Parental controls are unstable

I run osx 10.8.2 on my Imac and administer to my 5 kids accounts that I have on my computer. when on thier accounts everything is unstable. If I allow a certain program it might not allow them to use it or it might let them use it but only after they click on it fifty times. also web sites that I allow them to use randomly get "forgoten" and they can no longer access them. this is really anoying for all the sub applications.

Double check to make sure your PC settings are correct.  Then use Software Update to update your OS  to 10.8.3.  Also, update everything SU has to offer for your computer.  When done, repair permissions and restart your computer.
A couple of links that may or may not offer a solution:
OS X Mountain Lion: Manage a user with parental controls
Troubleshooting Parental Controls
Configuring Parental Controls
Set parental controls on your Mac (Video)

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    Then, talk to the person running the lab.

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    There are a variety of Adobe services that need to remain enabled in order for Photoshop to work.
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    Let me know the model number of the Router? The Parental controls feature may vary among various models. There are only two Linksys/Cisco router like E4200 v1 and E1200 v2 has an access features offer both Internet Access Policy and Parental controls where in you can restrict the Internet according to the specified timings.
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    There are a variety of Adobe services that need to remain enabled in order for Photoshop to work.
    I would log in to the administrator account and make sure anything with Adobe is set to "allow."
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    There are a variety of Adobe services that need to remain enabled in order for Photoshop to work.
    I would log in to the administrator account and make sure anything with Adobe is set to "allow."
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    Let me know the model number of the Router? The Parental controls feature may vary among various models. There are only two Linksys/Cisco router like E4200 v1 and E1200 v2 has an access features offer both Internet Access Policy and Parental controls where in you can restrict the Internet according to the specified timings.
    Here is the link which will help you in setting it up for restricting Internet access:
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    There are a variety of Adobe services that need to remain enabled in order for Photoshop to work.
    I would log in to the administrator account and make sure anything with Adobe is set to "allow."
    Then, log in to the restricted account and test. If Photoshop works as expected, you can turn off one item at a time until you find the one that "breaks" Photoshop's functionality.

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    I'm experiencing the same issues. I've tried some of the work-arounds that people reported as working for them, but they haven't solved the issue for me. I don't know if this is a good clue, but here is the error log from /private/var/log/apache2
    [Thu Feb 14 11:49:37 2008] [alert] (EAI 8)nodename nor servname provided, or not known: moduniqueid: unable to find IPv4 address of ""
    Configuration Failed
    [Thu Feb 14 11:58:11 2008] [alert] (EAI 8)nodename nor servname provided, or not known: moduniqueid: unable to find IPv4 address of ""
    Configuration Failed
    [Thu Feb 14 13:15:21 2008] [alert] (EAI 8)nodename nor servname provided, or not known: moduniqueid: unable to find IPv4 address of ""
    Configuration Failed
    [Thu Feb 14 13:18:17 2008] [alert] (EAI 8)nodename nor servname provided, or not known: moduniqueid: unable to find IPv4 address of ""
    Configuration Failed
    I hope wiser heads than mine can help solve this.

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