Panned in logic...bleed when bounced

i have a two track loop. the first track is a click or metronome and the second track is the loop.
i have click panned left and loop panned right. all effects are off.
when i bounce the track to itunes somehow there is click in the loop track and loop in the click track....
however when i listen to it in logic they are fully panned with no bleed.......any help???????

Settings/Audio Set PAN LAW to 0db
Make sure you're bouncing to an interleaved file.

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    3rd gen G5 tower, Dual 2GHz, 8GB RAM, 2HDDs (one system, one audio used for bouncing), Logic Pro 7
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    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Dual 2GHz, 8GB RAM

    getting a FW800 drive is another matter, and it's not going to stop your system from crashing as soon as you press the bounce button.
    have you tried all the other usual troubleshooting? trash prefs, reset p-ram, reinstall logic app? if I were you I'd still try deleting the autoload file and creating a brand new one. it's possible that if you developed a corrupted song which causes this crash, then every song you've created from this autoload has inherited this corruption, which would explain why it's happening to all your projects.
    I'd very much like to get to the bottom of this one, because I don't want to run into it again. it wasted a lot of my time when I was on deadline for a project last week, and I had to re-route audio and record everything instead of bouncing.

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    Pagey27 wrote:
    For this I have not used a hardware interface, just direct out from my imac.
    I have also tried using a separate machine linked to a 'M-Audio Project Mix I/O' This appears to stop the bleed whilst actually in Logic, but once I Bounce the file, no matter the file type, the bleed reoccurs in itunes and on my ipod which is the device I use for live playback on stage.
    I'm fresh out of ideas so if somebody has an idea, that would be excellent!
    When you say "once I bounce the file it recurs in iTunes and on my iPod"     When using iTunes are you playing through the Mac's built-in audio?
    I would say it points to "crosstalk" from inexpensive audio hardware. Built-in audio on most computers consists of small integrated circuits costing a couple of bucks (if that). Not only is it inexpensive but it's shoe-horned into the device and close to other circuits. Leakage happens.
    All of the Intel based Apple computers/devices do this as most of them use cheap Realtek audio chips. The older PPC G5's that use Texas Instruments audio chips do not have this problem.
    In iTunes, make sure all enhancements are OFF including  "Crossfade Songs, Sound Enhancer and SoundCheck".
    Also, if you're using a compressor on the master bus when bouncing, try the bounce with the compressor disabled or removed.

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    Are you listening on exactly the same system that you're mixing on, you can be listening to Logic with the volume of the audio interface turned down and then playing back the Mp3 file on a system with the volume turned up, that's one possibility.
    Remove the limiter form the output bus and lower the master fader, that's a second possibilty.
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    really dislike itunes and never use for anything resembling pro audio. 

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    So my question is: When bouncing a project out of Logic, what is the best method for getting the smallest file size, but retaining the best audio quality? And once it's out of Logic and it is an mp3 or other type of audio file, is there a best format for compressing it further, and still maintaining the relative quality?
    I bounced out the three projects into wav's. Now I am using Switch for Mac to compress them down to smaller Mp3's. I basically need them to be about 3 mb each. Two of the recordings sound OK at that size, but they are just MIDI(one project is piano and string quartet, the other is just piano- all software instruments. The recording that combines MIDI and Audio and has more tracks (three audio tracks and 10 Midi/software instrument tracks)and sounds completely horrible if I get it under 5 mb as an mp3. The problem is that I need all three to equal around 9mb, but still sound good enough to submit as a portfolio for consideration into a Master's program.
    If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Please be detailed in your response, because I am new to logic and I really need the step by step.
    Thank you...

    MUYconfundido wrote:
    I am in the process of embedding 3 mp3's into a PDF to submit as a portfolio. The PDF also has text, and two scores included, and with the 3 embedded mp3's it can't be more than 10mb.
    So my question is: When bouncing a project out of Logic, what is the best method for getting the smallest file size, but retaining the best audio quality?
    The highest bitrate that falls within your limits. You'll have to calculate how big your MP3's can be, then choose the bitrate that keeps the size within your limit. The formula is simple: bitrate is the number of kilobits per second, so a 46 second stereo file at 96 kbps would be 96 x 46 = 4416 kbits / 8* = 552 kBytes or 0.552 MB. (*8 bits = 1 Byte)
    So if you know the length of your tracks you can calculate what bitrate you need to keep it within 10 MB total.
    I consider 128 kbps the lowest bearable bitrate for popsongs and other modern drumkit based music. Deterioration of sound quality is often directly related to the quality of the initial mix and the type of instruments used in it. Piano(-like) tones tend to sound watery pretty quickly at lower bitrates, as do crash and ride cymbals. But don't take my word for it, try it out.
    And once it's out of Logic and it is an mp3 or other type of audio file, is there a best format for compressing it further, and still maintaining the relative quality?
    You can only ZIP the whole thing after that, but that is just for transport. You'll have to unzip it again to use it. And no, you cannot compress an MP3 any further and still play it.
    I bounced out the three projects into wav's. Now I am using Switch for Mac to compress them down to smaller Mp3's.
    That is silly, you could have done that in Logic, which has one of the best MP3 encoders built in. And how good encoders are will especially come out at bitrates around or below 128, which you might be looking at.
    I basically need them to be about 3 mb each.
    So, one more scrap of info we need here: how long are those three pieces, exactly? I'll calculate the bitrate for you - but please bounce 'm directly out of Logic as MP3's. They will very probably sound better than your WAV-conversions made with Switch.
    Two of the recordings sound OK at that size, but they are just MIDI(one project is piano and string quartet, the other is just piano- all software instruments. The recording that combines MIDI and Audio and has more tracks (three audio tracks and 10 Midi/software instrument tracks)and sounds completely horrible if I get it under 5 mb as an mp3. The problem is that I need all three to equal around 9mb, but still sound good enough to submit as a portfolio for consideration into a Master's program.
    Length of the piece? And does the .Wav bounce you have sound OK?

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    Mac Pro Two 3.0GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Logic Pro 7.2.3

    That's what happens - It's a bit of a PITA.
    You can (as stated above):
    Start your bounce before
    Move the song start marker back
    Move all of your song forward
    In the future start songs on (or where you choose
    After your bounce you can trim and master in waveburner (or your choice of app).

  • Song Volume increases when bouncing to itunes

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    It's really annoying me... the songs are acoustic and need to be heard softer on the album but I can't figure out how to bounce them at the volume I want and have them stay at that lowered volume.
    If anyone has suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks!

    perhaps you have set the function to adjust the volume of songs to the same level in iTunes itself? (Preferences - Playback - adjust volume- is it checked?)
    Try to play back the song from the Finder's quickview if it is still too loud.
    And/or maybe you have automated the output volume so that Logic automatically moves the fader back up during the bounce?

  • I've imported some midi tracks, used the mixer to set pan, volume etc, but when I stop playback and restart it sets every midi track back to '0'. I've been using LE for years, this is a new one, any ideas?

    I've imported some midi tracks, used the mixer to set pan, volume etc, but when I stop playback and restart it sets every midi track back to '0'. I've been using LE for years, this is a new one, any ideas?

    that's because Logic reads the volume information out of the imported MIDI tracks and sets the volume fader according to this information. The MIDI information overrides volume settings you have done, so you have to identify the MIDI events that contain volume (or expression or pan or whatever) information and delete them. You can use the event list editor for this.

  • Copy&paste file names when bouncing

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    Hi Orbanl, I was going to post this myself and then found your post so will add to it.
    'It used to be in Logic Pro 6 that normal copy/paste worked in the 'name' field of the save and bounce windows (even kept them seperate as far as clipboards went). Now, in Logic 7.1 the only way I can initiate a copy or paste when saving the song or naming the bounce is a right mouse click (cntrl-click)? to bring up these options. Are there no key commands for the navigation services anymore? This is a huge time killer for me as I often save 60~100 files with the same root name and was able to quickly initiate and save/bounce without stopping to pick up the mouse (now I have to switch back and forth between the keyboard and mouse to initiate, name copy+paste and modify name). Thanks in advance.'
    Over at the Logic Pro Forum, Peter suggested in response to this post that the Pro App Support update v3 might have something to do with it as his Logic 10.3.9 DOES support normal copy/paste commands! Unfortunately I am running 10.3.8 and the Pro App update v3 specically notes 10.3.9 as its requirement. The only reason I have not upgraded to 10.3.9 is I use a lot of esoteric shareware music software and I understand 10.3.9 had some 'sprinkling' of Tiger in it that at least for several friends of mine broke older app's that were running fine in 10.3.8.
    Here is the link if you are running 10.3.9.
    Pro Application Update 3.0

  • Audio Problem When Bouncing to .mov

    When bouncing my film to a .mov from Logic, the final QT movie has double, original audio.  This audio is the original from the film but I've sweetened it and want to use my version, not the original that I've muted.  Its only during playback after a bounce that I get both versions.
    In my Logic session it sounds wonderful; just how I want it.  Furthermore, only one original audio track is in my bin and the video audio is turned all the way down in project settings.
    Currently, I'm using Logic Pro 9.1.8 on Mac OS X 10.7.5
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    jendubllu wrote:
    When bouncing my film to a .mov from Logic, the final QT movie has double, original audio.  This audio is the original from the film but I've sweetened it and want to use my version, not the original that I've muted.  Its only during playback after a bounce that I get both versions.
    In my Logic session it sounds wonderful; just how I want it.  Furthermore, only one original audio track is in my bin and the video audio is turned all the way down in project settings.
    This is the normal (if unexpected) behaviour when exporting the 'mix' back to a movie in Logic. The original 'movie soundtrack' is still present in the movie file, and Logic assumes that you wish to include it. One of the last steps of the export to movie process is a dialog box where one has to actively de-select the existing audio tracks.
    After that, the process will work as you want.

  • Fuzzing Sound When Bouncing

    When i bounce to an MP3, I am getting a strange static-y buzzing sound. I don't know that much yet about mixing properly, but so far, with all the songs I written, I haven't had this problem when bouncing. I don't hear this sound when listening to the song in Logic, just when it's bounced. Any suggestions? Is this related to the mix, to something I might not know about yet?
    ps. What is the standard way that people communicate back and forth. When I make a post and someone responds and I want to say thank you, is it standard to post thank-you replies on the board? OR does that clutter up the postings?
    Thanks much,

    If you're new to mixing, the best advice that I can think of is to mix down to a basic AIFF to get the feel of it. I have discovered that I haven't had any difficulties mixing down to an MP3 as long as I have an AIFF as well. Ensure that your PCM checkbox is checked and set it accordingly when you bounce.

  • When bouncing jump doesnt work ?

    Hi Forum
    I bounce a lot of work with several major jumps involved.
    When bouncing, the jump section ( i 've made a ruler bacwards ) is included in the bounce.
    what do I do wrong !?

    I remember "my" Cubase 5 VST for Mac (OS 8.6-9.2.2) could bounce in the manner the OP is looking for. It is a very handy feature to 'test' if a something 'works' in a song. And though sonically identical, listening to a bounce in iTunes is different from listening to the Logic project playing. So I understand the wish for it.
    What I would do if I wanted to achieve this, is simply first do a Save and then *Save as...* (don't include assets). I'ld call it something obvious, like "Mysongsoriginaltitle"-short version. My main project will stay safe, saved and unaffected, this newly saved version will be edited, as you recommended! So I'ld cut away the skipped section, Save +"Mysongsoriginaltitle"-short version,+ bounce +"Mysongsoriginaltitle"-short version,+ listen to +"Mysongsoriginaltitle"-short version+ in iTunes, say "Nēh, doesn't work" and trash the bounced file and the new project file. Or I'ld say "That's it!" and also cut the skipped section out of the main project and continue finishing my very serious piece!
    Message was de-embarrassed by: Eriksimon

  • In logic Pro, when I open up an audio track and load an audio file, there is no sound. I will finally get a sound out of one of the audio tracks after opening at least 5 of them alternately. Is anyone familiar with this kind of bug? It's really frustratin

    In logic Pro, when I open up an audio track or software track and load an audio file/loop or software file loop, there is no sound. I will finally get a sound out of one of the audio or software tracks after opening at least 5 of them alternately. Is anyone familiar with this kind of bug? It's really frustrating as this takes much time to complete work.
    os x, Mac OS X (10.6)

    I'm not sure I follow your words Fuzzynormal. You've helped by offering the insight that my issue in Logic Pro 9 is not a bug but a feature. But fell short of enlightenment by being a judge of character and of how one should interact in this forum. You insinuate that I haven't tried to solve the issue on my own when in fact I have. These forums are always my last resort. You further suggest that I am complaining. This is not a complaint. It is a genuine issue that I cannot figure out. Then you think that Brazeca is holding my hand and being a nice guy. Brazeca is helping people like me who might not be as adept at using Logic Pro as probably you are.This community forum was established to raise questions, answers and dicussion to help Apple's customers better undertand their operating systems and related issues. You are doing a disservice by not contributing positively and by trying to make this forum what you want it to be. You may have all the time in the world to try figuring out stuff but we are not all like you. We all have different schedules and different levels of understanding. And that is what this forum is for - to help people move forward. If you can't contribute positively then keep silent. And by the way, you say to "read the words that are printed down to explain to you how that works" what words are you talking about? Why don't you be of some help instead of trying to own this forum. 

  • How to set output 1 and 2 and master in pro logic express when mixing

    what is the recommended procedure for setting the levels of output 1 and 2 fader and the master fain pro logic express when mixing? I'm used to just one master fader with my Mackie board.  Is there anything in the manual?

    Already found the answer myself.
    The entries have to be made in the sun-j2ee-ri.xml file.
    Markus Hammori

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