Pattern for email attribute validation.

I generated an schema for a web service which includes an email attribute, for which I developed a pattern to filter invalid emails but I'm getting facet errors during the schema object creation. My schema works perfectly well in XMLSpy but Oracle's XML parser/schema object fails.
the pattern I am using is:
which includes some OR logic and nested patterns to validate the email.
I was able to track that using something like (([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+)) would not be correctly validated in Oracle's XML parser and that \. will cause the schema object creation to fail with facet errors.
I do not know if this is related to the current implementation of the validating parser or something else but I cannot find information on the current implementation that oracle supports (besides a version number). Where can I find information on this... does anyone happen to have a pattern which will validate email addresses and work under oracle parser?

Yes, this may related to our implementation for the regular expressions.
Would you send me a simple test case at [email protected] If this is bug, we will fix it.

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    ***PL/SQL code for Email validation***-
    t_valid NUMBER(1);
    t_totallen NUMBER(2);
    t_counter NUMBER(2):=0;
    t_atpos NUMBER(2):= 1;
    i NUMBER(2) := 1;
    t_pointpos NUMBER(2):= 1;
    mail_ch VARCHAR2(1);
    result number; --:GR
    t_totallen := LENGTH(:text_item_email);
    t_counter := t_totallen;
    i := 1;
    t_valid := 1;
    IF LENGTH(ltrim(rtrim(:text_item_email))) = 0 THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    --This is to check special characters are present or not in the email ID
    t_counter := t_totallen;
    WHILE t_counter > 0
    mail_ch := substr(:text_item_email,i,1);
    i := i+1;
    t_counter := t_counter -1;
    IF mail_ch IN (' ','!','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','','"',
    '+','|','{','}','[',']',':','>','<','?','/','\','=') THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    --This is to check more than one '@' character present or not
    t_atpos := instr(:text_item_email,'@',1,2) ;
    IF t_atpos > 1 then
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    --This is to check at minimum and at maximum only one '@' character present
    t_atpos := instr(:text_item_email,'@',1) ;
    IF t_atpos IN (0,1) THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    --This is to check at least one '.' character present or not
    t_pointpos := instr(:text_item_email,'.',1) ;
    IF t_pointpos IN (0,1) THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    --This is to check at least one character is present between @ and '.' :GR
    t_atpos := instr(:text_item_email,'@',1) ;
    t_pointpos := instr(:text_item_email,'.',1) ;
    IF t_pointpos-t_atpos<=1 THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    --This is to check at least one character is present after '.' :GR
    t_pointpos := instr(:text_item_email,'.',1) ;
    IF t_totallen-t_pointpos<=0 THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    if(t_valid=0) then
    message('Invalid Email');
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    ---***PL/SQL code for Name Validation***---
    t_valid NUMBER(1);
    t_totallen NUMBER(2);
    t_counter NUMBER(2):=0;
    i NUMBER(2) := 1;
    name_ch VARCHAR2(1);
    --name_ch_ascii NUMBER;
    result number; --:GR
    t_totallen := LENGTH(:text_item_first_name);
    t_counter := t_totallen;
    i := 1;
    t_valid := 1;
    IF LENGTH(ltrim(rtrim(:text_item_first_name))) = 0 THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    --This is to check if each character in name lies in the valid ascii range
    t_counter := t_totallen;
    WHILE t_counter > 0
    name_ch := upper(substr(:text_item_first_name,i,1));
    --name_ch_ascii := convert(name_ch,'US7ASCII');
    i := i+1;
    t_counter := t_counter -1;
    --IF name_ch_ascii not between 65 and 90 THEN
    IF name_ch not between 'A' and 'Z' THEN
    t_valid := 0;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    if(t_valid=0) then
    message('Invalid First Name');
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;

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    Ani-4-U wrote:
    Can any body please help me in writing a reg exp for email id validation that would cover all possibilities of validating a email id?
    I had tried searching few on net but some test cases for the same faild.
    Do you have actual requirements for this?
    Why does that matter - well look at the links posted and read them for the complexity of validating that an email address is valid in terms of the RFE that defines it.
    However, note that despite that such an address might not work at all. Even though it is perfectly valid.
    So if your requirements are to only accept email addresses that work then you need something quite a bite more complicated that simply validating that it meets the RFE. And if you don't need an address that actually works then does it matter if it is valid or not?

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    %' then
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    The as noted in the previous post, DBI is a Perl package that allows Perl to talk to various databases, including Oracle. We use DBI on several UNIX servers, and it does not require ODBC, and I have always found it to be extremely quick. Things may be different in the Windows world.
    If you are spooling files out to run through Perl anyway, you may want to take a look at DBI. You could probably modify your existing scripts to use DBI fairly easily. The basic structure using DBI is like:
    use DBI;
    my dbh;       # A database handle
    my sth;       # A statment handle
    my sqlstr;    # SQL statement
    my db_vars;   # Variables for your db columns
    # Connect to the database
    $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:service_name","user/password");
    $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE id = ?' # even takes bind variables
    #Prepare statement
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstr);
    $sth->execute(12345);  # Execute with values for bind if desired
    # Walk the "cursor"
    while (($db_vars) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
       your processing here

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    The textbox is set to Type: Date/Time Field.
    Help is appreciated.

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I'm tring to enter a pattern for the Edit Pattern and it kept giving me the invalid pattern error.
    > Here is what I have for the Display Pattern: h:MM A
    > And for Edit Pattern: h|hh|h:MM|h A|hh A|h:MM A|hh:MM A
    > The textbox is set to Type: Date/Time Field.
    > Help is appreciated.
    The last two are the only valid edit patterns. All of the others are invalid. Here are the reasons:
    - You have to specify the minutes
    - If not using military hours (H, HH) you have to specify AM or PM
    The only way to support the other patterns you are trying to use is to make it a text field and put
    custom javascript validation on it.
    Justin Klei
    Cardinal Solutions Group

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    Here is the struts implementation of email address validation:
    <validator name="email"
    function validateEmail(form) {
    var bValid = true;
    var focusField = null;
    var i = 0;
    var fields = new Array();
    oEmail = new email();
    for (x in oEmail) {
    if ((form[oEmail[x][0]].type == 'text' ||
    form[oEmail[x][0]].type == 'textarea') &&
    (form[oEmail[x][0]].value.length > 0)) {
    if (!checkEmail(form[oEmail[x][0]].value)) {
    if (i == 0) {
    focusField = form[oEmail[x][0]];
    fields[i++] = oEmail[x][1];
    bValid = false;
    if (fields.length > 0) {
    return bValid;
    * Reference: Sandeep V. Tamhankar ([email protected]),
    function checkEmail(emailStr) {
    if (emailStr.length == 0) {
    return true;
    var emailPat=/^(.+)@(.+)$/;
    var specialChars="\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\\"\\.\\[\\]";
    var validChars="\[^\\s" + specialChars + "\]";
    var quotedUser="(\"[^\"]*\")";
    var ipDomainPat=/^(\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})$/;
    var atom=validChars + '+';
    var word="(" + atom + "|" + quotedUser + ")";
    var userPat=new RegExp("^" + word + "(\\." + word + ")*$");
    var domainPat=new RegExp("^" + atom + "(\\." + atom + ")*$");
    var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat);
    if (matchArray == null) {
    return false;
    var user=matchArray[1];
    var domain=matchArray[2];
    if (user.match(userPat) == null) {
    return false;
    var IPArray = domain.match(ipDomainPat);
    if (IPArray != null) {
    for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    if (IPArray[i] > 255) {
    return false;
    return true;
    var domainArray=domain.match(domainPat);
    if (domainArray == null) {
    return false;
    var atomPat=new RegExp(atom,"g");
    var domArr=domain.match(atomPat);
    var len=domArr.length;
    if ((domArr[domArr.length-1].length < 2) ||
    (domArr[domArr.length-1].length > 3)) {
    return false;
    if (len < 2) {
    return false;
    return true;

  • Validation error message is not displayed for an attribute as an Input List Of Value

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    I use jdev
    In my application I've created an Entity Obj and a View Obj base Employees table.
    for the JobId attribute I've taken actions as listed below:
    1. in Employees EO I've created a validation for this attribute and in some cases an error message returns (the error message is "the salary is not high"):
         * Validation method for JobId.
        public boolean validateJobId(String jobid) {
            if (...) {
                return false;
            if (...) {
                return false;
            if (...) {
                return false;
            return true;
    2. in Employees VO  I've created a LOV for this attribute (the view accessor is JobsViewObj ) and I display the attribute as an Input Text with List Of Values.
    in jspx page I drag& drop this attribute as below:
              <af:inputListOfValues id="jobIdId"
                                    popupTitle="Search and Select: #{bindings.JobId.hints.label}"
                <f:validator binding="#{bindings.JobId.validator}"/>
    I open the Popup and I select a row from the Popup list and then I click Ok. After that if the validation method(validateJobId) returns false, the error message("the salary is not high") must be show to the user. but the error message doesn't display. I don't understand why this happens.
    Can anybody guide me about this problem?

    yes, you're right, I've tested it in 12.1.3 and error message was displayed.
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    it is (I.e. [email protected]).
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    ([email protected]).
    QUESTION: How do I get SharePoint to use the "Work Email" attribute (NOT the account email) of a User Profile when sending email messages?

    Okay, within Active Directory, the user's email IS set to
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    [email protected] (the user's email address)
    How do I get SharePoint to actually use the email address of an AD user, and not use the account logon name when sending notifications?

  • Validation for 2 attributes in a single expression

    Hi All,
    I have a scenario such that I need to make 2 attributes as mandatory when I chose a particular
    Category node.
    Now I am able to write, execute validation for one attribute but when I write for 2 attributes, only the first
    attribute is being considered. Even if the second attribtue is not present, it says there are no errors.

    Hi Pramod,
    I have tried this thing at my side and its working fine.
    Please check the steps below:
    1. Create new validation and dont write any thing in the expression.
    2. Add a branch to this validation and select the node which you want to validate.
    3. Inside the branch expression just write IS_NOT_NULL(Attribute1) AND IS_NOT_NULL(Attribute2)
    select Attribute1 and Attribute2 from the Attributes list.
    4. Run the Validation.
    Jitesh Talreja

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    How do you set the patterns value for an attribute in a schema file?

    The XML representation for a pattern schema component is a pattern element information item. The correspondences between the properties of the information item and properties of the component are as follows:
    XML Representation Summary: pattern Element Information Item
    id = ID
    value = string
    fixed = boolean : false
    {any attributes with non-schema namespace. . .}>
    Content: (annotation?)

  • Attribute validation error for tag CFQUERY

    I have a CF application that's running fine on a shared host. I now have a VPS running version of CF 9. When I try to use this on the VPS, I get the following error:
    Attribute validation error for tag CFQUERY.
    The value of the attribute datasource, which is currently '', is invalid.
    The datasource is being set in application.cfc, and again works just fine in the shared environment.
    The only differences is the shared is running on Windows, and the VPS is Linux. Also, the Windows is running version 9,0,1,274733 and the Linux is 9,0,0,251028
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    bbholdem wrote:
    I have a CF application that's running fine on a shared host. I now have a VPS running version of CF 9. When I try to use this on the VPS, I get the following error:
    Attribute validation error for tag CFQUERY.
    The value of the attribute datasource, which is currently '', is invalid.
    The cause of the error is obvious. Somewhere in your application, the cfquery tag is used as follows, with an empty string as datasource:
    <cfquery datasource="">
    That is a mistake. The error message should tell you where that occurs.

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    I would like to implement a JboValidatorInterface in a way that I can use an operator like "GreaterOrEqualTo" to compare with values retrieved from the database for a column associated with an entity object attribute.
    I have used this pattern with success in other environments, where the user community decides the minimum value for a thing should change from x to y, and simply changing a database object also changes the validation methods of all applications which access it.
    I am not certain that column constraints are the appropriate vehicle, but so far that seems to be the case.
    I see that you can create a validation rule which makes comparisons against a view object attribute. I am wondering if there is a generic way to use standardized names for column constraints along with ADF hooks into properties of database columns, to avoid writing individual queries for each attribute.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    If you already have constraints on the underlying tables, why do you need to validate them in ADF BC? You can certainly use some framework extension classes to give the user nicely formatted error messages - see ER: ADF BC - allow custom error msgs for common exceptions (e.g. DML) for more details.
    I am using this method so that anything that is enforced in the database (check constraints, foreign keys, unique constraints, etc) are not enforced in the ADF BC layer as well - after all, there's more than one way to get data into a table, and DB constraints ensure that even if data gets in through another mechanism (apart from the ADF application), it is valid. My 2 cents, of course.
    Hope this helps,

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    <META content="debian, GNU, linux, unix" name=Keywords>
    Why when submitting the query "unix" this document is not found by the system?
    (TREX version

    The trick doesn't work on my system (TREX v.
    1) This is the edited line in
    knownAttributes = ['description','Keywords']
    2) Only the HTML Attribute Extractor extension is activated in In particular, the Dublin Core extension is deactivated.
    3) This is the pythonextension section of TREXPreprocessor.ini:
    extensiontype= beforeHTTP
    4) This is the parametrization of the newly created property in CM:
    <i>Unique ID: html_keywords
    Description: not set
    Property ID: Keywords
    Namespace Alias: trilog
    Type: String
    Group: html
    Mandatory: not checked
    Multi-Valued: not checked
    Read Only: not checked
    Maintainable: not checked
    Indexable: checked
    Default Value: not set     
    Allowed Values: not set
    Key for Label: not set
    Meta Data Extension: not set
    Folder Validity Patterns: /
    Document Validity Patterns: /
    Resource Types: not set
    Mime Types: not set
    Default Sorting     Ascending: not set
    Label Icon: not set     
    Hidden: not checked
    Dependencies: not checked
    Additional Metadata: not set
    Property Renderer: not set
    Virtual: not checked
    Composed of: not set
    Comparator Class: not set</i>
    5) I've added this property in the parameters <i>Allowed Predefined Properties</i> and <i>Predefined Properties</i> under <i>Content Management -> User Interface -> Search</i>
    6) Now it's possible to filter by the <b>Keywords</b> predefined property in the Search UI, but no matches are ever found.
    7) No significant message is found in PythonExtension.log:
    # running global at Tue Jul 12 11:13:03 2005
    ### import getHtmlAttributes
    # running global at Tue Jul 12 11:13:04 2005
    ### import getHtmlAttributes
    8) I've run another test <b>activating the Dublin Core extension</b> in as well, and setting extensiontype to beforeLEXICON in TREXPreprocessor.ini. Nevertheless it didn't work.
    9) Here's some DC extension's output:
    ### Parse document with key: '/davide_test/attributi/GNU_Emacs.htm'
    ### extracted attributes: []
    This is the GNU_Emacs.htm's <head>:
    <META content=emacs name=keywords>
    Cheers, Davide

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    I'm having problems modifying the 'Dialed Number (DN)' text box under 'Advanced Configuration->Patterns for RNA timeout on outbound SIP calls' of the SIP tab in the Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 8.5(1) opsconsole. In a nut shell, I need to change the RNA timeout but some reason when typing into the Dialed Number text box, the input is not taken. The reason I want to change this settings is because my ICM Rona is not working with CVP:
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Carlos A Trivino
    [email protected]

    Hello Dale,
    CVP doesn't allow you to exceed the RNA more than 60  Seconds. If you want to configure the timer for DN Patterns you should  do it via OPS console, It would update the files in  correct way, the above way is incorrect.

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    Are these errors or warnings? If warnings, you should be able to just ignore them.

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