Party Shuffle not shuffling all that much

I use the Party Shuffle feature of iTunes a lot while I'm using my iMac. I've noticed, though, that it doesn't shuffle all that much. I've got somewhere around 5,500 tracks in my iTunes library and I seem to get the same handful of albums and tracks coming up with monotonous regularity.
I'm using version 7.5 of iTunes and Shuffle source is set to "Music", SmartShuffle is set to "Less likely" and "Songs" and I have also done the "delete and refresh" solution suggested in other topics on this forum. None of this seems to have made any difference, so can anyone suggest any other options?

Check and make sure that all the tracks in the library have a check mark in the little box to the left of the title. If the boxes aren't checked, iTunes will play only a selected song and then stop. If the boxes are all unchecked, I believe you can check them all at once by control-clicking in one box.
Best of luck.

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    beckyfromoz wrote:
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    The question mark means it can't find the ddrive it thinks it's supposed to boot from, most common cause is drive failure.
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    Crucial RAM is usually more expensive than other RAM manufacturers/suppliers, but that is because the RAM is of compatible quality for Macs.
    $90 is, somewhat expensive for a 512 MB RAM stick, but, again, it's going to work in your Mac with, hopefully, no issues (RAM can go bad regardless of whom it's purchased from).
    That said, the more RAM the better.
    If you can't afford to install the full 2 GB of RAM immediately, at least splash out for another 512 stick of RAM to punp the Mac up 1 GB. Add the rest of the RAM as time and funds allow.
    If your main internal drive is full or getting full, your G4 can take and additional internal IDE drive.
    internal drive will be so much faster than external FW drive.
    Again, it's cost.
    I am assuming that the full internal drive, in question is your G4's original OEM internal drive.
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    You didn't mention what your Mac's internal drive size is so I'm guessing here.
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    Your Mac can take up to a 120 GB drive. The cost will be around $90, also.
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    I think the addditional 512 MB memory and drive upgrade is worth it, IMHO.
    You mentioned that you really want to run multiple programs, though.
    With 1 GB of RAM, you may be able to run, perhaps, two, maybe three, data/RAM intensive apps, and that's probably going to be all.
    Again if you want to run, say, five or six apps at one time, depending on how data/RAM intensive they are, more RAM, in in some cases, more HD space, make this doing easier.
    I don't think splashing out cash to make some modest improvements to your older G4 is a waste of time/money.
    Especially, these particular upgrade suggestions.
    Now, if we were talking about something like a CPU upgrade, then my opinions would be a bit different as the costs of adding additional RAM, HD and CPU upgrade would put you in a position of maybe looking and considering purhasing a newer Mac with better specs than your G4. Something like a newer G4 model, newer G4 iMac, G4 eMac or maybe look at the last generation G5 Power Macs or iMacs.
    But, I digress, the decision to make these more modest upgrades is up to you in the end.
    I bought and purchased one of the last of the remaining G4 1.25 Ghz MDD models about a year or so, ago. As of recently, I just put in 1 more 512 MB RAM stick to max out my RAM to 2.0 GB.
    I put in a larger internal HD (I use an existing external FW 120 GB drive I had with my previous Mac) and I upgraded my G4's video card. The original video card was fine, but I wanted DVD's to play with better screen quality on my Mac and I wanted better screen response and redraws with certain graphic/image apps.
    So, the video card purchase was more of "luxury" upgrade,
    not a needed upgrade, per se.
    You asked for some direction for making your particular Mac speedier as you didn't think that the one 512 MB stick really didn't add all that much speed.
    Your G4 can get speedier, but only by throwing some more cash at it.
    Just as long as you feel your not overdoing it.
    My general guidelines for doing Mac hardware/software upgrades is if the immediate upgrade costs are $500-$600 and above, it might be time to,at least, look at newer Mac alternatives, either newer/used or brand new Macs to compare costs/features before proceeding with any more upgrades to an older Mac system.

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    Thanks so much you have made me VERY HAPPY!!!! Love that Party Shuffle!!!

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
    - Reset all settings                 
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes

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