Parameter in Query manager running stored procedure

Hi Experts!
I have a stored procedure, which is waiting a parameter.
I would like to write a query in sap with parameter using sap language:
exec sp_leltar [%0]
The parameter is numeric, but when running the query above, it is giving an error:"Userdefined errors".
Any idea?Thats not a way to write the parameter value on editor field.

I have tried to run the following:
select from dbo.omaleltfej t0/
declare @leltid numeric OUTPUT
/* where*/
set @leltid = /* t0._leltfejid */ [%0]
exec omaleltareredmeny2 @leltid
Error message:"...Can not use the output option in declare or create function statement..."
I gave up to solve it, because this is not an SAP table, it is not possibble to do.
Thank you for your effort.

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    How I need to do it?

    previous post not correct
      this is correct
    When I need to run my report
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    from t1, t2, t6, t4, r4, ju, hh
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    If parameter in stored procedure par1={?parameter1} in query
    and par2={?parameter2}

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    It may be more convenient for you to ask this question on the other forum: SAP SQL Anywhere Forum
    It sometimes happens that (a) the same query will perform faster or slower in different versions because of different behaviors by the query optimizer. In most cases a minor change is necessary to restore good performance; in some rare cases, the changes are difficult.
    It also sometimes happens that (b) the same query will perform faster or slower under different operating conditions; e.g., client request (ISQL) versus inside a BEGIN block (stored procedure). Again, minor changes all that's required in most cases, sometimes otherwise.
    In order to help, we will need more information. Two graphical plans with statistics for the same problematic query, both using V16, one captured in ISQL, and the other one captured inside the stored procedure, is the best way to pass on the information; ALL OTHER forms are inadequate, especially prose descriptions and edited snippets of code (that way lies frustration for all parties).
    There are a number of articles about graphical plans on this blog.

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    That is the only general option, however, no relationship to performance.  Other options may be appropriate depending on the program statements.
    To achieve good performance, optimize the stored procedure:
    The underlying principles of stored procedure optimization:
    1. Each statement must be optimized
    2. Avoid unnecessary statements & excessive looping
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • Error : The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.

    Hi all,
        I have created one SP for sending mail with formatting the HTML code inside script whenever i am individually declaring it and printing its expected but the problem at time of executing SP its giving error like this
    Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 47
    The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
    what is the possibilities to overcome this problem follwing is my stored procedure code 
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DataLoadMailsend_essRules]
    DECLARE @packagelogid INT
    DECLARE @batchlogid INT
    DECLARE @packagestatus CHAR(2)
    select @batchlogid =19870
    DECLARE @mailheader VARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @count INT
    DECLARE @recipients1 VARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @subject1 VARCHAR(200)
    Declare @UserId varchar(Max)
    Declare @Information varchar(max)
    Declare @TableHTML1 varchar(max)
    Declare @TableHTML2 varchar(max)
    SET @mailheader = ''
    SET @mailheader = (select case
    WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) > 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
    WHEN InRule = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) = 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
    from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid)
    /* Selecting Person Mail as Recipient */
    SELECT TOP 1 @recipients1 = EmailId FROM abc.PersonEmail
    WHERE PersonId = ( SELECT TOP 1 personid FROM abc.FileUploadSummary WHERE BatchId = @batchlogid )AND EmailTypeId = 1
    /* Selecting UserId*/
    select top 1 @UserId=loginid from abc.FUS where BatchId=@batchlogid
    /*Selecting Information about the Status */
    Set @Information=
    (select case
    WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) > 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
    WHEN InRule = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) = 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
    end + N' <br> <B>BatchId= '+ convert(varchar(250),(select @batchlogid)) +'</B>'
    from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid )
    /*Selecting the Error Reason*/
    if exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
    set @TableHTML1 = '<table border=1><tr><th>Sr.No.</th><th><P>Error Reason :</th></tr>'+
    cast((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over (order by (select 1)),'',
    td=isnull(e.ErrorDescription, '')
    from abc.x.tbPackageErrorLog e --50594
    join abc.x.tbPackageLog p -- 10223
    on p.PackageLogID=e.PackageLogID
    where p.BatchLogID= @batchlogid FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE )
    as NVarchar(max)) +'</table>'
    -- print @tableHTML
    if not exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
    set @TableHTML2 = 'Error Reason :N/A'
    -- insert into #tmp values ( @TableHTML1)
    --select * from #tmp
    Set @tableHTML= 'Hello '+@UserId+', <br>Information:'+isnull(@Information,'') +
    '<Table Border=1><Tr><th>Sr No</th><th>Uploaded files </th>:'+
    CAST ((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over(order by f.FileUploadId), '',
    td = f.TableName , ''
    from abc.FileUploadSummary F where BatchId=@batchlogid
    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(max) )
    'Error Reason :'+isnull(isnull(@TableHTML1,'')+ isnull(@TableHTML2,''),'N/A')+ --concat (isnull(@TableHTML1,''),isnull(@TableHTML2,'')
    '<br> Please login to Your Account for further Details..!'
    +'<br>@Note: This is system generated message, Do not reply to this mail. <br>Regards,<br>'+
    print @tableHTML
    SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
    ,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
    @body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
    @body_format = ''HTML'''
    PRINT error_message()
    -- Test whether the transaction is uncommittable.
    -- IF (XACT_STATE()) = - 1
    -- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION --Comment it if SP contains only select statement
    DECLARE @ErrorFromProc VARCHAR(500)
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage VARCHAR(1000)
    DECLARE @SeverityLevel INT
    ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()
    ,@SeverityLevel = ERROR_SEVERITY()
    --INSERT INTO dbo.ErrorLogForUSP (
    -- ErrorFromProc
    -- ,ErrorMessage
    -- ,SeverityLevel
    -- ,DateTimeStamp
    --VALUES (
    -- @ErrorFromProc
    -- ,@ErrorMessage
    -- ,@SeverityLevel
    -- ,GETDATE()
    please help me to solve this problem
    Niraj Sevalkar

    This is no string http in your procedure. Then again the error message points to a line 47 outside a stored procedure. I can't tell it is outside, since there is no procedure name.
    But I see that you have this piece of dynamic SQL:
    SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
    ,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
    @body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
    @body_format = ''HTML'''
    Why is this dynamic SQL at all? Why not just make plain call to sp_send_dbmail?
     EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'DBA_mail_test'
    ,@recipients = @recipients1, @subject = @mailheader, @body = @tableHTML
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Is it possible to trigger an error so that the running stored procedure is stopped?

    Hello all,
    I want to run an existing stored procedure and then I want to manually trigger an error/abort/interruption so see what happens and do some testing with that.
    Is it possible to manually trigger an error/abort/interruption on a running stored procedure so that it is stopped?
    If yes, how can I do that?
    I hope someone has an idea. For me it sounds not really difficult, but I just do not get the idea how to do it.
    Kind regards

    Hello Visakh,
    I dont want to modify the existing procedure. I just want to run it and than stop it, but not with the button to stop it, but "kill" it somehow with an error (with not destroying the database).
    Nope you cant simulate an intermediate failure inside procedure code from outside. For that you have to modify the actual sp code itself
    Another way is by doing data manipulation in such a way which causes a error in procedure but for that you need to revisit the logic to ensure you do changes in such way as to cause an error
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • Can't Run Stored Procedure in Package

    I am trying to run a stored procedure that has multiple in and out paramaters. The procedure can only be viewed in my Connections panel by navigating Oher Users | <user> | Packages | <package> | <procedure>
    If I right click <procedure>, the menu items are "Order Members By..." and "Create Unit Test" (greyed out). The ability to "Run" the procedure does not seem possible when it's accessed by user.
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    Does anyone know how I can execute this procedure from SQL Developer? I am using Version
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for replying. I did understand the basics of an anonymous block, but what I didn't understand was how to set the out parameters. I should have been more detailed in my question. However, I did get the answer here:
    Thanks again for replying. I appreciate you taking the time.

  • I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure

    I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure, I mean when I execute a stored procedure it returns a result set as a select query.
    Best regards...

    If you want some pl/sql code that can be used in a query as it were a table you may be interested in table functions:
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emp is object (
      3  name            varchar2(30),
      4  hire_date date,
      5  salary       number);
      6  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emptab is table of t_emp;
      3  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace function tab_fun(p_dept in number)
      2  return t_emptab is
      3  e t_emptab;
      4  begin
      5    select t_emp(ename,hiredate,sal)
      6      bulk collect into e
      7      from emp
      8     where deptno=p_dept;
    10    return dip;
    11  end;
    12  /
    Funzione creata.
    SQL> select *
      2  from table(tab_fun(20));
    NAME                           HIRE_DATE  SALARY
    SMITH                          17-DIC-80        800
    JONES                          02-APR-81       2975
    SCOTT                          09-DIC-82       3000
    ADAMS                          12-GEN-83       1100
    FORD                           03-DIC-81       3000A procedure cannot be used in a select statement.

  • Running stored procedures from HTML DB

    Is it possible to run stored procedures/functions from HTML DB? If yes, how to do it?

    If the variable v_return_amount is a number, how can you assign a boolean to it? Are you sure your function is valid? I would write it slightly different:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION verify_amount (
    v_invoices_pk IN NUMBER,
    v_new_amount IN NUMBER
    CURSOR c_amount
    SELECT amount
    FROM invoices
    WHERE invoices.invoices_pk = v_invoices_pk;
    CURSOR c_dist_amount
    SELECT SUM (cost_distribution.amount)
    FROM cost_distribution
    WHERE cost_distribution.invoices_pk = v_invoices_pk;
    v_sum_amount NUMBER;
    v_invoices_amount NUMBER;
    OPEN c_dist_amount;
    FETCH c_dist_amount
    INTO v_sum_amount;
    CLOSE c_dist_amount;
    OPEN c_amount;
    FETCH c_amount
    INTO v_invoices_amount;
    CLOSE c_amount;
    IF (v_invoices_amount <= v_sum_amount + v_new_amount)
    END IF;
    RETURN v_return_amount;
    Other than that, I am not sure about your cursors but I can't judge from here. The other thing is how you use the function in the validation process. Can you try to correct and tell if it worked out?
    Denes Kubicek

  • Can not delete data from table which is queried in my stored procedure

    Anyone knows how to fix it:
    I have a table. In a stored procedure, I have a simple query running on this table.
    When I want to delete one record from that table, I got error message:
    ORA-04091: table *** is mutating, trigger/function may not see it.
    Thanks first.

    Rick, the only time you should get a mutating table error is when a trigger is involved. FK problems have separate error codes (and would be a different problem than the one that started this thread). Using a DBA id check all the tables subject to DML by your function and by whatever calls your function for triggers. Only the owner or a DBA can see the existence of triggers on a non-owned table. This has caused some of the developers I work with to think tables that had triggers do not have them since they do not work under the owning or a DBA ID.
    By your description of what you are trying to do in the function we do that all the time without problem.
    How large is the function? How/When is it called?
    Mark D Powell

  • Query Timeout on stored procedure executed from Access 2010

    I am trying to delete old jobs from a SQL 2008 R2 database. I created a stored procedure on the server that deletes all Jobs over 1 year old. The delete can take several minutes to run as it deletes record on several related tables. I am getting a error
    "2147217871 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired". The query runs fine on the Server. I have tried setting Client timeout to 300 sec but it times out way before 5 min. I am not sure what else I
    can do to fix this problem. I am hoping someone has seen this and figured out a fix.
    Here is there code
    Public Sub Cleanup_Database()
    On Error GoTo CleanUp_Err
        Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
        Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
        ODBC_conn = "ODBC;Description=testbox2;DRIVER=SQL Server;" & _
                    "SERVER=O2GMSAPPTEST\SQL122DEVL;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" & _
                    "APP=Microsoft Office 2010;DATABASE=IMB_TraceData;StatsLog_On=Yes"
        cmd.ActiveConnection = ODBC_conn
        cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
        cmd.CommandText = "DataBase_Cleanup"
        Dim i As Long
        Dim str As String
        str = ""
        For i = 0 To Errors.Count - 1
            str = str & Errors(i).Number & "-" & Errors(i).Description & " " & vbNewLine
        Next i
        If str = "" Then
            str = Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
        End If
        MsgBox str, , "Trace Update"
    End Sub

    You didn't say how you were setting the client timeout, but this has worked for me in an adp.
    'Temporarily increase query timeout, which is an application-wide setting
    'CurrentProject.Connection.CommandTimeout = 60 'Too late to change this setting- no effect
    Const cstrTimeoutOptionName As String = "OLE/DDE Timeout (Sec)"
    Const clngTimeoutSecondsForQuery As Long = 300
    strQueryTimeOutOriginal = Application.GetOption(OptionName:=cstrTimeoutOptionName)
    Application.SetOption cstrTimeoutOptionName, CStr(clngTimeoutSecondsForQuery)

  • Oracle Instant Client and OUT Parameter of custom type in Stored Procedures

    Hi @ all!
    I try to set up a simple client application, that calls a stored procedure via Instant Client from C#.
    The stored procedure and assiciated types looks like this:
          Id      INTEGER,
          value     FLOAT
                                        RESULTSET OUT MYVALUELIST)
    ...I created an Oracle Command executing this SP and added OracleParameters for ID and (where I got stuck) the RESULTSET.
    Is it possible to pass a parameter with a custom type from C# in some way?
    I already tried it as a function with SELECT * FROM TABLE(ReadValues(1));
    With my parameter RESULTSET as the RETURN type. But since I use DML within the procedure, this does not work inside of a query...
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Greg!
    Sorry, I misunderstood the forum topic then. =(
    Anyway, in the example you provided in the link, this is nearly exactly my situation. But there the Oracle.DataAccess.Client is used, where the OracleDBType can be called to initialize an object of type person. I use the instant client libraries called by using System.Data.OracleClient. There is only the OracleType enum, that does not contain an object or something similar.
    So I do it right now after trying a bit with a ref cursor parameter and an OracleDataAdapter - the ref cursor is passed back from Oracle as a DataReader, so die DataAdapter is able to use it for a .Fill():
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
    cmd.Parameters.Add("RESULTSET", OracleType.Cursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    OracleDataAdapter odr = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
    DataTable result = new DataTable();
    odr.Fill(result);Within my stored procedure I just added the following OUT parameter:
                                        RESULTSET OUT sys_refcursor)
    currentlist MYVALUELIST;
    ... [Adding elements to that list] ...
    OPEN resultset for select * from TABLE(currentlist);It works now, but I don't like that solution that much since I'm always afraid that there are lots of opened cursors idyling around. Do I have to close this one explicitly after filling my table by the DataAdapter?

  • How to run stored procedure IC Data / to define according script logic file

    We want to execute the stored procedure IC Data before the IC Booking. Could anybody tell me, how we have to define the script logic file in detail?
    We try it with this code (that runs without any error, but 0 rows are calculated, 0 rows are updated)
    We also had tried with this code:

    step 1.
    Create a store procedure in back end.
    Create a ssis package to execute the store procdure.
    call this ssis pacakge in the data manager package and run the package.

  • SQL Developer Bug: NVL() function error when debug/run stored procedure

    SQL Developer: 1.5.3 (build main-5783)
    Oracle DB connected: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release
    Stored procedure code like this:
    procedure search(V_STATUS_IN IN CHAR(1)) is
    V_STATUS := NVL(V_STATUS_IN, '%'); -- error line
    The stored procedure runs well (I mean no oracle exception) when called through Java code (and in TOAD). But when debug/run in SQL Developer, following error at the error line:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

    What parameter are you passing in? It is possible you are trying to cram a multibyte character into a singlebyte container. What are the nls settings for the database and for sqldeveloper?

  • SSRS Suddenly Not Running Stored Procedures

    My problem is affecting multiple reports. They have all been working until recently. Suddenly any parameter that is fed via a stored procedure is not working. Parameters fed via direct query work just fine. I'm lost as to what the cause could be.

    Have the DBA monitor with SQL Profiler:  
    SQL Server Profiler
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

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