PDF! Functionality

Here's an odd for you. We are currently using the command PDF! when previewing a PO. This converts PO to PDF and opens it up in a PDF Viewer where the user can save, print, email the PO. Is there a way to modify the PDF Preview? For instance when they click email to attach it to an email, give the file a specific name (PO# maybe)?

Hi Scott,
the pdf-preview comes from your local viewer. So what do you expect? The name right here has nothing to do with anything inside your system and out of that you are not able to change the name in any form.
I also believe that there is no solution for your desktop in front.
But why don't you just send your po via SAP itself and therefor you got all opportunities. Set a text before, name the file and I think the most important thing have something to archive.
Before you ask, yes you have to develop some lines. I can imagine a additional button which process the message and opens the email-dialog of class CL_BCS. Pretty easy to understand and very powerful.
By the way CL_BCS has a really nice OO-Context also.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    After reading your post, I tried to duplicate this problem. I opened a PDF, selected a sentence, then copied it to the clipboard. I then opened Pages, selected the blank template, then pasted in the text. It pasted perfectly.
    Does this problem happen with all text in a PDF? With different PDFs?

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    Yes, you can combine PDF files via IAC/COM methods.

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    Adobe Tech support suggested I submit my comment to this post in hopes  that this will help resolve the issues.  I feel for them having to field  these calls.
    I can no longer convert Excel, Word and Powerpoints to PDF.  If our company converts one Office doc to PDF a day, we do at least 50 conversions to PDF.  Since the 9.4.2 update, the PDF feature does not work on MAC...and since the 9.4.4 update it no longer works on a WIN system.
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    I know so many colleagues now who just run dual systems (WIN/MAC) so they can realize the full function of the Adobe software.  It is not convenient when traveling or cost efficient for small businesses, but that is what we had to do to get our jobs done.  I "HAD" a couple of the most incredible PDFing maching in my office until about a week ago...a $4k mega WIN System raided, 2 SDDs, 2 1TB HDDs, major video card, etc....and they are sitting lonely because PDF doesn't work anymore.  But goodness, how fast it converted things to PDF.
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    One click of the button should be all that is necessary to make a PDF and make people everywhere happy when they need to send a secure output of their huge powerpoint to a customer to get business or their child's project for school that morning.
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    Are they rushing to market too quickly?
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    Are there not enough API's or "hooks" allowing companies to make their products work with the different hardware, firmware, etc?
    I don't really care what the internal issues are. Just fix it!  The software should work as it is marketed (including the platform) and these companies need to get together and make it work (if that is the case) so their loyal customers can get their jobs done enabling them to purchase the next version of software that is suppose to be better than the last for their work.
    Posted Respectfully and with hope this issue will be resolved promptly!

    Mr. Jones,
    You are a real lifesaver!!!
    It worked on the Mac.  Will have to do some searches to find the same on the PC since the same is happening.
    Do you happen to know why Adobe is saying they are not compatible with Office 2011 now?  I found a link on the Adobe webite along those lines yesterday, but was not able to find it this morning to insert into this post.
    Our CEO had a real meltdown at about 2am the other morning when trying to pdf something for a meeting the next day.  Was not very pretty.
    THANK YOU!!!

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    Thanks for any assistance.
    Bill Faulk

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    I don't think this feature was ready for prime time. I spent about an hour over the last day and a half going back and forth with a staff member by email who reported that several of our PDFs "wouldn't download". I found that the new PDF viewer handles our PDFs generated from document scans abysmally, taking so long to load pages as the user scrolls that they might legitimately give up and assume the pages will not load, and scaling the page images poorly enough to make them very difficult to read for those with the patience to see them at all. Simply downloading the same document to the same machine occurs so quickly that it's hard to register a download delay at all, so I'm not sure what takes so long.
    The staff member was over the moon when we got the new feature deactivated on his machine. I'm sure that we have site users all over right now who are having the same problem, and don't have the technical expertise to know that they can bypass the hinky viewer, or even to know that the viewer is the problem.
    In testing this out with multiple users and operating systems, I find that users who are annoyed by the new viewer don't seem to realize that they aren't dealing with Acrobat Reader, and so will tend to blame Adobe for their headaches. Not fair, but the new viewer does look awfully like a plug-in PDF reader.

  • How do I get PDF function back, I've lost it?

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    I've just reviewed your educated guesses and I guess they are correct but I still can't open PDF's.
    Help would be appreciated, Thanks

    re ''"When I reset to default the program put a file on my desk top called Old Firefox Data. How do I re-install that?"''
    You do not need to re-install it. It is a copy of your old profile after you have reset Firefox. On Reset, Firefox automatically transfers your personal information '''and''' it creates additionally a second backup just in case you need it. You can archive it for any eventualities in the future.
    see [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] for more on that.
    Let us know if it helped!

  • Acrobat 7 combine pdf function

    Using the full version of Adobe 7, when I selected multiple pdfs in windows explorer and right clicked, a "combine in adobe acrobat" function would appear in the context menu.  I just tried out the trial version of Adobe 9 and have now uninstalled it, but this functionality has disappeared.  Is there a way to restore this option in the right click context menu?

    Your right click menu, technically called the "context menu" is editable in the registry.
    Go to the start menu and type in the search bar "regedit". Open regedit. This is the registry editor. Be careful not to mess anything up here.
    Navigate to :
    Right click on ContextMenuHandlers and select "New"........."Key"
    Create a key with data string "{D25B2CAB-8A9A-4517-A9B2-CB5F68A5A802}"="Adobe.Acrobat.ContextMenu"
    Leave the name of the key default and leave the type REG_SZ.
    You can rename the folder to Adobe.Acrobat.ContextMenuHandler if you like.
    Close regedit and restart your computer. Your right click option is back.
    If the regedit technique does not work there is a series of dll's missing in the folder: program files......../acrobat/acrobat elements. You need repair the installation or reinstall the program.

  • Override of PDF Functions in htmlLoader

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    Specifically I want to pass a user password into the document programatically rather than having the dialog box popup.
    Would it be possible to extend the adobe reader class involved and override the specific funtion?

    No. PDFs always render in front of everything else.

  • Acrobat X hangs when using "Save as compressed pdf" function

    I have several users who, when working remotely over VPN, have Acrobat X hang when trying to use the "Save as compressed PDF" to save to either a network drive or to their local machine. The system works fine while in the office however. All other programs and save functionality is fine while connected to the VPN, and I am able to save files directly to the network share or local machine outside of Acrobat. I have removed and reinstalled Acrobat and the program will complete a save normally the first time it's used after the reinstalltion, but will then start failing and hanging again after that. I believe I am at v10.0.7.
    Any and all insight will be greatly appreciated!

    Hey Lori –
    Yes, that’s the option! Sorry don’t have a copy of the software on my own PC to verify against.
    Best regards,
    David Bates
    Desktop Support Technician
    p: 919.541.2705 | EZ Tech Service Desk: 866-411-4372 | [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
    109 TW Alexander Drive, RTP, NC 27709
    Federal Sector | [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>  | www.ecs-federal.com<http://www.ecs-federal.com

  • "Print" to pdf function missing in Word and other strange print behaviour

    I'm trying to narrow down an issue I'm having with printing. I just noticed that the ability to creat a pdf in Word (print -> save as pdf) has disappeared. The button is now gone for some strange reason. I also noticed when trying to print a Keynote outline, when selecting ColorSync (print -> copies and pages [click and select ColorSync]) all my choices are gone (grayscale, b&w, etc.). Something's obviously wrong, but is it my printer software (HP 7310 aio) or OSX? My guess is the two issues are tied together.
    Also, I haven't added any new software to my computer and all software updates have been installed.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    I have no idea whether this will help you or not, but IF some system software somewhow got corrupted, it should help.
    1. Download either OS 10.4.10 COMBO update for Intel or OS 10.4.10 COMBO update for PPC
    2. Run disk Utility Verify Disk
    3. Run Disk Utility Repair Permissions
    4. Reinstall OS 10.4.10 from the combo installer that you downloaded in (1).
    5. Run Disk Utility Repair Permissions
    6. Run  Software Update to make sure you have all the security patches that were released since the COMBO update was released.
    7. If you got downloads in (6), run Disk Utility Repair Permissions
    8. See whether you are working now

  • (Streaming) Video in PDF Functionality? and other fun things.

    Hi guys,
    I'm creating an internal nationwide newsletter for my company Opening in Full Screen. I've have a four minute video introduction from the chairman at the top of the page.
    The Plan in theory is that the user will read the blurb then click on the poster of the video.
    Then the video should open in a floating video (in the middle of the screen) and play automatically. And close when finished.
    I've just used the insert video action in PDF. Used "clicked on content" floating window. Auto hide controls.
    My problems are:
    The floating window always appears in the top right, there is no setting on how to correct this.
    The video doesn't automatically play. You have to move the mouse over the window to unhide the controls and press play on what look to be a blank window. Once the window opens id really like the video to start playing. then once its finished for the movie to close.
    Also on some machines the timeline bar on the player has a bright green hatch across it. The video plays fine. I just want to know what it is.
    From the research ive done, it seems this could be possible to do all in flash and insert a floating swf with the video.
    But im quite a basic user in flash. So im looking for advice/help/moral support or just a nudge in the right direction.
    Im using adobe pro extend 9.1. Ive got a flv 320x240 with is stream from my companies internal web server.

    You can do this by using embedded Flash/Flex content in the PDF.  Write or otherwise acquire a simple video player in Flex that points to your company internal webserver, and then embed that Flex app in your PDF as a Rich Media annotation instead of the video itself.
    Check out this blog post by Joel Geraci:

  • MSWord items that crash Adobe Acrobat 9.0 add-in (Create PDF function)

    I just want to include a tip I discovered after two days of troubleshooting a colleague's MS-Word (2007 - docx) document. I tried going through the forums to see if anyone else has posted this.
    Obviously, my colleague would try to use the Acrobat add-in within Word through the "Create PDF" button. But doing so causes MS-Word to crash. The crash involves the dialog box for sending an error report to MS (which I cancel).
    I then attempted this on another PC and got the same result.
    Another colleague on the support team suggested trying to convert only sections of the document to try and pinpoint the issue to an element within the document. The result of trial and error pointed me to a particular graphics element on Page 11 of the 46 page document. The graphics element was composed of 4 clock diagrams that were made up of smaller elements (arrowheads and lines for the clock-hands, separate textboxes for the numbers 1 - 12 on each circular clockface, etc.) Deleting the whole graphic allowed the document to be converted to PDF.
    I then reverted to the original document and clicked on the graphic. I was about to investigate if there was a particular element within the grouped graphic that caused the crash, but, by luck, I was able to discover that just by ungrouping the graphic into its elemental components "Create PDF" was able to render the PDF successfully.
    Perhaps this is something to try in the future should anyone run into this issue. I hope this helps someone else.

    It may be something that Adobe did not catch in the way that MS did the graphic processing (and to be sure MS does not always do things by the book). It may have been fixed. I note that you only have AA9.0. The current version is AA9.3.4, so an update might be in order. Potentially that would resolve the problem.
    In any case, I have found the graphic processing done by WORD 2007 to be strange. Taking the same file to WORD 2003 (saving to a DOC format if required) has no problem with the conversion. So there are likely problems from both MS and Adobe.

  • PDF functionality in PRS-T1

    When I tried to open a complex PDF file in my new PRS-T1, I received the message "for the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9 or later". The document did not open at all but there was a purportedly helpful little button to "Get Adobe Reader now!". However when I follow that link the message is "Adobe Reader is not available from Adobe.com for your device's operating system"
    Since this is a Sony Reader generated message, what is the fix? Is there a way to download Adobe Reader 9 to the PRS-T1 from Sony?
    Is there an Adobe Reader version built in to the PRS-T1 firmware, and if so can it be updated by Sony and offered for download?

    Thank you for your post.
    As the issue you are describe does not seem to be appearing on any of the PRS-T1 Readers we have been testing with pdf files I would recommend that you contact Sony product support for further investigation:
    http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/suppor ... ?mdl=PRST1

  • How do I get pdf function to work?

    I downloaded trial of Adobe Acrobat XI, but when I try to make a pdf of an InDesign (CS3), it cannot "find" the printer.  Is there a fix for this?  I have Acrobat 8, but it does not want to work with my new Windows 8 computer.  Is there a patch or other fix for this issue?  Need it asap as I must deliver file to client today!

    Thanks folks.  I actually figured out the problem...I had to "install" an Adobe PDF printer.  Now it works fine.  As to Exporting, that works fine for regular files, but I need to print it in booklet form to be sent to a printer for printing.  It seems it will let you view it in spreads, but will not export as a booklet.  Thanks to all for your help!

  • Cannot Create PDF Using "Create PDF" Function in Acrobat 8

    I can create by using "save as" in my Office programs, but only from the Windows Explorer box, not from the menu.  However, I can no longer "create pdf" nor "combine files" inside Acrobat 8.  I get reinstall message.  It starts and hangs up.  I tried reinstalling from CD.   I use this feature a lot to create files and it just quit.  Nothing new has been installed that might interfere. I've made sure that the distiller is not inactive.  Thoughts?

    Unfortunately, alot of us had to upgrade to Office 2010 ...its very unfortunate that adobe doesn't warn us up front about the imcompatibiity problem before they took our money.  Granted they can't give us warnings about every compatibility issue..but considering that MS. Office PDF comversions is a big marketing interest for adobe, I for one would have liked to have known that before I paid for adobe for 9, for I would have waited for 10
    -- Sent from my Palm Pre
    On Sep 14, 2010 18:10, GKaiseril &lt;[email protected]&gt; wrote:
    Unfortunately one has to upgrade programs as clients and others update their programs. You need to carefully look at what you need and what programs can work with your target requirements.
    Until Adobe releases Acrobat 10 do not upgrade to MS Office 2010!!!
    It appears that with the release of Acrobat 10, much of Adobe's support to Acrobat versions 7, 8 and 9 will be reduced to the very minimum updates.
    Many CAD programs require upgrades to newer versions of Acrobat. But Acrobat does not support all CAD programs.

Maybe you are looking for

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