Pages Launcher Portlet - overriding header css

So I got Pages installed and I added the Launcher Portlet to one of our community pages.
When I click the "Dashboard" link I get booted out of a community object and redirected to something else which ends up swapping style sheets (apparently) which is totally destroying our custom portlet header since it heavily relies on the style sheet.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Any feedback on a way to make this more usable without reverting back to the out-of-the-box style sheet?
(I admit I haven't read the admin guide yet! It must be covered in there!)

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  • Page Navigation Portlet issue

    I am having an issue with a page navigation portlet. I am using adaptive tags and we have actually implemented one custom tag that outputs the current page id.
    I will paste the code here. The issue is that in our portal the pages don't show up in the order we have set in community editor. They are showing up ordered by page id.
    This is being done on 6.0 sp1.
    Here is the code I am using.
    <link type="text/css" href="pt://images/plumtree/common/custom/CIENA/PageNavStandard/MenuStyle.css" rel="StyleSheet" lang="en" />
    <div id="PageNavStandard" xmlns:pt="">
    <div id="PageNavStandardTitle">Navigation</div>
    <pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata pt:id="compages" />
         <ul id="MenuNav">
         <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="compages" pt:var="commpg">
                        var linkstr = "<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />";
                        var PageReg = new RegExp(/PageID=(\d*)\D/);
                        if(PageReg.exec("<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />")[1] == <pt:ciena.currpageid/>) {
                             document.write('<a href=" + linkstr +  id="ActivePage" ">');
                        } else {
                             document.write('<a href=" + linkstr +  ">');
                        document.write('<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>');
                        //document.write(PageReg.exec("<pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.url" />")[1]);
                   </script> <!--
                   <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                        <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>

    That is most peculiar because we are doing a nearly identical page navigation portlet and we have the ability to shuffle the pages via the community object.
    Are you using your code in publisher or in a custom portlet?
    Perhaps you could try using this code in publisher and see if the results are returned appropriately:
    <span xmlns:pt=''>
    <!-- TOKEN NAMESPACE -->
    <pt:namespace pt:token="$$TOKEN$$"/>
    <style type="text/css">
            #pt-portlet-$$TOKEN$$ {
                    background-color: #3366CC;
                    font: verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
                    font-size: 10px;
              margin-bottom: 10px;
            #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ td {
              font: verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
              font-size: 10px;
              color: #8CB5DE;
         #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ a {
              text-decoration: none;
              color: #FFFFFF;
            #portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$ a:hover {
              text-decoration: underline;
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ td {
          color: #8CB5DE;
          text-decoration: none;
          font: bold 10px verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ a {
          color: #8CB5DE;
          text-decoration: none;
          font: bold 10px verdana,arial,helvetica,"sans-serif";
       #portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$ a:hover {
         text-decoration: underline;
    <!-- get the portal data -->
    <pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata pt:id="commmenu"/>
    <pt:ptdata.editcommunitydata pt:id="commactions"/>
    <pt:ptdata.currparentcommunitydata pt:id="parent"/>
    <pt:ptdata.currentcommunitypageiddata pt:id="currpage" />
    <table id="portlet_parent$$TOKEN$$" width="100%">
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td class="platportletwideheader">
          <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="parent" pt:var="curr">
             <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$curr.url"><pt:logic.value pt:value="$curr.title"/></pt:core.html>/
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="portlet_navigation$$TOKEN$$">
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
                  <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="commmenu" pt:var="commpg">
                  <!-- currpage will be set to null if it's not the current page -->
             <pt:standard.when pt:test="intsequal" pt:int1="$currpage.PageID" pt:int2="$commpg.PageID">
              <tr bgcolor="#338AF0" width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                   <td width="15px" align="right"><img src="images/bullet_white_highlight.gif" /></td>
                               <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                             <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
                   <td valign="middle" align="right" style="padding-bottom:5px;"><img src="images/leftnav_arrow.gif" border="0" /></td>
              <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                   <td width="15px" align="right"><img src="images/bullet_white.gif" /></td>
                   <td colspan="2">
                        <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                             <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
                <td colspan="3"> </td>
             <pt:ptdata.currrelatedcommunitiesdata pt:id="relcomms" />
             <pt:ptdata.currsubcommunitiesdata pt:id="relcomms" />
         <pt:ptdata.sortcollectiondata pt:id="sortedsubcomms" pt:data="relcomms" pt:sortby="title" pt:sorttype="string"></pt:ptdata.sortcollectiondata>
              <pt:standard.when pt:test="isEmpty" pt:col="relcomms">
                   <tr><!--dotted line-->
                        <td colspan="3" background="images/dotted_line_leftnav.gif"><img src="images/spc.gif" width="180" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                                 <td colspan="3" class="platportletwideheader">Associated Communities</td>
                   <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="sortedsubcomms" pt:var="commpg" >
                                 <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                             <td height="16"> </td>
                                    <td colspan="2">
                                         <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$commpg.url">
                                              <pt:logic.value pt:value="$commpg.title"/>
              <pt:standard.when pt:test="stringToACLGroup('group=1,771;').isMember($currentuser)" >
                   <tr><!--dotted line-->
                        <td colspan="3" background="images/dotted_line_leftnav.gif"><img src="images/spc.gif" width="180" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                   <!-- PORTAL TOOLS -->
                               <td colspan="3" class="platportletwideheader">Portal Tools</td>
                            <pt:logic.foreach pt:data="commactions" pt:var="element">
                            <tr width="100%" style="padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px;">
                        <td height="16"> </td>
                               <td colspan="2">
                                    <pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$element.url">
                                         <pt:logic.value pt:value="$element.title"/>
          <td> </td>

  • Infinite loop creating new page due to column header overflow.

    i am getting an error and some pages "Infinite loop creating new page due to column header overflow. " --
    using report builder 9, i have a fairly simple report - that contains 4 subreports.
    for some pages i get the error - it seems if there is more data than would fit on 1 page.
    smaller pages work fine.
    the subreports are all simple queries and dumps....
    containing page header, column header, detail sections.
    page header has just a text bar of the name of the section.
    column header has the field names
    detail section has the data - 1 row for each row in the recordset.
    nothing i do seems to change getting "Infinite loop creating new page due to column header overflow. " on a page with more than 15-20 records returned.
    any ideas would be appreciated.

    Try these links if you are still having the issue: ue-column-header-overflow-exception

  • Creating link to other Portlet's Header links

    I would like to have a link, in a HTML Portlet or someplace, to the 'Customize' or delete ('x') on a portlet's header. This way the user can click my link directly instead of searching for the portlet and clicking the Customize link there.
    I can do it by copying the shortcut for the Customize and pasting it into my HTML Portlet, but this will only work for me, because it has my IDs in the URL.
    How can I find the link to use for the other Portlet's headers that any user can use?

    The user identity is not included in the portlet customization URL (it comes from somewhere else). The approach you describe works just fine.

  • Communication between multiple page flow portlets

    Hi, I am working on weblogic portal 8.1.
    I've been struggling to communicate between different page flow portlets,
    I have a login page flow portlet and i need to submit login details to indeex page after login action is done.
    I am able to do this by using PageUrl class and RequestDispatcher's forward method using definition label of the index page flow portlet.
    but it is not happening again when i logged out.
    If anybody have worked on it, please let me know the soltution.
    Vidya sagar

    Not sure whether you tried this option(I tried it works for me).
    configuration has to be done is portlet-2:
    Create an custom event namely(messageCustomEvent) and also add an action for it for invoking a portlet method getMessage in Portlet-2.
    //Place this method in Portlet-2
    public void getMessage(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response,
    Event event) {
    CustomEvent customEvent = (CustomEvent) event;
    String message = (String) customEvent.getPayload();
    response.setRenderParameter("message0", message);
    configuration has to be done is portlet-1:
    when click on Login in portlet1, in the pageflow code you fire an custom event as shown below
    PortletBackingContext context =
    context.fireCustomEvent("messageCustomEvent", form.getMessage());
    return new Forward("success");
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Table Problem x2 within Pages: 1) In the Header; 2) Maintaining a table's starting point when carrying over to the next page.

    Pages '09 v4.1
    Problem 1:
         I am working with a 2-column Page document. Its my goal to have three items listed in a header in particular positions. Far left shows the paragraph number the page starts with, in the center is a title of the contents of the page, and on the far left is the last paragraph number to appear. To place these three items in the desired positions requires the insertion of a lot of spacing on both sides of the 'centered' title along with counting the characters of the title to find its center to alighn with the center of the page. 253 pages of this to will qualify me to be labled with a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I don't want OCD.
         However, by installing a one row/3 column table in the header my task was made a lot easier in alighnments. But, another problem reared up. Within the header underneath the table is a vertical space remaining. This vertical 'tallness' is equivalent to the font size of 10. Its taking up too much space between the header and the text. It needs to be reduced or eliminated.
         On the left-hand page I am able to reduce the font as far down as '1'. I've settled on using '3'. However, on the right-hand page the font will not accept any size selections be they less or more and remains stubbornly at font 10. Within a Header that does not have a table, I am able to change the font of both left and right pages.
         Is there a another way to approach what I desire for the header other than installing a table in it? Is there a way to alter the font on the right hand pages?
    Problem 2:
         Whenever I create a table following text already on a page all is right until the table's growth in construction laps over to the next page. At that point the first row snaps to the top of the following page leaving an undesired area (space) between the last line of the text on the preceding page. Whenever I attempt to drag the table to the desired position it snaps back. This only happens when the table is larger than the remaining area of the page. If the table is started at the top of an unused page and runs beyond the confines of that page than it continues as expected onto the next page duplicating the table header. But to do this it must begin at the top of an unused page. Is there a means to have a table placed in the remaining space of a page and what does not fit continues to the next page in effect having a partial of the table on each page?
    So there you have it. Christmas is over and its back to work. Thank-you for your attention.

    Regards re-positioning a table:
    I went to Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text) and found that the inline option was selected. Some of the rows within the table have two lines of text. Again, I dragged the table to the desired position on a page that is partially composed with text and got the same results as before -  the table snapping back to the top of the following page where it initially resided. In this current position the 2-page table does break as it should on the following 3rd page. Below is a schematic of the appearance of the 2-pages involved.
    Page 1 left side.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    TABLE (5-rows)
    TEXT (2-columns) 14-lines left column and 13-lines right column.
    [Layout Break] otherwise the above textual columns would be all on the left side of the page.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    * The desired insertion point for a two page table on a page that is 40% filled with the above descriptions.
    Page 2 right side.
    A 2-page table flowing or breaking into a 3rd page.
    Page 3 left side.
    The overflow of the subject table.
    [Layout Break]
    [Section Break]
    Is there some other way to anchor a table to the text other than Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text)?

  • Page as portlet

    I've made a page with 3 tabs and made the page a portlet. Upon displaying the portlet on the main page it won't display the content of the portlet's tab until I click one of the other 2 tabs of the portlet, and then click the first tab.
    Has anyone experienced the same problem, and is there a solution to the problem

    Hi Joern,
    this is a bug (1721383). There is no real solution, will be fixed in 3.0.9. We tried to automatically navigate (with javascript and cookies) to the second tab and back to the first when showing the page (so basically doing what you have to do now manually), but we did not succeed.

  • No page break between table header and first line of the table main area

    Hi all.
    I'm printing a form which contains a lot of tables. Sometimes while printing the table header line remains at the bootom of  the page and the lines of internal table are printed on the next page (also with header because i have marked 'at page break' in the header). How is it possible not to break header line of 'Table'-node and the first line of internal table?
    Regards, Nikolai.

    Hello Niki,
    try to use page protection......
    create a folder and place the text that r to be displayed without break.........
    and check the checkbox page protection.
    I think you cannot put an entire table in a folder & turn "Page Protection" on simultaneously.
    Any ideas?

  • Pass parameter jspx page to portlet

    Hello guys, i have one question about portlet. Curently i have 2 application, 1 weblogic portal application and 1 portlet producer application. Both project was successfully setup. I already put 1 portlet created in the portlet producer into 1 page in the weblogic portal application. The problem is, how can i pass parameter from weblogic portal page (which i call the portlet) to the portlet. Thank you

    Which type of portlet you are using jsr 168 /286 or oracle pdk or others ?
    Why do you need to pass parameters from portal page to portlet ?
    You can very well use taskflow to achieve the same thing in a much easier way that portlet way.
    If you are using jsr 286 portlet then you have to try with WSRP Soap call to get the required parameter. but I am not sure on how to achieve the final goal.

  • About 10 minutes after launching Chrome, the header text turns to hieroglyphics. What's up with that? I have a screenshot...

    About 10 minutes after launching Chrome, the header text turns to hieroglyphics. What's up with that? I have a screenshot...As I am typing this question, my menu has changed to hieroglyphics.

    Sorry I can't help you except to say that I was having problems with a momentary freeze on the trackpad action on an MBP and I traced it to Chrome.  Chrome was generating a lot of console entries and the machine worked much better after I got a copy of 'find any file' for three bucks and used it to itentify all files containing 'google AND chrome', which I dumped in the trash.  Things have been much better since then.

  • Display different portal page or portlet depend on user's

    can I display different portal page or portlet depend on user's
    profile,such as: if user's gender is male, display a portal
    page named "malePortal",if the user's gender is female, display
    a portal page named "femalePortal"

    This can be accomplished by using Entitlements Segments.
    You can define them in EBCC. you will have to define a user profile which
    will contain user information (like gender).
    Once you have two segments defined, you can use portal administration site
    to configure entitlements for pages and portlets.
    "Joshua Davies" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3d1c78cb$[email protected]..
    "xxxx" <[email protected]> wrote:
    can I display different portal page or portlet depend on user's
    profile,such as: if user's gender is male, display a portal
    page named "malePortal",if the user's gender is female, display
    a portal page named "femalePortal"If it has to be a portlet, you'll have to create a custom web flow thatstarts with
    a custom IP class. If you just want to show different content based on auser profile
    value, take a look at "Content Selectors" in EBCC; this sounds like aneasier way
    to get where you're trying to go.
    I don't think there's a way to display different portal pages/portalsbased on user's
    profile settings.

  • Page Navigation portlet - 3.0.9

    I want to create a page navigation portlet in 3.0.9, similar to that in 9.0.2.
    How can this be done? I want the portlet to navigate between pages and sub pages and I do not want to use the nasty default navigation link that appears on sub-pages in 3.0.9.
    I've looked at the wwpob_page$ table directly. This contains the hierarchy. WWSEC_SYS_PRIV$ contain the privilege info.
    However, I need to be able to define the current page so that the SQL can identify what to display in the portlet.
    How can you do this?

    You can get the page url in the additional plsql code section. You can just try printing htp.p(p_page_url) after publishing the component on a page.

  • Oracle WebLogic Portal 10.3.6: Creating a Java Page Flow Portlet in WorkShop

    We are not able to create a Java Page Flow Portlet in WorkShop. While adding the Beehive NetUI Facet(1.0.2) getting the following error in the workshop.
    error installing beehive netui facet
    File template generation failed: Unable to configure AvalonLogSystem : C:\Windows\System32\velocity.log (Access is denied)
    Following are the environment details:
    WebLogic Server 11gR1
    Oracle WebLogic Portal 10.3.6
    Any Solution for this issue??

    Hi Chris,
    I have already gone through this document. But the procedure that is given in it is not working. I mean I am not able to render diffferent different jspx files based on the menu link clicked. It will great if you can provide me steps by step process since I am new to the portal World.
    Thanks a lot for your reply

  • Portal page serving portlets from different servers

    Can i make a portal page containing portlets which are served by different
    servers. Please reply this is urgent,
    Thanks in advance,

    Using WLPortal 4.0 the best way to access remote information is to use the
    Web Service Portlet Wizard (available from the BEA Developer Center - You would need to set up web services
    on your different servers and then access the information using a portlet
    created using the wizard. We will be delivering a more comprehensive remote
    Portlet solution in a future release.
    Adrian Fletcher.
    Senior Software Engineer,
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    Boulder, CO.
    email: [email protected]
    "Amit" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c608900$[email protected]..
    Can i make a portal page containing portlets which are served by different
    servers. Please reply this is urgent,
    Thanks in advance,

  • Redirect to Portal Login page from portlet

    We have lots of applications on the portal and many of them need the logged in user information to provide the right display context. For example, "My Notes" where notes are stamped with the user's login id. Our portlet applications show exception messages when the user id is unavailable. Pressing a refresh button takes them to the portal login page.
    Does anyone know how to redirect to the portal login page? Here is how I would like it to work: A user has the application up beyond the session timeout period and does something that causes the page to submit. At the application server we look for the logged in user ID which is missing due to session timeout and we send them to the portal login page.
    Thanks! Mike

    Hi James,
    <br />
    <br />I fear this isn´t possible to do with ADDT, as it will - when using its Restrict Access To Page behaviour - always redirect to the page you specified in the Control Panel.
    <br />
    <br />However you can help yourself with a simple custom PHP redirect script
    <i>(place it @ @ line 1 of your document)</i> which checks whether the "kt_login_id" Session Variable is set, and if it´s not set, redirect to a different login page:
    <br />
    <br /><?php<br />if (!isset($_SESSION['kt_login_id'])) {<br />header('Location:') ;<br />}<br />?>
    <br />
    <br />Hint: users who login via a different login page will still be redirected to ADDT´s default login page when logging out
    <br />
    <br />Cheers,
    <br />Günter Schenk
    <br />Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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