Passing checkBox value to another servlet

hey! there,
I am pretty new for java servlet. I am having trouble for passing the name of the checkbox in another servlet.
The situation goes like this.
I have a page where dynamically checkboxes are created based on the number of accounts associated with the user in the database. I have pulled out the information from the database to display in the table where one column is for check box. Now I have to pass the name of the checkbox to the another servlet where I have to ckeck whether the check box value is false or true.
If the number of check box is static, I could have given the specific name which can be passed to the next servlet easily but the I don't know how many checkbox it comes up in the table.
Since I am new to Java, I could not figure out how to name that ckeckbox in the page and pass it to the another servlet page.
Note that the pages are entirely Servlet.
Any help would be heartly, appriciated

hi beg,
One way to this is
Servlet code
for i = 1 to noOFUSers
String x = "<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME='user' "+i "
"put x in screen
The HTML generated should post to 2nd servlet
IInd servlet code
Enumeration paramNames =
while(paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName =
if(!paramName.startsWith("user"))// same string as
checkbox name
String paramValue =
/ do u r processing on paramValue
}Another way is to use the same name attribute for all of them
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME='user' >Then, at the second servlet, call
String[] users = request.getParameterValues("name");and iterate over the string array.

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  • Passing multiple values to another page via a sql report

    Having trouble passing multiple values to another page via a popup SQL report
    I have two fields one called "descr" and another called "Met"
    when I use the code below all works fine and the value of "descr" is passed
    Select '&lt;a href="javascript:popUp2('''
    || 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
    || 'P950_TYPE:'
    || descr
    || ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%"&gt;'
    || descr
    || '&lt;/a&gt;' "Note"
    But when I want to pass another value, all goes bonkers and instead of the value of the field being passed the literal text is passed.
    can someone look at my code below and see what may be wrong
    Select '&lt;a href="javascript:popUp2('''
    || 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
    || 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
    || descr, Met
    || ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%"&gt;'
    || descr
    || '&lt;/a&gt;' "Note"
    I appeciate your help looking into this
    FYI (Here is the entire SQL for reference)
    With t
    CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
    CASE WHEN WCS_CPT &gt; :P940_METRIC_1_WCS_CPT1 then
    '&lt;span style="color:Red; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'&lt;/span&gt;' else
    '&lt;span style="color:#399304; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end
    else '&lt;span style="color:#180c8b;"&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end "WCSCPT",
    CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
    '&lt;span style="color:Red; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' else
    '&lt;span style="color:#399304; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end
    else '&lt;span style="color:#180c8b;"&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end "WCSTOIPERFTE",
    CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
    '&lt;span style="color:Red; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' else
    '&lt;span style="color:#399304; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end
    else '&lt;span style="color:#180c8b;"&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end "WCSSIOPERFTE",
    CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
    '&lt;span style="color:Red; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' else
    '&lt;span style="color:#399304; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end
    else '&lt;span style="color:#180c8b;"&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end "WCSTCPERFTE",
    CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
    '&lt;span style="color:Red; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' else
    '&lt;span style="color:#399304; "&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end
    else '&lt;span style="color:#180c8b;"&gt;'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'&lt;/span&gt;' end "WCSADSLPERFTE",
    end "MONTH"
    FROM (
    Select '&lt;a href="javascript:popUp2('''
    || 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
    || 'P950_METRIC_TYPE,P950_METRIC_VALUE:descr,MET'
    || ''
    || ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%"&gt;'
    || descr
    || '&lt;/a&gt;' "Note"
    , max(Met) METRICS, max(Jul) Jul08, max(Aug) Aug08, max(Sep) Sep08, max(Oct) Oct08, max(Nov) Nov08, max(Dec)Dec08, max(Jan) Jan08, max(Feb) Feb08, max(Mar) Mar08, max(Apr) Apr08, max(May) May08, max(Jun) Jun08
    from (
    Select 'Cost Per Transaction' descr,
    decode (MONTH, 'METRICS', WCSCPT) MET,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSCPT) Jul,
    decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSCPT) Aug,
    decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSCPT) Sep,
    decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSCPT) Oct,
    decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSCPT) Nov,
    decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSCPT) Dec,
    decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSCPT) Jan,
    decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSCPT) Feb,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSCPT) Mar,
    decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSCPT) Apr,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSCPT) May,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSCPT) Jun
    from t
    union all
    Select 'Total Orders Issued Per FTE' descr,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jul,
    decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Aug,
    decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Sep,
    decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Oct,
    decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Nov,
    decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Dec,
    decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jan,
    decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Feb,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Mar,
    decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Apr,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) May,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jun
    from t
    union all
    Select 'SIOs Per Billing FTE' descr,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jul,
    decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Aug,
    decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Sep,
    decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Oct,
    decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Nov,
    decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Dec,
    decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jan,
    decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Feb,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Mar,
    decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Apr,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) May,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jun
    from t
    union all
    Select 'Total Calls Answered per FTE' descr,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jul,
    decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Aug,
    decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Sep,
    decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Oct,
    decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Nov,
    decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Dec,
    decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jan,
    decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Feb,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Mar,
    decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Apr,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSTCPERFTE) May,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jun
    from t
    union all
    Select 'ADSL Orders per FTE' descr,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Jul,
    decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Aug,
    decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Sep,
    decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Oct,
    decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Nov,
    decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Dec,
    decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Jan,
    decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Feb,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Mar,
    decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Apr,
    decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) May,
    decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Jun
    from t
    GROUP by descr

    Borg Species 5618 wrote:
    Having trouble passing multiple values to another page via a popup SQL report
    But when I want to pass another value, all goes bonkers and instead of the value of the field being passed the literal text is passed.
    can someone look at my code below and see what may be wrong
    Select '&lt;a href="javascript:popUp2('''
    || 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
    || 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
    || descr, Met
    || ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%"&gt;'
    || descr
    || '&lt;/a&gt;' "Note"
    Hi Frank,
    You should close this parameters with single quotation. Try this -
    Select '&lt;a href="javascript:popUp2('''
    || 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
    || 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
    *|| 'descr, Met'*
    || ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%"&gt;'
    || descr
    || '&lt;/a&gt;' "Note"
    Hope this helps.
    M Tajuddin

  • Passing form values to a Servlet

    I am trying to pass form value to a servlet once the user presses the submit button. How can I get access to the form values?

    Try this in your servlet.
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);     
    xxxx is the parameter name..
    Doesn't this work?

  • Passing column values to another tab if check box selected in that row

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    I have a table that gets populated by a web service. Have added one more field to it which is a check box. Th requirement is that I need to pass the values of column (say id) from each row which has it's check box selected, as input parameters to a web service in another tab.
    example: table has fileds id, name, address,checkbox. If there are 5 rows and the user select 1 and 2 then I need the ids of 1 and 2 to be passed to another tab.
    Is this possible  ........

    I just don't want to make multiple selection but pass the values of a column from the selected rows to another tab to be used as input parameters to a web service.
    I want to know how to pass the values(of one filed) of the selected rows across tabs/switches.

  • Passing multiple values to another page

    I am somewhat new to Coldfusion 9 in a IIS platform through Dreamweaver CS4 and could use some direction.  I am working on a form where someone has submited a request for approval.  The user has requested a bulk approval button for all users that fall under certain filter conditions to do a mass approve ( setting the value to 1).  I have not been able to either pass the values to the current approval method or approve them on the existing page.  Below is the coding for the page as I have it.
    After the filter has applied I need to get the values of the #qRecords.VR_Machine_Participant_Activity_Login_ID# and have them all approve as apposed to doing them individually which they are doing now.  I have looked at several methods, but they are not meeting my needs.  Some information cut for space but left the form action.
    <form name="form1" method="post">
        <table width="996" border="1">
         <tr class="ReportColumnHeadingSmall">
          <td width="150">Approval Needed</td>
          <td width="100">Approved</td>
                            <td width="180">Business Unit</td>                    
         <tr class="data0Small">
           <select name="cboApprovalRequired" class="smallFont">
            <!---<option value="All">All</option>--->
                     <option value="1"
             <cfif isDefined("vApprovalRequired")>
              <cfif vApprovalRequired eq 1>
                     <option value="0"
             <cfif isDefined("vApprovalRequired")>
              <cfif vApprovalRequired eq 0>
           <select name="cboApproved" class="smallFont">
            <!---<option value="All">All</option>--->
                     <option value="1"
             <cfif isDefined("vApproved")>
              <cfif vApproved eq 1>
                     <option value="0"
             <cfif isDefined("vApproved")>
              <cfif vApproved eq 0>
                              <!--- Drop down showing the current available units to choose from --->
                       <select name="cbo_BusUnit" id="cbo_BusUnit">
                            <cfoutput query="qBusUnit">
                             <option value="#qBusUnit.BusinessUnit#"
                            <cfif (isDefined("vBusUnit") AND vBusUnit is qBusUnit.BusinessUnit)>selected                               </cfif>>#qBusUnit.BusinessUnit#</option>
    <!--- This is where I'd like to mark the items for approval. --->
                            <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Apply Filter">
          <td width="450" align="right">
            This will approve all records displayed on the current page.
                              <input name="bVr_id" type="button" value="Approve">
      <cfoutput query="qRecords"><a href=   "vr_participantactivityapproval.cfm?participant=#qRecords.VR_Machine_Participant_Activity _Login_ID#">
        <img src="../Images/switch_user.gif" alt="Approve" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
         <tr class="ReportColumnHeadingSmall">
                         <td colspan="3" height="20"></td>
    <table width="996" border="1">
    <tr class="ReportColumnHeadingSmall">
        <td>Machine or<br>Activity Type</td>
        <td>Login Status</td>
        <td>Login Date Time</td>
    <cfoutput query="qRecords">
    <tr class="data#Int(qRecords.CurrentRow MOD 2)#Small">
                        <!--- Current method of approving them individually. --->    
    <a href="vr_participantactivityapproval.cfm?participant=#qRecords.VR_Machine_Participant_Act ivity_Login_ID#"><img src="../Images/switch_user.gif" alt="Approve" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
      <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.ActivityType#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Activity#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Value_Nvarchar#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.VR_Department_Number#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.FullName#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont"><cfif #qRecords.Approved# IS 0>False<cfelse>True</cfif></td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Login_Status#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#DateFormat(qRecords.Login_Date, 'ddd mm/dd/yyyy')# #TimeFormat(qRecords.Login_Date, 'H:mm')#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.TotalTime#</td>

    I suggest displaying all the potential approvees as checked checkboxes.  The user can then uncheck as many as he wants.

  • Error while passing checkbox value

    i'm passing my checkbox value like this..
    <%for (l=0;l < row;++l)
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="delete<%=l%>" value="<%=tm.getValueAt(l,0)%>"></td>
    second .jsp i call it as
    int number=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("num"));
    System.out.println("in vetcd no"+number);
    for(int i=0; i<number; i++)
    String equid = request.getParameter("delete"+i);
    but it always prints the value of equid to be null
    can anybody help

    I think maybe the method of your form was wrong.
    Anyway, here are two jsp files for your reference.
    <h3>This is 1.jsp</h3>
    <form action="2.jsp" method="post">
    <%for(int l=0;l <5;++l)
    <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="delete<%=l%>" value="<%=l%>">Checkbox <%=l%></td></tr>
    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
    <h3>This is 2.jsp</h3>
    for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
    String equid = request.getParameter("delete"+i);
    out.write("delete"+i+", equid"+equid+"<br>");
    In 1.jsp, if I check on "checkbox2" and "checkbox3"
    I can get result in 2.jsp as
    This is 2.jsp
    delete0, equidnull
    delete1, equidnull
    delete2, equid2
    delete3, equid3
    delete4, equidnull
    Hope this solve your problem.
    Good luck

  • Pass report values to another dashboard?

    HI all,
    I have two reports say, Report1, Report2 in a Dashboard. Report1 is in one page and Report2 in another page of that dashboard.
    Say Report2 has these columns.
    gl company |||||||| gl account |||||||||||product||||||||||||||| balance
    User has to click on any product value in this report and then, it should take the user to another report Report3 in another dashboard(or same dashboard). BUT, Report3 is from a different fact than Report1, Report2.
    When the user clicks on Product values of Report2, the corresponding gl company, gl account, product values must be passed on to REPORT 3 (they act as criteria for Report 3) How can we pass on these values to REPORT3 which is based on another fact?
    I can use "navigation" But, that passes the values to report3 ONLY if that is based off the same fact as of the other two reports.correct?
    Btw I am using OBIEE

    I was using this link for the Go URL .
    I have used this code for "Product" field of REPORT 2.
    '<--a href=http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?GO&
    &P2="Fact - Table1"."product"
    &P3='||" Fact - Table2"."product"||'
    I have used text -decoration : none attribute too. But I am unable to see any values in PRODUCT column in REPORT2. It is BLANK
    One more thing is that, I tried replacing the spaces in table name by %20 in the above code. But it was throwing an error. hence I had to keep it as it is.
    Any idea why it wouldn't show me the product values?
    Any help appreciated. Thanks,

  • Passing checkbox values to popup window on page submit

    I'm using APEX 3.2.
    On one page I have a SQL report with checkboxes that are dynamically created using SQL: select apex_item.checkbox(1, bm_id) as "check", ...
    I now want to add a button to the page and when a user clicks on the button, the page should submit and a popup window should open with some extra fields to fill in. Now, in the popup window, I want to add a PL/SQL process and loop to all the values of the checked checkboxes in the parent page using the APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01() array. Can I do this? I tried it but the array always seems to be empty. Do I have to pass all checked values to the Javascript function which opens the popup window??

    The APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01() will have values only after the form has been submitted.
    So,your best bet is to use javascript to make the selected checkbox values available in the pop-up window.

  • Passing parameter values to another report using URL actions (reportserver)

    Hi guys,
    I have two reports that I link with eachother. For report A - B everything works perfect. When I try to do the same for report B - A it works, but the parameter value is not filled in.
    Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?" & Replace(Globals!ReportServerUrl, "_vti_bin/ReportServer", "")
    & "Reporting/POS Reporting/Reports/POS Report.rdl&POS_ID=" & Parameters!CONNECTION_ID.Value & "&POS_LANG=" & Parameters!POS_LANG.Value & "&PAR_Date=%5BDate invoice%5D.%5BBonus Calendar - Week%5D.%5BBonus
    week of year%5D.%26%5B" & Left(Parameters!YEAR_WEEK.Label, 4) + "%5D%26%5B" & CInt(Right(Parameters!YEAR_WEEK.Label, 2)) & "%5D",
    Even tho I specify the parameter he has to pass through, the report opens with parameter period : <select a value>. Anyone has an idea why such behaviour happens?

    Hi Yvanlathem,
    Per my understanding that you want to use the expression above to conditional add the hyperlink to pass the value to the parameter of anpother rreport via the URL in the SharePoint integrated mode report server, right?
    I have check the expression you have provided and the issue can be caused by the wrong way you have write the expression to pass the parameter, please check detais information below to make sure you have pass parameter in the URL correctly:
    Please modify the expression to below structure :
     =Iif( Parameters!PAR_LinksEnabled.Value="Enabled", "URL",Nothing)
    I saw you have use expression like "&POS_ID=" & Parameters!CONNECTION_ID.Value & "" which is incorrect, we need to set a report parameter within a URL, use the following syntax:
     parameter=value(not Value=Parameter)
    If you are using the following syntax like "Parameter1=Parameter2", both parameters and from different report, if you have add the "Go to URL" action from  report2 to Report1, please make sure Parameter1 is from the Report1
    and Parameter2 is from Report2, change the order will not work
    More detail information:
    Pass a Report Parameter Within a URL
    So, In your scenario, please make sure the value is from one report's field (POS_ID) and the the parameter(CONNECTION_ID) is from another report (e.g:"&CONNECTION_ID=" &Fields!POS_ID.Value &"")
    Similar thread for your reference:
    SSRS 2012 Drill Through report cascading Parameters not refreshing
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Passing Checkbox values

    Hello all!
    I have a WF which calls a Form with a table and two buttons. The first column of this table consists of checboxes.
    <Field name='accounts_table'>
                    <Display class='FormTable'>
                        <Property name='Columns'>
                    <FieldLoop for='item' in='[*]'>
                        <Field name='col1'>
                            <Display class="Checkbox">
                                <Property name="label">
    ...My buttons code:
    <Field name='submitCancelButtons'>
                    <Field name=':variables.submitButton' button='true'>
                        <Display class='Button'>
                            <Property name='label' value='Submit Request'/>
                            <Property name='value' value='Continue'/>
                            <Property name='command' value='Save'/>
                    <Field name=':variables.cancelButton' button='true'>
                        <Display class='Button'>
                            <Property name='label' value='Cancel'/>
                            <Property name='value' value='Cancel'/>
                            <Property name='command' value='SaveNoValidate'/>              
                </Field>For now, I wonna make an array of values checked in this table and pass it back to the WF. Any ideas how to do it would be vey helpful.
    Thanks in advance!!

    looks like I'm talking to myself. nevermind - maybe someone will find it helpfull.
    let's continue my story.
    I've managed to create indexed checkboxes and indexed values which are associated with this checboxes.
    <FieldLoop for='item' in='[*]'>
                        <Field name='acc_$(index)'>                               
                            <Display class="Checkbox">
                                <Property name="label">
                                <set name='index'>
                        <Field name='val_$(index)' hidden='true'>
                            </Default>I've also succeded in passing these values to WF which calls this form (I understand that this is not so hard).
    but I still have the most significant question. how can I find out which checkboxes are checked?
    does anyone has any ideas? I'll post additional info if needed.
    Thanks in advance.
    p.s. dukes guaranteed!

  • Passing the values to another page.

    Hi all,
    In the first column of the report is radio buttons
    After selecting the radio button of a row and pressing the button view, has to go the next page where i can view the full details of the row.
    How i should pass the values of the selected row in the view button.
    In other words
    How to refer the report items when pressing a button.
    For eg:
    If i say in URL Target like.....
    javascript:redirect('f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.:DISPLAY:NO::P3_ACC_NO:' +#id#+)
    if i put #id# the value is not appearing..
    Could any one please guide me ?
    Thanks in advance

    >> only if it is the primary key as you mentioned it is appearing.but, if i put an non-pk column it is not appearing.
    I’m not sure what you mean by that. The onclick event will always set your hidden item according the any database column. In my example it’s ‘empno’, but I don’t see any reason to use any other column in the row. Anyway, the reason to use PK as the passes parameter is that with the PK you can retrieve the entire record on your next page, and use any column you need from the record.
    If I misunderstood you’ please be more descriptive about the problem.

  • How can I pass the value to another frame?

    Hi all,
    The following is part of my coding of a frame. Once i click on the jButton2, the selected value will be stored into a variable named NAME and the value will be displayed by a label in same frame. At the same time, a new frame named TESTING3 will be set to visible.
    private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    // TODO add your handling code here:
        String name = (String)jList1.getSelectedValue();
        jLabel1.setText(name);       //display the value in a label in same frame
        new testing3().setVisible(true);     //a new frame set to visible
    }      Question: How can I pass the value to TESTING3 frame and display it on that frame?

    just make an archive that save that variable and them get them from de clase were you save it
    public class sav {
    String n;
    public sav {
    public void addn(String x){
    public String shown(){
    return n;
    and them save it from the frame
    sav sun = new sav();
    them call it from the other frame
    sav sin = new sav();
    String s = sin.shown();
    and i think thats you want to do if its not please explain me better

  • Passing character value to another in WAD 7.0

    I have a WAD 7.0 template with two queries.
    The first query has characteristics Sales district, Sales org, sales person and signee.
    The second query has sales person, signee, commission, sales district,.
    Signee can also be a Sales person.
    I want to pass the value of Signee in the first query to Sales person in the second query.
    Eg -
    When the first query runs, I may get Sales person "Bob" and signee "Paul"
    I want to be able to drilldown to the second query by looking for the value "Paul" in field Sales person in the second query and display those results.
    Is this possible in WAD, or would I have to do it on the queries itself?

    Create the characterstic variable with replacement. Here replace the singnee with    
    required objcet in query 2.
    In RRI use transaction code RSBBS abd give the sender and receiver queries.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Reports - Passing checkbox values and conditional column visibility

    Although I've been using Oracle databases for many years, I've to admit I'm rather new to APEX. I'm building a first prototype project to convince our project leaders and managers of the usefulness of the product for future projects (as for visual Database interfaces where the accent is on forms and reporting, it will often be faster and less expensive to build an APEX application instead of a full blown Java or C# webapp).
    I'm however encountering some problems.
    Let me start with a quick description. I've the following parent/child structures:
    Provinces > Cities > Intersections > Loops > Loop Detections.
    I basically want to make a report on the loop detections. Now, considering we'll have many thousands of detections a day, I made kind of a drilldown structure. You first choose your province, then the city, then the intersection and finally the loop. I didn't use lists to make the selection. Instead I made a (classic) report for each part as this allows me to give detailed information for each part. In each report, I made a link on the identifier. For example, when I select a province (by clicking on the link), I pass the province identifier to the cities report and use it in the query to limit my report to those cities for the given province. I repeat these step for the different parts, which in the end, gives me the loop detections for the selected loop. The good news is all this works fine. The person who'll be using this application however made a suggestion and asked if it would not be possible to select different loops and as such get the detections for several loops (the rest of the application stays the same). This however means I cannot use the column link anymore. Now, I was thinking in the direction of a checkbox. The column link is still there, but the user would also have the possibility to select several items in the report. I managad to add a checkbox to the report, linked to the loop identifier column. That's not exactly difficult. I cannot figure out however, how I can pass the selected identifiers to the next report (detections for the selected loops) and use it in the underlaying query of this report. The problem is, I don't know how to pass the checked values to the next page and how to use these values in the report query of that page. I suppose this must be possible, but I couldn't figure out how. I tried playing around with APEX_APPLICATION.G_Fxx and such. Remember I'm a newbie and this seems to fall under more advanced features.
    I've uploaded images of the 2 concerning report pages for illustration:
    A second point that's bothering me is the following. In the loop detection report I show a colum link (I picked an icon instead of the column value) for each row. I also have a column that shows the number of detections for the given loop (and day). Now, for some loops, there are no detections for that given day. As such, there's no point in selecting this loop, as the result will be an empty report. However, I still want to show the loop in the loop selection report, as it's still present (it's not as if it suddenly disappeared). Sure, no big problem and most users probably have sufficient intelligence to figure this out. However, it would be nice if I could make the icon (colum link) visible only for those loops that have detections, or in other words, for those records where number_of_detections (underlaying column COUNT) is greater than 0. I couldn't figure out a way to do this either. The Conditional Display option for a column didn't really offer me a solution here.
    Before I forget, I'm using APEX 4.0.1 on an Oracle XE database.
    Any tips or suggestions would be welcome! :)

    You mean something like in this sample
    You can store checked values to collection and use it then in another report where clause
    See e.g. this post for how you can store checked rows to collection
    Re: Need help with APEX_Collection
    In sample DEPT report query is
      CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM emp e WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) THEN
      END AS row_selector,
      c.c002 AS checked,
    FROM dept d,
      apex_collections c
    WHERE c.collection_name = 'DEPT_CHK_COLLECTION'
      AND d.deptno = c.c001And EMP report
    FROM emp e,
      apex_collections c
    WHERE c.collection_name = 'DEPT_CHK_COLLECTION'
      AND c.c002 = 'true'
      AND e.deptno = c.c001Regards,

  • How do I send back the randomly selected checkboxes values back to servlet

    Hello All,
    Assume I have a table of N rows with two columns. I will have one checkbox on column-1 and zero or more on column-2. Column-1 may represent categories and column-2 represents associated things. Just like below:
    Column 1 Column 2
    Books HFSJ EJB Hibernate
    Foods Pizza Steak
    Electronics Computers HDTV others
    Now user can select EJB and Hibernate of first row, HDTV of the third row, and no value from second row and submit
    Now I'm looking at adding EJB and Hibernate to a list and add that list to a map with Books as Key. In the same way HDTV to a list and Electronics as the Key.
    I tried to accomplish the above thing with the below code, but I actually ended up with a Map with three keys, Books, Foods and Electronics and for each corresponding key, all the elements in the list.
    <% for(int i=0;i<suiteNames.size();i++){tempSuiteName=(String)suiteNames.get(i); %>
    <td width="400">
    <input type="checkbox" onklick="toggle(this,'<%=tempSuiteName%>')"/><%=tempSuiteName%>
    <td width="400" id="<%=tempSuiteName%>" style="visibility:hidden">
    tempMode=new TreeSet();
    modeNames=(ArrayList)modeMap.get((String)suiteNames.get(i)); for(int j=0;j<modeNames.size();j++){
    <input type="checkbox" name="<%=tempModeName%>" onklick="<%tempMode.add(tempModeName);%>" /><%=tempModeName%>
    <%}tempMap.put(tempSuiteName,tempMode); %>
    Can some one tell me why this code is not working as intended.
    My jsp code is bit cluttering with lot of java code and I know its a bad idea. My primary task is to get this work and later I can look in tweaking the code.

    Javascript(client side) can not call your java code(serverside) directly
    You are mixing up Java/JSP with javascript.
    You need to understand the JSP lifecycle
    1 - All Java/JSP code runs. Produces an HTML page.
    2 - Java stops running
    3 - Page gets loaded in browser - javscript starts running from client side events.
    You have your onclick events trying to run java code. Thats not gonna happen.
    Instead what you need to do is split this code into two pieces
    1 - render the table
    2 - read parameters coming from a request.
    A bit better formatted, with the unnecessary bits taken out:
    <% for(int i=0;i<suiteNames.size();i++){
         <td width="400">
              <input type="checkbox" onklick="toggle(this,'<%=tempSuiteName%>')"/><%=tempSuiteName%>
         <td width="400" id="<%=tempSuiteName%>" style="visibility:hidden">
         for(int j=0;j<modeNames.size();j++){
              <input type="checkbox" name="<%=tempModeName%>"" /><%=tempModeName%>
    Even better using JSTL for loops instead of scriptlet code:
    <c:forEach var="suite" items="${suiteList}">
         <td width="400">
              <input type="checkbox" onklick="toggle(this,'${suite}')"/>${suite}
         <td width="400" id="<%=tempSuiteName%>" style="visibility:hidden">
            <c:forEach var="mode" items="${modeMap[suite]}">
                <input type="checkbox" name="${mode}">" />${mode}
    </c:forEach>And at the server end, something like this:
    for(int i=0;i<suiteNames.size();i++){
        tempMode=new TreeSet();
       for(int j=0;j<modeNames.size();j++){
         if (request.getParameter(tempModeName) != null){
    }If a checkbox is clicked, when you submit the form it will come through as a name/value pair.
    If it is not checked, that parameter won't be there.
    A better approach just occured to me
    Another approach would be use checkbox name=[column1] and value=[column2]
    <c:forEach var="suite" items="${suiteList}">
         <td width="400">
              <input type="checkbox" onklick="toggle(this,'${suite}')"/>${suite}
         <td width="400" id="<%=tempSuiteName%>" style="visibility:hidden">
            <c:forEach var="mode" items="${modeMap[suite]}">
                <input type="checkbox" name="${suite}" value="${mode}">" />${mode}
    Then at the server end:
    for(int i=0;i<suiteNames.size();i++){
    String[] selectedModes =   request.getParameters("tempSuiteName");
       for(int j=0;j<selectedModes.size();j++){
    Hope this helps some,

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