Pages 5.5  use keyboard to ignore spelling suggestion

Is there a way, using the keyboard, to ignore a spelling suggestion.  When suggestions pop up I can hit esc and they disappear, but without making the computer learn the spelling for each one (which I don't want to do) for some words, as soon as the space bar is hit to continue typing, the word changes, despite the previous attempt to ignore the suggestion.  So far the only way of remedying this is to go back to change the word after there is some text after it.

For some yes I can get it to "learn" the spelling, but for others I don't want to.  I am working on a document in multiple languages amongst which are ones with non-Roman alphabets.  There is even now not one accepted way for transliterating, so while I have my "official" one, whenever I cite an author who uses a different one I need to use their transliteration, not mine, so I don't want to "learn" the other transliterations.  It is also a problem when I am using American English and spelling but citing a text that uses British English and spelling.
I have noticed that if you add a punctuation mark after the word it won't autocorrect, but of course then you have to go back and take it out.   I have also had success with having an extra space after my input location and moving to "end of line" seems to also prevent autocorrect.  Which from what I can tell is my best solution.

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    Hi Rakesh,
                    This is the code for ur problem check it once.We have to use this code according to ur requirement ok..The compulsory condition is data is present in the internal table not in database table.If it is in database table move it to internal table first.And follow the below logic that will work fine 4 ur problem check it once.
    *Local Variables
      DATA: lv_temp  LIKE sy-tabix.
    CASE sy-ucomm.
    *Fetch the FIRST Line from the Internal Table.
        WHEN 'FIRS'.
          READ TABLE gt_data INTO wa INDEX 1.
          lv_temp = sy-tabix.
    *Fetch the NEXT Line from the Internal Table.
        WHEN 'NEXT'.
          lv_temp = lv_temp + 1.
          READ TABLE gt_data INTO wa INDEX lv_temp.
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        WHEN 'PREV'.
          lv_temp = lv_temp - 1.
          READ TABLE gt_data INTO wa INDEX lv_temp.
    *Fetch the LAST Line from the Internal Table.
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          lv_temp = sy-tfill.
    Award points if helpful.
    Kiran Kumar.G.A
                     Have a Nice Day..

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

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    You posted this a few months ago so may already have found the answer. If you press command shift ; all spelling suggestions will come up for you.

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    Syncing apps from a Mac : iTunes 11 for Mac: Sync and organize iOS apps
    from a PC : iTunes 11 for Windows: Sync and organize iOS apps
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    Yes, and I presume you mean both the search engine results, and the pages opened from the results.
    Without making any changes you could always use '''Alt+Enter''' once you typed something into the search bar, or the location bar so that it would appear in a new tab. From the search results page you could always use "'''Ctrl+click'''" or "'''Ctrl+Shift+click'''" to open link n a new tab
    * Firefox and other Browser Keyboard Shortcuts (Comparison Table)<br>
    * Keyboard shortcuts | How to | Firefox Help<br>
    The configuration entries of interest:
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    * '''browser.tabs.openinnewtab''' user set boolean '''true'''
    * (I use keyword shortcut of :"aboutconfig:" )
    Google settings:
    * [x] Open search results in a new browser window.
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    Tools ("Alt+T") > Options > Tabs
    * [x] Open new windows in a new tab instead

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Ship implements KeyListener
         ImageIcon ship;
         final int WIDTH = 300;
         final int HEIGHT = 225;     
         final int JUMP = 5;
         private int     x,y;          
         private int iWidth, iHeight;
         public boolean movingLeft,movingRight,movingUp,movingDown;
         public Ship ()
              ship = new ImageIcon ("ship.gif");
              iWidth = ship.getIconWidth();
              iHeight = ship.getIconHeight();
              x = WIDTH/2-10;
              y = HEIGHT/2;
         public void move ()
              if (movingLeft)
                   x -= JUMP;
              if (movingRight)
                   x += JUMP;
              if (movingUp)
                   y -= JUMP;
              if (movingDown)
                   y += JUMP;
         public void draw (Graphics page)
              page.drawImage (ship.getImage(),x,y,null);
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DirectionListener implements KeyListener
         private Ship s1;
         public DirectionListener ()
              s1 = new Ship ();
         public void keyPressed (KeyEvent event)
              switch (event.getKeyCode())
                   case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
         public void keyReleased (KeyEvent event)
              switch (event.getKeyCode())
                   case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                   case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
         public void keyTyped (KeyEvent event) {}
    The problem is obviously trying to communicate between the classes. Why can I not assign the boolean variables in the Ship class from the DirectionListener class? Thanks in advance.

    A program is worth a thousand words, er a ... well whatever ...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Ship extends JFrame {
      ImageIcon ship;
      final int WIDTH = 300;
      final int HEIGHT = 225;
      final int JUMP = 5;
      private int x,y;
      private int iWidth, iHeight;
      private boolean movingLeft,movingRight,movingUp,movingDown;
      public Ship() {
        ship = new ImageIcon ("ship.gif");
        iWidth = ship.getIconWidth();
        iHeight = ship.getIconHeight();
        x = WIDTH/2-10;
        y = HEIGHT/2;
        this.getContentPane().addKeyListener( new DirectionListener() );
        // You'd add the DirectionListener to whatever component you want.
      public void move() {
        if (movingLeft)  x -= JUMP;
        if (movingRight) x += JUMP;
        if (movingUp)    y -= JUMP;
        if (movingDown)  y += JUMP;
      public void draw (Graphics page) {
        page.drawImage (ship.getImage(),x,y,null);
      class DirectionListener implements KeyListener {
        public DirectionListener() {
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) {
          switch (event.getKeyCode()) {
            case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
            case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
            case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
            case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
            default: break;
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) {
          switch (event.getKeyCode()) {
            case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
            case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
            case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
            case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
            default: break;
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) {
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
        new Ship();
    }... I made it an inner class, because you want to do very program specific stuff. I don't know really if I like this approach either, but I can't see what else you'd mean to do with the code you posted, what with the DirectionListener class doing such specific kinds of things.
    Some general critique: You forgot to add the 'default' keyword to your switch statements; and you really don't want to make the booleans public.

  • Is there a way of using keyboard input?

    Is there a way of using keyboard input in Edge? For example when you press the space-bar it will open a url. This is probaly done though programing.

    Shift/Command and Alt/Control have there own separate event routines.
    e.metaKey         // depends on browser and targets the Apple key
    e.ctrlKey             // targets the Control or Ctrl key
    e.altKey              // targets the Alt key
    e.shiftKey           // targets the Shift key
    So if you only wanted the event to fire when the Shift key is pressed, then
    if (e.shiftKey){                                              //If Shift key is pressed 
 "", "_blank");
    If you wanted to combine the Shift key + Space Bar to trigger the event, then resort to logical operators. In this case you want to 'combine' key strokes, then the logical operator would be a double &&, and demonstrated below.
    if (e.shiftKey && e.which == 32){                     //If Shift Key + Space Bar pressed
"", "_blank");
    If you wanted to combine the Shift key + some other keyboard Character Code from the above noted list (, then change the value of e.which to equal (==) that Character Code. Example from the list, the Character Code for the keyboard 'a' is 65, as altered below.
    if (e.shiftKey && e.which == 65){                     //If Shift Key + A pressed"", "_blank");
    To get an accuarte keycode value, there are two demonstrations on this page, whereby you can type in thee field and it will capture the value for you.
    Good luck

  • [Trick] Use Keyboard + Mouse from Xorg to control another Xorg session

    So you have two computers sitting together,  you don't have a kvm switch, and using two keyboards and mice is just plan annoying!
    X2X is the solution. This program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard from Computer A on Computer B.
    From the man page
    x2x  allows the keyboard and mouse on one ("from") X display to be used to control another ("to") X display.
    How to make it work?
    Allow TCP from xorg on both systems
    Edit /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc and change
    exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp
    exec /usr/bin/X
    Computer A = computer that has the keyboard and mouse you want to use
    Computer B = computer that does not have the keyboard and mouse you want to use hooked up to it
    On Computer B run the command
    xhost +ComputerA
    Where ComputerA is the hostname/ip address of ComputerA
    This allows ComputerA to connect to ComputerB's xorg server
    On Computer A run the command
    x2x -to ComputerB:0.0 -west
    Where ComputerB is the hostname/ip address of ComputerB
    Now on ComputerA you should be able to move the mouse left, off the screen, and be able to control ComputerB!
    I use this to control my laptop using my desktop's mouse and keyboard. It's a lot easier than switching between my desktop keyboard/mouse and laptop keyboard/mouse!

    diederick76 wrote:
    I have used x2x for some time before I started using Arch, but recently I decided to start using it again to control my laptop from my desktop box. I have installed x2x on the laptop. However, when I do
    # ssh -X laptop 'x2x -west -to :0'
    I get:
    X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
    Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent)
    Resource id in failed request: 0x400001b
    Serial number of failed request: 21
    Current serial number in output stream: 21
    I have tried following your howto, but I seem unable to start X with tcp support. I have changed /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc as you instructed, but when I start X and issue
    ps ax | grep X
    from a console, I still get:
    1670 tty7 Ss+ 0:15 /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt07 -auth /var/run/slim.auth
    Can you tell me what I'm missing? Are these at all related?
    Today I was looking into this and got working very fast using this thread. Are you sure you restarted your X server after changing xserverrc? Are you sure your display is at :0?
    echo $DISPLAY
    on the terminal to find out. Also you need x2x installed on both machines.
    Last edited by quiquex (2011-11-08 18:59:08)

  • Using Keyboard keys in Fields setting in Crystal Report Design ?

    Hi Experts
    I want to know that how can I change text object or a field size or position by keyboard. sometimes it works and sometimes not. What is the setting for using keyboard.

    Keyboard keys will only work under certain modes in CR.  You have to check the mode constantly to see in which ways they work.  There are too many conditions may cause them not work.  That list could be too long to find them all.  You would have a good grasp on the rule after you familiar with them.

  • Create a follow up page in scripts using Duplex and Tumble Duplex in print

    How to create a follow up page in scripts using Duplex and Tumble Duplex in print mode of scripts ?

    it depends upon output device types.

  • Hi Thanks for 4.0. It runs much faster on my Mac, however, it no longer works to zoom in all of my web pages. I use to be able to use my finger pad to increase the size of all of all pages. Thanks again.

    Hi Thanks for 4.0. It runs much faster on my Mac, however, it no longer works to zoom in all of my web pages. I use to be able to use my finger pad to increase the size of all of all pages.
    Thanks again.
    PS Are you working on a version for the iPad and iPhone with Add Blocker? That would be great!

    Here are some zoom add-ons which might provide a workaround:
    [ Image Zoom]
    As regards your question about iPad and iPhone, you'd be better off posting that question here: [ Mozilla Add-ons Forum]
    P.S. ''Apologies for not responding earlier''.

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