PanelGrid renders right-to-left

The following panelGrid renders right-to-left. In other words:
message | inputText | outputLabel
instead of:
outputLabel | inputText | message
<h:panelGrid binding="#{index.gridPanel1}" border="1" columns="3" id="gridPanel1" style="position: absolute; left: 24px; top: 48px; width: 360px; height: 98px">
<h:outputLabel binding="#{index.componentLabel1}" for="username" id="componentLabel1">
<h:outputText binding="#{index.usernameLabel}" id="usernameLabel" value="username:"/>
<h:inputText binding="#{index.username}" id="username" maxlength="100" required="true" validator="#{index.lengthValidator1.validate}"/>
<h:message binding="#{index.usernameMsg}" for="username" id="usernameMsg" showDetail="false" showSummary="true"/>

I think this is a bug we just discovered on Friday. Does it render the children in the correct order at runtime, and the wrong order at design time?
If so, the bug is that we're picking up the wrong children order. We're getting the one from the java backing file instead of the JSP source file / tag markup.
As a workaround, try going to the java file (first item in the context menu), then changing the order of the beans (inputText1, outputLabel1 etc.). Let me know if that works.
We'll be working on this one. If this is NOT your problem let me know so I can get additional information.

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  • Product Quetion concerning Right to left rendering

    I see noone has answered the question concerning rendering a CrossTab object from right -to-left.
    I have another product related question.
    Is there any version of Crystal Reports that supports the rendering of a CrossTab object or Chart from Right -to-Left ?
    In Cr 11.5 there does not seem to be an ability to change a CrossTab report from rendering Left -to-right  to  Right-to-left.
    So If there is no ability to do this, how does Crystal Reports support arabic or other cultures that read from Right-to-Left.
    I am able to do this with SSRS , why not CR ?

    Cross tabs are based on the sort order of the horizontal and vertical index objects.   Perhaps you could sort descending instead of ascending.
    Who notes that even if you could, the cross tab totals would still be on the right/bottom and the ehaders on the top/left...

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    You'll need to modify the layout logic of your renderer.
    Here's a simple example that extends the default tree renderer and overrides the updateDisplayList method(). It will probably need more work. Set textAlign="right" on your Tree control when you use this renderer. You'll also need to supply a disclosure icon that points in the opposite direction.
        import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer;
        import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData;
        public class RightToLeftTreeItemRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                var startx : Number = data ? TreeListData( listData ).indent : 0;
                startx = unscaledWidth - startx;
                if ( disclosureIcon )
                    disclosureIcon.x = startx - disclosureIcon.width;
                    startx = disclosureIcon.x;
                if ( icon )
                    icon.x = startx - icon.width;
                if ( label )
                    label.x = 0;

  • Xcelsius Support for Right to Left languages

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    I'm using Xcelsius Version (SP1 FP3)
    Just wondering if anyone else has had run into this issue... might keep a few brain cells of my keyboard.
    Hope to hear some suggestions.

    As far as I know the number of bugs which all iWork apps have with RTL scripts has never decreased since they were released and continues to make them mostly unsuitable for Arabic/Hebrew.  I would not expect Lion by itself to change any of that.
    There is a fellow who has done a guide for doing Hebrew with Keynote:

  • Is caret positioning in right-to-left oriented jtextpane corruptable?

    Dear all -
    Below is a serious problem. I hope I can get help from you experts out there; otherwise, I think it is a bug that should be reported to the JDK developers.
    I am writing an editor using my own keyboard layout to type in Arabic. To do so, I use jTextPane, and my own implementation of DocumentFilter (where I map English keys to Arabic letters). I start by i) setting the component orientation of jTextPane to be from RIGHT_TO_LEFT, and ii) attaching a caretListener to trace the caret's position.
    The problem (I think it is a bug just like what is recorded here:
    Initially as I type text in Arabic, there is one-to-one correspondence between where I point my mouse and where the caret displays, basically, the same place. However, a problem occurs (and can always be re-produced) when I type a word towards the end of the line, follow it by a space character, and that space character causes the word to descend to the next line as a result of a wrap-around. Now, as I point my mouse to that first line again, the location where I click the mouse and the location where the caret flashes are no longer coincident! Also, the caret progression counter is reversed! That is, if there are 5 characters on Line 1, then whereas initially the caret starts from Position 0 on the right-hand side and increases as more text is added from right to left, it is now reversed where the the caret now increases from left to right for the first line, but correctly increases from right to left in the second line! yes funny stuff and very hard to describe to.
    So, here is an example. I wrote the code below (JDK1.6_u10, on Netbeans 6.5 RC2) to make it easy to reproduce the problem. In the example, I have replaced the keys A, S, D, F and G with their Arabic corresponding letters alif, seen, daal, faa and jeem. Now, type these letters inside the double quotes (without the double quotes) including the two spaces please and watch out for the output: "asdfg asdfg ". Up until you type the last g and before you type space, all is perfect, and you should notice that the caret position correctly moves from 0 upwards in the printlines I provided. When you type that last space, the second word descends as a result of the wrap-around, and hell breaks loose! Notice that whereas the mouse and caret position are coincident on the second line, there is no way to fine-control the mouse position on the first line any more. Further, whereas adding text on the second line is intuitive (i.e., you can insert more text wherever you point your mouse, which is also where the caret would show up), for the first line, if you point the mouse any place over the written string, the caret displays in a different place, the any added text is added in the wrong place! All this because the caret counter is now reversed, which should never occur. Any ideas or fixes?
    Thank you very much for reading.
    package workshop.onframes;
    import java.awt.ComponentOrientation;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretListener;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    public class NewJFrame1 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    public NewJFrame1() {
    CaretListener caretListener = new CaretListener() {
    public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) {
    int dot = e.getDot();
    int mark = e.getMark();
    if (dot == mark) {
    try {
    Rectangle cc = jTextPane1.modelToView(dot);
    System.out.println("Caret text position: " + dot +
    ", view location (x, y): (" + cc.x + ", " + cc.y + ")");
    } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
    System.err.println("CTP: " + dot);
    } else if (dot < mark) {
    System.out.println("Selection from " + dot + " to " + mark);
    } else {
    System.out.println("Selection from " + mark + " to " + dot);
    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
    * initialize the form.
    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
    * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">
    private void initComponents() {
    jScrollPane3 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    jTextPane1 = new javax.swing.JTextPane();
    jTextPane1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tahoma", 0, 24)); // NOI18N
    jTextPane1.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {
    public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {
    javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
    .addComponent(jScrollPane3, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 159, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(jScrollPane3, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 85, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    }// </editor-fold>
    private void jTextPane1KeyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'a') {
    } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 's') {
    } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'd') {
    } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'f') {
    } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'g') {
    static void main(String args[]) {
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    new NewJFrame1().setVisible(true);
    // Variables declaration - do not modify
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane3;
    private javax.swing.JTextPane jTextPane1;
    // End of variables declaration

    Hi Mohsen,
    I looked at it and indeed, I see what you describe. Sorry, but I can't shed any light. I tried to figure out what software component, or combination of components, is the cause of the problem. I see several candidates:
    1) The JTextPane
    2) The Document
    3) RTL support
    4) BIDI support
    5) Interpretation (by any other software component) of the left and right arrow key
    6) The font
    To clarify number 6: I know virtually nothing of Arabic language (apart from it being written from right to left). I remember however that the actual representation of a letter is dependent of its position between other letters: front, middle and end. What I see to my astonishment is that it seems that the rendering is also aware of this phenomenon. When you insert an A between the S and D of ASDFG, the shape of the S changes. Quite magic.
    I tried to add a second textpane with the same Document, but a different size, to see what would happen with number one if one types text in number two and vice versa.
    In my first attempt, the font that you set on textpane one was gone after I set its document to number two. For me that is very strange. The font was set to the textpane, not to the document. The separation betweem Model and View seems not very clear in this case. So I now also set that font on the second textpane.
    I will post the changed code so that you may experiment some more and hopefully will find the problem.
    You might be interested in a thread on java dot net forums that discusses a memory leak for RTL []
    import java.awt.ComponentOrientation;
    import java.awt.EventQueue;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import javax.swing.GroupLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextPane;
    import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretListener;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    public class NewJFrame1 extends JFrame {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public NewJFrame1() {
         // jTextPane1.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT);
         CaretListener caretListener = new CaretListener() {
             public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) {
              int dot = e.getDot();
              int mark = e.getMark();
              if (dot == mark) {
                  try {
                   Rectangle cc = jTextPane1.modelToView(dot);
                   System.out.println("Caret text position: " + dot
                        + ", view location (x, y): (" + cc.x + ", "
                        + cc.y + ")");
                  } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
                   System.err.println("CTP: " + dot);
              } else if (dot < mark) {
                  System.out.println("Selection from " + dot + " to " + mark);
              } else {
                  System.out.println("Selection from " + mark + " to " + dot);
        private KeyAdapter toArabic = new KeyAdapter() {
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
         * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
         * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always
         * regenerated by the Form Editor.
        // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">
        private void initComponents() {
         jScrollPane3 = new JScrollPane();
         jTextPane1 = new JTextPane();
         jTextPane1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", 0, 24)); // NOI18N
         GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                   jScrollPane3, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 159,
                   jScrollPane3, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 85,
                   GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)));
        }// </editor-fold>
        private void jTextPane1KeyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
         if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'a') {
         } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 's') {
         } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'd') {
         } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'f') {
         } else if (evt.getKeyChar() == 'g') {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
         EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
              final NewJFrame1 frameOne = new NewJFrame1();
              EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                   Document doc = frameOne.jTextPane1.getDocument();
                   JTextPane textPane2 = new JTextPane();
                   textPane2.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", 0, 24)); // NOI18N
                   JFrame frameTwo = new JFrame();
                   frameTwo.add(new JScrollPane(textPane2));
                   frameTwo.setSize(400, 300);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify
        private JScrollPane jScrollPane3;
        private JTextPane jTextPane1;
        // End of variables declaration

  • Jsf / richfaces / tomahawk / panelgrid rendered problem

    i am trying to set the rendered attribute of a t:panelGrid component as follows
    <a4j:region id="fixedLineSelectionRegion">
    <t:selectOneListbox value="#{orderCapture.currentOrderItemCapture.orderCaptureHelper.selectedFixedLine}">
    <f:selectItems id="si" value="#{orderCapture.currentOrderItemCapture.orderCaptureHelper.fixedLineServicesSelectItems}" ></f:selectItems>
    <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="fixedLineDetailsPanelGrid, transferTypePanelGrid_1 transferTypePanelGrid_2, certificate_provided, select_transfertype"/>
    <t:panelGrid rendered="#{orderCapture.currentOrderItemCapture.orderCaptureHelper.residential}" id="transferTypePanelGrid_1" .....
    in this case when i update the listbox in the fixedLineSelectionRegion, all the components listed in the reRender tag are updated but the panelGrids transferTypePanelGrid_1 and transferTypePanelGrid_2 are not...
    is this some kind of limitation or am i doing something wrong ?

    I'm working on that component right now, so I'll take a look at that. Could you file an issue on that so that we can track it?
    Thanks! :)
    jason lee

  • Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems n

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

  • Urgent help required regarding reports Arabic Characters (Right to Left)

    Hello Members
    I am facing problem while deploying oracle reports on application server (Forms & Reports). I am using Developer Suite 10g and same version of Application Server on Windows Environment. I have some fields in Arabic and some are in English. The reports output is in PDF format. I am also using PDF Subset fonts feature to subset the Arabic font problem.
    Now the problem which I cannot is that I wanted that PDF generate report read Right to Left only for some specific fields not all fields. For example the following fields displayed as
    395/دمام (Actually reading left to right and same saved in database)
    But I wanted to be numbers are displayed first and then arabic word (dammam) while reading right to left.
    My NLS_settings on developer suite and application server is “AMERICAN_AMERICA.AR8MSWIN1256”
    When I am changing the nls_settings to “ARABIC_SAUDI ARABIA.AR8MSWIN1256”. It convert the whole report layout from righ to left and then it is not reading well the English fields i.e. left to right.

    The problem was solved by changing
    But now i have another issue that i wanted to display one filed with REPORTS_ARABIC_NUMERAL=ARABIC and second with REPORTS_ARABIC_NUMERAL=HINDI. During my all search i found that this is applied on Report wise and we cannot set for one filed.
    Would any body will help me to change REPORTS_ARABIC_NUMERAL for one field at runtime or design time either changing the registry value or any configuration file of application server ?

  • How to show arabic data in to crystal reports ?How to aligh crystal report right to left

    <p>we are trying to make a crystal report for both english and arabic..All the arabic data is stored in data base tables.And for arabic screens we need tables and datas come right to left.. </p><p>1)How can we get the arabic data and right to left alignment in crystal reports? </p><p>2)Is thee any direct method to change the report alignments? </p><p>can u please send some sample codes. </p><p>we are using java version= 1.5 </p><p>database using =Oracle 9i </p><p>char set we are using for arabic= CP1256</p><p> Tomcat using=4.1 </p><p>we are using Crystal Reports11 </p><p>We are not having seperate rpt files for reports. we are making each Sections and adding this sections to FieldObjet to make the report dynamically. A sample Employee report in english is attached..Can u instruct how can i get this report in arabic assuming all datas are stored in database. </p><p><br />import java.awt.BorderLayout;<br />import javax.swing.JFrame;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.ReportViewer.ReportViewerBean;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.managedreports.IReportAppFactory;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />public class ReportSample {<br /> ReportClientDocument rptDoc=null;<br /> int fldTop=0;<br /> int fldWidth=1440;<br /> int fldHeight=400;<br /> int pageWidth=11500;<br /> ReportSample(){<br />  try{<br />   IEnterpriseSession oEnterpriseSession= CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr().logon("Administrator", "","zzzza","secEnterprise");<br />   IReportAppFactory oReportAppFactory = (IReportAppFactory)oEnterpriseSession.getService("", "RASReportService");<br />   rptDoc = oReportAppFactory.newDocument(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH);<br />   Table oTable = new Table();<br />   oTable.setConnectionInfo(getConnectionInfo("zzzzz","zzzz","zzz", "zzz"));//Connectin to oracle database<br />   oTable.setName("EMP1");<br />   rptDoc.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);<br />         String[] columnName={"EMPNAME"};<br />       Section dtlSection=(Section) rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0);<br />   int fldLeft=100;<br />   for (int i=0;i<columnName.length;i+)<br />   {<br />    <br />    dtlSection= (Section) rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0);<br />     try{<br />     FieldValueType fldValueType = FieldValueType.stringField;<br />     String javaDataType="String";<br />      add_db_field(<br />      dtlSection, <br />     oTable.getName()"."columnName<i>, <br />     fldValueType,javaDataType,<br />     fldLeft, fldTop, fldWidth, fldHeight);<br />     }catch(Exception e){<br />      e.printStackTrace();<br />     }<br />    fldLeft = fldLeftfldWidth;<br />   }<br />   <br />       <br />   try { <br />          //Create and set up the window.<br />          JFrame frame = new JFrame("ReportsViewer");<br />          frame.setTitle( "Crystal Reports Viewer");<br />          frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);<br />          ReportViewerBean viewer = new ReportViewerBean();<br />          viewer.init( new String[0], null, null, null);<br />          IReportSource rptSource = rptDoc.getReportSource();<br />          viewer.setReportSource( rptSource );<br />          frame.getContentPane().add( viewer, BorderLayout.CENTER );<br />          frame.setSize( 700, 500 );<br />          frame.setVisible(true);<br />          viewer.start();<br />   }catch(Exception e)<br />    {<br />     e.printStackTrace();<br />    }</p><p>   }catch(Exception e)<br />   {<br />    e.printStackTrace();<br />   }<br /> }<br /> public ReportObject add_db_field(Section oSection, String field_name, <br />   FieldValueType oFieldValueType,String fldDataType,<br />   double x, double y, double w, double h)<br /> throws ReportSDKException<br /> {<br />  DBField oDBField = new DBField();<br />  oDBField.setName(field_name);<br />  oDBField.setType(oFieldValueType);<br />  FieldObject oFieldObject = new FieldObject();<br />  oFieldObject.setDataSource(oDBField.getFormulaForm());<br />  oFieldObject.setFieldValueType(oDBField.getType());<br />  IndentAndSpacingFormat indentSpacing = new IndentAndSpacingFormat();<br />  IStringFieldFormat stringFieldFormat = oFieldObject.getFieldFormat().getStringFormat();<br />  stringFieldFormat.setIndentAndSpacingFormat(indentSpacing);<br />  oFieldObject.getFieldFormat().setStringFormat(stringFieldFormat);<br />  rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportObjectController().add(oFieldObject, oSection, -1);<br />  return oFieldObject;<br /> }<br />  public ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo (String new_username, String new_password, String new_dsn, String new_database)<br /> {<br />  <br />      ConnectionInfo oConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(); // Make a copy, don&#39;t change the original.<br />      PropertyBag oPropertyBag1 = oConnectionInfo.getAttributes();<br />      oPropertyBag1.put("QE_ServerDescription", new_database);<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("Database DLL", "crdb_oracle.dll" );<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("DSN", new_dsn);<br />   // Set new table logon properties attributes<br />   PropertyBag oPropertyBag2 = new PropertyBag();<br />   oPropertyBag2.put("Server", new_database);<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("QE_LogonProperties", oPropertyBag2);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setAttributes(oPropertyBag1);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setUserName(new_username);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setPassword(new_password);<br />   // The Kind of connectionInfos is CRQE (Crystal Reports Query Engine).<br />   oConnectionInfo.setKind(ConnectionInfoKind.CRQE);<br />   return oConnectionInfo;</p><p>  }<br /> public static void main(String[] args) {<br />  // TODO Auto-generated method stub<br />  new ReportSample();<br />  //String cmsName = "admin-42cdvir7e(2)";<br />  <br />  <br />  <br /> }<br /> </p><p>}<br /></p>

    <p>This issue can be  solved when you create the reports without needing to write any extra code.  I haven&#39;t tested this solution because I don&#39;t have any data to test it against.</p><p>First you want to make sure that you are using a UNICODE font which I&#39;m sure you are probably already doing.  Then to configure the "Right to Left" you can right click on any field and select "Format Text" or "Format Field".  You should see a "Paragraph" tab.  In there you can set the content to be "Left to Right" or "Right to Left".  The button on the right allows you to make this setting conditional on a parameter value or something like that.  I hope this helps. </p><p>Rob Horne<br /><a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog -</a></p>

  • I was downloading podcast video in my itouch using wifi, but suddenly my wifi got disconnected and now there is a link in my podcast list which on opening uses wifi to play that video. I want to delete that link. Right to left swapping is not working.

    I was downloading podcast video in my itouch using wifi, but suddenly my wifi got disconnected and now there is a link in my podcast list which on opening uses wifi to play that video. I want to delete that link. Right to left swapping is not working.

    I bet this is too late but...
    Are you trying to print through the airport express wirelessly or the built in wireless of the lexmark? If you want to use the airport express, there is no need to mess with the wireless printing on the lexmark at all. The airport express will be easy to set up, all the wireless setups through the printers are a pain.

  • I 'm using ipad 2 and am using iwork pages.  how can i set up iwork pages so that a page scroll left to right or right to left instead of just scrolling up?

    I am using ipad 2 and am using iwork paged.  how can i set up iwork pages so that a page will scroll left to right or right to left instead of just up?

    Here you are in a forum dedicated to Pages for OSX.
    Most of us don't use Pages for iOS.
    Better ask in the iWork for iOS forum :
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 18 juillet 2011 22:38:20
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • How can I create a right-to-left .pdf in MS Publisher with Acrobat Pro 9?

    We have a specialized application, and I was unable to find an answer by searching.
    We need to create a right-to-left diglot (multi-language) Bible translation in MS Publisher. It will have Hebrew and/or Aramaic on the right hand side, and English (and/or other languages) on the left. We need MS Publisher to get the layout we want (as well as for source document compatibility).
    When the document is done I need to create a single .pdf of the document, 8.5 x 11" (standard US_ paper), for the printer. How can I do that?
    I will be using Acrobat Pro 9.
    Thank you very much,

    Sorry, I forgot to specify that the page order needs to go from right to left (backwards from standard English documents).

  • Wireless trackpad: misses clicks, tracks poorly right to left

    Using Yosemite, iMac 5K, wireless keyboard and magic trackpad
    The trackpad sometimes misses a click and sometimes doubles the click. I know that the "click" is registered by the little buttons on the bottom of the trackpad. It is on a tidy hard surface and I know the buttons are getting moved. It feels like maybe it misses if I hold the button down longer than it wants me to. But then sometimes it just plain doesn't respond. (Yes, the battery is still good, showing 81% but this phenomenon has been happening since the pad and batteries were new.) Oh, I see more now while I'm typing. If the cursor shows as a little pointy arrow, the click doesn't register. If it shows as a double-ended vertical input cursor, it does register. This perhaps means that even though the pointer has actually moved, the computer hasn't seen it.
    But then sometimes one click registers as two. For example, I try to position the mouse and end up with a word (or, worse, the name of a file in the finder) selected instead. I have changed settings in accessibility to make the double click speed slightly slower, which I think might have improved the behavior a bit. On the other hand, with the previously mentioned issue when the click doesn't seem to register. When I then do another click to make it actually see the move, that is when a double or triple click will happen. This is for moves of multiple inches with more than a split second in between.
    I also find that the trackpad doesn't register movement reliably especially when I am trying to move it by pushing right to left across the pad. I can position it so that multiple light strokes on the pad don't move the cursor at all. Again, this happens when the cursor is not "expecting" typing. For example, in this support communities entry box with the arrow showing instead of the vertical input thingie.
    It isn't really predictable when the problem is going to appear. As you can imagine, this makes "mouse ahead" input pretty dangerous - renaming files, deleting bodies of text with the Undo not being available anymore because of going too fast.
    I already returned one of these trackpads as defective. Now I'm thinking that this is actually just the design behavior of the thing. Perhaps a pad from some other mfgr would work more reliably?
    [p.s. I wish if it is going to show me the time of last autosave that it would use the local system display time, not the current time in California.]

    I hope they can fix it. When my macbook came back from apple after having another issue fixed, the button was pivoting around the middle, meaning you could only click in the middle, not the edge. Too it back, they replaced the top case and it came back with the same problem. It now in again having the top case replaced again.
    They're now telling me that it's "normal". It wasn't like that when I bought it!

  • Hi, Just switched from CS6 to PS CC. I am used to using ACR in CS6 with it's preview checkbox in the upper  right-hand corner. I do not see that checkbox in PS CC. I see that they have added side-by-side, right and left and top and bottom before and after

    Just switched from CS6 to PS CC. I am very comfortable using ACR in previous versions. I liked to use the preview checkbox located in the upper right-hand corner to see before and afters. That checkbox is no longer in my version of PS CC. I see that they have side-by-side, top and bottom and right and left before and after options in the lower right-hand corner in this version. Is there anyway to get that legacy preview checkbox back so that I can use it?

    Hi Warunicorn,
    Thank you very much. I just could not find it on my own. I will have more questions as I get into it.

  • At the top of my homepage, I'm getting a message "Downloading the latest applications", but the circle to the left keeps spinning, and no applications are downloaded. I don't know how to stop this, tried right and left clicking on the bar. This occurs

    At the top of my homepage, I'm getting a message "Downloading the latest applications", but the circle to the left keeps spinning, and no applications are downloaded. I don't know how to stop this, tried right and left clicking on the bar. This occurs every time I open Firefox. How can I stop or disable this?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Several weeks ago.

    See (Software Update not working properly)
    Remove the files in the ''updates'' and ''updates\0'' folder:
    C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Mozilla Firefox\ (updates)
    C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ (updates)
    %LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Mozilla Firefox\updates\

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