Pc real time et vision builder AI incompatibles?

Voila mon problème, j'ai un PC cible temps réel avec 2 caméra branchées en firewire dessus, MAX sur le Pc de déploiement voit bien ces 2 caméras,
par contre j'aimerais utiliser Vision Builder AI pour utiliser ces 2 caméras, mais lorsque que je déclare mon PC cible RT dans Vision builder AI par l'adresse IP,
VBAI me donne un message d'erreur d'incompatibilité entre VBAI et Le PC RT.
Pourquoi ai je ce problème? est ce un problème de drivers? faut-il obligatoirement acheter un système CVS?
merci pour votre aide.

Il me semble que VBAI n'est compatible en RT qu'avec quelques materiels specifiques comme les EVS et CVS.
Pour plus d'informations : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/1179AB5950603C4786256FAD0004DB8A?OpenDocument
Da Helmut

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    Would you please help me?
    Thank you

    The Active Time reports how long the inspection has been running. Why does this not work for you? It sounds like this is what you want since you're looking for something like LabVIEW's Timer. The main difference is that LV's timer starts at a random offset, and VBAI's Active Time always starts at 0 from when the inspection starts. If you want the system time, there is a System Variable called Current Time that reports the time of the system. It only reports the time to the second, so if you need more accuracy, you can use a Run LabVIEW VI to get the current time with more accuracy.
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi T.P Titherington,
    The Active Time shows the time the inspection states have been running. Thus, this time will 'pause' when you stop the Inspection and resume when starting again (minus the idle time). To reset this you can use Inspection>>Reset Inspection Statistics.

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    Vaibhav Kanchan
    Sr. Engineer
    NI Certified LabVIEW Developer(CLD)
    NI Certified TestStand Developer(CTD}

    There are multiple ways to add functionality to Vision Builder AI using a set of VIs you wrote:
    1) Vision Builder AI can run a VI you write that use your VIs using the Run LabVIEW VI step.
    2) You can also develop a custom step (that include the configuration page) for a better user experience, using the VBAI SDK, and use your VIs inside.
    With these 2 solutions, you will need to use a specific version of LabVIEW to integrate your library, as Vision Builder AI is a LabVIEW application, and VBAI will execute the code from the Run LabVIEW step, or custom step using the LabVIEW runtine engine that it was built with. The version of LabVIEW depends on the version of VBAI. For example, for VBAI 2011SP1, you need to use LabVIEW 2010.
    3) You can automate/drive Vision Builder AI from LabVIEW on Windows. (Open an inspection, run once, run continuously, etc, and get the resulting results and image that you can further process using your library. You can use the API on Windows with any version of LabVIEW.
    For example, the VBAI 2011 API supports LabVIEW 8.5 through 2011.
    You will run your developped application on Windows only, but it will be able to control Vision Builder AI running on remote targets.
    If you're running Vision Builder AI on Windows, I see no compatibility issues with any of the above solution, except for using the correct version of LabVIEW in the first 2 solutions I mentioned. Using 1) and 2), you will also be able to develop code that can run on targets that Vision Builder AI supports, like smart cameras, and embedded vision systems.
    If you plan to support remote targets, like smart cameras or Embedded Vision Systems, there are things to consider for your library to be compatible:
    These targets run different operating systems: some run Pharlap, some run VxWorks, all run LabVIEW real-time on these OSes. If you used LabVIEW and Vision Development module to build you library based on VDM, the only thing to consider is to make sure to use the same version of LabVIEW and Vision Development Module installed on the target. Let me explain:
    When you configure one of these remote targets from Vision Builder AI running on the Windows host machine, we install an image that contains a specific version of LabVIEW Real-time and Vision Development Module (For example, in the case of VBAI 2011 SP1, the remote target image has LabVIEW Real-Time 2010 and Vision Development Module 2011). Those should be the versions you need to use to create your VI to run with the Run LabVIEW step or custom step). We ran into some compatibility issues when customers update their Windows machine with a newer version of Vision Development Module, and write a VI or custom step they want to run in VBAI, that uses a new function that is not supported with the DLLs installed on the target.
    If your Vision Library uses some other DLLs (code you may have written in text based language or third party DLL), you will have to recompile the DLL for the operating system of the target (Pharlap or VXWorks, depending on the target) for the code to work on the remote target.
    Hope this helps and is not too confusing.
    Best regards,

  • Configuring Vision Builder demo software with real time EVS 1464

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Frank Noe,
    Have you connected the device and set it up as specified in the manuals? A good place to look to ensure you have taken the proper setup steps is the 1464 RT's getting started guide. Pay particular attention to the steps listed on pages 8-12. If you have everything connected and setup properly, and are still encountering this issue, take a look in the 1464's user manual in appendix D. On pages D-4 and D-5, the manual lists troubleshooting steps for the device not being listed as a target in VBAI. Hope this helps.
    Matt J.

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    Info On My Project    
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    Vaishakh A  K

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    Hi turtle,
    Here is a link that explains how to set up a desktop PC as a real-time target.  The section for Formatting & Setup should help you the most.
    NI Developer Zone Tutorial: Requirements for Desktop PCs as LabVIEW Real-Time Targets
    Justin D.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    The build was unsuccessful.
    Possible reasons
    An error occurred while saving the following file:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\vi.lib\rvi\ClientSDK\Core\ModuleGeneration\CommunicationInterfaceUtility\niFpgaDmaChannelImplementation.ctl
    Invoke Node in AB_Source_VI.lvclass:Close_Reference.vi->AB_Build.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi->AB_Application.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi->AB_RTEXE.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi->AB_Build.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_Application.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_RTEXE.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_Build.lvclass:Build_from_Wizard.vi->AB_UI_Frmwk_Build.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_UI_FRAMEWORK.vi->AB_CreateNewWizard_Invoke_CORE.vi->RTBUIP_CreateNewWizard_Invoke.vi->RTBUIP_CreateNewWizard_Invoke.vi.ProxyCaller
    Method Name: <b>Save:Target Instrument</b>
    I put in a service request (Reference#7259553) but I am just not getting help fast enough. I am on a real deadline here and I just sort of expected the application builder to work like it has always done. I have done this a million times with other applications and never had an issue like this. 
    Thanks in advance for your help guys.
    [will work for kudos]
    Go to Solution.

    With the fantastic help of applications engineer Will Schoettler, we were able to solve the problem.
    1. First we tried creating a new project file from scratch, adding all the files and compiling the fpga. Same error.
    2. Next we made individual builds deploying each subvi individually to see if one of them was causing the error. Each built without a problem.
    3. I tried to create a new build for the main crio program and tweek the settings. Instead of manually adding the subvi and variable library folder to the 'always include' section of the build option, I simply added the main VI to the startup programs list and was going to let LabVIEW figure out which VIs to add. For some reason this gave me a more verbose error explanation and gave the following reason as the last sentance in the error explanation
    "Due to operating system limitations, LabVIEW cannot create the folder because its complete path contains too many characters." 
    I moved the project folder to c:/ , fixed the broken references in the project, and it built the VI and deployed it just fine.
    The builder creates a directory with a really long path name within your project folder, so if you have your project folder deep in your directory tree it will attempt to create files with paths too big for windows to handle.
    Mad Kudos to Will Schoettler the app engineer for such a potent and thorough troubleshooting task list of things to try that lead me straight to the solution. I am glad it was something so simple and not some form of file corruption or something wrong with my code. 
    Thanks for trying to help guys.
    [will work for kudos]

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    An error occurred while building the following file:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.0\vi.lib\real-time\rtutility.llb\FPC pad/strip string to size.vi
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    Anyone can tell me how to solve the problem?
    Is it correct that the filename of a VI contains the character "/"? (FPC pad/strip string to size.vi)

    You fall in a LabView library error..sorry.
    As you have imagined the problem is the slash in the filename and to solve you have to remove it. Go to ..\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.0\vi.lib\real-time\rtutility.llb and rename the file.
    Let me know if this solve.
    AE Manager
    NI Italy

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    How far is practical to build a message driven (HL7) real time datawarehouse on a EAI,which can be used for BI , considering the issues of data cleansing, integrity that are relevent in Healthcare instead of a traditional datawarehouse ?

    Hi A.Lal,
    Since you have mentioned ECC5.0,Assuming that the client is generating the following reports in ECC,already:
    The Production report (ZPRD)
    Wastage Report (YWR)
    A Charge Register Report
    then brainstorm the PP functional consultant and try to pick the R3 Fields from the reports.Then its all about mapping them to the BW Info objects.
    If these reports are not maintained at ECC ,then you need to have sessions with the users/PP Consultant to decide whether u can go ahead with BC or get some customizing done..

  • Run time error running Vision Builder AI inspection from TestStand

    I have TestStand 3.1 and Vision Builder for AI v2.6.1.
    I would like to run from TestStand a Vision Builder Program or steps. For to achieve that, I have followed the instructions on Application Note 215, Running a Vision Builder AI Inspection from TestStand.
    After installation, the option in TestStand InsertStep>NI Vision Builder AI>Inspection works properly.
    But when try to execute a step with that inspection, and whatever operation of that one, the result is the following error:
    Run-Time Error
       Details: Error executing substep 'Post'.
    An error occurred calling 'ExecuteStep' in '_NIVBAITestStandSteps' of 'NIVBAITestStandAPI'.
       Error Code: -2147417851; User defined code. Possible System Error: The server sent an exception.
      At this point really I don´t know what to do, and I don't find any extra help apart of application note.
      I will appreciate some suggestion.

    I've found some more information that may help.  Since these TestStand steps are simply call a DLL with an exported ActiveX API, path issues may exist.  In fact, the overwhelming number of times this error appears, paths seems to be the case. I am not sure why the error is an indication of a path issue, but that seems to be the case.  I would recommend that you would reregister the DLL, this time in the same directory as the example sequence.  To do this:
    - Unregister the current DLL by going to Start Menu>>Run, and typing: regsvr32 /u NIVBAITestStandAPI.dll
    - Move the DLL from the system32 folder to the folder in which the example sequence is saved.
    - Reregister the DLL from the run command (regsvr32 <folder path>\NIVBAITestStandAPI.dll)
    - Restart TestStand if it is open
    I apologize for not having any concrete answers, but this one is proving tough without me being able to replicate the issue.

  • Run-time License for Vision builder

    I have created a VBAI file for my inspection in, but now I want to transfer the inspection LabVIEW and build an exe to run the application.
    Now for running that application do I require a NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Run-Time License or a NI Vision Development Module Run-Time License.
    Ninad Regundwar
    Junior Engineer | ARAV Technologies | www.aravtech.com

    Instead of migrating to LabVIEW, you might want to consider automating Vision Builder from LabVIEW and running your inspection by using the VBAI API.
    Check out the examples located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2013\API Examples\LabVIEW Examples.
    The VBAI API allows to start a VBAI engine, open and run an inspection and retrieve images and results for each step.
    When using this method, if you're running the LabVIEW program on the same machine VBAI is installed, you do not need to purchase the VBAI runtime, neither the Vision Development Module Runtime (unless you wish to process further the image returned by VBAI.
    If you need to deploy that LabVIEW application on a different machine, then you'll need to purchase a VBAI Runtime license.
    If you choose instead to migrate the inspection to LabVIEW, then you will need to purchase a full license of Vision Development module for your development machine (the code generated uses Vision Development Module VIs).
    If you choose to build the resulting code into a LabVIEW application and deploy it on a different machine, you will need a Vision Development Module Runtime License for the deployment machine (but not a VBAI license).
    Migrating the code to LabVIEW is recommended only in cases where you need to modify the code generated by VBAI. The code generated is indeed a lot more complex than using the VBAI API that I described in the first option.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,

  • To build 2 real time measures in RPD

    I want to know, how to build 2 real time measures in RPD by using Session and Repository Variables in the expression?
    With Regards,

    Hi ,
    Is this an ODI question or OBIEE one ?
    For OBIEE , post your query in Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition

  • Labview 7.0 is compatable with Labview Imaq6.1 , vision builder 6.0 and Imaq run time engine 6.0.

    My system is PXI 8174 and i an using NI 1411 card for my application. I want to know the compatability of the softwares. Whether Labview 7 is compatable with Labview Imaq 6.1 , vision builder 6.0 and Imaq run time engine 6.0.

    Assuming you meant IMAQ Vision 6.1 instead of IMAC 6.1, this software was intended to run on LabVIEW 5.1, 6.0, and 6.1.  I have heard of it being used with LabVIEW 7 on occasion, so it may be possible to make it work, but this has not been tested and is not officially supported.  Vision Builder 6.0 should run; however, it was developed long before LabVIEW 7.x and will not generated code for LabVIEW 7.0 and later.  The Vision RTE version should correspond to the version of Vision you are using.  For instance, if the program was developed with Vision 6.1, the computer should have the Vision 6.1 RTE installed.  With this being said, if you plan to use LabVIEW 7, I recommend updating your other software.
    Ryan M.
    Applications Engineer

  • Is vision development module in labview 8.6. sufficient for real-time image acquisition and analysis using a webcam

    I'm new to labview and trying to develop an eye-tracker using labview 8.6. It has the vision development module and i was wondering if this was sufficient for real-time image acquisition and processing or would i be needing any other software tools.
    Go to Solution.

    Hello, certainly it is possible and sufficient for real-time tracking!
    About eye tracking - if you need an example, you can find the code here:
    The code uses OpenCV functionalities along with the LabView UI (and some other functions like overlay).
    Hope this helps a bit.
    Best regards,
    "Kudos: Users may give one another Kudos on the forums for posts that they found particularly helpful or insightful."

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