Partitioning Columns for CKIS on DB2 z/OS?

Environment is SAP Netweaver 7.0, R/3 ECC 6.0, DB2 z/OS V9, z/OS 1.10. 
Our CKIS table is growing quite large.  I've read OSS notes, forum posts, and Data Management Guide for how to control / reduce growth (do not cost for raw material, regular archiving, etc.) but we may still be at risk of hitting 64GB dataset limit.    We are planning to partition CKIS to avoid this.  The difficulty is choosing good partitioning columns.  I've read many SAP OSS notes regarding partitioning in general, but nothing specific for recommendations on the CKIS table.
Has anyone partitioned this table in DB2 z/OS?  What columns did you use for partitioning?  Any insight is appreciated.  Thank you.

Since this file is growing quite large, why don't you run a batch job at night to reorg that file and any other file that is over a certain size that you specifiy?
Edited by: Mike Ruth on May 6, 2010 4:56 PM

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    My advice: Don't hold your breath.
    SAP Note 1280173 is for BC-DB-DB2, aka DB2 for z/OS. Since this platform has at best 1% of the SAP market share, I would not expect such a small non-critical annoyance to be fixed quickly. That is just based on my limited experience with SAP on Z. SAP probably has bigger issues to solve on platforms with far more market share.
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    Best of luck!

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    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
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    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

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    Right, click the button "manage layout" or "save layout" and remove any default user settings...
    added: didn't read carefully sorry ;)... better check user settings in SU01 if no ALV parameter is used.
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    Have you tried to repair the disk yet

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    on the View Object icon.
    2.In the View Object wizard change the name to something meaningful.
    3.Select the entity objects you will base your view object on.
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    a new attribute by clicking the "New" button. The new attribute can be a concatenation of other attributes, derived from a calculation etc.
    5.In the query panel of the View Object wizard, click "Expert mode" and enter a query statement. You write complex queries such as decoding a set of attribute
    6.Add your newly to your newly created view object to the application module by double-clicking on the application module in the navigation pane and selecting
    your view object from the list.
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    9.Create a GridControl and bind it to the row set by editing the dataItemName property of the GridControl. Since the GridControl is bound at the row set level
    all of the related attributes are automatically added.

    Are you intending this as a commercial solution or a work around?
    To take an existing equivalent, one would build a view in the database tailored for each grid in an Oracle Forms application. Or a separate query layered over tables for each form/grid in a Delphi or Access application? Even if it is ninety nine percent the same over half a dozen forms/grids?
    And now you've added a whole slew of "slightly different" rowSetInfos to maintain.
    So if you wanted to add a column that needs to appear everywhere... you've just increased the workload multi-fold?
    That would be a management nightmare, wouldn't it? Not to mention yet more performance cost and a slower system?
    Hmmmm..... I'm not sure I like where this is headed... someone needs to do some convincing...

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    Process ( content type)
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    now  how i add a default value in a site column for every document in a document library 

    i get below error when i change the script 
    PS C:\scripts> C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1
    Cannot index into a null array.
    At C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1:8 char:7
    + IF($i[ <<<< "Title"] -eq $null)
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Title:String) [], RuntimeExce
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://tspmcwfe:89/
    $list = $web.Lists["test"]
    $item = $list.Items | Where { $_["Name"] -eq "Emc" }
    foreach($i in $items)
    IF($i["Title"] -eq $null)
             $i["Title"] = "test"
    Why are you piping a where in the items? Do you only want to add the "test" to ones matching
    a name?
    If you have ISE installed on your server I recommend you put your code in there and debug it. 
    If this is helpful please mark it so. Also if this solved your problem mark as answer.

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