
I'm trying to make a flash movie based on this animation..
My version of the eye and crosshair are both different
layers, but I can only manage to move them at exactly the same
speed when dragged with the mouse. I am trying to go for the
parallax effect as shown in the animation. I'm guessing this
involves some kind of axis/pivot point in the centre? I am not
including the bar at the top of the screen which changes distance
as this would be too complicated for me.
Anyway, if anyone has a way to replicate this kind of
parallax animation, with the code, any help would be greatly
appreciated. I'm not new to flash but don't have a huge amount of
experience with actionscript (i can understand it if given some
help!) I'm using Flash MX with the default Actionscript version

you would use different parameters for defining the _x and/or
_y properties of your eye and crosshair.

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    Please post your Edge Project file for others to cross-check?
    Also Muse embeds Edge Animate as an iframe within the Muse html file, so that particular interaction my not be the best use case.
    Also Muse (the latest version) has some wonderful Parallax capbilities built in - here are a bunch of references to check out.

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    Yes it will break. Don't swap one for the other; use everything for now to cover your bases
    So older Firefox will see -moz-transform, Chrome and Safari will see webkit-transform and new Firefox will see transform. When webkit changes then Chrome and Safari will see transform instead of webkit-transform. Then one day in the future you'll be able to remove the prefixed versions and just use transform.
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    You can use composition on page where you can insert the images with scroll effect applied.
    Check this video , its not exact design but will help to make images scroll page :

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        load: "",
              callback: function() {
                        EC.Parallax.setup(sym, "horizontal");
    // Show an Element
    Many thanks!!!!

    Sample here:
    Add this plugin:
    add this code:
    $(function() {
       $("body").mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
          this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 30);

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    var animationHeight = 25000 
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    var scrollPos = sym.$("Stage").scrollTop(); 
    var duration = sym.getDuration(); 
    var percent = scrollPos / (animationHeight - stageHeight); 
    var time = duration * percent; 
    // Update timeline 
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    Hey manna9er I was able to figure out the 100% browser width and it turned out to be pretty simple. At first I was "Placing" my images into muse and scaling them to the width of browser, and it never was 100% width. I found that you cannot "Place" you must use the "Rectangle Tool" and create box the width of the browser, make sure that it is 100% browser width, the border line turns red and a tool tip informs you, as seen in image)
    Next use the "Fill" option on your top menu bar-->select "Choose Image Background"--> upload image file-->scale to whatever size/style you want. (see image below)
    For parallax go to Window-->scroll effects--> and play with Motion, Initial Motion, Key Point and Final Motion. Parallax takes some toying with to get desired effect.
    Hope this helps

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    engagment| Bridal| wedding
    its one slide show, but when you hit it. you can go to the next slide, like how you have slide 1, 2 and 3.  that what i am thinking is what parallax scrolling is?
    can it be done? if so how?

    Thanks for your reply. I tried applying the following AS2 script to each image:
    For the first movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',1);
    bg_1 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_1',1);
    bg_2 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_2',2);
    bg_1._x = -bg_1._width/2;
    bg_2._x = bg_2._width/2;
    speed = 1;
    starWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg_1._x -= speed;
        bg_2._x -= speed;
        if(bg_1._x <= -bg_1._width) bg_1._x = starWidth;
        if(bg_2._x <= -bg_2._width) bg_2._x = starWidth;
    For the second movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',2);
    bg1 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg1',1);
    bg2 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg2',2);
    bg1._x = -bg1._width/2;
    bg2._x = bg2._width/2;
    speed = 2;
    starsWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg1._x -= speed;
        bg2._x -= speed;
        if(bg1._x <= -bg1._width) bg1._x = starsWidth;
        if(bg2._x <= -bg2._width) bg2._x = starsWidth;
    And for the third and final movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',3);
    bg01 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg01',1);
    bg02 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg02',2);
    bg01._x = -bg01._width/2;
    bg02._x = bg02._width/2;
    speed = 3;
    starssWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg01._x -= speed;
        bg02._x -= speed;
        if(bg01._x <= -bg01._width) bg01._x = starssWidth;
        if(bg02._x <= -bg02._width) bg02._x = starssWidth;
    I thought this would work, but when I tested the movie all three movie clips moved together at the same speed. I want each movie clip to move at a different speed, but I'm completely stuck.

  • Parallax Scrolling vertically not working right

    My muse parallax scrolling page will not scroll vertically down the center.  WHen I preview it, the page shifts to the left then scrolls down.  What am I doing worng? Im using Adobe Muse CC.

    Are you getting a scrollbar at the bottom of your browser when your browser is maximized? If yes, there is likely some content (not visible perhaps) placed bit to far to the right on the page.
    Look for the same in Muse in Design View and get rid of the same.
    Share a link to the page with this effect to check if you can't locate the element causing the shift.

  • Parallax Scrolling and Browser Magnification

    This is probably an unresolvable issue at this point, but it seems one of the BIG drawbacks to using Parallax Scrolling is that it only works as planned if the user of the site is viewing it at 100% Magnification.  Any change up or down in magnification results in a different set of parameters for final motion, and if you're using it hoping that the final location of the moving object aligns with another fixed object in the overall design in some fashion, you're in for a big disappointment, and an embarrassing result if you're a designer.  I'm hoping that there is some way in the future that the writers of this code will please include whatever math is necessary to compensate for changing browser magnification.

    I realised the problem that i was having...thanks so much. I will explain for the help of others. Avoid putting the anchor in a "Composition" element. This i did inadvertantly since i had many layers. If you put it in one of them the smoothe scrolling will not work. This possibly holds true for grouped objects. I will also post the site to show that i have finally gotten it working. Thanks Zak and all the parties that showed kindness in answering me.
    Best regards

  • First Time using Parallax Scrolling!

    So I've been doing a new landing page for  -  I have included both project file and published files with in this zip to better explain myself.
    Just finished my album animation with parallax scrolling but the overall published result shows nothing!
    Here is the file!
    I love this edge animate stuff its great but sometimes it doesnt work... Probably a operator error lol 
    I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to fix this!
    Thanks a ton

    to activate iphone, you should connect your iphone to your computer which should have itunes via your usb cable provided with your iphone problem. and you don't need to register an account to activate the iphone. but you need to register to download apps for iphone.
    it have to be unlocked to work with other country's normal sim card. you should have a malaysian mini sim card to make a normal at&t iphone work in malaysia and other countries.
    if you want to know about unloked phones, go to this webpage-> mean definition for unlocking--->
    Unlocked is the term used to describe mobile phones that are not tied to a particular service provider in order to be used. Many cell phones are tied to a single cellular provider at their introduction, but are later unlocked for use on many networks.

  • Using parallax scrolling on a browser fill shape?

    Hi everyone,
    Is it possible to apply parallax scrolling onto a shape that is extended to horizontally fill up the browser? I'm creating a single page scroll website and a want a shape to cover up a certain fraction of the bottom of the browser (I can't use pin because then the shape will move with the bottom of the browser depending on the size of the window.) Parallax works fine on the shape until I extend it to the browser borders and then parallax grays out. Will this be supported in a future update? Is there another way for me to achieve this effect? Thanks!

    From Muse Release Notes -
    Note Scroll Motion Effects are not available for 100% browser width objects, pinned objects, items that are inline within text, items within a group or items within a widget.
    You would also find a similar note in the information tooltip for Scroll Motion under the Effects panel in the Control strip. Please feel free to submit it as a feature request in our Ideas section.

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