Pb for printing elements values

This modified sample code for printing elements values doesn't seems to work ?
an idea ? VALUE is always empty !
-- prints elements in a document
procedure printElements(doc xmldom.DOMDocument) is
nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
len number;
n xmldom.DOMNode;
-- get all elements
nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*');
len := xmldom.getLength(nl);
-- loop through elements
for i in 0..len-1 loop
n := xmldom.item(nl, i);
dbms_output.put_line('TAG ' | | xmldom.getNodeName(n));
dbms_output.put_line('VALUE ' | | xmldom.getNodeValue(n)); -- Added line
end loop;
end printElements;

getNodeValue() for elements will always be null since elements do not have a node value.
Attribute nodes have a value <foo attr="yes"/>
Text nodes have a value.
Comment nodes have a value.
PI nodes have a value.
So, where you are asking for the
value of an element, you likely
intend to be getting the
value of the Text node child
of that element as in:
<foo>Some Value</foo>
The <foo> element has no value, but
it has a Text-Node child with
a value of "Some Value"

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    You don't need to modify the dotnetconfig.xsd.  All you need to do is generate an XSD for your section and let VS know where it is at.
    1) Create your XSD using any of the various tools available or by hand.
    2) Copy your XSD into the <VSDir>\Xml\Schemas directory.
    3) Create a catalog file for your schema.
    4) Restart VS and it'll load the XSD and give you Intellisense.
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    Hi Sandy,
    This can be done by an abaper by making changes in the driver program. The Driver program feeds all the data which u have mentioned for printing.
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    What problem are you trying to solve with preflighting? What are you checking for?

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    Hi venice50,
    I've moved your discussion to the Photoshop Elements forum. Please see this page: Photoshop Elements Learn & Support.
    Click the Previous versions links at the bottom of the Help and Tutorials list to find links to PDF versions of Photoshop Elements 12 Help. I don't know whether there are printed versions available, but the smart folks who visit this forum regularly should be able to point you to them, if they exist.

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    *<faultstring>BEA-382513: OSB Replace action failed updating variable "response":*
    *Error parsing XML: {err}XP0006: "*
    *element {http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/CS2AdapterSelectOffenePosten_v0_5}Cs2DebitorOpVieCollection*
    *{ {http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xpath-datatypes}untypedAny }":*
    bad value for type element
    *{ {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType }*
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              <cs2:AMT_BEZEICHNUNG>Amt für Gesundheit</cs2:AMT_BEZEICHNUNG>
    _2. a xquery with this code:_
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$cs2RechnungenResponse" element="ns2:cs2RechnungenResponse" location="../adapters/cs2_adapters/xsd/CS2AdapterSelectOffenePosten_v0_5_table.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns0:getDebitorRechnungResponse" location="../../interfaces/RechnungServiceTypes_v0_6.xsd" ::)
    declare namespace ns3 = "http://www.llv.li/common/types/v1";
    declare namespace ns2 = "http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/CS2AdapterSelectOffenePosten_v0_5";
    declare namespace ns1 = "http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1";
    declare namespace ns0 = "http://www.llv.li/fin/services/rechnungService/v1";
    declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/fin_sb/RechnungsService/transformations/CARI_CS_2DBAdpter_to_RechnungsServiceGetOffenePosten_v0_5/";
    declare function xf:CARI_CS_2DBAdpter_to_RechnungsServiceGetOffenePosten_v1_0($cs2RechnungenResponse as element(ns2:cs2RechnungenResponse))
    as element(ns0:getDebitorRechnungenResponse) {
    <ns0:getDebitorRechnungenResponse schemaVersion="0.6">
              if ($cs2RechnungenResponse/ns2:Cs2DebitorOpVie) then
         for $Cs2DebitorOpVie in $cs2RechnungenResponse/ns2:Cs2DebitorOpVie
              <ns1:rechnungsnummer>{ data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Belnr) }</ns1:rechnungsnummer>
              <ns1:rechnungsdatum>{ xs:date(fn-bea:remove-timezone-from-dateTime(data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Fadat))) }</ns1:rechnungsdatum>
              <ns1:faelligAm>{ xs:date(fn-bea:remove-timezone-from-dateTime(data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Valut))) }</ns1:faelligAm>
         <ns1:behoerde>{ data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:AMT_BEZEICHNUNG) }</ns1:behoerde>
                                                 <ns1:betrag>{ data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Dmbet) }</ns1:betrag>
                                                      <ns1:bezeichnung>Schweizer Franken</ns1:bezeichnung>
              if ($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Mahns/text() > "") then
                   <ns1:mahnstufe>{ xs:int(data($Cs2DebitorOpVie/ns2:f40Mahns)) }</ns1:mahnstufe>
              else ()
         else ()
         <ns3:beschreibung>Rechnungen aus MFK fehlen</ns3:beschreibung>
    declare variable $cs2RechnungenResponse as element(ns2:cs2RechnungenResponse) external;
    _3. this should result in this response, but it doesn't_
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <soap-env:Body xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <v1:getDebitorRechnungenResponse schemaVersion="0.6" xmlns:v1="http://www.llv.li/fin/services/rechnungService/v1">
    <v11:peid xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">333</v11:peid>
    <v11:rechnungsnummer xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">555</v11:rechnungsnummer>
    <v11:rechnungsdatum xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">2011-05-05</v11:rechnungsdatum>
    <v11:faelligAm xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">2011-05-05</v11:faelligAm>
    <v11:behoerde xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">Amt für Gesundheit</v11:behoerde>
    <v11:positionList xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">
    <v11:bezeichnung>Schweizer Franken</v11:bezeichnung>
    <v11:status xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/fin/types/v1">offen</v11:status>
    <v11:code xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/common/types/v1">Erfolgreich</v11:code>
    <v11:beschreibung xmlns:v11="http://www.llv.li/common/types/v1">Rechnungen aus MFK fehlen</v11:beschreibung>
    But I do not get this expectet result, all I get is the BEA-382513: OSB Replace action failed: bad value for type element anyType?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Best regards

    cs2RechungungenResponse or cs2RechnungenResponse ? the error message says cs2RechungungenResponse, but the actual element is cs2RechnungenResponse (one less "u")

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    As Darrin said, it just matters which element is considered the "active" element.  So in your second example, you actually wrote to it a 3 and then a 1 (classic race condition).  You can set the active element with a property of the array (having trouble finding it at the moment).
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • There are values for cost element 80000 that are not assigned to any line I

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    There are values for cost element 80000 that are not assigned to any line ID
    Message no. KJ161
    Not all values for the cost element are assigned to a line ID.
    Assign the cost element to a line ID. If you don't want to include the cost element in results analysis, assign it to a line ID of category N.
    You can access a detailed list of unassigned cost elements as follows: Start results analysis in the individual processing mode (transaction KKA1, KKA2, or KKA3). Select the field Full log. Execute the function. On the next screen, choose Logs -> Parameter List in the menu. A list is generated. The unassigned values are shown at the end of the list.
    If cost element "+++++++++" was shown in the message, this is because in the assignment of costs and revenues to line IDs, you have not used a cost element other than the full masking "+++++++++". In this case a presummarization eliminates the information on the cost element.
    Cost Element 80000 is of type 43 Internal activity allocation, I have Masked this in OKGB as below:
    Controlling Area = FLGP
    RA Version = 0
    Masked Cost Element = 000008++++
    Masked Cost Center = ++++++++++
    Masked Activity Type = +++++
    ReqToCap= COS (Secondary Cost)
    I have Configure OKGA also but still system is giving error.
    Please help me to understand.

    I was wondering if you could help me I am trying to configure the RA key for Refurb orders and when I go into txn OKGB for the Assignment of C/E for WIP there is sample config already there which I copied.  But I am having difficulty getting the KK1A to work I am getting the message as outlined above.  Could you explain how this OKGB works and how to configure it a bit more fully.  In my sample config there is a ReqTOCap section and in it there are letters like ABR, EK, FK, EL what do they mean.  This is a screen shot of it.  I am not sure how to go about this entirely so any light you could shed would be greatly appreciated.  Can you suggest a good resource or documentation you may have, would be greatly appreciated.

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    New user and have checked all trainng info....   How do I send edited photos from Elements 12 to Costco for printing?  Only Shutterfly is offered as option.  Or how can I export to "my pictures" or thumb drive?  

    If you don't have the special costco edition (in which case you should see costco as an option for ordering prints), if the photos are in the organizer, use File>Export as New File(s) to send them to your thumb drive, if that's what you want to do, or export them to a folder on your desktop, go to the costco website and point their software to that folder for uploading. If you don't use organizer, just save the files to a folder on your desktop and do the same.

  • How to print the values of type Object?

    Hi All,
    I am not able to print values of the following can anyone telme where i am wrong and what i can do in this regard.
    Object one = request.getAttribute("values");
    When i try to print these values as following
    System.out.println("one ="+one);
    am not getting the values in a different format something like [Ljava.lang.String;@1234f. I tried to convert the following Object to String still its not working. Can some one please suggest me what i can do in this regard.

    ferrari_sun wrote:
    I am getting a Null pointer exception if i typecast it to a string array. Not sure what to do nowThe hell you are. You don't get Null pointers out of casting. However you might be accessing null elements of the array afterwards.
    You really should throw away the code, go fetch some "How to learn basic Java with Wiggles The Bear" ebook and then start learning the basics instead of tripping on every single line of your code which is too complicated for you.

  • Printing the value exactly in a pertticular position

    Dear Friends,
    In smart forms how can i print the value of a field in a exact desired position in a window.
    For example if a value is printing like
    Sales Tax :
    I want it to print like
    Sales Tax :                      500.00
    How to maintain space between Sales Tax : and 500 and how can i print the value in a exact position.
    Edited by: farook shaik on Nov 7, 2008 10:52 AM

    Hi USha I have created one paragraph format
    and In a text element of a window if i want to give ,, to maintain rab space i have to edit that text element right.
    When i click on edit its giving change field pop up
    i want to give Sales Tax :,, &wa_header-salestax&
    How and where to give dat ,, plz let me clear.

  • Organizing colour mode for print in Illustrator

    I want to set up my document as a two-colour for print. I'm not really sure what is the correct swatch library to choose, if there is such a thing. Either way, i selected Pantone Solid Uncoated as my swatch library. I chose two colours from this and applied them to all aspects of my document. However, the document colour mode is still set to the default CMYK, and my only other choice is RGB. My question is, how do I organize my document to be 2-colour pantone print ready?

    I'm not really sure what is the correct swatch library to choose, if there is such a thing.
    You don't have to use a so-called "Color Book" Swatch Library at all to define a spot color. You can set up the on-screen appearance of a color any way you want (using RGB or CMYK values) and simply define it as a Spot Color. You can also name a spot color anything you want. And you can do this in either a CMYK or RGB document.
    The truth is, a spot color is nothing but grayscale values sent to a single color separation plate.
    For example: Suppose you just don't find Illustrator's onscreen display a convincing rendition of Pantone Metallic 875. You can simply create a new swatch, adjust its CMYK or RGB sliders to something that does look like 875 on screen, set that Swatch to Spot, and name it "Pantone 875 Spot."
    Different example: Suppose you are building a 5-color (process plus 1 spot) glossy brochure (a very common practice). The client's logotype color spec is Pantone 875 metallic. You want occurrances of the logo and the company's tag line to overprint in that ink. But you also need to simulate the logotype color in product illustrations that will occur in the brochure. You have learned from experience (read tests) that even Pantone's own recommendation for CMYK simulation of 875 does not yield a satisfying or convincing simulation in print. In this case, you might simply define the CMYK values that you consider satisfying for simulating 875 in CMYK artwork, name that Swatch "Pantone 875 Process", duplicate that Swatch, change it to Spot, and rename it "Pantone 875 Spot." When you print seps, you'll still get seps named Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, and Pantone 875 Spot.
    It's all-too-easy (and all-too-frequent in this forum) to just toss out off-the-top "feature requests." It's quite another thing to actually think it through before doing so. Illustrator does not need a separate "spot color mode."
    Spot color is, by definition, for print, as is CMYK. They are just elements of the same color-separation process. Spot color is quite commonly combined with CMYK process. It would be patently ridiculous to require changing a document from CMYK to Spot Color just to use spot color. Spot color swatches are used every day in CMYK documents for everything ranging from the 5-color artwork described above to varnishes and spot liquid lamination.
    Even Illustrator's distinction between CMYK and RGB Document Color Modes has more to do with maintaining onscreen display of color than with any mechanical or workflow necessity. Other programs don't do that. You don't see "CMYK vs. RGB" documents in Draw, FreeHand, Canvas. In any mainstream drawing program, you can define RGB and/or CMYK and/or spot colors all day long in the same document. Users have been doing this just fine for literal decades. I have decades of project archives to proove it.
    Now, something that would be both useful and genuinely innovative in vector programs (and befitting the industry's sometimes overblown focus on onscreen color calibration) is onscreen consideration of the real-world opacity of inks. Fact is, even with all of Illustrator's hair-splitting focus on color-calibration profiles, etc., etc., it (and all other programs like it) does a pathetic job of making a reasonable onscreen representation of spot inks. Understand--this is not a matter of color model "mode"; it's a matter of overcoming the effective assumption that there is only one kind of "printing" in the world, i.e., offset printing with translucent inks.
    Example: Set up a process-color job that will be printed not on white paper, but on a dark substrate. The illustration is, say, a dinosaur. You, the illustrator (remember? the name of this program is "Illustrator") intend to use yellow ink as a highlight that overprints some darker green. You know this will work, because you know that the yellow spot ink you have specified is much more opaque than the translucency of ordinary CMYK offset process inks that Illustrator always assumes. Suppose that in addition to this, you intend to use an opaque white ink in the design; or a metallic. Turn on the so-called "overprint preview" feature and you'll see that Illustrator (and programs like it)--with all its painstaking focus on onscreen color calibration and gee-whiz "transparency"--is completely incapable of convincingly displaying this common scenario--used everyday on everything from T-shirts to lunch boxes. The fact is, illustration programs are used every day as workflow production tools for much broader applications than just offset printing and web pages. There's silkscreen, signage, embroidery, flexography, etc.
    A spot ink is nothing more than a user-defined ink--a process separation plate other than the common four. Stating that Illustrator 'needs a Spot Color mode' is confusing spot color with line art. Spot color is as much a part of process separation as it can be part of line art. Providing the user the ability to specify the real-world opacity of the user-defined ink in the real-world printing method being targeted would be a truly useful feature.
    Understand: This is not pie-in-the-sky. It can already be done (and commonly is) in Photoshop, because Photoshop correlates Channels to inks, and you can define as many additional channels as you want, and you can individually set their opacity. The onscreen display properly reflects the real-world opacity without wrecking the real-world separations.
    So just think of a spot color Swatch as an additional user-defined process INK. Think of the various spot color Libraries as mere preset conveniences.
    You could define a spot color Swatch named "Pantone 875" that looks purple on screen if you had some desire to do so. It would still print correctly so long as the printing house put Pantone 875 INK in the press--which is what they'll do if the separation plate says "Pantone 875"--which is what it will if you name the spot ink that way.
    Also: Assuming you have the Adobe PDF virtual printer installed (which you probably do), to test your spot color separations you can simply invoke the Print dialog, select Adobe PDF as the "printer" and select Separations in the Output pane. The resulting PDF will contain one grayscale page for each INK.

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