Pdf accesible

je suis en train de préparer un pdf accessible  à partir de Indesign mon problème est que une fois fait l'exportation si j’essaie de faire une lecture de voix du document la lecture se fait ligne par ligne et pas pour paragraphe d'un coup je me suis rendu compte que dans le pdf je ne peux pas sélectionner un paragraphe mais une ligne, et si je regarde le contenu  chaque ligne est dans un conteneur span et le texte est sépare lettre par lettre, donc imposible de lire le document... help

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  • Ayuda PDF Accesible

    Hola estoy buscando informacion acerca de como hacer bien un PDF accesible, con un documento creado desde un programa de diseño como quark o in design.
    Hablando de Acrobat : 8
    1.-He probado hacerlo con el agregar etiquetas automático y te hace un orden de lectura incorrecto para lectores de pantalla, ademas que las etiquetas que agrega cuando le das a la revisión completa te dice que no están en el árbol estructural.
    2.-He probado poner etiquetas también, y se hace mejor, sin embargo cuando le das al full check
    pues me da problemas también, pues se conoce que los programas de impresión exportan cosas que no se ven a simple vista como imagenes que no pertenecen a la maquetación, y objetos extraños.
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    this option is marked

  • Problem with accesible pdf

    Hi all,
    I have done a dynamic pdf but it's not accesible. I'm trying to resolve this problem using Touchup Object Tool to put alt text and language but it appears with all these options disabled so I can't changed them. Any idea for this problem? Why do they appears disabled? Any wrong configuration in my pdf configuration?
    Thanks in advance

    Are you using LiveCycle for this new form you created? Try the palettes option when right clicking on the design page. You'll see one for accessibility. There you can use caption, original text, help text, etc. Not to mention there is also a great new tab order in the new LiveCycle Designer that comes with Acrobat 9. I hope this helps, if you have some questions feel free to contact me.
    Kara Zirkle
    IT Accessibility Coordinator
    George Mason University
    [email protected]

  • OBIEE 10G Embedded Image not displayed on PDF

    We have some embedded images (source on network share or on the webserver) on a dashboard. On the screen the images are displayed without problems.
    But if we want to print the dashboard (f.e. PDF) the images are not printed. In html-view the images would be displayed.
    Is there a known bug that images can't be printed on dashboard pages or do we have to embed them different?
    Thank you

    Hi Team,
    I do face the same issue of image not displayed in only pdf output format. Our client has deployed OBIEE using Weblogic application server and is accesible through a secured url access.
    I have followed the fmap syntax to locate the image, also made sure the image is getting accessed through url, tried with different images of different sizes . In all cases the image display is appearing fine in HTML & Excel output. But not getting displayed only for pdf output.
    Can you please help me with this regard if am missing any specific setup for pdf output. Is there is any pointers or documentation available to get around this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

  • OBIEE 11G Embedded Image not displayed on PDF

    I have some embedded images on a dashboard. On the screen the images are displayed without problems.
    But if we want to print the dashboard (f.e. PDF) the images are not printed. In html-view the images would be displayed.
    All the images are referenced with the fmap path.
    Any way to print the images in the pdf ?
    Thank you
    O.S : Oracle Linux 5.6 x64

    Hi Team,
    I do face the same issue of image not displayed in only pdf output format. Our client has deployed OBIEE using Weblogic application server and is accesible through a secured url access.
    I have followed the fmap syntax to locate the image, also made sure the image is getting accessed through url, tried with different images of different sizes . In all cases the image display is appearing fine in HTML & Excel output. But not getting displayed only for pdf output.
    Can you please help me with this regard if am missing any specific setup for pdf output. Is there is any pointers or documentation available to get around this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How do I / Can I access "prior" pages in a PDF Doc in iBooks?

    I am producing a pdf document that is a decisiopn tree that is to be used on an iPad or iPhone in, of course iBooks for species identifications.  I create the book in Pages (for the vector graphics & text) and am placing links using Acrobat.  I would like to allow the reader/ user to retrace their steps back through the decision tree the same as is inherent to Acrobat & Reader.  But of course the menuing items to do this are not accesible in iBooks nor in any other implementation of a PDF reader that I have found in ios.  Is this something (prior page stack - does it exist?) I can access through the developers toolkit?

    See your other post.

  • Can't open word doc attachments in pdf mail portfolio

    I created a pdf portfolio by converting outlook mail messages in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. I can open the attachments but my coworkers are unable to open email attachments that are word documents (they can open pdfs).  When they go to Preferences --> Trust Manager, the first option about pdf attachments is grayed out and cannot be selected. 
    Can anyone please help tell me how to make the word documents accesible to other users.
    Thank you

    I have Acrobat 9.5 on my machine and I am not able to see any problem in opening non PDF file attachments.
    Please give the exact version of Acrobat you are using ( to see the version go to  Help -> About Adobe Acrobat).
    Update your Acrobat to latest version i.e 9.5.
    As you have mentioned that in Preferences-> Trust Manager-> Allow opening of non PDF file attachment with external applications is grayted out,
    is it a custom installation of Acrobat ?? because in normal installation this option is not grayed out.

  • Once Again, Problems with PDF Output in 3.0

    Sorry that i write another thread to this topic. i think i ´ve read all other posts (and oracle documents from oracle) but i can´t find the answer to my problem
    there a two things i wondering about:
    first: What is the right port (and how can i prove it, which one is used?)
    Some write use 8888 , some use the listener Port 1521 ???
    second: after copying the fop directory, do i have to use
    oc4j -install ?
    Bonus Questions :-)
    I always get 0 length pdf documents. Is there a logfile, where i can look in?
    At my first try i put the 3 lines at the of the file application.xml, but i got an error
    now i use this :
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/build/fop.jar"/>
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/lib/batik.jar"/>
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar" />
    Is this the right position?

    Hi Marco,
    First: What is the right port (and how can i prove it, which one is used?)In your OC4J configuration there will be a line which specifies which port should be used. To check which port it is try doing this -
    [jes@db j2ee]$ grep "port=" home/config/http-web-site.xml
    <web-site host="localhost" port="8888"
    <web-site port="8888" display-name="Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE HTTP Web Site">
        <!-- <frontend host="your_host_name" port="80" /> -->I ran that command whilst in the j2ee directory, you can see the output I got (3 lines), so in my case it is running on port 8888 (the third line is actually commented out).
    To check if the port is actually listening, try this -
    [root@db root]# lsof -i:8888
    java    9047 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9048 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9049 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9050 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9051 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9052 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9053 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9054 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9055 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9057 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9058 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9060 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    java    9061 root   14u  IPv4 5133190       TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
    second: after copying the fop directory, do i have to use
    oc4j -install ?No, when you run OC4J it should automatically setup the files for you, you can start the OC4J container by doing this -
    [root@db home]# $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar oc4j.jar
    07/03/29 07:05:43 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initializedYou can change the path to the java command to suit your own installation.
    Is this the right position?This is what my application.xml looks like -
    [root@db config]# more application.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN" "http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/dtds/orion-application-9_04.dtd">
    <!-- The global application config that is the parent of all the other
            applications in this server. -->
    <orion-application autocreate-tables="true" default-data-source="jdbc/OracleDS">
        <web-module id="defaultWebApp" path="../../home/default-web-app"/>
        <web-module id="dms0" path="../../home/applications/dms0.war"/>
        <web-module id="dms" path="../../home/applications/dms.war"/>
            <commit-class class="com.evermind.server.OracleTwoPhaseCommitDriver"/>
            <property name="datasource" value="jdbc/OracleDS"/>
            <!-- Username and password are the optional properties
               replace with your commit_co-ordinator_super_user
                 <property name="username"
                                   value="system" />
                 <property name="password"
                                   value="->£$@£@£$!£" />
        <persistence path="../persistence"/>
        <!-- Path to the libraries that are installed on this server.
         These will accesible for the servlets, EJBs etc -->
        <library path="../applib"/>
        <library path="../../../sqlj/lib"/>
        <library path="../../../rdbms/jlib/xsu12.jar"/>
        <library path="../../../lib/dsv2.jar"/>
        <!-- Path to the taglib directory that is shared
             among different applications. -->
        <library path="../jsp/lib/taglib"/>
        <!-- Comment out the jazn element to use principals.
        When both jazn and principals are present jazn is used  -->
        <!-- libraries below added for FOP support -->
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/build/fop.jar"/>
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/lib/batik.jar"/>
    <library path="../../../j2ee/fop-0.20.5/lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar" />
    <!-- above libraries added for FOP support -->
        <principals path="./principals.xml"/>
            <file path="../log/global-application.log"/>
        <jazn provider="XML" location="./jazn-data.xml"/>
        <data-sources path="data-sources.xml"/>
        <connectors path="./oc4j-connectors.xml"/>
                <namespace-resource root="">
                        <group name="administrators"/>
                <namespace-resource root="">
                        <group name="administrators"/>
    </orion-application>Hope this helps

  • Safari cannot recognize Pdf files

    Safari  6.0.1
    OSX 10.8.2
    I have seen many posts relative to Safari being able to open Pdfs, but my issue is different.
    Safari can open the document, but it is not able to recognize the document as pdf and does not render it and just shows the raw data.
    Here is the start of a pdf document openned with Safari:
    "%PDF-1.1 %âãÏÓ 2 0 obj << /Length 608 /Filter /LZWDecode >> stream €  Ñ€È..."
    Many posts recoment trashing /Library/Internet Plusind/AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin and /Library/Internet Pluins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin either in root or in user directories. I have tried but nothing good happens.

    Carolyn Samit wrote:
    Might be a corrupted or duplicate font.
    Font problems and management in OS X
    I have found some issues.
    - Apple Symbols.ttf is duplicated.
    - Other 35 very common fonts have problems. Some of them Verdana, Tahoma,  Times New Roman, Georgia, Comic Sans MS, Arial in all its formats (black, narrow, etc...) and many other. All this fonts have two versions, one marked with an error and other with .ttf (true type font) extension.
    I have saved the report created by Font Book and made it accesible via:
    Anyway I don't know how can I test if this is the problem and I don't feel secure to start removing fonts that can cause unestability to the system before I know that this is the source of the problem.

  • Handle WSDL data connection timeout during PDF generation

         I have created in LiveCycle Designer XDP template. In template i defined WSDL Data connection. For data loading i call xfa.connectionSet.WsDataConnection.execute(0).
         For PDF generation i created LiveCylce process and use generatePDFOutput component.
    If WebService works output service generates document with all data - OK.
    If i turn off webservice and run process ouputservice generates PDF document with empty fields. Is where any possibility to raise execption to calling process if WSDL connection timeouts or gives SOAP fault error in response? 
    I want catch web service errors in process and do not generate PDF if some webservice used in PDF template is not accesible during generation.

    Hi Martin,
    We are experiencing the same issue with SAP/Vertex. Can you let me know how you resolve this? Did you change the SAP gateway timeout parameter? If so, which one is it?
    Your help on this is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks much!
    Best regards,

  • PDF Formatting

    It appears that there may be a bug in the formatting of reports using PDF output on the the server. Client side output is ok. This is in 9ias. There is a similar bug I am told in
    Is there a patch in the works ?

    This could be becuase of the way the reports server is run in 9iAS. Formatting goes bad, if the reports server with the account it was started is not able to access the default printer.
    1. If reports server is run as a service, please go to the service , properties and sneure the enough privileage is there for the servioce owner to access the default printer
    2. If you are running reports as inprocess server, then the default printer is not accessible as the servlet looks for the HKEY_USERS for the default printer rather than the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. You would need to manually set in th register for HKEY_USERS referrring to the entry of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    3. Please start reports server as standalone
    rwserver server=kevin
    and running a reports request to print ( without giving explicit desname of printer) and ensure it is accessible to default printer and prints, try now running to PDF you should get the expected result
    If you are in solaris, ensire the uiprint,txt file has a valid accesible printer entry
    The Oracle Reports Team

  • When i send a PDF via e-print, it gets cropped, is there a way to prevent this from happening?

    PDF's are printing fine when i print direct to the printer but when they are sent by e-mail they get cropped, is there a way to get the document to fit to page when sent as an email attachment?
    The Printer in question is a HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color M551n, the printer is brand new installed last week so i don't know if this is the norm or not.
    Edit: Please can someone please explain how to correct this.

    If you're using a desktop or notebook PC to send the email you could try installing the HP ePrint Mobile Driver software on your machine, the link to the download is here. This will allow you to print the PDF to any ePrint capable printer without having to email it to the printers email address as an attachment.
    Once installed and with your PDF open on your machine, select Print from the File menu, then select "ePrint" from the list of available printers (don't select the actual printer itself) and click Print in the bottom right corner of the box. A dialogue box will open showing the avaialble ePrint printers you can print to. Click on the Connected button on the left of the screen to add your printer to the list if its not listed.  
    Hope this helps.
    If my reply helped you, feel free to click on the Kudos button (hover over the "thumbs up").
    If my reply solved your problem please click on the Accepted Solution button so other Forum users may benefit from viewing the post.
    I am an HP employee.

  • PDF Printing Problem with HP UPD Printer

    in our Company we use the HP UPD Driver PCL5 in Version The Printermodells are HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401, HP LaserJet Pro 400 Color M451, HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow M830z, HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525dn, HP LaserJet Enterprise M630dn, HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow M680z and HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow M880z with newest Firmware.
    If a PDF file is printed using Adobe Reader, it takes a long time until the file is printed on the printer. Partially individual pages are printed in one-minute intervals. But if I use another PDF viewer such as Foxit Reader, PDF documents can be printed at normal speed.
    Other documents, such as Word or Excel files are printed normally. Only PDF documents that are printed with Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat are affected. We use the Acrobat Reader version 11.0.10. With version 11.0.6, the problem also occurs.
    Sometimes it also happens that the PDF document fills up the memory of the printer when it was printed with Adobe Reader. With Foxit Reader this does not happen with the same document.
    Does anyone know this problem and knows what to do?

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ cups ▹ error_log
    from the hierarchical list on the left side of the Console window. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the time of the last failed printing attempt. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.

  • Filename in PDF portfolio?

    Sorry for what I'm sure is an easy(lame) question.
    I don't want to show the filename when creating a PDF portfolio and I've hunted for the answer without any luck.
    How do I only show the image or show a custom text/ title but not the XXXXX.jpg filename?
    > just to clarify.... when viewing a PDF portfolio of images I don't want to show the image filename below the image.

    I've been trying to hide the file name myself. It seems intuitive that, while in the Modify area of the PDF Portfolio, under "Specify File Details" that one would simply unclick "Name" under "Columns to Display".
    But all that seems to do is hide it while I'm within the Modify section. I save and go back to view the pdfs and there are the file names.
    Anyone out there know the answer? Even if it's just a link to more info, that would be great. I need to get this out but without the filenames. I've searched in Google but no good info.
    BTW, the Description option is a nice touch and shows upon immediate hover. That's why I don't need to show a file name. Plus, you can write more in the description than is viable/sensible in a file name.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Filename in Webdynpro for a PDF created with Smartform

    I created a PDF with Smartform in my Webdynpro-Application.
    When I click the save button there is a default filename f.pdf .
    How can I change the filename?
    Marcus Schug

    Hi Experts,
    any update on this?
    I am facing the same problem with ESS payslip (smartform/Hrform): my customer wants to have custom file name for download salery statements from the portal. Do you know how to change the default form name unknown.pdf to e.g.. "payslip_month_year"?
    I spent a lot of time to find any possibility to get and change the file name but without success till now.
    Please respond.
    Zdzislaw Kaczmarczyk
    Edited by: Zdzislaw Kaczmarczyk on Jun 14, 2010 4:41 PM

Maybe you are looking for