Pcmcia-CAN/2 no ack

I am working with a NI PCMCIA CAN/2 Series 2 Card.  I have an application which sends commands to a Freescale microcontroller and receives responses using the Frame API. The card will sucessfully send the message every time I instruct it to, however after getting a few valid responses, the card no longer acknowledges the next received frame which forces the microcontroller to transmit the same message over and over again. The message that is not getting acknowledged has the valid arbitration ID and valid data.
I am verifying all CAN traffic using Intronix Logic Port Logic Analyzer.  I am almost certain it has nothing to do with the way the Labview application is written because this is also occurring with some of the CAN examples.
I am not sure who to contact at NI, because the FAE in our area is not very helpful.  I have a PCI and another PCMCIA card being shipped here next week, but I would like to figure out why the card I have is doing this.

Not many FSE's are so familiar with CAN Bus to answer this kind of question. But you could call your branch support and they would certainly love to help you out.
Make sure all connected devices are having the same kind of transceiver. (High speed, Low Speed or Single Wire). Additionally based on your transceiver type make sure the cabling is terminated correctly. For High Speed for example both ends of the cable should be terminated with 120 ohm resistors.
Hope that helps.
Message Edited by DirkW on 09-08-2008 09:05 AM

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    -Vamshi Ainapur
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Vamshi,
    The NI-CAN 2.6 driver supports the PCMCI-CAN Series 2 under Vista x86.  Please note that the PCMCIA-CAN and PCMCIA-CAN/2 interfaces are not supported on the 64-bit version of Windows Vista.  This information is available in the readme file, located on the driver's download page.
    Have a great week.
    O. Proulx
    National Instruments

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    You can use both FireWire and USB CardBus PC cards. CardBus supports both 32-bit and the older PCMCIA 16-bit protocols.
    A FireWire PC card is natively supported in all versions of OSX...no drivers to install.
    USB 1.1/2.0 PC cards are also natively supported but it gets a little more complicated:
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    Message was edited by: jpl


    ich möchte die PCMCIA-CAN/2 nutzen, um Firmware in einen Digitalen Signalprozessor (DSP56F807) zu laden.
    Ein entsprechender Bootloader existiert bereits für einen ähnlichen Controller, ein PC-DOS-Programm zum Laden der Firmware in den Controller ebenfalls. Jedoch sofort nach Aufruf dieses Programmes erscheint die Fehlermeldung 0xBFF62002 (Driver-Error), obwohl die CAN-Karte Korrekt installiert ist (Driver-Version 2.2). Der Selbsttest lief erfolgreich durch, der Zugriff auf die CAN-Karte mittels LabVIEW funktioniert reibungslos. Im Kapitel des beiliegenden PDF-Dokumentes ist beshrieben, wie mit dem Tool umzugehen ist.
    Woran kann der Fehler liegen?

    es geht speziell um das Tool "sRecLoad.exe" von Freescale (ehemals Motorola). Dieses Tool dient dafür, um Firmware über CAN in einen Microcontroller zu laden. Dabei werden die *.s - Files über die CAN-Karte an den Controller übertragen und dieser speichert sie dann im internen Flash.
    Soeben habe ich die gleiche Prozedur mit der Version 2.3 probiert, da scheint dieser Fehler nicht mehr vorhanden zu sein. Ich schicke beide Versionen der NicanErr.txt, woran kann der Fehler liegen? Was wurde in Version 2.3 geändert?
    nicanErr.zip ‏23 KB

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    Hi christophe14,
    it's no problem to synchronize a Series 2 PCMCIA-CAN/2 card and a USB-DAQPAD-6015. However, you might want to take a look at this this KnowledgeBase article.
    Similar to using a PCMCIA-CAN and a DAQcard, you would need to use the PCMCIA-CAN Synchronization Cable to connect the PCMCIA-CAN card to the 68-pin connector of the USB-DAQPAD.

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    Command:  Version ID?: 0000 0000 0000 001B
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    1-First does MAX actually wrap the remainder of the Full CAN message, for example the CRC checksum?
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    thanks in advance,

    1. Yes it does.
    2. Yes you can.
    Have Fun.


    Hello Everyone,
    can anyone tell me if the PCMCIA CAN/2 is directly supported by Diadem / Max WITHOUT the use of external drivers (ie Vector db files)? 
    Thanks, Jeff

    Hello Jeff,
    the only thing you need is the NI_CAN driver for your device. Then install the driver, put in the device, go to MAX and make a channel list. Start DIAdem, got to DAC module. There you will find a CAN block. in it you can load the CAN channels and work with it.
    Hope this helps,
    Rebecca Fox
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Install of PCMCIA CAN Series 2 Card

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    Hi James,
    That sounds like as if you got a bad card. Your card is still under
    warranty. Please contact your local National Instruments branch office to get the board
    checked/repaired and give them the same description of the problem.

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    Go to Solution.

    Not sure what version is needed, but this may get you started:
    "It’s the questions that drive us.”

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    Do you get any error code/message back? Sounds like the Java wrappers that you made for the C dll's need to be recompiled? If the application runs in a weird way using the bus monitor.exe (\NI-CAN) would help.

  • PCMCIA-CAN Series 2 hanging

    We are using a PCMCIA-CAN series 2 board on two of our machines to get/send PDO data to CANOpen network of 6 nodes.
    Built in 2007, Labview 2010 application (using CANOpen library 1.1.3 in combination with NI-CAN version 2.7.4) seemed to work OK mainly because we used it on short period of time (under 12h). To run more longer tests, we run now the machine over 24h continuously and this revealed a small bug. We investigated the case first with NI-SPY. It reported a communication lost problem with the board firmware and propose different solutions or checks (windows interrupts, application code, etc...). 
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    We then run the application with other faster computer and made all software updates. Now, NI-TRACE reports (attached with this post) other errors but symptoms are still the same. Application is not able to communicate with board to get/send the PDOs values (or send/recaive SDOs) even the nodes on the CAN network are running OK. It seems that firmware implemented on board stopped functionning or hanged.
    We contacted NI sales representative in order to get version 1.1.4 of the CANOpen library (support for LV 2010) but did not get any proposal at this time. We suppose that there is no firmware update as the product is now obsolete. Of course, recommandation was also to switch to new NI PCI board with new library for industrial communications but which is unforunately a little too large to be installed in our panel PC. Another manufacturer hardware will fit for sure...
    Reading back my posts in 2007-2008, I remembered also that the PCMCIA boards had more limitations than others PCI boards for example. But, before changing hardware and rewriting the code, I want to give these boards (and all the work done in the past) a last chance.
    Does one of you have suggestions or solutions for me ?
    Thanks in advance.
    20130329SMTSpyCapture.nitrace ‏304 KB
    nicanErr.txt ‏5 KB

    Please find below two snapshots of the code and in particular the TPDO and RPDO loops I have in my main vi.
    The TPDO loop receives an array of clusters containing each with  TPDO elements declared. Array contains 7 elements actually. TPDO time refresh time has been set to 200ms so that loop switches on a waiting time for each TPDO around 28ms. CAN network speed is 1Mbits/s and the 6 CAN nodes has been setup to send their TPDOs every 20 or 30ms. Only the one used are sent.
    The vi "Get TPDO data" is implementing the TPDO wait function. If a new TPDO is available, its value is compared with the stored one (in array element). If new, the TPDO cluster is updated and put in a queue. Then, in this Producer/Consumer queue principle, the second loop dispatches the values in the variables.
    The RPDO loop is based on same principle except that the 2 RPDOs are set every 50 ms. The application then uses SDO to send other commands to the nodes.
    When our problem appears, we notice that values are not refreshed anymore on the front panel, even commands with SDO are no more possible. Spying the CAN network shows normal activity of the nodes.
    First error message we got from NI-SPY was :
    “Overflow in the lower level read queue of the CAN card (frames lost).  NI-CAN reads this queue at Windows interrupt-time. Solutions: Avoid tasks that generate excessive interrupts on your PC (mouse, ethernet, ...); Avoid running other
    applications during your test (screen savers, MAX, ...); use Series 2 Filter Mode to filter incoming traffic; For CAN Objects (Frame API), increase read queue length or call Read more frequently”
    So we checked our configuration and computer (scren saver, network connection, etc...). We also ran the application with another one, made updates... Now NI-TRACE reports the information contained in the files attached to my last post. Hard to find the bug if it occurs only after several hours of running time...
    With these information, any suggestions or comments ?
    TPDO Loop.PNG ‏100 KB
    RPDO Loop.PNG ‏68 KB

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    Just want to know if it's possible to synchronize series 2 PCMIA CAN/s or USB-8473s with USB-6229. If so how to connect the two setup together through RTSI connection? I assume I would follow the example VI "CAN Sync Start with NI-DAQmx". Thanks.

    Hi Blayne,
    Thanks for your reply. I used the reference design and connected it as follow. However I can see that the CAN and DAQ start is still not synchronize, I suspect I need to configure the startTrigger. Basically I want to it to start capturing analog and CAN data simultaneously when I start running. Analog signal will always be there, I suppose to set the trigger source to an analog input (AI0), when it start capturing, generate a pulse on the startTrigger to start CAN capture. How would I go about doing this?
    From the USB-8473s to USB-6229
    CLK -> 10Mhz pulse AO to PFI12
    TRIG -> ai/StartTrigger to PFI0
    GND -> DGND
    I've attached a draft of my program.
    Thanks a lot.
    cansync_11Oct11.vi ‏61 KB

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    Moving card to T43 from T41 laptop.    Card does not appear in Max (did refresh)  Device manager says device is working properly -Thoughts?

    Hi Angela
    Please disregard the email concerning the tools not showing up in LV7.0. My mistake.   Still having problems though.  One thing i noticed is that I am back to my original problem i had when I ran nidnet 1.4. If i stop my program and try to restart it, i get a message that another app is running though my program does close properly.  An app eng at NI had previously directed me to download a newer version and the problem went away.  I am currently downloading 1.4.2 in the hopes that this is the fix.   Hoping that my simple terminal programs will magically start working again.
    Thanx so much
    Best Regards

  • Ack from SAP R/3 to file..

    We have a requirement in our scenario like this where in we are posting the PLM data from Windchill to SAP R/3,
    From Windchill we are getting the data as an XML where we can read through file adapter and in the SAP side we are using RFC adapter to connect with SAP R/3, After updating the data in the R/3 we need some acknowledgment from the SAP R/3 system whether succesffully uploaded the data or not.. is it necessary to use BPM if so how can we get ACK the BPM's basically sends response when it delievers the data from XI server.
    Can any one suggest the solution..

    You don't need to use a BPM for that..
    Do this way..
    Create two synchronous message interfaces...
    OUTbound---give file as your output message and input message as your acknowledgement structure...
    INbound---you don't need to do because your RFC acts at interface level..
    In interface mapping use these too...and map between file structure and RFC request(sources)...and map between RFC response(have some data for ack purpose) and RFC response(target structures).
    Configure file adapter at sender side and RFCa dapter at receiver end.
    Hope this will do.

  • How to reject ACK/NACK from other Send Ports to Orchestration

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a below scenario, Please let me your ideas how can we avoid ACK from other send ports (If there is any failures), in my current scenario getting issues or conflicts because of this
    Key points in my scenarios
    SendPort_A is pointing to SAP
    SendPort_B is pointing to SQL
    Receive MessageA and Transform to MessageB format, send MessageB to SendPort_A which directly bind to orchestration with transmitted property enabled.
    SendPort_B subscribes the same message, output of map with message type as filter condition (we are not expecting any Acknowledge from sendPort_B, because it’s a generic send port for some scenario).
    When I see the context properties both send ports has AckRequired
    Property to true (so getting ACK/NACK from both send ports).
    I want acknowledgement only form SendPort_A which is bind to orchestration with transmitted property enabled, but not from the SendPort_B which subscribes just with message type.
    I have tried the below points but no luck
    Created custom pipeline with custom pipeline component to set / overwrite
    AckRequired Property to false (Pipeline component is working fine, but nothing is overwriting in context, getting acknowledge back to orchestration for any failure in SendPort_B)
    #region IComponentUI
    public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
    pInMsg.Context.Write("AckRequired", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/system-properties", false);
    return pInMsg;
    Below images gives some info on the same scenario.
    Appreciate your suggestions.
    Thanks, SMS Vikas K

    Hi Vikas,
    Let me know if I understood correctly.
    SendPort_B subscribes the same message, output of map with message type as filter condition (we are not expecting any Acknowledge from sendPort_B, because it’s a generic send port for some scenario).
    You have a send port B which is subscribing to the same message using the message type.
    You can set additional filters to ignore Acknowledgement-
    Ex- Mgtype= "" AND
    AckRequired!=True OR
    Please mark this post accordingly if it answers your query or is helpful.

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