Pasting clipboard into numbers

I have a script that reads a file to clipboard without opening, I want to be able to write this data to a numbers file in the same way, without opening. Is this possible??
I successfully get the data to clipboard but come up with errors -49 on writing to file.

Off-hand, this does not seem possible. You are copying a non-Numbers file and then, I guess, trying to append it to a Numbers document, which would result in garbage. Or maybe you are trying to paste it into a cell/table of a Numbers document but that, too, would be garbage if it would work at all like it seems you intend (actually, it simply pastes the file name into the cell).
I am pretty sure you will have to open both applications. The first one to interpret the source file and copy the correct contents to the clipboard. The second (Numbers) to be able to paste the data where you want it to go. At best, you might be able to write a script that interprets the source data and it might be theoretically possible to edit a Numbers document directly but I would not recommend doing so if you value your document.
Can you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish?
Message was edited by: Badunit

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    select the equation in Grapher, copy
    click in a Numbers sheet, paste

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    As I don't know from where where grabbed your datas, I can't make tests.
    May you copy a block of datas from the web page then paste into a Pages document.
    After that activate the "Show hidden chars" tool.
    You will see which character is used as a separator.
    You may also attach the Pages doc (after zipping it) to a mail and send it to:
    koenig PERIOD yvan AT tele2 PERIOD fr
    I will be able to look at the datas's contents.
    I met several cases.
    - 1 - values separated by TABs and they may be pasted as is.
    - 2 - values separated by Returns. They can't be pasted as is. I posted a script to deal with this case. But often this one is linked to Safari. Entering the Web page with Firefox gave a TAB separated values block
    - 3 - values separated by spaces. In this case, it is difficult to get a correct result.
    I posted a script able to deal with this case because most of the values where numbers so I was able to replace every occurence of (digit + space) by (digit + TAB) and every occurence of (space + digit) by (TAB + digit).
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 31 décembre 2007 18:17:9)

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    *_Problem Description_*
    1. In Safari select and Copy a table (here's the football league table
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    Some times ago, I posted a script for this kind of problem but I just discover (with your table) that I forgot a case.
    Here is a revised version which I will put soon on my iDisk.
    -- [SCRIPT Tables2Numbers_v5]
    property nbCols : "3"
    property english : true (* true= English messages, false = Messages Français *)
    property msg1 : ""
    property list1 : {}
    if msg1 = "" then my prepareMessages()
    set theDatas to (get the clipboard as text)
    if theDatas does not contain tab then
    set nbCols to text returned of (display dialog msg1 default answer nbCols)
    set nbCols to nbCols as integer
    set my list1 to paragraphs of theDatas
    set nb to count of my list1
    set nbRows to nb div nbCols
    set newDatas to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to nbRows
    repeat with j from 1 to nbCols - 1
    set newDatas to newDatas & (item (j + (i - 1) * nbCols) of my list1) & tab
    end repeat
    set newDatas to newDatas & (item (j + 1 + (i - 1) * nbCols) of my list1) & return
    end repeat
    set the clipboard to newDatas
    set the clipboard to theDatas
    end if
    set my list1 to {}
    on prepareMessages()
    if english is true then
    set msg1 to "How many columns ?"
    set msg1 to "Nombre de colonnes ?"
    end if
    end prepareMessages
    -- [/SCRIPT]
    If you grab your table in the clipboard after counting the columns (here 16)
    run the script
    After that you may paste the table in Numbers (or in AppleWorks)
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 2 décembre 2007 18:05:39)

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    Thank You

    I tried to put
    in the clipboard an image with an associated tooltip
    and a hyperlink to paste them into a Word or PowerPoint doc.
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    Usally the tooltip
    and the hyperlink are in the metadata
    associated with the object.
    I think it can be done with the CliboardData class and its Data and Metadata properties, working with the different items of the List of Objects, but I don't know how to tackle it.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank You
    Does word or powerpoint associate a tooltip and hyperlink to an image and then allow that image with those associations to be copied to another open word or powerpoint document? If not then your probably wasting your time.
    This code can "listen" for items copied to the clipboard. Needs a RichTextBox on a Form.
    Option Strict On
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
    ' System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats class
    Declare Function AddClipboardFormatListener Lib "user32.dll" (hWnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
    Declare Function RemoveClipboardFormatListener Lib "user32.dll" (hWnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
    Dim DataFormats As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    DataFormats.Add("Bitmap", "Specifies a Windows bitmap format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("CommaSeparatedValue", "Specifies a comma-separated value (CSV) format which is a common interchange format used by spreadsheets. This format is not used directly by Windows Forms. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Dib", "Specifies the Windows device-independent bitmap (DIB) format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Dif", "Specifies the Windows Data Interchange Format (DIF) which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("EnhancedMetafile", "Specifies the Windows enhanced metafile format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("FileDrop", "Specifies the Windows file drop format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Html", "Specifies text in the HTML Clipboard format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Locale", "Specifies the Windows culture format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("MetafilePict", "Specifies the Windows metafile format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("OemText", "Specifies the standard Windows original equipment manufacturer (OEM) text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Palette", "Specifies the Windows palette format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("PenData", "Specifies the Windows pen data format which consists of pen strokes for handwriting software; Windows Forms does not use this format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Riff", "Specifies the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) audio format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Rtf", "Specifies text consisting of Rich Text Format (RTF) data. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Serializable", "Specifies a format that encapsulates any type of Windows Forms object. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("StringFormat", "Specifies the Windows Forms string class format which Windows Forms uses to store string objects. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("SymbolicLink", "Specifies the Windows symbolic link format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Text", "Specifies the standard ANSI text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Tiff", "Specifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("UnicodeText", "Specifies the standard Windows Unicode text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("WaveAudio", "Specifies the wave audio format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
    If m.ToString.Contains("msg=0x31d") Then
    Invoke(New ClipboardListenerDelegate(AddressOf ClipboardListener))
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Delegate Sub ClipboardListenerDelegate()
    Private Sub ClipboardListener()
    If InvokeRequired Then
    Invoke(New ClipboardListenerDelegate(AddressOf ClipboardListener))
    For Each Item In DataFormats.Keys
    If Clipboard.ContainsData(Item) = True Then
    RichTextBox1.AppendText(Item & " .. " & DataFormats(Item) & vbCrLf)
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    La vida loca

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    If you know how many rows/columns you are planning to paste, then make the table that big BEFORE you paste.  In addition select all cells in the table by selecting any cell, then type the key combination <COMMAND>+a (for select all.
    Then use the cells inspector to make the cells formatted as text:
    I hope this helps

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    Yeah, well I want to win the lottery :=)
    You should check out the stuff in java.awt.datatransfer That package has info on how to do this sort of thing, as well as ClipBoard objects + the like.

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    If you are using Pages v5 (any version), then you need to be using Numbers 3+ for copy/paste. If you are using Pages ’09 v4.3, you need to be using Numbers v2.3. Mixing versions breaks things.

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    A better approach might be to use Acrobat X Pro's Edit Object Tool to insert the image.
    Be well...

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    1. user presses alt+prtscn
    2. user copies screenshot capture into clipboard (control + c)
    3. WHAT I NEED TO DO: take screenshot capture and paste it into the applet by pressing control + v.
    im not sure how i make a placeholder for the image, if someone could explain that. also, after i put the image in the applet i would like to be able to save it in jpg/gif format.
    if anyone can help me out, please do. i can be emailed/reached at "i aim robin" on aim or [email protected] to discuss.
    thanks for your time.

    I'm not sure if an unsigned applet can do this. To get the system clipboard containing the image, call Toolkit.getSystemClipboard(), but I'm not sure if applets are restricted from accessing it. If you can get it, you'll have to parse the bytes to create the image (unless you can find a third-party class to do it). In a Windows environment, the screenshot images are like 32-bit bitmaps with a shortened file header. Also, unsigned applets cannot save files, so they cannot create the jpg and gif files. I hope this helps at least some.

  • Importing .txt into numbers causes extra unwanted rows solution?

    I have a text document that imports into numbers like this:
    Name Age Eyes Likes
    A B C D
    1 Jack 4 Brown Cartoons
    2 Playing
    3 Laughing
    4 Jill 7 Blue Dancing
    as you can see, Playing and Laughing are in separate rows. what can i do to the .txt file to make my numbers spreadsheet look like this:
    Name Age Eyes Likes
    A B C D
    1 Jack 4 Brown Cartoons, Playing, Laughing
    2 Jill 7 Blue Dancing
    thanks in advance.

    Run this cript:
    property nb : 3 (* count of fields in a record *)
    property liste : {}
    on run
    set theFile to choose file "Select the text file" of type {"public.plain-text"}
    my nettoie()
    set tt to (read theFile)
    set tt to my remplace(tt, quote, "")
    set tt to my remplace(tt, "; ", "")
    set tt to paragraphs of tt
    set nbFields to count of tt
    set nbRows to nbFields div nb
    if (nbRows * nb) < nbFields then set nbRows to nbRows + 1
    repeat with i from 1 to nbRows
    set itm to item (1 + (i - 1) * nb) of tt
    repeat with j from 2 to nb
    set itm to itm & ", " & item (j + (i - 1) * nb) of tt
    end repeat
    end try
    copy itm to end of my liste
    end repeat
    set tt to my recolle(my liste, return)
    set the clipboard to tt
    my nettoie()
    end run
    on nettoie()
    set my liste to {}
    end nettoie
    on recolle(l, d)
    local t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return t
    end recolle
    on remplace(t, d1, d2)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d1
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return t
    end remplace
    Then paste the clipboard in a table of Numbers.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 11 février 2009 21:12:32)

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    And here's a way to get some actual information from Contacts into Numbers 3.0.
    1. Copy/paste the script below into AppleScript Editor.
    2. Select the cards in Contacts that you want.
    3. Click the green run button in AppleScript Editor.
    4. Click a cell in Numbers and command-v to paste the data in.
    That should result in something like this:
    Here is the script:
    --Places tab-separated Contacts data on the system clipboard for pasting into a table
    --usage: select one or more contacts in Contacts, run, select a cell in a table and paste
    tell application "Contacts"
              set {tsvData, contacts} to {"", selection}
              if selection is not {} then
                        set tsvData to "Name" & tab & "Phones" & tab & "Street" & tab & "City" & tab & "Zip" & tab & "Emails" & return --header row
                        repeat with thisPerson in contacts
                                  set {thisPhone, thisEmail} to {"", ""}
                                  set {thisName, thisID} to {name, id} of thisPerson
                                  set {thisStreet, thisCity, thisZip} to {street, city, zip} of the first address of thisPerson
                                  set phoneProperties to properties of phones of thisPerson
                                  repeat with j from 1 to (count of phoneProperties)
                                            set thisPhone to thisPhone & value of item j of phoneProperties & "  "
                                  end repeat
                                  set emailProperties to properties of emails of thisPerson
                                  repeat with j from 1 to (count of emailProperties)
                                            set thisEmail to thisEmail & value of item j of emailProperties & "   "
                                  end repeat
                                  set tsvData to tsvData & thisName & tab & thisPhone & tab & thisStreet & tab & thisCity & tab & thisZip & tab & thisEmail & return
                        end repeat
      set the clipboard to text 1 thru -2 of tsvData -- remove trailing return
                        tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Click in cell and <command-v>" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
                        tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Select at least one card in Contacts and run again" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
              end if
    end tell
    This is not as nice as the old vcard drag and drop import. It's a simple example and probably needs some customizing because there are so many different ways people store information in Contacts.  But this approach can meet most needs, if it's not convenient to leave the data in Contacts and link to it.

  • Cannot insert date into numbers 3.1 using ctl shift d

    can no longer insert date into numbers 3.1 using control shift d

    Hi Gerald,
    If you are inserting the current date a lot, and want a simple keyboard combination to do it rather than fiddling with formulas in Numbers, here is an easy way that takes advantage of some neat functionality built into every Mac that is much easier than it sounds.  It requires the investment of just a few minutes of time to make a one-time setup of an "Automator service."  Thereafter inserting a date is just a menu pick or keyboard combination.
    1. Open Automator (in your applications folder) and choose Service as document type:
    2. Drag 'Run AppleScript' action from the left over into the right pane:
    3. Copy the following script and paste it into the right pane (replacing all of the default text in the pane):
    on run
              set date_ to ((current date) as string)
      set the clipboard to the date_
              tell application "Numbers"
                        tell application "System Events"
      keystroke "v" using {option down, shift down, command down}
                        end tell
              end tell
    end run
    4. At the top of the right pane choose 'no input' for 'Service receives' and '' for 'in'. (On my machine I have the old Numbers renamed to Numbers09 so the script doesn't get confused).
    After you click the hammer icon (to "compile") your right panel should now look like this:
    5. Name the service "Today" or similar and move it to the Library > Services folder. (If it doesn't save automatically to that location you can File > Export in Automator, choose the 'Desktop' for 'Where', then in Finder open a new window and hold down the option key and choose Go > Library > Services, and drag Today.workflow from the Desktop into that folder.)
    That's it. The service is ready to go. Thereafter, whenever you want to insert the current date, just pick Today from the Services menu:
    6. Or, to make this even easier to access, choose Services Preferences and assign a keyboard shortcut to the service:
    Troubleshooting notes:
    This should "just work." But if it doesn't for some reason, try one or more of the following:
    - Rename the old Numbers (the one in the iWork '09 folder under Applications) to Numbers09 or similar.
    - Check to make sure you aren't using the same keyboard shortcut for something else.
    - Remove 'Day of the week' from your "Full" date format in System Preferences > Language & Region.
    - Try revising permissions under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility > Privacy.

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