Paying When Im Not Supposed To Pay?

I Have $7.97 left on my itunes account and i want to buy papertoss - free version. I log in and it say i have to log in again and click "billing info". I want a game thats for free and it tells me i have to pay for it. I dont get it.
Help please!

Due to recent security issues and identify theft (mostly due to phishing scams), the iTunes Store requires more frequent verification of credit card information when a card is registered in your account, even if you have a balance from a prepaid card. Either just go through the verification process or, if you don't expect to need the credit card anytime soon, go into the Payment information in your account and set the payment method to "none" which should then stop the regular requirements for verification.

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    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
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    OS X: When your Mac doesn't sleep or wake
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