Passing multiple values to another page via a sql report

Having trouble passing multiple values to another page via a popup SQL report
I have two fields one called "descr" and another called "Met"
when I use the code below all works fine and the value of "descr" is passed
Select '<a href="javascript:popUp2('''
|| 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
|| 'P950_TYPE:'
|| descr
|| ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%">'
|| descr
|| '</a>' "Note"
But when I want to pass another value, all goes bonkers and instead of the value of the field being passed the literal text is passed.
can someone look at my code below and see what may be wrong
Select '<a href="javascript:popUp2('''
|| 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
|| 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
|| descr, Met
|| ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%">'
|| descr
|| '</a>' "Note"
I appeciate your help looking into this
FYI (Here is the entire SQL for reference)
With t
CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
'<span style="color:Red; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'</span>' else
'<span style="color:#399304; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'</span>' end
else '<span style="color:#180c8b;">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_CPT,'FML999G999G999G999G990D00')||'</span>' end "WCSCPT",
CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
'<span style="color:Red; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' else
'<span style="color:#399304; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end
else '<span style="color:#180c8b;">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TOI_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end "WCSTOIPERFTE",
CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
'<span style="color:Red; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' else
'<span style="color:#399304; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end
else '<span style="color:#180c8b;">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_SIO_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end "WCSSIOPERFTE",
CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
'<span style="color:Red; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' else
'<span style="color:#399304; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end
else '<span style="color:#180c8b;">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_TC_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end "WCSTCPERFTE",
CASE WHEN KEY = 2 then
'<span style="color:Red; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' else
'<span style="color:#399304; ">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end
else '<span style="color:#180c8b;">'||TO_CHAR(WCS_ADSL_PER_FTE,'999G999G999G999G990')||'</span>' end "WCSADSLPERFTE",
end "MONTH"
Select '<a href="javascript:popUp2('''
|| 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
|| ''
|| ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%">'
|| descr
|| '</a>' "Note"
, max(Met) METRICS, max(Jul) Jul08, max(Aug) Aug08, max(Sep) Sep08, max(Oct) Oct08, max(Nov) Nov08, max(Dec)Dec08, max(Jan) Jan08, max(Feb) Feb08, max(Mar) Mar08, max(Apr) Apr08, max(May) May08, max(Jun) Jun08
from (
Select 'Cost Per Transaction' descr,
decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSCPT) Jul,
decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSCPT) Aug,
decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSCPT) Sep,
decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSCPT) Oct,
decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSCPT) Nov,
decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSCPT) Dec,
decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSCPT) Jan,
decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSCPT) Feb,
decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSCPT) Mar,
decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSCPT) Apr,
decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSCPT) May,
decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSCPT) Jun
from t
union all
Select 'Total Orders Issued Per FTE' descr,
decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jul,
decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Aug,
decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Sep,
decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Oct,
decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Nov,
decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Dec,
decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jan,
decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Feb,
decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Mar,
decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Apr,
decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) May,
decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSTOIPERFTE) Jun
from t
union all
Select 'SIOs Per Billing FTE' descr,
decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jul,
decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Aug,
decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Sep,
decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Oct,
decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Nov,
decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Dec,
decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jan,
decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Feb,
decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Mar,
decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Apr,
decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) May,
decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSSIOPERFTE) Jun
from t
union all
Select 'Total Calls Answered per FTE' descr,
decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jul,
decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Aug,
decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Sep,
decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Oct,
decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Nov,
decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Dec,
decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jan,
decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Feb,
decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Mar,
decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Apr,
decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSTCPERFTE) May,
decode (MONTH, 'JUN-08', WCSTCPERFTE) Jun
from t
union all
Select 'ADSL Orders per FTE' descr,
decode (MONTH, 'JUL-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Jul,
decode (MONTH, 'AUG-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Aug,
decode (MONTH, 'SEP-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Sep,
decode (MONTH, 'OCT-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Oct,
decode (MONTH, 'NOV-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Nov,
decode (MONTH, 'DEC-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Dec,
decode (MONTH, 'JAN-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Jan,
decode (MONTH, 'FEB-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Feb,
decode (MONTH, 'MAR-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Mar,
decode (MONTH, 'APR-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) Apr,
decode (MONTH, 'MAY-08', WCSADSLPERFTE) May,
from t
GROUP by descr

Borg Species 5618 wrote:
Having trouble passing multiple values to another page via a popup SQL report
But when I want to pass another value, all goes bonkers and instead of the value of the field being passed the literal text is passed.
can someone look at my code below and see what may be wrong
Select '<a href="javascript:popUp2('''
|| 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
|| 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
|| descr, Met
|| ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%">'
|| descr
|| '</a>' "Note"
Hi Frank,
You should close this parameters with single quotation. Try this -
Select '<a href="javascript:popUp2('''
|| 'f?p=&APP_ID.:950:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::'
|| 'P950_TYPE,P950_CODE:'
*|| 'descr, Met'*
|| ''', 790, 460);"style="color:darkred; font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%">'
|| descr
|| '</a>' "Note"
Hope this helps.
M Tajuddin

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          <td width="150">Approval Needed</td>
          <td width="100">Approved</td>
                            <td width="180">Business Unit</td>                    
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                     <option value="0"
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                     <option value="0"
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                             <option value="#qBusUnit.BusinessUnit#"
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          <td width="450" align="right">
            This will approve all records displayed on the current page.
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         <tr class="ReportColumnHeadingSmall">
                         <td colspan="3" height="20"></td>
    <table width="996" border="1">
    <tr class="ReportColumnHeadingSmall">
        <td>Machine or<br>Activity Type</td>
        <td>Login Status</td>
        <td>Login Date Time</td>
    <cfoutput query="qRecords">
    <tr class="data#Int(qRecords.CurrentRow MOD 2)#Small">
                        <!--- Current method of approving them individually. --->    
    <a href="vr_participantactivityapproval.cfm?participant=#qRecords.VR_Machine_Participant_Act ivity_Login_ID#"><img src="../Images/switch_user.gif" alt="Approve" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
      <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.ActivityType#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Activity#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Value_Nvarchar#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.VR_Department_Number#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.FullName#</td>
    <td class="SmallFont"><cfif #qRecords.Approved# IS 0>False<cfelse>True</cfif></td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.Login_Status#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#DateFormat(qRecords.Login_Date, 'ddd mm/dd/yyyy')# #TimeFormat(qRecords.Login_Date, 'H:mm')#</td>
        <td class="SmallFont">#qRecords.TotalTime#</td>

    I suggest displaying all the potential approvees as checked checkboxes.  The user can then uncheck as many as he wants.

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    Hi Russ,
    Thanks for the response.
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    1. I thought there was an analytical function similar to rank - or maybe an option of rank - that if there are duplicate records to have them all considered the same rank. So if you had 3 records all the same as rank=2 then a condition saying where rank=2 would return the 3 records. You could check into this.
    We are already using DENSE_RANK. But the issue is the output contains incorrect null values nd repeated rows.
    We got it solved as I explained in the previous post. But will that AGGREGATION MODE setting ( Which discoverer says - not recommended) have any issue? I mean side effects?
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    2. Another thought is that you can create a PL/SQL routine - that's called from a SQL function registered in Discoverer - where a table is created that does the first part of your query. Then a worksheet is created to use the data from that table. So, in essence, the table would have your top50 ranked customers. Then you can write any kind of worksheet against that table. However, DBAs are loath to allow tables - that they didn't create! - many times in a PROD environment.
    Here also the same problem will occur: as the top 50 will depend upon the parameters. I cannot pass those parameters to PL/SQL Function.And storing the top50 ( itmay be top100 or to 150 also) for all combinations of the parameters is impossible
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    3. Finally, are you sure you're rank function is correct in that if you're getting blank lines, maybe the 'over' part is not considering all columns needed to determine the rank?
    Yes the query we are using is correct. The output QUERY of discoverer gives correct results in Sqlplus.

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    >> only if it is the primary key as you mentioned it is appearing.but, if i put an non-pk column it is not appearing.
    I’m not sure what you mean by that. The onclick event will always set your hidden item according the any database column. In my example it’s ‘empno’, but I don’t see any reason to use any other column in the row. Anyway, the reason to use PK as the passes parameter is that with the PK you can retrieve the entire record on your next page, and use any column you need from the record.
    If I misunderstood you’ please be more descriptive about the problem.

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    What is the prolem you are facing if you split the single date param as two parameters say startdate and enddate?
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    function func(action,el, pos)
       window.location =",P2_X2:'+ $(el).children('td[headers="EMPNO"]').text() +  ',' + $(el).children('td[headers="ENAME"]').text()";
    here i hav redirected it to the 2nd page and in the 2nd page i hav used 2 items to get these values.
    $(el).children('td[headers="EMPNO"]').text() +        ------->  this is to fetch the empno of that particular row and similarly for the name.
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    function func(action,el, pos)
       window.location ="";
    so somewhere is going wrong in passing the values in URL i suppose....
    and i hav used al d above things in (username: test / paswrd: pex14gm)
    pls help me out.....
    thanks in advance

    Try like this.
    function func(action,el, pos){
        var empNum = $(el).children('td[headers="EMPNO"]').text();
        var eName  = $(el).children('td[headers="ENAME"]').text();
        window.location =',P2_X2:'+empNum+','+eName;
    It looks simple and neat.
    If you still didn't get post me workspace details.

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    Good day, everyone!
    I am writing a program that will be passing PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS values to another transaction via the CALL TRANSACTION statement.  I'm new at this, and I've run into a problem.  I have several fields that are defined as SELECT-OPTIONS, like so:
    SELECT-OPTIONS so_ccode FOR fkkop-bukrs.
    The user may select multiple values, enter a range, exclude certain values, etc. -- the things a SELECT-OPTIONS allows.
    But how do I pass all of this to a field on another screen using CALL TRANSACTION when I only have two fields (BDCDATA-FNAM and BDCDATA-FVAL) available to me?  That works fine for PARAMETERS, but I can send low/high values, different signs/options, etc. for the SELECT-OPTIONS variables.
    Please help!!  Points awarded for all helpful answers.
    Thank you,

    Don't use CALL TRANSACTION. Use SUBMIT instead.

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    When executing the planning function by create planning seq. in the web template : I see value of variable store data like ...
        A.) input one value -> V1
        B.) input three values -> V1;V2;V3
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    The value of variable can't input V1;V2;V3... I don't know how to pass multiple values from workbook to parameter(Multiple single values type) in planning function ?
    thank you.

    Please see the attached how to document (page no 16).
    <a href="">how to</a>
    Hope this was helpful

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    5.drag and drop the Execute with params into the adfcconfig file
    6.wire it from human task page --> execute with params--> Employee details page
    7.change the employee field in that human task page to a link field.
    8.drag and drop the set property listener to that employee field.
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    Thanks in advance

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    If I have a parameter I can pass it from one page to another, i.e. if I have a list of customers and I want data for that particular customer alone, I can create a page parameter form or an omniportlet where I would then pass the value of that portlet to the page. I would use a string like the following:,7483646&_dad=portal&_schema=test&customer=##CUSTOMER_NAME##

  • About passing multiple values in parameter for oracle report
    Hi all,
    i want to pass multiple value using , to separate them 1,2,3....
    here is my query
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_date
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date+31,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_validity
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_po_num
    ,rcust.customer_id AS customer_id
    ,oh.order_number d_salesorder_no
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_project
    ,oh.attribute1 second_addr
    ,oh.attribute2 remark1
    ,oh.attribute3 remark2
    ,substr(oh.transactional_curr_code,1,3) as currency
    , ordertype
    , as d_payment_term
    ,rat.description d_payment_desc
    ,rsa.email_address as sales_phone
    ,rcust.customer_name||' - #'||rcust.customer_number d_to_custname
    ,rcust.customer_name d_cust_sign
    -- ,raddr.ship_to_flag
    ,oh.sold_to_contact_id AS attn_id
    , AS SO_type
    -- ,net_org.ORG_LOGO
    oe_order_headers_all oh
    ,ra_customers rcust
    ,ra_addresses_all raddr
    ,ra_site_uses_all rsite --double_line
    ,ra_terms rat
    ,hz_party_sites hps
    ,hz_contact_points hcp
    ,ra_salesreps_all rsa
    ,oe_transaction_types_tl tyl
    -- ,apps.ar_contacts_v acv
    -- ,net_org
    WHERE oh.sold_to_org_id = rcust.customer_id
    AND oh.payment_term_id = rat.term_id(+)
    --AND        rcust.customer_id = acv.customer_id(+)
    AND oh.salesrep_id = rsa.salesrep_id
    AND oh.order_type_id = tyl.transaction_type_id
    AND rcust.party_id = raddr.party_id
    AND raddr.address_id = rsite.address_id
    AND rcust.party_id = hps.party_id
    AND hps.party_site_id = hcp.owner_table_id(+)
    AND hcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTY'
    --AND        hcp.contact_point_type (+)='PHONE'
    AND tyl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
    --AND          raddr.ship_to_flag IS NULL
    AND oh.order_number =:P_CONTRACT_NO
    and oh.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    --and            net_org.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    and after para form
    function AfterPForm return boolean is
    :CP_Param := 'where oh.order_number in ('||:P_CONTRACT_NO||')';
    return (TRUE);
    it said ora-00933 but my query can run i dont need the multiple values para, can anyone help me how to modify the report so it can pass multipel values thanks

    HI I tried changing the parameter width to a larger value, it can output , and the field where I show the order_number i used source P_CONTRACT_NO,
    it will display as 102005000,102005001 and I also tried using the column from the query directly, it will be separated , it has some other problem
    I have the header part and main part,
    and also there are page numbering, with the order number field set as order_number it will output single number , but the page order is wrong
    102005000,102005001 will be like header page: 102005000 1/4 102005001 2/4, main page 102005000 3/4, 102005001 3/4
    DO you have any idea how I can set the page numbering setting so it will output as header page:102005000 1/2 102005000 2/2
    header page:102005001 1/2 102005001 2/2
    ?? thanks

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    My requirement is simple. I have created a simple Multi Select Option in parameter form and i want to send multiple selected values from the multi select option (in parameter form) to reports.
    I want to send multiple countries code as input .........'US', 'CA', 'IND', 'UK'
    Can i do it in Oracle 6i reports, Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Thanks Again,
    For such a nice response. I got the Lexical Where condition properly running but still getting problems in catching the multiple values to be passed from form. just i will give u an insight of wat i have done:
    SELECT ALL FROM EMPLOYEES &cond_1* -- Working FIne
    in my Html Parameter Form i have an Multi Select component (the Problem is here) it is not passing more than i value from the form once i am accessing it from web or running it in paper report. In paper report layout it is not allowing me to select more than one value. but in HTML it is allowing to select multiple values but at the server end (After Parameter Form Trigger) it is giving a single value not multiple values.
    In PL/SQL when i checking the length of country_id i m getting it as one.
    Here is my SQL code
    srw.message(10, LENGTH(:country_id_1));
    :cond_1 := 'where country_id = '''|| :country_id_1 ||'''';
    This is passing the condition properly to SQL but only with single value but i want to pass multiple values
    I am struck in this+_
    WHERE CONTRY_COLUMN IN ('USA','UAE') -- This variable you have to pass from you form...
    Here as you said you gave multiple selection in your parameter form to generate report. So before generation report just prepare variable like this as it is bold above.
    and pass parameter through your runtime form to the report as you pass the normal parameter...liket this i gave you example...
    Sorry for troubling you for a small thing but please help me to solve this issue.
    Thanks Again............

  • Passing multiple values for a single field in URL to call sap Transaction

    Hi All,
    I need to pass multiple values for a single field to SAP transaction .
    means if i have say a field "Date" which can contain more than one value, <b>but its not a range which has two fields</b> . How is it possible.
    Let me know pls.

    Hi Satyajit,
    I need to call a transaction with multiple values which gives me the report based on those values.
    So I need to pass multiple values for a single parameter.
    I hope u got it.

  • Any way to pass Multiple Values for a single Label in the Parameter?

    I have a Report that Contains 2 Parameters, @Customer & @Area. When trying to set up the Available Values for @Area, I'm having issues using multiple values for one Label, i.e. = "4006" Or "4610"
    One of the Filters in the Report is an Operation number, which is the [OPERATION] field, which is setup as a filter on the Tablix referencing the @Area parameter. 
    PROBLEM: I cannot retrieve any data when trying to use the ‘Or’ Operator here. If I simply put “4006” or “4610” I retrieve data, but when trying to combine it returns no data.
    Example, I need to allow a user to select ‘Chassis Incoming’, which would include data from Operations 4006 & 4610.
    Any way to pass Multiple Values for a single Label in the Parameter?
    I realize the typical solution may be to use ‘Multi-Value’ selection, but in this case we want the User to select the Area and the multiple values for Filtering will be automatically determined for them. Otherwise, they are subject to not getting
    it correct.
    I have tried several different ways, such as =”4006” Or “4610”, =(“4006”, “4610”), = In(“4006”, “4610”), etc….
    Note: We are using Report Builder 3.0

    Based on my experience, there's no way to 'intercept' the query that gets passed back to SQL Server, so a Split wouldn't work.
    Try creating either a function or stored procedure using the code below (compliments to to parse the string: 
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Parse(@Array VARCHAR(1000), @Separator VARCHAR(10))
    RETURNS @ResultTable TABLE (ParseValue VARCHAR(100))AS
    DECLARE @SeparatorPosition INT
    DECLARE @ArrayValue VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @Array = @Array + @Separator
    WHILE PATINDEX('%' + @Separator + '%' , @Array) <> 0
    SELECT @SeparatorPosition = PATINDEX('%' + @Separator + '%', @Array)
    SELECT @ArrayValue = LEFT(@Array, @SeparatorPosition - 1)
    INSERT @ResultTable VALUES (CAST(@ArrayValue AS VARCHAR))
    SELECT @Array = STUFF(@Array, 1, @SeparatorPosition, '')
    Once created you can do things like this:
    SELECT * FROM Parse('John,Bill,David,Thomas', ',')
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'John' AS TestName union select 'David' AS TestName) AS Main
    WHERE TestName IN (SELECT ParseValue FROM dbo.Parse('John,Bill,David,Thomas', ','))
    This is what your SQL query would probably look like:
    SELECT OperationID, OperationName FROM dbo.Operations
    WHERE AreaID IN (SELECT ParseValue FROM dbo.Parse(@Area, ','))
    You may need to fiddle around with the Separator depending on whether SQL Server inserts a space between the comma and next value.

  • How can i pass multiple values by a single variable to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE

    Hi All,
    I want to pass multiple values for where condition for execute immediate. Something Like this:-
    v_cond varchar(1000);
    v_cond := '''INR','USD'''; --(OPTION 1)
    v_cond := 'INR,USD'; --(OPTION 2)
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'Delete from table where colm in (:v_cond)' using v_cond;
    I am using this into a procedure
    Now option 1 gives an error ie a syntax error (; expected or something like that)(I am sorry, i can't tell the exact error here as i am not in the office right now)
    and option 2 makes the procedure execute but obviously doesn't delete the records, as it takes the whole as one.
    Please Help
    Neeraj Bansal

    See the links containing examples under
    *7. List of values in an IN clause?*
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    from the SQL and PL/SQL FAQ.

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