Patch / workaround for kernel 2.6 (no components in pallet)

Since I've read about this complaint all over the net, and, after three weeks without problems, I seem to have solved the issue locally (at least for Fedora Core II), here's a mini tutorial on how to do a patch so that Creator sucessfully copies the required user files to your ~/.Creator directory.
First, a bit of background. The reason the copy fails is because Creator uses FileChannel.transferTo, which is broken for JDK 1.4 under kernel 2.6 by changed behaviour of the sendfile kernel routine. The "fix" for the Sun jvm is to set the transferSupported flag of the runtime jar's FileChannelImpl class to false in the static initializer. We don't have the source and the flag is not publicly accessible, so we're going to patch the bytecode and put the patched class on Creator's bootclasspath...
0.) if you've alread started the IDE once, rembember to delete the ~/.Creator directory. The copy happens only when a user starts the IDE and it is noted that the .Creator durectory does not exist.
1.) Get and install NetBeans if you don't have it.
2.) Get and install the jasm.nbm (
3.) unjar the java installation's rt.jar somewhere
4.) mount the directory where you unjared the rt.jar
5.) open the mounted folder and navigate to /sun/nio/ch package
6.) right-click over the FileChannelImpl class, and pick the Tools/Decompile by JRAW menu item
7.) the action should result in three new items in the file tree
8.) Double-click the new item: FileChannelImpl.jraw to edit it
9.) Do a search in the editor for "transferEnabled" You should find the first occurence around here:
cp146: Utf8 "transferFrom" // transferFrom
cp147: Utf8 "transferFromArbitraryChannel" // transferFromArbitraryChannel
cp148: Utf8 "transferFromFileChannel" // transferFromFileChannel
cp149: Utf8 "transferSupported" // transferSupported
cp150: Utf8 "transferTo" // transferTo
cp151: Utf8 "transferTo0" // transferTo0
cp152: Utf8 "transferToArbitraryChannel" // transferToArbitraryChannel
cp153: Utf8 "transferToDirectly" // transferToDirectly
But the occurrence we're really interested in is here:
cp396: Field #cp207 #cp294 // boolean
cp397: Field #cp207 #cp295 // boolean
cp398: Field #cp207 #cp296 // boolean
This is where we find out the ConstantPool handle for the field itself.
10.) do a search from where you found the cp### for the field. In my case, it is cp397.
You should end up here, which is the static initializer for the class:
AccessFlag { ACC_STATIC }
// <clinit> () -> void
#cp8 // Utf8 "<clinit>"
#cp232 // Utf8 "()V"
Attributes {
Name #cp10 // Utf8 "Code"
Len 117 {
MaxStack 2
MaxLocals 0
Code { // 69
getstatic #cp400 // 178 1 144
ifnonnull 15 // 199 0 15
ldc #cp6 // 18 6
invokestatic #cp463 // 184 1 207
dup // 89
putstatic #cp400 // 179 1 144
goto 6 // 167 0 6
getstatic #cp400 // 178 1 144
invokevirtual #cp411 // 182 1 155
ifne 7 // 154 0 7
iconst_1 // 4
goto 4 // 167 0 4
iconst_0 // 3
putstatic #cp394 // 179 1 138
iconst_1 // 4
putstatic #cp397 // 179 1 141
invokestatic #cp488 // 184 1 232
invokestatic #cp433 // 184 1 177
putstatic #cp393 // 179 1 137
new #cp210 // 187 0 210
dup // 89
invokespecial #cp467 // 183 1 211
putstatic #cp405 // 179 1 149
ldc #cp5 // 18 5
ldc #cp4 // 18 4
invokestatic #cp487 // 184 1 231
putstatic #cp403 // 179 1 147
return // 177
Exceptions {
Attributes {
Name #cp17 // Utf8 "LineNumberTable"
Len 30 {
0 26
35 367
39 877
42 878
48 879
58 880
68 882
11.) do the patch
As you can see, above, the (cp397) field value is initialized to "true" (iconst_1, putstatic #cp397)
You want to change it so that it is initialized to false, like this:
putstatic #cp394 // 179 1 138
iconst_0 // 4
putstatic #cp397 // 179 1 141
invokestatic #cp488 // 184 1 232
12.) recompile the jraw files to a class file. Just select them and choose Build/Compile.
13.) make a jar with just the new, patched class file. Inside the jar, the file must sit in /sun/nio/ch to preserve the package structure.
14.) Change your Creator ide.cfg file, found in ${creator_home}/bin, so that the jar containing your patched class is prepended to creator's bootclasspath
Here's an example (I chose to install as root and used the default install to /opt...I've since changed the min and max stack, but nothing else, except the bootclasspath specification)
-J-Xms128m -J-Xmx128m
-jdkhome /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_05
Hope that helps,
The HSQLDB Development Group

Hi There,
Thank you for this very useful information.

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    Can any one pls tell me the latest Kernel patch level for OS Linux RHEL 4 .
    or ls tell me whr can i find it .
    --> Entry by Application Group
    --> Additional Components
    --> SAP Kernel
              o SAP KERNEL 32-BIT
              o SAP KERNEL 32-BIT UNICODE
              o SAP KERNEL 64-BIT
              o SAP KERNEL 64-BIT UNICODE
    Choose your platform here.
    SAP KERNEL 4.6D 32-BIT
    SAP KERNEL 6.40 32-BIT
    SAP KERNEL 7.00 32-BIT
    Choose your release
    Download the independent and the database dependent part.

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    2012-01-19T06:10:49.498-06:00| vthread-3| I120: modconf library initialized
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.544-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
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    2012-01-19T06:10:49.548-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed to find /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.548-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed version test: /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h not found.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.548-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.550-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.563-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.592-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH is valid.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.592-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.594-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.608-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.636-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH is valid.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.672-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.674-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.676-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
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    2012-01-19T06:10:49.717-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.719-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.721-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.724-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.726-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/preferred/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.726-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed to find /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.726-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed version test: /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h not found.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.726-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.728-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.741-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.769-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH is valid.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.804-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.806-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.809-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.811-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.813-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.815-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/preferred/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.815-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed to find /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.815-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed version test: /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h not found.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.815-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.817-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.830-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.858-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH is valid.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.926-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.928-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.930-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.933-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:49.935-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.059-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.1-1-ARCH.
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.059-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.061-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.076-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.105-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include for kernel release 3.2.1-1-ARCH is valid.
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.105-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Building module vmmon.
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.105-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.
    2012-01-19T06:10:50.116-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Building module with command: /usr/bin/make -j -C /tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only auto-build SUPPORT_SMP=1 HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/3.2.1-1-ARCH/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc GREP=/usr/bin/make IS_GCC_3=no VMCCVER=4.6.2
    2012-01-19T06:10:51.838-06:00| vthread-3| I120: Failed to compile module vmmon!
    So I thought ok maybe it needs the 3.2 patch, so I un-installed then reinstalled but it wouldn't let me run the patch saying that my sources are alreay patched, I need this machine to do my work and I now at a dead stop.
    thanks for your help on this.
    Last edited by jk121960 (2012-01-19 23:16:22)

    OK it all worked accept for one small bit, with the new patch there is a bug in the script. It calls for
    /sbin/lsmod which doesn't exist.
    It exists in /bin/lsmod
    So I guess you could mod the script but I just symlinked the path and it worked fine.
    ln -s /bin/lsmod /sbin/lsmod
    thanks again for your help and I hope this little bit gets found by who needs it.

  • Kernel patch upgrade for multiple instance

    Hi expert,
    I want to know will we follow the same process while upgrade the kernel patch only for Multiple ABAP STAK.
    We have system which has 3 my question is exactly where we ned to put the kernel files (Generlly it should be in /EXE or /RUN file)and in which instance.......

    1.If I copy the patches only in central instance will it affect to all other instances.....?
    If you have configured your SAP system correctly then Yes, Kernel upgrade in Central Instance will reflect in Dialog Instances also.
    2.what is the concept of SAPMNT..(/sapmnt/SID/exe ).........?
    /sapmsnt/SID/SYS/exe -> to share the kernel across the instances
    3.What is the difference between EXE and RUN directory ............will it make any difference if I copy into EXE folder instead of
    /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run is located on the host system of the R/3 instance and is for locally-stored executables
    /sapmsnt/SID/SYS/exe/run -> Central Instance directory
    /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe - Dialog Instance directory
    you can check the values of DIR_EXECUTABLE or DIR_CT_RUN (if you are using sapcpe) to determine the kernel directories for central and dialog instances respectively

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 13288: Changing the workaround for custom whitespace preservation in spark components in order to cater for fixes to SDK-24699 and SDK-24611 .

    Revision: 13288
    Revision: 13288
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-01-05 15:21:57 -0800 (Tue, 05 Jan 2010)
    Log Message:
    Changing the workaround for custom whitespace preservation in spark components in order to cater for fixes to SDK-24699 and SDK-24611.
    We now preserve whitespace for all of the spark "text" tags at compile time (but not only-whitespace content if an alternate text attribute was specified).
    QE notes: Please ensure that whitespace preservation continues to work, including for the scenarios mentioned in previous issues SDK-22601, SDK-23160, SDK-23972.
    Doc notes: N/A
    SDK-24699 - Binding does not work with Spark TextInput "text" property
    SDK-24611 - MXML compiler should preserve whitespace in FlowElement tags (such as
    Reviewer: Paul
    Tests run: checkintests, mustella RichText, List, TextArea (the 2 baseline position failures existed prior to these changes)
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    This bug figures out also when creating a custom spark ComboBox, then trying to programatically update the userProposedSelectedIndex property. The proposed selected index is selected, but does not apply the same skin as when mouse is on rollover or item is selected due to up and down keys.
    The issue seems like updating the status of the item renderer to rollover or selected to get the same skin applied.
    Please could you attach DropDow that you edited ?
    Thank you so much.

  • Deferred patching broken for machines with zones

    For a while I've noticed that Ive had trouble patching a couple of machines.
    I've managed to determine the significant characteristic identifying them.
    All the machines with a non global zone have the problem.
    To confirm, I added a test zone to a machine that was fine. And it immediately it developed the problem.
    Anyway, the symptom is that no deferred patches will install.
    So patches delayed by a "smpatch update" till the reboot fail to install.
    The sunucLog displays the following error
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [notice] Status Install Begin 123186-03
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] Validating patches...
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] Loading patches installed on the system...
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] Loading patches requested to install.
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] Checking patches that you specified for installation.
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] svcadm: Instance "svc:/system/filesystem/local:default" has been disabled by another entity.
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] ERROR: Enabling filesystem/local service failed.
    Sep 17 10:30:05 webdb1 123186-03 [ALERT] Status Install End 123186-03 Install Update installation failed
    Anyone got any workarounds for this problem.
    Is it a known issue.
    Or should I log a support request.

    Any progress on this? Its been 2 months. And sun has managed to put out an entire new update to Solaris.
    And a 119254-59 has been released. But neither includes a fix for this issue as far as I can tell...
    Its now basically impossible to patch machines with zones up to the latest kernel 137137-09 since that has a dependency on 119254-58.
    And machines with zones can't be patched if a version higher than 119254-53 is installed....

  • JDev team: is there a workaround for bug1482140?

    I would like to know if anybody has figured out a workaround for bug 1482140 which is listed in the JDeveloper 3.2.2 readme. It states that it is not possible to deploy EJBs to 8.1.7 running on Solaris. It also indicates that it should have been fixed in but the list of fixed bugs in does not include this one. When is this going to be fixed? Why is there no status on it in Metalink? Is there something clever I can do similar to the workaround given for deploying BC4J?
    Thanks for any help,

    Uh, dude? What are you talking about? I've seen the workaround for the aurora_client.jar bit but I thought it only applied to BC4J as it says in the HOWTO under the JDEV docs. As for the patch, this is the first I've heard of it. It doesn't help that searching for this bug under Metalink doesn't produce any results. The way I see it is that I should be able to enter the Bug number in Metalink, and it tells me what patchset the bug is fixed in. That mechanism seems to have broken down here. oh well, I have no problem with having to be told something twice, I'm not perfect. At least I have the stones to post messages with my name and email address Mr d. cheers.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by d:
    Matt's been told about both of those options previously and he does not understand !!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Patch strategy for ECC6 in SAP NW2004s environment

    Hi Experts,
    Our SAPNW04s landscape consists of ECC6, BI 7.0, EP7.0 , SRM, XI, Solution Manager systems.  We are drafting patch upgrade strategy for the ECC6 system & have 2 options:
    Option 1: Apply patches only in ECC6 & not in other components.
    Option 2: Patch ECC6 together with other components like SRM, BI, EP etc.
    Option 2 will make things complicated but for Option 1 below are the 2 concerns/questions raised:
    1. Option 1 will lead to doing UAT twice for Business Processes which have a tight integration with ECC6, for ex. UAT for data extraction needs to be done after applying patches both in the ECC6 & the BI systems. This will lead to arrange for more user resources.
    2. Due to the tight integration between ECC6 & other components applying patches alone in the ECC6 might lead to other systems like BI, EP,SRM, XI etc at a lower level & they might not be able to connect to ECC6 or work properly with ECC6.
    Can somebody share how they are managing the ECC6 patches upgrade in a big NW2004s environment with other components present, are the ECC6 patches done standalone & other systems like EP, BI follow their own different time schedules for patching or ECC6, BI, EP are recommended to be done together.
    Are there any best practices recommendations from SAP on the same?.  Can somebody share the blueprint or any strategy document they are using.

    Hi Abhishek,
    For the reasons you outline in 2, it is recommended to patch entire business scenarios (i.e. business processess that are coupled integrated across systems) together.  Rather than go into a full discussin here, I recommend you see my paper [How To Design a SAP NetWeaver - Based System Landscape |].
    Best Regards,

  • Cannot find Oracle client patch download for W2K3 32 bit.

    Hi All,
    To fix a Oracle client bug I would like to upgrade the Oracle client software from to The bug we are experiencing has been solved in It has to do with Windows memory management. Normal users can only use the client if an administrator has logged on to the system and started the client in another session. Otherwise the client fails.
    The Operating system is: Windows 2003 32bit Standard Edition.
    The current Oracle client software is the full Oracle client software, not the instant client.
    I have spent about three hours and a colleague of mine has searching on Metalink, otn and using google for the or patch and came up with zero?
    Could anyone provide me with a way to download this patch? I have found some patch numbers but when I search the patch numbers on Metalink they all turn out to be dead links. :-(

    Once you apply the patch, the OUI automatically detects which specific components to upgrade. One of the differences when you apply the patchset against an RDBMS and a client installation is that the RDBMS requires all the databases to perform a post install phase where the data dictionary must be upgraded as well. On the client installation it is just enough to apply the patchset against the client oracle home.
    ~ Madrid

  • Patch available for JMS?

              I am using a Weblogic Server 8.1 SP4 on my local development environment. The application has a JMS based report module. A report is created by the front-end and stored in a JMS Queue with a persistent FileStore. Once the report is created, the report is available until someone deletes the report from the Queue.
              Now the problem:
              The "new" application with reports module has been deployed to a TEST environment with WLS 8.1 SP3. The report creation works, the report is stored in the FileStore, but is accessible through the front-end only once. It is a JSP with content header (PDF) reading the byteArray Message from the Queue.
              For the second time, the result on the front-end is "NUL" (3 digits in HTML Source). When re-starting the server everything is fine again(but each report can be fetched from the Queue only once).
              Unfortunately upgrading the SP is not a solution, because the TEST and PRODUCTION environment of the client cannot be upgraded easily.
              - Is there a patch available for the problem?
              - Can anyone explain me what is the problem with that?
              - Is there a workaround?
              The servers are Windows 2003 servers...
              Thanks and regards,

              I am using a Weblogic Server 8.1 SP4 on my local development environment. The application has a JMS based report module. A report is created by the front-end and stored in a JMS Queue with a persistent FileStore. Once the report is created, the report is available until someone deletes the report from the Queue.
              Now the problem:
              The "new" application with reports module has been deployed to a TEST environment with WLS 8.1 SP3. The report creation works, the report is stored in the FileStore, but is accessible through the front-end only once. It is a JSP with content header (PDF) reading the byteArray Message from the Queue.
              For the second time, the result on the front-end is "NUL" (3 digits in HTML Source). When re-starting the server everything is fine again(but each report can be fetched from the Queue only once).
              Unfortunately upgrading the SP is not a solution, because the TEST and PRODUCTION environment of the client cannot be upgraded easily.
              - Is there a patch available for the problem?
              - Can anyone explain me what is the problem with that?
              - Is there a workaround?
              The servers are Windows 2003 servers...
              Thanks and regards,

  • HTTP Server Patch - 4393827 for Oracle EBS 11i

    Our env is Oracle EBS 11i (11.5.10) + CU2 +ATG RUP6. We are currently on
    I am currently applying Minimum Baseline Patches for extended support - +Patch Requirements for Extended Support of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.10 [ID 883202.1]+.
    For the HTTP Server Patch - 4393827 do I need to apply patches for all the below components? It prompted me 4 times to apply the patch for each component.
    OHS_1.0.2.2 component
    MODPLSQL component

    I applied HTTP Server Patch - 4393827 in my upgraded instance 11.5.10 CU2ATG RUP6.
    Now the Apache version is:
    Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 (Win32)
    Server built:   Jun 14 2005 15:26:57 (iAS rollup 5)
    While applying HTTP Server Patch - 4393827, I was prompted to enter Y or N to apply patch for the following components individually. I had the option to enter N also.
    OHS_1.0.2.2 component
    MODPLSQL component
    Webcache_1.0.2.2 component
    DB_8.1.7.4 component
    I entered Y(Yes) for all the components and the patching was successful for all the components.
    I am doubtful about the DB_8.1.7.4 component patch. Should I say Y to this also?. Since my Instance is on is it required to apply this component (DB_8.1.7.4 component) also?

  • Assign patch levels for component versions of system: Maintenance Optimizer

    I am trying to have Maintenance Optimizer check for what files I need to download.  However, I get the following error:
    Assign patch levels for component versions of system SXM.
    I susepect that the problem really lies in the fact that the "SP Levels" in the "Software Components" tab is not populated in SMSY.
    Does something read that information from the child system and populate the data automatically?  This is a new system install, and perhaps a step was missed in solman.

    Hi John,
    MOPZ directs you to SAP Software Download Center in order to show you the lastest status and available packages.
    If you are not seeing the packages perhaps you created you satellite system at solution manager pointing to the wrong product/version.
    MOPZ is created to point you to the available Support Package Stacks for its products.
    Normally one creates a system in solution manager defining it as an ECC server ( this does not have a download page for MOPZ ) when the correct assignment would be SAP ERP ( this last has a download page for MOPZ ).
    If this is your case, you´ll need to redefine the satellite system again in our solution manager.
    hope this helps.

  • Patching Binaries for JAVA....

    Hello guys,
    I have installed the NW04 and J2EE for our Xi system.
    I have one question about patching binaries. I was going through the note 832005. It talks about some SAR fiels which can be found on market place /swdc (got to Support Packages and Patches section) from OS dependent section of J2EE 6.40. SCS.SAR is not there.
    When do I have to do this.
    How will I determine the need?
    It appears to me there is regular patching also for these files.
    Is it like kernel for ABAP system?
    How can I find the patching level for this so I can make sure after the upgrade that patching went well.
    Thank you very much for all the advices.
    Thank you.

    Thank you for the reply.
    Well I do not want to apply it seperately. I am in impression that we have to apply J2EE binaried always seperate.
    Is It done when you apply J2EE patches using SAPInst and note 657763?
    But I have a question.
    When I installed a J2EE as Add-in using SAPInst, I only  provided the path of <b>OS independent J2EE CD</b>. But There was OS dependent CD as well and it has all these SAR files mentioned above in my initial message. So Do I have to apply them manually right after installation?
    Just apply J2EE patches right after the install and it will be updated automatically.
    <b>But If that is the case,</b>
    Then when we are going to apply SCSCLIENT*.SAR (depends upon the system like Unicode or Non-Unocode). It is not mentioned in the one of the four files SAR files we download during the patching of J2EE. Is it also a part of one of these files like SCS.SAR?
    Thank you very much for all the support.
    Thank you.

  • Patch 218 for R3INLPGM

    Hello All.
    I have a problem during applying patch 218 for R3INLPGM. It's very strange because I was applied on DEV and QAS systems and it's fully operational.
    After applying SAP fix and (APYR3FIX), apply SAP Kernel (APYSAP) and deleting SQL packages, I'm doing a new logon with ) isn't loaded.
    I've tried to load a new kernel (SAPEXE and SAPEXEDB patch level 221) but in this case, neither DEV/QAS nor PRD run.
    Can anyone help me about this case?
    Thank's a lot.
    Best Regards,
    André Koji Honma
    Support Analyst
    FUJIFILM da Amazônia Ltda.

    Hello Bernhard,
    I'm always happy, when patches work fine ))
    unfortunately, I was noot able to get any r3inlpgm patch higher than 186 running in an iASP environment. 1,5 weeks ago, this happened now with 218. I asked the customer, to open an OSS ticket and now reminded him on this as I'm really looking to a solution on this ...
    Volker Gueldenpfennig, consolut international ag - -

  • Applying patch to the kernel

    I need to apply this patch to the kernel.
    Do you know how to do?

    slithery wrote:Edit - That patch is 3 years old. Are you sure that a) it's still needed b) it's compatible with current kernels?
    There is a fairly recent discussion on lkml about that patch: So it seems the patch has some use, but is a poor workaround instead of a porper fix of the underlying problem.
    Last edited by progandy (2015-01-03 18:06:33)

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