Pages "enhanced" for Lion?

I want to know before I upgrade. In the Mac App Store Apple offers Pages as "enhanced" for Lion at a price.  If I upgrade to Lion and want to continue using Pages, do I have to buy the enhanced version of Pages? Didn't Apple update Pages for Lion?

I think I know what you are asking, and my answer will be the same as Peter's. The advertising for Pages in the Mac App Store can be confusing. Many of us have thought that the version there is an upgrade. It is actually the same as the Pages in iWork 09, but arranged differently such that it can be purchased separately from KN and Numbers.
So you can update Pages with Software Update at, no charge and when you purchase Lion, you're ready to go.

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    If you don't get an answer here, you might post in the Pages discussion at

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    Try resettting Safari by clicking on the Safari menu item the click reset Safari.

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    Apple, this system (OS X LIon) and software (iWork) release is not up to your high usual standards!!!!!

    madde001 wrote:
    Actually, experimenting shows that this setting can be changed on a document-by-document basis.
    Wrong, it may be set on word basis
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 21 juillet 2011 20:15:02
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

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    Since this is an iMac forum, I assume you will use an external drive as the second drive. Use one that connects via firewire, not via USB.
    Both on a single drive -
    OK. Doing it on a single drive means you will need to partition the internal drive. Although this is straight forward, it is always best to back up the existing drive first, just in case. It's a good idea to have a backup on a different drive, anyway.
    To do that, clone the entire internal drive to the external drive.
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    Then add a partition to the internal drive. To do that, run Disk Utility. Go to the Partition page, select your internal drive in the list on the left, but do not use the Partition Layout menu this time. Instead, click the existing volume in the graphic display, then click the plus ("+") button underneath that display -
    This will add a partition without erasing the existing information - i.e., the drive will end up with two partitions, one of which will contain your original boot volume.
    Use Startup Disk to re-select your original boot violume, and restart back into it.
    Now, clone the original drive again using CCC, but this time to the second partition of the internal drive, the one you just added.
    Boot to that freshly cloned volume to verify it. Then, while still booted to it, install OS X 10.7 Lion onto it.
    This will result in your original Snow Leopard on the first partition of the internal drive, and Lion on the second partition of the internal drive.
    The external drive will have Snow Leopard on one partition, one partition will be empty (available for a clone of Lion if you wish, or use it for extra storage). The remaining two partitions can be used for Time Machine backups - one for Snow Leopard, one for Lion.
    If you want to have each OS on its own hard drive, then you can use the first clone of Snow Leopard to the external to be upgraded to Lion, or upgrade the orignal on the internal drive to Lion. Be sure to boot to the volume to be used for Lion before installing it so that Lion is installed onto the correct boot volume.
    You can then use the empty partition on the internal drive as the backup (or Time Machine) volume for the OS on the external drive, and vice versa. In this arrangement you may need only partition the external into two volumes.
    If you have a different scheme in mind for partitioning, feel free to do that. I don't use Time Machine, so don't have the need to make space for it. Carbon Copy Cloner can be used to do incremental backups after the initial backup - but I don't use that, either. I'm old school - after the inital cloning for backup, I do manual backups of files on the fly.
    Comments -
    * I would suggest keeping both Snow Leopard and Lion on the internal drive. Reason - even though firewire 800 is fast, it is still noticeably slower than an internal drive. OS's on an external drive will run slower than those on an internal drive.
    • I don't like the concept of Time Machine. Amongst other things, it seems to want more space on the target volume than it actually needs; and it is not a bootable replication. A clone of a bootable volume is bootable.
    • It was just a few days ago that I went through the same process as you are planning. One slight difference - I used a 1.0TB external partitioned into 3 equal volumes, since I had no need to allow space for Time Machine. I have Snow Leopard and Lion each on its own partition of the internal drive; and cloned backups of each on the external drive, plus one GP partition on the external drive.
    • If you have not yet downloaded Lion, be prepared for it to take a while; it's almost 4GB in size. Probably be a good idea to defeat sleep for the duration.
    • Cloning takes a while, but not that long - it took 30 minutes to clone 45GB to the external drive, and 45 minutes to clone it to the second internal partition.

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    With Mavericks the answer is maybe.  It really depends on whether they ship a disc with Pages 4.0 or Pages 4.3.  It is hard to figure out which one is the one that you will actually receive.  If you have a virtual machine and purchased these from the Mac App store then if you run Mountain Lion you should be able to download them again on that system.  This is the method I used to re-install.
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    1.  Reinstall from DVD.  This installed a version that is too out of date to run on Mavericks so I had to do step 2.
    2.  Ran a virtual machine with Mountain Lion, installed iWork 09, ran software update and copied the latest versions over to my main machine.  This works and now I have iWork 09 back on my machine.  Hopefully Apple can fix this latest iWork and bring it back to feature parity with iWork 09.

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    I’ve spent the last few months just hating OS X Lion. I thought Apple should have given it a better nickname, like “System Hang” or “Patience is a Virtue.” I spent more time starring at the dreaded spinning beach ball of death than I did getting work done. Where I once kept open as many browser windows and tabs as I liked, I began closing everything I didn’t absolutely need right then. Aperture 3, which I adore, had become impossible to use.
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    But there were other things I could do to speed things up, and here they are in no particular order:
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    • New CPU. I could install a non-sanctioned EFI update, and swap out my quad-core Xeon for something sexier. But not only is that expensive, it also voids my warranty.
    • More memory! This is usually the go-to upgrade. It’s easy. It isn’t very expensive. And even if it doesn’t do a whole lot, you know you want it anyway.
    Now, this Xeon processor has three memory channels, but the motherboard has four memory slots. If you fill all four, your memory takes a speed hit — but you can fit in more memory. If you use just three matched memory sticks, the processor can take full advantage of its memory architecture.
    When I bought this box, I also picked up four 2GB memory sticks. I figured I could try it both ways: 3 sticks for 6GB of faster access or all 4 for 8GB of restricted access. Under previous versions of OS X — Leopard and Snow Leopard — things ran faster and smoother with the full 8GB.
    Well let me tell you: Lion does not like slow memory. Not one bit.
    Yesterday I ditched all four 2GB sticks and replaced them with three 4GB sticks. The 50% increase in memory space is a nice bit of room for Lion to run around in, but I’m wagering that leaving that fourth slot unfilled was what really did the trick. Because let me tell you, right now this Lion roars. All the bad things I said about Lion? I take them all back. And if you’re a frustrated Mac Pro/Lion user, heed my advice.
    At this very moment, I’m looking at email, 40 or 50 browser tabs in six windows, my calendar and iTunes blown up to full screen, ripping a Blu-Ray and crunching it down to 720p at 30fps, sorting through more than 2,000 RAW images in Aperture, doodling around with three different Pages documents, and two Christmas shopping spreadsheets — all strewn across nine virtual desktops, while in the background iTunes is serving up two video streams to Apple TVs upstairs and Time Machine is cranking away to keep my data safe.
    My Mac is a Mac again.

    Hi ...
    Avoid MacKeeper. Results of an ASC forum search for MacKeeper >  Community Search: Apple Support  Comments are discouraging for the most part. You don't need third party utlities installed to take care of your Mac. For the most part they do more harm than good.
    Not enough free space on the startup disk can slow the system down.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    Disabling the Lion "resume" feature may help.
    Open System Preferences > General
    Deselect:  Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps
    You can use Lion Recovery to repair the startup disk and reinstall the Mac OS X.

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    Can someone help out?

    The 7300 is in some machines and this section applies to this. There is no windows based enhancement tool for the 7600 (I have one in my Qosmio) but you can alter settings in the Qosmioplayer by going into the setup screens directly (F1 or F2 I think.
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    Terrible isnt it.
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    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Here is the support page I found to be less than "clear":
    iBooks Author: About the Keynote widget (note the first bullet-point: "Adding a presentation to a Keynote widget"):
    I subsequently found the other support doc that is more clear - affirming the correctness of your answer.
    Even so, I encourage you to reconsider the use of the word "clearly," which comes across as needlessly condescending.

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    You probably want to post in the Pages forum for Pages help.

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    Quick search of Amazon will give you tonnes of books with reader reviews. If your trying to become certified look at the Apple Pro Training Series.

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Maybe you are looking for

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