Query Timeout on stored procedure executed from Access 2010

I am trying to delete old jobs from a SQL 2008 R2 database. I created a stored procedure on the server that deletes all Jobs over 1 year old. The delete can take several minutes to run as it deletes record on several related tables. I am getting a error
"2147217871 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired". The query runs fine on the Server. I have tried setting Client timeout to 300 sec but it times out way before 5 min. I am not sure what else I
can do to fix this problem. I am hoping someone has seen this and figured out a fix.
Here is there code
Public Sub Cleanup_Database()
On Error GoTo CleanUp_Err
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    ODBC_conn = "ODBC;Description=testbox2;DRIVER=SQL Server;" & _
                "SERVER=O2GMSAPPTEST\SQL122DEVL;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" & _
                "APP=Microsoft Office 2010;DATABASE=IMB_TraceData;StatsLog_On=Yes"
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ODBC_conn
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    cmd.CommandText = "DataBase_Cleanup"
    Dim i As Long
    Dim str As String
    str = ""
    For i = 0 To Errors.Count - 1
        str = str & Errors(i).Number & "-" & Errors(i).Description & " " & vbNewLine
    Next i
    If str = "" Then
        str = Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
    End If
    MsgBox str, , "Trace Update"
End Sub

You didn't say how you were setting the client timeout, but this has worked for me in an adp.
'Temporarily increase query timeout, which is an application-wide setting
'CurrentProject.Connection.CommandTimeout = 60 'Too late to change this setting- no effect
Const cstrTimeoutOptionName As String = "OLE/DDE Timeout (Sec)"
Const clngTimeoutSecondsForQuery As Long = 300
strQueryTimeOutOriginal = Application.GetOption(OptionName:=cstrTimeoutOptionName)
Application.SetOption cstrTimeoutOptionName, CStr(clngTimeoutSecondsForQuery)

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    It's a query with subquery's in the where , a view in the from. In the view are unions. Looks not so special.

    It may be more convenient for you to ask this question on the other forum: SAP SQL Anywhere Forum
    It sometimes happens that (a) the same query will perform faster or slower in different versions because of different behaviors by the query optimizer. In most cases a minor change is necessary to restore good performance; in some rare cases, the changes are difficult.
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    In order to help, we will need more information. Two graphical plans with statistics for the same problematic query, both using V16, one captured in ISQL, and the other one captured inside the stored procedure, is the best way to pass on the information; ALL OTHER forms are inadequate, especially prose descriptions and edited snippets of code (that way lies frustration for all parties).
    There are a number of articles about graphical plans on this blog.

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    To better help you, could you provide the procedure (or part of it) and the query causing the error?
    Hello everyone..
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    >1. Can we trigger stored procedure from Update statement of JDBC sender.
    I think not possible using update statement.
    > Can we call stored procedure from Querry statement, since I have read on other sdn threads that stored procedure calls on Oracle database are not allowed. If not possible to have "Execute stored procedure" would the function call (select * from table(function name)) work same as stored procedure.
    Yes using select query you can call stored procedure.
    >. In a JDBC sender the Querry statement and Update statement are executed in same session call and same database connection. What happens if the querry statement was not succesful, would the update be still triggered.
    No select and update handles in the same session using the same thread so if one transaction fails update should not proceed.

  • Error : The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.

    Hi all,
        I have created one SP for sending mail with formatting the HTML code inside script whenever i am individually declaring it and printing its expected but the problem at time of executing SP its giving error like this
    Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 47
    The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
    what is the possibilities to overcome this problem follwing is my stored procedure code 
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DataLoadMailsend_essRules]
    DECLARE @packagelogid INT
    DECLARE @batchlogid INT
    DECLARE @packagestatus CHAR(2)
    select @batchlogid =19870
    DECLARE @mailheader VARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @count INT
    DECLARE @recipients1 VARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @subject1 VARCHAR(200)
    Declare @UserId varchar(Max)
    Declare @Information varchar(max)
    Declare @TableHTML1 varchar(max)
    Declare @TableHTML2 varchar(max)
    SET @mailheader = ''
    SET @mailheader = (select case
    WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) > 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
    WHEN InRule = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) = 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
    from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid)
    /* Selecting Person Mail as Recipient */
    SELECT TOP 1 @recipients1 = EmailId FROM abc.PersonEmail
    WHERE PersonId = ( SELECT TOP 1 personid FROM abc.FileUploadSummary WHERE BatchId = @batchlogid )AND EmailTypeId = 1
    /* Selecting UserId*/
    select top 1 @UserId=loginid from abc.FUS where BatchId=@batchlogid
    /*Selecting Information about the Status */
    Set @Information=
    (select case
    WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) > 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
    WHEN InRule = 'F'
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
    WHEN (InRule = 'S')
    AND (
    SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
    FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
    WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
    GROUP BY BatchId
    ) = 0
    THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
    end + N' <br> <B>BatchId= '+ convert(varchar(250),(select @batchlogid)) +'</B>'
    from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid )
    /*Selecting the Error Reason*/
    if exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
    set @TableHTML1 = '<table border=1><tr><th>Sr.No.</th><th><P>Error Reason :</th></tr>'+
    cast((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over (order by (select 1)),'',
    td=isnull(e.ErrorDescription, '')
    from abc.x.tbPackageErrorLog e --50594
    join abc.x.tbPackageLog p -- 10223
    on p.PackageLogID=e.PackageLogID
    where p.BatchLogID= @batchlogid FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE )
    as NVarchar(max)) +'</table>'
    -- print @tableHTML
    if not exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
    set @TableHTML2 = 'Error Reason :N/A'
    -- insert into #tmp values ( @TableHTML1)
    --select * from #tmp
    Set @tableHTML= 'Hello '+@UserId+', <br>Information:'+isnull(@Information,'') +
    '<Table Border=1><Tr><th>Sr No</th><th>Uploaded files </th>:'+
    CAST ((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over(order by f.FileUploadId), '',
    td = f.TableName , ''
    from abc.FileUploadSummary F where BatchId=@batchlogid
    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(max) )
    'Error Reason :'+isnull(isnull(@TableHTML1,'')+ isnull(@TableHTML2,''),'N/A')+ --concat (isnull(@TableHTML1,''),isnull(@TableHTML2,'')
    '<br> Please login to Your Account for further Details..!'
    +'<br>@Note: This is system generated message, Do not reply to this mail. <br>Regards,<br>'+
    print @tableHTML
    SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
    ,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
    @body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
    @body_format = ''HTML'''
    PRINT error_message()
    -- Test whether the transaction is uncommittable.
    -- IF (XACT_STATE()) = - 1
    -- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION --Comment it if SP contains only select statement
    DECLARE @ErrorFromProc VARCHAR(500)
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage VARCHAR(1000)
    DECLARE @SeverityLevel INT
    ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()
    ,@SeverityLevel = ERROR_SEVERITY()
    --INSERT INTO dbo.ErrorLogForUSP (
    -- ErrorFromProc
    -- ,ErrorMessage
    -- ,SeverityLevel
    -- ,DateTimeStamp
    --VALUES (
    -- @ErrorFromProc
    -- ,@ErrorMessage
    -- ,@SeverityLevel
    -- ,GETDATE()
    please help me to solve this problem
    Niraj Sevalkar

    This is no string http in your procedure. Then again the error message points to a line 47 outside a stored procedure. I can't tell it is outside, since there is no procedure name.
    But I see that you have this piece of dynamic SQL:
    SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
    ,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
    @body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
    @body_format = ''HTML'''
    Why is this dynamic SQL at all? Why not just make plain call to sp_send_dbmail?
     EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'DBA_mail_test'
    ,@recipients = @recipients1, @subject = @mailheader, @body = @tableHTML
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Stored Procedure For MS Access

    I have searched the forum for answer to the problem in using stored procedure with MS Access. Basically, there is not much of JDBC and MS Access compatibility for stored procedure.
    The create procedure SQL in the JDBC tutorial does not work. I have tried so hard battling all the difficulties along the way (up to this point).
    Should I just forget about it, and move on to the next topic?
    I got errors in "create table"...in the following:
    String createProcedure = "create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS as select ....";
    Statement stme = con.createStatement ( );
    stmt.executeUpdate (createProcedure);

    can you send me the code snippet that does this call from java...i have written a query named "TestQuery" in MSAccess.
    Also which driver are you using, b'cuz when i tried to call that query like
    String sql = "{exec TestQuery}";
    CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall(sql,     ResultSet.TYPESCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
    i got an exception, here is the exception trace........
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Optional feature not implemented
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(JdbcOdbc.java:6031)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:6188)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLPrepare(JdbcOdbc.java:4182)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.prepareCall(JdbcOdbcConnection.java:553)
         at com.neoforma.DiscTools.test.TestMSAccess.<init>(TestMSAccess.java:41)
         at com.neoforma.DiscTools.test.TestMSAccess.main(TestMSAccess.java:60)

  • Syntax of creating a stored procedure in Ms Access

    I need to create a stored procedure in Ms Access and i need to create it via a java program .This is the query i have written
    CREATE PROCEDURE procProductsList As
    Select A.Id,B.L_Name from Transaction A,Member B where A.Id = B.Id and A.Id = [@emp] and A.Name = [@name].But when i try to run it i get an error as Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.Plz could sumone help.

    //Creates a stored procedure as a resultset
    boolean createStoredProcedure(String strSql,Connection connect)
    Statement stmt=null;     
         int columnCount=0;
                   return false;
              } //End else
         } //End try
         catch(SQLException sql)
              System.out.print("Sql Exception caught");
              return false;
         } //End catch
         return true;
         } //End function
    //Function for passing the number of parameters in the parameters list
    String getInvokeParamsList(Vector vector)
         String strParamsInvokeList = new String("");
              strParamsInvokeList += "(";
              for(int i=0; i < vector.size(); i++)
                   strParamsInvokeList += "?";
                   if(i < (vector.size() - 1))
                        strParamsInvokeList += ", ";
              strParamsInvokeList += ")";
         return strParamsInvokeList;
    //Calls a stored Procedure
    ResultSet callStoredProcedure(Connection connect,String strProcedureName,Vector vecValues)
         ResultSet rs=null;
                   CallableStatement cs = connect.prepareCall("{call " + strProcedureName + getInvokeParamsList(vecValues) + "}");
                   for(int i=0;i<vecValues.size();i++)
                   rs = cs.executeQuery();
    catch(SQLException sql)
              System.out.print("Sql Exception caught: " + sql.toString());
    catch(NullPointerException npexp)
              System.out.print("NullPointerException Exception caught: " + npexp.toString());
         return rs;//End catch
    class database1
              public static void main(String[] args)
                        String strFilepath="C:\\trainee";
                        String strFilename="config.xml";
                        String strvendor="TICPEN0001003";
                        String str1="CREATE PROCEDURE procProductsList As Select A.Id,B.L_Name from Transaction A,Member B where A.Id = B.Id and A.Id = [@emp] and A.Name = [@name]";
                        String proc="stproc";
                        int columnCount=0;
                        clsDatabase clsdb=new clsDatabase(strFilepath,strFilename,strvendor);
                        Connection boolConn=clsdb.getConnect();
                        Vector vec=new Vector();
                             System.out.println("Connection established");     
                             boolean b1=clsdb.createStoredProcedure(str1,boolConn);
                                  ResultSet rs1=clsdb.callStoredProcedure(boolConn, proc, vec);
                                       System.out.println("rs1 null");
                                       ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();                         
                                       columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                                            for(int i=1 ;i<=columnCount; i++)
                                                 String value=rs1.getString(i);
                             System.out.print("Stored Procedure not created");
                        System.out.println("Connection not established");      
    catch(Exception e)
                        //System.out.println("Exception caught4: " + e.toString());
                   }                                                                                          //End catch
         }                                                                                          //End main

  • I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure

    I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure, I mean when I execute a stored procedure it returns a result set as a select query.
    Best regards...

    If you want some pl/sql code that can be used in a query as it were a table you may be interested in table functions:
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emp is object (
      3  name            varchar2(30),
      4  hire_date date,
      5  salary       number);
      6  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emptab is table of t_emp;
      3  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace function tab_fun(p_dept in number)
      2  return t_emptab is
      3  e t_emptab;
      4  begin
      5    select t_emp(ename,hiredate,sal)
      6      bulk collect into e
      7      from emp
      8     where deptno=p_dept;
    10    return dip;
    11  end;
    12  /
    Funzione creata.
    SQL> select *
      2  from table(tab_fun(20));
    NAME                           HIRE_DATE  SALARY
    SMITH                          17-DIC-80        800
    JONES                          02-APR-81       2975
    SCOTT                          09-DIC-82       3000
    ADAMS                          12-GEN-83       1100
    FORD                           03-DIC-81       3000A procedure cannot be used in a select statement.

  • Execution Times of Stored Procedures Called from Other Stored Procedures

    If I execute sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats, it will produce execution times of my stored procedures executed recently.
    However, stored procedures called from other stored procedures do not show up.
    Is there code that can return the execution times of stored procedures even though they are called from other stored procedures.

    Look at the example. It is counting nested execution.
    CREATE PROC z1SP AS SELECT * FROM Production.Product;
    CREATE PROC z2SP AS SELECT * FROM Production.Product WHERE Color is not null; EXEC z1SP;
    SELECT object_name(2002822197), object_name(2034822311);
    --z1SP z2SP
    EXEC z1SP; EXEC z2SP;
    GO 10
    SELECT * from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats
    database_id object_id type type_desc cached_time last_execution_time execution_count
    16 2002822197 P SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE 2014-12-16 13:02:45.170 2014-12-16 13:02:46.717 20
    16 2034822311 P SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE 2014-12-16 13:02:45.460 2014-12-16 13:02:46.687 10
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • How to switch of messages from Microsoft outlook taht i get when updating outlook calendar from Access 2010

    I want to avoid irritating messages from Microsoft outlook when I am sending invitations to a meeting from Access 2010 into outlook.
    We are running a CRM application on a terminal server.
    I get theese messages:  "A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. Do you want to allow this..."
    A program is trying to access mail adresses you have stored in outlook". Do you want to allow this..."
    How can I avoid theese messages? They are irritating for our useres.
    I hope anyone have a solution to this problem?

    How did you send invitations to a meeting from Access 2010 into outlook?
    These security warnings appear when a program attempts to access your contact information in the Outlook Address Book, or attempts to send email on your behalf. Please refer to the following article and try the resolution
    described to check the result.
    Hope this helps.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can I Modify .MDB VBA From Access 2010?

    Currently, I am using Access 2010 and 2013.  One of my clients is still using an mdb file created by Access 2003.  They don't want me to upgrade to .accdb, but want me to modify the VBA code.
    Prior to today, I had a version of Access 2003, but that is no longer available to me.  Can I successfully make VBA changes to an Access 2003 .mdb file from Access 2010 with the same reliability I could expect if making them from native Access 2003...
    and still leave the file as an .mdb?
    Rich Locus, Logicwurks, LLC

    In general: yes. The only gotcha is that your version of Access may update the references to non-standard code libraries. The client will then have to remove those references and set the appropriate ones for their system.
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (http://www.eileenslounge.com)

  • Update outlook calendar from access 2010 database

    When I registrate an appointment in hour access 2010 database, I want to create an apointment in the outlook calendar. Is that possible? I tried to link to the outlook calendar from Access 2010, but the appointment date does not show, and therefore
    I can't use this method!
    My next question: Is it also possible to registrate an appointment in the outlook calendar and update the calendar in my access 2010 database.
    I hope somone can help me with my questions

    We can use VB script to do this, please refer to the following KB article:
    Also have a look at this article:
    Since this issue is more related to coding, better to post your question to MSDN forum to get further assistance:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can not delete data from table which is queried in my stored procedure

    Anyone knows how to fix it:
    I have a table. In a stored procedure, I have a simple query running on this table.
    When I want to delete one record from that table, I got error message:
    ORA-04091: table *** is mutating, trigger/function may not see it.
    Thanks first.

    Rick, the only time you should get a mutating table error is when a trigger is involved. FK problems have separate error codes (and would be a different problem than the one that started this thread). Using a DBA id check all the tables subject to DML by your function and by whatever calls your function for triggers. Only the owner or a DBA can see the existence of triggers on a non-owned table. This has caused some of the developers I work with to think tables that had triggers do not have them since they do not work under the owning or a DBA ID.
    By your description of what you are trying to do in the function we do that all the time without problem.
    How large is the function? How/When is it called?
    Mark D Powell

  • Accessing page/session items in a stored procedure callout from javascript

    I am tryin to popup a window with some contents using a javascript by passing an URL to it where URL is a stored procedure callout like <schema>.SP_myproc?p_key=id.
    My question is whether i can access the apex page items in a session inside the stored procedure SP_myproc using the syntax v('PXX_ITEM') apart from the passed parameter to it.
    Thanks in advance

    But you can call an APEX page that is basicly only a Pl/SQL region and in the PL/PLSQL region call your procedure.

  • Excuting stored procedure remotly from SQL Server

    Hi everybody,
    H recive an error message when I try to execute a remote stored procedure on Oracle from SQL Server though a linked server of ME OLE provider for oracle.
    I can view all of the Oracle tables and views within SQL Enterprise Manager. When I try to execute a the command (execute OracleServer...StoredProcedure) through MS query analyzer using the linked Oracle server, I receive the error.
    Could you please help me overcome this problem
    I found something similiar, but with no accepted answer:
    Accessing Oracle Table via Linked Server
    Thanks alot

    Let's put it in another way:
    How could I execute a stored procedure on Oracle from an OLE DB connection?
    Is there syntax for PL/SQL to use from other languages like Transact-SQL?
    Thanks once again

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