PC Card eject button

The little eject button by the side of my PC card slot remains out will not stay in when I push it - am I missing something? There is nothing in the slot.
Any help greatly appreciated

It may be that you aren't pressing the button in far enough for it to catch. You have to press it all the way in, past the point of its being flush with the case.

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    The following previous discussion may help: Re: How do I eject a photo card from the computer when I'm finished uploading photos?

  • Eject Button Inactivated Disc Won't Eject

    I just bought my macbook pro new and suddenly (since I updated to 10.6.6, coincidence?) my eject button will not work, nor does it made any effort to eject the disc that I put inside. I've tried pushing eject (no symbol or noise), I've tried using terminal to eject, I've tried restarting it at pushing commandoption+of, I've tried using a credit card. Problem is two fold... my disc is stuck in there (and I'm scared to use a paperclip) and the eject button does not work. The computer also does not show a disc is inserted so I can eject it using the computer programs or utilities.

    Five ways to eject a stuck CD or DVD from the optical drive
    Ejecting the stuck disc can usually be done in one of the following ways:
    1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the left mouse button until the disc ejects.
    2. Press the Eject button on your keyboard.
    3. Click on the Eject button in the menubar.
    4. Press COMMAND-E.
    5. If none of the above work try this:
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following:
    /usr/bin/drutil eject.
    If this fails then try this:
    Boot the computer into single-user mode. At the prompt enter the same command as used above. To restart the computer enter "reboot" at the prompt without quotes.
    I would consider repairing your hard drive and permissions. If this doesn't help then you will need to reinstall OS X:
    Reinstall OS X without erasing the drive
    1. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    2. Reinstall Snow Leopard
    If the drive is OK then quit DU and return to the installer. Proceed with reinstalling OS X. Note that the Snow Leopard installer will not erase your drive or disturb your files. After installing a fresh copy of OS X the installer will move your Home folder, third-party applications, support items, and network preferences into the newly installed system.

  • PC card ejector button trouble

    I hope I haven't ruined my computer, but I just tried a PC card in my card reader slot for the 1st time. The 1st attempt went fine and my files were downloaded. The second attempt with a different flashcard holder did not go well. I was unable to easily eject the device, and I had to pull on it to get it to eject. My eject button is now in the out position, and will not lock back into the computer.
    Has this happened to anyone else? I called the nearest Apple Store and they told me to bring it in so they could look at it and hopefully fix the problem.

    One thing to try is to pull the ejector button until it is as far out as it can be. Then try amd push it back in and get it to click. The button doesn't always come out far enough to enagge the spring. So when you push it in it just keeps coming out and does not lock in place. If you pull slightly on the eject button until it is all the way out as far as it can be, and then push it back in it should lock.


    i have a macbook pro with retina display , and i want to know how i eject the disc from the apple external optical drive i can't see the eject button on the keyboard layout.

    Ralph Landry1 wrote:
    Works for me every time without failure.
    It's not a matter of failure, it's the idea of training people to associate the Trash with unmounting a volume. The Trash is a mechanism for the permanent deletion of your data, and designed to appear as such. Apple haters used to laugh at this..."Eject by dragging to the Trash? And you say the Mac is intuitive? Ha ha ha..." And they were right. It's better to teach ways that actually make more sense.
    The great thing about all the newer ways is that they are easily discoverable, you don't have to remember or figure out that you have to virtually trash your disk. A new user would naturally expect to find an Eject command or button, and there they are in plain sight.
    SwankPeRFection wrote:
    I always find a ton of mounted installers left behind by users who install stuff on their systems.  I don't understand why Apple cannot make an automated process to unmount the installer once it's done.  Just seems stupid to me I guess.  I've seen that mounted installer confuse people into clicking on it each and every time they want to start the app because they don't understand that once it's installed, that installer should be ejected because they're done with it.
    I agree about the installer volume behavior...and Apple made it worse in Mountain Lion by putting the volumes on the bottom of the Finder sidebar, which is often out of view. Incidentally, drag-to-trash does not seem to work with volumes in the sidebar, but the other Eject methods do.
    The "installer problem" is another reason I love the other methods much more than dragging to the trash. To eject multiple volumes by selecting them and pressing Command-E is much faster than the time taken to gather them up with the mouse and drag all of them to a specific spatial target.

  • TS1393 I cannot eject my iPod using either itunes or the eject button on bottom tool bar beacuse it says something is in use by another application or "The device 'generic volume' cannot be stopped because  a program is still accessing it" Synced new iPad

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    Go to your computer's System Tray and try ejecting.  If you can't eject, there is an application that is trying to access your iPod.
    Go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx and download ProcessExplorer.
    Go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555665 and follow the instructions under Resolution.
    Note that this is a good, general process any time you can't access any file.
    In my case an update to RealPlayer installed a program called RecordingManager that was accessing my iPod.

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    With Applescript Editor crate an application with the following script:
    tell application "Finder"
    end tell
    Put the application in the Dock and clicking on it will restart your MBA.

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    Hi there,
    I have a real problem with dvd drive. I inserted many CD/DVD into disk drive of my MBP but it eject them just after inserting even without reading them. It seems that eject button is stucked.
    So I forced a CD to stay in drive (I know I'm ...) and then the CD is stucked there.
    Also, when I click the eject button (beside F12), it do not work at all. I means that the eject screen picture do not appear on the screen.
    Any Ideas?
    Many thanks.

    At first glance it seems a hardware problem. But I have tried the DVD drive over network with another OS and it works fine. As mentioned in this post "http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2142828&start=15&tstart=0" by "Zungoeie", I contacted Apple store and they said that it's hardware problem and I have to replace my DVD drive (I have no warranty since two month). So as I'm computer engineer, I did not accept that it's a hardware problem as I've checked it with another OS. In the post cited above, one have proposed a SOFTWARE solution which I'm going to try tonight.

  • Remote control and eject button not working?

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    I've tried to search for the issue but only find people complaining about the new Front Row design or how they cannot eject volumes at all. (Which is not my case)
    Has some people had this error and fixed it?
    Thanks in advance.

    The remote control could be because I deactivated my IR receiver
    That leaves my eject button.

  • Add a CD Drive, now Eject button doesn't work

    I am very new to Mac so if this is easy to fix sorry.
    My G4 only had one CD ROM drive so I added a second to the bay. However once starting up the system the eject button did not work. I took out the added drive and set things back to how it was. Now the button still does not work. How can I get the button to work. I can't even get a CD in the drive with out it.

    Hi, Darin35 -
    What model G4 is it? If you're not sure of the Apple designation for your model, one of these Apple KBase articles should help you identify it -
    Article #58418 - Power Mac G4: How to Differentiate Between Models
    Article #42739 - Power Mac G4: How to Differentiate Between Models (part 2)
    One of the reasons I ask that is that all G4s which have an external button on the optical drive door were designed for only one optical drive, with the second (lower) bay designed for a Zip drive. If yours is one of these, how did you get the second optical drive into the lower bay?
    In general, the external button on G4 optical drive doors works indirectly - it is a plastic part, designed so that pushing on the button causes an arm/lever to press the actual eject button on the face of the optical drive itself. It is possible that arm got misaligned (or even broken) during reassembly of the case parts. You can examine it and test it fairly easily by carefully prying open the external door - be gentle; you are pulling against a mild spring.

  • Eject button no longer works after iTunes audio CD burn

    Hi, after upgrading to the latest version of iTunes, the eject button on my drive does not work after burning a CD.
    It still works with other applications, just not iTunes (but it did before the latest upgrade).
    Luckily, I can still eject disc's using the iTunes, or Windows Explorer software - but it's a pain.
    Is anyone else having this problem?
    Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide!

    For my Matshita UJ-831Da CD/DVD drive, the driver version showing in device manager is 5.1.2535.0. I just now clicked on "update driver" and the reply was that a newer version could not be found.
    But why would doing a "Run Diagnostics" in iTunes now freeze / crash my whole system when it never did before? It only began doing that after it also began failing to burn CDs. Again, the iTunes software is the only software that has ceased to burn CDs.
    Several months ago, I finally reached by phone a girl at Apple tech support who first denied there were any known problems. But when I told her that the web was full of thousands of people screaming about this very issue she recanted and admitted that iTunes was having these problems, that they had posted the fix for some of the other CD/DVD drives but not mine. She then said, "but if you pay $35 I'll tell you how to fix it." Absolutely unethical. That's like buying a car then being told that there's now an extra fee for being told how to start it. She may have lied about knowing what the fix is, but either way it's absolutely unethical.
    The problem is iTunes. iTunes changed and now won't drive the same current drive it worked with when iTunes accepted my money, in advance, to purchase and burn music at future dates. iTunes should fix the problem.
    I'm willing to go through the leg-work, to try all of Apple's instructions here, but Apple also needs to follow through with this.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Does any one have a solution to a blank disk not being read and unresponive to the eject button?

    does any one have a solution to a blank disk not being read and unresponive to the eject button?

    Apple Portables: Troubleshooting the slot load optical disc drive  
    Cures for an uncooperative CD/DVD drive
    The Stuck CD/DVD Thread

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    here is a troubleshooting article from Apple about this: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2801.  Hope this helps

  • Clock will not display, Eject button not working

    Odd problems. Users clock will not display, check the box and it will not stay, clock never appears. Now the eject button will not function properly.
    Logged in as a different user, same problems. Must be a system thing...
    Ran Disk utilities both while in the OS and from the install CD. It did find some problems but says it repaired them all. No change.
    Ran TechTool Pro, it said it found some problems and fixed them. No change.
    Trashed all preferences and .plists, reboot. Everything reset to defaults no change to clock or eject button.
    System is G4 Mirror Door Dual 1.25Ghz, 1GB RAM, on system 10.3.9 all updates applied.
    The odd thing is everything else seems to be working properly... None of the Apps complain or display anything wrong...
    Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
    X Serv G5 2.3 Dualies Mac OS X (10.4.2)
    X Serv G5 2.3 Dualies   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    I see that you list X Serv and Tiger 10.4.2 for your computer profile. I presume that you are talking about a different computer in the text of your post since you specify system 10.3.9.
    Problems of that nature can often be rectified by removing the com.apple.systemuiserver.plist from the ~Library/Preferences Folder, or by reapplying the most recent Combo update.

  • Eject button not working on dvd/cd tray

    You name it, I've tried it! Apples advice was to backup my work and wipe the dripe and reinstall the OS. Guess what - the eject button still doesn't work! Well done apple. That'll be 2 days wasted of precious production time.
    All this after a new power supply and logic board being installed by the apple store in birmingham because the mac had no power going to it. (6 week old MacPro 2.66) Yet the eject button worked fine when it came back from repair.
    Has anybody got and realistic ideas as to why the eject button doesn't work.
    I can manually eject the tray and also when using toast I can eject the tray - its just in the OS that its not working. I hav tried dropping a link to the eject button on the customize menu but the icon is just greyed out.
    I have even dropped in a brand new cd/dvd drive from another mac still with the same result.

    Right - the story is concluded - Finally!!!! Apparently when the technician removed the optical drive unit whilst fitting the new power supply and logic board he didn't fit the cables back into the right places on the drive!!!
    But at least now its fixed and I can get back on with some work.

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