Pages - How to turn posters into invitations?

how do I reduce the whole size of what I've created to copy it to a new page and make invitations from it?
The invitation needs to duplicate the poster put will be 2 smaller versions printed onto one page - how do I simply copy all the content, reduce the size to fit etc….

Print to pdf and drag the pdf back into Pages and reduce to fit two up.

Similar Messages


    I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A
    little while back,
    I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and
    came across an
    article similar to this that said you could make thousands of
    dollars within
    weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought,
    Yeah right,
    this must be a scam,but like most of us, I was curious, so I
    kept reading.
    Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names
    and address
    stated in the article. You then place your own name and
    address in the
    bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least
    200 newsgroups.
    (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after
    thinking it over, and
    talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I
    figured: what
    have I got to lose except 6
    stamps and $6.00, right? Then I invested the measly $6.00.
    Well GUESS
    within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was
    shocked! I figured
    it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my
    first week, I
    made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a
    total of over
    $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's
    still growing.
    This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just
    over $42,000.00
    and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00,
    and 6 stamps,
    I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you
    how this works
    and most importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you
    print a copy of
    this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as
    you need it. I
    promise you
    that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will
    start making more
    money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!
    Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out
    or download
    it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come
    in! It's easy.
    It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage)
    IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is
    not illegal; and
    it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the
    instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary
    PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and
    $50,000 or more can
    be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful
    because of the
    honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue
    its success by
    adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the
    Mail Order
    business. In this business your product is not solid and
    tangible, it's a
    service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists.
    Many large
    corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
    However, the
    money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income
    which is made
    from people like you and me asking to be included in that
    list. Here are the
    4 easy steps to success:
    STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the
    following on each piece
    of paper; PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST. Now get 6 US
    $1.00 bills and
    place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill
    will not be seen
    through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one
    paper in each of
    the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed
    envelopes, each
    with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and
    address, and a
    $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS
    LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are
    paying for it!
    Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried
    about the
    legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S.
    Post Office
    (1-800-725-2161) and they
    confirmed that it is indeed legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to
    the following
    Mailing Adresses
    Stephanie Hicks
    1283 Evening Canyon
    Henderson NV 89014
    Ross Wilson
    202 Belmont Dr.
    Thibodaux, LA 70301
    James Small
    4690 Sierra St.
    Riverside, CA 92504
    Thomas G.
    P.O. Box 591939
    Houston, TX 77259
    S. Parker
    159 Main Street
    Dadeville, Alabama 36853
    A. Wyman
    9734 Landowne ct.
    Orlando, FL 32817
    STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above,
    move the other
    names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name
    as number 6 on
    the list.
    STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this
    article as close
    original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at
    least 200
    newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All
    you need is 200,
    but remember, the more you post, the more money you make!
    This is perfectly
    legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302
    & 1341 of the
    Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself
    and, whenever
    you need money, you can use it again, and again.
    PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because
    of the honesty
    and integrity of the participants and by their carefully
    adhering to the
    directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the
    program will
    continue and the money that so many others have received will
    come your way.
    NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to
    you, either on a
    computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you.
    This VERIFIES that
    you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good
    idea to wrap
    the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.)
    So, as each
    post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six
    members will
    be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer
    with one dollar
    each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that
    when your name
    reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of
    dollars in
    CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of
    the first six
    people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the
    list and you're
    in business!
    Step 1) You do
    not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own
    posting. Simply put
    your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your
    cursor to the
    bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit
    menu. This will
    copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
    Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at
    the top of the
    blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will
    paste a copy of
    the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the
    Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you
    want to do your
    postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
    to go back to.
    Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching
    for various
    newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites,
    discussions.) Step
    5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new
    message by
    highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from
    the edit menu.
    Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
    sees as they
    scroll through the list of postings in a particular group,
    click the post
    message button. You're done with your first one!
    IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and
    post away, after
    you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for
    each newsgroup!
    That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the
    world within days!
    You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large
    amount of mail
    you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can
    invent a name to
    use, as long as the postman will deliver it.
    part: Out of
    200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low
    example). So then I
    made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of
    the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200
    postings, each
    with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the
    original 5,
    that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200
    MINIMUM posts with
    my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an
    $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the
    MINIMUM 200 with my
    name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an
    $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625
    persons post a
    MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only
    receive 5 replies,
    that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those
    3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups
    with my name
    at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will
    $15,625,00!With an original investment of only $6.00!
    AMAZING! When your
    name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest
    posting in the
    newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list,
    putting your
    name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to
    remember is:
    do you realize that thousands of people all over the world
    are joining the
    internet and reading these articles
    everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00
    and see if it
    really works?? I think so... People have said, "e;what if the
    plan is played
    out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the
    chances of that
    happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
    honest people who
    are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are
    willing to give it
    a try?
    Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with
    thousands of
    those joining the actual internet.
    Remember: play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work.

    I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A
    little while back,
    I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and
    came across an
    article similar to this that said you could make thousands of
    dollars within
    weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought,
    Yeah right,
    this must be a scam,but like most of us, I was curious, so I
    kept reading.
    Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names
    and address
    stated in the article. You then place your own name and
    address in the
    bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least
    200 newsgroups.
    (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after
    thinking it over, and
    talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I
    figured: what
    have I got to lose except 6
    stamps and $6.00, right? Then I invested the measly $6.00.
    Well GUESS
    within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was
    shocked! I figured
    it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my
    first week, I
    made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a
    total of over
    $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's
    still growing.
    This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just
    over $42,000.00
    and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00,
    and 6 stamps,
    I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you
    how this works
    and most importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you
    print a copy of
    this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as
    you need it. I
    promise you
    that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will
    start making more
    money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!
    Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out
    or download
    it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come
    in! It's easy.
    It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage)
    IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is
    not illegal; and
    it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the
    instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary
    PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and
    $50,000 or more can
    be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful
    because of the
    honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue
    its success by
    adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the
    Mail Order
    business. In this business your product is not solid and
    tangible, it's a
    service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists.
    Many large
    corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
    However, the
    money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income
    which is made
    from people like you and me asking to be included in that
    list. Here are the
    4 easy steps to success:
    STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the
    following on each piece
    of paper; PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST. Now get 6 US
    $1.00 bills and
    place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill
    will not be seen
    through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one
    paper in each of
    the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed
    envelopes, each
    with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and
    address, and a
    $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS
    LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are
    paying for it!
    Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried
    about the
    legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S.
    Post Office
    (1-800-725-2161) and they
    confirmed that it is indeed legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to
    the following
    Mailing Adresses
    Stephanie Hicks
    1283 Evening Canyon
    Henderson NV 89014
    Ross Wilson
    202 Belmont Dr.
    Thibodaux, LA 70301
    James Small
    4690 Sierra St.
    Riverside, CA 92504
    Thomas G.
    P.O. Box 591939
    Houston, TX 77259
    S. Parker
    159 Main Street
    Dadeville, Alabama 36853
    A. Wyman
    9734 Landowne ct.
    Orlando, FL 32817
    STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above,
    move the other
    names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name
    as number 6 on
    the list.
    STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this
    article as close
    original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at
    least 200
    newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All
    you need is 200,
    but remember, the more you post, the more money you make!
    This is perfectly
    legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302
    & 1341 of the
    Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself
    and, whenever
    you need money, you can use it again, and again.
    PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because
    of the honesty
    and integrity of the participants and by their carefully
    adhering to the
    directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the
    program will
    continue and the money that so many others have received will
    come your way.
    NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to
    you, either on a
    computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you.
    This VERIFIES that
    you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good
    idea to wrap
    the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.)
    So, as each
    post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six
    members will
    be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer
    with one dollar
    each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that
    when your name
    reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of
    dollars in
    CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of
    the first six
    people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the
    list and you're
    in business!
    Step 1) You do
    not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own
    posting. Simply put
    your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your
    cursor to the
    bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit
    menu. This will
    copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
    Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at
    the top of the
    blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will
    paste a copy of
    the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the
    Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you
    want to do your
    postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
    to go back to.
    Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching
    for various
    newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites,
    discussions.) Step
    5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new
    message by
    highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from
    the edit menu.
    Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
    sees as they
    scroll through the list of postings in a particular group,
    click the post
    message button. You're done with your first one!
    IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and
    post away, after
    you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for
    each newsgroup!
    That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the
    world within days!
    You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large
    amount of mail
    you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can
    invent a name to
    use, as long as the postman will deliver it.
    part: Out of
    200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low
    example). So then I
    made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of
    the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200
    postings, each
    with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the
    original 5,
    that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200
    MINIMUM posts with
    my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an
    $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the
    MINIMUM 200 with my
    name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an
    $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625
    persons post a
    MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only
    receive 5 replies,
    that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those
    3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups
    with my name
    at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will
    $15,625,00!With an original investment of only $6.00!
    AMAZING! When your
    name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest
    posting in the
    newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list,
    putting your
    name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to
    remember is:
    do you realize that thousands of people all over the world
    are joining the
    internet and reading these articles
    everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00
    and see if it
    really works?? I think so... People have said, "e;what if the
    plan is played
    out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the
    chances of that
    happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
    honest people who
    are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are
    willing to give it
    a try?
    Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with
    thousands of
    those joining the actual internet.
    Remember: play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work.

  • How to turn columns into rows

    Hi. Does anyone know how to turn columns into rows ie:
    select field1, field2, field3, field4, field5 from table
    desired result:
    field1 field2
    field1 field3
    field1 field4
    field1 field5
    Thank you!

    Something like this ?
    select field1
    , case n.l
    when 1 then field2
    when 2 then field3
    when 3 then field4
    when 4 then field5
    end field
    from table
    , (select level l from dual connect by level <= 4) n

  • Does anyone know how I turn negatives into a positive on Aperture please?  I have scanned  a bunch of negs and want ot make a contact sheet. Would really appreciate some clues on where to start.  Thanks

    does anyone know how I turn negatives into a positive on Aperture please?  I have scanned  a bunch of negs and want ot make a contact sheet. Would really appreciate some clues on where to start.  Thanks

    Yeah, it's simple. You scan your images singly, then import them. Then, one by one adjust them. Under the adjustment brick, pull up the CURVES tool. It is one of dozens available from the pulldown menu on the left side.
    So, with your image in view, you click on the adjustment tool, select CURVES (which will be at the bottom of a few other adjustment sliders such as EXPOSURE) under the Histogram and then grab the bottom of the right hand curve and swing it all the way to the left. Then grab the left hand curve and drag it all the way to the right.
    The right curve represents highlights. The left curve represents shadows. Now the two are reversed. Your negative is now a positive. For added control, you can create mid-tone curves of your own and make finer adjustments. I haven't done this much so the experts might weigh in here with corrections and added advice.

  • How to turn stereo into 5.1 suround sound

    Hello i have cs 5.5 i would like to take old vhs or 8mm video tapes and put them on dvd in 5.1 surround sound can anyone tell me how to spit stereo into the left center tight live left surround right surround every time i try my receiver kicks into Dolby d but the sound only comes threw the front left and tight can anyone help me and if so a step by step would be a great help.

    This is gonna get I'm gonna put pics in first and then explain them cause I dont remember what order I made the pics I'm an idiot so my explanation will be weird.. plus I never do this stuff can im using cs3...
    basically this is what I did. created new project and in preferences chose 5.1 surround...chose a few mono track, a couple stereo tracks, a few submix tracks and some 5.1 tracks..something for everyone..
    Then I put a real stereo wav file into a stereo track. The left and right sides were recorded so that it is REALLY stereo and very obvious ( old beatle song ).  You can tell by waveform how different left and right side of stereo wav file is...
    then i opened soundforge and copied ONLY the left channel of the stereo wav file and saved it as a MONO I can demonstrate THAT part..
    using stereo wav and using 5.1 control you can put that wav into left front, right front, etc..but it puts it ALL there unless you play with stuff a LOT in your me its easier to make a mono wav file of the left side and just use that. I would have made a right side only wav ALSO if I was to continue with this project ...
    above image is where you choose what to add to project
    some controls can assign to submix and you can use as a master..etc
    above image is real stereo wav in stereo yours...
    above is making a mono track wav out of the stereo left side of original stereo wav..
    above.. now if I put my mono wav into that track and move my dot to front left... I hear only the left part of the original stereo wav in the left front speaker... in essence I can put mono track of 'right' side into the right front speaker using another mono track and moving the dot.. I can also now put that stuff into the other speakers as desired..and mix the volumes etc in the sound controls ... know what I can do other stuff with the stereo only wav if you cant make mono tracks for more control...and play with the submix stuff etc.. this should get you started ??
    ps.. I also made a stereo wav of the left side ONLY just in case you wanted to see what that looks like in a stereo track..but its only left side of original wav..
    good luck !

  • How to turn something into a voice memo

    hey i have a ipod g5 and i noticed that there was a voice memo option i want to turn a recorcing and put it into the voice recording folder can and if i can how do i do it? Thanks for the help

    Welcome you post on the forum.
    In your case, you could use inventory UoM as one meter instead. It may not be convenient if majority sales are 5m total length. However, if the cut off is not rare, this work around would save you time.

  • How to turn waste into a sundry stock item in SAP B1

    G'day folks,
    This is my first post ot the SAP B1 forum, and probably wont be the last. So far I've used this forum to resolve most problems, but I have an issue with I havn't seen to date on any thread.
    Two of the 6 companies I'm implementing in SAP (2 down, 4 to go...) are retail timber businesses. There is a need to ocasionally dock pieces of timber which are already defined in the Item Master Data, into specific lengths. The offcuts can be put back into stock to be sold, but we don't want to set up a new item code, or necissarily set up a BOM/Production PO for a one off order.
    For example, a customer wants 20 x 3m lengths of timber of a certain profile, but it only comes in lengths of 5m, thus the 2m offcuts can still be sold. How do you handle that in SAP B1 without utilising BOM for a small one off order and not setting up a special item code for the offcut which can also be sold?

    Welcome you post on the forum.
    In your case, you could use inventory UoM as one meter instead. It may not be convenient if majority sales are 5m total length. However, if the cut off is not rare, this work around would save you time.

  • Logic recording your jam in the background how to turn it into a track

    Im new to the logic 8, I had logic 5 and then dabbled with garageband.
    So I' have some things to learn and reteach myself,
    question is:::::::::
    I know you can have your tracks recording enabled and just jam out and it will record and be held in your memory
    without hitting the record button and feeling the pressure,
    What is the command or how do I make that *jam or music I played* into a recording on that track, (without having to push the record button)

    The bad news is that the feature you are talking about is called "magic", so it is not possible with audio.
    The good news is that logic is filled with magic and can perform some pretty neat tricks, so with Midi, it actually is possible.
    The feature is called "capture recording" (default key combination ctrl-apple-alt-R). This only works if the session was playing when you were jamming of course.

  • How to turn logo into crisp clean vector black and white outline?

    I have the colored logo in vector but I need a crisp clean vector black and white outline.
    Please advise.
    Thank you!

    You might be able to at least color all the dark parts in black via Edit > Edit colors > Recolor art.
    Maybe you can use it as well to color all the other parts in white (depends on how many there are and if it doesn't get too cluttered).
    You might also try to use the magic wand tool to select stuff and then apply different colors.

  • How to turn widescreen into 4:3?

    Hello. I have a videoclip to make but some scenes were filmed in widescreen and some in regular 4:3. Il would like the whole video to be in 4:3. How should I do?

    Thanks for your answers but I didnt really understand. Here's my problem again. I imported 2 types of video (4:3 and 16:9) on the same project, wich I set on  DV NTSC Standard 48. I want the 2 clips to look the same in size, I dont care if its with a black stripe or not.
    THIS PICTURE SHOWS THE 16/9 VIDEO. (It's all original setings. I just import and drag the clips on the working space)

  • Maps: how to turn a dropped pin into a favorite

    For iPhone iOS 8: The User Guide doesn't tell how to do this. Have dropped a pin at the current location but can't figure out how to turn it into a favorite. And then once you have a list of favorites, how do you access them?

    Yes I had the same problem on the iPad with the new Apple Maps.
    I have found that pins dropped by holding your finger on the map can be removed by the method described by the previous answer (from the Inofo panel) but pins that have been dropped by searches cannot be removed this way. To remove these pins clck on the search field and then in the top left corner of the 'Recents' list you will see 'Clear'. When you click on this you can clear all recent searches and all the drop pins associated with these searches should be cleard too. Trouble is it only 'clears all' you cannot 'swipe' to delete one at a time or 'Edit' the list.
    Hope this helps.

  • Pages 5.2 - When I try to reorder different pages it just takes all the pages within the document and turns them into a stack! Why is this happening and how can I oder pages as the update is meant to let me?

    When I try to reorder different pages it just takes all the pages within the document and turns them into a stack! Why is this happening and how can I oder pages as the update is meant to let me?
    Any Help?I know the update has only been out a while but if anyone has an idea why it is doing this, please let me know!

    But you are telling me something I already know.
    Be precise.
    It is not Pages '09 that is broken.
    I am back in Mavericks and testing Pages 5.2.
    There are improvements, we shall see how useful, but in less than a minute I have already discovered bugs.

  • I want to know how to turn a word document into a jpeg so I can put the document on Facebook as a picture. I have made posters and if I do a print screen they are unable to be read, or if i turn it into a PDF there is no save as jpeg??

    I want to know how to turn a word document into a jpeg so I can put the document on Facebook as a picture. I have made posters and if I do a print screen they are unable to be read, or if i turn it into a PDF there is no save as jpeg??

    iOS device backups are stored in your iTunes library.
    Move your iTunes library to an external drive.

  • HT4550 My safari is permanently on safe mode even after turning it of the pages refresh it goes back into safe mode how do i remove it

    My safari is permanently on safe mode even after turning it of the pages refresh it goes back into safe mode how do I remove it.

    Hold the shift key down and launch Safari.
    If not, try  suggestions made in this article. -to-safe-mode/

  • "How do you turn text into a hyperlinx can't find menu at top in Muse

    "How do you turn text into a hyperlinx can't find menu at top in Muse

    In order to turn a tet into Hyperlink, you first need to select the text and then in the toolbar look for "Links" option. Click on the dropdown and either select one of the pages or type in your own link.
    Please have a look at the video below :
    Hope this helps.

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