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacmatic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quick-init' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-list-moreutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'docbook-xml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xbill' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_mixer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvdcss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kwallet' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sudo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-klettres' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'patch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgpg-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcursor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sane' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxfont' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tidyhtml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pinentry' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libqzeitgeist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freemind' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pylorcon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beshadowed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-base' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'util-linux' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wget' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'e2fsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cowsay' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnupg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-draw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kshisen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wavpack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'stalonetray' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-smooth-tasks-kde-sc-46-hg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-nlpsolver' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-core' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-cairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libwebkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smplayer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbounce' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'poppler-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aldm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bedropped' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'obexftp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vigra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libjpeg-turbo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gocr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nightmode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rp-pppoe' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'opencore-amr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libpciaccess' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mjpegtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cln' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aspell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-characters' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxslt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'epson-inkjet-printer-escpr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-ksystemlog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-pixelnine' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_net' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'elfutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vbetool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-res-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnutls' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ca-certificates' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxcb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-class-inspector' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bison' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pilot-link' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx86emu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kernel26' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'db' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kcolorchooser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontconfig-lcd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-dejavu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bespin-svn-kde4style' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmysqlclient' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'orc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fontsproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dhcpcd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepimlibs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kfourinline' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'usbmuxd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'grep' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'geogebra' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xvidcore' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glib-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-theme-produkt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libofa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netcfggui' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'v4l-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmouth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-impress' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mutagen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-kmix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bash-xyne-common_functions' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kfilebox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiofile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yaourt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-utils-screen-lock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'easytag' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ebook-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xbitmaps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gphoto2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freetype2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-input-evdev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bash-completion' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libggz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'oxygen-icons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mime-types' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pmount' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'luaposix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pyrit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dboxfe2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libltdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-nspr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'laptop-mode-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'logrotate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rrdtool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-strigi-analyzer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'talloc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libusb-beta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cdrkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eigen2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'popt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kontact' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gnutls' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dri2proto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autoconf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'firefox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'icu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-imaging' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-desktopthemes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'id3lib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-atk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'giflib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sg3_utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'exiv2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrandr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shadow' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kwrite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wireless_tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libimobiledevice' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-filelight' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beanshell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-pixman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'squashfs-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacman-contrib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libdrm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xsetroot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kblocks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-colorschemes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xf86-video-intel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hdf5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ktorrent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeaccessibility-kmag' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hunspell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kdepalettes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'silverlight-media-pack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-capture-tiny' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kapptemplate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ncurses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pm-quirks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-theme-atelier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-klines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-chucknorris' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libvisual' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dbus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-agent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libbsd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ifplugd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libglapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hsqldb-java' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-attr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-step' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libstdc++5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-runtime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'curl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sentinella' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-xml-parser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'videoproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpufrequtils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cracklib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ksplash-theme-generator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mpg123' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kresources' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'less' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgpg-error' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'compositeproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgraphite' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-math' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libart-lgpl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-kscreensaver' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kwordquiz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nettle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-hitchhiker' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'smplayer-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kmtrace' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'redland' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-bdftopcf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcroco' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-cantor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openslp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'raptor1' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-wizards' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxrandr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'normalize' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qrencode' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-datetime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsoup-gnome' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nano' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archgames-mirrorlist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'verynice' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-sounds' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freeglut' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-tie-simple' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autojump' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-icontasks' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'asciidoc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'heirloom-mailx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libssh2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xpr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'module-init-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-fontconfig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libgcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-typo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-khangman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xkeyboard-config' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tar' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ktechlab' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ksplasherx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-parley' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'raptor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfakekey' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kprofilemethod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-javascript' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pygobject2-devel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-runtime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kig' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'orbit2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libiec61883' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blackglass-kdm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iana-etc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lua' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksquares' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgsf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quilt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libfetch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xauth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libirman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmspack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'poppler-data' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgnome-keyring' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bootchart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jasper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-mkfontdir' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'alsa-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'avahi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lzo2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'disktrim' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkb-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxmu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-good' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'expac-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'krename' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xinit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'beclock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libass' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtiff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sqlite3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glassified-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxrender' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lcms2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-bovo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'skype' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcddb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sysfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eject' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgksu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'partitionmanager' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cifs-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'x264' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glibmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libjpeg6' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'autopano-sift-c' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-liberation' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-bad' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bzip2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-themes-kdm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libshout' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'chmlib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'filesystem' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'grub-gfx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsoup' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xbacklight' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libftdi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-marble' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pacman-mirrorlist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmp4v2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-printer-applet' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gvolwheel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libkexiv2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-rcairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-ldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pcmciautils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-exiftool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'vi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'coreutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gconf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pangomm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-notify' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lesspipe' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-pango' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'musicbrainz' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'netpbm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvdnav' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kamera' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mediainfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'syslog-ng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libktorrent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-palapeli' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'msr-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openssl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hal-info' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-dolphin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tzdata' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'networkmanager' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'thinkwatt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ktron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'paconky' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'groff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'copypath-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plasma-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtk2-perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'faad2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python-pygame' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-regexp-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-calc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-python' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'akonadi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cloog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiothumbs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdm-theme-generator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'startup-notification' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdrm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-ubuntu-font-family' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libusb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kiriki' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gpm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ntfs-3g' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wiper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdbusmenu-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pkg-config' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-blinken' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rsync' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdetoys-kteatime' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxklavier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-bzip2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'udev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'neon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xaw3d' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-gwenview' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'usbutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'glibc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgme' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libplist' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ttf-bitstream-vera' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-umbrello' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kdepasswd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-glibc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kernel26-headers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kturtle' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mercurial' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kioslave' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-ktouch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qjson' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-kalarm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-base' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtirpc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'live-media' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kapman' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtfreader' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxml++' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hyphen-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcursor-themes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-granatier' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'a52dec' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'newessence-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kbd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openssh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksirk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libacpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdiscid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpeg2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'jack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'abs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamer0.10-base-plugins' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qtgstreamer-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegraphics-kgamma' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-l10n-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxfixes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'speex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'esound' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgssglue' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kblackbox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iscan-data' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxft' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-openssl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shared-mime-info' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fftw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'enchant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libogg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libqalculate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'facile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'faac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-kuser' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwdetect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plotutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-validator' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-lokalize' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gdk-pixbuf2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gputils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fixesproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mythes-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libasyncns' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gobject-introspection' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-ksudoku' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxaw' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'linux-firmware' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mysql-clients' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'conky-kde4-transparency' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpng12' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nss' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxvmc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mdk3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mdadm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-klinkstatus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxfixes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-100dpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'googsystray' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-gobject2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libldap' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdmx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xkbevd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mupdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'zip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-beanshell' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apache-ant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'getmediainfo-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'stress' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'shared-desktop-ontologies' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'befaded' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'atkmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xdelta' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'firefox-i18n-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-fonts-misc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libtiff' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-noname' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'crypto++' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-apps' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rtkit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-ktimer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'recordproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cryptsetup' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'scons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-it' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'findutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libidn' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openjpeg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rootactions-servicemenu-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-krb5' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcdaudio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-wiki-publisher' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ghostscript' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yajl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'librsvg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-udev' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'man-pages' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mcpp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libedit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libpciaccess' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gnuplot' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdedecor-aurorae-cupertino' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-font-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxau' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeedu-kbruch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libksba' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kde-login-themes-dont-wear' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cmatrix' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'system-config-printer-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sed' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'consolekit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-twm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libsm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-mkfontscale' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'automoc4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdenetwork-kdnssd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'playwolf-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mozilla-common' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hwd' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-life' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openobex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gettext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxinerama' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'isl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libical' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-cairo' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kollision' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ppp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'chromium-stable-libpdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libvpx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcursor-archcursorblue' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cyrus-sasl-gssapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dcron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libraw1394' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortunoid-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-kcron' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdatrie' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-hunart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'arch-artwork' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'i2c-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'liblrdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-flac' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'apr-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libebml' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pysmbc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kuiviewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-jack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gdb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcaca' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kwebkitpart' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-docs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gtkmm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eggdbus' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libkipi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-iceauth' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-sweeper' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmtp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtasn1' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'powertop-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-sdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libmng' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libarchive' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libvorbis' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dropbox-servicemenu' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'crunch' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'eventlog' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'licenses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'schroedinger' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdemultimedia-kioslave' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imlib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'plymouth-git' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'printproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lirc-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon-vlc' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sysvinit' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'quick-usb-formatter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gperf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kbreakout' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-oooblogger' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-libnotify' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-params-util' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmpcdec' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'unrar' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'customizable-weather-plasmoid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gen-init-cpio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxcb' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-ncurses' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libevent' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'intel-dri' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_gfx' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebindings-smoke' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libassuan' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cabextract' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xrefresh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'clucene' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-server-utils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libgphoto2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lvm2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'net-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libglapi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libieee1284' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'soprano' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libsasl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-modern-ksplash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'inputproto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'obex-data-server' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acpid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-alien-sdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsndfile' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'saxon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kstartperf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dvd+rw-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gstreamermm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kpatience' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wxgtk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xsensors' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imake' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsexy' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mesa' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aalib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acct' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fortune-mod-montypython' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'phonon-gstreamer' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-sqlite3' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'archlinux-special-wallpapers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxdamage' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pcre' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'imagemagick' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kbugbuster' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'wpa_supplicant' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mtools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'file' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxext' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gzip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'strigi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-emoticons' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxslt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libltdl' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-ark' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libreoffice-extension-report-builder' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-libkmahjongg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-libkdegames' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'flex' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'attica' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libtool-multilib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xmlrpc-c' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'nspr' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lapack' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-sip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'freealut' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-glib2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'terminus-font' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'polkit-qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'carbon-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'g95' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-katomic' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'feh' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'taglib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'mysql' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'postgresql-libs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gmp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxdmcp' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'openoffice-thumbnail-plugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dosbox' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'acpi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qt' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ggz-client-libs' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libxpm' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'cups-pdf' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'sdl_perl-old' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'tcp_wrappers' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-io-stty' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx86' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'audiokonverter' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-klickety' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'texlive-bin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'liboil' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-alsa-lib' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdv' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'bluez' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'p7zip' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-file-sharedir' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pciutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmodplug' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdesdk-kpartloader' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ruby-gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'compat-wireless-patched' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blackglass-splash' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libcdio' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xcb-proto' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'read-edid' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'fuse' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ethtool' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'yakuake-skin-plasma-oxygen-panel' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-konsole' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-libxrender' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kgpg' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdegames-kmines' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'qtcurve-kde4' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pygtk' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pycups' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'gcc-fortran' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libx11' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeartwork-styles' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'python2-distribute' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdebase-kfind' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'dosfstools' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libmikmod' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xcursorgen' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'rasqal' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdepim-console' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'which' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pangzero' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'perl-io-tty' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iproute2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iputils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'iso-codes' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'blas' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'xorg-xlsclients' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libdvbpsi' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'aurvote' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeutils-kcharselect' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'libsamplerate' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'djvulibre' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'hugin' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'lib32-gtk2' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'diffutils' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'k3b' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'kdeplasma-addons-applets-community' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'pam' to package cache for db 'local'
    debug: adding 'ddcxinfo-a

  • Pacman -Syu -- error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

    Hi! I'm upgrading my system after a lot of time, but I have this error:
    sudo pacman -Syu
    [sudo] password for elrengo:
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core 121,3 KiB 90,8K/s 00:01 [#######################################################################] 100%
    extra is up to date
    community 2,6 MiB 278K/s 00:10 [#######################################################################] 100%
    multilib is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    :: Replace gtk2-xfce-engine with extra/gtk-xfce-engine? [Y/n] y
    :: Replace gtk3-xfce-engine with extra/gtk-xfce-engine? [Y/n] y
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for conflicting packages...
    Packages (356) alsa-lib-1.0.29-1 alsa-plugins-1.0.29-2 alsa-utils-1.0.29-1 archlinux-keyring-20150212-1 autossh-1.4e-1 avahi-0.6.31-15 banshee-2.6.2-7 binutils-2.25-2 bluez-5.30-1
    bluez-libs-5.30-1 bluez-utils-5.30-1 ca-certificates-mozilla-3.18-3 cairo-1.14.2-1 cairo-perl-1.105-1 chromium-41.0.2272.118-1 clutter-1.20.0-4 cogl-1.20.0-1 colord-1.2.9-2
    curl-7.41.0-1 cvs-1.11.23-10 darktable-1.6.4-3 dbus-1.8.16-2 dbus-sharp-0.8.1-1 dbus-sharp-glib-0.6.0-1 dcraw-9.23.0-1 device-mapper-2.02.116-1 dhclient-4.3.2-1
    dhcpcd-6.8.1-1 dialog-1:1.2_20150225-1 djvulibre-3.5.27-1 dropbox-3.2.9-2 e2fsprogs-1.42.12-2 eclipse-4.4.2-1 elfutils-0.161-3 evince-3.14.2-1 exo-0.10.4-3
    farstream-0.1-0.1.2-5 ffmpeg-1:2.6.1-1 ffmpeg-compat-1:0.10.15-2 file-roller-3.14.2-2 filesystem-2015.02-1 filezilla-3.10.2-1 firefox-37.0.1-1 flashplugin-
    freerdp-1:1.2.0_beta1+android9-1 garcon-0.4.0-1 gcc-4.9.2-4 gcc-libs-4.9.2-4 gd-2.1.1-1 gdk-pixbuf2-2.31.3-1 ghostscript-9.16-1 giflib-5.1.1-1 gimp-ufraw-0.21-1 git-2.3.5-1
    glib-networking-2.42.1-1 glib2-2.42.2-1 glibc-2.21-2 gmp-6.0.0-2 gnome-menus-3.13.3-1 gnome-packagekit-3.14.2-2 gnupg-2.1.2-3 gnutls-3.3.14-2 grep-2.21-2 groff-1.22.3-3
    gsfonts-20150122-1 gst-plugins-ugly-1.4.5-2 gstreamer0.10-ugly-0.10.19-14 gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins-0.10.19-14 gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.27-1 gtk-xfce-engine-2.10.1-1
    gtk2-2.24.27-1 gtk2-xfce-engine-3.0.1-2 [removal] gtk3-3.14.9-1 gtk3-xfce-engine-3.0.1-2 [removal] gvfs-1.22.3-2 gvfs-gphoto2-1.22.3-2 gvfs-mtp-1.22.3-2 gvfs-smb-1.22.3-2
    harfbuzz-0.9.40-1 harfbuzz-icu-0.9.40-1 imagemagick- inxi-2.2.19-1 iproute2-3.19.0-1 iptables-1.4.21-3 kmod-20-1 krb5-1.13.1-1 ldb-1.1.20-1 lib32-alsa-lib-1.0.29-1
    lib32-alsa-plugins-1.0.29-2 lib32-cairo-1.14.2-1 lib32-curl-7.41.0-1 lib32-elfutils-0.161-2 lib32-flashplugin- lib32-gcc-libs-4.9.2-4 lib32-gdk-pixbuf2-2.31.3-2
    lib32-glib2-2.42.2-1 lib32-glibc-2.21-2 lib32-gnutls-3.3.13-1 lib32-gtk2-2.24.27-1 lib32-harfbuzz-0.9.40-1 lib32-krb5-1.13.1-1 lib32-libcups-2.0.2-1 lib32-libdbus-1.8.16-1
    lib32-libdrm-2.4.60-1 lib32-libgcrypt-1.6.3-1 lib32-libgpg-error-1.18-1 lib32-libidn-1.30-1 lib32-libpciaccess-0.13.3-1 lib32-libpulse-6.0-1 lib32-libtasn1-4.3-1
    lib32-libtiff-4.0.3-3 lib32-libx11-1.6.3-1 lib32-libxdmcp-1.1.2-1 lib32-libxxf86vm-1.1.4-1 lib32-llvm-libs-3.6.0-1 lib32-mesa-10.5.2-1 lib32-mesa-libgl-10.5.2-1
    lib32-nspr-4.10.8-1 lib32-nss-3.18-1 lib32-openssl-1.0.2.a-1 lib32-p11-kit-0.23.1-1 lib32-qt4-4.8.6-4 lib32-sqlite- lib32-wayland-1.7.0-1 lib32-xz-5.2.1-1
    libcacard-2.2.1-2 libcanberra-0.30-5 libcanberra-pulse-0.30-5 libcups-2.0.2-3 libdatrie-0.2.8-1 libdbus-1.8.16-2 libdc1394-2.2.3-1 libdrm-2.4.60-2 libevdev-1.4-1
    libgcrypt-1.6.3-2 libgphoto2-2.5.7-1 libgpod-0.8.3-4 libgsf-1.14.32-1 libical-1.0.1-2 libidn-1.30-1 libimobiledevice-1.2.0-1 libinput-0.13.0-1 libmm-glib-1.4.6-1
    libmpc-1.0.3-1 libndp-1.4-1 libnewt-0.52.18-2 libnice-0.1.10-1 libnm-glib-1.0.0-2 libplist-1.12-1 libproxy-0.4.11-5 libpulse-6.0-1 librsvg-1:2.40.9-1 libseccomp-2.2.0-1
    libsigc++-2.4.1-1 libsystemd-218-2 libtasn1-4.4-1 libteam-1.14-2 libthai-0.1.21-1 libtool-2.4.6-1 libunistring-0.9.5-1 libunwind-1.1-2 libusbmuxd-1.0.10-1 libuser-0.61-1
    libutil-linux-2.26.1-3 libvdpau-1.1-1 libvirt-1.2.14-1 libvirt-python-1.2.14-1 libwbclient-4.2.0-1 libwebp-0.4.3-1 libwnck-2.31.0-1 libx11-1.6.3-1 libx264-2:144.20150223-1
    libxdmcp-1.1.2-1 libxfce4util-4.12.1-1 libxfcegui4-4.10.0-4 libxfont-1.5.1-1 libxml++-2.38.0-1 libxvmc-1.0.9-1 libxxf86vm-1.1.4-1 linux-3.19.3-3 linux-api-headers-3.18.5-1
    linux-firmware-20150206.17657c3-1 linux-headers-3.19.3-3 lirc-1:0.9.2.a-1 llvm-libs-3.6.0-4 logrotate-3.8.9-1 lua-5.2.4-1 lua-bitop-1.0.2-5 lvm2-2.02.116-1 lz4-128-1
    lzo-2.09-1 man-pages-3.82-1 mc-4.8.14-1 media-player-info-22-1 mesa-10.5.2-1 mesa-libgl-10.5.2-1 mono-3.12.1-1 mousepad-0.4.0-1 mpg123-1.22.0-1 mplayer-37379-1
    mutagen-1.28-1 nano-2.4.0-1 networkmanager-1.0.0-2 nspr-4.10.8-1 nss-3.18-3 ntp-4.2.8.p2-1 openconnect-1:7.06-1 openssh-6.8p1-2 openssl-1.0.2.a-1 orage-4.10.0-2
    p11-kit-0.23.1-2 p7zip-9.38.1-1 packagekit-1.0.5-3 pacman-4.2.1-1 pacman-mirrorlist-20150315-1 parted-3.2-2 patch-2.7.5-1 pavucontrol-3.0-1 perl-5.20.2-1
    perl-date-calc-6.4-1 perl-error-0.17023-1 perl-image-exiftool-9.90-1 perl-net-dbus-1.1.0-1 perl-uri-1.67-1 perl-www-mechanize-1.74-1 perl-yaml-tiny-1.66-1 pinta-1.6-1
    playonlinux-4.2.6-1 polkit-gnome-0.105-2 poppler-0.31.0-1 poppler-glib-0.31.0-1 procps-ng-3.3.10-2 protobuf-c-1.1.0-1 pulseaudio-6.0-1 putty-0.64-1 pyqt4-common-4.11.3-4
    python-3.4.3-2 python-jedi-0.8.1-2 python-psutil-2.2.1-2 python2-numpy-1.9.2-2 python2-pybluez-0.20-3 python2-pycurl- python2-pyqt4-4.11.3-4 python2-sip-4.16.6-1
    qemu-2.2.1-2 qt5-base-5.4.1-2 qt5-script-5.4.1-2 randrproto-1.4.1-1 remmina-1:1.1.2-1 rhythmbox-3.1-3 ristretto-0.8.0-1 rtkit-0.11-5 ruby-2.2.1-1 samba-4.2.0-1
    scummvm-tools-1.7.0-1 seahorse-3.14.1-1 shadow-4.2.1-3 shared-mime-info-1.4-1 sharutils-4.15-1 shotwell-1:0.22.0-1 sip-4.16.6-1 slang-2.3.0-1 smbclient-4.2.0-1
    smplayer- speex-1.2rc2-1 speexdsp-1.2rc3-1 sqlite- sudo-1.8.13-1 systemd-218-2 systemd-sysvcompat-218-2 tangerine-icon-theme-0.27-3 tcpdump-4.7.3-1
    tevent-0.9.24-1 thunar-1.6.6-2 thunar-archive-plugin-0.3.1-5 thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.2.1-2 thunar-volman-0.8.1-1 tmux-1.9_a-2 totem-plparser-3.10.4-1 ttf-dejavu-2.34-2
    tumbler-0.1.31-1 tzdata-2015b-1 udisks2-2.1.5-1 unrar-1:5.2.6-1 unzip-6.0-10 upower-0.99.2-2 usbredir-0.7-1 util-linux-2.26.1-3 v4l-utils-1.6.2-1 vde2-2.3.2-7
    vim-7.4.663-2 vim-runtime-7.4.663-2 vim-surround-2.1-1 vim-syntastic-3.6.0-1 virt-install-1.1.0-6 virt-manager-1.1.0-6 virtualbox-4.3.26-2 virtualbox-host-modules-4.3.26-5
    vlc-2.2.0-2 volumeicon-0.5.1-1 wayland-1.7.0-1 wget-1.16.3-1 which-2.21-1 wildmidi-0.3.8-1 wine-1.7.40-1 x265-1.5-1 xdg-utils-1.1.0.git20150323-1 xf86-input-evdev-2.9.2-1
    xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2-2 xf86-video-intel-2.99.917-4 xfburn-0.5.2-2 xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0-1 xfce4-battery-plugin-1.0.5-4 xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.2.6-2
    xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1.1.1-2 xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.0.5-3 xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.6.2-4 xfce4-dict-0.7.1-1 xfce4-diskperf-plugin-2.5.5-1 xfce4-eyes-plugin-4.4.4-1
    xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.0.2-4 xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0-3 xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.2.0-5 xfce4-mixer-4.11.0-2 xfce4-mount-plugin-0.6.7-3 xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.4.5-1
    xfce4-netload-plugin-1.2.4-2 xfce4-notes-plugin-1.7.7-7 xfce4-notifyd-0.2.4-2 xfce4-panel-4.12.0-1 xfce4-power-manager-1.4.4-1 xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin-1.9.4-10
    xfce4-screenshooter-1.8.2-2 xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.2.6-2 xfce4-session-4.12.1-2 xfce4-settings-4.12.0-3 xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.4.6-1 xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.1.2-2
    xfce4-terminal-0.6.3-2 xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.0.2-1 xfce4-timer-plugin-1.6.0-3 xfce4-verve-plugin-1.0.1-2 xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.5.12-1 xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.5-2
    xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-1.5.0-2 xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.7.1-2 xfconf-4.12.0-1 xfdesktop-4.12.1-2 xfwm4-4.12.2-1 xorg-font-util-1.3.1-1 xorg-fonts-misc-1.0.3-3
    xorg-server-1.17.1-4 xorg-server-common-1.17.1-4 xorg-xinit-1.3.4-2 xterm-317-1 xz-5.2.1-1
    Total Download Size: 61,68 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 3268,50 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 49,45 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages ...
    linux-3.19.3-3-x86_64 55,5 MiB 244K/s 03:53 [#######################################################################] 100%
    linux-headers-3.19.3-3-x86_64 6,2 MiB 290K/s 00:22 [#######################################################################] 100%
    (354/354) checking keys in keyring [#######################################################################] 100%
    (354/354) checking package integrity [#######################################################################] 100%
    (354/354) loading package files [#######################################################################] 100%
    (354/354) checking for file conflicts [#######################################################################] 100%
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    libvirt: /var/lib/libvirt/images exists in filesystem
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    libvirt: /var/lib/libvirt/images exists in filesystem
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    I found it in Wiki bu I do not know what I need to do
    [elrengo@xpsl421x]$ ls -l /var/lib/libvirt/images
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 49 dic 8 00:05 /var/lib/libvirt/images -> /home/elrengo/VirtualMachines/kvm/libvirt/images/
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by elrengo (2015-04-08 18:12:25)

    ewaller wrote:What did pacman -Qo thePath/theFileNameInTheErrorMessage say? You need to Querry what package owns that conflicting file
    Last edited by karol (2015-04-08 18:56:06)

  • [SOLVED] Pacman strange behavior from last system upgrade

    From last august, pacman complains when I try a system update.
    He says that a lot of local packages are more recent than proposed:
    # pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronisation des bases de données de paquets...
    core est à jour;
    extra est à jour;
    community est à jour;
    :: Début de la mise à jour complète du système...
    Avertissement: a52dec: la version locale (0.7.4-5) est plus récente que extra (0.7.4-4)
    ... #the full stdout is @ the end
    Avertissement: usbutils: la version locale (004-1) est plus récente que core (0.87-1)
    :: Remplacer util-linux par core/util-linux-ng ? [O/n] o
    A depency error occurs if I answere 'O':
    Avertissement: vde2: la version locale (2.3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.3-1)
    ... #the full stdout is @ the end
    Avertissement: zlib: la version locale (1.2.5-4) est plus récente que core (1.2.5-2)
    résolution des dépendances...
    recherche des conflits entre paquets...
    Erreur: la préparation de la transaction a échoué (la satisfaction des dépendances a échoué)
    :: mkinitcpio: requiert util-linux>=2.19
    The last good upgrade is on 2011.08.30:
    [2011-08-18 22:32] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-18 22:32] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-18 22:32] starting full system upgrade
    ... #the full stdout is @ the end
    [2011-08-30 23:43] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-30 23:43] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-30 23:44] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-30 23:44] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
    [2011-08-30 23:44] upgraded lzo2 (2.05-1 -> 2.06-1)
    [2011-08-30 23:44] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    Here is the full stdouts:
    # pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronisation des bases de données de paquets...
    core est à jour;
    extra est à jour;
    community est à jour;
    :: Début de la mise à jour complète du système...
    Avertissement: a52dec: la version locale (0.7.4-5) est plus récente que extra (0.7.4-4)
    Avertissement: aalib: la version locale (1.4rc5-8) est plus récente que extra (1.4rc5-6)
    Avertissement: acl: la version locale (2.2.51-1) est plus récente que core (2.2.49-1)
    Avertissement: acpi: la version locale (1.5-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4-2)
    Avertissement: acpid: la version locale (2.0.10-2) est plus récente que extra (1.0.10-3)
    Avertissement: acpitool: la version locale (0.5.1-3) est plus récente que community (0.5.1-1)
    Avertissement: alsa-lib: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (1.0.23-1)
    Avertissement: alsa-utils: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (1.0.23-2)
    Avertissement: apr: la version locale (1.4.5-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: apr-util: la version locale (1.3.12-2) est plus récente que extra (1.3.9-4)
    Avertissement: artwiz-fonts: la version locale (1.3-6) est plus récente que extra (1.3-5)
    Avertissement: aspell: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (0.60.6-4)
    Avertissement: atk: la version locale (2.0.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.30.0-1)
    Avertissement: attr: la version locale (2.4.46-1) est plus récente que core (2.4.44-1)
    Avertissement: audacity: la version locale (1.3.13-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.12-3)
    Avertissement: aufs2-util: la version locale (20110314-1) est plus récente que extra (20100517-1)
    Avertissement: autoconf: la version locale (2.68-1) est plus récente que core (2.66-2)
    Avertissement: automake: la version locale (1.11.1-2) est plus récente que core (1.11.1-1)
    Avertissement: avahi: la version locale (0.6.30-5) est plus récente que extra (0.6.25-3)
    Avertissement: babl: la version locale (0.1.4-1) est plus récente que extra (0.1.2-1)
    Avertissement: bash: la version locale (4.2.010-1) est plus récente que core (4.1.007-1)
    Avertissement: bash-completion: la version locale (1.3-2) est plus récente que extra (1.2-1)
    Avertissement: bin86: la version locale (0.16.18-1) est plus récente que core (0.16.17-4)
    Avertissement: binutils: la version locale (2.21.1-2) est plus récente que core (2.20.1-3)
    Avertissement: bison: la version locale (2.5-1) est plus récente que core (2.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: bluez: la version locale (4.96-1) est plus récente que extra (4.69-1)
    Avertissement: boost-libs: la version locale (1.47.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.43.0-1)
    Avertissement: bzip2: la version locale (1.0.6-1) est plus récente que core (1.0.5-5)
    Avertissement: cabextract: la version locale (1.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2-2)
    Avertissement: ca-certificates: la version locale (20110502-1) est plus récente que core (20090814-3)
    Avertissement: cairo: la version locale (1.10.2-2) est plus récente que extra (1.8.10-1)
    Avertissement: cairomm: la version locale (1.10.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.8.4-1)
    Avertissement: cdparanoia: la version locale (10.2-3) est plus récente que extra (10.2-2)
    Avertissement: cdrkit: la version locale (1.1.11-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.10-1)
    Avertissement: chromium: la version locale (13.0.782.215-1) est plus récente que extra (5.0.375.99-1)
    Avertissement: clamav: la version locale (0.97.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.96.1-1)
    Avertissement: compositeproto: la version locale (0.4.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4.1-1)
    Avertissement: coreutils: la version locale (8.12-3) est plus récente que core (8.5-2)
    Avertissement: cracklib: la version locale (2.8.18-1) est plus récente que core (2.8.16-1)
    Avertissement: cryptsetup: la version locale (1.3.1-2) est plus récente que core (1.1.3-1)
    Avertissement: ctags: la version locale (5.8-2) est plus récente que extra (5.8-1)
    Avertissement: curl: la version locale (7.21.7-1) est plus récente que extra (7.21.0-1)
    Avertissement: damageproto: la version locale (1.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.0-1)
    Avertissement: dash: la version locale (0.5.7-2) est plus récente que core (
    Avertissement: db: la version locale (5.2.28-1) est plus récente que core (4.8.26-2)
    Avertissement: dbus: la version locale (1.4.14-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.24-1)
    Avertissement: dbus-core: la version locale (1.4.14-1) est plus récente que core (1.2.24-1)
    Avertissement: dbus-glib: la version locale (0.94-2) est plus récente que extra (0.86-1)
    Avertissement: dcron: la version locale (4.5-2) est plus récente que core (4.4-2)
    Avertissement: ddrescue: la version locale (1.14-1) est plus récente que extra (1.11-1)
    Avertissement: desktop-file-utils: la version locale (0.18-1) est plus récente que extra (0.16-1)
    Avertissement: device-mapper: la version locale (2.02.88-1) est plus récente que core (2.02.70-1)
    Avertissement: dhcpcd: la version locale (5.2.12-1) est plus récente que core (5.2.5-1)
    Avertissement: dia: la version locale (0.97.1-4) est plus récente que extra (0.97.1-1)
    Avertissement: dialog: la version locale (1.1_20110707-1) est plus récente que core (1.1_20100428-1)
    Avertissement: diffutils: la version locale (3.1-1) est plus récente que core (3.0-1)
    Avertissement: django: la version locale (1.3-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.1-1)
    Avertissement: dmxproto: la version locale (2.3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.3-1)
    Avertissement: dnsutils: la version locale (9.8.0.P4-1) est plus récente que core (9.6.1-3)
    Avertissement: dosfstools: la version locale (3.0.11-1) est plus récente que extra (3.0.9-1)
    Avertissement: dvdauthor: la version locale (0.7.0-1) est plus récente que extra (0.6.14-7)
    Avertissement: e2fsprogs: la version locale (1.41.14-1) est plus récente que core (1.41.12-1)
    Avertissement: ed: la version locale (1.5-2) est plus récente que core (1.4-2)
    Avertissement: eject: la version locale (2.1.5-7) est plus récente que extra (2.1.5-4)
    Avertissement: encfs: la version locale (1.7.4-5) est plus récente que community (1.6-1)
    Avertissement: enchant: la version locale (1.6.0-3) est plus récente que extra (1.6.0-1)
    Avertissement: epdfview: la version locale (0.1.8-1) est plus récente que extra (0.1.7-5)
    Avertissement: eventlog: la version locale (0.2.12-2) est plus récente que core (0.2.12-1)
    Avertissement: exiv2: la version locale (0.21.1-2) est plus récente que extra (0.19-1)
    Avertissement: exo: la version locale (0.6.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.3.107-1)
    Avertissement: expat: la version locale (2.0.1-6) est plus récente que core (2.0.1-5)
    Avertissement: faad2: la version locale (2.7-2) est plus récente que extra (2.7-1)
    Avertissement: fakeroot: la version locale (1.17-1) est plus récente que core (1.14.4-2)
    Avertissement: ffmpeg: la version locale (20110724-1) est plus récente que extra (24460-1)
    Avertissement: ffmpegthumbnailer: la version locale (2.0.6-1) est plus récente que community (2.0.2-2)
    Avertissement: file: la version locale (5.08-1) est plus récente que core (5.04-2)
    Avertissement: filesystem: la version locale (2011.08-1) est plus récente que core (2010.02-4)
    Avertissement: findutils: la version locale (4.4.2-3) est plus récente que core (4.4.2-2)
    Avertissement: firefox: la version locale (6.0-1) est plus récente que extra (3.6.8-1)
    Avertissement: firefox-i18n: la version locale (6.0-2) est plus récente que extra (3.6.8-1)
    Avertissement: fixesproto: la version locale (5.0-1) est plus récente que extra (4.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: flac: la version locale (1.2.1-3) est plus récente que extra (1.2.1-2)
    Avertissement: flashplugin: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: flex: la version locale (2.5.35-4) est plus récente que core (2.5.35-3)
    Avertissement: fontsproto: la version locale (2.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.1.0-1)
    Avertissement: freerdp: la version locale (0.8.2-3) est plus récente que community (0.7.2-1)
    Avertissement: freetype2: la version locale (2.4.6-1) est plus récente que extra (2.4.1-1)
    Avertissement: fuse: la version locale (2.8.5-1) est plus récente que extra (2.8.4-2)
    Avertissement: gamin: la version locale (0.1.10-5) est plus récente que community (0.1.10-2)
    Avertissement: gawk: la version locale (4.0.0-1) est plus récente que core (3.1.8-1)
    Avertissement: gc: la version locale (7.1-3) est plus récente que extra (7.1-1)
    Avertissement: gcc: la version locale (4.6.1-4) est plus récente que core (4.5.0-6)
    Avertissement: gcc-libs: la version locale (4.6.1-4) est plus récente que core (4.5.0-6)
    Avertissement: gdbm: la version locale (1.8.3-8) est plus récente que core (1.8.3-7)
    Avertissement: geany: la version locale (0.20-1) est plus récente que community (0.19-1)
    Avertissement: gegl: la version locale (0.1.6-1) est plus récente que extra (0.1.2-1)
    Avertissement: gen-init-cpio: la version locale (2.6.36-1) est plus récente que core (2.6.32-1)
    Avertissement: gettext: la version locale ( est plus récente que core (
    Avertissement: ghostscript: la version locale (9.04-5) est plus récente que extra (8.71-3)
    Avertissement: giflib: la version locale (4.1.6-4) est plus récente que extra (4.1.6-3)
    Avertissement: gimp: la version locale (2.6.11-6) est plus récente que extra (2.6.9-1)
    Avertissement: git: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (1.7.2-1)
    Avertissement: glade: la version locale (3.10.0-2) est plus récente que extra (3.6.7-1)
    Avertissement: glib2: la version locale (2.28.8-1) est plus récente que core (2.24.1-1)
    Avertissement: glibc: la version locale (2.14-5) est plus récente que core (2.12-4)
    Avertissement: glibmm: la version locale (2.28.2-1) est plus récente que extra (2.24.2-1)
    Avertissement: gmp: la version locale (5.0.2-3) est plus récente que core (5.0.1-1)
    Avertissement: gnome-disk-utility: la version locale (3.0.2-1) est plus récente que extra (2.30.1-1)
    Avertissement: gnome-icon-theme: la version locale (3.0.0-2) est plus récente que extra (2.30.3-1)
    Avertissement: gnupg: la version locale (1.4.11-3) est plus récente que extra (1.4.10-2)
    Avertissement: gnutls: la version locale (3.0.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.8.6-1)
    Avertissement: gobject-introspection: la version locale (0.10.8-1) est plus récente que extra (0.6.14-1)
    Avertissement: gpicview: la version locale (0.2.2-1) est plus récente que community (0.2.1-3)
    Avertissement: gpm: la version locale (1.20.6-6) est plus récente que core (1.20.6-5)
    Avertissement: grep: la version locale (2.9-1) est plus récente que core (2.6.3-1)
    Avertissement: groff: la version locale (1.21-1) est plus récente que core (1.20.1-4)
    Avertissement: grub: la version locale (0.97-20) est plus récente que core (0.97-17)
    Avertissement: gsl: la version locale (1.15-1) est plus récente que extra (1.14-1)
    Avertissement: gstreamer0.10: la version locale (0.10.35-1) est plus récente que extra (0.10.29-1)
    Avertissement: gstreamer0.10-base: la version locale (0.10.35-1) est plus récente que extra (0.10.29-1)
    Avertissement: gtk2: la version locale (2.24.5-3) est plus récente que extra (2.20.1-2)
    Avertissement: gtk-engines: la version locale (2.20.2-1) est plus récente que extra (2.20.1-1)
    Avertissement: gtkmm: la version locale (2.24.2-1) est plus récente que extra (2.20.3-1)
    Avertissement: gtksourceview2: la version locale (2.10.5-1) est plus récente que extra (2.10.4-1)
    Avertissement: gtk-vnc: la version locale (0.4.3-2) est plus récente que extra (0.3.10-1)
    Avertissement: gv: la version locale (3.7.2-1) est plus récente que extra (3.7.1-1)
    Avertissement: gvfs: la version locale (1.8.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.6.3-1)
    Avertissement: gvfs-smb: la version locale (1.8.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.6.3-1)
    Avertissement: gvim: la version locale (7.3.266-1) est plus récente que extra (7.2-1)
    Avertissement: gzip: la version locale (1.4-2) est plus récente que core (1.4-1)
    Avertissement: hdparm: la version locale (9.37-1) est plus récente que core (9.28-1)
    Avertissement: hexedit: la version locale (1.2.12-4) est plus récente que extra (1.2.12-2)
    Avertissement: hgsvn: la version locale (0.1.8-3) est plus récente que community (0.1.8-1)
    Avertissement: hunspell: la version locale (1.3.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.12-1)
    Avertissement: hyphen: la version locale (2.7.1-2) est plus récente que extra (2.5-1)
    Avertissement: icon-naming-utils: la version locale (0.8.90-2) est plus récente que extra (0.8.90-1)
    Avertissement: icu: la version locale (4.8.1-1) est plus récente que extra (4.4.1-1)
    Avertissement: imagemagick: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: initscripts: la version locale (2011.07.3-1) est plus récente que core (2010.07-1)
    Avertissement: inkscape: la version locale (0.48.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.47-4)
    Avertissement: inputproto: la version locale (2.0.2-1) est plus récente que extra (2.0-1)
    Avertissement: intel-dri: la version locale (7.11-1) est plus récente que extra (7.8.2-1)
    Avertissement: iproute2: la version locale (2.6.39-1) est plus récente que core (2.6.34-2)
    Avertissement: iptables: la version locale (1.4.12-2) est plus récente que core (1.4.8-1)
    Avertissement: iputils: la version locale (20101006-1) est plus récente que core (20100214-2)
    Avertissement: ipython: la version locale (0.11-1) est plus récente que community (0.10-4)
    Avertissement: jack: la version locale (0.121.2-2) est plus récente que extra (0.118.0-3)
    Avertissement: jasper: la version locale (1.900.1-6) est plus récente que extra (1.900.1-5)
    Avertissement: jdk: la version locale (7-3) est plus récente que community (6u20-1)
    Avertissement: jre: la version locale (7-3) est plus récente que community (6u20-1)
    Avertissement: kbd: la version locale (1.15.3-1) est plus récente que core (1.15.2-1)
    Avertissement: kbproto: la version locale (1.0.5-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.4-1)
    Avertissement: lcms: la version locale (1.19-1) est plus récente que extra (1.18-3)
    Avertissement: less: la version locale (444-1) est plus récente que core (436-1)
    Avertissement: libao: la version locale (1.1.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.0-2)
    Avertissement: libarchive: la version locale (2.8.4-2) est plus récente que core (2.8.4-1)
    Avertissement: libass: la version locale (0.9.13-1) est plus récente que extra (0.9.9-1)
    Avertissement: libasyncns: la version locale (0.8-3) est plus récente que community (0.8-2)
    Avertissement: libcanberra: la version locale (0.28-1) est plus récente que extra (0.23-1)
    Avertissement: libcap: la version locale (2.22-1) est plus récente que core (2.19-1)
    Avertissement: libcups: la version locale (1.4.8-2) est plus récente que extra (1.4.4-1)
    Avertissement: libdatrie: la version locale (0.2.4-1) est plus récente que extra (0.2.3-1)
    Avertissement: libdmx: la version locale (1.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.0-1)
    Avertissement: libdrm: la version locale (2.4.26-1) est plus récente que extra (2.4.21-1)
    Avertissement: libdvdcss: la version locale (1.2.10-2) est plus récente que extra (1.2.10-1.1)
    Avertissement: libedit: la version locale (20110802_3.0-1) est plus récente que extra (20090923_3.0-1)
    Avertissement: libevent: la version locale (2.0.12-1) est plus récente que core (1.4.14b-1)
    Avertissement: libexif: la version locale (0.6.20-1) est plus récente que extra (0.6.19-1)
    Avertissement: libfetch: la version locale (2.33-3) est plus récente que core (2.32-1)
    Avertissement: libffi: la version locale (3.0.10-1) est plus récente que extra (3.0.9-1)
    Avertissement: libfontenc: la version locale (1.1.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libftdi: la version locale (0.19-1) est plus récente que extra (0.18-1)
    Avertissement: libgcrypt: la version locale (1.5.0-1) est plus récente que core (1.4.6-1)
    Avertissement: libgl: la version locale (7.11-1) est plus récente que extra (7.8.2-1)
    Avertissement: libglade: la version locale (2.6.4-2) est plus récente que extra (2.6.4-1)
    Avertissement: libgnome-keyring: la version locale (3.0.3-1) est plus récente que extra (2.30.1-1)
    Avertissement: libgpg-error: la version locale (1.10-1) est plus récente que core (1.7-3)
    Avertissement: libgssglue: la version locale (0.3-1) est plus récente que core (0.1-2)
    Avertissement: libice: la version locale (1.0.7-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.6-1)
    Avertissement: libid3tag: la version locale (0.15.1b-6) est plus récente que extra (0.15.1b-5)
    Avertissement: libldap: la version locale (2.4.26-3) est plus récente que core (2.4.22-1)
    Avertissement: libmad: la version locale (0.15.1b-5) est plus récente que extra (0.15.1b-4)
    Avertissement: libmpc: la version locale (0.9-2) est plus récente que core (0.8.2-2)
    Avertissement: libmpeg2: la version locale (0.5.1-3) est plus récente que extra (0.5.1-1)
    Avertissement: libnotify: la version locale (0.7.4-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4.5-1.1)
    Avertissement: libogg: la version locale (1.3.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.0-1)
    Avertissement: libpcap: la version locale (1.1.1-2) est plus récente que core (1.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: libpciaccess: la version locale (0.12.1-1) est plus récente que extra (0.11.0-1)
    Avertissement: libpng: la version locale (1.4.8-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4.3-1)
    Avertissement: libproxy: la version locale (0.4.7-1) est plus récente que extra (0.3.1-1)
    Avertissement: librsvg: la version locale (2.34.0-1) est plus récente que extra (2.26.3-1)
    Avertissement: libsamplerate: la version locale (0.1.8-1) est plus récente que extra (0.1.7-1)
    Avertissement: libsasl: la version locale (2.1.23-7) est plus récente que core (2.1.23-4)
    Avertissement: libsigc++: la version locale (2.2.10-1) est plus récente que extra (2.2.8-1)
    Avertissement: libsm: la version locale (1.2.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: libsndfile: la version locale (1.0.25-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.21-1)
    Avertissement: libsoup: la version locale (2.34.3-1) est plus récente que extra (2.30.2-1)
    Avertissement: libsoup-gnome: la version locale (2.34.3-1) est plus récente que extra (2.30.2-1)
    Avertissement: libtasn1: la version locale (2.9-1) est plus récente que extra (2.6-1)
    Avertissement: libtextcat: la version locale (2.2-8) est plus récente que community (2.2-6)
    Avertissement: libthai: la version locale (0.1.15-1) est plus récente que extra (0.1.14-1)
    Avertissement: libtiff: la version locale (3.9.5-1) est plus récente que extra (3.9.4-1)
    Avertissement: libtirpc: la version locale (0.2.2-2) est plus récente que core (0.2.1-1)
    Avertissement: libtool: la version locale (2.4-4) est plus récente que core (2.2.10-1)
    Avertissement: libusb: la version locale (1.0.8-1) est plus récente que core (0.1.12-4)
    Avertissement: libva: la version locale (1.0.14-1) est plus récente que extra (0.31.0_p13-2)
    Avertissement: libvdpau: la version locale (0.4.1-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4-1)
    Avertissement: libvorbis: la version locale (1.3.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.1-1)
    Avertissement: libvpx: la version locale (0.9.7.p1-1) est plus récente que extra (0.9.1-1)
    Avertissement: libwmf: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: libwpd: la version locale (0.9.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.8.14-1)
    Avertissement: libx11: la version locale (1.4.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.4-1)
    Avertissement: libxau: la version locale (1.0.6-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libxaw: la version locale (1.0.9-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.7-1)
    Avertissement: libxcb: la version locale (1.7-2) est plus récente que extra (1.6-1)
    Avertissement: libxcomposite: la version locale (0.4.3-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: libxcursor: la version locale (1.1.12-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.10-1)
    Avertissement: libxdmcp: la version locale (1.1.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.3-1)
    Avertissement: libxext: la version locale (1.3.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.2-1)
    Avertissement: libxfce4util: la version locale (4.8.1-2) est plus récente que extra (4.6.2-1)
    Avertissement: libxfixes: la version locale (5.0-1) est plus récente que extra (4.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libxfont: la version locale (1.4.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: libxft: la version locale (2.2.0-1) est plus récente que extra (2.1.14-1)
    Avertissement: libxi: la version locale (1.4.3-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3-2)
    Avertissement: libxinerama: la version locale (1.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1-1)
    Avertissement: libxkbfile: la version locale (1.0.7-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.6-1)
    Avertissement: libxml2: la version locale (2.7.8-1) est plus récente que extra (2.7.7-1)
    Avertissement: libxmu: la version locale (1.1.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libxpm: la version locale (3.5.9-1) est plus récente que extra (3.5.8-1)
    Avertissement: libxrandr: la version locale (1.3.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.0-1)
    Avertissement: libxslt: la version locale (1.1.26-2) est plus récente que extra (1.1.26-1)
    Avertissement: libxss: la version locale (1.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.0-1)
    Avertissement: libxt: la version locale (1.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.8-1)
    Avertissement: libxtst: la version locale (1.2.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.0-1)
    Avertissement: libxv: la version locale (1.0.6-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libxvmc: la version locale (1.0.6-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.5-1)
    Avertissement: libxxf86dga: la version locale (1.1.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: libxxf86vm: la version locale (1.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.0-1)
    Avertissement: licenses: la version locale (2.8-1) est plus récente que core (2.6-1)
    Avertissement: linux-api-headers: la version locale (3.0.1-1) est plus récente que core (2.6.34-1)
    Avertissement: linux-firmware: la version locale (20110727-1) est plus récente que core (20100623-2)
    Avertissement: lirc-utils: la version locale (1:0.9.0-6) est plus récente que extra (0.8.6-3)
    Avertissement: logrotate: la version locale (3.8.0-2) est plus récente que core (3.7.8-1)
    Avertissement: lpsolve: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: lshw: la version locale (B.02.15-1) est plus récente que community (B.02.14-2)
    Avertissement: lsof: la version locale (4.84-3) est plus récente que extra (4.83-1)
    Avertissement: lua: la version locale (5.1.4-6) est plus récente que extra (5.1.4-5)
    Avertissement: lvm2: la version locale (2.02.88-1) est plus récente que core (2.02.70-1)
    Avertissement: lzo2: la version locale (2.06-1) est plus récente que core (2.03-1)
    Avertissement: lzop: la version locale (1.03-1) est plus récente que extra (1.02rc1-4)
    Avertissement: m4: la version locale (1.4.16-1) est plus récente que core (1.4.14-2)
    Avertissement: make: la version locale (3.82-3) est plus récente que core (3.81-5)
    Avertissement: man-db: la version locale ( est plus récente que core (2.5.7-1)
    Avertissement: man-pages: la version locale (3.32-1) est plus récente que core (3.25-1)
    Avertissement: mdadm: la version locale (3.2.2-3) est plus récente que core (3.1.2-2)
    Avertissement: meld: la version locale (1.5.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.1-2)
    Avertissement: mercurial: la version locale (1.9.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.6-1)
    Avertissement: mesa: la version locale (7.11-1) est plus récente que extra (7.8.2-1)
    Avertissement: mime-types: la version locale (8-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0-3)
    Avertissement: mkinitcpio: la version locale (0.7.2-1) est plus récente que core (0.6.7-1)
    Avertissement: mkinitcpio-busybox: la version locale (1.18.5-1) est plus récente que core (1.16.2-1)
    Avertissement: mlocate: la version locale (0.24-1) est plus récente que core (0.22.4-1)
    Avertissement: moc: la version locale (20110528-3) est plus récente que extra (2.4.4-2)
    Avertissement: module-init-tools: la version locale (3.16-1) est plus récente que core (3.11.1-2)
    Avertissement: mpfr: la version locale (3.0.1.p4-2) est plus récente que core (3.0.0-1)
    Avertissement: mpg123: la version locale (1.13.3-2) est plus récente que extra (1.12.3-1)
    Avertissement: mplayer: la version locale (34007-1) est plus récente que extra (31774-1)
    Avertissement: namcap: la version locale (3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.6-1)
    Avertissement: nano: la version locale (2.2.6-1) est plus récente que core (2.2.4-1)
    Avertissement: nbd: la version locale (2.9.23-1) est plus récente que community (2.9.15-1)
    Avertissement: ncurses: la version locale (5.9-1) est plus récente que core (5.7-3)
    Avertissement: neon: la version locale (0.29.6-2) est plus récente que extra (0.29.3-2)
    Avertissement: netpbm: la version locale (10.47.24-1) est plus récente que extra (10.47.16-1)
    Avertissement: net-tools: la version locale (1.60-18) est plus récente que core (1.60-14)
    Avertissement: nmap: la version locale (5.51-1) est plus récente que extra (5.21-2)
    Avertissement: nspr: la version locale (4.8.9-1) est plus récente que extra (4.8.4-1)
    Avertissement: nss: la version locale (3.12.11-1) est plus récente que extra (3.12.6-3)
    Avertissement: ntfs-3g: la version locale (2011.4.12-1) est plus récente que extra (2010.5.22-1)
    Avertissement: obconf: la version locale (2.0.3.git20100309-2) est plus récente que extra (2.0.3-3)
    Avertissement: openbox: la version locale (3.5.0-4) est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: openssh: la version locale (5.8p2-9) est plus récente que core (5.5p1-1)
    Avertissement: openssl: la version locale (1.0.0.d-1) est plus récente que core (1.0.0.a-2)
    Avertissement: orc: la version locale (0.4.14-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4.6-1)
    Avertissement: p7zip: la version locale (9.20.1-4) est plus récente que extra (9.13-2)
    Avertissement: pacman: la version locale (3.5.4-4) est plus récente que core (3.4.0-2)
    Avertissement: pacman-mirrorlist: la version locale (20110816-1) est plus récente que core (20100621-1)
    Avertissement: pam: la version locale (1.1.4-1) est plus récente que core (1.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: pango: la version locale (1.28.4-3) est plus récente que extra (1.28.1-1)
    Avertissement: pangomm: la version locale (2.28.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.26.2-1)
    Avertissement: parted: la version locale (3.0-3) est plus récente que extra (2.3-1)
    Avertissement: patch: la version locale (2.6.1-2) est plus récente que core (2.6.1-1)
    Avertissement: pciutils: la version locale (3.1.7-4) est plus récente que core (3.1.7-1)
    Avertissement: pcmciautils: la version locale (018-1) est plus récente que core (017-1)
    Avertissement: pcre: la version locale (8.13-2) est plus récente que core (8.10-1)
    Avertissement: perl: la version locale (5.14.1-3) est plus récente que core (5.10.1-5)
    Avertissement: perl-error: la version locale (0.17016-2) est plus récente que extra (0.17016-1)
    Avertissement: perl-xml-parser: la version locale (2.41-1) est plus récente que extra (2.36-6)
    Avertissement: perl-xml-simple: la version locale (2.18-3) est plus récente que extra (2.18-2)
    Avertissement: pixman: la version locale (0.22.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.18.2-1)
    Avertissement: pkg-config: la version locale (0.26-1) est plus récente que core (0.25-2)
    Avertissement: polkit: la version locale (0.101-2) est plus récente que extra (0.96-2)
    Avertissement: poppler: la version locale (0.16.7-1) est plus récente que extra (0.14.0-1)
    Avertissement: poppler-data: la version locale (0.4.4-1) est plus récente que extra (0.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: poppler-glib: la version locale (0.16.7-1) est plus récente que extra (0.14.0-1)
    Avertissement: popt: la version locale (1.16-3) est plus récente que core (1.16-2)
    Avertissement: powertop: la version locale (1.13-2) est plus récente que community (1.11-2)
    Avertissement: ppl: la version locale (0.11.2-2) est plus récente que core (0.10.2-3)
    Avertissement: procinfo-ng: la version locale (2.0.304-2) est plus récente que core (2.0.304-1)
    Avertissement: procps: la version locale (3.2.8-4) est plus récente que core (3.2.8-1)
    Avertissement: psmisc: la version locale (22.14-1) est plus récente que core (22.11-1)
    Avertissement: pv: la version locale (1.2.0-1) est plus récente que community (1.1.4-4)
    Avertissement: pygobject: la version locale (2.28.6-1) est plus récente que extra (2.21.3-1)
    Avertissement: pygtk: la version locale (2.24.0-2) est plus récente que extra (2.17.0-1)
    Avertissement: pygtksourceview2: la version locale (2.10.1-3) est plus récente que extra (2.10.1-1)
    Avertissement: python: la version locale (3.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.6.5-3)
    Avertissement: python-lxml: la version locale (2.3-1) est plus récente que extra (2.2.6-1)
    Avertissement: python-pexpect: la version locale (2.3-4) est plus récente que community (2.3-3)
    Avertissement: python-pychart: la version locale (1.39-5) est plus récente que community (1.39-4)
    Avertissement: python-pypdf: la version locale (1.13-1) est plus récente que community (1.12-4)
    Avertissement: python-reportlab: la version locale (2.5-1) est plus récente que community (2.4-1)
    Avertissement: python-virtualenv: la version locale (1.6.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4.9-1)
    Avertissement: pyxml: la version locale (0.8.4-8) est plus récente que extra (0.8.4-6)
    Avertissement: qemu-kvm: la version locale (0.15.0-2) est plus récente que extra (0.12.4-2)
    Avertissement: randrproto: la version locale (1.3.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.3.1-1)
    Avertissement: raptor: la version locale (2.0.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.4.21-1)
    Avertissement: rasqal: la version locale (1:0.9.27-1) est plus récente que extra (0.9.19-2)
    Avertissement: rdesktop: la version locale (1.7.0-2) est plus récente que extra (1.6.0-5)
    Avertissement: readline: la version locale (6.2.001-2) est plus récente que core (6.1.002-1)
    Avertissement: recode: la version locale (3.6-6) est plus récente que extra (3.6-5)
    Avertissement: recordproto: la version locale (1.14.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.14-1)
    Avertissement: redland: la version locale (1:1.0.14-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.10-2)
    Avertissement: renderproto: la version locale (0.11.1-1) est plus récente que extra (0.11-1)
    Avertissement: rsync: la version locale (3.0.8-2) est plus récente que extra (3.0.7-1)
    Avertissement: ruby: la version locale (1.9.2_p290-1) est plus récente que extra (1.9.1_p429-1)
    Avertissement: run-parts: la version locale (4.0.2-1) est plus récente que core (3.2.3-1)
    Avertissement: sakura: la version locale (2.4.2-1) est plus récente que community (2.3.8-1)
    Avertissement: schroedinger: la version locale (1.0.10-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.9-1)
    Avertissement: scrnsaverproto: la version locale (1.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.0-1)
    Avertissement: sdl: la version locale (1.2.14-7) est plus récente que extra (1.2.14-5)
    Avertissement: sdparm: la version locale (1.06-1) est plus récente que core (1.05-1)
    Avertissement: sed: la version locale (4.2.1-3) est plus récente que core (4.2.1-2)
    Avertissement: sg3_utils: la version locale (1.30-1) est plus récente que extra (1.29-1)
    Avertissement: shadow: la version locale ( est plus récente que core (
    Avertissement: shared-mime-info: la version locale (0.90-1) est plus récente que extra (0.71-1)
    Avertissement: slim: la version locale (1.3.2-5) est plus récente que extra (1.3.1-7)
    Avertissement: slock: la version locale (0.9-6) est plus récente que community (0.9-3)
    Avertissement: smbclient: la version locale (3.6.0-8) est plus récente que extra (3.5.4-1)
    Avertissement: soundtouch: la version locale (1.6.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.5.0-1)
    Avertissement: sox: la version locale (14.3.2-3) est plus récente que extra (14.3.1-2)
    Avertissement: sqlite3: la version locale ( est plus récente que core (
    Avertissement: squashfs-tools: la version locale (4.2-1) est plus récente que extra (4.0-3)
    Avertissement: sshfs: la version locale (2.3-1) est plus récente que extra (2.2-3)
    Avertissement: startup-notification: la version locale (0.12-1) est plus récente que extra (0.10-1)
    Avertissement: stunnel: la version locale (4.39-1) est plus récente que community (4.33-1)
    Avertissement: subversion: la version locale (1.6.17-6) est plus récente que extra (1.6.9-5)
    Avertissement: sudo: la version locale (1.8.2-1) est plus récente que core (1.7.3-1)
    Avertissement: sysfsutils: la version locale (2.1.0-6) est plus récente que core (2.1.0-5)
    Avertissement: syslinux: la version locale (4.04-2) est plus récente que extra (4.02-1)
    Avertissement: syslog-ng: la version locale (3.2.4-3) est plus récente que core (3.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: sysvinit: la version locale (2.88-2) est plus récente que core (2.86-5)
    Avertissement: talloc: la version locale (2.0.5-1) est plus récente que extra (2.0.1-1)
    Avertissement: tar: la version locale (1.26-1) est plus récente que core (1.23-3)
    Avertissement: tcpdump: la version locale (4.1.1-2) est plus récente que extra (4.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: tcp_wrappers: la version locale (7.6-12) est plus récente que core (7.6-11)
    Avertissement: tdb: la version locale (1.2.9-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.1-1)
    Avertissement: texinfo: la version locale (4.13a-5) est plus récente que core (4.13a-4)
    Avertissement: thunar: la version locale (1.2.2-3) est plus récente que extra (1.0.2-1)
    Avertissement: thunar-archive-plugin: la version locale (0.3.0-1) est plus récente que extra (0.2.4-6)
    Avertissement: thunar-volman: la version locale (0.6.0-2) est plus récente que extra (0.3.80-1)
    Avertissement: transcode: la version locale (1.1.5-5) est plus récente que extra (1.1.5-4)
    Avertissement: transmission-gtk: la version locale (2.33-1) est plus récente que extra (2.03-1)
    Avertissement: tree: la version locale (1.6.0-1) est plus récente que extra (1.5.3-1)
    Avertissement: ttf-dejavu: la version locale (2.33-1) est plus récente que extra (2.30-2)
    Avertissement: ttf-freefont: la version locale (20100919-1) est plus récente que extra (20090104-2)
    Avertissement: tzdata: la version locale (2011h-1) est plus récente que core (2010j-1)
    Avertissement: udev: la version locale (173-3) est plus récente que core (160-1)
    Avertissement: udisks: la version locale (1.0.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.1-4)
    Avertissement: uml_utilities: la version locale (20070815-4) est plus récente que extra (20070815-3)
    Avertissement: unrar: la version locale (4.0.7-1) est plus récente que extra (3.9.10-1)
    Avertissement: usbutils: la version locale (004-1) est plus récente que core (0.87-1)
    :: Remplacer util-linux par core/util-linux-ng ? [O/n] o
    Avertissement: vde2: la version locale (2.3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.3-1)
    Avertissement: videoproto: la version locale (2.3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.3.0-1)
    Avertissement: vim-runtime: la version locale (7.3.266-1) est plus récente que extra (7.2-1)
    Avertissement: vpnc: la version locale (0.5.3.svn457-1) est plus récente que core (0.5.3-2)
    Avertissement: vte: la version locale (0.28.2-1) est plus récente que extra (0.24.3-1)
    Avertissement: wget: la version locale (1.13.1-1) est plus récente que core (1.12-2)
    Avertissement: which: la version locale (2.20-4) est plus récente que core (2.20-3)
    Avertissement: wine: la version locale (1.3.27-1) est plus récente que community (1.2-1)
    Avertissement: wireless-regdb: la version locale (2010.11.24-1) est plus récente que core (2009.11.25-1)
    Avertissement: wireless_tools: la version locale (29-4) est plus récente que core (29-3)
    Avertissement: wpa_supplicant: la version locale (0.7.3-3) est plus récente que core (0.6.10-2)
    Avertissement: wxgtk: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (2.8.11-1)
    Avertissement: x11vnc: la version locale (0.9.12-1) est plus récente que extra (0.9.10-1)
    Avertissement: x264: la version locale (20110617-1) est plus récente que extra (20100722-1)
    Avertissement: xarchiver: la version locale (0.5.2-4) est plus récente que extra (0.5.2-1)
    Avertissement: xaw3d: la version locale (1.5E-3) est plus récente que extra (1.5E-2)
    Avertissement: xbitmaps: la version locale (1.1.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.1.0-1)
    Avertissement: xcb-proto: la version locale (1.6-2) est plus récente que extra (1.6-1)
    Avertissement: xdg-utils: la version locale (1.1.0rc1-3) est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: xextproto: la version locale (7.2.0-1) est plus récente que extra (7.1.1-1)
    Avertissement: xf86-input-evdev: la version locale (2.6.0-3) est plus récente que extra (2.4.0-1)
    Avertissement: xf86-input-keyboard: la version locale (1.6.0-2) est plus récente que extra (1.4.0-2)
    Avertissement: xf86-input-mouse: la version locale (1.7.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.5.0-2)
    Avertissement: xf86-input-synaptics: la version locale (1.4.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.2-2)
    Avertissement: xf86-video-fbdev: la version locale (0.4.2-4) est plus récente que extra (0.4.2-1)
    Avertissement: xf86-video-intel: la version locale (2.15.0-2) est plus récente que extra (2.12.0-1)
    Avertissement: xf86-video-vesa: la version locale (2.3.0-5) est plus récente que extra (2.3.0-2)
    Avertissement: xf86vidmodeproto: la version locale (2.3.1-1) est plus récente que extra (2.3-1)
    Avertissement: xfconf: la version locale (4.8.0-2) est plus récente que extra (4.6.2-1)
    Avertissement: xineramaproto: la version locale (1.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2-1)
    Avertissement: xkeyboard-config: la version locale (2.2.1-1) est plus récente que extra (1.8-1)
    Avertissement: xorg-docs: la version locale (1.6-1) est plus récente que extra (1.5-1)
    Avertissement: xorg-fonts-encodings: la version locale (1.0.4-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.3-1)
    Avertissement: xorg-font-utils: la version locale (7.6-2) est plus récente que extra (7.5-2)
    Avertissement: xorg-server: la version locale ( est plus récente que extra (
    Avertissement: xorg-server-utils: la version locale (7.6-2) est plus récente que extra (7.5-4)
    Avertissement: xorg-twm: la version locale (1.0.7-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.4-3)
    Avertissement: xorg-utils: la version locale (7.6-7) est plus récente que extra (7.6-2)
    Avertissement: xorg-xauth: la version locale (1.0.6-1) est plus récente que extra (1.0.4-1)
    Avertissement: xorg-xinit: la version locale (1.3.0-3) est plus récente que extra (1.2.1-1)
    Avertissement: xproto: la version locale (7.0.22-1) est plus récente que extra (7.0.17-1)
    Avertissement: xterm: la version locale (271-1) est plus récente que extra (259-1)
    Avertissement: xvidcore: la version locale (1.3.2-1) est plus récente que extra (1.2.2-1)
    Avertissement: xz: la version locale (5.0.3-1) est plus récente que core (4.999.9beta-5)
    Avertissement: zenity: la version locale (3.0.0-2) est plus récente que extra (2.30.0-1)
    Avertissement: zip: la version locale (3.0-2) est plus récente que extra (3.0-1.1)
    Avertissement: zlib: la version locale (1.2.5-4) est plus récente que core (1.2.5-2)
    résolution des dépendances...
    recherche des conflits entre paquets...
    Erreur: la préparation de la transaction a échoué (la satisfaction des dépendances a échoué)
    :: mkinitcpio: requiert util-linux>=2.19
    # cat pacman.log
    [2009-11-24 23:34] installed filesystem (2009.07-1)
    [2011-08-18 22:32] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-18 22:32] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-18 22:32] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded nettle (2.1-1 -> 2.2-1)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded gnutls (2.12.7-2 -> 3.0.0-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded libcups (1.4.8-1 -> 1.4.8-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded freerdp (0.8.2-2 -> 0.8.2-3)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded glib-networking (2.28.7-1 -> 2.28.7-4)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded gtk-vnc (0.4.3-1 -> 0.4.3-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>>
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> If you use the LILO bootloader, you should run 'lilo' before rebooting.
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>>
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Building image from preset: 'default'
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Starting build: 3.0-ARCH
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [base]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [udev]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [sata]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [encrypt]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2011-08-18 22:36] 10623 blocks
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Image generation successful
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Building image from preset: 'fallback'
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Starting build: 3.0-ARCH
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [base]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [udev]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [sata]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] -> Parsing hook: [encrypt]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2011-08-18 22:36] 10623 blocks
    [2011-08-18 22:36] ==> Image generation successful
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded linux (3.0.2-1 -> 3.0.3-1)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded linux-headers (3.0.2-1 -> 3.0.3-1)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> PLEASE READ FOR KVM USAGE!
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> Load the correct KVM module, you will need a KVM capable CPU!
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> Add yourself to the group 'kvm'.
    [2011-08-18 22:36] >>> Use 'qemu-kvm -enable-kvm' to use KVM.
    [2011-08-18 22:36]
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded qemu-kvm (0.15.0-1 -> 0.15.0-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded wireshark-cli (1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.1-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:36] upgraded wireshark-gtk (1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.1-2)
    [2011-08-18 22:37] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-18 22:37] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-18 22:37] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-18 22:37] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-19 23:24] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-19 23:24] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-19 23:24] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-19 23:24] upgraded thunar (1.2.2-1 -> 1.2.2-2)
    [2011-08-19 23:40] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-20 23:41] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-20 23:41] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-20 23:41] upgraded pacman (3.5.4-3 -> 3.5.4-4)
    [2011-08-20 23:41] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-20 23:41] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-20 23:41] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded linux-api-headers ( -> 3.0.1-1)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] Generating locales...
    [2011-08-20 23:44] fr_FR.UTF-8... done
    [2011-08-20 23:44] fr_FR.ISO-8859-15@euro... done
    [2011-08-20 23:44] fr_FR.ISO-8859-1... done
    [2011-08-20 23:44] Generation complete.
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded glibc (2.14-4 -> 2.14-5)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded zlib (1.2.5-3 -> 1.2.5-4)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded binutils (2.21.1-1 -> 2.21.1-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded isl (0.06-1 -> 0.06-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded gcc-libs (4.6.1-2 -> 4.6.1-3)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded gmp (5.0.2-2 -> 5.0.2-3)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded cloog (0.16.2-1 -> 0.16.2-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded eject (2.1.5-5 -> 2.1.5-7)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded mpfr (3.0.1.p4-1 -> 3.0.1.p4-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded libmpc (0.9-1 -> 0.9-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded ppl (0.11.2-1 -> 0.11.2-2)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded gcc (4.6.1-2 -> 4.6.1-3)
    [2011-08-20 23:44] upgraded sudo (1.8.1.p2-1 -> 1.8.2-1)
    [2011-08-21 20:20] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-21 20:20] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-21 20:21] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-21 20:21] upgraded gnutls (3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.1-1)
    [2011-08-21 20:21] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-21 23:32] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -U wit-svn-2941-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz'
    [2011-08-21 23:32] installed wit-svn (2941-1)
    [2011-08-21 23:35] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Rsn wit-svn-2941-1'
    [2011-08-21 23:35] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Rsn wit-svn-2941'
    [2011-08-21 23:35] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Rsn wit-svn'
    [2011-08-21 23:35] removed wit-svn (2941-1)
    [2011-08-22 01:05] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Rsn john'
    [2011-08-22 01:05] removed john (1.7.8-3)
    [2011-08-22 22:39] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-22 22:39] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-22 22:40] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-22 22:41] upgraded ghostscript (9.04-3 -> 9.04-4)
    [2011-08-22 22:41] upgraded mplayer (33805-2 -> 34007-1)
    [2011-08-22 22:41] upgraded soundtouch (1.5.0-1 -> 1.6.0-1)
    [2011-08-22 22:41] upgraded usbutils (003-1 -> 004-1)
    [2011-08-25 00:57] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-25 00:57] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-25 00:57] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded nspr (4.8.8-1 -> 4.8.9-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded nss (3.12.10-1 -> 3.12.11-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded chromium (13.0.782.112-2 -> 13.0.782.215-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded device-mapper (2.02.87-1 -> 2.02.88-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded fakeroot (1.16-1 -> 1.17-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded gamin (0.1.10-4 -> 0.1.10-5)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded ghostscript (9.04-4 -> 9.04-5)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded libsamplerate (0.1.7-2 -> 0.1.8-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded libssh2 (1.2.7-2 -> 1.2.9-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.87-1 -> 2.02.88-1)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded pcre (8.13-1 -> 8.13-2)
    [2011-08-25 01:02] upgraded xulrunner (6.0-1 -> 6.0-2)
    [2011-08-25 01:03] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-25 01:03] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-25 01:03] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-25 01:03] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-26 22:59] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-26 22:59] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-26 22:59] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded devtools (0.9.23-1 -> 0.9.27-1)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded flashplugin ( ->
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded git (1.7.6-1 ->
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded libffi (3.0.9-1 -> 3.0.10-1)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded obconf (2.0.3.git20100309-1 -> 2.0.3.git20100309-2)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded rasqal (1:0.9.26-1 -> 1:0.9.27-1)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded smbclient (3.6.0-1 -> 3.6.0-4)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded thunar (1.2.2-2 -> 1.2.2-3)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded udisks (1.0.3-6 -> 1.0.4-1)
    [2011-08-26 23:01] upgraded xarchiver (0.5.2-2 -> 0.5.2-4)
    [2011-08-26 23:03] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-26 23:03] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-26 23:03] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-26 23:03] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-27 14:38] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-27 14:38] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-27 14:40] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-27 14:40] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-27 14:40] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded avahi (0.6.30-4 -> 0.6.30-5)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded isl (0.06-2 -> 0.07-1)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded cloog (0.16.2-2 -> 0.16.3-1)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded gcc-libs (4.6.1-3 -> 4.6.1-4)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded gcc (4.6.1-3 -> 4.6.1-4)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded gdk-pixbuf2 (2.23.5-1 -> 2.24.0-1)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded logrotate (3.8.0-1 -> 3.8.0-2)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded wine (1.3.26-1 -> 1.3.27-1)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded wireshark-cli (1.6.1-2 -> 1.6.1-3)
    [2011-08-27 14:44] upgraded wireshark-gtk (1.6.1-2 -> 1.6.1-3)
    [2011-08-28 11:55] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-28 11:55] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-28 11:55] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-28 11:55] upgraded mercurial (1.9.1-1 -> 1.9.2-1)
    [2011-08-28 11:55] upgraded smbclient (3.6.0-4 -> 3.6.0-6)
    [2011-08-28 11:55] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-29 01:49] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-29 01:49] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-29 01:49] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-29 01:50] upgraded libnotify (0.7.3-1 -> 0.7.4-1)
    [2011-08-29 01:50] upgraded smbclient (3.6.0-6 -> 3.6.0-7)
    [2011-08-29 23:59] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-29 23:59] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-29 23:59] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded run-parts (3.4.4-1 -> 4.0.2-1)
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded ca-certificates (20110421-3 -> 20110502-1)
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded openbox (3.5.0-3 -> 3.5.0-4)
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded smbclient (3.6.0-7 -> 3.6.0-8)
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded vte-common (0.28.1-1 -> 0.28.2-1)
    [2011-08-30 00:00] upgraded vte (0.28.1-1 -> 0.28.2-1)
    [2011-08-30 00:16] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-08-30 23:43] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-08-30 23:43] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-08-30 23:44] starting full system upgrade
    [2011-08-30 23:44] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
    [2011-08-30 23:44] upgraded lzo2 (2.05-1 -> 2.06-1)
    [2011-08-30 23:44] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Scc'
    [2011-10-05 12:20] Running '/usr/bin/pacman -Syu'
    [2011-10-05 12:20] synchronizing package lists
    [2011-10-05 12:20] starting full system upgrade
    Last edited by Lacsap (2011-10-05 21:40:13)

    Ok, I used to generate a mirror list and retained the best score:
    ## Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
    ## Sorted by mirror score from mirror status page
    ## Generated on 2011-10-05
    ## Score: 1.8, France
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.8, France
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.9, France
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.9, France
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 1.9, France
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 2.0, Switzerland
    #Server =$repo/os/$arch
    ## Score: 5.6, France
    Server =$repo/os/$arch
    I ran the command:
    # pacman -Syyu
    :: Synchronisation des bases de données de paquets...
    core 59,5K 158,3K/s 00:00:00 [######################] 100%
    extra 886,5K 28,4K/s 00:00:31 [######################] 100%
    community 454,4K 24,0K/s 00:00:19 [######################] 100%
    :: Début de la mise à jour complète du système...
    :: Remplacer pygobject par extra/python2-gobject2 ? [O/n] O
    résolution des dépendances...
    recherche des conflits entre paquets...
    Suppression (1): pygobject-2.28.6-1
    Taille totale des paquets (suppression): 1,83 Mo
    Cibles (167): glib2-2.30.0-1 atk-2.2.0-1 glibmm-2.30.0-1 atkmm-2.22.5-1
    xorg-server-common-1.10.4-1 xorg-server-1.10.4-1 zenity-3.2.0-1
    Taille totale des paquets (téléchargement): 321,72 Mo
    Taille totale des paquets (installation): 1371,45 Mo
    Procéder à l'installation ? [O/n]
    I will update tonight but my problem seems to be set ...
    See you tonight.

  • [Solved] No Usable Pacman Repositories Configured

    I had the problem and tought pacman was the problem. I tried to reinstall pacman several time and find out that the symlink was the problem.
    Now pacman don't work I have the following message:
    No Usable Pacman Repositories Configured
    Here is the pacman -v output:
    Root : /
    Conf File : /usr/local/etc/pacman.conf
    DB Path : /usr/local/var/lib/pacman/
    Cache Dirs: /usr/local/var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    Lock File : /usr/local/var/lib/pacman/db.lck
    Log File : /usr/local/var/log/pacman.log
    Targets : --
    Erreur: aucune opération spécifiée (utiliser -h pour l'aide)
    That wrong! /usr/local/ shouldn't be there but I am unable to change it!
    Last edited by srivo (2010-12-19 20:39:14)

    Here is the output:
    # /usr/bin/pacman -Qil pacman
    Nom : pacman
    Version : 3.4.1-1
    URL : [url][/url]
    Licences : GPL
    Groupes : base
    Fournit : --
    Dépend de : bash libarchive>=2.7.1 libfetch>=2.25
    Dépendances opt. : fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user
    curl: for rankmirrors usage
    Requis par : archup package-query pkgstats yaourt
    Est en conflit avec : --
    Remplace : --
    Taille (installé) : 2244,00 K
    Paqueteur : Dan McGee <[email protected]>
    Architecture : i686
    Compilé le : ven 03 sep 2010 21:12:12 EDT
    Installé le : dim 19 déc 2010 13:31:36 EST
    Motif d'installation : Explicitement installé
    Script d'installation : Oui
    Description : A library-based package manager with dependency support
    pacman /etc/
    pacman /etc/bash_completion.d/
    pacman /etc/bash_completion.d/pacman
    pacman /etc/makepkg.conf
    pacman /etc/pacman.conf
    pacman /usr/
    pacman /usr/bin/
    pacman /usr/bin/cleanupdelta
    pacman /usr/bin/makepkg
    pacman /usr/bin/pacman
    pacman /usr/bin/pacman-optimize
    pacman /usr/bin/pkgdelta
    pacman /usr/bin/rankmirrors
    pacman /usr/bin/repo-add
    pacman /usr/bin/repo-remove
    pacman /usr/bin/testdb
    pacman /usr/bin/testpkg
    pacman /usr/bin/vercmp
    pacman /usr/include/
    pacman /usr/include/alpm.h
    pacman /usr/include/alpm_list.h
    pacman /usr/lib/
    pacman /usr/lib/libalpm.a
    pacman /usr/lib/
    pacman /usr/lib/
    pacman /usr/lib/
    pacman /usr/share/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ca/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/cs/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/de/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/el/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/en_GB/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/es/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/fr/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/hu/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/it/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/kk/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/nb/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pl/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ro/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ru/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sk/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sv/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/tr/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/uk/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
    pacman /usr/share/man/
    pacman /usr/share/man/man3/
    pacman /usr/share/man/man3/libalpm.3.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man5/
    pacman /usr/share/man/man5/PKGBUILD.5.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man5/makepkg.conf.5.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man5/pacman.conf.5.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man8/
    pacman /usr/share/man/man8/makepkg.8.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man8/pacman.8.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man8/repo-add.8.gz
    pacman /usr/share/man/man8/repo-remove.8.gz
    pacman /usr/share/pacman/
    pacman /usr/share/pacman/ChangeLog.proto
    pacman /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-split.proto
    pacman /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD.proto
    pacman /usr/share/pacman/proto.install
    pacman /usr/share/zsh/
    pacman /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
    pacman /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pacman
    pacman /var/
    pacman /var/cache/
    pacman /var/cache/pacman/
    pacman /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    pacman /var/lib/
    pacman /var/lib/pacman/

  • Pacman: symbol lookup error

    Not sure how to deal with this. I have tried renaming some files but that doesn't seem to help at all, so I have moved them back to where they were.
    Some of what I did here was clearly the wrong thing:
    [root@archtop /]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: The following packages should be upgraded first :
    :: Do you want to cancel the current operation
    :: and upgrade these packages now? [Y/n] Y
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: dependency cycle detected:
    warning: udev will be installed before its util-linux dependency
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: kmod and module-init-tools are in conflict. Remove module-init-tools? [y/N] Y
    :: util-linux and util-linux-ng are in conflict. Remove util-linux-ng? [y/N] Y
    :: gnupg and gnupg2 are in conflict. Remove gnupg2? [y/N] Y
    Targets (49): acl-2.2.51-1 attr-2.4.46-1 bash-4.2.024-2 bzip2-1.0.6-3 coreutils-8.16-2 cracklib-2.8.18-2 curl-7.25.0-1 db-5.3.15-1
    dirmngr-1.1.0-4 e2fsprogs-1.42.1-1 expat-2.1.0-1 findutils-4.4.2-4 gawk-4.0.1-1 gcc-libs-4.7.0-4 gdbm-1.10-1
    glib2-2.30.2-2 glibc-2.15-10 gmp-5.0.4-1 gnupg-2.0.19-1 gnupg2-2.0.18-1 [removal] gpgme-1.3.1-4 kmod-7-2
    libarchive-3.0.4-1 libcap-2.22-2 libffi-3.0.10-1 libgcrypt-1.5.0-1 libgpg-error-1.10-1 libgssglue-0.3-1 libldap-2.4.30-1
    libtirpc-0.2.2-2 linux-api-headers-3.3-1 module-init-tools-3.11.1-2 [removal] ncurses-5.9-3 openssl-1.0.1-2
    pacman-mirrorlist-20120211-1 pam-1.1.5-2 pciutils-3.1.9-1 pcre-8.30-1 perl-5.14.2-7 readline-6.2.002-1 sed-4.2.1-4
    tzdata-2012c-1 udev-182-1 usbutils-005-1 util-linux-2.21.1-2 util-linux-ng-2.18-2 [removal] xz-5.0.3-2 zlib-1.2.6-1
    Total Installed Size: 208.48 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 10.13 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
    pacman: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gpg_err_set_errno------------------------------------------------] 0%
    [root@archtop /]# which pacman
    [root@archtop /]# ldd /usr/bin/pacman => (0xb782c000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb77f0000) => /lib/ (0xb764e000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb75f2000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb75be000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb752b000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb73b1000)
    /lib/ (0xb782d000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7388000) => /lib/ (0xb737f000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb732e000) => /lib/ (0xb7328000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7313000) => /lib/ (0xb72f8000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb72e6000) => /lib/ (0xb72e2000) => /lib/ (0xb72da000) => /lib/ (0xb72d5000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb72af000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7289000) => /lib/ (0xb7278000)
    [root@archtop /]# mv /lib/ /lib/
    [root@archtop /]# pacman -Syu
    pacman: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [root@archtop /]# mv /lib/ /lib/
    [root@archtop /]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    error: failed to update core (unable to lock database)
    error: failed to update extra (unable to lock database)
    error: failed to update community (unable to lock database)
    error: failed to synchronize any databases
    error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
    if you're sure a package manager is not already
    running, you can remove /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
    [root@archtop /]# mv /var/lib/pacman/db.lck /var/lib/pacman/db.lck-backup4
    [root@archtop /]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: The following packages should be upgraded first :
    :: Do you want to cancel the current operation
    :: and upgrade these packages now? [Y/n] Y
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: dependency cycle detected:
    warning: udev will be installed before its util-linux dependency
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: kmod and module-init-tools are in conflict. Remove module-init-tools? [y/N] Y
    :: util-linux and util-linux-ng are in conflict. Remove util-linux-ng? [y/N] Y
    :: gnupg and gnupg2 are in conflict. Remove gnupg2? [y/N] Y
    Targets (49): acl-2.2.51-1 attr-2.4.46-1 bash-4.2.024-2 bzip2-1.0.6-3 coreutils-8.16-2 cracklib-2.8.18-2 curl-7.25.0-1 db-5.3.15-1
    dirmngr-1.1.0-4 e2fsprogs-1.42.1-1 expat-2.1.0-1 findutils-4.4.2-4 gawk-4.0.1-1 gcc-libs-4.7.0-4 gdbm-1.10-1
    glib2-2.30.2-2 glibc-2.15-10 gmp-5.0.4-1 gnupg-2.0.19-1 gnupg2-2.0.18-1 [removal] gpgme-1.3.1-4 kmod-7-2
    libarchive-3.0.4-1 libcap-2.22-2 libffi-3.0.10-1 libgcrypt-1.5.0-1 libgpg-error-1.10-1 libgssglue-0.3-1 libldap-2.4.30-1
    libtirpc-0.2.2-2 linux-api-headers-3.3-1 module-init-tools-3.11.1-2 [removal] ncurses-5.9-3 openssl-1.0.1-2
    pacman-mirrorlist-20120211-1 pam-1.1.5-2 pciutils-3.1.9-1 pcre-8.30-1 perl-5.14.2-7 readline-6.2.002-1 sed-4.2.1-4
    tzdata-2012c-1 udev-182-1 usbutils-005-1 util-linux-2.21.1-2 util-linux-ng-2.18-2 [removal] xz-5.0.3-2 zlib-1.2.6-1
    Total Installed Size: 208.48 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 10.13 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
    pacman: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gpg_err_set_errno------------------------------------------------] 0%
    Added code tags -- Inxsible
    Last edited by Inxsible (2012-06-11 20:08:45)

    And yes, i've carefully read article about signing packages, pacman key was initialized and keyring also was populated.
    Successfully resolved problem by adding globally SigLevel = Never and commenting out SigLevel = PackageRequired. Yes, I understand that this is bad idea, but i've found no other way to resolve it.
    Then pacman Syu finished succesfully. After that i've turned signature check back. It works.
    P.S.: my bad, it seems that i accidently used 2010.05 old iso to install arch. And as too many core changes came into distro, (initscripts, filestystem force, etc), pacman Syu failed over and over.
    Last edited by oraerk (2012-06-12 08:03:59)

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