Panoramic Pictures

How can I make panoramic pictures using Aperture? (Combine 3 to 8 pictures of one object, then stich them together for on one long picture.)
How can I blend two or three photos together to have total focus range in a final photo? (Not HDR) (Example: I take one shot at far focus, one shot mid focus and one shot near focus. Then blend them in to one picture all in focus using Aperture.)
If Aperture cannot do it is there a plug-in for Aperture that will build a panoramic picture or allow me to blend photos together?

Welcome to the forums.
Not too sure about the panorama plugin, I know that Pshop does a great job of this.
As for the blending of pics for infinite focus, totally different kettle of fish. Panoramas you are essentially blending the edges of pics together. Focus is a subjective and variable quantity, each lens camera combination giving differing results, each scene with varying contrast and subject matter, a very big ask for a one click plugin. As you move the focus point the image changes, think of being focus on a face with the background blurred, now change to the background in focus the face blurred, that line where the two meet, how do you define it? Suggest some in depth reading of how images are projected on to the focal point and the circle of confusion resulting.
An example, using the HDR technique ideally you should either introduce a neutral density filter or adjust the ISO, as changing the aperture changes the image enough for it to no longer overlay perfectly.
OK they are the reasons why not... how to do it?
1. Get your self a tilt lens and learn how to use it for the Scheimpflug principle.
2. Get a wide angle lens, use a small aperture and get a large depth of field.
3. Use photoshop, place each image on a layer, give each a layer mask, using your discretion brush away the areas of each image you do not want.
Love to hear of a plugin!
Message was edited by: Tony Gay

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    To take panorama
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    heres the link http:/// scroll all the way down to the fine print about panorama.

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    Ah, yes. Long day. Sorry.
    In that case, I'd still be tempted to start with a 4-page spread. Place the image as you want it, then copy and past in place on top of itself. Crop the left side of the top copy to the center boundary, then select the bottom copy and crop off the right side to the center boundary. Restore shuffling.

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    From the iPhone User Manual:
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    From experience, I would suggest you consider buying software that can make panoramas from the photos you take with any decent camera.
    I recommend PhotoShop ($$$) or PhotoShop Elements ($ the consumer version that has everything you will need.) There is surely good and inexpensive or free software out there but I don't use them.
    Panoramas are very tricky. The Kodak manual Keith mentioned hints at that:
    For best results, use a tripod. (For a steady shutter release on a tripod, see Using the self-timer.) Only the panoramic picture is saved; individual pictures are not. Picture size is set to 5.0 MP. Exposure and white balance are set with the first picture. The flash is set to Off."
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    That's still doable, but will need a bit of work.  I don't know what version of Photoshop you are using, so the following is for CC. 
    Open the image, and drag a selection across the the central darker area. Make the selection the full height of the image, and try to intersect the transition from light to dark.  Feather the selection.  This is just a starting point, but something like 5 pixels would work.
    Now open a Curves Adjustment layer.  The layer mask in this layer will automatically have a suitable mask in place from your selection.
    Click on the hand icon top left of Curves Properties panel, and click in the image on the dark blue of the sky dragging upwards until you get a reasonable match.  Note you need to match the darkest area, which is on the left.  The right edge will be too bright, but you'll fix that later.
    Unlink the layer mask in the Curves Adjustment layer. (click on the chain icon to the left of the layer mask.)
    Make sure the layer mask is selected (it should have a heavy white outline), and nudge the mask left or right to get the best seamless transition.  You will also need to adjust the feather.  If you click between the mask and curves icon on the layer, it will change between Curves and Mask properties.
    When you get the left edge as near as possible, you are going to have to fine tune the right edge using the paint brush in the layer mask. Set brush opacity to 10%, and with black as the foreground colour, and using a fairly large fully soft brush, build towards the best match a stroke at a time.  If you go to far, swap to white and reverse it.
    You can improve the result of the above process using the Patch tool.
    Select the highest layer in the stack, and add a copy merged layer (Shift Ctrl Alt e or Shift Cmd Opt e)
    Select the Patch Tool and make sure it is set to Source in the Options bar.
    Make a select around the transition from light to dark, but just of the sky.  Don't get too close to the horizon.
    Now drag the selection to the right, keeping it abutted to the upper frame edge, and let it go.  This will merge the selected area.
    Note: your selection will have needed to cover a reasonable area each side of the dark to light transition.
    To fix that huge step in the horizon on the right, drag a selection around everything to the right of the step,, and copy to a new layer (Ctrl j or Cmd j)
    Now use Free Transform, or Liquify to match the horizon as close as possible, so you can finish off with the Clone tool.
    Note: If you use Free Transform, hold down the Ctrl (Cmd) key while dragging handles to give best control.  If this leaves a gap in the sky, select it and fix with Content Aware Fill (Shift F5)

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