Pages and Dropbox unfriendly

these two apparently will NOT work together?  MS Office the answer?  Ugh. Is this unfriendly collaboration issue going to be "corrected" by Apple or no?

Pages 5 has a complex and unique file bundle format. Designed to make it impossible to extract any contents when the inevitable goes wrong.
GMail, Amazon, Dropbox etc (almost any non-Apple Server software) just don't understand them.
Send the files via Apple Mail.

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    If you want to send Pages, Numbers or Keynote documents (back) to DropBox you can use this service, Send to DropBox.
    You will be given an email address that you use to send the document too. Copy and save this email address for future use.
    See the image below to send document back to DropBox:

  • Pages to Dropbox

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    Pages 2.0.1 on iOS and Pages 5.0 on OS X use a new and different file format to the old iOS and OSX Pages, and Dropbox does not recognise documents created in this new file format. It can't open them, it can only open Pages documents stored in the old Pages 09 format (or Word's .doc or .docx format of course).
    The new OS X Pages 5.0 allows you to export documents in the old Pages 09 format, but the new iOS version of Pages does not, it only supports the new document format.
    Whether Dropbox will be able to reverse engineer the new Pages document format and add support for it to their iOS  app is an open question at the moment. As far as I'm aware Apple have not published the details of the new Pages file format anywhere so it would have to be reverse-engineered by third party developers from scratch. How many will go to this trouble?
    Btw the same applies to the new versions of the other iWork apps - Keynote and Numbers - they all use a new file format that is different to the previous versions on both iOS and OS X. The good news, and one of the reasons for the change, is that at least now the new iWork file formats are the same on both OS X and iOS, which means you no longer get all the Mac to iOS conversion issues with iWork documents. The other reason for the change is that the new iWork file format(s) are more iCloud friendly and so integrate better with it than the old formats which were developed before iCloud existed.

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    If you are working within your own network, there are apps that allow this. One that seems to work well for me is called Fingerprint - it allows you to access non-AirPrint printers on your network, save to Dropbox, open a document directly on your Mac and save to iPhoto or Evernote:

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    Apple has changed the file formats and some online services are having trouble with them.
    Try Exporting them to Word .docx

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    That's why I decided to have a Macbook Pro, an iPhone 4S and an iPad 3rd. Generation (for example, along with other products and services such as Apple TV).. I know I'm CHOOSING to stay with 1 world, that's fine. And that's why I didn't (yet) go for a Samsung phone or another tablet.. I wanna stick with 1 pattern and I have chosen Apple's..
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    Thank you very much!!

    Thank you Roger.
    That's exactly what I was afraid of...
    During all the time I have been a loyal customer of Apple's products and services, these have been the only 2 issues that I really can't understand (specially when we look at Apple's strategies and management)...
    1) Not being able to DELETE (simply delete or deactivate) old or duplicated Apple IDs... I have 3 different Apple IDs but only one is the real Apple ID I use for everything, with all my purchases and services (such as e-mail) related to it (Why won't Apple jus let people delet, deactivate or - at least - merge Apple IDs?! That would help everyone, including Apple when we think about costs, storage, database maintenance, etc.) - Actually, even when I gave up on trying to delete other Apple IDs, I tried to have the one I really use and have organized to use my address as the Apple ID itself (as Apple asks us to do - and makes sense, of course). But never worked. Just because I created that Apple ID with a account (since it asks for a valid e-mail when you create an Apple ID, it NEVER lets me now change my Apple ID to my e-mail address - I mean JUST having my e-mail address as my primary e-mail and my Apple ID (for example, having that old e-mail address out of it, cleaned..)!
    2) The other issue was this one, about iDisk. Of course there must be reasons for having it shut down, maybe the apps used by iPhone and iPad, along with the folder on Mac OSX, is way too complicated, expensive, full of bugs, I don't know. But if we decide to pay for 50GB of online storage, why even THINK about different options for files we use?! I have Dropbox, I've read about Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive, etc. But I just wanted to STICK with a single ALL-APPLE solution.. That is.. Pay the annual fee for the 50GB and just still keep any file I want on the cloud with iDisk. So, what Apple tells me is that if I have other files than iWork or PDF (and some few exceptions), I should actually downgrade to "free" iCloud and decide to PAY for another solution (organization), such as DropBox, Google Disk or Drive (I don't really know), Micrsoft's SkyDrive..
    Of course there's the strategy of getting more and more people to use Pages, Numbers and Keynote (buying them for iOS and Mac OSX, as I already have and love them). But "killing" iDisk and just telling users to look for other storage solutions doesn't really sound like Apple.
    I have seen so many questions here about both issues (deleting or merging Apple IDS + iDisk back since we pay for storage) that I really believe Apple should reconsider these issues or, at least, open the issue and let us know what would be the best "partner solution" for iCloud...
    Thanks a lot!
    All the best...
    Eduardo Rocha.
    [email protected]

  • Pages and iCloud issues

    So far I have found the following issues using Pages and iCloud both on iPad and iMac.
    1. I migrated 2 mobileme accounts to iCloud. The pages option to use iCloud would not stay on. This could only beresolved by deleting one of the mail accounts.
    2. Pages froze after editing a document and closing it when there was no internet connection. I had to reboot the iPad.
    3. The user interface for Folders on the iPad and in iCloud>iWork on iMac is extermely poor. On the iPad there is no way of organising documents in a folder or displaying them other than as thumbnails. On the iMac it is not possible to create folders, organise the contents of those created on iPad, or display other than thumbnails.
    If this is Apple's attempt to lure people to Cloud computing then it is not a good start. They should have ported iDisk. I will go back to DropBox.

    Though no one replied to this topic, I'm updating with what I've learned after spending many hours on the phone with an Apple tech rep who had esacalated to engineers.  There is NO solution.  Docs that are out of sync or unretrievable from iCloud or iCloud Drive, they cannot assist with.  They offered to wipe my iCloud Drive account and reset it, but I wanted them to restore it afterwards.  Just a simple, pull the data off, dump it on an FTP server so I can access it. Nope.  No assistance.  Not their problem.  I have to manually pull ALL the files off my iPad's iCloud account, the ones I can get to and go through this insane 6 step process to get to those docs.  Really disappointed with Apple.  Using MS Word on the iPad and though not least the Pages docs won't be lost.
    some other links where I've posted this problem are below:
    can't log in to
    iCloud, iOS8 and iCloud Drive - a fine mess

  • The new pages on Dropbox for iPhone

    I can not open the document with the new pages on Dropbox for iPhone

    I'm having the same problem with my iPad. It seems to be only with the new Maverixks Pages.
    You can use the old iWorks '09 Pages and it still works.
    Hopefully there will be an update to Pages very soon.

  • Stop the viewer having the ability to click/touch anywhere on the page and it going to the next page

    I have created a PDF with links to various pages so that it can be used on a touch screen. I need to be able to stop the viewer having the ability to click/touch anywhere on the page and it going to the next page. In Keynote you select a check box that says : "Hyperlinks only" is their something similar in PDF?

    You can upload it to a file-sharing website (, DropBox, etc.)
    and post the link here, or you can send it to me privately at
    [email protected] .

  • Issues with loading some webpages and dropbox. OS X Yosemite Wifi

    I am experiencing issues with my imac. As I was browsing Chrome this morning I went to load a page and suddenly it would not load and gave a page cannot be displayed error. Since then I'm having issues.
    My wifi says it's connected and everything is working fine. I can load some pages but not others (this is across all browsers I've tried: Chrome, Firefox, Safari). My dropbox desktop client will not load, nor can I load my dropbox account online. Also when I quit dropbox from the menu tray and try and reopen from applications it does nothing.
    My Google Drive desktop client and my google drive online is working perfectly though..
    I have shutdown and restarted my computer. I have also reset the modem. Nothing changed unfortunately though.
    I updated to OS X version 10.10.1 3 days ago. So maybe the update is partly responsible?
    Any ideas?

    Hello workingcars,
    I would start your troubleshooting with the first article below and use the Wireless Diagnostic to help isolate and resolve the issue. You also may want to create a new Network Location to see if there is that resolves the issue. 
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity
    Using network locations (Mac OS X v10.6 and later)
    -Norm G. 

  • I updated to OS X Mavericks but I now have two Pages and two Numbers icons in my Dock.   Both contain files and folders.  I am not convinced that Mavericks installed correctly, but what should I do?

    I updatd my MacBook Pro to OS X Mavericks, but I now have two icons in my dock for Pages and two for Numbers, both of them contain files and folders.   If I click the original Pages icon it says that there is an update available, if I then click to update the Itunes pages says no updates available.   I am not convinced that Mavericks updated correctly.  What can I do please.

    There are new versions of the iWork apps, but they have been completely re-written for Mavericks / iOS / iCloud integration. They are feature limited at this time, so Apple left the original versions on your Mac. They are in an iWork folder in the applications folder.
    Along with changes to the programs themselves, the file formats are different. Some things like Google and Dropbox think the file formats are viruses and blocks them (I don't know if that is still the case as I don't use either). So, you may want to continue to use the old versions.

  • Why so spartan and user unfriendly SQL*Plus?

    I am relatively new to Oracle and therefore I would like to know why SQL*Plus command line utility is so spartan and user unfriendly.
    I am talking about SQL*Plus included in Oracle 10g R2 for Linux x86. On many UNIXes platforms there are readline library and pager utility for output piping. Typical example of user-friendly command line utility is MySQL client. So, my question is:
    why is SQL*Plus binary different (not linked against readline library and doesn't provide a call to pager for output piping)?

    I think there is no tool that will do eveything that you want.
    SQL*Plus doesn't format good. Cannot use it for writing packages(sort of). But, it's good for things like 'set autoprint on' to name one. And it's good for tracing.
    SQL Developer: I personally got a bug filed on this one, and since then, lost interest in it.
    PL/SQL Developer: Love this for the way it integrates Visual Sourcesafe, but, it sucks in quering tables with XMLTypes.
    SQL Navigator: Love this for running queries against nested tables. But, this thing sucks at formatting. Somehow , unlike PL/SQL Developer, it semi CHECKS if your code is gonna compile or not BEFORE it formats. I say, dude, I am gonna have to compile the procedure in the database anyway, just format the damn thing.
    Toad: Basically use it to use the session browser, may use it to Kill a session. ( I know I should be using the provided DBMS packages to do that.).
    If you ask me, I can live with SQL*Plus and PL/SQL developer. Pl/SQL Developer because of formatting capabilities and Sourcesafe integration- which is absolutely important for PL/SQL too).
    My two cents.

  • Pages in dropbox on iPad

    If i try to opening a pages document in Dropbox on my iPad, it ends as a zip file, and Dropbox cannot show it. It also end as a zip file in good reader?

    Maybe this is A good thing. Now you Can get A pages file into dropbox, goodreader and other, and get back to pages on an iPad and keep everything in order.

  • Saving documents on both iCloud and Dropbox

    Hello there,
    I love iCloud, it's great for address book and calendars and iWork documents and other apps.
    But it's not dropbox, in the way that the documents you save (in my case it's mostly Numbers, Pages and IAWriter documents) are not on your hard drive the way that they are on your dropbox.
    I work with an iMac at home, I have a Mac Mini at work, and a Macbook for travelling.
    Sometimes I travel to places that don't have internet connections. So downloading from iCloud is a problem once I'm there.
    I would love to find a way to save on both iCloud and Dropbox (or at least, both iCloud and my hard drive, than I can drop manually my stuff on dropbox)
    Otherwise, I'll keep doing it manually on dropbox only.

    Downloading copies of iWork documents
    Sign in to on a Mac or a Windows computer and open the application you used to create the document you want to download (Pages, Numbers, or Keynote).
    Select the document and choose the Download option from the Action (Gear) pop-up menu. The document will download to your default downloads location.

Maybe you are looking for