Pages (iWork 06) won't split cells into columns past a certain number...

I'm trying to split a number of cells into columns (only one column of cells selected at a time). It worked fine with 5 out of the 15 columns that I have, but now when I highlight a column's worth of cells and right click "split into columns" is grayed out. Why?
I changed the page size and made it huge in case that was limiting the overall table dimensions or anything like that, but it's still not working. Thanks!

Does the ext directory have the php_oci8.dll? In the original steps the PHP dir is renamed. In the given the extension_dir looks like it has been updated correctly. Since PHP distributes php_oci8.dll by default I reckon there would be a very good chance that the problem was somewhere else. Since this is an old thread I don't think we'll get much value from speculation.
-- cj

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  • How to split strings into columns

    Hi guys,
    I have a select like this:
    select 'testing1'||'.'||'testing2'||'.'||'testing3' from dualwhich gives me an output like this:
    testing1.testing2.testing3How can I split this into 3 columns in SQL PLUS?
    Thank you in advance

    user643734 wrote:
    Thank you guys for all your help.
    I tried to resolve your problem using somme functions...
    I know is a long, long story but it works.
    Ion--create table_pivot
    CREATE TABLE pivot_table(id VARCHAR2(1) primary key, all_concat VARCHAR2(1810));
    --add data
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('x','12345.2829303132.234234.234234.234234');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('y','67890.2324252627.234234.234234.234234.332545');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('z','11121314.12345.234234.234234.234234.23432.32453245.345435.345435');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('a','151617.67890.234234.234234');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('b','1819202122.1112131415.234234.234234.234234.345435');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('c','2324252627');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('h','2829303132.234234.234234.234234.23432.32453245.345435.345435.4325435.345');
    insert into pivot_table (id, all_concat) values('r','');
    set termout off
    --procedures and functions to compile
    --1. Main function to format strings
    create or replace function fgetformatstring
    (v_max_rows numeric, v_crt_row varchar2, v_table_source varchar2, v_save_to_table varchar2, v_option numeric)
    return varchar2
    v_crt_char      numeric:=0;
    v_pos_char      numeric:=1;
    v_count      numeric:=0;
    v_string_out varchar2(500);
    v_str_paded     varchar2(10):=',null';
    v_length_pad     numeric;
    v_diff_pad numeric;
    l_crt_row varchar2(1800);
    v_char char:=',';
    v_delimiter char:='.';
    l_save_to_table varchar2(1000);
    l_max_rows     numeric;
    l_crt_row:=replace(v_crt_row,'.' ,',');
    if v_option=0 then     --get the ',null' to paded in pivot_table     
              v_crt_char:=instr(v_crt_row,v_char, v_crt_char+1);
    exit when v_crt_char=0 or v_count=1000;
         end loop;
         v_string_out:=' ';
         v_diff_pad :=l_max_rows-1-v_count;
    if v_diff_pad >0 then                    --nothing to add
         v_length_pad:=length(v_str_paded);-- (+v_char)
    end if;
    end if;
    if v_option=1 then     --get definition of v_save_to_table
         v_string_out:=' ';
    exit when v_count=l_max_rows+1 or v_count>=1000;
         end loop;
    v_string_out:=trim(v_char from v_string_out);
    end if;
    if v_option=2 then     --get position of last comma  
              v_crt_char:=instr(v_crt_row,v_char, v_crt_char+1);
    exit when v_crt_char=0 or v_count=1000;
         end loop;
    end if;
    if v_option=3 then     --get numbers of delimiters(.)
              v_crt_char:=instr(v_crt_row,v_delimiter, v_crt_char+1);
    --dbms_output.put_line( 'Rows: ' ||v_crt_row|| ' iteration: '||v_count);
    exit when v_crt_char=0 or v_count=1000;
         end loop;
    end if;
    if v_option=4 then     --get sql command to create v_save_to_table
         v_string_out:=' ';
    exit when v_count=l_max_rows+1 or v_count>=1000;
    v_length_pad:=length(v_string_out||'col'||to_char(v_count)||' varchar2(40), ');
              v_string_out:=rpad(v_string_out,v_length_pad,'col'||to_char(v_count)||' varchar2(40), ');
         end loop;
    v_string_out:=trim(' ' from v_string_out);
              v_string_out:=trim(v_char from v_string_out);
              v_string_out:='create table '|| l_save_to_table ||'('||v_string_out||')';
    end if;
    if v_option=5 then     --get numbers of delimiters(,) 
              v_crt_char:=instr(v_crt_row,',', v_crt_char+1);
    exit when v_crt_char=0 or v_count=1000;
         end loop;
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line( 'string: ' ||v_string_out|| ' option: '||v_option);
    return v_string_out;
    --2.get max items
    create or replace function fgetmaxitems
    --get the max number of items founded in the pivot_table.all_concat
    --before change the points with comma
    return numeric
    v_max                numeric:=0;
    v_field               pivot_table.all_concat%type;
    v_crt_max numeric:=0;
    v_crt_row     varchar(1000);
    cursor c1 is
    select all_concat from pivot_table;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into v_field;
    exit when c1%notfound;
    if v_crt_max>v_max then
    end if;
    end loop;
    close c1;
    return v_max;
    --3. insert the rows in table_dest
    create or replace procedure pinsertrow
    v_max_rows numeric,
    v_all_concat varchar2,
    v_source_table_name varchar2,
    v_save_to_tablename varchar2
    v_sql_string      varchar2(1000);
    l_all_concat     varchar2(1500);
    l_all_concat:=replace(v_all_concat,'.' ,',');
    v_sql_string:=' insert into ' ||v_save_to_tablename
    ||' (' ||fgetformatstring(v_max_rows,l_all_concat,v_source_table_name,v_save_to_tablename,1)||')'||
    ' values'||v_sql_string ;
    execute immediate v_sql_string;
    --4.procedure to create dinamically <table_dest>
    create or replace procedure pcreatesavetable
    (v_table_source varchar2, v_save_to_table varchar2)
    v_sql_string      varchar2(1000);
    already_exists exception;
    pragma exception_init(already_exists,-955);
    v_max numeric;
    --clear empty values;
    v_sql_string:='delete from ' ||v_table_source|| ' where length(all_concat)=0 or (all_concat) is null';
    execute immediate v_sql_string;
         --create new table
         v_sql_string:=fgetformatstring(v_max,'all_concat', v_table_source,v_save_to_table,4);
    dbms_output.put_line( 'sql create : '|| v_sql_string);
    execute immediate v_sql_string;
         when already_exists then
    --delete old table
         v_sql_string:='drop table ' ||v_save_to_table;
         execute immediate v_sql_string;
         --create new table
         v_sql_string:=fgetformatstring(v_max,'all_concat', v_table_source,v_save_to_table,4);
    dbms_output.put_line( 'sql recreate final_table : '|| v_sql_string);
    execute immediate v_sql_string;
    --5.main procedure
    create or replace procedure pmainproc(v_save_to_table varchar2)
    v_column_pivot     pivot_table.all_concat%type;
    v_max numeric;
    v_crt_row          varchar2(1600);
    cursor c2 is select , y.all_concat
         from pivot_table y
    ;     --cursor upon pivot_table 
    if v_max <> 0 then
    --clear empty values;
    delete from pivot_table where length(all_concat)=0 or (all_concat) is null;
    --change all points with comma
    (select, x.all_concat from pivot_table x, pivot_table y where b
    set b.all_concat=replace(b.all_concat,'.', ',');
    -- padd the all_concat with ',null'
    (select, x.all_concat from pivot_table x, pivot_table y where and
    fgetformatstring(v_max,x.all_concat,'pivot_table',v_save_to_table,5) <> v_max
    ) b
    set b.all_concat=b.all_concat || fgetformatstring(v_max,b.all_concat,'pivot_table',v_save_to_table,0);
    --remove last
    update pivot_table
    set all_concat= fgetformatstring(v_max,all_concat,'pivot_table',v_save_to_table,2)
    where fgetformatstring(v_max,all_concat,'pivot_table',v_save_to_table,5) = v_max;
    open c2;
    fetch c2 into      v_key_pivot, v_column_pivot;
    exit when c2%notfound;
    -- insert data in to final_table
    end loop;
    close c2;
    end if;
    --create table_dest
    --the table_dest will be created automatically, so you need admin privilege to run that before compile pcreatesavetable :
    connect / as sysdba or connect system/password
    --grant create table to hr;
    --conne hr/hr;
    exec pcreatesavetable('pivot_table','table_dest');
    --add data to table_dest
    exec pmainproc('table_dest');
    set termout on
    select * from table_dest;
    Table created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    Function created.
    Function created.
    Procedure created.
    Procedure created.
    Procedure created.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    12345 2829303132 234234 234234 234234
    67890 2324252627 234234 234234 234234 332545
    11121314 12345 234234 234234 234234 23432 32453245 345435 345435
    151617 67890 234234 234234
    1819202122 1112131415 234234 234234 234234 345435
    2829303132 234234 234234 234234 23432 32453245 345435 345435 4325435 345
    7 rows selected.


    when we use webutil to retrieve data from text file into database table
    (using text_io) it hangs after certain number of records ( approx. 1300
    records) while the total number of records to be inserted in the table exceeds
    12000 records while it works properly on forms6i with the normal text_io any
    help please...?
    thanks and regards

    WebUtil uploads the files as Binary - so yes you could have some issues if you have a Unix host - however, that would only mean that there is an extra character to trim off of the end of the line read by Text_io.

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    A B C
    T F F
    T F T
    F T T
    F T F
    and I want to find the last cell in column C that has a value of T (meaning True), how would I do this?
    I appreciate any help.

    In the cells of column H, the formula is:
    In E1 the formula is:
    which the num of the row which you want to know.
    You will be able to reference the cell with the formula
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 5 septembre 2009 21:17:41

  • Split Delimiters into Columns

    I am using database version 11.2.1 and have a function that returns a delimited value.
    For example:
    Value returned:
    '1012, User1, Raleigh Close'
    Is it possible to split this delimited value into 3 columns, this split would be required in the same query that returns the function value, for example:
    select return_value(ID), regexp_substr(..........)
    from test
    where ......
    Required Output:
    '1012, User1, Raleigh Close', 1012, User1, Raleigh Close
    Can anyone suggest the best way?

    You do not need a Regexp for such trivial patterns. They tend to consume more CPU as against the Pure SQL counterparts viz. SUBSTR and INSTR. And pure SQL functions do tend to perform better when you deal with huge amount of data. Hence, my choice would stay with SUBSTR and INSTR for such requirements.
    with data as
      select '1012, User1, Raleigh Close' col from dual
    select col, substr(col, 1, instr(col, ',') - 1) col1,
           substr(col, instr(col, ',') + 1, instr(col, ',', 1, 2) - instr(col, ',') - 1) col2,
           substr(col, substr(col, instr(col, ',', 1, 2) + 1)) col3
      from data;
    COL                        COL1                       COL2                       COL3                      
    1012, User1, Raleigh Close 1012                        User1                     Raleigh Close Edited by: Purvesh K on Mar 26, 2013 4:09 PM
    Modified INSTR for COL3; Perhaps over-thought on it a bit.

  • Where is split cell in the new 2013 pages 5.0?

    What ever happened to the split cell funstion on pages 5.0?
    Please help me or i will have to request a refund and use Ms Word.

    Did you have Pages 09 on the computer? If so use it as it should still be in  Applications/iWork 09 folder.

  • Flv Video inserted into page by Dreamweaver won't play or show up on page??

    The following code was inserted into a web page for a site I am trying to build in Dreamweaver CS5.5, but the video clip does not show up when I try to view the page in browser:
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="202" height="231" id="FLVPlayer">
            <param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" />
            <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
            <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
            <param name="salign" value="lt" />
            <param name="FlashVars" value="&amp;MM_ComponentVersion=1&amp;skinName=Halo_Skin_2&amp;streamName=Globetrottin.fl v&amp;autoPlay=false&amp;autoRewind=false" />
            <param name="swfversion" value="8,0,0,0" />
            <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
            <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
            <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
            <!--[if !IE]>-->
            <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" width="202" height="231">
              <param name="quality" value="high" />
              <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
              <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
              <param name="salign" value="lt" />
              <param name="FlashVars" value="&amp;MM_ComponentVersion=1&amp;skinName=Halo_Skin_2&amp;streamName=Globetrottin.fl v&amp;autoPlay=false&amp;autoRewind=false" />
              <param name="swfversion" value="8,0,0,0" />
              <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
              <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
              <!--[if !IE]>-->
    I don't understand this. I am not a code expert by any means, but I was told that by purchasing the Deamweaver software I would not need to be a web developer to make a site?? The remainder of the site looks great, but I need to insert some video clips on this one page and it won't do it. Please help me!!

    Go to Sites > Manage Sites > Edit your site definition settings.  If you haven't defined a site yet, Hit NEW and set-up your Local Info first. 
    Then, select Remote Info (it's in the Advanced panel). 
    Fill in the fields with the log-in details your host sent you.   This is how DW will connect you to the remote server. 
    NOTE: my screenshot looks different but you get the general idea.
    Hit OK.
    Select your test page in the Files Panel and hit the UP arrow to upload your page & dependant files to the remote server.   As Hans said earlier, you need all four files to support Flash Video.
    Come back and post the URL to your page.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    It won't let me into I message. I type in my ID then I pick what people can text me by then I press next and it goes back to the sign in page so I tried it again and it just kept doing that so it won't let me into iMessage? Please help!

    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation

  • Export splits 1 cell into several

    I would like to export the results of the query:
    select * from user_views;
    when i run the query, the result looks ok, i.e. each row is separate
    when i export this , the content of the views gets splitted into different rows;
    how can i export so the content of each cell stays in 1 cell?
    is this possible?
    thanks in advance for any tips!

    thanks for your answer; however this format still splits the cell into many rows;
    however i tried one by one every single format in this export and the following one keeps the data in 1 cell:
    my version:
    so my issue is solved;

  • How do I divide a list in one cell into multiple rows?

    I have copied lists of data from a website - some lists pasted as I want them (in individual rows), but others pasted the list in one row.  Is there an easy way to split a list in a single cell into multiple cells so ultimately I can sort all the rows?  I've tried "split the selected cells into rows" in the inspector, but it's not working... seems like it's creating another column instead (?).  Any help would be amazing.

    I find that Pages has the friendliest Find and Replace dialog, so when I need to swap around the delimiters I go straight to Pages and do the fixes there. Replace whatever is there between columns in the original content with Tab characters and replace whatever is there now for delimiting the rows with the Return character. Since it's sometimes difficult to tell what has been used, just copy it from the content and Paste into the Find field. Choose the Tab or Return character from the Replace drop down menu.
    When you have it all fixed up, then paste into Numbers.

  • IWork bug won't let me save in new folders

    Hi I'd like to know why all my iWork apps won't let me save my files in new locations.
    Every time I try to save something it only lets me save my file to the page it automatically shows me (my documents).
    When I try to make a new folder within my documents to save my files, it tells me that the folder is a read-only location. See picture here:
    When I checked the permissions in the info of my documents, or the subfolder I try to make new folder in, it says that anyone who accesses my computer can read and write. See picture here:
    Please let me know how I can resolve this because I find it very hassle at this point to organize my files without this feature. I have already restarted the computer, Repaired and verified disk permissions, updated all the software and nothing seems to be working. The only way I can make new folders is by making one through Finder first, placing it in the right location, and saving my files there.

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership, permissions, and access controls to the default. If you've intentionally set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it, but you do need to follow the instructions below.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user, and the one in question is not an administrator, then go to Step 2.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    sudo find ~ $TMPDIR.. -exec chflags -h nouchg,nouappnd,noschg,nosappnd {} + -exec chown -h $UID {} + -exec chmod +rw {} + -exec chmod -h -N {} + -type d -exec chmod -h +x {} + 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take several minutes to run, depending on how many files you have. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1, if you prefer not to take it, or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
              Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open. In that window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
               ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

  • Could you please split FF into 2 separate entities?

    After several years of research, Mozilla has now launched it's visual overhaul.
    It's a mixture between visuals for regular old school computer users and the new and upcoming touch-based users.
    Most apparent of the latter is the usage of icons. Well the exclusive usage of icons. Microsoft has done the same thing with their Office suit and after several YEARS of using it, I still miss the good old 2003 version. So don't tell me to just keep using it and I'll start liking it. I won't. But I digress.
    While I do applaud the effort put into keeping up with current technology, you shouldn't pigeon-hole the entirety of your user base into what seems to be an emerging niche market.
    I do not need touch-sized icons for cutting, or copying or pasting, I already know CTRL+ (+/-) will zoom the page, as will many other keyboard shortcuts perform the tasks in what is now the Menu. And truth be told, that's a sorry excuse of a menu.
    In my opinion, it might be best if Mozilla split FF into 2 different programs.
    One for the regular users. The ones that noticed the potential of the browser and helped make it popular.
    And another for the iPhone generation of touch-based users.
    Some other thoughts:
    - It has already been mentioned that the toolbar at the bottom ain't coming back. This 'my way or the highway'-attitude is not something we, the users, appreciate from devs.
    - The standard grey for the currently not used tabs: No, just no. In a Win7 environment with Aero activated, it looks like an application is open just behind FF. Highly annoying.
    - I'm not sure if I should be happy, or sad, to see we've gone back to the good ol DOS days. Where application Menu's were only accessible through the ALT-button. Good thing you didn't completely remove the old menu, for FF 29 would've been uninstalled without a second thought.
    Lots of ranting, not enough positivity, but that's what one gets when you do a VO without explicitly informing the user before doing it. To at least give em the chance to opt out.
    Lots of negativity, but it might still be salvageable. By answering the final question:
    How can I change the color/transparency of the non-active tabs, without needing to install custom themes?

    Hi Skid,
    I understand your surprise at the removal of these features but I can't undo these changes. I'm just a support volunteer and I do not work for Mozilla. But you can send your feedback about these changes to Firefox developers collect data submitted through there then present it at the weekly Firefox meeting.
    Leaving feedback here won't do any good as you'll be redirected to the Input site and the thread will be closed/marked as off-topic.

  • Why are TypeKit fonts not displaying correctly in Pages (iWork)?

    I have just subscribed to TypeKit and am experiencing highly peculiar behavior from the two fonts I’m using in Pages (iWork): Basically, fonts in my document don’t respond appropriately to requested changes in style. For example, if I increase the point size by one point using the the formatting commands built into Pages, the font drops a point size. I’ve had the same experience using the kerning command, where the kerning decreases when I have set it to increase. (So far, the only fonts I’ve been using have been Futura PT and Proxima Nova.)
    Look at the example in the screenshot: “FEATURED EXPERT” on the top line shows in Pages as being 24pt Futura PT Book. However, “SOLO,” a few lines down, which is definitely displaying as smaller, shows as 25pt Futura PT
    In a potentially related issue, when I reopened this same document today, text boxes were suddenly too small for the text (again in Futura PT and Proxima Nova). It was as though Pages was suddenly reading those two fonts differently.
    I have had no issues with other (non-TypeKit) fonts in the same document.
    Anyone else experiencing anything similar? Any suggested fixes? I'm reluctant to unsync/resync the two affected fonts (the only ones I have sync'd to date) because I don't want to wreck the document!

    Thanks, Christopher. After I posted my original question, I did come to realize that it was Helvetica not Future PT showing. Here’s what happened, and here’s why I still need some guidance…
    The document dropped Future PT because when my wifi signal dropped, the Creative Cloud app displayed this error symbol (see graphic) in my menu bar.
    At that point, my computer could no longer access my TypeKit fonts and the document reverted to the system's Helvetica default.
    This was not an isolated incident.
    If I turn wifi off manually, there is no issue and CC continues to operate in the background as it should, with TypeKit fonts still available.
    However, if the wifi drops out on its own, I get the above error symbol and I then lose access to my TypeKit fonts. Very rarely, the CC app will self-correct when the signal is restored. More often than not, I must quit the CC app and relaunch it in order to get things back to normal.
    This doesn’t strike me as normal behavior Have you ever encountered anything like it? Do you know of  a fix that will allow the CC app to self-correct when the wifi signal is restored?
    Any assistance will be appreciated! 
    P.S. TypeKit troubleshooting doesn’t address this particular issue.

  • Pages, Numbers, Keynote won't launch even after reinstall

    After a new OS (10.5.8) install none of my iLife (09) or iWork (09) apps worked. I reinstalled iLife successfully. But, my iWork apps won't launch even after a reinstall from the original DVD and updating to 4.0.4
    My trouble shooting steps so far have been a reinstall from DVD, software update, permissions repair.
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: /Library/Application Support/iWork '09/Frameworks/Inventor.framework/Versions/C/Inventor
    Referenced from: /Applications/iWork '09/
    Reason: image not found

    First deinstall iWork. You can download Yvans script from _ named
    uninstall iWork ' Then restart the computer. Install iWork from the DVD and update it. Try the apps inWork again.
    Come back and tell us about the result.

  • Just opened a new blank document in Pages (iWork 2009). When I try to type a letter (any letter of text) the computer just "dings" and types nothing.

    Just opened a new blank document in Pages (iWork 2009). When I try to type any text, the computer just "dings" at me and types nothing.

    Probably you have opened a blank Layout template which requires a Textbox for you to type into.
    Open a blank Word Processing template instead. The two types are listed in the Sidebar of the Template Chooser.

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