Partial export into eif file

It is necessary to export some data from one AW that is partitioned by time (month). Every month it is necessary to export some data from the last month partition limited by some customer and product hierarhies.
The Cube is defined as compressed. The normal EIF export from cube (only one monht date) has about 50 MB.
The client need to use one incremental import from eif files. Because of this during the EIF export has defines a COMPOSIT and VARIBALES to hold the Cube data. Export in this way has size of over 700MB. I have thied to change definition of composit to COMPRESSED or BTREE64, but nothing has changed.
I think that the exported EIF file does not use compression.
It is possible to reduce the size of the exported EIF file?
They are using OLAP 10gR2.
Edited by: user10317018 on 27.07.2010 00:44

One customer is using this solution already from Oracle Express. They have migrated it some years ago to Oracle OLAP 10g.
They want to continue to use this kind of solution, because of advantages they have.
In the company headquarter they import already aggregated data from different countries. Because of different laws they cannot transfer all data (customers informations) to the headquarter, but only some aggregates and some important customers directly.
The structure from all AWs is the same. They have written one script that is transferring needed data to transfer variables and write them to EIF file. During the import data from transfer variables is written into headquarter AW. This AW in not aggregated anymore.

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    There are no similar ways. Your question is more towards creating XML files from Cloud product with the help of studio.
    You can take help of attachment folder. You can create files. Couple of things you have to keep in mind.
    New line representation :: "\r\n"
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    Any idea??
    Many thanks,
    Gianluca and Paolo

    Import has a lot of options, so it depends on what you want to do.
    C:\> imp help=y
    will show you all possible options. An example of full import :
    C:\> imp <username>/<password>@<TNS alias> file=<DMP file> full=y log=<LOG file>
    Message was edited by:
    Paul M.
    ...and there is always [url]The documentation

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    8292 is a Geographic system, so this is the correct entry for metadata:
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    Object                         Object Type
    AW$SUPER                    TABLE PARTITION
    AW$SUPER                    TABLE
    SUPER_I$                    INDEX
    SUPER_S$                    SEQUENCE
    SYS_IL0000051573C00004$$          INDEX PATITION
    SYS_LOB0000051573C00004$$          LOB PARTITION
    SYS_LOB0000051573C00004$$          LOB
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    Well, you need to learn Java so you can read files, divide the data by the delimiters, and then write it out as a csv file.
    Can't really give better instructions than that...maybe start by reading the basic tutorials?
    We don't give out full program code here so you'll need to ask more precise questions. Such as what is it that you're having problems with.

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    Edited by: 916799 on 24.02.2012 05:02

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  • Directory for EIF File

    Hi fellow devs,
    I'm attempting to use available 'Export to EIF File' option in AWM, but not seeing any directory specified in drop-down list. I searched and found the below link:
    Re: Unable to set the Current Directory Alias (CDA)
    Do you believe I can use same approach to get this done? Will AWM pick it up once its specified? And is there any way to save the file to a Windows directory instead?

    The EIF file is an option to export your data and structure of the AWM. What is described in the other post you mentioned hold good for any body wants to do an EIF export/import approach.
    Here are the steps you should be doing.
    1. Create an oracle directory. If the directory is create by sys or some other user(other than owner of the AW) then ensure that owner of the AW has read/write permission to the directory.
    create directory dir as '<path physical location on disk>';
    grant all on direcroty dir to <aw owner>;
    2. Now when you go to AWM you would see the directory list in the drop down and can do an export/import of the AW.
    The above process is from AWM. If you want to use OLAP dml then you can do following in olap worksheet.
    cda <directory name>;
    lmt name to all;
    export all to eif file 'eif_file_name.eif';
    to import
    cda <directory name>;
    import all from eif file 'eif_file_name.eif';
    Hope this helps.

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    Bitmaps in the workbook titles are not exported. I guess it was just too difficult to do when they added bitmaps into the titles.
    Rod West

  • Error While Importing from EIF file into AW

    Hi All,
    I am facing the following error while importing from EIF file into AW using AWM as well as from sql prompt.
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-36786: (IOSEC04) File POCAW/abc.eif does not exist or cannot be accessed.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AW", line 42
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    at oracle.olap.awm.eif.eifimport.ImportDialogActionThread.doExportOrImport(
    at oracle.olap.awm.eif.EifDialogActionThread.doAction(
    i have already created the directory pocaw.
    i have done the following steps :
    execute dbms_aw.execute ('aw create ''POC_AW''');
    execute dbms_aw.execute('cda pocaw');
    execute dbms_aw.execute('dtb attach POC_AW rw');
    execute dbms_aw.execute('import all from eif file ''/abc.eif'' dfns update ');
    any idea or thought would be appreciable.
    thanks n advance

    execute dbms_aw.execute('import all from eif file''/abc.eif'' dfns update ');
    Maybe one of the following file names could help
    (have never tried it):
    you don't need the slash. CDA is like setting a default directory.

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    Hi All,
    Let me clarify my i have gone through the concept of  "Exporting Context Data Using the Webdynpro Binary cache" in SAP Online Help.
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    Here my qtn is why they had converted context node data into XML file. With out doing that can not we export context node data to excel file..?
    Edited by: Sesshanna D on Dec 19, 2007 7:25 AM

    Hi Sesshanna,
    it is not neccessary to do that but xml has the advantage, that it can be easily transformed into every output format that might occur in later project stages.
    If it's simply about blowing out some Excel, I suggest using an OSS library such as jexcelAPI or Jakarta POI and building the Excel how you need it.

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    Are you using any plugins in Logic?
    In Preferences/Audio  under the General tab, how do you have the plug-in-latency compensation set?

  • How To Divide Source File Into Smaller Files Without Exporting?

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm a beginner with PPro CS4 and to video editing in general. I've done a lot of Googling and searching of these forums to get an answer to this question, but I haven't found a clear answer. Here's my problem:
    I have many hours of HDV footage shot over the past few years with a Canon HV30. This footage is on dozens of DV tape cassettes. I want to capture most of it to disk.
    When I capture a tape to disk, I get a single large mpeg4 file. (PPro captures all HDV footage to mpeg4.) "Scene select" doesn't work with the HV30, so my only other way to make smaller capture files would be to set In/Out points with batch capture. But this would mean hours of fast-forwarding and reversing with the VCR-like controls on the camera to review all the tapes and set the points. I thought it might be FASTER to simply capture an entire tape in one operation, THEN review the captured tape within PPro (it's much faster using the scrubber), and dividing that file into smaller files within PPro, thereby avoiding all the mechanical fast-forwarding and rewinding on the camera itself.
    But the only way I can find to do this seems to involve EXPORTING clips. Am I wrong to think that exporting a clip to a new file involves a degradation of the original mpeg4 source file? Or will there be no loss to the quality if I simply export to mpeg4 format?
    It seems there should be an easy way to simply divide the original capture into smaller source files for later editing, without putting the footage through another generation of processing (exporting), which might entail some loss of quality. Or am I wrong about this?
    (CS4 Master Suite, i7 3630k, 16GB RAM, C: 256GB SSD, D: 1T Setpoint F3, E: 1T Setpoint F3)

    HDV footage is mpeg2 (whats in a number ). CS4 does not do scene detect you need to use HDV split for that.
    You can run your already captured files through hdv split and it will chop the file into clips and off you go.

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